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J W Karpen  G P Hess 《Biochemistry》1986,25(7):1777-1785
Noncompetitive inhibition of acetylcholine receptor-controlled ion translocation was studied in membrane vesicles prepared from both Torpedo californica and Electrophorus electricus electroplax. Ion flux was measured in the millisecond time region by using a spectrophotometric stopped-flow method, based on fluorescence quenching of entrapped anthracene-1,5-disulfonic acid by Cs+, and a quench-flow technique using 86Rb+. The rate coefficient of ion flux prior to receptor inactivation (desensitization), JA, was measured at different acetylcholine and inhibitor concentrations, in order to assess which active (nondesensitized) receptor forms bind noncompetitive inhibitors. The degree of inhibition of JA by the inhibitors studied (cocaine, procaine, and phencyclidine) was found to be independent of acetylcholine concentration. The results are consistent with a mechanism in which each compound inhibits by binding to a single site that exists with equal affinity on all active receptor forms. Mechanisms in which the inhibitors bind exclusively to the open-channel form of the receptor are excluded by the data. The same conclusions were reached in cocaine experiments at 0-mV and procaine experiments at -25-mV transmembrane voltage in T. californica vesicles. It had been previously shown that phencyclidine, in addition to decreasing JA (by binding to active receptors), also increases the rate of rapid receptor inactivation (desensitization) and changes the equilibrium between active and inactive receptors (by binding better to inactivated receptor than to active receptor in the closed or open conformations). These effects were not observed with cocaine or procaine. Here it is shown that despite these differential effects on inactivation, cocaine and phencyclidine bind to the same inhibitory site on active receptors (in E. electricus vesicles).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Several intrinsic properties of acetylcholine receptor-rich membrane vesicles prepared fromElectrophorus electricus, which need to be considered in measurements of receptor-mediated ion flux, have been identified. One of these properties is a slow exchange of inorganic ions in the vesicles. The slow exchange of ions is not related to the receptor-mediated flux of ions and accounts for 30–35% of the efflux observed. A method to separate this process from the receptor-controlled flux has been developed. It has also been shown, using a light-scattering method, that aggregation-disaggregation of the vesicles can interfere with the efflux measurements, and a method to overcome this problem has been developed. The difference in the amplitude of effluxes induced by saturating amounts of carbamylcholine and gramicidin has been investigated and has been shown not to be due to a receptor-controlled process; therefore, the amplitude difference does not need to be considered in understanding the receptor-controlled process.  相似文献   

Suberyldicholine-induced ion translocation in the millisecond time region in acetylcholine receptor rich membrane vesicles prepared from the electric organ of Electrophorus electricus was investigated in eel Ringer's solution, pH 7.0, 1 degree C. A quench-flow technique with a time resolution of 5 ms was used to measure the transmembrane flux of a radioactive tracer ion (86Rb+). JA, the rate coefficient for ion flux mediated by the active form of the receptor, and alpha, the rate coefficient for the inactivation of the ion flux, increase with increasing suberyldicholine concentrations and reach a plateau value at about 15 microM. At higher suberyldicholine concentrations (greater than 50 microM), a concentration-dependent decrease in the ion flux rate was observed without a corresponding decrease in the rate of receptor inactivation. This regulatory effect was not observed with acetylcholine or carbamoylcholine. The minimal kinetic scheme previously presented for acetylcholine and carbamoylcholine, modified by the inclusion of an additional regulatory ligand-binding site for suberyldicholine and characterized by a single dissociation constant, KR, is consistent with the results obtained over a 10 000-fold concentration range of this ligand. Rate and equilibrium constants pertaining to this scheme were elucidated. Suberyldicholine binds to the regulatory site (KR = 500 microM) approximately 100-fold less well than to its activating sites, and the binding to the regulatory site has no effect on the inactivation (desensitization) rate coefficient alpha [alpha(max) = 5.7 s-1], which is comparable to that observed with acetylcholine. The maximum influx rate coefficient [JA(max) = 18.5 s-1] is approximately twice that obtained when carbamoylcholine is the activating ligand and somewhat higher than when acetylcholine is used.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The dependence of acetylcholine receptor-controlled transmembrane ion flux on carbamylcholine concentration was measured in the msec time region, using membrane vesicles and a quench flow technique. 4 Measurements were made: (1) transmembrane ion influx, (2) rate of inactivation of the receptor by carbamylcholine, (3) rate of recovery, and (4) ion influx mediated by “inactivated” receptor. The minimal model, based on the measurements, accounts for the time dependence of receptor-controlled ion flux over a 200-fold carbamylcholine concentration range. The maximum flux rate of 84 sec?1 indicates that we have succeeded in measuring the receptor-controlled processes which give rise to electrical signals in cells.  相似文献   

