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Summary Homozygous brachymorphic (bm/bm) mice are characterized by disproportionately short stature and by undersulphated proteochondroitin sulphate in cartilage with a defect in the synthesis of the sulphate donor (3-phosphoadenosine-5-phosphosulphate: PAPS). In adult mice of this mutant strain, several organs have been examined by light microscopical methods of complex carbohydrate histochemistry, in comparison with those from control (C57BL/6J) mice of comparable ages. The organs included the trachea, aorta, skin, stomach colon and cornea. In the nutant mice, connective tissue elements and components of epithelial tissues exhibited apparently weaker positive reactions for ester sulphate groupings of complex carbohydrates, as compared with those in the control mice. From these results, it is concluded that the undersulphation in complex carbohydrates is widespread throughout the connective and epithelial tissues of the mutant mice.  相似文献   

We used the egg avidin gold complex as a polycationic probe for the localization of negatively charged sites in the secretory granules of mouse mast cells. We compared the binding of this reagent to mast cell granules in wild-type mice and in congenic brachymorphic mice in which mast cell secretory granules contained undersulfated proteoglycans. We localized anionic sites by post-embedding labeling of thin sections of mouse skin and tongue tissues fixed in Karnovsky’s fixative and OsO4 and embedded in Araldite. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the mast cell granules of bm/bm mice had a lower optical density than those of wild-type mice (P<0.001) and a lower avidin gold binding density (by approximately 50%, P<0.001). The latter result provided additional evidence that the contents of mast cell granules in bm/bm mice were less highly sulfated than in those of wild-type mice. In both wild-type and bm/bm mast cells, the distribution of granule equivalent volumes was multimodal, but the unit granule volume was approximately 19% lower in bm/bm cells than in wild-type cells (P<0.05). Thus, bm/bm mast cells develop secretory granules that differ from those of wild-type mice in exhibiting a lower optical density and slightly smaller unit granules, however the processes that contribute to granule maturation and granule-granule fusion in mast cells are operative in bm/bm cells.  相似文献   

Light microscopy, including immunohistochemical techniques, and electron microscopy were performed on epiphyseal growth cartilage from brachymorphic (bm/bm) mice and age-matched phenotypically normal siblings aged 5, 16 and 25 days. In the bm/bm mice light microscopy showed a disturbed columnar arrangement and numerous chondrocytes with pronounced regressive changes. The normal development of proliferative cells into hypertrophic cells was halted and thus only a rather small and ill-defined hypertrophic zone was seen. The calcifying zone was irregular and the normal lacunae were replaced by a densely staining matrix. Using immunofluorescence techniques, the presence of considerable amounts of both type II and type V collagen was demonstrated in the bm/bm mice, while the cartilage from controls contained only type II. Ultrastructurally the lacunar matrix contained bundles of fine fibrils without the typical collagen periodicity which might indicate synthesis of a defective procollagen. Our observations together with the previously demonstrated deficiency of 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulphate, illustrate the complexity of the growth cartilage disturbance in the bm/bm mouse. Most of our findings are at variance with those described in the literature and possible pathogenetic mechanisms for the observed alterations in the growth cartilage are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: Low‐molecular weight chromium compounds, such as chromium picolinate [Cr(pic)3], improve insulin sensitivity, although toxicity is a concern. We synthesized a novel chromium complex, chromium (d ‐phenylalanine)3 [Cr(d ‐phe)3], in an attempt to improve insulin sensitivity with reduced toxicity. The aim of this study was to compare the two chromium compounds on cardiac contractile function in ob/ob obese mice. Research Methods and Procedures: C57BL lean and ob/ob obese mice were randomly divided into three groups: H2O, Cr(d ‐phe)3, or Cr(pic)3 (45 µg/kg per day orally for 6 months). Results: The glucose tolerance test displayed improved glucose clearance by Cr(d ‐phe)3 but not Cr(pic)3. Myocytes from ob/ob mice exhibited depressed peak shortening (PS) and maximal velocity of shortening/relengthening (±dL/dt), prolonged time‐to‐PS and time‐to‐90% relengthening (TR90), reduced electrically stimulated rise in intracellular Ca2+ (Δfura‐2 fluorescence intensity), and slowed intracellular Ca2+ decay. Although a 3‐month Cr(d ‐phe)3 treatment for a separate group of ob/ob and lean 2‐month‐old mice only rectified reduced ±dL/dt in ob/ob mice, all mechanical and intracellular Ca2+ abnormalities were significantly attenuated or ablated by 6 months of Cr(d ‐phe)3 but not Cr(pic)3 treatment (except TR90). Sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase activity and Na+‐Ca2+ exchanger expression were depressed in ob/ob mice, which were reversed by both Cr(d ‐phe)3 and Cr(pic)3, with a more pronounced effect from Cr(d ‐phe)3. Cr(d ‐phe)3 corrected reduced insulin‐stimulated glucose uptake and improved basal phosphorylation of Akt and insulin receptor, as well as insulin‐stimulated phosphorylation of Akt and insulin receptor in ob/ob myocytes. Heart homogenates from ob/ob mice had enhanced oxidative stress and protein carbonyl formation compared with the lean group, which were attenuated by both Cr(d ‐phe)3 and Cr(pic)3. Discussion: Our data suggest that the new Cr(d ‐phe)3 compound possesses better cardio‐protective and insulin‐sensitizing properties against obesity.  相似文献   

