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The suitability of 13 weed species as host plants for the potato leafhopper,Empoasca fabae (Harris) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) was compared to alfalfa,Medicago sativa L., and broad bean,Vicia faba L., in laboratory and greenhouse tests. Nymphs developed and adults reproduced on five of the weeds: smartweed (Polygonum pensylvanicum L.), pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.), shepherdspurse (Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic.), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Weber), and carpetweed (Mollugo verticillata L.). Adults survived and oviposited on all tested weeds, suggesting that nymph survival was the limiting factor in host suitability. Yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.), crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.), and foxtail (Setaria faberi Herrm.) were least suitable for adult and nymph survival. Large nymphs (instar III–IV) were able to complete development on weed species that did not support small nymph (instar I–II) development to adulthood. Densities of nymphs on weeds from alfalfa fields as well as the laboratory studies suggested that the weed species are less suitable as hosts and thus weeds probably do not affect population increases of potato leafhopper within weedy alfalfa fields by serving as hosts. Weeds may however, interact with the crop to alter leafhopper colonization, dispersal, and/or reproduction. In addition, since some broadleaf weeds are suitable hosts, the leafhopper may have a secondary beneficial role for biological weed control. These interactions should be considered when evaluating pest management practices.
Eignung häufiger Unkrautarten als Wirte vonEmpoasca fabae
Zusammenfassung Der Wirtskreis derEmpoasca fabae (Harris) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) wurde im Labor und im Freiland untersucht. Dreizehn Unkrautarten, wie auch Luzerne (Medicago sativa L.) undVicia faba L., wurden im Laborversuchen geprüft. Die Entwicklung der Nymphen und die Eiablage setzten auf fünf Unkrautarten fort: aufPolygonum pensylvanicum L.,Amaranthus retroflexus L.,Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic.,Taraxacum officinale Weber undMollugo verticillata L. Die Eiablage und das Weiterleben der Imagines geht auf allen untersuchten Unkräutern weiter. Dies weist darauf hin, dass die Lebensdauer der Nymphen die Eignung der Wirte begrenzt. Das Weiterleben der Imagines und der Nymphen waren aufCyperus esculentus L.,Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. undSetaria faberi Herrm. am stärksten verkürzt. Die Altnymphentwicklung (3. und 4. Stadien) bis zur Imago war auf Unkräutern gewährleistet, dagegen erfolgte die Jungnymphentwicklung (1. und 2. Stadien) bis zur Imago nicht. Populationsproben von Luzerne im Freiland, wie auch die Ergebnisse der Laboruntersuchungen, zeigten, dass Unkräuter nicht im Wirtskreis der Nymphen vonE. fabae sind und dass Unkräuter in Luzernefeldern keinen Einfluss auf die Populationszunahme in solcher Feldern haben. Unkräuter in Luzerne dürften aber die Kolonisierung, Verteilung der Population im Feld wie auch das Vermehrungspotential vonE. fabae verändern. Weil einige Unkräuter Wirte der Imago vonE. fabae sind, können sie als Ausweichpflanzen dienen, wenn die Luzerne, z.BB. nach dem Schnitt, für das Ueberleben der Zikaden ungeeignet ist.

