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1. Filtrates from cultures of different ages of Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat. were fractionated by gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography and polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. 2. Five cellulases (C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5) were found, and their molecular weights, estimated by gel filtration, were 46000–48000 (C1), 30000–35000 (C2), 15000–18000 (C3), 10000–11000 (C4) and 4800–5500 (C5). 3. Cellulase C5 was absent from old culture filtrates. 4. Cellulase C1 had little or no activity on CM-cellulose (viscometric assay), but degraded cotton flock and Whatman cellulose powder to give cellobiose only. 5. The other components (C2–C5) produced cellobiose and smaller amounts of glucose and cellotriose from cellulosic substrates and were more active in lowering the viscosity of CM-cellulose. 6. The ratio of activities assayed by viscometry and by the release of reducing sugars from CM-cellulose increased with decrease in the molecular weights of cellulases C2–C5. 7. Cellobiose inhibited the activities of the cellulases, but glucose stimulated at low concentrations although it inhibited at high concentrations. 8. A high-molecular-weight β-glucosidase (component B1, mol.wt. 350000–380000) predominated in filtrates from young cultures, but a low-molecular-weight enzyme (B4, mol.wt. 45000–47000) predominated in older filtrates. 9. Intermediate molecular species of β-glucosidase (B2, mol.wt. 170000–180000; B3, mol.wt. 83000–87000) were also found. 10. Cellulases C2–C5 acted in synergism with C1, particularly in the presence of β-glucosidase.  相似文献   

Purified β-N-acetylglucosaminidase and purified Proteinase I, both isolated from the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum, were shown to be immunologically cross-reactive with antiserum against the proteinase. A peptide was isolated from a papain digest of Proteinase I that completely inhibited the immunoprecipitation of β-N-acetylglucosaminidase, but only partially inhibited the immunoprecipitation of Proteinase I. This peptide inhibitor contained a high concentration of N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphorylserine. It was proposed that these phosphoryl moieties might represent a common antigenic determinant in the two enzymes.  相似文献   

The extremely thermophilic anaerobic archaeon strain, HJ21, was isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent, could produce hyperthermophilic alpha-amylase, and later was identified as Thermococcus from morphological, biochemical, and physiological characteristics and the 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequence. The extracellular thermostable alpha-amylase produced by strain HJ21 exhibited maximal activity at pH 5.0. The enzyme was stable in a broad pH range from pH 5.0 to 9.0. The optimal temperature of alpha-amylase was observed at 95 degrees C. The half-life of the enzyme was 5 h at 90 degrees C. Over 40% and 30% of the enzyme activity remained after incubation at 100 degrees C for 2 and 3 h, respectively. The enzyme did not require Ca(2+) for thermostability. This alpha-amylase gene was cloned, and its nucleotide sequence displayed an open reading frame of 1,374 bp, which encodes a protein of 457 amino acids. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence revealed that four homologous regions common in amylases were conserved in the HJ21 alpha-amylase. The molecular weight of the mature enzyme was calculated to be 51.4 kDa, which correlated well with the size of the purified enzyme as shown by the sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that both αA- and αB-crystallins bind Cu2+, suppress the formation of Cu2+-mediated active oxygen species, and protect ascorbic acid from oxidation by Cu2+. αA- and αB-crystallins are small heat shock proteins with molecular chaperone activity. In this study we show that the mini-αA-crystallin, a peptide consisting of residues 71-88 of αA-crystallin, prevents copper-induced oxidation of ascorbic acid. Evaluation of binding of copper to mini-αA-crystallin showed that each molecule of mini-αA-crystallin binds one copper molecule. Isothermal titration calorimetry and nanospray mass spectrometry revealed dissociation constants of 10.72 and 9.9 μM, respectively. 1,1'-Bis(4-anilino)naphthalene-5,5'-disulfonic acid interaction with mini-αA-crystallin was reduced after binding of Cu2+, suggesting that the same amino acids interact with these two ligands. Circular dichroism spectrometry showed that copper binding to mini-αA-crystallin peptide affects its secondary structure. Substitution of the His residue in mini-αA-crystallin with Ala abolished the redox-suppression activity of the peptide. During the Cu2+-induced ascorbic acid oxidation assay, a deletion mutant, αAΔ70-77, showed about 75% loss of ascorbic acid protection compared to the wild-type αA-crystallin. This difference indicates that the 70-77 region is the primary Cu2+-binding site(s) in human native full-size αA-crystallin. The role of the chaperone site in Cu2+ binding in native αA-crystallin was confirmed by the significant loss of chaperone activity by the peptide after Cu2+ binding.  相似文献   

