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Tuberculosis continues to be a global health threat, making bicyclic nitroimidazoles an important new class of therapeutics. A deazaflavin-dependent nitroreductase (Ddn) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis catalyzes the reduction of nitroimidazoles such as PA-824, resulting in intracellular release of lethal reactive nitrogen species. The N-terminal 30 residues of Ddn are functionally important but are flexible or access multiple conformations, preventing structural characterization of the full-length, enzymatically active enzyme. Several structures were determined of a truncated, inactive Ddn protein core with and without bound F(420) deazaflavin coenzyme as well as of a catalytically competent homolog from Nocardia farcinica. Mutagenesis studies based on these structures identified residues important for binding of F(420) and PA-824. The proposed orientation of the tail of PA-824 toward the N terminus of Ddn is consistent with current structure-activity relationship data.  相似文献   

Dihydrofolate reductase (EC is a key enzyme in the folate biosynthetic pathway. Information regarding key residues in the dihydrofolate-binding site of Mycobacterium avium dihydrofolate reductase is lacking. On the basis of previous information, Asp31 and Leu32 were selected as residues that are potentially important in interactions with dihydrofolate and antifolates (e.g. trimethoprim), respectively. Asp31 and Leu32 were modified by site-directed mutagenesis, giving the mutants D31A, D31E, D31Q, D31N and D31L, and L32A, L32F and L32D. Mutated proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)pLysS and purified using His-Bind resin; functionality was assessed in comparison with the recombinant wild type by a standard enzyme assay, and growth complementation and kinetic parameters were evaluated. All Asp31 substitutions affected enzyme function; D31E, D31Q and D31N reduced activity by 80-90%, and D31A and D31L by > 90%. All D31 mutants had modified kinetics, ranging from three-fold (D31N) to 283-fold (D31L) increases in K(m) for dihydrofolate, and 12-fold (D31N) to 223 077-fold (D31L) decreases in k(cat)/K(m). Of the Leu32 substitutions, only L32D caused reduced enzyme activity (67%) and kinetic differences from the wild type (seven-fold increase in K(m); 21-fold decrease in k(cat)/K(m)). Only minor variations in the K(m) for NADPH were observed for all substitutions. Whereas the L32F mutant retained similar trimethoprim affinity as the wild type, the L32A mutation resulted in a 12-fold decrease in affinity and the L32D mutation resulted in a seven-fold increase in affinity for trimethoprim. These findings support the hypotheses that Asp31 plays a functional role in binding of the substrate and Leu32 plays a functional role in binding of trimethoprim.  相似文献   

A mixed consortium of sulphate-reducing bacteria was used to investigate the enzymatic mechanism for the total bioreduction of platinum (IV) into platinum (0) nanoparticles. It was established that two different hydrogenase enzymes were involved. First the platinum (IV) was reduced to platinum (II) by a two-electron bioreduction using an oxygen-sensitive novel cytoplasmic hydrogenase. Second the platinum (II) ion was reduced to platinum (0) nanoparticle by another two-electron bioreduction involving an oxygen-tolerant/protected periplasmic hydrogenase. The enzyme was identified from its reaction with Cu(II), an active inhibitor of periplasmic hydrogenases. No exogenous electron donors were necessary as endogenous production of hydrogen/electrons, via the oxidation of metabolites, was generated in situ by the cytoplasmic hydrogenase. The hydrogen then dispersed through the cell to the periplasm where it became available for use by the periplasmic hydrogenase. The endogenous electrons were used, in the absence of sulphate, for the reduction of platinum (II) by the periplasmic hydrogenase. It was found that the Pt(IV) ion must be fully reduced before reduction of the Pt(II) ion would begin. Transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis confirmed the deposit of platinum particles into the periplasmic space.  相似文献   

The membrane-bound enzyme responsible for the breakdown of 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) has been purified 1,900-fold from detergent-solubilized human placenta, using chromatographies on Con A-Sepharose, Blue Sepharose, AMP-Agarose, and Sepharose CL-6B, and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The enzyme required Mg2+ and showed the optimum activity at pH 9.4. The preparation was free of alkaline phosphatase [EC], phosphodiesterase [EC], and 5'-nucleotidase [EC] activities, which enabled investigation of the substrate specificity and kinetic properties of the enzyme without interference by secondary reactions due to the above activities. The enzyme cleaved the pyrophosphate linkages of NAD and various sugar nucleotides and the phosphodiester linkage of p-nitrophenyl-thymidine 5'-monophosphate (PNTP), as well as the phosphosulfate linkages of PAPS and its biosynthetic precursor, adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (APS), with apparent Km values of 0.12-0.33 mM. Relative activities towards PNTP and PAPS did not change during the purification procedures starting from the homogenate. This, together with the data of kinetic studies using two substrates simultaneously, led us to conclude that the activities towards all the substrates tested were due to one and the same nucleotide pyrophosphatase.  相似文献   

