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电刺激下丘脑外侧区对大鼠胃缺血-再灌注损伤的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Zhou XP  Zhang JF  Yan CD  Zhang YM 《生理学报》2002,54(5):435-440
采用夹闭大鼠腹腔动脉30min,松开动脉夹血流复灌60min的胃缺血-再灌注损伤(gastric ischemia reperfusion injury,GI-RI)模型,用电和化学刺激,电损毁的方法观察了下丘脑外侧区(lateral hypothalamic area,LHA)对GI-RI的影响,并对其机制进行了初步分析,结果表明:(1)以0.2,0.4,0.6mA的电流强度刺激LHA,GI-RI均显著加重,且有强度-效应依赖关系,LHA内注射L-谷氨酸(L-Glu)后,对LI-RI的效应与电刺激相似,电损毁双侧LHA,GI-RI面积较电刺激组明显减小;(2)损毁双侧背侧迷走复合体(dorsal vagal complex,DVC)或切损毁是LHA,GI-RI面积较电刺激组明显减小;(2)损 侧背侧迷走复合体(dorsal vagal complex,DVC)或切断膈下迷走神经均能取消电刺激LHA加重GI-RI的作用。(3)电刺激LHA使缺血-再灌注(ischemia-reperfusion,I-R)的胃粘膜丙二醛(MDA)含量升高,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性降低;(4)电刺激LHA使I-R的胃液量和总酸排出量增多,而酸度,胃蛋白酶活性和胃壁结合粘液量等无明显改变,结果提示;LHA是对GI-RI具有加重作用的中枢部位,其作用是通过DVC及迷走神经下传的,电刺激LHA加重GI-RI的作用与胃粘膜MDA含量增加,SOD活性降低,胃液量和总酸排出量增加等因素有关,而似与酸度,胃蛋白酶活性,胃壁结合粘液量等因素无关。  相似文献   

Changes of oxygen tension level (pO2) in the visual cortex, dorsal hippocampus, lateral hypothalamus and central grey substance were studied during wake-sleep cycle in rats. The dependence was established of pO2 level changes on the character of behavioural reactions and on the accompanying hippocampal EEG activity: during orienting-investigatory and active defensive behaviour and also during paradoxical sleep, accompanied by hippocampal theta rhythm, pO2 level increased; during passive-defensive behaviour "freezing" reaction accompanied by desynchronization of the hippocampal rhythmic, the level of pO2 decreased. The obtained data confirm Routtenberg hypothesis about two relatively independent systems of ascending activation with different types of hippocampal EEG activity and supplement it with a thesis that the activity of these systems is accompanied by different shifts of brain oxidative metabolism.  相似文献   

Consummatory licking at a water spout was compared with licking at a dry spout maintained by electrical hypothalamic stimulation in the same rats. Both forms of licking, recorded photoelectrically, were maintained on a fixed ratio 8 schedule. Duration of reinforcement delivery was equated [300 ms]. A computer analysis of the temporal distribution of licks in each 1024 ms period from onset of reinforcement revealed that lateral hypothalamic stimulation decreased the occurrence of licking and disrupted the normally synchronous pattern of this behaviour. An analysis of the effects of delivering lateral hypothalamic stimulation contingent on water-maintained licking revealed that this effect of stimulation was clearly current-dependent. It is proposed that differences in licking rates maintained by water and by electrical hypothalamic stimulation, respectively, are due to response interference in the latter case. This interference effect is also proposed to be a major factor underlying higher reward thresholds for self-stimulation when licking is the operant response.  相似文献   

Neuronal responses to stimulation of the proreal (field 8) and cingular (field 24) cortices, pyriform lobe (periamygdalar cortex), and hippocampus (CA3) were studied in the lateral (HL) and ventromedial (Hvm) hypothalamus, dorsal hypothalamic region (aHd), and projection region of the medial forelimb bundle (MFB); single and repeated (series of a 6–300 sec−1 frequency) stimuli were used. At single stimulations, the minimum proportion of inhibitory responses with respect to excitatory effects was observed when the neocortex (the proreal gyrus) was stimulated; this proportion became successively greater at stimulations of the intermediate cortex (the cingular gyrus) and paleocortex (the pyriform cortex), while stimulation of the archicortex (the hippocampus) evoked mostly inhibitory responses. At repeated stimulation of the cortical structures, inhibitory responses prevailed in the neurons under study: their total number was nearly four times larger than that of excitatory reactions. The response patterns to single and serial stimulations of the cortical structures allowed us to demonstrate: (i) significant diversity of the influences received by hypothalamic neurons from the cortical structures and (ii) the dependence of the pattern of these influences on the phylogenetic specificity of the above structures.  相似文献   