Selected behavior of Empoasca fabae (Harris) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) was examined to elucidate resistance of commercially-available glandular-haired alfalfa to this key forage pest. The overall objective was to assess the effects of the glandular trichomes on the behavior of nymphs and adults. Studies of host-plant acceptance by E. fabae nymphs found first and third instars to show a higher degree of change in settling location on the glandular-haired FGplh13 alfalfa than on the nonglandular P5373 alfalfa. Nymphs also cleaned their tarsi more frequently when in contact with the glandular trichomes on FGplh13 alfalfa, and in addition a larger number of nymphs jumped/fell off the surface of FGplh13 alfalfa. The glandular trichomes on FGplh13 also impeded nymphal mobility more effectively than the nonglandular trichomes on P5373. No choice, time-course analysis of adult host-plant acceptance behavior found that adults settled less frequently on FGplh13 alfalfa with the glandular trichomes intact, than on either FGplh13 with the glandular trichomes removed, or P5373 alfalfa with the nonglandular trichomes intact or removed. Free choice, time-course analysis of adult host-preference behavior determined that at each observation, stems of the nonglandular P5373 alfalfa were preferred over FGplh13 alfalfa. Similarly, at each observation, stems of FGplh13 alfalfa with the glandular trichomes removed were preferred over FGplh13 with the glandular trichomes intact. These data provide additional evidence for the localization of a resistance factor in the glandular trichomes of FGplh13 alfalfa. An antixenotic resistance mechanism also appears to be present, which may function, in part, through a tactile avenue.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of potato leafhopper (Empoasca fabae) developmental stage and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) developmental stage on the physiological response of the plant to injury. We used radioactive carbon dioxide to label the photoassimilate stream and evaluate the phloem health of alfalfa. In one experiment, six first instar, four fourth instar, and three adult leafhoppers were caged by stage on single alfalfa stems for approximately one day. Only fourth instar nymphs significantly reduced the amount of label transported to injured tissues above the source of the labeled assimilate. First instar nymphs had no effect and adults reduced assimilate transport to stem tips, but this trend was not significant possibly because of confounding variables. However, injury by both first instar nymphs and adults resulted in greater concentration of labeled assimilate in portions of the stem below the feeding site. In another experiment, the developmental stage of alfalfa stems was central to the physiological response of alfalfa to leafhopper injury. A 20 h exposure to three adult leafhoppers significantly reduced the amount of label translocated to the tip and crown tissues of early vegetative plants, and to the crown tissue only of late vegetative plants. In reproductive plants, assimilate translocation was not affected by leafhopper injury. In a final experiment, we found no evidence of an effect on the photosynthesis of leaves of similar age and position to those used as source leaves in our translocation studies. Our findings contribute to our understanding of the physiological response of plants to injury by sap-feeding insects, and suggest the need for greater refinement of economic injury levels based on leafhopper and plant developmental stage.  相似文献   

The impact of the grape leafhopper,Empoasca vitis, on leaf gas exchange, plant growth, yield, fruit quality and carbohydrate reserves of the grapevines,Vitis vinifera L., was studied. Gas exchange was measured on the discolored (red) and the green parts of infested main leaves and on leaves from uninfested vines. Photosynthesis and mesophyll conductance were severely reduced on main leaves showing leafhopper feeding symptoms. The stomatal conductance of the red leaf section of infested main leaves was lower than on undamaged control leaves. Additionally, the red leaf section of infested main leaves showed lower transpiration rates when compared to the green parts of the same leaves and to undamaged control leaves. Gas exchange processes of lateral leaves were not affected by leafhopper feeding. Leafhopperload on main leaves was correlated to visual damage symptoms. At 71.8 leafhopper-days per leaf up to 40% of the main leaf area of the infested plants was discolored from the borders towards the center. Lateral leaves showed no feeding symptoms. Shoot diameter, pruning weight and carbohydrate reserves in the wood were not affected by leafhoppers. Lateral leaf area growth was significantly stimulated on plants infested by leafhoppers. No decrease in yield and fruit quality with leafhopper-loads up to 71.8 leafhopper-days per leaf were observed.  相似文献   

