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Voltage-gated potassium channels are six-transmembrane (S1-S6) proteins that form a central pore domain (4 x S5-S6) surrounded by four voltage sensor domains (S1-S4), which detect changes in membrane voltage and control pore opening. Upon depolarization, the S4 segments move outward carrying charged residues across the membrane field, thereby leading to the opening of the pore. The mechanism of S4 motion is controversial. We have investigated how S4 moves relative to the pore domain in the prototypical Shaker potassium channel. We introduced pairs of cysteines, one in S4 and the other in S5, and examined proximity changes between each pair of cysteines during activation, using Cd2+ and copper-phenanthroline, which crosslink the cysteines with metal and disulphide bridges, respectively. Modelling of the results suggests a novel mechanism: in the resting state, the top of the S3b-S4 voltage sensor paddle lies close to the top of S5 of the adjacent subunit, but moves towards the top of S5 of its own subunit during depolarization--this motion is accompanied by a reorientation of S4 charges to the extracellular phase.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystallographic structure of KvAP, a voltage-gated bacterial K channel, was recently published. However, the position and the molecular movement of the voltage sensor, S4, are still controversial. For example, in the crystallographic structure, S4 is located far away (>30 A) from the pore domain, whereas electrostatic experiments have suggested that S4 is located close (<8 A) to the pore domain in open channels. To test the proposed location and motion of S4 relative to the pore domain, we induced disulphide bonds between pairs of introduced cysteines: one in S4 and one in the pore domain. Several residues in S4 formed a state-dependent disulphide bond with a residue in the pore domain. Our data suggest that S4 is located close to the pore domain in a neighboring subunit. Our data also place constraints on possible models for S4 movement and are not compatible with a recently proposed KvAP model.  相似文献   

We investigate the interaction between dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and a nitroxide spin label in order to understand its influences on lipid structure and dynamics using molecular dynamics simulations. The system was modified by covalently attaching nitroxide spin labels to the headgroups of two DPPC molecules. (S-(2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrrol-3-yl)methyl methanesulfonothioate) (MTSL) was used as the spin label. The label position and dynamics were analyzed as was the impact of the modified DPPC on the structure of the surrounding lipids. The modified DPPC molecules locate closer to the center of the membrane than unmodified DPPC molecules. The rotation of the spin label is unrestricted, but there are favored orientations. MTSL depresses the deuterium order parameters of the carbon atoms close to the headgroup in surrounding DPPC molecules. The spin label has no impact on order parameters of carbon atoms at the end of the lipid tails. The lateral diffusion constant of the modified DPPC is indistinguishable from unmodified DPPC molecules. These novel computational results suggest an experimental validation.  相似文献   

Most membrane proteins contain a transmembrane (TM) domain made up of a bundle of lipid-bilayer-spanning α-helices. TM α-helices are generally composed of a core of largely hydrophobic amino acids, with basic and aromatic amino acids at each end of the helix forming interactions with the lipid headgroups and water. In contrast, the S4 helix of ion channel voltage sensor (VS) domains contains four or five basic (largely arginine) side chains along its length and yet adopts a TM orientation as part of an independently stable VS domain. Multiscale molecular dynamics simulations are used to explore how a charged TM S4 α-helix may be stabilized in a lipid bilayer, which is of relevance in the context of mechanisms of translocon-mediated insertion of S4. Free-energy profiles for insertion of the S4 helix into a phospholipid bilayer suggest that it is thermodynamically favorable for S4 to insert from water to the center of the membrane, where the helix adopts a TM orientation. This is consistent with crystal structures of Kv channels, biophysical studies of isolated VS domains in lipid bilayers, and studies of translocon-mediated S4 helix insertion. Decomposition of the free-energy profiles reveals the underlying physical basis for TM stability, whereby the preference of the hydrophobic residues of S4 to enter the bilayer dominates over the free-energy penalty for inserting charged residues, accompanied by local distortion of the bilayer and penetration of waters. We show that the unique combination of charged and hydrophobic residues in S4 allows it to insert stably into the membrane.  相似文献   