Toke O  Monsey JD  Cistola DP 《Biochemistry》2007,46(18):5427-5436
Cooperative ligand binding to human ileal bile acid binding protein (I-BABP) was studied using the stopped-flow fluorescence technique. The kinetic data obtained for wild-type protein are in agreement with a four-step mechanism where after a fast conformational change on the millisecond time scale, the ligands bind in a sequential manner, followed by another, slow conformational change on the time scale of seconds. This last step is more pronounced in the case of glycocholate (GCA), the bile salt that binds with high positive cooperativity and is absent in mutant I-BABP proteins that lack positive cooperativity in their bile salt binding. These results suggest that positive cooperativity in human I-BABP is related to a slow conformational change of the protein, which occurs after the second binding step. Analogous to that in the intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP), we hypothesize that ligand binding in I-BABP is linked to a disorder-order transition between an open and a closed form of the protein.  相似文献   

The use of membrane vesicles to make quantitative studies of transmembrane transport and exchange processes involves an assumption of homogeneity of the membrane vesicles. In studies of 86Rb+ exchange mediated by acetylcholine receptor from the electric organ of Electrophorus electricus and of 36Cl- exchange mediated by GABA receptor from rat brain, measurements of ion exchange and receptor desensitization precisely followed first order kinetics in support of this assumption. In other measurements a biphasic decay of receptor activity was seen. To elucidate the molecular properties of receptors from such measurements it is important to appreciate what the requirements of vesicle monodispersity are for meaningful results and what the effect of vesicle heterogeneity would be. The experiments were simulated with single vesicle populations with variable defined size distributions as well as with mixtures of different populations of vesicles. The properties of the receptors and their density in the membrane could be varied. Different receptors could be present on the same or different membrane vesicles. The simulated measurements were not very sensitive to size dispersity. A very broad size distribution of a single vesicle population was necessary to give rise to detectable deviations from first order kinetics or errors in the determined kinetic constants. Errors could become significant with mixtures of different vesicle populations, where the dispersity in initial ion exchange rate constant, proportional to the receptor concentration per internal volume, became large. In this case the apparent rate of receptor desensitization would diverge in opposite directions from the input value when measured by two different methods, suggesting an experimental test for such kinetic heterogeneity. A biphasic decrease of receptor activity could not be attributed to vesicle heterogeneity and must be due to desensitization processes with different rates. Significant errors would not arise from the size dispersity apparent in subpopulations of vesicles seen by imaging techniques in membrane preparations.  相似文献   

