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U12-dependent introns are found in small numbers in most eukaryotic genomes, but their scarcity makes accurate characterisation of their properties challenging. A computational search for U12-dependent introns was performed using the draft version of the human genome sequence. Human expressed sequences confirmed 404 U12-dependent introns within the human genome, a 6-fold increase over the total number of non-redundant U12-dependent introns previously identified in all genomes. Although most of these introns had AT-AC or GT-AG terminal dinucleotides, small numbers of introns with a surprising diversity of termini were found, suggesting that many of the non-canonical introns found in the human genome may be variants of U12-dependent introns and, thus, spliced by the minor spliceosome. Comparisons with U2-dependent introns revealed that the U12-dependent intron set lacks the ‘short intron’ peak characteristic of U2-dependent introns. Analysis of this U12-dependent intron set confirmed reports of a biased distribution of U12-dependent introns in the genome and allowed the identification of several alternative splicing events as well as a surprising number of apparent splicing errors. This new larger reference set of U12-dependent introns will serve as a resource for future studies of both the properties and evolution of the U12 spliceosome.  相似文献   

In metazoans, splicing of introns from pre-mRNAs can occur by two pathways: the major U2-dependent or the minor U12-dependent pathways. Whereas the U2-dependent pathway has been well characterized, much about the U12-dependent pathway remains to be discovered. Most of the information regarding U12-type introns has come from in vitro studies of a very few known introns of this class. To expand our understanding of U12-type splicing, especially to test the hypothesis that the simple base-pairing mechanism between the intron and U12 snRNA defines the branchpoint of U12-dependent introns, additional in vitro splicing substrates were created from three putative U12-type introns: the third intron of the Xenopus RPL1 a gene (XRP), the sixth intron of the Xenopus TFIIS.oA gene (XTF), and the first intron of the human Sm E gene (SME). In vitro splicing in HeLa nuclear extract confirmed U12-dependent splicing of each of these introns. Surprisingly, branchpoint mapping of the XRP splicing intermediate shows use of the upstream rather than the downstream of two consecutive adenosines within the branchpoint sequence (BPS), contrary to the prediction based on alignment with the sixth intron of human P120, a U12-dependent intron whose branch site was previously determined. Also, in the SME intron, the position of the branchpoint A residue within the region base paired with U12 differs from that in P120 and XTF. Analysis of these three additional introns therefore rules out simple models for branchpoint selection by the U12-type spliceosome.  相似文献   

Ivashchenko AT  Atambaeva ShA 《Genetika》2004,40(10):1429-1431
In the nuclear genes of Arabidopsis thaliana, the length of introns and exons was shown to vary depending on the number of introns. With increasing number of introns per gene, the proportion of introns composed of 80-100 nucleotides increases whereas the proportion of introns with 400-nucleotide length decreases. Similar changes in exon length in genes result in predominance of exons of 60-120-nucleotides in length.  相似文献   

Cochliobolus victoriae is a necrotrophic fungus that produces a host-selective toxin called victorin. Victorin is considered to be host selective because it has been known to affect only certain allohexaploid oat cultivars containing the dominant Vb gene. Oat cultivars containing Vb are also the only genotypes susceptible to C. victoriae. Assays were developed to screen the "nonhost" plant of C. victoriae, Arabidopsis thaliana, for victorin sensitivity. Sensitivity to victorin was identified in six of 433 bulk populations of Arabidopsis. In crosses of Col-4 (victorin-insensitive) x victorin-sensitive Arabidopsis ecotypes, victorin sensitivity segregated as a single dominant locus, as it does in oats. This Arabidopsis locus was designated LOV, for locus orchestrating victorin effects. Allelism tests indicate that LOV loci are allelic or closely linked in all six victorin-sensitive ecotypes identified. LOV was localized to the north arm of Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome I. The victorin-sensitive Arabidopsis line LOV1 but not the victorin-insensitive line Col-4 was susceptible to C. victoriae infection. Consequently, the LOV gene appears to be a genetically dominant, disease susceptibility gene.  相似文献   

Pre-mRNA splicing is catalyzed by two unique spliceosomes, designated U2- or U12-dependent. In contrast to the well-characterized U2-dependent spliceosome, much remains to be learned about the less abundant U12-type spliceosome. This review focuses on recent advances in elucidating the structure and function of the minor U12-dependent spliceosome. Interesting similarities and differences between the U12- and U2-dependent spliceosomes are also highlighted.  相似文献   