Apteriform individuals of the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae, were raised on Vicia faba leafdiscs at different temperatures. A logistic equation expressed the relationship between temperature and development better than a linear thermal summation equation. Larval development ranged from 5.4 to 21.7 days for the highest (28.5°C) and lowest (11.5°C) temperatures tested. The duration of the first- and fourth-larval instars was longer than that of the second and third ones. Weight gain was greatest at 11.5° but optimal growth rate occurred at 23.5°. Fecundity and the period of larviposition increased from 11.5° to 23.5°, but survival decreased with increasing temperature. On synthetic diet at 17.5°, larval development was 3.3 days longer than on leafdiscs; growth was one-third, and reproduction one-sixth of that on leafdiscs.
Zusammenfassung Ungeflügelte Individuen der Schwarzen Bohnenlaus, Aphis fabae, wurden an Vicia faba-Blattscheibchen bei verschiedenen Temperaturen gehalten. Eine logistische Gleichung gab die Beziehung zwischen Temperatur und Entwicklungsdauer besser wieder als eine lineare Temperatursummengleichung. Die Larvenentwicklung lag zwischen 5,4 und 21,7 Tagen bei der höchsten (28,5°) und tiefsten (11,5°) geprüften Temperatur. Die Dauer des ersten und vierten Larvenstadiums war länger als die des zweiten und dritten. Gewichtszunahme war am grössten bei 11,5°, optimale Wachstumsrate bei 23,5°. Fruchtbarkeit und Zeitraum des Larvengebärens nahm von 11,5° bis 23,5° zu, dagegen nahm die Lebensdauer mit wachsender Temperatur ab. An synthetischer Diät bei 17,5° dauerte die Larvenentwicklung 3,3 (= 35%) Tage länger als an Blattscheibchen, die Wachstumsrate dagegen betrug nur 1/3, die Reproduktion 1/6.

An aphid rate of increase index was used as a comparative measure of antibiotic resistance to Aphis fabae Scopoli (Homoptera: Aphididae) in five faba bean cultivars. The index was measured over a range of bioassays in laboratory and field, with seedlings and older plants, with three different previous aphid hosts and with two different aphid clones. Antixenotic resistance was measured by recording host selection and acceptance of the same cultivars by alate aphids. Cultivars which were antibiotically resistant were also antixenotically resistant. Antibiotic, but not antixenotic resistance, was less effective in the field than in the laboratory. The resistance of cv. Herra was influenced by previous aphid host, aphid clone and plant age but the resistance of Line 14 was more stable. Honeydew production was measured; aphids on resistant cultivars produced less honeydew of lower amino acid concentration than those on susceptible cultivars.
Résumé L'importance des composantes antibiotique et antixénotique de la résistance de la fève à A. fabae a été évaluée dans différentes conditions au champ et au laboratoire.Un indice de performance du puceron sur des cultivars témoins très voisins du taux intrinsèque d'accroissement naturel a été utilisé pour les mesures comparant la résistance antibiotique. La lignée 14 et le cv. Herra ont été les plus résistants des 5 cultivars examinés. La résistance antibiotique de 14 par comparaison avec les cultivars sensibles n'a pas été modifiée par l'âge de la plante, le clone de puceron ou les cultivars qu'avaient eu précédemment les pucerons dans des expériences de laboiratoire. La résistance de Herra était moins stable. Les différences entre résistances antibiotiques des cultivars était plus faible en champ où aucune différence significative dans les taux de multiplication des pucerons n'a été observée.L'antixénose a été évaluée au laboratoire en mesurant les taux d'installation des ailés sur les cultivars et les taux d'acceptation des ailés quand ils avaient été placés sur les cultivars. La résistance antixénotique a refleté la résistance antibiotique. L'antixénose reste efficace quand aucun cultivar sensible alternatif était disponible. Des observations sur des infestations précoces de pucerons sur parcelles ont laissé penser que l'antixénose était effective aux mêmes niveaux au champ et au laboratoire.Les pucerons s'alimentant sur des cultivars résistants ont produit moins de miellat avec une plus faible concentration en acides aminés.Ces résultats font penser que les efforts dans la sélection pour la résistance à A. fabae devraient être orientés vers l'antixénose pour laquelle un screening rapide en laboratoire pourrait être efficace.