To assess the relative importance of binding to enzyme-substrate complex (E.S) and to acetylenzyme (EA), noncompetitive inhibition has been studied in hydrolysis by acetylcholinesterase (AcChE) of cationic and uncharged substrates - acetylcholine (AcCh), 3,3-dimethylbutyl acetate, n-butyl acetate, 2-(methylammonio)ethyl acetate, 2- (N,N-diethyl-N-n-butylammonio)ethyl acetate (DEBAAc) and 2-(methylsulfonyl)ethyl acetate. For the N-trimethyl quaternary ions related to AcCh, tetramethylammonium ion, choline and choline ethyl ether, noncompetitive inhibition (Ki(nonc) is more favorable with the slower substrates than with AcCh, i.e., when E.S greater than EA, and is attributed to formation of enzyme-substrate-inhibitor complexes, E.S.I'. Noncompetitive inhibition by tetraethyl-, tert-butyl- and isopropylammonium ions, and acetamidocholine and its lower dimethyl analogue, is also attributed to E.S.I' complexes. Peripheral binding of these inhibitors decreases acylation more than deacylation. Some tertiary dimethylamonio ions have more favorable Ki(nonc) values with AcCh, decreasing deacylation more than acylation. The substrate DEBAAc is a more effective noncompetitive than competitive inhibitor in hydrolysis of AcCh, indicating that it binds more strongly in a peripheral site than in the active site of the free enzyme. In its hydrolysis by AcChE, it acts as its own noncompetitive inhibitor, by this non-productive binding. Formation of E.S.I' complexes is a general characteristic of hydrolysis by AcChE and decrease in rates at high concentrations of AcCh and related substrates is attributed to peripheral regulatory site binding, formation of E.S.S' complexes, rather than to binding to the acetylenzyme.  相似文献   

Evidence for a voltage-dependent regulatory (inhibitory) site on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor to which acetylcholine binds was obtained in membrane vesicles prepared from the Torpedo californica electric organ. Two rate coefficients, JA and alpha, which pertain to the receptor-controlled ion flux, were measured. A 1000-fold concentration range of acetylcholine was used in a transmembrane voltage (Vm) range from 0 to -48 mV under a voltage-clamped condition at pH 7.4, 1 degrees C. The following observations were made. (i) At low acetylcholine concentrations, the value of JA, the rate coefficient for ion translocation by the active (nondesensitized) state of the receptor, increased with increasing concentration. (ii) JA decreased at high acetylcholine concentrations. (iii) In contrast, alpha, the rate coefficient for receptor desensitization, did not show such a decrease. (iv) When the transmembrane potential of the vesicle membrane was changed to more negative values, the value of KR (the dissociation constant for binding of acetylcholine to the regulatory site) decreased by a factor of approximately 9 for a 25 mV change in Vm, while KI (the dissociation constant for binding of acetylcholine to the receptor site that controls channel opening) did not show such a change and has a value of 80 microM. When Vm is -48 mV, KR has a value of 8 microM. (v) The effect of a transmembrane voltage on the regulatory site was reversible and occurred within the time resolution (5 ms) of the quench-flow technique used in the measurements.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In neurons, alpha-bungarotoxin is often associated with nicotinic receptor but does not always block the acetylcholine operated channel. In a human neuroblastoma cell line, IMR 32, we have demonstrated a large number of alpha-Bungarotoxin binding sites (2640 per cell in non differentiated cells and 4660 per cell in differentiated cells) in presence of 0 to 4 Acetylcholine activated-channels per cell. This neuronal cell line promises to be an useful model for the study of structure and function of the alpha-Bungarotoxin binding site not related to the nicotinic receptor.  相似文献   

Overexpression of NorA, an endogenous efflux transporter of Staphylococcus aureus, confers resistance to certain fluoroquinolone antimicrobials and diverse other substrates. The norA gene was amplified by PCR and cloned in the expression vector pTrcHis2. Histidine-tagged NorA (NorA-His) was overexpressed in Escherichia coli cells to prepare two experimental systems, everted membrane vesicles enriched with NorA-His and proteoliposomes reconstituted with purified NorA-His. In membrane vesicles, NorA-His actively transported Hoechst 33342, a dye that is strongly fluorescent in the membrane but has low fluorescence in an aqueous environment. Transport was activated by the addition of ATP or lactate and reversed by the addition of nigericin, with the addition of K(+)-valinomycin having little effect. Transport of Hoechst 33342 was inhibited competitively by verapamil, a known inhibitor of NorA, and by other NorA substrates, including tetraphenyl phosphonium and the fluoroquinolones norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin. In contrast, sparfloxacin, a fluoroquinolone whose antimicrobial activity is not affected by NorA expression, exhibited noncompetitive inhibition. NorA induction and overexpression yielded 0.5 to 1 mg of a largely homogeneous 40- to 43-kDa protein per liter of culture. NorA-His incorporated into proteoliposomes retained the ability to transport Hoechst 33342 in response to an artificial proton gradient, and transport was blocked by nigericin and verapamil. These data provide the first experimental evidence of NorA functioning as a self-sufficient multidrug transporter.  相似文献   