Interferons (IFN) exert antiviral, immunomodulatory and cytostatic activities. IFN-alpha/beta (type I IFN) and IFN-lambda (type III IFN) bind distinct receptors, but regulate similar sets of genes and exhibit strikingly similar biological activities. We analyzed to what extent the IFN-alpha/beta and IFN-lambda systems overlap in vivo in terms of expression and response. We observed a certain degree of tissue specificity in the production of IFN-lambda. In the brain, IFN-alpha/beta was readily produced after infection with various RNA viruses, whereas expression of IFN-lambda was low in this organ. In the liver, virus infection induced the expression of both IFN-alpha/beta and IFN-lambda genes. Plasmid electrotransfer-mediated in vivo expression of individual IFN genes allowed the tissue and cell specificities of the responses to systemic IFN-alpha/beta and IFN-lambda to be compared. The response to IFN-lambda correlated with expression of the alpha subunit of the IFN-lambda receptor (IL-28R alpha). The IFN-lambda response was prominent in the stomach, intestine and lungs, but very low in the central nervous system and spleen. At the cellular level, the response to IFN-lambda in kidney and brain was restricted to epithelial cells. In contrast, the response to IFN-alpha/beta was observed in various cell types in these organs, and was most prominent in endothelial cells. Thus, the IFN-lambda system probably evolved to specifically protect epithelia. IFN-lambda might contribute to the prevention of viral invasion through skin and mucosal surfaces.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease, a progressively degenerative neurological disorder inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, results in selective neuronal loss in the basal ganglia and other areas of the brain. Based on research in our laboratory employing electron spin resonance, analytical, enzymatic, biochemical and morphological techniques to study erythrocyte membranes, which are completely outside the central nervous system, we have suggested that Huntington's disease is associated with a generalized membrane defect involving a protein and probably manifested at the external membrane surface. Other workers have subsequently obtained biophysical, biochemical, and morphological results on extraneural tissue in Huntington's disease including erythrocytes, lymphocytes, platelets,and cultured skin fibroblasts that supports this hypothesis. This review will summarize and evaluate the current knowledge of the involvement of a membrane defect in the etiology and pathogenesis of Huntington's disease.  相似文献   

Radioprotective effect of leaves extract of Rosemarinus officinalis (ROE) has been studied against 6 Gy gamma-radiations in the liver of Swiss albino mice at various post-irradiation intervals between 12 h and 30 days. In control animals (without ROE treated irradiated), an elevation in glycogen, protein, acid and alkaline contents was found till day 5th, but thereafter decreased at successive intervals without returning to normal. Cholesterol level was found to be lower than normal till 10th day, then increased up to 20th day but later declined without restoring normal level. A similar trend of variation in these biochemical parameters was observed in experimental group (ROE pretreated irradiated) also but to a lower extent. ROE significantly delayed and inhibited the rise in these biochemical parameters. Almost normal values of such constituents were regained by day 30th in experimental animals; whereas in control animals, normal values were not ever attained. In control animals, there was an elevation in lipid peroxidation (LPx) and a decrease in glutathione (GSH) in blood and liver; whereas in experimental group, decline in LPx accompanied by an increase in GSH concentration was observed.  相似文献   