The interaction between acetyl-CoA fragments and rat liver acetyl-CoA carboxylase was studied. It was found that the 3'-phosphate group did not interfere with the enzyme interaction since the substrate properties of acetyl-dephospho-CoA and acetyl-CoA are nearly identical. The non-nucleotide substrate analogs S-acetyl-pantethin and its 4'-phosphate) also displayed substrate properties (V = 1.5% and 15% of the V for acetyl-CoA carboxylation respectively). The nucleotide fragment of the acetyl-CoA molecule produced an appreciable effect on the thermodynamics of this substrate interaction with the enzyme. Its physiological role consists in all probability, in the activation and propes orientation of the acetyl group in the enzyme active center. The far more pronounced substrate properties of S-acetyl pantethin 4'-phosphate and the inhibitory properties of pantethin 4'-phosphate (compared to non-phosphorylated analogs) suggest the essential role of the beta-phosphate residue of ADP in the acetyl-CoA binding to the enzyme. The data obtained suggest also that the hydrophobic region responsible for the acyl radical binding, has a site which specifically recognizes the beta-mercaptoethyl residue of the CoA pantethin fragment. The pivotal role in the acetyl-CoA carboxylase interaction with the substrate is ascribed to the productive binding of the acetyl radical; the contribution of individual fragment of the CoA molecule is variable.  相似文献   

UvrD is a helicase that is widely conserved in gram-negative bacteria. A uvrD homologue was identified in Mycobacterium tuberculosis on the basis of the homology of its encoded protein with Escherichia coli UvrD, with which it shares 39% amino acid identity, distributed throughout the protein. The gene was cloned, and a histidine-tagged form of the protein was expressed and purified to homogeneity. The purified protein had in vitro ATPase activity that was dependent upon the presence of DNA. Oligonucleotides as short as four nucleotides were sufficient to promote the ATPase activity. The DNA helicase activity of the enzyme was only fueled by ATP and dATP. UvrD preferentially unwound 3'-single-stranded tailed duplex substrates over 5'-single-stranded ones, indicating that the protein had a duplex-unwinding activity with 3'-to-5' polarity. A 3' single-stranded DNA tail of 18 nucleotides was required for effective unwinding. By using a series of synthetic oligonucleotide substrates, we demonstrated that M. tuberculosis UvrD has an unwinding preference towards nicked DNA duplexes and stalled replication forks, representing the likely sites of action in vivo. The potential role of M. tuberculosis UvrD in maintenance of bacterial genomic integrity makes it a promising target for drug design against M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

The antitumor antibiotic neocarzinostatin exhibits its main drug action by abstracting hydrogen from DNA deoxyribose with consequent strand breakage or related lesions. All biological activities of the drug derive solely from a nonprotein chromophoric substance (NCS-chrom) consisting of a novel epoxy-bicyclo-diyne-ene system. Thiol or sodium borohydride activates NCS-chrom into a labile, reactive species that induces DNA damage but causes inactivation of the drug in the absence of the target DNA. Mass spectrometric studies indicate that the isolated thiol-activated NCS-chrom product in the presence of DNA has the same molecular weight as the thiol-inactivated NCS-chrom product in the absence of DNA. No deuterium is incorporated into the chromophore from the deuterium-labeled sulfhydryl group. Since three deuterium atoms can be incorporated into the drug by treatment with sodium borodeuteride without DNA, adding an unlabeled DNA under parallel conditions permitted the ready identification of the activated NCS-chrom product that abstracted hydrogen from the DNA. Not only does the activated NCS-chrom product have the same structure as the inactivated drug without DNA, but two of the incorporated deuterium atoms have been substituted by hydrogen. With the aid of NMR spectrometry, the two replaced hydrogen atoms are found to be incorporated into the C-2 and C-6 positions of the bicyclo-diyne-ene ring of NCS-chrom and are derived neither from borodeuteride nor from the hydroxyl functions of the solvents. In accord with current proposals, the two hydrogens incorporated into the drug may come from closely opposed sites on the complementary strands of the DNA at which the drug is bound.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The substrate specificity of carboxypeptidase (F-II) purified from watermelon for various synthetic peptides and esters was examined kinetically. The enzyme showed a broad substrate specificity against various carbobenzoxy- and benzyl-dipeptides. Peptides containing glycine or proline were hydrolyzed slowly by the enzyme. Peptides containing hydrophobic amino acids were hydrolyzed rapidly. The presence of hydrophobic amino acid residues, not only at the C-terminal position but also at the second position and probably the third position from the C-terminal resulted in an increase in the rate of hydrolysis. Inhibition studies with diisopropyl flurophosphate and diastereomers of carbobenzoxy-Phe-Ala demonstrated that the peptidase and esterase activities of the enzyme are both catalyzed by the same site of the enzyme molecule, but the binding sites for peptides and esters seem not to be the same. The enzyme also had amidase activity, which was optimal at pH 7.0.  相似文献   