An insertion sequence was found in a Mu homologue in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana. The insertion sequence had poly(A) at the 3' end, and promoter motifs (A- and B-boxes) recognized by RNA polymerase III. The sequence was flanked by direct repeats of a 15-bp sequence of the Mu homologue, which appears to be a target-site sequence duplicated upon insertion. These findings indicate that the insertion sequence is a retroposon SINE, and it was therefore named AtSN (A. thaliana SINE). Many members of the AtSN family were identified through a computer-aided homology search of databases and classified into two subfamilies, AtSN1 and AtSN2, having consensus sequences 159 and 149 bp in length, respectively. These had no homology to SINEs in other organisms. About half of AtSN members were truncated through loss of a region at either end of the element. Most of them were truncated at the 5' end, and had a duplication of the target-site sequence. This suggests that the ones with 5' truncation retroposed by the same mechanism as those without truncation. Members of the AtSN1 or AtSN2 subfamilies had many base substitutions when compared with the consensus sequence. All of the members examined were present in three different ecotypes of A. thaliana (Columbia, Landsberg erecta, and Wassilewskija). These findings suggest that AtSN members had proliferatedbefore the A. thaliana ecotype strains diverged.  相似文献   

T-DNA flanking sequences were isolated from 112 Arabidopsis thaliana single-copy T-DNA lines and sequence mapped to the chromosomes. Even though two T-DNA insertions mapped to a heterochromatic domain located in the pericentromeric region of chromosome I, expression of reporter genes was detected in these transgenic lines. T-DNA insertion did not seem to be biased toward any of Arabidopsis' five chromosomes. The observed distribution of T-DNA copies in intergenic sequence versus gene sequence (i.e. 5-upstream regions, coding sequences and 3-downstream regions) appeared randomly. An evaluation of T-DNA insertion frequencies within gene sequence revealed that integration into 5-upstream regions occurred more frequently than expected, whereas insertions in coding sequences (exons and introns) were found less frequently than expected based on random distribution predictions. In the majority of cases, single-copy T-DNA insertions were associated with small or large rearrangements such as deletions and/or duplications of target site sequences, deletions and/or duplications of T-DNA sequences, and gross chromosomal rearrangements such as translocations. The accuracy of integration was similarly high for both left- and right-border sequences. These results may be called upon when making detailed molecular analyses of transgenic plants or T-DNA induced mutants.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing increases the coding capacity of genes through the production of multiple protein isoforms by the conditional use of splice sites and exons. Many alternative splice sites are regulated by the presence of purine-rich splicing enhancer elements (ESEs) located in the downstream exon. Although the role of ESEs in alternative splicing of the major class U2-dependent introns is well established, no alternatively spliced minor class U12-dependent introns have so far been described. Although in vitro studies have shown that ESEs can stimulate splicing of individual U12-dependent introns, there is no direct evidence that the U12-dependent splicing system can respond to ESEs in vivo. To investigate the ability of U12-dependent introns to use alternative splice sites and to respond to ESEs in an in vivo context, we have constructed two sets of artificial minigenes with alternative splicing pathways and evaluated the effects of ESEs on their alternative splicing patterns. In minigenes with alternative U12-dependent 3' splice sites, a purine-rich ESE promotes splicing to the immediately upstream 3' splice site. As a control, a mutant ESE has no stimulatory effect. In minigene constructs with two adjacent U12-dependent introns, the predominant in vivo splicing pattern results in the skipping of the internal exon. Insertion of a purine-rich ESE into the internal exon promotes the inclusion of the internal exon. These results show that U12-dependent introns can participate in alternative splicing pathways and that U12-dependent splice sites can respond to enhancer elements in vivo.  相似文献   

