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The Na+,K+-ATPase pump achieves thermodynamically uphill exchange of cytoplasmic Na+ ions for extracellular K+ ions by using ATP-mediated phosphorylation, followed by autodephosphorylation, to power conformational changes that allow ion access to the pump's binding sites from only one side of the membrane at a time. Formally, the pump behaves like an ion channel with two tightly coupled gates that are constrained to open and close alternately. The marine agent palytoxin disrupts this coupling, allowing both gates to sometimes be open, so temporarily transforming a pump into an ion channel. We made a cysteine scan of Na+,K+-ATPase transmembrane (TM) segments TM1 to TM6, and used recordings of Na+ current flow through palytoxin-bound pump-channels to monitor accessibility of introduced cysteine residues via their reaction with hydrophilic methanethiosulfonate (MTS) reagents. To visualize the open-channel pathway, the reactive positions were mapped onto a homology model of Na+,K+-ATPase based on the structure of the related sarcoplasmic- and endoplasmic-reticulum (SERCA) Ca2+-ATPase in a BeF3--trapped state1,2, in which the extra-cytoplasmic gate is wide open (although the cytoplasmic access pathway is firmly shut). The results revealed a single unbroken chain of reactive positions that traverses the pump from the extracellular surface to the cytoplasm, comprises residues from TM1, TM2, TM4, and TM6, and passes through the equivalent of cation binding site II in SERCA, but not through site I. Cavity search analysis of the homology model validated its use for mapping the data by yielding a calculated extra-cytoplasmic pathway surrounded by MTS-reactive residues. As predicted by previous experimental results, that calculated extra-cytoplasmic pathway abruptly broadens above residue T806, at the outermost end of TM6 which forms the floor of the extracellular-facing vestibule. These findings provide a structural basis for further understanding cation translocation by the Na+,K+-ATPase and by other P-type pumps like the Ca2+- and H+,K+-ATPases.  相似文献   

The transport function of the Na pump (Na,K-ATPase) in cellular ion homeostasis involves both nucleotide binding reactions in the cytoplasm and alternating aqueous exposure of inward- and outward-facing ion binding sites. An osmotically active, nonpenetrating polymer (poly(ethyleneglycol); PEG) and a modifier of the aqueous viscosity (glycerol) were used to probe the overall and partial enzymatic reactions of membranous Na,K-ATPase from shark salt glands. Both inhibit the steady-state Na,K-ATPase as well as Na-ATPase activity, whereas the K+-dependent phosphatase activity is little affected by up to 50% of either. Both Na,K-ATPase and Na-ATPase activities are inversely proportional to the viscosity of glycerol solutions in which the membranes are suspended, in accordance with Kramers’ theory for strong coupling of fluctuations at the active site to solvent mobility in the aqueous environment. PEG decreases the affinity for Tl+ (a congener for K+), whereas glycerol increases that for the nucleotides ATP and ADP in the presence of NaCl but has little effect on the affinity for Tl+. From the dependence on osmotic stress induced by PEG, the aqueous activation volume for the Na,K-ATPase reaction is estimated to be ∼5-6 nm3 (i.e., ∼180 water molecules), approximately half this for Na-ATPase, and essentially zero for p-nitrophenol phosphatase. The change in aqueous hydrated volume associated with the binding of Tl+ is in the region of 9 nm3. Analysis of 15 crystal structures of the homologous Ca-ATPase reveals an increase in PEG-inaccessible water space of ∼22 nm3 between the E1-nucleotide bound forms and the E2-thapsigargin forms, showing that the experimental activation volumes for Na,K-ATPase are of a magnitude comparable to the overall change in hydration between the major E1 and E2 conformations of the Ca-ATPase.  相似文献   