The proteolytic enzymes of the sporogenous Bacillus mesentericus strains 64 and 8 were tested for their ability to hydrolyse different protein substrates. The enzymes were isolated using affinity chromatography on bacillichine-silochrome, and eluted with 25% isopropanol in 0.05 M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0-8.4, containing 0.01 M CaCl2. Casein, hemoglobin, elastin, albumin and synthetic peptides, Z-L-Ala-Ala-Leu-pNa and Z-L-Ala-Gly-Leu-pNa, were used as substrates. The activity of esterase was assayed in terms of indophenyl acetate cleavage. The proteinases were compared with terrilytin, a commercial preparation. The proteinase of strain 64 was active in the hydrolysis of casein, hemoglobin and elastin; its specificity was close to that of terrilytin. The proteinase of strain 8 differed from them in a higher thrombolytic and fibrinolytic activity, and had a high esterase activity.  相似文献   

Substrate specificity of beta-collagenase from Clostridium histolyticum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The substrate specificity of beta-collagenase from Clostridium histolyticum has been investigated by measuring the rate of hydrolysis of more than 50 tri-, tetra-, penta-, and hexapeptides covering the P3 to P3' subsites of the substrate. The choice of peptides was patterned after sequences found in the alpha 1 and alpha 2 chains of type I collagen. Each peptide contained either a 2-furanacryloyl (FA) or cinnamoyl (CN) group in subsite P2 or the 4-nitrophenylalanine (Nph) residue in subsite P1. Hydrolysis of the P1-P1' bond produces an absorbance change in these chromophoric peptides that has been used to quantitate the rates of their hydrolysis under first order conditions ([S] much less than KM) from kcat/KM values have been obtained. The identity of the amino acids in all six subsites (P3-P3') markedly influences the hydrolysis rates. In general, the best substrates have Gly in subsites P3 and P1', Pro or Ala in subsite P2', and Hyp, Arg, or Ala in subsite P3'. This corresponds well with the frequency of occurrence of these residues in the Gly-X-Y triplets of collagen. In contrast, the most rapidly hydrolyzed substrates do not have residues from collagen-like sequences in subsites P2 and P1. For example, CN-Nph-Gly-Pro-Ala is the best known substrate for beta-collagenase with a kcat/KM value of 4.4 X 10(7) M-1 min-1, in spite of the fact that there is neither Pro nor Ala in P2 or Hyp nor Ala in P1. These results indicate that the previously established rules for the substrate specificity of the enzyme require modification.  相似文献   

Substrate specificity of ribonuclease from Aspergillus saitoi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Substrate specificity of laccase from Lentinus edodes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In previous studies, the white-rot basidiomycete Lentinus edodes, strain SC-495, was proved to be a “selective” lignin degrader and its extracellular crude preparations arising from solid-state cultures were successfully employed in biopulping experiments on annual plants. This fungus produced extracellular laccase as the predominant phenoloxidase when growing in solid-state fermentation on corn stalks. Laccase from this strain was purified and partially characterized, as an initial approach towards the study of its ligninolytic complex. Laccase was purified 69.6-fold by anion-exchange chromatography and two affinity-chromatography steps with an overall yield of 7.45%. The native enzyme exhibited a molecular mass of 74 kDa, an isoelectric point of 3.42 and a carbohydrate content of 7.5%. The absorption spectrum of laccase showed a maximum at 605 nm, typical of blue-copper oxidases. The optimum pH and temperature for the activity of laccase were 4.0–4.2 and 50°C, respectively. Kinetic experiments, performed with a wide range of phenolic compounds, showed that the reaction rate and the substrate affinity greatly varied depending on the nature of substituents and their reciprocal positions on the aromatic ring. In particular, the enzyme showed high affinity to phenolic compounds bearing methoxyl or methyl groups, but no affinity to those bearing the nitro group directly attached to the benzene ring, nor to non-phenolic lignin-related compounds, such as trans-cinnamic acid or 3,4-dimethoxycinnamic acid. The huge differences in terms of reactivity of the enzyme towards phenolic compounds suggests that a preliminary systematic screening should be advisable when using laccase in effluent treatment applications.  相似文献   



Fatty acids are indispensable constituents of mycolic acids that impart toughness & permeability barrier to the cell envelope of M. tuberculosis. Biotin is an essential co-factor for acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) the enzyme involved in the synthesis of malonyl-CoA, a committed precursor, needed for fatty acid synthesis. Biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) provides the co-factor for catalytic activity of ACC.