D J Cash  K Subbarao 《Life sciences》1987,41(4):437-445
Transmembrane chloride flux mediated by the GABAA receptor and the desensitization of the receptor were followed using quench flow technique with 36Cl- and a membrane preparation from rat cerebral cortex. Measurements in short times allowed these two processes to be resolved. In general the ion-flux activity was desensitized in two phases. A fast phase took place in circa 200 ms (100 microM GABA) followed by a slower phase in several seconds. A minority (10%) of the membrane preparations did not display the fast phase. It is desirable to be able to separate these two phases of desensitization to facilitate analysis of the responses of the receptor. A short preincubation with GABA removed the fast phase from a subsequent measurement. In the absence of the fast phase the whole ion-flux equilibration was seen as a single phase. The measurements presented covering a time range of 0.01 seconds to 10 seconds show a single phase of ion flux which can be described by a first order ion influx process and a single first order desensitization process with a half time of circa 1 s (100 microM GABA). The results imply a single kinetically homogeneous population of vesicles containing a single population of GABA receptor (remaining active) with a single phase of desensitization. An understanding of this homogeneity, and how to ensure it, gives a basis for quantitatively testing the effects of drugs on these responses. Ion flux measurements with quench flow technique are a suitable tool for investigation of the mechanism of action of neurotransmitter receptors from brain.  相似文献   

Inhibition of a Zn2+-glycerophosphocholine cholinephosphodiesterase by thiols or tellurites were examined mechanistically. Inactivation of the phosphodiesterase by thio-carboxylates, which was due to the removal of Zn2+ in the catalytic site, was enhanced by introduction of an amino group in the structure of thiols, suggesting the presence of an anionic site adjacent to a Zn2+ site. In support of the suggestion, it was found that thiols, associable with both a Zn2+ site and an anionic site, were more potent reversible inhibitors; dimethylaminoethanethiol (Ki, 17 M), diethylaminoethanethiol (Ki, 1.2 M) and thiocholine (Ki, 2.6 M). Meanwhile, the inhibition of the phosphodiesterase by tellurites is ascribed to the binding of tellurite anions to a Zn2+ site, based on the protective action of tellurite anions against the inactivation of the enzyme by EDTA. Moreover, the inhibition of the phosphodiesterase by tellurites was prevented by phosphate ions, which expressed the protective effect against EDTA inactivation. In further support, it was observed that gellurite and thiocholine appeared to interact with active site in an additive manner, in contrast to a synergistic action between tellurites and quaternary ammonium compounds such as acetylcholine or choline.  相似文献   