The number of ovarioles in the gonads of the host alternating aphid, Aphis fabae Scop., is not constant. The apterous generations on spindle, emigrants and initial apterous colonists of the secondary host each have a characteristic range of number of ovarioles; subsequent generations in the yearly life cycle have twelve, except for alate exules which have a range and the lowest average number of ovarioles. Ovariole number is programmed and is not a function of adult weight or food quality. The generations with the largest number of ovarioles have the greatest fecundity, highest reproductive rate and smallest offspring, and develop early in the season when the environment is favourable. Later generations have a low fecundity and proportionately more fat, a possible adaptation to the harsher environment these aphids experience.
Zusammenfassung Die Anzahl der Ovariolen in den Eierstöcken ist bei der wirtswechselnden Bohnenlaus, Aphis fabae, nicht konstant. Bei Läusen der ungeflügelten Generationen auf Pfaffenhütchen, sowie bei Migrantes und den ersten apteren Aphiden auf dem Sekundärwirt variiert die Anzahl der Ovariolen in einem charakteristischen Bereich. Die folgenden Generationen im jährlichen Zyklus haben stets zwölf Ovariolen, ausgenommen alate Exsules, bei denen ebenfalls ein charakteristischer Bereich nachzuweisen war, allerdings mit einem sehr niedrigen Durchschnitt. Die Anzahl der Ovariolen ist programmiert. Ihre Anzahl ist konstant und nicht vom Gewicht der Imagines oder der Nahrungsqualität abhängig. Die Generationen mit der höchsten Anzahl von Ovariolen sind am fruchtbarsten, sie haben die höchste Reproduktionsrate und gebären die kleinsten Läuse. Sie entwickeln sich frühzeitig, wenn die Bedingungen günstig sind. Spätere Generationen zeigen eine niedrigere Fruchtbarkeit, lagern jedoch verhältnismäßig mehr Fett ein, wahrscheinlich eine Anpassung an die schlechteren Bedingungen, denen diese Läuse ausgesetzt sind.

Embryogenesis and oogenesis in the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae, was studied by dissecting viviparous and oviparous individuals and examining whole mounts of the ovaries in Ringer's solution. Apteriform and alatiform virginoparae, gynoparae, and oviparae were raised on broadbean leafdiscs at 17.5° and either 16 h or 10 h light/day.Each of the two ovaries of these forms consists, with few exceptions, of six ovarioles. Development of embryos in virginoparous aphids can commence, in the most developed embryos within their grandmothers, but not before the latter reached the 4th instar. At birth viviparous larvae contain about two embryos in each ovariole. In apteriform larvae, additional embryos are generated at a rate of about one per instar. Adult apterae raised at 16 h and 10 h light/day contain about six and five embryos per ovariole, respectively. Alatiform larvae (virginoparae or gynoparae) raised under these conditions contain no more than four embryos per ovariole when they become adult. Ovulation in oviparae is evident only in the 2nd instar of these sexual females. Only one egg develops per ovariole during their larval development. A second egg occasionally develops later in the adult life of oviparae that have not mated and hence have not oviposited.
Zusammenfassung Die Embryogenese und Oogenese der Schwarzen Bohnenlaus, Aphis fabae, wurde untersucht durch Aufpräparieren von viviparen und oviparen Tieren und Überprüfung der Ovarien als Totalpräparate in Ringerlösung. Ungeflügelte und geflügelte Virginopare, Gynopare und Ovipate wurden an Blattscheibchen von Dicker Bohne bei 17,5° und 16/8 oder 10/14 HD gezogen.Jedes der beiden Ovarien dieser Formen besteht, mit wenigen Ausnahmen, aus sechs Ovariolen. Die Entwicklung der Embryonen von virginoparen Tieren kann bei den am weitesten entwickelten Embryonen in ihren Großmüttern beginnen aber nicht bevor die letzteren das 4. Larvenstadium erreicht haben. Bei der Geburt enthalten vivipare Larven etwa zwei Embryonen in jeder Ovariole. Bei apteriformen Larven entstehen weitere Embryonen mit einer Rate von etwa einem je Stadium. Adulte Ungeflügelte enthalten bei Aufzucht im 16/8 und im 10/14 HD-Tag etwa sechs bzw. fünf Embryonen je Ovariole. Alatiforme Larven (virginopare und gynopare) enthalten bei solchen Bedingungen nicht mehr als vier Embryonen je Ovariole, wenn sie adult werden. Die Ovulation ist bei den Oviparen erst im 2. Stadium dieser Sexualweibchen erkennbar. Nur ein Ei entwickelt sich je Ovariole während der Larvenentwicklung. Ein zweites Ei entwickelt sich gelegentlich später im adulten Leben von Oviparen, die sich nicht gepaart haben und demnach keine Eier abgelegt haben.

