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张有青  满恒业 《生理学报》1991,43(6):594-599
实验用兔,在乌拉坦静脉麻醉、切断双侧颈迷走神经、自主呼吸条件下进行,以膈神经放电作呼吸指标。观察了面神经核腹内侧区(VMNF)微量注射三种递质对呼吸节律的影响。结果如下:(1)VMNF 区微量注射肾上腺素呼吸频率增加,膈神经吸气性放电的递增速度加快,积分幅度升高,VMNF 区微量注射妥拉苏林,呼吸频率下降且妥拉苏林可阻断肾上腺素的呼吸效应。(2)VMNF 区微量注射γ-氨基丁酸、甘氨酸导致呼吸频率下降,吸气时程、呼气时程延长。提示肾上腺素、γ-氨基丁酸、甘氨酸可能作为递质作用于 VMNF 区的神经元而发挥呼吸调节作用。  相似文献   

电及谷氨酸钠刺激兔杏仁中央核中心区对呼吸的调制效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
聂琳  刘磊 《生理学报》1992,44(3):303-309
本实验在50只氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉的健康家兔上观察了电、化学刺激杏仁中央核(ACE)中心区对呼吸的影响,以膈神经放电做为呼吸观测指标,结果如下:1.长串电脉冲刺激ACE中心区,产生明显的呼吸易化效应,表现为吸气时程延长或增频增幅。2.短串电脉冲刺激ACE中心区,落位于吸气相中期,可使该吸气相明显延长;落位于呼气相中期,可使该呼气相提前结束向吸气相转换。3.微量注射胞体兴奋剂谷氨酸钠(MSG),产生与电刺激该区相似的呼吸易化效应。4.上述电、化学刺激的区域对照和盐水对照实验,均未出现有意义的呼吸改变。提示:ACE中心区细胞体的兴奋,对呼吸具有特异性影响,它参与了呼吸调节,可能在易化基本呼吸节律发生机制中起重要作用。  相似文献   

刘诗翔  魏书均 《生理学报》1997,49(2):227-229
实验在40只麻醉、制动、断双侧颈迷走神经和人工通气的家兔上进行。在孤束核腹外侧区微量注射神经元胞体兴奋剂谷氨酸钠和抑制剂甘氨酸,探讨膈神经放电的变化。结果:微量注射谷氨酸钠,可使膈神经放电脉冲数明显增加,吸气时程延长,呼气时程缩短,呼吸频率变化不明显;微量注射甘氨酸,则膈神经放电脉冲数显著减少,甚至停止,吸气时程缩短,呼气时程不规则延长,呼吸频率降低。上述结果提示:孤束核腹外侧区对呼吸节律的形成具  相似文献   

实验在49只局部麻醉、肌肉麻痹、切断双侧颈迷走神经的家兔上进行。观察到一侧孤束核(NTS)区微量注射氟安定,使对侧膈神经放电平均幅度减低,呼吸频率加快。事先在NTS区微量注射GABA 受体拮抗剂印防己毒素,可阻断氟安定的减低膈神经放电平均幅度的作用。在脑桥头端横断脑干出现长吸式呼吸的免上,一侧NTS区微量注射氟安定,也使对侧膈神经放电平均幅度减低,但呼吸频率减慢。在脑桥结合臂旁内侧核(NPBM)区微量注射氟安定,使呼吸频率明显减慢,吸气和呼气时程延长,这效应可被毒扁豆碱阻断。脊髓蛛网膜下腔注射氟安定,使膈神经放电平均幅度减低,血压下降,这效应可被印防己毒素阻断。结果提示,NPBM 的存在与呼吸频率加快有关;而氟安定作用于NPBM区,却减慢呼吸频率,其机制可能是抗胆碱能作用。氟安定直接作用于NTS 区或脊髓使膈神经放电平均幅度减低、血压下降,其机制可能与激活GABA 受体有关。  相似文献   

家兔延髓腹侧区在吗啡抑制呼吸机制中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验在36只麻醉、制动和人工通气的家兔上进行。探讨了延髓腹侧区在吗啡引起呼吸抑制机制中的作用。结果观察到:将浸透吗啡药液的滤纸片敷贴于延髓腹侧面的S区,可以引起膈神经放电抑制;将纳洛酮置于同一区域可翻转吗啡的效应;谷氨酸钠用于S区可引起膈神经放电加强;脑桥臂旁内侧核(NPBM)微量注射吗啡引起的膈神经放电抑制效应可被钠洛酮用于S区所预防;电刺激NPBM 主要引起延髓腹侧区单位放电的抑制反应,在这些出现抑制反应的单位中,大部分对微电泳给予吗啡也表现为放电的抑制。上述结果表明,家兔延髓腹侧区存在能激活膈神经放电的神经元;将吗啡微量注射于 NPBM,可通过激活延髓腹侧区的阿片受体使该区域某些神经元抑制,进而引起膈神经放电的抑制。  相似文献   

