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Herberhold H  Winter R 《Biochemistry》2002,41(7):2396-2401
Temperature- and pressure-induced denaturation of the protein ubiquitin was investigated using FT-IR spectroscopy. On the basis of IR spectral parameters, different states are distinguished and a pressure/temperature-stability diagram of the protein has been determined. The evolution of the secondary structures with temperature illustrates that the band intensities of disordered structures decrease at the expense of the formation of intermolecular beta-sheets at 83 degrees C, pD 7, and ambient pressure, with the population of intramolecular beta-sheets and alpha-helices remaining essentially unchanged. At ambient temperature (T = 21 degrees C) and pD 7, ubiquitin denatures at 5.4 kbar. Contrary to other proteins studied so far, features of secondary structure of ubiquitin remain distinct at high pressure, suggesting that part of this small protein rearranges and does not unfold to disordered structures. The secondary structural changes during compression and decompression are fully reversible, and no aggregation occurs. With corresponding measurements of the pressure-induced denaturation of ubiquitin at different temperatures, a p/T-stability diagram of ubiquitin could be obtained. Furthermore, kinetic FT-IR measurements were carried out using the pressure-jump relaxation technique. The denaturation process is shown to occur on a time scale which is about twice as long as that of the renaturation process, and both processes are much slower than the unfolding-refolding kinetics observed at ambient pressure.  相似文献   

Severcan F  Haris PI 《Biopolymers》2003,69(4):440-447
Pig citrate synthase (PCS) can be used as a model enzyme to gain some insight into the structural basis of protein thermostability. The thermal unfolding characteristics of the specific secondary structure elements within PCS were monitored in detail by following changes in its amide I band components. The result of our study indicates that PCS undergoes irreversible thermal denaturation. Detailed analysis reveals that the different secondary structures display a multistep transition with a major and a minor transition at different temperatures and a very small initial transition at the same temperature (30 degrees C). A plot of temperature-induced changes in (1)H-(2)H exchange, the decrease in the absorbance of the alpha-helical structures, and the increase in the absorbance of aggregated structures all have in common a multistep transition, the minor one centered at 45 degrees C and the major one around 59 degrees C. In contrast, a band that is tentatively assigned to loop structures displays these same minor and major transitions but at lower temperatures (39 and 52 degrees C, respectively). The transition, which occurs at 39-45 degrees C, is not associated with the appearance of aggregated structures. This transition may reflect a change in the tertiary structure of the protein. However, the final transition, which occurs at a higher temperature (52-59 degrees C), reflects unfolding and aggregation of the polypeptide chains. The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis suggests that PCS has a thermolabile region that unfolds first, some 7 degrees C below the main unfolding of the protein. We propose that this reflects the unfolding of the highly flexible loop segments, which in turn triggers the unfolding of the predominantly helical core structure of PCS.  相似文献   