Non-protein amino acids found in the young leaves and stems of Calliandra spp. were assayed for insecticidal activity against the aphid, Aphis fabae. Of the five compounds tested S-(β-carboxyethyl)-cysteine was the most active and combinations of the compounds were more active than single compounds.  相似文献   

Plant tolerance to herbivory is a key approach for managing pests. In alfalfa, Medicago sativa, the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae, is a major pest as a result of the cascade of plant responses to piercing-sucking injury. To identify tolerance to its injury based on alfalfa physiology, experiments were conducted in the field and greenhouse. In our comparison of the response of field-grown alfalfa cultivars to standardized leafhopper densities, net photosynthesis and transpiration rates of 'Geneva' leaves were reduced by 18 and 21%, respectively, by leafhopper presence compared with a rate change of <1% of resistant 'EverGreen' leaves. Under greenhouse conditions, alfalfa clones varied in their level of gas exchange (net photosynthesis and transpiration) and stem elongation responses to leafhopper injury. For example, in the comparison of seven clones, net photosynthesis declined an average of 40.7% with leafhopper injury, although individual clones varied from 26.6 to 74.3% reduction. Internode elongation after 2 d was 60.3% less on injured stems compared with healthy stems, but again, the individual clones varied from 17.3 to 91.9%. In a time-course study of selected clones, clones varied in their level of injury just after and 3 d after insect removal. Gas exchange responses of all clones recovered by 7 d after cessation of injury. In a choice test, leafhoppers spent similar amounts of time on the susceptible clone and the most tolerant clone; however, their precise feeding behaviors were not measured. Thus, the variable response of clones to injury may be either true physiological tolerance or antixenosis from a change in feeding behavior. This study showed putative tolerance to leafhopper injury among alfalfa genotypes, suggesting that tolerance could be the basis for crop protection in alfalfa from potato leafhopper injury.  相似文献   

The cotton jassid Empoasca devastans Distant has been reported as a major pest from all the cotton growing areas of the Indian Union. Its outbreaks have always been a difficult problem for the growers of cotton in the Punjab, and it has often resulted in the complete failure of this crop (Lal, 1941). This jassid also attacks other crops and ornamental plants (Sohi, 1964). A systematic survey of various stages of this jassid was undertaken in the Indian Union by collecting the natural parasites and predators during the period May 1964 to September 1966. We have restricted the survey to the following crops: okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), castor (Ricinus communis), eggplant (Solanum melongena), cotton (Gossypium spp.) and cowpea (Vigna catjang). Five mymarid and one trichogrammatid parasites and four predators were found and recorded (Subba Rao et al., 1965; Subba Rao, 1966), and a new species of egg parasite was described. The material collected from different areas of the survey (Fig. 1) was kept in the laboratory in 15 × 20 cm jars. Any parasites hatching from the material were preserved in 70% alcohol. In addition an assessment of the % parasitism of the eggs of this jassid at Delhi was made for one year from August 1965 to July 1966 on the two seasonal crops, okra and eggplant, and on castor which is available throughout the year. Leaves gathered on the fields of the Institute were dissected in search of the jassid eggs. The visibly parasitised eggs were sorted out and counted.  相似文献   