Elmore DE 《FEBS letters》2006,580(1):144-148
Although molecular dynamics simulations are an important tool for studying membrane systems, relatively few simulations have used anionic lipids. This paper reports the first simulation of a pure phosphatidylglycerol (PG) bilayer. The properties of this equilibrated palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylglycerol membrane agree with experimental observations of PG membranes and with previous simulations of monolayers and mixed bilayers containing PG lipids. These simulations also provide interesting insights into hydrogen bonding interactions in PG membranes. This equilibrated membrane will be a useful starting point for simulations of membrane proteins interacting with PG lipids.  相似文献   

We present the results of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a phospholipid membrane in water, including full atomic detail. The goal of the simulations was twofold: first we wanted to set up a simulation system which is able to reproduce experimental results and can serve as a model membrane in future simulations. This goal being reached it is then further possible to gain insight in to those properties that are experimentally more difficult to access. The system studied is dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/water, consisting of 5408 atoms. Using original force field parameters the membrane turned out to approach a gel-like state. With slight changes of the parameters, the system adopted a liquid-crystalline state. Separate 80 ps runs were performed on both the gel and liquid-crystalline systems. Comparison of MD results with reliable experimental data (bilayer repeat distance, surface area per lipid, tail order parameters, atom distributions) showed that our simulations, especially the one in the liquid-crystalline phase, can serve as a realistic model for a phospholipid membrane. Further analysis of the trajectories revealed valuable information on various properties. In the liquid-crystalline phase, the interface turns out to be quite diffuse, with water molecules penetrating into the bilayer to the position of the carbonyl groups. The 10–90% width of the interface turns out to be 1.3 nm and the width of the hydrocarbon interior 3.0 nm. The headgroup dipoles are oriented at a small angle with respect to the bilayer plane. The resulting charge distribution is almost completely cancelled by the water molecules. The electron density distribution shows a large dip in the middle of the membrane. In this part the tails are more flexible. The mean life time between dihedral transitions is 20 ps. The average number of gauche angles per tail is 3.5. The occurrence of kinks is not a significant feature.Abbreviations MD molecular dynamics - DPPC dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine - SPC simple point charges - DPPE dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine Correspondence to: H. J. C. Berendsen  相似文献   

The voltage-gated Kv2.1 channel is composed of four identical subunits folded around the central pore and does not inactivate appreciably during short depolarizing pulses. To study voltage-induced relative molecular rearrangements of the channel, Kv2.1 subunits were genetically fused with enhanced cyan fluorescent protein and/or enhanced yellow fluorescent protein, expressed in COS1 cells, and investigated using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy combined with patch clamp. Fusion of fluorophores to either or both termini of the Kv2.1 monomer did not significantly affect the gating properties of the channel. FRET between the N- and C-terminal tags fused to the same or different Kv2.1 monomers decreased upon activation of the channel by depolarization from -80 to +60 mV, suggesting voltage-gated relative rearrangement between the termini. Because FRET between the Kv2.1 N- or C-terminal tags and the membrane-trapped EYFP(N)-PH pleckstrin homology domains did not change on depolarization, voltage-gated relative movements between the Kv2.1 termini occurred in a plane parallel to the plasma membrane, within a distance of 1-10 nm. FRET between the N-terminal tags did not change upon depolarization, indicating that the N termini do not rearrange relative to each other, but they could either move cooperatively with the Kv2.1 tetramer or not move at all. No FRET was detected between the C-terminal tags. Assuming their randomized orientation in the symmetrically arranged Kv2.1 subunits, C termini may move outwards in order to produce relative rearrangements between N and C termini upon depolarization.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that the outer vestibule of activated Kv2.1 potassium channels can be in one of two conformations, and that K(+) occupancy of a specific selectivity filter site determines which conformation the outer vestibule is in. These different outer vestibule conformations result in different sensitivities to internal and external TEA, different inactivation rates, and different macroscopic conductances. The [K(+)]-dependent switch in outer vestibule conformation is also associated with a change in rate of channel activation. In this paper, we examined the mechanism by which changes in [K(+)] modulate the rate of channel activation. Elevation of symmetrical [K(+)] or [Rb(+)] from 0 to 3 mM doubled the rate of on-gating charge movement (Q(on)), measured at 0 mV. Cs(+) produced an identical effect, but required 40-fold higher concentrations. All three permeant ions occupied the selectivity filter over the 0.03-3 mM range, so simple occupancy of the selectivity filter was not sufficient to produce the change in Q(on). However, for each of these permeant ions, the speeding of Q(on) occurred with the same concentration dependence as the switch between outer vestibule conformations. Neutralization of an amino acid (K356) in the outer vestibule, which abolishes the modulation of channel pharmacology and ionic currents by the K(+)-dependent reorientation of the outer vestibule, also abolished the K(+)-dependence of Q(on). Together, the data indicate that the K(+)-dependent reorientation in the outer vestibule was responsible for the change in Q(on). Moreover, similar [K(+)]-dependence and effects of mutagenesis indicate that the K(+)-dependent change in rate of Q(on) can account for the modulation of ionic current activation rate. Simple kinetic analysis suggested that K(+) reduced an energy barrier for voltage sensor movement. These results provide strong evidence for a direct functional interaction, which is modulated by permeant ions acting at the selectivity filter, between the outer vestibule of the Kv2.1 potassium channel and the voltage sensor.  相似文献   