We studied the cold unfolding of myoglobin with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and compared it with pressure and heat unfolding. Because protein aggregation is a phenomenon with medical as well as biotechnological implications, we were interested in both the structural changes as well as the aggregation behavior of the respective unfolded states. The cold- and pressure-induced unfolding both yield a partially unfolded state characterized by a persistent amount of secondary structure, in which a stable core of G and H helices is preserved. In this respect the cold- and pressure-unfolded states show a resemblance with an early folding intermediate of myoglobin. In contrast, the heat unfolding results in the formation of the infrared bands typical of intermolecular antiparallel beta-sheet aggregation. This implies a transformation of alpha-helix into intermolecular beta-sheet. H/2H-exchange data suggest that the helices are first unfolded and then form intermolecular beta-sheets. The pressure and cold unfolded states do not give rise to the intermolecular aggregation bands that are typical for the infrared spectra of many heat-unfolded proteins. This suggests that the pathways of the cold and pressure unfolding are substantially different from that of the heat unfolding. After return to ambient conditions the cold- or pressure-treated proteins adopt a partially refolded conformation. This aggregates at a lower temperature (32 degrees C) than the native state (74 degrees C).  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to investigate the small conformational differences which exist between ribonuclease A and ribonuclease S in aqueous systems. Deconvolution and derivative methods were used to observe the overlapping components of the amide I and II bands. These proteins give identical spectra in H2O and after complete exchange in 2H2O. However structural differences are revealed by monitoring the rate of 1H-2H exchange by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. At equivalent times of exposure in 2H2O buffer ribonuclease S undergoes greater isotopic exchange than ribonuclease A. Thus complete exchange takes place for ribonuclease S but not ribonuclease A after incubation at room temperature for 8 days. Complete 1H-2H exchange of ribonuclease A was achieved by incubation at 62 degrees C for 30 min. The available X-ray data and comparison with the infrared spectra of other soluble proteins was used to assign the components of the amide I and II bands to various secondary structures. In particular, band shifts observed during the later stages of exchange are associated with slowly exchanging residues in beta-strand and alpha-helical regions. The higher rate of exchange for ribonuclease S is associated with a greater conformational flexibility and a more open structure. The results show that it is necessary to be cautious in making band assignments based on exchange methods unless the extent of exchange is known. Furthermore, it is seen that the combination of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and hydrogen-deuterium exchange is a powerful technique for revealing small differences in protein secondary structure.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy probes the vibrational properties of amino acids and cofactors, which are sensitive to minute structural changes. The lack of specificity of this technique, on the one hand, permits us to probe directly the vibrational properties of almost all the cofactors, amino acid side chains, and of water molecules. On the other hand, we can use reaction-induced FTIR difference spectroscopy to select vibrations corresponding to single chemical groups involved in a specific reaction. Various strategies are used to identify the IR signatures of each residue of interest in the resulting reaction-induced FTIR difference spectra. (Specific) Isotope labeling, site-directed mutagenesis, hydrogen/deuterium exchange are often used to identify the chemical groups. Studies on model compounds and the increasing use of theoretical chemistry for normal modes calculations allow us to interpret the IR frequencies in terms of specific structural characteristics of the chemical group or molecule of interest. This review presents basics of FTIR spectroscopy technique and provides specific important structural and functional information obtained from the analysis of the data from the photosystems, using this method.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is widely used as a marker in molecular and cell biology. For its use in high-pressure microbiology experiments, its fluorescence under pressure was recently investigated. Changes in fluorescence with pressure were found. To find out whether these are related to structural changes, we investigated the pressure stability of wild-type GFP (wtGFP) and three of its red shift mutants (AFP, GFP(mut1), and GFP(mut2)) using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. For the wt GFP, GFP(mut1), and GFP(mut2) we found that up to 13-14 kbar the secondary structure remains intact, whereas AFP starts unfolding around 10 kbar. The 3-D structure is held responsible for this high-pressure stability. Previously observed changes in fluorescence at low pressure are rationalized in terms of the pressure-induced elastic effect. Above 6 kbar, loss of fluorescence is due to aggregation. Revisiting the temperature stability of GFP, we found that an intermediate state is populated along the unfolding pathway of wtGFP. At higher temperatures, the unfolding resulted in the formation of aggregates of wtGFP and its mutants.  相似文献   

The conformational changes in the thermal denaturation of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A was followed with infrared spectra and analyzed by second derivative and two-dimensional correlation techniques. By analyzing the sequential events in each transition stage, the results were consistent with a step-wise thermal denaturation mechanism in which the structural adjustment of the N-terminal and the opening of the central structure of the protein come before the main unfolding process. Non-native turns were found to form along with the unfolding of the native structures. The central region that is composed of some beta-sheet and alpha-helical structures was found to be the most stable part that might form the residual structure at high temperatures.  相似文献   

The second-derivative mode of the Fourier transform I.R. spectra of dried algal material has been applied to distinguish the carrageenans-producingStenogramme interrupta from the isomorphous speciesRhodymenia howeana. Spectra of the tetrasporophyteS. interrupta showed bands assigned to a -carrageenan type polysaccharide, while the gametophytic and cystocarpic plants showed the characteristic absorptions of -and -carrageenans. Results were confirmed by hot water extraction of samples of the three nuclear phases ofS. interrupta and characterization of the extracts by chemical analysis.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

