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We have shown that an acidic phosphoprotein phosphatase (APP-ase) has a different pattern of postnatal maturation in the spleen, thymus and liver of rats and mice. The APP-ase activity increases during the first eight months of postnatal life in the spleen of rats (when it attains an 8--10 times higher value than at birth) and up to the sixth month of life in the spleen of mice. It increases considerably during the first two weeks of postnatal life in the thymus of rats and mice; in the liver of rats it reaches maximum activity before birth, but continues to increase up to the sixth month of postnatal life in the liver of mice. The results show also that the APP-ase from the spleen, thymus and liver of rats is equally active in dephosphorylating ATP and phenyl phosphate during the whole life span of rats, but not in relation to beta-glycerol phosphate. After analyzing its substrate specificity, its pH dependence in relation to different substrates, its kinetic properties, as well as its behaviour towards ascorbic acid and different inhibitors (sodium tungstate and sodium molybdate, L-tartrate, L-phenylalanine and L-cysteine) we have come to the conclusion that the rat spleen APP-ase is different from "nonspecific" acid and alkaline phosphatases and very similar to the EC acid phosphoprotein phosphatase.  相似文献   

A fluorometric procedure for quantitating the amount of N-acetylneuraminic acid enzymatically released by the neuraminidase activity from N-acetylneuraminyl-lactose (sialyl-lactose) has been developed. The liberated lactose is hydrolyzed with beta-galactosidase, and the released galactose is oxidized with galactose dehydrogenase and NAD+; finally, the NADH produced is measured by fluorometry (excitation at 340 nm and analysis of emitted light at 465 nm). The fluorometric assay is about 10-fold more sensitive than the spectrophotometric procedure that measures NADH at 340 nm. It readily measures amounts as little as 2 nmol of sialic acid, and does not require the use of radioactive isotopes. Interferences due to sucrose or other substances, which cause errors in some cases with the use of the periodate-thiobarbiturate method for neuraminidase activity determination, are avoided. The procedure reported here provides a sensitive, rapid, and relatively simple method (feasible with commercialized reagents) for measuring the neuraminidase activity not only in purified samples from different sources but also directly in biological materials such as viruses. The technique has been tested with some viruses recently isolated belonging to Orthomyxoviridae or Paramyxoviridae families, known to be rich in neuraminidase. Reciprocally, this method can also be employed for determining the sialic acid concentration in acylneuraminyl-lactose-containing compounds when using purified neuraminidase for hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylcholine phosphatidohydrolase (EC, phospholipase D) catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidic acid and choline. We have developed a spectrophotometric assay for phospholipase D using choline kinase, pyruvate kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase to couple the release of choline with the oxidation of NADH. The assay was linear both with time and with enzyme concentration. The assay should prove useful for continuous monitoring of enzyme activity, determination of initial rates of reaction, and detailed kinetic studies of phospholipase D. The method is limited to analysis of purified preparations of phospholipase D lacking competing activities to the coupled system.  相似文献   

The biological activity of 1α-hydroxyvitamin D2 has been determined in vitamin D-deficient rats. In the calcification of the rachitic epiphyseal plate, 1α-hydroxyvitamin D2 is more active than 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, while it is equally active in stimulating intestinal calcium absorption. On the other hand, it is much less active (one-third to one-fifth) than 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in the mobilization of calcium from bone. In both the intestinal and bone responses, 1α-hydroxyvitamin D2 (312 pmol) is active in nephrectomized rats while 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 is not.  相似文献   

Fasting newborn and growing young rats, though capable of synthesizing liver glycogen when fed, are, unlike adult fasted animals, insensitive to glucocorticoid stimulation of the rate of glucose and lactate incorporation into glycogen. Hormone resistance parallels a decreased liver capability for the synthase b to a conversion reaction up to 2 days after birth, after which the b to a transformation becomes adult type in nature. A comparison of the level of glucose 6-phosphate in liver to the effect of the activator on the synthase activity from newborn rat shows that the enzyme has a greater affinity toward the activator than comparable enzyme from the adult, suggesting the presence of an intermediate metabolite-regulated form of synthase in neonatal liver.  相似文献   