The authors studied bioelectric potentials in the area of the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus and the lateral hypothalamus of rats fed on a standard, a high protein and a high fat diet. On the first 3--6 days after changing from the standard to the high fat and high protein diets, a decrease in the amplitude of electrical activity was recorded in both the areas in question. It was also found that the frequency of electrical activity in the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus or the lateral hypothalamus rose, after 3 days administration of the high fat or the high protein diet, in correlation to the type of diet, and that, in the frequency spectrum, a change occurred in the proportion of basic frequency in relation to superimposed frequencies distorting it. It was further found that there was a permanent difference between the amplitude of electrical activity in the lateral hypothalamus and the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus.  相似文献   

A concept is advanced according to which for complete and successive development of membrane and synaptic modifications in the neocortex during the conditioned reflex (CR) elaboration the differentiated changes in impulse flow structure of the motivation and emotion systems of the hypothalamus and reciprocal character of excitatory and inhibitory interactions between them are necessary. Motivation excitation coordinated with repeated activation of synaptic inputs by pairing stimuli contributes to temporary (lasting about hour) increase in somatodendritic electroexcitability of neocortical neurons. It is necessary for maintaining cells in the state of readiness for summation of polymodal excitations during the CR generalization stage. Emotion excitation contributes to long-lasting (about twenty-four hours) increase in synaptic efficacy of excitatory and inhibitory connections which determine a conditioned act during the stage of specialization. Hetero- and homosynaptic facilitation of synaptic transmission lead to global and local character of spatial synchronization of slow activity during these stages. These processes are mainly determined cooperative interaction glutamatergic system with modulator cholin- and monoaminergic (noradren- and serotonin-) systems activating during motivational and emotional behavior components, respectively.  相似文献   

During stimulation of phylogenetically ancient parts of the hypothalamus (the anterior and lateral), neuronal reactions have been recorded in the prepyriform lobe and tuberculum olfactorium. These reactions are characterized by a short latent period (6-25 msec) and high stability to rhythmic stimulation. Neuronal reactions in the same olfactory centers during stimulation of phylogenetically more recent hypothalamic structures (the posterior and medial) exhibit a long latent period (30-120 msec) and are readily exhausted by rhythmic stimulation.  相似文献   

In chronic experiments on 27 late, postnatal, pubertate, and adult rats, organization of the waking-sleep cycle was studied after long-lasting emotional stressing. The pattern of disturbances in the limbico-neocortical mechanisms, responsible for organization of the above cycle, is shown to be age-dependent. In late postnatal and pubertate rats, stressing decreased the duration of the waking phase and prolonged the stage of slow-wave deep sleep. In adult rats, the waking phase became longer, while the stage of deep slow-wave sleep was stabilized Changes in the paradoxical sleep phase were insignificant.  相似文献   

The speed of local blood flow (SLBF) in positive emotiogenic hypothalamic zones was recorded in free-moving white rats, by the method of hydrogen clearance, in states of passive and active alertness, in conditions of artificial (local) activation (by cathode) and inactivation (by DC anode) and also during stimulation of other positive and negative emotiogenic structures. It was established that the natural or artificial activation of the emotiogenic brain zones elicits an increase of SLBF and the inactivation evokes its reduction. Blood flow of the positive emotiogenic brain zones is intensified by stimulation of other positive emotiogenic structures, is reduced by stimulation of the negative emotiogenic zones and does not change at stimulation of emotionally neutral zones. It is suggested, that the mechanism of vascular reactions elicited by activation of positive and negative emotiogenic brain structures has a neurogenic basis and is performed in the type of "axon-reflex" by collaterals of ascending and descending fibers of the forebrain medial bundle.  相似文献   

Ornithine decarboxylase activity changes in some tissues of chronically gamma-irradiated rats (0.54 cGy/h). The radiation effect is a function of the life span of continuously exposed animals. The data obtained indicate that adaptation is possible, at a metabolic level, with the restricted chronic gamma-irradiation of animals.  相似文献   

Emotional reactions evoked by electric stimulation of the hypothalamus and amygdala were studied in white outbred rats, grown either in conditions of isolation or in community. The method of self-stimulation in shuttle box was used. The values of self-stimulation reaction were significantly lower and those of avoidance reactions were higher in animals bred in isolation. Their food-procuring behaviour disappeared faster at stimulation of the negative emotiogenic zones. The observed differences are due to plastic reorganization of the brain reinforcing systems.  相似文献   