The photocycle intermediates of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) were characterized by low-temperature Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The difference FTIR spectra of PYP(B), PYP(H), PYP(L), and PYP(M) minus PYP were measured under the irradiation condition determined by UV-visible spectroscopy. Although the chromophore bands of PYP(B) were weak, intense sharp bands complementary to the 1163-cm(-1) band of PYP, which show the chromophore is deprotonated, were observed at 1168-1169 cm(-1) for PYP(H) and PYP(L), indicating that the proton at Glu46 is not transferred before formation of PYP(M). Free trans-p-coumaric acid had a 1294-cm(-1) band, which was shifted to 1288 cm(-1) in the cis form. All the difference FTIR spectra obtained had the pair of bands corresponding to them, indicating that all the intermediates have the chromophore in the cis configuration. The characteristic vibrational modes at 1020-960 cm(-1) distinguished the intermediates. Because these modes were shifted by deuterium-labeling at the ethylene bond of the chromophore while labeling at the phenol part had no effect, they were attributed to the ethylene bond region. Hence, structural differences among the intermediates are present in this region. Bands at about 1730 cm(-1), which show that Glu46 is protonated, were observed for all intermediates except for PYP(M). Because the frequency of this mode was constant in PYP(B), PYP(H), and PYP(L), the environment of Glu46 is conserved in these intermediates. The photocycle of PYP would therefore proceed by changing the structure of the twisted ethylene bond of the chromophore.  相似文献   



Detergent resistant membranes (DRMs) are a useful model system for the in vitro characterization of cell membrane domains. Indeed, DRMs provide a simple model to study the mechanisms underlying several key cell processes based on the interplay between specific cell membrane domains on one hand, and specific proteins and/or lipids on the other. Considering therefore their biological relevance, the development of methods capable to provide information on the composition and structure of membrane domains and to detect their modifications is highly desirable. In particular, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is a vibrational tool widely used for the study not only of isolated and purified biomolecules but also of complex biological systems, including intact cells and tissues. One of the main advantages of this non-invasive approach is that it allows obtaining a molecular fingerprint of the sample under investigation in a rapid and label-free way.


Here we present an FTIR characterization of DRM fractions purified from the human breast cancer cells MCF-7, before and after treatment with the omega 3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which was found to promote membrane microdomain reorganization.

Results and Conclusions

We will show that FTIR spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis enables to monitor changes in the composition of DRMs, induced in particular by the incorporation of DHA in cell membrane phospholipids.

General significance

This study paves the way for a new label-free characterization of specific membrane domains within intact cells, which could provide complementary information to the fluorescence approaches presently used.  相似文献   

Several aspects of the application of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in high-pressure studies on proteins are reviewed. Basic methodological considerations regarding spectral band assignments, quantitative analysis, and choice of pressure calibrants are also placed within the scope of this paper. This work attempts to evaluate recent developments in the field of high-pressure FTIR of proteins and its prospects for future. Particular attention is paid to the phenomenon of protein aggregation.  相似文献   

Second derivative Fourier transform infrared spectra of the proteins ribonuclease A, hemoglobin, and beta-lactoglobulin A (native and denatured) have been obtained in deuterium oxide solution from 1350 to 1800 cm-1. The relationship of the original spectra to their second derivatives is briefly discussed. In the second derivative spectra, clearly resolved peaks are observed which can be associated with the alpha-helix, beta-strands, and turns. No protein spectra with such resolution have heretofore been reported. Tentative assignments are proposed, and the observed peaks are related to the secondary structure of the proteins studied. The data appear to present the first direct spectroscopic evidence of turns in a native protein.  相似文献   