1. The whey proteins of guinea-pig milk were examined by electrophoresis on paper, cellulose acetate, starch gel and polyacrylamide gel. 2. Two major proteins were detected, one of which was identified as blood serum albumin. 3. The major whey protein was isolated by CM-cellulose chromatography and on columns of Sephadex G-100. 4. The amino acid composition of the protein, taken in conjunction with its other properties, indicated that the major whey protein in guinea-pig milk is homologous with cow α-lactalbumin and that β-lactoglobulin is absent from guinea-pig milk. 5. Guinea-pig α-lactalbumin, which was obtained crystalline, had mol.wt. 15800, N-terminal lysine and C-terminal glutamine.  相似文献   

Meiosis is a fundamental process that generates new combinations between maternal and paternal genomes and haploid gametes from diploid progenitors. Many of the meiosis-specific events stem from the behavior of the cohesin complex (CC), a proteinaceous ring structure that entraps sister chromatids until the onset of anaphase. CCs ensure chromosome segregation, participate in DNA repair, regulate gene expression, and also contribute to synaptonemal complex (SC) formation at meiosis by keeping long-range distant DNA interactions through its conserved structure. Studies from yeast to humans have led to the assumption that Scc1/RAD21 is the α-kleisin that closes the tripartite CC that entraps two DNA molecules in mitosis, while its paralog REC8 is essential for meiosis. Here we describe the identification of RAD21L, a novel mammalian CC subunit with homology to the RAD21/REC8 α-kleisin subfamily, which is expressed in mouse testis. RAD21L interacts with other cohesin subunits such as SMC1α, SMC1b, SMC3 and with the meiosis-specific STAG3 protein. Thus, our results demonstrate the existence of a new meiotic-specific CC constituted by this α-kleisin and expand the view of REC8 as the only specific meiotic α-kleisin.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the etiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) has advanced tremendously since the discovery of amyloid beta (Aβ) aggregation in diseased brains. Accumulating evidence suggests that Aβ plays a causative role in AD. The β-secretase enzyme, beta-site APP cleaving enzyme-1 (BACE1), is also implicated in AD pathogenesis, given that BACE1 cleavage of amyloid precursor protein is the initiating step in the formation of Aβ. As a result, BACE1 inhibition has been branded as a potential AD therapy. In this study, we review the identification and basic characteristics of BACE1, as well as the progress in our understanding of BACE1 cell biology, substrates, and phenotypes of BACE1 knockout mice that are informative about the physiological functions of BACE1 beyond amyloid precursor protein cleavage. These data are crucial for predicting potential mechanism-based toxicity that would arise from inhibiting BACE1 for the treatment or prevention of AD.  相似文献   