The genes that control mammalian programmed cell death are conserved across wide evolutionary distances. Although plant cells can undergo apoptosis-like cell death, plant homologs of mammalian regulators of apoptosis have, in general, not been found. This is in part due to the lack of primary sequence conservation between animal and putative plant regulators of apoptosis. Thus, alternative approaches beyond sequence similarities are required to find functional plant homologs of apoptosis regulators. Here, we present the results of using advanced bioinformatic tools to uncover the Arabidopsis family of BAG proteins. The mammalian BAG (Bcl-2-associated athanogene) proteins are a family of chaperone regulators that modulate a number of diverse processes ranging from proliferation to growth arrest and cell death. Such proteins are distinguished by a conserved BAG domain that directly interacts with Hsp70 and Hsc70 proteins to regulate their activity. Our searches of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome sequence revealed seven homologs of the BAG protein family. We further show that plant BAG family members are also multifunctional and remarkably similar to their animal counterparts, as they regulate apoptosis-like processes ranging from pathogen attack to abiotic stress and development.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) is the only phospholipid in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts of plants, and it is also found in extraplastidial membranes including mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum. Previous studies showed that lack of PG in the pgp1‐2 mutant of Arabidopsis deficient in phosphatidylglycerophosphate (PGP) synthase strongly affects thylakoid biogenesis and photosynthetic activity. In the present study, the gene encoding the enzyme for the second step of PG synthesis, PGP phosphatase, was isolated based on sequence similarity to the yeast GEP4 and Chlamydomonas PGPP1 genes. The Arabidopsis AtPGPP1 protein localizes to chloroplasts and harbors PGP phosphatase activity with alkaline pH optimum and divalent cation requirement. Arabidopsis pgpp1‐1 mutant plants contain reduced amounts of chlorophyll, but photosynthetic quantum yield remains unchanged. The absolute content of plastidial PG (34:4; total number of acyl carbons:number of double bonds) is reduced by about 1/3, demonstrating that AtPGPP1 is involved in the synthesis of plastidial PG. PGP 34:3, PGP 34:2 and PGP 34:1 lacking 16:1 accumulate in pgpp1‐1, indicating that the desaturation of 16:0 to 16:1 by the FAD4 desaturase in the chloroplasts only occurs after PGP dephosphorylation.  相似文献   

The nuclear pore complex (NPC) facilitates nucleocytoplasmic transport, a crucial process for various cellular activities. The NPC comprises ~30 nucleoporins and is well characterized in vertebrates and yeast. However, only eight plant nucleoporins have been identified, and little information is available about the complete molecular structure of plant NPCs. In this study, an interactive proteomic approach was used to identify Arabidopsis thaliana nucleoporins. A series of five cycles of interactive proteomic analysis was performed using green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged nucleoporins. The identified nucleoporins were then cloned and subcellular localization analyses were performed. We found that the plant NPC contains at least 30 nucleoporins, 22 of which had not been previously annotated. Surprisingly, plant nucleoporins shared a similar domain organization to their vertebrate (human) and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) counterparts. Moreover, the plant nucleoporins exhibited higher sequence homology to vertebrate nucleoporins than to yeast nucleoporins. Plant NPCs lacked seven components (NUCLEOPORIN358 [Nup358], Nup188, Nup153, Nup45, Nup37, NUCLEAR DIVISION CYCLE1, and PORE MEMBRANE PROTEIN OF 121 kD) that were present in vertebrate NPCs. However, plants possessed a nucleoporin, Nup136/Nup1, that contained Phe-Gly repeats, and sequence analysis failed to identify a vertebrate homolog for this protein. Interestingly, Nup136-GFP showed greater mobility on the nuclear envelope than did other nucleoporins, and a Nup136/Nup1 deficiency caused various defects in plant development. These findings provide valuable new information about plant NPC structure and function.  相似文献   

Characterization of the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
The small crucifer Arabidopsis thaliana has many useful features as an experimental organism for the study of plant molecular biology. It has a four-week life-cycle, only five chromosomes and a genome size less than half that of Drosophila. To characterize the DNA sequence organization of this plant, we have randomly selected 50 recombinant lambda clones containing inserts with an average length of 12,800 base-pairs and analyzed their content of repetitive and unique DNA by various genome blot, restriction digestion and RNA blot procedures. The following conclusions can be drawn. The DNA represented in this random sample is composed predominantly of single-copy sequences. This presumably reflects the organization of the Arabidopsis genome as a whole and supports prior conclusions reached on the basis of kinetics of DNA reassociation. The DNA that encodes the ribosomal RNAs constitutes the only major class of cloned nuclear repetitive DNA. It consists of approximately 570 tandem copies of a heterogeneous 9900-base-pair repeat unit. There is an average of approximately 660 copies of the chloroplast genome per cell. Therefore, the chloroplast genome constitutes the major component of the repetitive sequences found in A. thaliana DNA made from whole plants. The inner cytosine residue in the sequence C-C-G-G is methylated more often than the outer in the tandem ribosomal DNA units, whereas very few differences in the methylation state of these two cytosine residues are detected in unique sequences.  相似文献   