The effect of cholesterol on vibrational spectra in the non polar and in the polar region of dimyristoyl phosphatidylserine (DMPS) and of phosphatidylserine from bovine spinal cord (PS) has been investigated. The small shifts in the methylene CH stretching frequencies after taking into account the contribution of the cholesterol spectrum were interpreted as a combined effect of cholesterol on the conformation of the chains and of the lesser contributions of the cholesterol methyl groups. Cholesterol also influences the ratio of the trans (1465 cm–1) to the lower wavelength (1457 cm–1) CH2 bending bands. No significant direct effect of cholesterol on the vibration of the polar residues was discerned. The small shift of the carboxylate band observed below the phase transition is probably due to the change in the intermolecular zwitterions when the average distance between the neighboring polar groups increases due to incorporation of cholesterol molecules.Abbreviations PS phosphatidylserine natural - DMPS dimyristoyl phosphatidylserine - DPPC dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine - FTIR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy - DSC differential scanning calorimetry - PE phosphatidylethanolamine Offprint requests to: D. Bach  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a technique that has been used over the years in chemical analysis for the identification of substances and is one that may be applied to the characterisation of microorganisms. The marked tendency of Brucella towards variation in the smooth rough phase, together with the laboriousness and risk involved in the methods used in their identification, make their classification difficult. We studied the type strains of the different species and biovars of Brucella and 11 isolates of human origin of Brucella melitensis, six corresponding to biovar 1, one to biovar 2 and five to biovar 3. The results of linear discriminant analysis performed using the data provide an above 95% likelihood of correct classification, over half of which are in fact above 99% for the vast majority of Brucella strains. Only one case of B. melitensis biovar 1 has been incorrectly classified. The rest of the microorganisms studied (Staphylococcus aureus, Strteptococcus pyogenes, Enterococcus faecalis, Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum, Clostridium perfringens, Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) have been classified correctly in all cases to a likelihood of over 80%. In the graphic representation of the analysis, a grouping of these can be seen in clusters, which include the different species. One of these comprises B. melitensis, another Brucella abortus, and another wider one is made up of Brucella suis. The Brucella canis, Brucella ovis and Brucella neotomae strains appear separate from the previously described groups.  相似文献   

Quantitative express analysis of nitrogen content in cellulose nitrates by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has been developed. The slope of the dependence of the ratio of the band intensity (and area) to sample weight in a tablet, on the nitrogen content in a sample was used to find the reduced extinction coefficients for quantitative analysis of nitrogen content in cellulose nitrate samples by IR spectroscopy. The results were compared with the nitrogen content values in the same samples determined by the ferrosulfate method.  相似文献   

Analysis of human tear fluid by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this research is to find some useful spectroscopic factors in human tear fluid contents to monitor diurnal changes of the physicochemical ocular conditions noninvasively. All tear fluid samples were collected with glass microcapillary tubes from both eyes of three donors and analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR). We measured the peak intensities at 2852, 1735, 1546, and 1242 cm(-1), and the peak intensity ratios among those peaks in the second derivative spectra. We found significant diurnal and individual variations in those peak intensities for tear fluid obtained from right and left eyes. Among these variations, we observed significant changes in tear samples between right and left eyes. In this case the peak intensity ratio between 1242 (phosphate ester) and 2852 cm(-1) (fatty acid methylene) of right eye tear fluid was increased in the afternoon (1600 to 1900 h), while that of left eye tear fluid did not change significantly. In the ratio between 1242 (phosphate ester) and 1546 cm(-1) (amide II), the difference was not observed between both eyes. We conclude that the difference in diurnal variations of biochemical constituents between right and left eye tear fluids could be monitored noninvasively and nondestructively by FTIR technique and this method could be useful in the future for tear diagnoses.  相似文献   

Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), frequently associated with both community-acquired and nosocomial bloodstream infections, must be distinguished from Staphylococcus aureus for clinical purposes. Conventional methods are too laborious and time-consuming and often lack sensitivity to CNS. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy combined with the use of a universal growth medium (Que-Bact Universal Medium No. 2) and chemometrics was evaluated for its potential as a rapid and simple clinical tool for making this distinction. FTIR spectra of 11 methicillin-sensitive and 11 methicillin-resistant CNS isolates as well as 25 methicillin-sensitive, 47 methicillin-resistant, 34 borderline oxacillin-resistant and 35 glycopeptide intermediate S. aureus isolates were obtained from dried films of stationary-phase cells grown on the universal medium. Principal component analysis (PCA), self-organizing maps, and the K-nearest neighbor algorithm were employed to cluster the different phenotypes based on similarity of their FTIR spectra. PCA of the first-derivative normalized spectral data from a single narrow region (2888-2868 cm(-1)) yielded complete differentiation of CNS from both methicillin-sensitive and methicillin-resistant S. aureus. The rate of correct classification was somewhat reduced, from 100% to 90%, after inclusion of borderline oxacillin-resistant and glycopeptide intermediate S. aureus strains in the data set. Differentiation based on the data in broader spectral regions was much less reliable. The results of this study indicate that with proper spectral region selection, FTIR spectroscopy and cluster analysis may provide a simple and accurate means of CNS species identification.  相似文献   

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