K Vaswani  G A Tejwani  S Mousa 《Life sciences》1983,32(17):1983-1996
The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of acute mild stress (12–48 hour food and water deprivation) and acute severe stress (12 hour food and water deprivation followed by 10 min swim in water at 4°) on the intake of different isocaloric dietary regimes. Each group of experimental animals was given only one particular diet. Rats subjected to mild stress showed very little preference of dietary regimes. When the food intake was measured during 3 hour period, following 48 hours of fasting, animals showed 2 to 3 fold increase in the food and water intake but no particular dietary preference. However, when rats were subjected to severe stress, there was an increase in the food intake of 154% (control diet); 174% (high-carbohydrate diet); 310% (high protein diet) and 423% (high fat diet) compared to animals subjected to mild stress. In terms of the absolute quantity of food, the animals subjected to severe stress ate more high-fat diet than any other diet; the consumption of high fat diet was 142% more than high-protein diet, 180% more than control diet and 258% more than high carbohydrate diet. Animals subjected to severe stress and given high-carbohydrate and high fat diet also showed 80% increase in the water intake. Prior administration of naloxone (1 mg/kg body weight, i.p.) reduced the stress induced increase in the intake of food and water. Naloxone inhibited the intake of high-fat diet more than any other diet. The ability of naloxone to block the increase in the intake of high-fat diet, and the reported increase in the concentration of β-endorphin in the different regions of brain of the animals subjected to the cold swim, suggest that endogenous opioid system in body is activated during stress. An activation of the endogenous opioid system leads to a preferential increase in the intake of palatable foods.  相似文献   

R Madhubala  P R Reddy 《Life sciences》1984,34(11):1041-1046
Injection of norepinephrine (NE) at a dose of 10 micrograms per testis caused the testis refractory in terms of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity at 24 h. This desensitization was found to be both time and dose dependent. Injection with follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, prostaglandin F2 alpha, cyclic AMP or epinephrine to norepinephrine desensitized testis caused stimulation of ODC activity. This indicates that the refractoriness caused by norepinephrine is specific to this agent alone.  相似文献   

Intratesticular injection of prostaglandin E2(PGE2) and F (PGF) caused stimulation of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity in the testis of immature rats. PGE2 at a dose of 10 μg per testis was maximally effective 2 hours after the injection. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP (cAMP) and 1 methyl, 3-isobutyl xanthine (MIX), a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, also stimulated ODC activity. Simultaneous injection of PGE2 and FSH or LH caused additional stimulation of ODC activity. Similarly injection of PGE2 in addition to cAMP or MIX also caused increased stimulation of ODC. Indomethacin (IM, 60 μg/testis) inhibited LH, FSH or cAMP induced ODC activity. However, IM at the same dose inhibited the synthesis of total proteins. These results suggest that PGE2 and PGF stimulate the activity of ODC. The action of prostaglandins may be independent of the action of gonadotropic hormones. cAMP appears to mediate the action of prostaglandins in the testis of rat.  相似文献   

The template activity of isolated rat liver nuclei for DNA synthesis assayed with E.coli DNA polymerase was found to be dependent upon the presence of Ca2+ or Mg2+ in the incubation medium. DNA was prepared from isolated nuclei subjected to conditions which activated the template and centrifuged in an alkaline sucrose gradient. The distribution profile showed that smaller fragments were formed, suggesting enhancement of endonucleolytic activity. When isolated nuclei were incubated with NAD to induce poly(adenosine diphosphate ribose) formation and were subjected to the activation conditions, the template for DNA synthesis remained unchanged. The distribution profile in an alkaline sucrose gradient of DNA prepared from these nuclei and control nuclei was identical. The present findings suggest that the template-activating system for DNA synthesis was blocked when isolated nuclei were treated with NAD invitro.  相似文献   

A simple three-step procedure is described for the purification of a labeled peptide from a tryptic digest of the β-subunit of the F1-ATPase after the enzyme had been inactivated with p-fluorosulfonyl-[14C]benzoyl-5′-adenosine. The procedure involves: (1) anion-exchange chromatography of a tryptic digest of the labeled β-subunit on diethylaminoethyl-Sephadex; (2) treatment of the peptides in the radioactive peak from the first step with 0.1m NaOH under conditions in which the ester bond in the label is hydrolyzed; and (3) anion-exchange chromatography of the treated peptides under conditions identical to those of the first step after removal of the NaOH by gel filtration. Cleavage of the ester bond in the second step releases adenosine and specifically introduces an additional negative charge onto the labeled peptide. Thus, it is resolved from the peptides that contaminate it in the third step.  相似文献   