The Lesser Mulberry Pyralid, Glyphodes pyloalis, is an important pest of mulberry. This pest feeds on mulberry leaves, and causes some problems for the silk industries in the north of Iran. The study of digestive enzymes is highly imperative to identify and apply new pest management technologies. Glucosidases have an important role in the final stages of carbohydrate digestion. Some enzymatic properties of α- and β-glucosidases from midgut and salivary glands of G. pyloalis larvae were determined. The activities of α- and β-glucosidase in the midgut and salivary glands of 5th instar larvae were obtained as 0.195, 1.07, 0.194 and 0.072 μmol−1 min−1 mg protein−1, respectively. Activity of α- and β-glucosidase from whole body of larval stages was also determined. Data showed that the highest activity of α- and β-glucosidase was observed in the 5th larval stage, 0.168 and 0.645 μmol−1 min−1 mg protein−1, respectively and the lowest activity in the 2nd larval stage, 0.042 and 0.164 μmol−1 min−1 mg protein−1, respectively. Results showed that the optimal pH for α- and β-glucosidase activity in midgut and salivary glands were 7.5, 5.5, 8-9 and 8-9 respectively. Also, the optimal temperature for α- and β-glucosidase activity in the midgut was obtained as 45 °C. The addition of CaCl2 (40 mM) decreased midgut β-glucosidase activity whereas α-glucosidase activity was significantly increased at this concentration. The α-glucosidase activity, in contrast to β-glucosidase, was enhanced with increasing in concentration of EDTA. Urea (4 mM) and SDS (8 mM) significantly decreased digestive β-glucosidase activity. Characterization studies of insect glucosidases are not only of interest for comparative investigations, but also understanding of their function is essential when developing methods of insect control such as the use of enzyme inhibitors and transgenic plants to control insect pest.  相似文献   

-D-Glucosidase enzymes (-D-glucoside glucohydrolase, EC from different Aspergillus strains (Aspergillus phoenicis, A. niger and A. carbonarius) were examined with respect to the enzyme production of the different strains using different carbon sources and to the effect of the pH and temperature on the enzyme activity and stability. An efficient and rapid purification procedure was used for purifying the enzymes. Kinetic experiments were carried out using p-nitrophenyl -D-glucopyranoside (pNPG) and cellobiose as substrates. Two different fermentation methods were employed in which the carbon source was glucose or wheat bran. Aspergillus carbonarius proved to be the less effective strain in -glucosidase production. Aspergillus phoenicis produced the highest amount of -glucosidase on glucose as carbon source however on wheat bran A. niger was the best enzyme producer. Each Aspergillus strain produced one single acidic -glucosidase with pI values in the range of pH 3.52–4.2. There was no significant difference considering the effect of the pH and temperature on the activity and stability among the enzymes from different origins. The enzymes examined have only -glucosidase activity. The kinetic parameters showed that all enzymes hydrolysed pNPG with higher efficiency than cellobiose. This shows that hydrophobic interaction plays an important role in substrate binding. The kinetic parameters demonstrated that there was no significant difference among the enzymes from different origins in hydrolysing pNPG and cellobiose as the substrates.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial tRNA (mt-tRNA) 5′-editing was first described more than 20 years ago; however, the first candidates for 5′-editing enzymes were only recently identified in a eukaryotic microbe (protist), the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. In this organism, eight of 18 mt-tRNAs are predicted to be edited based on the presence of genomically encoded mismatched nucleotides in their aminoacyl-acceptor stem sequences. Here, we demonstrate that mt-tRNA 5′-editing occurs at all predicted sites in D. discoideum as evidenced by changes in the sequences of isolated mt-tRNAs compared with the expected sequences encoded by the mitochondrial genome. We also identify two previously unpredicted editing events in which G-U base pairs are edited in the absence of any other genomically encoded mismatches. A comparison of 5′-editing in D. discoideum with 5′-editing in another slime mold, Polysphondylium pallidum, suggests organism-specific idiosyncrasies in the treatment of U-G/G-U pairs. In vitro activities of putative D. discoideum editing enzymes are consistent with the observed editing reactions and suggest an overall lack of tRNA substrate specificity exhibited by the repair component of the editing enzyme. Although the presence of terminal mismatches in mt-tRNA sequences is highly predictive of the occurrence of mt-tRNA 5′-editing, the variability in treatment of U-G/G-U base pairs observed here indicates that direct experimental evidence of 5′-editing must be obtained to understand the complete spectrum of mt-tRNA editing events in any species.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the following question: can a single cell of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum serve as a pacemaker for the aggregation phase? Whether or not this is possible is determined by the relative importance of cyclic AMP production due to self-stimulation as compared to diffusion of cyclic AMP away from the cell and extracellular degradation. We determine the conditions under which a single cell on an infinite place can emit periodic signals of cyclic AMP using a model developed previously for signal relay and adaptation in Dictyostelium. Elsewhere it has been shown that this model provides an accurate representation of the stimulus-response behavior of Dictyostelium for a variety of experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Changes in amylase (E.C., maltase (E.C., sucrase, and PNPGase activities in relation to changes in wet weight and protein content were studied during the development of larvae and adult flies from two strains of Drosophila melanogaster, homozygous for different amylase alleles. All -glucosidase activities increase exponentially during a large part of larval development, parallel to the increase in weight, and drop at the end of the third instar. Amylase activity of the Amy 1 strain follows the same pattern. In contrast, amylase activity of the Amy 4,6 strain continues its exponential increase longer. In the third larval instar amylase activity in the Amy 4,6 strain becomes much higher than in the Amy 1 strain. During the first hours of adult life amylase activity of the two strains does not differ. Then Amy 4,6 activity starts to rise and becomes much higher (4–5 times) than Amy 1 amylase activity, which remains approximately constant. All adult enzyme activities are much higher than in larvae. Comparison of enzyme activity of amylase and -glucosidases in larvae and adults confirms that differences in amylase activities can become important only when starch is a limiting factor in the food.The investigations were supported by the Foundation for Fundamental Biological Research (BION), which is subsidized by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.).  相似文献   