Yeast Pichia pastoris has been widely utilized to express heterologous recombinant proteins. P. pastoris expressed recombinant porcine interleukin 3 (IL3) has been used for porcine stem cell mobilization in allo-hematopoietic cell transplantation models and pig-to-primate xeno-hematopoietic cell transplantation models in our lab for many years. Since the yeast glycosylation mechanism is not exactly the same as those of other mammalian cells, P. pastoris expressed high-mannose glycoprotein porcine IL3 has been shown to result in a decreased serum half-life. Previously this was avoided by separation of the non-glycosylated porcine IL3 from the mixture of expressed glycosylated and non-glycosylated porcine IL3. However, this process was very inefficient and lead to a poor yield following purification. To overcome this problem, we engineered a non-N-glycosylated version of porcine IL3 by replacing the four potential N-glycosylation sites with four alanines. The codon-optimized non-N-glycosylated porcine IL3 gene was synthesized and expressed in P. pastoris. The expressed non-N-glycosylated porcine IL3 was captured using Ni-Sepharose 6 fast flow resin and further purified using strong anion exchange resin Poros 50 HQ. In vivo mobilization studies performed in our research facility demonstrated that the non-N-glycosylated porcine IL3 still keeps the original stem cell mobilization function.  相似文献   

This paper examines macro and micro-level patterns of genome size evolution in the Brassicaceae. A phylogeny of 25 relatives of Arabidopsis thaliana was reconstructed using four molecular markers under both parsimony and Bayesian methods. Reconstruction of genome size (C value) evolution as a discrete character and as a continuous character was also performed. In addition, size dynamics in small chromosomal regions were assessed by comparing genomic clones generated for Arabidopsis lyrata and for Boechera stricta to the fully sequenced genome of A. thaliana. The results reveal a sevenfold variation in genome size among the taxa investigated and that the small genome size of A. thaliana is derived. Our results also indicate that the genome is free to increase or decrease in size across these evolutionary lineages without a directional bias. These changes are accomplished by insertions and deletions at both large and small-scales occurring mostly in intergenic regions, with repetitive sequences and transposable elements implicated in genome size increases. The focus upon taxa relatively closely related to the model organism A. thaliana, and the combination of complementary approaches, allows for unique insights into the processes driving genome size changes.  相似文献   

12-Hydroxyjasmonate, also known as tuberonic acid, was first isolated from Solanum tuberosum and was shown to have tuber-inducing properties. It is derived from the ubiquitously occurring jasmonic acid, an important signaling molecule mediating diverse developmental processes and plant defense responses. We report here that the gene AtST2a from Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a hydroxyjasmonate sulfotransferase. The recombinant AtST2a protein was found to exhibit strict specificity for 11- and 12-hydroxyjasmonate with K(m) values of 50 and 10 microm, respectively. Furthermore, 12-hydroxyjasmonate and its sulfonated derivative are shown to be naturally occurring in A. thaliana. The exogenous application of methyljasmonate to A. thaliana plants led to increased levels of both metabolites, whereas treatment with 12-hydroxyjasmonate led to increased level of 12-hydroxyjasmonate sulfate without affecting the endogenous level of jasmonic acid. AtST2a expression was found to be induced following treatment with methyljasmonate and 12-hydroxyjasmonate. In contrast, the expression of the methyljasmonate-responsive gene Thi2.1, a marker gene in plant defense responses, is not induced upon treatment with 12-hydroxyjasmonate indicating the existence of independent signaling pathways responding to jasmonic acid and 12-hydroxyjasmonic acid. Taken together, the results suggest that the hydroxylation and sulfonation reactions might be components of a pathway that inactivates excess jasmonic acid in plants. Alternatively, the function of AtST2a might be to control the biological activity of 12-hydroxyjasmonic acid.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic chromosomal ends are protected by telomeres, which are thought to play an important role in ensuring the complete replication of chromosomes. On the other hand, non-functional telomere-like repeats in the interchromosomal regions (interstitial telomeric repeats; ITRs) have been reported in several eukaryotes. In this study, we identified eight ITRs in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome, each consisting of complete and degenerate 300- to 1200-bp sequences. The ITRs were grouped into three classes (class IA-B, class II, and class IIIA-E) based on the degeneracy of the telomeric repeats in ITRs. The telomeric repeats of the two ITRs in class I were conserved for the most part, whereas the single ITR in class II, and the five ITRs in class III were relatively degenerated. In addition, degenerate ITRs were surrounded by common sequences that shared 70-100% homology to each other; these are named ITR-adjacent sequences (IAS). Although the genomic regions around ITRs in class I lacked IAS, those around ITRs in class II contained IAS (IASa), and those around five ITRs in class III had nine types of IAS (IASb, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, and j). Ten IAS types in classes II and III showed no significant homology to each other. The chromosomal locations of ITRs and IAS were not category-related, but most of them were adjacent to, or part of, a centromere. These results show that the A. thaliana genome has undergone chromosomal rearrangements, such as end-fusions and segmental duplications.  相似文献   