Mimosa bimucronata is a pioneering tree that occurs predominantly in moist lowlands, floodplains and on margins of rivers and lakes in Latin America. The effect of submergence on seed germination in M. bimucronata was firstly studied. Patterns of water absorption by M. bimucronata seeds were investigated thereafter to assess the imbibition phases of scarified and unscarified seeds. The germination percentage was significantly higher in scarified than in unscarified seeds, and the velocity of seed germination also increased considerably in scarified seeds. Submergence duration did not significantly affect germination percentages of scarified and unscarified seeds. Therefore, seed viability after submersion suggests that M. bimucronata may display hydrochorous dispersal and also that seeds are able to germinate successfully in areas with frequent seasonal flooding. With respect to imbibition phases, phase II was very short or even absent for scarified and unscarified seeds; therefore, a plateau, where water absorption by seeds is established, was not observed. Finally, we verified that the passage from phase I to III was very tenuous and took a long time in seeds without scarification.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the settling behavior, survival, and reproduction of the beet leafhopper, Circulifer tenellus (Baker), when maintained on selected host plants. This leafhopper was recently identified in the Columbia Basin of Washington and Oregon as the probable vector of the beet leafhopper-transmitted virescence agent phytoplasma, causal agent of several vegetable crop diseases, including potato purple top. Plants selected for study were sugar beet, Beta vulgaris L.; radish, Raphanus sativus L.; dry bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L.; potato, Solanum tuberosum L.; carrot, Daucus carota L.; and tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Leafhopper adults were confined on caged plants, and settling behavior was observed during a 72-h period and survival was monitored for 40 d. Also, oviposition and nymphal production were investigated by maintaining leafhoppers for approximately 90 d on each of the selected plants. Sixty to 100% of leafhoppers settled on all studied plants during the first 5 h, but settling on bean and tomato declined sharply thereafter. Leafhopper mortality was very high on bean and tomato, with 95 and 65% of the leafhoppers, respectively, dying in about a week. In contrast, 77, 90, and 95% of leafhoppers maintained on potato, sugar beet, and radish, respectively, survived until the end of the 40-d experimental period. Beet leafhopper oviposition and nymphal production and development only occurred on sugar beet, radish, and potato; reproduction was lower on potato.  相似文献   

Although potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), is highly polyphagous, classic host studies do not recognize grapevines (Vitis spp.), as suitable hosts. Recently, injury has been reported and reproduction documented within grape vineyards, suggesting a host expansion for the leafhopper. To document this apparent expansion in host use, we determined whether grape plants were suitable hosts for potato leafhopper reproduction, measured the consequence of feeding injury on gas exchange rates of grape leaves, and compared the susceptibility to feeding injury among cultivars. We found that potato leafhopper adults survived equally well on grape (Vitis vinifera L.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), and fava bean (Vicia faba L.). The total number of offspring was greater on fava bean but did not differ between alfalfa and grape. Injury to grapevines was assessed by measuring gas exchange responses of leaves in field cages and in greenhouse tests. We found marginally significant declines in photosynthesis and transpiration rates in the field (9.6 and 13.2%, respectively), and much stronger effects in greenhouse tests (ranging between 22 and 52%). Our results verify that Vitis is a suitable host, and that potato leafhopper is capable of injuring its gas exchange physiology. We discuss possible explanations for the host expansion, and its potential to damage commercial grapevines.  相似文献   

Pubescence characteristics for six accessions of Lycopersicon hirsutum Dunal and five accessions of L. hirsutum f. glabratum CH Mull. were determined and compared with those of an accession of cultivated tomato (L. esculentum Mill.). Removal of trichome exudates from excised leaflets using ethanol solution resulted in a reduced mortality and increased survival of potato moth (Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller)) neonates for the accessions that were most lethal when not treated with ethanol solution. No such treatment effect was evident for L. esculentum or for the L. hirsutum accession with least effect on neonates when its trichomes were intact. In a glasshouse experiment with caged intact plants, mortality of neonate P. operculella placed on the abaxial surface was greater on seven accessions than for L. esculentum.Neonates were less severely affected on the adaxial surface. Eleven days after inoculation, no live larvae were found on LA 1927, PI 127827, PI 134418, and PI 134428, and numbers on other accessions were lower than for L. esculentum. Eventual emergence of adults followed a similar trend. Multiple regression of insect data against pubescence indicated a significant correlation between density of type IV and VI trichomes and neonate mortality, decreased larval development and decreased adult emergence. Non-glandular type V trichomes were positively correlated with high survival of insects to 11 days and to adult. Though factors other than glandular trichomes are likely to be important, increased density of type IV and VI, along with reduced type V, are shown to be important to select in breeding for P. operculella resistance.  相似文献   