本工作用静脉和脑内微量注射吗啡与纳洛酮,以及横断脑干等方法,分析了静脉内注射吗啡引起呼吸抑制效应的机制。实验在53只家兔上进行。结果观察到,在一侧脑桥结合臂旁内侧核区(NPBM)微量注射吗啡(20μg/2μl),可使双侧膈神经放电抑制,其抑制规律与静脉内注射吗啡(3mg/kg)的规律相似。当静脉注射吗啡造成呼吸抑制后,于一侧 NPBM 区微量注射纳洛酮(4μg/2μl)或横断脑干部分去除 NPBM,均可使膈神经放电产生脱抑制。横断脑干去除 NPBM 后,在长吸状态下吗啡呼吸抑制效应不易出现;如进一步在髓纹前方1—2mm处横断脑干,则静脉注射吗啡又能引起膈神经放电抑制。在一侧孤束核区(NTS)微量注射吗啡,可引起对侧膈神经放电抑制,而同侧不抑制。上述结果提示,静脉内注射吗啡引起的呼吸抑制效应,主要是通过 NPBM 活动改变而实现的,但 NTS 活动改变在其中也起一定作用;而“长吸中枢”的活动则阻碍吗啡呼吸抑制效应的出现。  相似文献   

本实验室曾经报道静脉注射安定对于清醒、麻痹、人工呼吸的家兔具有减低膈神经放电幅度、加快呼吸频率,缩短吸气时程(T_I)和呼气时程(T_E),降低动脉血压等作用。本工作在35只家兔中进一步分析了某些药物对安定的这些作用的影响。GABA 降低膈神经放电幅度和动脉血压,这与安定的作用相同,但 GABA 延长T_I、T_E和减慢呼吸频率,与安定的作用相反。事先用氨基酸脱羧酶抑制剂异烟肼处理,或用 GABA 受体拮抗剂印防己毒素处理,可阻遏安定减低膈神经放电幅度的作用。在事先用印防己毒素处理的家兔中,可见安定缩短 T_IT_E的作用不受影响。异烟肼或印防己毒素还能部分对抗安定的降压效应。阿片受体拮抗剂纳洛酮和5-HT 受体拮抗剂赛庚啶都不能阻遏安定降低膈神经放电幅度和动脉血压的作用。上述结果提示安定降低膈神经放电幅度的作用可能通过 GABA 这一中间环节,而内啡肽和5-HT可能不起重要作用。安定的降压作用需要有内源性 GABA 参与才得以持续较长时间,在减少GABA 或阻断 GABA 受体后,安定只有短暂的降压作用。  相似文献   

实验在66只麻醉、制动,断双侧颈迷走神经和人工通气的家兔上进行。通过微量注射神经元胞体兴奋剂谷氨酸钠和神经元胞体抑制剂甘氨酸,改变孤束核腹外侧区神经元兴奋活动,探讨对下丘脑弓状核诱发电位的影响及其可能的机制和意义。实验结果如下:(1)孤束核腹外侧区微量注射谷氨酸钠,可使膈神经放电显著增加和使弓状核诱发电位P2及N2波幅显著降低;而微量注射甘氨酸则使膈神经放电显著减少和使弓状核诱发电位P2及N2波幅显著增大。(2)静脉注射纳洛酮对谷氨酸钠引起的膈神经放电兴奋效应无明显影响,但能翻转谷氨酸钠对弓状核诱发电位P2及N2波幅的抑制效应。提示:孤束核腹外侧区呼吸神经元的兴奋活动可扩散至弓状核,并对弓状核诱发电位产生影响,此影响可能是由内源性阿片系统参与而实现的。  相似文献   

满恒业  刘磊 《生理学报》1992,44(1):92-97
实验在45只麻醉、自主呼吸、断双侧颈迷走神经的家兔上进行。电刺激或微量注射L-谷氨酸钠于中缝隐核(Nucleus raphe obscurus,NRO),观察到:(1)长串电脉冲刺激NRO(50—200μA,波宽0.3ms,100Hz,4—6s),出现膈神经放电被抑制的反应,被抑制的程度与刺激强度、刺激频率间存在相关性。(2)吸气期用短串电脉冲(100—200μA,波宽0.3ms,50—100Hz,5—20个脉冲)刺激NRO,可提前终止膈神经放电,产生吸气切断效应。吸气切断时间具有刺激落位和刺激强度依赖性。(3)NRO内微量注射细胞体兴奋剂谷氨酸钠(1mol/L,1μl),注药期间出现膈神经放电抑制,注药后为吸气时程(Ti)缩短和呼气时程(Te)延长。  相似文献   