Halophiles have been perceived as potential source of novel enzymes in recent years. The interest emanates from their ability to catalyze efficiently under high salt and organic solvents. Marinobacter sp. EMB8 α-amylase was found to be active and stable in salt and organic solvents. A study was carried out using circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence spectroscopy, and bioinformatics analysis of similar protein sequence to ascertain molecular basis of salt and solvent adaptability of α-amylase. Structural changes recorded in the presence of varying amounts of NaCl exhibited an increase in negative ellipticity as a function of salt, confirming that salt stabilizes the protein and increases the secondary structure, making it catalytically functional. The data of intrinsic and extrinsic fluorescence (using 1-anilinonaphthalene 8-sulfonate [ANS] as probe) further confirmed the role of salt. The α-amylase was active in the presence of nonpolar solvents, namely, hexane and decane, but inactivated by ethanol. The decrease in the activity was correlated with the loss of tertiary structure in the presence of ethanol. Guanidine hydrochloride and pH denaturation indicated the molten globule state at pH 4.0. Partial N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified α-amylase revealed the relatedness to Pseudoalteromonas sp. α-amylase. “FVHLFEW” was found as the N-terminal signature sequence. Bioinformatics analysis was done using M. algicola α-amylase protein having the same N-terminal signature sequence. The three-dimensional structure of Marinobacter α-amylase was deduced using the I-TASSER server, which reflected the enrichment of acidic amino acids on the surface, imparting the stability in the presence of salt. Our study clearly indicate that salt is necessary for maintaining the secondary and tertiary structure of halophilic protein, which is a necessary prerequisite for catalysis.  相似文献   

A previously undected isozyme of α-mannosidase was observed in several independent mutant strains of Dictyostelium discoideum selected for the absence of the major isozyme, α-mannosidase-1. The activity in the mutant strains, α-mannosidase-2, differs from the major isozyme with respect to pH optimum, substrate affinity, sensitivity to inhibition by l-cysteine, and is particulate bound. The enzyme can be solubilized by treatment of the extract with nonionic detergents. α-Mannosidase-2 begins to accumulate only after 12 hr of development and reaches a peak specific activity of about a tenth of that of α-mannosidase-1 during culmination. The increase in specific activity of α-mannosidase-2 is blocked by either cycloheximide or actinomycin D, drugs known to inhibit protein and RNA synthesis, respectively, and probably results from accumulation of de novo synthesized enzyme. α-Mannosidase-2, therefore, provides a convenient marker enzyme for biochemical differentiation during the pseudo-plasmodial stage.  相似文献   