The effects of the Na(+)-K(+)-pump inhibitor ouabain on the beta 2-adrenoreceptor-coupled adenylate cyclase system were examined in vitro using intact human mononuclear lymphocytes and cell homogenates. Ouabain caused a dose-dependent increase in basal adenylate cyclase (AC) activity from 0.1 to 100 microM. The density of surface binding sites for 125ICYP (4 degrees C) was decreased by almost 25% after ouabain action. Glycoside shifted to the right the dose-response curve for stimulation of the cAMP synthesis by 1-isoproterenol. This shift was due to a decrease in the affinity of beta 2-adrenoreceptors for 1-isoproterenol, as it was shown in the competition experiments with 125ICYP (control--IC50, 1-isoproterenol--0.5 microM, ouabain--1.25 microM). Ouabain did not change the forskolin-stimulated AC activity. The activity measured in the presence of Gpp(NH)p which stimulates AC via Gs-protein was increased by ouabain; lag-period of Gpp(NH)p action did not change after ouabain addition. N-ethylmaleimide which inactivates Gi-protein increased basal, 1-isoproterenol and ouabain-sensitive AC activities. The stimulation of lymphocyte AC activity by ouabain may be due to an enhancement of the activation of Gs-protein.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation is a widely used, reversible means of regulating enzymatic activity. Among the important phosphorylation targets are the Na+,K+- and H+,K+-ATPases that pump ions against their chemical gradients to uphold ionic concentration differences over the plasma membrane. The two pumps are very homologous, and at least one of the phosphorylation sites is conserved, namely a cAMP activated protein kinase (PKA) site, which is important for regulating pumping activity, either by changing the cellular distribution of the ATPases or by directly altering the kinetic properties as supported by electrophysiological results presented here. We further review the other proposed pump phosphorylations.  相似文献   

The Na,K-ATPase   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The energy dependent exchange of cytoplasmic Na+ for extracellular K+ in mammalian cells is due to a membrane bound enzyme system, the Na,K-ATPase. The exchange sustains a gradient for Na+ into and for K+ out of the cell, and this is used as an energy source for creation of the membrane potential, for its de- and repolarisation, for regulation of cytoplasmic ionic composition and for transepithelial transport. The Na,K-ATPase consists of two membrane spanning polypeptides, an -subunit of 112-kD and a -subunit, which is a glycoprotein of 35-kD. The catalytic properties are associated with the -subunit, which has the binding domain for ATP and the cations. In the review, attention will be given to the biochemical characterization of the reaction mechanism underlying the coupling between hydrolysis of the substate ATP and transport of Na+ and K+.  相似文献   

The effect of desoxycorticosterone (DOC) on Na, K-ATPase activity was studied in vivo and in vitro on microsomal rat brain fractions. An hour after intramuscular administration of DOC a noticeable increase in the enzyme activity was observed. Preincubation of microsomal brain fractions with 5 and 15 mkg/ml of DOC caused a decrease in Na, K-ATPase activity, with the results evident 3-5 minutes after the addition of the hormone into the incubation medium. The idea of a two-phase hormonal effect is suggested. It is likely that desoxycorticosterone effect is realized both by the direct influence, on Na, K-ATPase of the brain plasma membrane and by the influence on the biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The effect of choline iodide, bromide and chloride on the kinetics of the electrogenic sodium transport by the Na,K-ATPase was investigated in a model system of ATPase-containing membrane fragments adsorbed on the lipid bilayer membrane. The kinetic parameters of Na+ transport were determined from short circuit currents after fast release of ATP from its caged precursor. The falling phase of the current transients could be fitted by a single exponential with the time constant, τ 2. Its temperature dependence allowed an estimation of the activation energy of the rate-limiting reaction step, the conformation transition E1/E2. Choline iodide and bromide caused a decrease of the activation energy as well as the overall rate of the process expressed as the pre-exponential factor A of the Arrhenius equation. If choline iodide or bromide were present on the cytoplasmic and extracellular sides of the protein, the temperature dependent changes were more pronounced than when present on the cytoplasmic side only. These results can be explained by an effect of the anions on water structure on the extracellular surface of the protein, where a deep access channel connects the ion-binding sites with the solution. Chloride ions also caused a deceleration of the electrogenic transport, however, in contrast to iodide or bromide, they did not affect the activation energy, and were more effective when added on the cytoplasmic side. This effect can be explained by asymmetric screening of the negative surface charges which leads to a transmembrane electric potential that modifies the ion transfer.  相似文献   