黄武新  刘传缋 《生理学报》1985,37(2):191-198
在乌拉坦氯醛糖混合麻醉猫上,平静呼吸时膈神经和肋间外神经α纤维单纤维放电时程、冲动数、冲动频率及休止期经统计处理无明显差别。切断双侧迷走神经后呼吸深慢,两种神经的冲动频率升高、放电时程延长及冲动数增多。窒息时两种神经电活动先增强,然后同时停止活动。索曼0.2—3μg 椎动脉或10—20μg/kg 静脉注射后,主要抑制膈神经放电的占85%和87%,无主要抑制肋间外神经的反应。椎动脉注射吗啡0.5—5mg,主要抑制肋间外神经放电的反应则占58%,无抑制膈神经放电的反应。从膈神经元所在的颈髓局部浸润索曼不能停止膈神经节律吸气放电。以上结果表明,主要支配膈神经的延髓呼吸神经元背侧组(DRG)和主要支配肋间外神经的腹侧组(VRG)在平静呼吸时活动无明显差异。而索曼和吗啡可使这两个细胞核团表现不同的反应。  相似文献   

T Ieiri  H T Chen  J Meites 《Life sciences》1980,26(15):1269-1274
The purpose of this study was to determine whether naloxone stimulated LH release via a serotonergic mechanism. Injection of naloxone hydrochloride (2 mg/kg B.W.) into 25-day old female prepubertal rats resulted in a significant elevation in serum LH 30 min later. Injection of this dose of naloxone together with morphine sulfate (2 or 5 mg/kg B.E.) resulted in inhibition of naloxone-induced LH release. When rats were first injected with 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) to increase hypothalamic serotonin content, naloxone failed to increase serum LH levels. On the other hand, when parachlorophenylalanine (PCPA) was given first to reduce hypothalamic serotonin content, naloxone-induced LH release was potentiated. Morphine failed to inhibit the naloxone-induced rise in serum LH when PCPA was first administered. Neither 5-HTP nor PCPA, when injected alone, altered serum LH values. These results suggest that naloxone promotes LH release by reducing hypothalamic serotonergic activity, and morphine inhibits LH release by increasing hypothalamic serotonergic activity. This does not exclude possible involvement of other neurotransmitters.  相似文献   

The respiratory effects of naloxone (200 micrograms X kg-1) on dogs, was studied measuring the parameters breath rate, inspiratory volume, breath minute volume, inspiratory time, total time of cycle, inspiratory volume/inspiratory time ratio, and inspiratory time/total time of cycle ratio. The statistical study was made by using the analysis of variance. Naloxone increases all the parameters studied as well as the response to CO2 while it decreases inspiratory time. The results suggest that there are opioid neurons in the respiratory centre. The blockade of the opioid receptors by naloxone almost explains the respiratory effects observed.  相似文献   

Singh RP  Jhamb SS  Singh PP 《Life sciences》2008,82(5-6):308-314
The effects of opiates in various infections are well known; however, very little is known about tuberculosis infection. Therefore, in the present study, we report for the first time, the effects of morphine during murine tuberculosis. Mice were infected intravenously with Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv, administered morphine (0.1-100 mg/kg subcutaneously on day 0 and day +15) and sacrificed on day +30 for CFU enumeration in lungs and spleen. Morphine exerted maximum suppression of infection at 5 mg/kg, and sometimes completes elimination of infection; naloxone, silica and aminoguanidine blocked the protective effect of morphine. In vitro, morphine lacked direct antimycobacterial activity up to 1x10(-4) M concentration, as assessed by radiometric BACTEC method. In macrophage model of infection, morphine showed maximal killing at 1x10(-7) M concentration, the activity was blocked by naloxone and aminoguanidine. These observations suggest that morphine exerts a dose-dependent effect in murine tuberculosis, the protective effect being naloxone-reversible and may involve macrophage-mediated protective mechanisms. These results may be helpful in developing new opioid-like chemical entities against tuberculosis infection.  相似文献   

D L Francis  A C Roy  H O Collier 《Life sciences》1975,16(12):1901-1906
Naive or morphine-dependent rats received a single subcutaneous injection of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor; their behavioral responses were then recorded after a small subcutaneous dose of naloxone. In naive rats, the potent phosphidiesterase inhibitor, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) produced acutely a state in which a small dose of naloxone (0.03 to 1.0 mg/kg subcutaneously) precipitated a quasi-morphine abstinence syndrome that was difficult to distinguish from the true abstinence syndrome, precipitated by the same dose of naloxone in rats made dependent on morphine. IBMX also intensified the true morphine abstinence syndrome. The potency with which IBMX, theophylline, caffeine and RO 20–1724 exerted these effects corresponded with their potency as inhibitors of cyclic-3′, 5′-AMP phosphodiesterase in rat brain homogenate. These and previous findings indicate that: (i) morphine-abstinence effects express increased activity of a central cyclic AMP mechanism; and (ii) naloxone can potently stimulate behavior in animals not treated with any opiate drug.  相似文献   