Ru(II) polypyridyl complexes containing 3-hydroxyflavone derivatives as coligands were screened for anti-HIV and cytotoxic activities against eleven tumor cell lines. In order to check the effect of flavones containing Ru(II) complexes in vivo on a mammal, a representative complex Ru(L)2(DMSO)2 x 5H2O (LH-3-Hdroxy-4'-benzyloxyflavone; M5) was orally administered to adult male mice. Its effects on protein content and LDH were studied in different tissues of the animal. The compound got absorbed and retained in the blood between 1-3 hr after feeding. As compared to the normal and DMSO control sets, tissue specific significant reversible changes in the protein content as well as in LDH activity were observed between 1-4 hr of treatment. However, on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, except some tissue specific transitory alterations, expression patterns of five LDH isozymes were unchanged after feeding the compound. The present results suggested that in addition to its potent cytotoxic and anti-HIV effects on cell lines in vitro, M5 inhibited LDH activity, but reversibly with a little effect on biosynthetic status of the enzyme in mice.  相似文献   

p-chlorophenylethylamine (p-CPEA), a metabolite of p-chlorophenylalanine (p-CPA) induces the “serotonin syndrome” which consists of lateral head weaving, Straub tail, hindlimb abduction, tremor, hyperactivity, reciprocal fore-paw treading, salivation and piloerection. These p-CPEA-induced behavioral signs were partially prevented by pretreatment with serotonin (5-HT) uptake blockers (fluoxetine, chlorimipramine, Org 6582) and 5-HT receptor blockers (methiothepin, methysergide, cinnanserin) but not by two depletors of brain 5-HT (p-CPA, reserpine). p-CPEA (50 mg/kg) produces an initial decrease in 5-HT associated with a concurrent increase in 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid with a maximum change at 30 minutes after injection; these early biochemical changes are prevented by pretreatment with fluoxetine (10 mg/kg). p-CPEA also competes with (3H)-5-HT for 5-HT receptors. The reported paradoxical effects of p-CPA on several behavioral paradigms could be due to its decarboxylation to p-CPEA which may both stimulate 5-HT receptors and enhance 5-HT release.  相似文献   

Melanoma inhibitory activity/cartilage-derived retinoic acid-sensitive protein (MIA/CD-RAP) is a small soluble protein secreted from chondrocytes. It was identified as the prototype of a family of extracellular proteins adopting an SH3 domain-like fold. In order to study the consequences of MIA/CD-RAP deficiency in detail we used mice with a targeted gene disruption of MIA/CD-RAP (MIA−/−) and analyzed cartilage organisation and differentiation in in vivo and in vitro models. Cartilage formation and regeneration was determined in models for osteoarthritis and fracture healing in vivo, in addition to in vitro studies using mesenchymal stem cells of MIA−/− mice. Interestingly, our data suggest enhanced chondrocytic regeneration in the MIA−/− mice, modulated by enhanced proliferation and delayed differentiation. Expression analysis of cartilage tissue derived from MIA−/− mice revealed strong downregulation of nuclear RNA-binding protein 54-kDa (p54nrb), a recently described modulator of Sox9 activity. In this study, we present p54nrb as a mediator of MIA/CD-RAP to promote chondrogenesis. Taken together, our data indicate that MIA/CD-RAP is required for differentiation in cartilage potentially by regulating signaling processes during differentiation.  相似文献   