BackgroundDynamin is a multidomain GTPase exhibiting mechanochemical and catalytic properties involved in vesicle scission from the plasmalemma during endocytosis. New evidence indicates that dynamin is also involved in exocytotic release of catecholamines, suggesting the existence of a dynamin-regulated structure that couples endo- to exocytosis.MethodsThus we here employed high-resolution cell-attached capacitance measurements and super-resolution structured illumination microscopy to directly examine single vesicle interactions with the plasmalemma in cultured rat astrocytes treated with distinct pharmacological modulators of dynamin activity. Fluorescent dextrans and the lipophilic plasmalemmal marker DiD were utilized to monitor uptake and distribution of vesicles in the peri-plasmalemmal space and in the cell cytosol.ResultsDynamin inhibition with Dynole™-34-2 and Dyngo™-4a prevented vesicle internalization into the cytosol and decreased fusion pore conductance of vesicles that remained attached to the plasmalemma via a narrow fusion pore that lapsed into a state of repetitive opening and closing - flickering. In contrast, the dynamin activator Ryngo™-1-23 promoted vesicle internalization and favored fusion pore closure by prolonging closed and shortening open fusion pore dwell times. Immunocytochemical staining revealed dextran uptake into dynamin-positive vesicles and increased dextran uptake into Syt4- and VAMP2-positive vesicles after dynamin inhibition, indicating prolonged retention of these vesicles at the plasmalemma.ConclusionsOur results have provided direct evidence for a role of dynamin in regulation of fusion pore geometry and kinetics of endo- and exocytotic vesicles, indicating that both share a common dynamin-regulated structural intermediate, the fusion pore.  相似文献   

The effect of phospholipid head group on the membrane-permeabilizing activity of amphotericin B (AmB) was examined using 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) liposomes and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylglycerol (POPG) liposomes. The activity of AmB was evaluated as K+ influx measured as pH change inside liposomes by fluorescent measurements of 2′,7′-bis(carboxyethyl)-4 or 5-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF). AmB showed prominent permeability in POPC liposomes, whereas hardly inducing ion flux in POPG membrane. POPC added to POPG liposomes as a minor constituent markedly enhanced membrane permeability, indicating the importance of a phosphonocholine group of PC for the drug’s activity.  相似文献   

The human platelet alpha 2-adrenergic receptor is an integral membrane protein which binds epinephrine. The gene for this receptor has been cloned, and the primary structure is thus known [Kobilka et al. (1987) Science 238, 650-656]. A model of its secondary structure predicts that the receptor has seven transmembrane spanning domains. By covalent labeling and peptide mapping, we have identified a region of the receptor that is directly involved with ligand binding. Partially purified preparations of the receptor were covalently radiolabeled with either of two specific photoaffinity ligands: [3H]SKF 102229 (an antagonist) or p-azido[3H]clonidine (an agonist). The radiolabeled receptors were then digested with specific endopeptidases, and peptides containing the covalently bound radioligands were identified. Lysylendopeptidase treatment of [3H]SKF 102229 labeled receptor yielded one peptide of Mr 2400 as the product of a complete digest. Endopeptidase Arg-C gave a labeled peptide of Mr 4000, which was further digested to the Mr 2400 peptide by additional treatment with lysylendopeptidase. Using p-azido[3H]clonidine-labeled receptor, a similar Mr 2400 peptide was obtained by lysylendopeptidase cleavage. This Mr 2400 peptide corresponds to the fourth transmembrane spanning domain of the receptor. These data suggest that this region forms part of the ligand binding domain of the human platelet alpha 2-adrenergic receptor.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy/autophagy is increasingly recognized as an important regulator of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion (MI-R) injury. However, whether and how diabetes may alter autophagy in response to MI-R remains unknown. Deficiency of ADIPOQ, a cardioprotective molecule, markedly increases MI-R injury. However, the role of diabetic hypoadiponectinemia in cardiac autophagy alteration after MI-R is unclear. Utilizing normal control (NC), high-fat-diet-induced diabetes, and Adipoq knockout (adipoq?/?) mice, we demonstrated that autophagosome formation was modestly inhibited and autophagosome clearance was markedly impaired in the diabetic heart subjected to MI-R. adipoq?/? largely reproduced the phenotypic alterations observed in the ischemic-reperfused diabetic heart. Treatment of diabetic and adipoq?/? mice with AdipoRon, a novel ADIPOR (adiponectin receptor) agonist, stimulated autophagosome formation, markedly increased autophagosome clearance, reduced infarct size, and improved cardiac function (P < 0.01 vs vehicle). Mechanistically, AdipoRon caused significant phosphorylation of AMPK-BECN1 (Ser93/Thr119)-class III PtdIns3K (Ser164) and enhanced lysosome protein LAMP2 expression both in vivo and in isolated adult cardiomyocytes. Pharmacological AMPK inhibition or genetic Prkaa2 mutation abolished AdipoRon-induced BECN1 (Ser93/Thr119)-PtdIns3K (Ser164) phosphorylation and AdipoRon-stimulated autophagosome formation. However, AdipoRon-induced LAMP2 expression, AdipoRon-stimulated autophagosome clearance, and AdipoRon-suppressed superoxide generation were not affected by AMPK inhibition. Treatment with MnTMPyP (a superoxide scavenger) increased LAMP2 expression and stimulated autophagosome clearance in simulated ischemic-reperfused cardiomyocytes. However, no additive effect between AdipoRon and MnTMPyP was observed. Collectively, these results demonstrate that hypoadiponectinemia impairs autophagic flux, contributing to enhanced MI-R injury in the diabetic state. ADIPOR activation restores AMPK-mediated autophagosome formation and antioxidant-mediated autophagosome clearance, representing a novel intervention effective against MI-R injury in diabetic conditions.  相似文献   