Opioid overdose, which is commonly associated with opioid induced respiratory depression, is a problem with both therapeutic and illicit opioid use. While the central mechanisms involved in the effects of opioids are well described, it has also been suggested that a peripheral component may contribute to the effects observed. This study aimed to further characterise the effects of the peripherally acting naloxone methiodide on the respiratory, analgesic and withdrawal effects produced by various opioid agonists. A comparison of the respiratory and analgesic effects of morphine, methadone and heroin in male Swiss-Albino mice was conducted and respiratory depressive ED(80) doses of each opioid determined. These doses (morphine 9 mg/kg i.p., methadone 7 mg/kg i.p., and heroin 17 mg/kg i.p.) were then used to show that both naloxone (3 mg/kg i.p.) and naloxone methiodide (30-100 mg/kg i.p.) could reverse the respiratory and analgesic effects of these opioid agonists, but only naloxone precipitated withdrawal. Further investigation in female C57BL/6J mice using barometric plethysmography found that both opioid antagonists could reverse methadone induced decreases in respiratory rate and increases in tidal volume. Its effects do not appear to be strain or sex dependent. It was concluded that naloxone methiodide can reverse the respiratory and analgesic actions of a variety of opioid agonists, without inducing opioid withdrawal.  相似文献   

C S Mehta  W E Johnson 《Life sciences》1975,16(12):1883-1888
In chronically morphinized rats undergoing naloxone induced withdrawal the cerebellar Cyclic 3′, 5′ adenosine monophosphate (Cyclic AMP) was significantly higher than the controls. The cerebellar dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) were decreased, elevated or unchanged depending on the duration of morphine treatment. The corpus striatal DA levels during withdrawal were markedly elevated and the striatal cyclic AMP levels were unchanged. The NE levels in the striatal tissue were either elevated or unchanged depending upon the duration of morphine administration. In sharp contrast to the chronically morphinized rats undergoing naloxone induced withdrawal, the rats made morphine dependent over a period of eight weeks showed quite moderate changes in the striatal and cerebellar cyclic AMP and DA levels. Thus alterations in the DA and the cyclic AMP levels in the central nervous system (CNS) may play an important role in the naloxone induced stereotyped morphine withdrawal behavior.  相似文献   

Heart rate (HR) and mean arterial blood pressure (BP) were recorded from conscious, chair-restrained squirrel monkeys surgically prepared with chronically indwelling arterial and venous catheters to determine the effects of acute intravenous injections of two opiate antagonists and an agonist. Naloxone (0.3–10.0 mg/kg) or naltrexone (0.3–10.0 mg/kg) had little effect on HR or BP during a 30-minute post-injection period. Morphine (3.0–5.6 mg/kg) produced biphasic effects comprising an initial decrease followed by an increase in HR, and an increase followed by a decrease in BP. Lower morphine doses had lesser effects during a 100-minute post-injection period. Pre-treatment with 0.03 mg/kg naloxone attenuated the depressive effect of morphine on HR and BP, but increases in HR and BP due to morphine were enhanced. Pretreatment with 0.3 mg/kg naloxone prevented morphine-induced decreases in HR and BP, yet increases in HR and BP persisted. In previous behavioral studies, morphine in combination with naloxone similarly increased rates of responding in the squirrel monkey. Together, these data suggest an effect of naloxone that goes beyond mere pharmacological antagonism of the effects of morphine.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal administration of n-dipropylacetate (DPA) to naive rats produced abstinence behaviour including shaking, digging, hunchback posture, piloerection and ptosis during 15 min and increased motor activity considerably. Treatment with a subconvulsive dose of the GABA antagonist bicuculline suppressed this DPA-induced abstinence behaviour, indicating that GABA was increased at receptor sites. Also morphine in a low dose of 1 mg/kg suppressed this behaviour, while administration of naloxone after morphine treatment could release the abstinence behaviour. Simultaneous treatment with morphine and naloxone or naloxone alone were without effect. The administration to DPA treated rats of doses higher than 1 mg/kg morphine resulted in a severe depression of motor activity. It is concluded that an increased availability of GABA at its receptor sites plays an important role in the behaviour observed after DPA administration. The experiments with morphine and naloxone suggest that morphine receptors are involved in DPA-induced abstinence behaviour.  相似文献   

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