Wu D  Pan H  Delaloye K  Cui J 《Biophysical journal》2010,99(11):3599-3608
The KCNE1 auxiliary subunit coassembles with the Kv7.1 channel and modulates its properties to generate the cardiac IKs current. Recent biophysical evidence suggests that KCNE1 interacts with the voltage-sensing domain (VSD) of Kv7.1. To investigate the mechanism of how KCNE1 affects the VSD to alter the voltage dependence of channel activation, we perturbed the VSD of Kv7.1 by mutagenesis and chemical modification in the absence and presence of KCNE1. Mutagenesis of S4 in Kv7.1 indicates that basic residues in the N-terminal half (S4-N) and C-terminal half (S4-C) of S4 are important for stabilizing the resting and activated states of the channel, respectively. KCNE1 disrupts electrostatic interactions involving S4-C, specifically with the lower conserved glutamate in S2 (Glu170 or E2). Likewise, Trp scanning of S4 shows that mutations to a cluster of residues in S4-C eliminate current in the presence of KCNE1. In addition, KCNE1 affects S4-N by enhancing MTS accessibility to the top of the VSD. Consistent with the structure of Kv channels and previous studies on the KCNE1-Kv7.1 interaction, these results suggest that KCNE1 alters the interactions of S4 residues with the surrounding protein environment, possibly by changing the protein packing around S4, thereby affecting the voltage dependence of Kv7.1.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulation of a synthetic ion channel.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A molecular dynamics simulation has been performed on a synthetic membrane-spanning ion channel, consisting of four alpha-helical peptides, each of which is composed of the amino acids leucine (L) and serine (S), with the sequence Ac-(LSLLLSL)3-CONH2. This four-helix bundle has been shown experimentally to act as a proton-conducting channel in a membrane environment. In the present simulation, the channel was initially assembled as a parallel bundle in the octane portion of a phase-separated water/octane system, which provided a membrane-mimetic environment. An explicit reversible multiple-time-step integrator was used to generate a dynamical trajectory, a few nanoseconds in duration for this composite system on a parallel computer, under ambient conditions. After more than 1 ns, the four helices were found to adopt an associated dimer state with twofold symmetry, which evolved into a coiled-coil tetrameric structure with a left-handed twist. In the coiled-coil state, the polar serine side chains interact to form a layered structure with the core of the bundle filled with H2O. The dipoles of these H2O molecules tended to align opposite the net dipole of the peptide bundle. The calculated dipole relaxation function of the pore H2O molecules exhibits two reorientation times. One is approximately 3.2 ps, and the other is approximately 100 times longer. The diffusion coefficient of the pore H2O is about one-third of the bulk H2O value. The total dipole moment and the inertia tensor of the peptide bundle have been calculated and reveal slow (300 ps) collective oscillatory motions. Our results, which are based on a simple united atom force-field model, suggest that the function of this synthetic ion channel is likely inextricably coupled to its dynamical behavior.  相似文献   