Predators (mostly staphylinid larvae) almost completely eliminated small initial colonies of Aphis fabae on beans (Vicia faba) in the field during a summer unfavourable to the aphid's rapid multiplication. Syrphid larvae must have travelled considerable distances from other plants. A method of labelling single apterous adult aphids with a radioisotope for their detection in the field is described.
Zusammenfassung Während eines für rasche Vermehrung von Blattläusen ungünstigen Sommers wurden kleine Initialkolonien von Aphis fabae auf einem Feldbestand von Ackerbohnen (Vicia faba) durch das unerwartete Eingreifen räuberischer Insekten fast vollständig vernichtet. Die häufigsten Räuber waren Staphyliniden-Larven, welche — zusammen mit Syrphiden-Larven — wahrscheinlich nicht entdeckt worden wären, wären die Blattläuse nicht in einem der Versuche in kleine Käfige eingeschlossen gewesen, in die die Räuber durch die engen Musselingewebe-Maschen eindringen konnten. Die Räuber schlüpften durch die Maschen, fraßen die Aphiden und wurden dabei zu dick, um zu entkommen. Syrphiden-Larven, die gewöhnlich als relativ träge Räuber gelten, wurden auch in den Käfigen angetroffen. Sie mußten aus beträchtlichen Entfernungen von anderen Pflanzen herbeigekrochen sein. Es wird eine Methode beschrieben, die es gestattet, einzelne erwachsene aptere A. fabae so zu markieren, daß sie im Freiland wiedergefunden werden können.

Galling by Dysaphis devecta benefits groups of Aphis fabae as they are larger both on control and nitrogen-deprived apple plants which have been galled. Presumably D. devecta gains these advantages for itself because it can produce galls.Honeydew from A. fabae feeding on galled and ungalled control apple plants of the same age differs in its amino-acid content. It is thought that the presence of larger amounts of amino acids in the honeydew of aphids feeding on galled plants indicates that they had access to a better supply of these essential nutrients and consequently were able to attain a larger body-size.
Résumé Le puceron Dysaphis devecta Walker provoque des galles rouges sur les feuilles du pommier. Il n'est pas possible d'évaluer les bénéfices que peuvent offrir à ce puceron cette formation de galles, mais si on élève sur ces mêmes feuilles Aphis fabae Scop. qui lui ne provoque pas de galles, alors on peut constater que la formation de galles est bénéfique pour cette dernière espèce.Deux lots de ces pucerons ont été élevés sur des jeunes pommiers âgés de deux semaines, un lot se composant uniquement de cinq larves d'A. fabae, l'autre comportant quatre larves d'A. fabae et une de D. devecta. La même expérience a été répétée pendant quatre générations avec les descendants de chacun de ces lots de Puceron. Dans toutes les générations la longueur moyenne des pucerons élevés sur les plantes attaquées simultanément par un individu de D. devecta était supérieure à celle des pucerons issus de lots se composant seulement d'A. fabae. En même temps les Aphis fabae des lots mixtes se développaient plus rapidement et moins d'ailés sont apparus.D'autres essais ont été réalisés de la même façon, mais les plantes étaient âgées de cinq semaines et avaient reçu des solutions nutritives complètes ou sans azote. A nouveau, l'influence de d. devecta sur la plante-hôte a entraîné une alimentation plus favorable pour Aphis fabae pendant quelques générations.Le miellat d'A. fabae s'alimentant sur des plantes de même âge, attaquée ou non par D. devecta diffère par sa teneur en acides aminés; celle-ci est plus, élevée dans le miellat des pucerons se nourrissant sur des feuilles portant des galles. La production de galles foliaires par D. devecta favorise donc la production d'acides aminés ce qui est bénéfique pour ce puceron gallicole.