A method of obtaining photochemical action spectra for the relief of CO inhibition of respiration is described. Continuous readout from a membrane-covered oxygen electrode of dissolved oxygen in a stirred suspension of microorganisms under CO-oxygen gas mixtures in an open reactor enables measurement of increased respiration on illumination. Advantages presented by the use of a liquid dye laser include high intensity of emission and narrow spectral bandwidth; just two dyes (rhodamine 6G and rhodamine 110) are required to match the α-absorption maxima of the CO complexes of all known bacterial and mitochondrial terminal oxidases.  相似文献   

The effects of calcium and of the psychoactive drug chlorpromazine (CPZ) on the rat synaptic plasma membrane have been studied using two stearic nitroxide spin labels having their doxyl groups in positions 5 and 16 and the fluorescent probe 1-anilinonaphtalene-8-sulfonate (ANS). The mobility of the 5-doxyl stearic spin label which probes the membrane phospholipids in the vicinity of their polar heads is decreased in the presence of both compounds. Calcium is more efficient in this respect than CPZ. In spite of this qualitative similarity of action, CPZ inhibits the effect of calcium and vice versa. No modification of the 16-doxyl stearic spectrum has been observed even at high calcium or CPZ concentrations. An increase in fluorescence intensity and a blue shift in the emission wavelength of ANS-probed membranes are observed with very low CPZ concentrations (10?7 to 10?5m). With higher concentrations, a further intensity increase and a further blue shift are due to direct interaction between ANS and CPZ. Calcium also increases the fluorescence intensity of ANS-labeled membranes in the concentration range 10?5–10?2m. As for the spin-label data, the effects of both compounds are mutually competitive. It is concluded that calcium interacts principally with the phospholipid polar heads of this type of membrane. However, the competition with CPZ suggests indirectly that this ion is also bound to membrane proteins. CPZ has an affinity for membrane lipids only at high concentrations. In its pharmacologically active concentration range, it is located preferentially on the membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The arginine contents of a variety of protein samples determined by the quantitative Sakaguchi method were in good agreement with the values obtained by quantitative ion-exchange chromatography, after acidic hydrolysis. One protein, α-chymotrypsin, while possessing a linear relationship between the colour obtained in the Sakaguchi test and the protein concentration, gave colour yields which corresponded to the apparent presence of an additional Sakaguchi-positive residue. The appearance of this phenomenon was found to be associated with the process of zymogen activation. Subsequently, it was found that two other serine esterases, trypsin and subtilisin, also exhibited this behaviour. Possible reasons for this have been discussed.  相似文献   

The mutagenic effect of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) was studied in the liver perfusion/cell culture system. Male Wistar rats, fed a selenium-deficient diet with or without selenium supplementation in the drinking water, were used as liver donors. UDMH caused an increased mutation frequency in Chinese hamster V79 cells exposed in the perfusate. The effect was statistically significant with both selenium-deficient and selenium-supplemented livers. With selenium-deficient livers, a significant mutagenic effect was also obtained when V79 cells were treated with bile collected after the administration of UDMH. Bile flow and bile acid excretion were not affected by UDMH treatment of selenium-deficient or selenium-supplemented livers. There was a tendency towards reduced C-oxygenation of N,N-dimethylaniline in microsomes from selenium-deficient livers perfused with UDMH. The lactate/pyruvate ratio in the perfusate was increased by UDMH, the effect being more pronounced with selenium-deficient than selenium-supplemented livers.  相似文献   

Candida albicans cells grown on alkanes of different chain lengths (C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, and C18) exhibited a low growth rate and gradual increase in the total lipid content with the increase in the length of alkanes. There was a significant change in the phospholipids and sterols content of various alkane-grown cells compared to glucose-grown cells. In glucose-grown cells, the transport of various amino acids, e.g., proline, glutamic acid, lysine, glycine, phenylalanine, serine, methionine, and leucine was found to be energy dependent and against a concentration gradient. In alkane-grown cells, the transport of lysine, proline, serine, and methionine was reduced, however, there was no effect on the uptake of glycine, glutamic acid, phenylalanine, and leucine. The results were interpreted as different carrier(s) responsible for amino acid uptake responsed differently to the change of lipid environment.  相似文献   

C Aussel  R Masseyeff 《Biochimie》1976,58(6):737-741
Rat alpha-foetoprotein (AFP) was shown to inhibit the formation of water soluble metabolities of oestrone and oestradiol by incubation with microsomes from rat liver in the presence of NADPH. The results support the proposal that in young animals the low activity of enzymes responsible of oestradiol metabolism may be due in part to the presence of AFP and not only to the low level of these enzymes.  相似文献   

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