The recent crystal structures of the voltage-gated potassium channel KvAP and its isolated voltage-sensing 'paddle' (composed of segments S1-S4) challenge existing models of voltage gating and raise a number of questions about the structure of the physiologically relevant state. We investigate a possible gating mechanism based on the crystal structures in a 10 ns steered molecular dynamics simulation of KvAP in a membrane-mimetic octane layer. The structure of the full KvAP protein has been modified by restraining the S2-S4 domain to the conformation of the isolated high-resolution paddle structure. After an initial relaxation, the paddle tips are pulled through the membrane from the intracellular to the extracellular side, corresponding to a putative change from closed to open. We describe the effect of this large-scale motion on the central pore domain, which remains largely unchanged, on the protein hydrogen-bonding network and on solvent. We analyze the motion of the S3b-S4 portion of the protein and propose a possible coupling mechanism between the paddle motion and the opening of the channel. Interactions between the arginine residues in S4, solvent and chloride ions are likely to play a role in the gating charge.  相似文献   

The motions of individual lipid molecules in a model membrane have been studied by computer simulation using the molecular dynamics technique. The intermolecular forces were of both the Lennard-Jones and the Coulomb type. The influence of temperature and electrical screening on the order-disorder transition was examined, and it was also found that this transition is initiated by the spontaneous generation of disclinations.  相似文献   

Analysis of the crystal structures of the intact voltage-sensitive potassium channel KvAP (from Aeropyrum pernix) and Kv1.2 (from rat brain), along with the isolated voltage sensor (VS) domain from KvAP, raises the question of the exact nature of the voltage-sensing conformational change that triggers activation of Kv and related voltage-gated channels. Molecular dynamics simulations of the isolated VS of KvAP in a detergent micelle environment at two different temperatures (300 K and 368 K) have been used to probe the intrinsic flexibility of this domain on a tens-of-nanoseconds timescale. The VS contains a positively charged (S4) helix which is packed against a more hydrophobic S3 helix. The simulations at elevated temperature reveal an intrinsic flexibility/conformational instability of the S3a region (i.e., the C-terminus of the S3 helix). It is also evident that the S4 helix undergoes hinge bending and swiveling about its central I130 residue. The conformational instability of the S3a region facilitates the motion of the N-terminal segment of S4 (i.e., S4a). These simulations thus support a gating model in which, in response to depolarization, an S3b-S4a "paddle" may move relative to the rest of the VS domain. The flexible S3a region may in turn act to help restore the paddle to its initial conformation upon repolarization.  相似文献   

Ahern CA  Horn R 《Neuron》2005,48(1):25-29
Voltage-gated ion channels respond to changes in membrane potential by movement of their voltage sensors across the electric field between cytoplasmic and extracellular solutions. The principal voltage sensors in these proteins are positively charged S4 segments. The absolute magnitude of S4 movement discriminates two competing classes of gating models. In one class, the movement is <10 Angstrom due to the fact that the electric field is focused by aqueous crevices in the channel protein. In an alternative model, based in part on the crystal structure of a potassium channel, the side chains of S4 arginines move their charges across the bilayer's electric field, a distance of >25 Angstrom. Here, using tethered charges attached to an S4 segment, we provide evidence that the electric field falls across a distance of <4 Angstrom, supporting a model in which the relative movement between S4 and the electric field is very small.  相似文献   