Male production by apterae of Aphis fabae Scop. on leafdiscs of Vicia faba was studied at different constant temperatures and photoperiods. Under short-day (SD) conditions of 10 h light per day, males occurred at 11.5°–22.5°, but not at or above 23.5°. The maximum numbers of males were produced at 17.5° and 19.5°. Males were also produced under photoperiods ranging from 2 h to 13 h 45 min, but not at 14 h, 16 h and 24 h light per day, when the aphids were maintained at 17.5°.Regardless of the developmental stage at which apteriform aphids were transferred from a long-day (16 h light per day) culture to SD, they produced few, if any, males and did so only toward the end of their reproductive lives i.e., after producing an average of 68 females. In contrast, apterae in subsequent generations at SD produced a higher proportion (appx. 10%) of males and these were deposited in close succession during a few days early in their reproductive lives i.e., after producing only sixteen females, on average. Some gynoparae and alate virginoparae of A. fabae also produced a few males.The results are discussed in relation to a possible hormonal mechanism for sex and morph determination.
Zusammenfassung Die Männchen-Erzeugung durch ungeflügelte Aphis fabae Scop. an Blattscheiben von Vicia faba wurde bei verschiedenen konstanten Temperaturen und Fotoperioden untersucht. Bei Kurztagbedingungen (KT) von 10 h Licht je Tag entstanden Männchen bei 11,5°–22,5°, aber nicht bei 23,5° oder darüber. Die Maximalzahlen von Männchen entstanden bei 17,5° und 19,5°. Männchen wurden auch erzeugt bei Fotoperioden zwischen 2 h und 13 h 45 min, jedoch nicht bei 14 h, 16 h und 24 h Licht je Tag, wenn die Blattläuse bei 17,5° gehalten wurden.Unabhängig vom Entwicklungsstadium, bei dem apteriforme Blattläuse von einer Langtagkultur (16 h Licht je Tag) in KT übertragen wurden, erzeugten diese, wenn überhaupt, immer nur wenige Männchen und zwar nur gegen Ende ihres reproduktiven Lebens, d.h. nachdem sie im Durchschnitt 68 Weibchen erzeugt hatten. Im Gegensatz dazu erzeugten Ungeflügelte in aufeinander folgenden Generationen bei KT einen höheren Anteil (etwa 10%) von Männchen, und diese wurden in enger Folge während weniger Tage und früh in ihrem reproduktiven Leben abgesetzt, d.h. nachdem sie im Durchschnitt nur sechzehn Weibchen erzeugt hatten. Einige Gynopare und geflügelte Virginopare von A. fabae erzeugten auch einige wenige Männchen.Die Ergebnisse werden im Hinblick auf einen möglichen hormonalen Mechanismus der Geschlechts-und Morphenbestimmung diskutiert.

The reproduction of apterous virginoparae of A. fabae on field beans is primarily controlled by nutrition of both the larval and adult stages. The kind of hostplant and the lighting conditions under which it is grown affect the aphid's fecundity and reproductive rate. Plants grown under mercury fluorescent lamps provide the aphids with better or more nutrients of the right kind so that they reproduce better than aphids living on plants grown in daylight in glasshouses.Nutrition during larval life also affects the early reproductive rate and fecundity of the aphids. Aphids that grew quickly as larvae reproduced faster during early adult life than slow developers. Fast developers were heavier and larger but did not contain more embryos than slow developers as adults and probably received a more nutritious food supply during their larval lives.
Zusammenfassung Die Fortpflanzung ungeflügelter Virginoparer von Aphis fabae auf Ackerbohnen wird primär durch die Ernährung der Larven und Erwachsenen gesteuert. Die Art der Wirtspflanze und die Beleuchtungsbedingungen, unter denen sie sich entwickeln, beeinflussen die Gesamt-Fruchtbarkeit und die Reproduktionsrate der Blattläuse. Pflanzen, die unter Quecksilber-Fluoreszenz-Lampen (Leuchtstoffröhren) aufwuchsen, bieten den Blattläusen offensichtlich bessere oder mehr Nahrungsstoffe der erforderlichen Art, so daß sie sich besser fortpflanzen als Läuse, die auf Pflanzen leben, die im Gewächshaus unter Tageslicht aufgezogen wurden.Auch die Ernährungsverhältnisse während des Larvallebens beeinflussen die anfängliche Reproduktionsrate und die Fruchtbarkeit der Blattläuse. Manche Blattläuse, die sich rascher als andere entwickeln, hatten im frühen Adultstadium eine höhere Reproduktionsrate als die Langsam-Entwickler. Schnell-Entwickler waren schwerer und größer als Langsam-Entwickler und erhielten während ihres Larvallebens wahrscheinlich eine nahrhaftere Kost.

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