The velocity of Na, K-ATPase is studied as a function of MgATP, ATP and MG2+ concentrations. The kinetic analysis is used to substantiate the inclusion of certain intermediates and steps of their interconversion into the minimal model for Na, K-ATPase.  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of intact and digitonin-treated Na,K-ATPase from bovine brain were studied. The temperature dependence curve for the rate of ATP hydrolysis under optimal conditions (upsilon 0) in the Arrhenius plots shows a break at 19-20 degrees. The temperature dependence curves for Km' and Km" have breaks at the same temperatures, while the Arrhenius plot for V is linear. The value of the Hill coefficient (nH) for ATP at 37 degrees is variable depending on ATP concentration, i. e. it is less than 1 at ATP concentrations below 50 mkM and is increased up to 3.2 at higher concentrations of the substrate. At high ATP concentrations the value of nH depends on temperature, falling down to 2.1 at 23 degrees and then down to 1 within the temperature range of 21-19 degrees. A further decrease in temperature does not significantly affect the nH value. Digitonin irreversibly inhibits Na, K-ATPase. ATP hydrolysis is more sensitive to the effect of the detergent than is nNPP hydrolysis, i. e. after complete inhibition of the ATPase about 40% of the phosphatase activity are retained. Treatment of Na,K-ATPase by digitonin results in elimination of the breaks in the Arrhenius plots for upsilon 0, Km' and Km", whereas the temperature dependence plot of V remains linear. Simultaneously digitonin eliminates the positive cooperativity of the enzyme for ATP. It is assumed that Na, K-ATPase from bovine brain is an oligomer of the (alpha beta) 4 type. Digitonin changes the type of interaction between the protomers within the oligomeric complex by changing the lipid environment of the enzyme or the type of protein -- lipid interactions.  相似文献   

The whole-cell voltage-clamp technique was used in rat cardiac myocytes to investigate the kinetics of ADP binding to phosphorylated states of Na,K-ATPase and its effects on presteady-state Na(+)-dependent charge movements by this enzyme. Ouabain-sensitive transient currents generated by Na,K-ATPase functioning in electroneutral Na(+)-Na(+) exchange mode were measured at 23 degrees C with pipette ADP concentrations ([ADP]) of up to 4.3 mM and extracellular Na(+) concentrations ([Na](o)) between 36 and 145 mM at membrane potentials (V(M)) from -160 to +80 mV. Analysis of charge-V(M) curves showed that the midpoint potential of charge distribution was shifted toward more positive V(M) both by increasing [ADP] at constant Na(+)(o) and by increasing [Na](o) at constant ADP. The total quantity of mobile charge, on the other hand, was found to be independent of changes in [ADP] or [Na](o). The presence of ADP increased the apparent rate constant for current relaxation at hyperpolarizing V(M) but decreased it at depolarizing V(M) as compared to control (no added ADP), an indication that ADP binding facilitates backward reaction steps during Na(+)-Na(+) exchange while slowing forward reactions. Data analysis using a pseudo three-state model yielded an apparent K(d) of approximately 6 mM for ADP binding to and release from the Na,K-ATPase phosphoenzyme; a value of 130 s(-1) for k(2), a rate constant that groups Na(+) deocclusion/release and the enzyme conformational transition E(1) approximately P --> E(2)-P; a value of 162 s(-1)M(-1) for k(-2), a lumped second-order V(M)-independent rate constant describing the reverse reactions; and a Hill coefficient of approximately 1 for Na(+)(o) binding to E(2)-P. The results are consistent with electroneutral release of ADP before Na(+) is deoccluded and released through an ion well. The same approach can be used to study additional charge-moving reactions and associated electrically silent steps of the Na,K-pump and other transporters.  相似文献   

The effect of surface active agents on the activity of Na, K-ATPase and on the direct medium 18O exchange in the membrane preparations of the guinea pig kidney has been studied. The medium 18O exchange was considered as a character of the K+-dependent stage in ATPase reaction. Low concentration of all the surface active agents were shown to stimulate, and high concentrations -- to inhibit both ATPase and medium 18O exchange. The relation between medium 18O exchange and Na,K-ATPase activity was found to be equal to 1.5 +/- 0.1. The treatment of preparations by activating amounts of the surface active agents resulted in lowering this relation up to 1.0 +/- 0.09 and 1.3 +/- 0.04 for DOC and triton X-100, correspondently, due to a stronger stimulation of ATPase activity than of medium 18O exchange. With the inhibiting amounts of triton X-100 and histone H2a, this relation did not change, but it decreased in the presence of equal amounts of DOC.  相似文献   