Using the molecular dynamics simulation technique, we studied the changes occurring in a dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC):cholesterol (CH) membrane at 50 mol% sterol when cholesterol is replaced with cholesterol sulfate (CS). Our simulations were performed at constant pressure and temperature on a nanosecond time scale. We found that 1) the area per DPPC:CS heterodimer is greater than the area of the DPPC:CH heterodimer; 2) CS increases ordering of DPPC acyl chains, but to a lesser extent than CH; 3) the number of hydrogen bonds between DPPC and water is decreased in a CS-containing membrane, but CS forms more water hydrogen bonds than CH; and 4) the membrane dipole potential reverses its sign for a DPPC-CS membrane compared to a DPPC-CH bilayer. We also studied the changes occurring in lipid headgroup conformations and determined the location of CS molecules in the membrane. Our results are in good agreement with the data available from experiments.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of liquid water were performed at 258K and a density of 1.0?g/cm3 under various applied external electric field, ranging 0~1010?V/m. The influence of external field on structural and dynamical properties of water was investigated. The simple point charge (SPC) model is used for water molecules. An enhancement of the water hydrogen bond structure with increasing strength of the electric field has been deduced from the radial distribution functions and the analysis of hydrogen bonds structure. With increasing field strength, water system has a more perfect structure, which is similar to ice structure. However, the electrofreezing phenomenon of liquid water has not been detected since the self-diffusion coefficient was very large. The self-diffusion coefficient decreases remarkably with increasing strength of electric field and the self-diffusion coefficient is anisotropic.  相似文献   

The aquaporin-1 water channel was modeled in a palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidyl-choline lipid bilayer, by means of molecular dynamics simulations. Interaction of the protein with the membrane and inter-monomer interactions were analyzed. Structural features of the channel important for its biological function, including the Asn-Pro-Ala (NPA) motifs, and the diffusion of water molecules into the channels, were investigated. Simulations revealed the formation of single file water inside the channels for certain relative positions of the NPA motifs.  相似文献   

The main structural element of biological membranes is a liquid-crystalline lipid bilayer. Other constituents, i.e. proteins, sterols and peptides, either intercalate into or loosely attach to the bilayer. We applied a molecular dynamics simulation method to study membrane systems at various levels of compositional complexity. The studies were started from simple lipid bilayers containing a single type phosphatidylcholine (PC) and water molecules (PC bilayers). As a next step, cholesterol (Chol) molecules were introduced to the PC bilayers (PC-Chol bilayers). These studies provided detailed information about the structure and dynamics of the membrane/water interface and the hydrocarbon chain region in bilayers built of various types of PCs and Chol. This enabled studies of membrane systems of higher complexity. They included the investigation of an integral membrane protein in its natural environment of a PC bilayer, and the antibacterial activity of magainin-2. The latter study required the construction of a model bacterial membrane which consisted of two types of phospholipids and counter ions. Whenever published experimental data were available, the results of the simulations were compared with them.  相似文献   

S Bernche  M Nina    B Roux 《Biophysical journal》1998,75(4):1603-1618
Molecular dynamics trajectories of melittin in an explicit dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayer are generated to study the details of lipid-protein interactions at the microscopic level. Melittin, a small amphipathic peptide found in bee venom, is known to have a pronounced effect on the lysis of membranes. The peptide is initially set parallel to the membrane-solution interfacial region in an alpha-helical conformation with unprotonated N-terminus. Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and polarized attenuated total internal reflectance Fourier transform infrared (PATIR-FTIR) properties of melittin are calculated from the trajectory to characterize the orientation of the peptide relative to the bilayer. The residue Lys7 located in the hydrophobic moiety of the helix and residues Lys23, Arg24, Gln25, and Gln26 at the C-terminus hydrophilic form hydrogen bonds with water molecules and with the ester carbonyl groups of the lipids, suggesting their important contribution to the stability of the helix in the bilayer. Lipid acyl chains are closely packed around melittin, contributing to the stable association with the membrane. Calculated density profiles and order parameters of the lipid acyl chains averaged over the molecular dynamics trajectory indicate that melittin has effects on both layers of the membrane. The presence of melittin in the upper layer causes a local thinning of the bilayer that favors the penetration of water through the lower layer. The energetic factors involved in the association of melittin at the membrane surface are characterized using an implicit mean-field model in which the membrane and the surrounding solvent are represented as structureless continuum dielectric material. The results obtained by solving the Poisson-Bolztmann equation numerically are in qualitative agreement with the detailed dynamics. The influence of the protonation state of the N-terminus of melittin is examined. After 600 ps, the N-terminus of melittin is protonated and the trajectory is continued for 400 ps, which leads to an important penetration of water molecules into the bilayer. These observations provide insights into how melittin interacts with membranes and the mechanism by which it enhances their lysis.  相似文献   

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