We have shown that cytokine-like 1 (Cytl1) is a novel autocrine regulatory factor that regulates chondrogenesis of mouse mesenchymal cells (Kim, J. S., Ryoo, Z. Y., and Chun, J. S. (2007) J. Biol. Chem. 282, 29359-29367). In this previous work, we found that Cytl1 expression was very low in mesenchymal cells, increased dramatically during chondrogenesis, and decreased during hypertrophic maturation, both in vivo and in vitro. Moreover, exogenous addition or ectopic expression of Cytl1 caused chondrogenic differentiation of mouse limb bud mesenchymal cells. In the current study, we generated a Cytl1 knock-out (Cytl1(-/-)) mouse to investigate the in vivo role of Cytl1. Deletion of the Cytl1 gene did not affect chondrogenesis or cartilage development. Cytl1(-/-) mice also showed normal endochondral ossification and long bone development. Additionally, ultrastructural features of articular cartilage, such as matrix organization and chondrocyte morphology, were similar in wild-type and Cytl1(-/-) mice. However, Cytl1(-/-) mice were more sensitive to osteoarthritic (OA) cartilage destruction. Compared with wild-type littermates, Cytl1(-/-) mice showed more severe OA cartilage destruction upon destabilization of the medial meniscus of mouse knee joints. In addition, expression levels of Cytl1 were markedly decreased in OA cartilage of humans and experimental mice. Taken together, our results suggest that, rather than regulating cartilage and bone development, Cytl1 is required for the maintenance of cartilage homeostasis, and loss of Cytl1 function is associated with experimental OA cartilage destruction in mice.  相似文献   

Embryos homozygous for the recessive lethal gene, micromelia-Abbott, develop a severe form of micromelia, a parrot-like beak, and hemorrhagic skin. Feather development is also retarded. The reduction in length of the long bones of the leg can be traced to their cartilaginous stage Quantitative analysis of sulfated proteoglycan (PGS), a major macromolecular component of cartilage matrix, reveals that mutant tibiae, femora, and sterna contain significantly less uronic acid per μg of DNA than normal rudiments, indicating reduced accumulation of PGS in the mutant. Incorporation of radioactive precursors into cartilage PGS is severely reduced in relatively early developmental stages of a particular organ, but this reduction becomes less severe in cartilage taken from the same rudiment at a later developmental stage. Analysis of the sedimentation rate of PGS in sucrose gradients reveals no difference between normal and mutant in all cartilaginous types at all ages. These results suggest that the quantity and not the quality of PGS is affected in this mutant. The observation that the addition of para-nitrophenyl-β-D-xyloside to the culture medium can stimulate glycosaminoglycan synthesis to normal levels is interpreted to mean that the reduced levels of PGS may be the result of a reduced availability of the xylosylated protein backbone for PGS.  相似文献   

The fatty acid transport protein (FATP) family is a group of proteins that are predicted to be components of specific fatty acid trafficking pathways. In mammalian systems, six different isoforms have been identified, which function in the import of exogenous fatty acids or in the activation of very long-chain fatty acids. This has led to controversy as to whether these proteins function as membrane-bound fatty acid transporters or as acyl-CoA synthetases, which activate long-chain fatty acids concomitant with transport. The yeast FATP orthologue, Fat1p, is a dual functional protein and is required for both the import of long-chain fatty acids and the activation of very long-chain fatty acids; these activities intrinsic to Fat1p are separable functions. To more precisely define the roles of the different mammalian isoforms in fatty acid trafficking, the six murine proteins (mmFATP1-6) were expressed and characterized in a genetically defined yeast strain, which cannot transport long-chain fatty acids and has reduced long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase activity (fat1Delta faa1Delta). Each isoform was evaluated for fatty acid transport, fatty acid activation (using C18:1, C20:4, and C24:0 as substrates), and accumulation of very long-chain fatty acids. Murine FATP1, -2, and -4 complemented the defects in fatty acid transport and very long-chain fatty acid activation associated with a deletion of the yeast FAT1 gene; mmFATP3, -5, and -6 did not complement the transport function even though each was localized to the yeast plasma membrane. Both mmFATP3 and -6 activated C20:4 and C20:4, while the expression of mmFATP5 did not substantially increase acyl-CoA synthetases activities using the substrates tested. These data support the conclusion that the different mmFATP isoforms play unique roles in fatty acid trafficking, including the transport of exogenous long-chain fatty acids.  相似文献   