Plant enzyme activities in the rhizosphere potentially are a resource for improved plant nutrition, soil fertility, bioremediation, and disease resistance. Here we report that a border cell specific β-galactosidase is secreted into the acidic extracellular environment surrounding root tips of pea, as well as bean, alfalfa, barrel medic, sorghum, and maize. No enzyme activity was detected in radish and Arabidopsis, species that do not produce viable border cells. The secreted enzyme activity was inhibited by galactose and 2-phenylethyl 1-thio-β-d-galactopyranoside (PETG) at concentrations that altered root growth without causing cell death. A tomato galactanase encoding gene was used as a probe to isolate a full length pea cDNA clone (BRDgal1) from a root cap-border cell cDNA library. Southern blot analysis using full length BRDgal1 as a probe revealed 1–2 related sequences within the pea genome. BRDgal1 mRNA expression was analysed by whole mount in situ hybridization (WISH) and found to occur in the outermost peripheral layer of the cap and in suspensions of detached border cells. No expression was detected within the body of the root cap. Repeated efforts to develop viable hairy root clones expressing BRDgal1 antisense mRNA under the control of the CaMV35S promoter, whose expression in the root cap is limited to cells at the root cap periphery only during root emergence, were unsuccessful. These data suggest that altered expression of this enzyme is deleterious to early root development. The first two authors contributed equally to the completion of this project.  相似文献   

23 hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies against human 2 , the fast-acting inhibitor of plasmin present in plasma, have been produced by the cell-fusion technique. Isotyping of the monoclonal antibodies has revealed that 14 monoclonal antibodies belong to the class IgG1, 6 to the class IgG2a, and 3 to the class tgG2b. All light chains belong to the group. The specificity and relative avidity of these monoclonals have been determined Using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. 13 monoclonals exhibit a relatively high avidity for 2 , 5 are of intermediate avidity, and 5 of low avidity. The epitope specificity of these 23 rnonoclonal antibodies, originating from a single mouse, have been examined in inhibition experiments. A group of 10 monoclonal antibodies exhibit a very similar inhibition pattern. Partial inhibition effects displayed by 10 other antibodies define partially overlapping antigenic regions. The binding of these antibodies seems to produce a conformational change in the 2 molecule, reducing the binding of two other antibodies. The last antibody defines an independent epitope.  相似文献   

A secretory glycoprotein named Ψ-factor that we have purified and cloned from Dictyostelium discoideum is prespore cell-inducing factor. To address its functional significance, it is necessary to examine the attached sites and structures of its glycans as well as its protein structure. Here we identified and isolated a tryptic glycosylated peptide with the 71st to 89th amino acids of Ψ-factor that contained the consensus amino acid sequence for an N-linked glycan (N-T-T). MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry indicated that the major protonated molecular ions, [M+H](+), of the glycopeptide were present at m/z 3,806, the minor m/z 3,603 and 3,400 ions corresponding to the loss of one and two N-acetylhexosamines respectively. Digestion of it with N-glycosidase F gave a molecular mass of 1,766.9 for the whole glycan moiety, which accounts for its composition of five hexoses, four N-acetylhexosamines, and a deoxyhexose. Further digestion experiments on the basis of the substrate specificity of α-mannosidase and β-N-acetylhexosaminidase allowed us to elucidate the unique structure of the glycan, which contains a bisecting and an intersecting GlcNAc and a core α1,6-fucosyl moiety.  相似文献   

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