Nicol F  Nir S  Szoka FC 《Biophysical journal》1999,76(4):2121-2141
We determined the orientation of a biotinylated version of the pore-forming peptide GALA (WEAALAEALAEALAEHLAEALAEALEALAA) at pH 5.0 in large unilamellar phosphatidylcholine vesicles, using the enhancement of BODIPY-avidin fluorescence subsequent to its irreversible binding to a biotin moiety. GALA and its variants were biotinylated at the N- or C-terminus. BODIPY-avidin was either added externally or was pre-encapsulated in vesicles to assess the fraction of liposome-bound biotinylated GALA that exposed its labeled terminus to the external or internal side of the bilayer, respectively. Under conditions where most of the membrane-bound peptides were involved in transmembrane aggregates and formed aqueous pores (at a lipid/bound peptide molar ratio of 2500/1), the head-to-tail (N- to C-terminus) orientation of the membrane-inserted peptides was such that 3/4 of the peptides exposed their N-terminus on the inside of the vesicle and their C-terminus on the outside. Under conditions resulting in reduced pore formation (at higher lipid/peptide molar ratios), we observed an increase in the fraction of GALA termini exposed to the outside of the vesicle. These results are consistent with a model (Parente et al., Biochemistry, 29:8720, 1990) that requires a critical number of peptides (M) in an aggregate to form a transbilayer structure. When the peptides form an aggregate of size i, with i < M = 4 to 6, the orientation of the peptides is mostly parallel to the membrane surface, such that both termini of the biotinylated peptide are exposed to external BODIPY-avidin. This BODIPY-avidin/biotin binding assay should be useful to determine the orientation of other membrane-interacting molecules.  相似文献   

Local anesthetics and other noncompetitive inhibitors (NCIs) of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, acting at sites other than the acetylcholine-binding sites, block channel opening and/or cation translation through the open channel. In order to characterize the NCI sites and to decide among possible mechanisms of NCI action, we have photolabeled the receptor in membrane from Torpedo electric tissue with the photolyzable NCI [3H]quinacrine azide ([3H]QA), using a continuous-flow, rapid-mixing device and millisecond-duration irradiation. Membrane, [3H]QA, and effectors were mixed, and, after delay times of 20 ms or greater, the mixture was irradiated for 2 ms, quenched, and collected. Brief exposure of the receptor to acetylcholine, but not to hexamethonium or d-tubocurarine, induced a state particularly susceptible to photoincorporation of [3H]QA. This acetylcholine-induced photoincorporation was exclusively into the alpha and beta chains of the receptor, peaked at 100-ms delay time, declined to 15% of maximum after delay times of minutes, and was blocked by the NCIs proadifen and histrionicotoxin. At 20-ms delay, the dependence of labeling by 2 microM [3H]QA on acetylcholine concentration was characterized by an apparent dissociation constant of about 15 microM and a Hill coefficient of 1. The kinetics of the development of susceptibility to photolabeling and the apparent lack of positive cooperativity in the effect of acetylcholine on this development suggest that the preferentially photolabeled state is a transient, rapidly developing, desensitized state, rather than an open-channel state.  相似文献   

The metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) belong to family C of the G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily. The receptors are characterized by having unusually long amino-terminal domains (ATDs), to which agonist binding has been shown to take place. Previously, we have constructed a molecular model of the ATD of mGluR1 based on a weak amino acid sequence similarity with a bacterial periplasmic binding protein. The ATD consists of two globular lobes, which are speculated to contract from an "open" to a "closed" conformation following agonist binding. In the present study, we have created a Zn(2+) binding site in mGluR1b by mutating the residue Lys(260) to a histidine. Zinc acts as a noncompetitive antagonist of agonist-induced IP accumulation on the K260H mutant with an IC(50) value of 2 microm. Alanine mutations of three potential "zinc coligands" in proximity to the introduced histidine in K260H knock out the ability of Zn(2+) to antagonize the agonist-induced response. Zn(2+) binding to K260H does not appear to affect the dimerization of the receptor. Instead, we propose that binding of zinc has introduced a structural constraint in the ATD lobe, preventing the formation of a "closed" conformation, and thus stabilizing a more or less inactive "open" form of the ATD. This study presents the first metal ion site constructed in a family C GPCR. Furthermore, it is the first time a metal ion site has been created in a region outside of the seven transmembrane regions of a GPCR and the loops connecting these. The findings offer valuable insight into the mechanism of ATD closure and family C receptor activation. Furthermore, the findings demonstrate that ATD regions other than those participating in agonist binding could be potential targets for new generations of ligands for this family of receptors.  相似文献   

A model of the rmGlu1 seven-transmembrane domain complexed with a negative allosteric modulator, 1-ethyl-2-methyl-6-oxo-4-(1,2,4,5-tetrahydro-benzo[d]azepin-3-yl)- 1,6-dihydro-pyrimidine-5-carbonitrile (EM-TBPC) was constructed. Although the mGlu receptors belong to the family 3 G-protein-coupled receptors with a low primary sequence similarity to rhodopsin-like receptors, the high resolution crystal structure of rhodopsin was successfully applied as a template in this model and used to select residues for site-directed mutagenesis. Three mutations, F801(6.51)A, Y805(6.55)A, and T815(7.39)M caused complete loss of the [(3)H]EM-TBPC binding and blocked the EM-TBPC-mediated inhibition of glutamate-evoked G-protein-coupled inwardly rectifying K(+) channel current and [Ca(2+)](i) response. The mutation W798(6.48)F increased the binding affinity of antagonist by 10-fold and also resulted in a marked decrease in the IC(50) value (4 versus 128 nm) compared with wild type. The V757(5.47)L mutation led to a dramatic reduction in binding affinity by 13-fold and a large increase in the IC(50) value (1160 versus 128 nm). Two mutations, N7474(5.51)A and N7504(5.54)A, increased the efficacy of the EM-TBPC block of the glutamate-evoked [Ca(2+)](i) response. We observed a striking conservation in the position of critical residues. The residues Val-757(5.47), Trp-798(6.48), Phe-801(6.51), Tyr-805(6.55), and Thr-815(7.39) are critical determinants of the EM-TBPC-binding pocket of the mGlu1 receptor, validating the rhodopsin crystal structure as a template for the family 3 G-protein-coupled receptors. In our model, the aromatic ring of EM-TBPC might interact with the cluster of aromatic residues formed from Trp-798(6.48), Phe-801(6.51), and Tyr-805(6.55), thereby blocking the movement of the TM6 helix, which is crucial for receptor activation.  相似文献   

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