Aim of the study was to get a deeper insight in the mechanisms regulating avascularity of cartilaginious tissues. In the center of our interest was the expression of the anti-angiogenic fragment of collagen XVIII and its potency to inhibit angiogenesis. We observed a strong endostatin/collagen XVIII production in articular and fibrocartilage and an inhibitory potency concerning the VEGF-signalling pathway. INTRODUCTION: Cartilaginous tissue is mainly avascular and shows a limited intrinsic capacity for healing. Aim of this study was to investigate the expression of the antiangiogenic peptide endostatin/collagen XVIII in cartilage and fibrocartilage. RESULTS: In fetal epiphyseal cartilage of humans high endostatin/collagen XVIII levels could be detected by ELISA whereas significantly lower levels were found in articular cartilage of adults. In the fibrocartilaginous tissue of the menisci, there was no significant difference in the endostatin/collagen XVIII concentrations between samples of fetuses and adults. But in the menisci of adults, endostatin/collagen XVIII concentrations were higher in the internal avascular two thirds of the meniscus whereas in the fetal menisci higher endostatin/collagen XVIII concentrations were found in the external third. Endostatin/collagen XVIII immunostaining of rat articular cartilage shows that endostatin/collagen XVIII downregulation starts soon after birth. In fetal cartilage and fibrocartilage of rats and humans, endostatin/collagen XVIII could be immunostained in the extracellular matrix and in the pericellular matrix of endothelial cells, fibrochondrocytes and chondrocytes. In adult cells, weak endostatin/collagen XVIII immunostaining was restricted to the pericellular matrix of fibrochondrocytes and chondrocytes. The detection of endostatin/collagen XVIII could be verified by in situ hybridization. Chondrocytes in vitro released measurable amounts of endostatin/collagen XVIII into culture supernatants. Stimulation of chondrocytes with EGF, as an example of a growth factor, or dexamethasone had no influence on endostatin/collagen XVIII expression. Endostatin inhibited VEGF-induced phosphorylation of MAPK in chondrocytes. CONCLUSIONS: The spatial and temporal expression of endostatin/collagen XVIII in cartilaginous tissue and its potency regarding inactivation of VEGF signalling suggests that this antiangiogenic factor is important not only for the development but also for the maintenance of avascular zones in cartilage and fibrocartilage. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES: We analyzed the spatial and temporal expression of endostatin/collagen XVIII--an endogenous angiogenesis inhibiting factor--in cartilage and fibrocartilage of humans and rats by immunohistochemical and biochemical (ELISA) methods and by in situ hybridization. To elucidate possible factors responsible for the induction or suppression of endostatin/collagen XVIII in cartilaginous tissues, chondrocytes (cell line C28/I2) were exposed to EGF and dexamethason. To study the possible interaction of endostatin/collagen XVIII with angiogenic factors, the immortalized human chondrocytes (C28/I2) have been incubated with VEGF and the phosphorylation of the MAPK Erk 1/2 (extracellular-regulated kinases), a known signal transduction pathway for VEGF has been determined under the influence of endostatin.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by degenerative changes within joints that involved quantitative and/or qualitative alterations of cartilage and synovial fluid lubricin, a mucinous glycoprotein secreted by synovial fibroblasts and chondrocytes. Modern therapeutic methods, including tissue-engineering techniques, have been used to treat mechanical damage of the articular cartilage but to date there is no specific and effective treatment. This study aimed at investigating lubricin immunohistochemical expression in cartilage explant from normal and OA patients and in cartilage constructions formed by Poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) based hydrogels (PEG-DA) encapsulated OA chondrocytes. The expression levels of lubricin were studied by immunohistochemistry: i) in tissue explanted from OA and normal human cartilage; ii) in chondrocytes encapsulated in hydrogel PEGDA from OA and normal human cartilage. Moreover, immunocytochemical and western blot analysis were performed in monolayer cells from OA and normal cartilage. The results showed an increased expression of lubricin in explanted tissue and in monolayer cells from normal cartilage, and a decreased expression of lubricin in OA cartilage. The chondrocytes from OA cartilage after 5 weeks of culture in hydrogels (PEGDA) showed an increased expression of lubricin compared with the control cartilage. The present study demonstrated that OA chondrocytes encapsulated in PEGDA, grown in the scaffold and were able to restore lubricin biosynthesis. Thus our results suggest the possibility of applying autologous cell transplantation in conjunction with scaffold materials for repairing cartilage lesions in patients with OA to reduce at least the progression of the disease.  相似文献   

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