There is much uncertainty as to whether plants use arogenate, phenylpyruvate, or both as obligatory intermediates in Phe biosynthesis, an essential dietary amino acid for humans. This is because both prephenate and arogenate have been reported to undergo decarboxylative dehydration in plants via the action of either arogenate (ADT) or prephenate (PDT) dehydratases; however, neither enzyme(s) nor encoding gene(s) have been isolated and/or functionally characterized. An in silico data mining approach was thus undertaken to attempt to identify the dehydratase(s) involved in Phe formation in Arabidopsis, based on sequence similarity of PDT-like and ACT-like domains in bacteria. This data mining approach suggested that there are six PDT-like homologues in Arabidopsis, whose phylogenetic analyses separated them into three distinct subgroups. All six genes were cloned and subsequently established to be expressed in all tissues examined. Each was then expressed as a Nus fusion recombinant protein in Escherichia coli, with their substrate specificities measured in vitro. Three of the resulting recombinant proteins, encoded by ADT1 (At1g11790), ADT2 (At3g07630), and ADT6 (At1g08250), more efficiently utilized arogenate than prephenate, whereas the remaining three, ADT3 (At2g27820), ADT4 (At3g44720), and ADT5 (At5g22630) essentially only employed arogenate. ADT1, ADT2, and ADT6 had k(cat)/Km values of 1050, 7650, and 1560 M(-1) S(-1) for arogenate versus 38, 240, and 16 M(-1) S(-1) for prephenate, respectively. By contrast, the remaining three, ADT3, ADT4, and ADT5, had k(cat)/Km values of 1140, 490, and 620 M(-1) S(-1), with prephenate not serving as a substrate unless excess recombinant protein (>150 microg/assay) was used. All six genes, and their corresponding proteins, are thus provisionally classified as arogenate dehydratases and designated ADT1-ADT6.  相似文献   

By using computer-based homology searches of the Arabidopsis genome, we identified the gene for ACH2, a putative acyl-CoA thioesterase. With the exception of a unique 129-amino acid N-terminal extension, the ACH2 protein is 17-36% identical to members of a family of acyl-CoA thioesterases that are found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The eukaryotic homologs of ACH2 are peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterases that are up-regulated during times of increased fatty acid oxidation, suggesting potential roles in peroxisomal beta-oxidation. We investigated ACH2 to determine whether it has a similar role in the plant cell. Like its eukaryotic homologs, ACH2 carries a putative type 1 peroxisomal targeting sequence (-SKL(COOH)), and maintains all the catalytic residues typical of this family of acyl-CoA thioesterases. Analytical ultracentrifugation of recombinant ACH2-6His shows that it associates as a 196-kDa homotetramer in vitro, a result that is significant in light of the cooperative kinetics demonstrated by ACH2-6His in vitro. The cooperative effects are most pronounced with medium chain acyl-CoAs, where the Hill coefficient is 3.8 for lauroyl-CoA, but decrease for long chain acyl-CoAs, where the Hill coefficient is only 1.9 for oleoyl-CoA. ACH2-6His hydrolyzes both medium and long chain fatty acyl-CoAs but has highest activity toward the long chain unsaturated fatty acyl-CoAs. Maximum rates were found with palmitoleoyl-CoA, which is hydrolyzed at 21 micromol/min/mg protein. Additionally, ACH2-6His is insensitive to feedback inhibition by free CoASH levels as high as 100 microm. ACH2 is most highly expressed in mature tissues such as young leaves and flowers rather than in germinating seedlings where beta-oxidation is rapidly proceeding. Taken together, these results suggest that ACH2 activity is not linked to fatty acid oxidation as has been suggested for its eukaryotic homologs, but rather has a unique role in the plant cell.  相似文献   

A new method (MZEF) for predicting internal coding exons in genomic DNA sequences has been developed. This method is based on a prediction algorithm that uses the quadratic discriminant function for multivariate statistical pattern recognition. With improved feature measures, an Arabidopsis thaliana-specific implementation of MZEF is completed and made available to the plant genome community.  相似文献   

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