Continuous arterial hypertension which was still present three months after the experiment was achieved by long-term electrostimulation (4 cycles, 12 days each) of the rabbit hypothalamus paraventricular nucleus (PV). Stimulation of the brain subcortical regions was shown to cause excitation in frontal and occipital regions of the cortex and alteration of neurohormonal state, i.e. increase of glucocorticoid content and decrease of both catecholamines, serotonin and histamine blood level in the animals. It is concluded that pathologic functional system resulting in the development of the arterial hypertension is produced on the basis of the generator of pathologically increased excitation (GPIE) in the PV area.  相似文献   

Directed activation of a system of positive emotional reinforcement induces regulatory effect on limbic-neocortical mechanisms of the sleep-waking cycle organization in rats after chronic alcoholization carried out in periods of decreased and increased circadian rhythms of emotional activity. In animals with high level of positive emotional drive after the alcoholization self-stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus suppresses hypersynchronous paroxysmal activity in waking EEG, decreases the content of waking in the sleep-waking cycle, restores the paradoxical phase of sleep. In animals with inhibition of positive emotional drive in consequence of alcoholization self-stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus has no essential effect on the mechanisms of regulation of the sleep-waking cycle.  相似文献   

The content of monoamines in the emotiogenic hypothalamic zones has been shown to noticeably change with aging of rats. The level of noradrenaline and serotonin increased in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, while the concentration of noradrenaline increased in the lateral hypothalamic zone. Single i.p. injections of 10 mg/kg morphine evoked qualitatively different shifts in the monoamine concentrations in the hypothalamic emotiogenic zones of the rats of different ages: the level of dopamine increased in adult animals, while the levels of noradrenaline and serotonin dropped in old rats. It is supposed that in old age the effect of morphine on dopaminergic structures in the emotiogenic hypothalamic zones becomes more moderate, whereas that on the noradrenergic and serotonergic structures is facilitated. The age-related specificities of the morphine effect on the monoaminergic regulation of the emotiogenic hypothalamic zones can determine considerable modifications of a psychotropic effect of the drug in old age.  相似文献   

Frequency spectra of brain electrograms in the course of 1 h after peripheral and central administration of the delta-sleep peptide (DSIP) or two its analogues were studied in freely moving rats. In autumn series of experiments carried out on 18 animals was revealed the phase action of DSIP being manifested in initial (up to 20 min after the injection) suppression of fast (20-26 Hz) oscillations in electrocorticograms and their augmentation in subsequent intervals. Under the identical conditions analogues of DSIP induced the effects characteristic for different phases of DSIP action. In spring-summer series of experiments carried out in 6 animals was revealed a significant increase of the delta-waves in electrical activity of the Putamen after intraperitoneal injection of DSIP and its first analogue. Under the conditions of intraventricular injection DSIP induced stable augmentation of oscillations in a diapason of 14-16 Hz in the neocortex, and its analogues induced similar changes in a nearby frequency diapason of 9.6-11 Hz.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy was used to explore changes in intracellular regeneration processes in neurons of the anterior, medial and posterior parts of the lateral hypothalamus area (LHA) of rats at various time (10, 20, 30, 50 and 70 days) after resumption of food perception. Ultrastructural changes observed during 7 days of food deprivation in intact neurons were of a reversible character. Recovery processes initially appeared and finished earlier in the neurons of medial (day 30) and anterior (day 50) parts of the LHA, in the posterior part of LHA the normalization of the neuronal structure was slower and was over only by the 70th day after the resumption of food reception. The above data are both of theoretical and practical importance, serving as a base for the study of directed treatment of diseases caused by hunger.  相似文献   

Frequency and patterns of activity of 106 neurons in the lateral preoptic area of unanesthetized cats were studied under conditions of indolent head fixation. It was shown that this structure contains two somnogenic neuronal populations with different functions. Neurons increasing their discharge frequency during transition from active to quiet wakefulness and subsequent sleep development to the point of phasic stage of paradoxical sleep development are considered as elements of an anti-waking system, which is involved in the mechanisms of sleep onset and deepening by means of inactivation of the arousal system. Neurons displaying the highest firing rates during light slow-wave sleep and synchronization of discharges with sleep spindles are considered as elements of a slow-wave sleep network.  相似文献   

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