In epithelial MDCK cells, the Na,K-ATPase is co-localized with adherens junctions in all stages of monolayer formation starting from initiation of cell–cell contact. The Na,K-ATPase and adherens junction proteins stay partially co-localized even after internalization due to disruption of intercellular contacts by Ca2+ deprivation. Similar to adherens junction proteins, the Na,K-ATPase is resistant to extraction with non-ionic detergent, suggesting pump association with the cytoskeleton. In contrast, the heterodimer formed by expressed unglycosylated Na,K-ATPase β1 subunit and the endogenous α1 subunit is easily dissociated from the adherens junctions and cytoskeleton by detergent extraction. The MDCK cells in which half of the endogenous β1 subunits in the lateral membrane are substituted by unglycosylated β1 subunits display a slower rate of cell-to-cell contact formation and decreased ability to both spread over the surface and migrate. The lack of N-glycans in the Na,K-ATPase β1 subunit results in an impairment of mature cell–cell junctions as detected by an increase in the paracellular permeability of the MDCK cell monolayers and by a decrease in resistance of adherens junction proteins to extraction by a non-ionic detergent. Therefore the N-glycans of the Na,K-ATPase β1 subunit are important for retention of the pump at the sites of cell–cell contact. Moreover, they are important for the integrity and stability of cell–cell junctions in mature epithelia. In addition, N-glycans contribute to the formation of cell–cell contacts between surface-attached dispersed cells by mediating lamellipodia formation and stabilizing the newly formed adherens junctions.  相似文献   

Studies of lipid interactions with membranous Na,K-ATPase by using electron spin resonance spectroscopy in conjunction with spin-labelled lipids are reviewed. The lipid stoichiometry, selectivity and exchange dynamics at the lipid-protein interface can be determined, in addition to information on the configuration and rotational dynamics of the protein-associated lipid chains. These parameters, particularly the stoichiometry and selectivity, are related directly to the intramembranous structure of the Na,K-ATPase, and can be used to check the integrity of extensively trypsinised preparations.  相似文献   

The interaction of palytoxin with the Na,K-ATPase was studied by the electrochromic styryl dye RH421, which monitors the amount of ions in the membrane domain of the pump. The toxin affected the pump function in the state P-E2, independently of the type of phosphorylation (ATP or inorganic phosphate). The palytoxin-induced modification of the protein consisted of two steps: toxin binding and a subsequent conformational change into a transmembrane ion channel. At 20 degrees C, the rate-limiting reaction had a forward rate constant of 10(5) M(-1)s(-1) and a backward rate constant of about 10(-3) s(-1). In the palytoxin-modified state, the binding affinity for Na+ and H+ was increased and reached values between those obtained in the E1 and P-E2 conformation under physiological conditions. Even under saturating palytoxin concentrations, the ATPase activity was not completely inhibited. In the Na/K mode, approximately 50% of the enzyme remained active in the average, and in the Na-only mode 25%. The experimental findings indicate that an additional exit from the inhibited state exists. An obvious reaction pathway is a slow dephosphorylation of the palytoxin-inhibited state with a time constant of approximately 100 s. Analysis of the effect of blockers of the extracellular and cytoplasmic access channels, TPA+ and Br2-Titu3+, respectively, showed that both access channels are part of the ion pathway in the palytoxin-modified protein. All experiments can be explained by an extension of the Post-Albers cycle, in which three additional states were added that branch off in the P-E2 state and lead to states in which the open-channel conformation is introduced and returns into the pump cycle in the occluded E2 state. The previously suggested molecular model for the channel state of the Na,K-ATPase as a conformation in which both gates between binding sites and aqueous phases are simultaneously in their open state is supported by this study.  相似文献   

Na, K- and Mg-ATPase activity of the cerebral cortex microsomal fraction has been studied and compared in adult and old rats. The activity of Na, K-ATPase decreases while that of Mg-ATPase increases with age. The total ATPase activity remains unchanged. The effect of acetylcholine on ATPase activity has been found to be age-dependent.  相似文献   

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