Methodology/Principal Findings

BPL/BirA (Biotin Protein Ligase), and its substrate, biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mt) were cloned and expressed in E. coli BL21. In contrast to EcBirA and PhBPL, the ∼29.5 kDa MtBPL exists as a monomer in native, biotin and bio-5′AMP liganded forms. This was confirmed by molecular weight profiling by gel filtration on Superdex S-200 and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). Computational docking of biotin and bio-5′AMP to MtBPL show that adenylation alters the contact residues for biotin. MtBPL forms 11 H-bonds with biotin, relative to 35 with bio-5′AMP. Docking simulations also suggest that bio-5′AMP hydrogen bonds to the conserved ‘GRGRRG’ sequence but not biotin. The enzyme catalyzed transfer of biotin to BCCP was confirmed by incorporation of radioactive biotin and by Avidin blot. The Km for BCCP was ∼5.2 µM and ∼420 nM for biotin. MtBPL has low affinity (Kb = 1.06×10−6 M) for biotin relative to EcBirA but their Km are almost comparable suggesting that while the major function of MtBPL is biotinylation of BCCP, tight binding of biotin/bio-5′AMP by EcBirA is channeled for its repressor activity.


These studies thus open up avenues for understanding the unique features of MtBPL and the role it plays in biotin utilization in M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Lysobacter lactamgenus produces cephabacins, a class of beta-lactam antibiotics which have an oligopeptide moiety attached to the cephem ring at the C-3 position. The nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) system, which comprises four distinct modules, is required for the biosynthesis of this short oligopeptide, when one takes the chemical structure of these antibiotics into consideration. The cpbI gene, which has been identified in a region upstream of the pcbAB gene, encodes the NRPS - polyketide synthase hybrid complex, where NRPS is composed of three modules, while the cpbK gene -- which has been reported as being upstream of cpbI-- comprises a single NRPS module. An in silico protein analysis was able to partially reveal the specificity of each module. The four recombinant adenylation (A) domains from each NRPS module were heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. Biochemical data from ATP-PPi exchange assays indicated that L-arginine was an effective substrate for the A1 domain, while the A2, A3 and A4 domains activated L-alanine. These findings are in an agreement with the known chemical structure of cephabacins, as well as with the anticipated substrate specificity of the NRPS modules in CpbI and CpbK, which are involved in the assembly of the tetrapeptide at the C-3 position.  相似文献   

The results herein show that mice infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and then exposed to a protracted course of isoniazid chemotherapy possess a heightened state of acquired resistance to subsequent challenge with the homologous organism. Our results provide the first evidence, moreover, that this resistance is mediated by a long-lived, cyclophosphamide- and irradiation-resistant L3T4+ Lyt-2- lymphocyte capable of giving rise to an accelerated re-emergence of resistance in the animal upon rechallenge. Evidence is also provided to show that triggering of this memory-immune T cell population in the re-challenged host was associated with the rapid emergence of non-specific resistance to secondary bacterial infection; however, the accelerated emergence of this population was only observed if the challenge inoculum consisted of the living organism. The relevance of this latter finding to strategies for vaccine development is discussed.  相似文献   

The response regulator DosR is essential for promoting long-term survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis under low oxygen conditions in a dormant state and may be responsible for latent tuberculosis in one-third of the world's population. Here, we report crystal structures of full-length unphosphorylated DosR at 2.2 Å resolution and its C-terminal DNA-binding domain at 1.7 Å resolution. The full-length DosR structure reveals several features never seen before in other response regulators. The N-terminal domain of the full-length DosR structure has an unexpected (βα)4 topology instead of the canonical (βα)5 fold observed in other response regulators. The linker region adopts a unique conformation that contains two helices forming a four-helix bundle with two helices from another subunit, resulting in dimer formation. The C-terminal domain in the full-length DosR structure displays a novel location of helix α10, which allows Gln199 to interact with the catalytic Asp54 residue of the N-terminal domain. In contrast, the structure of the DosR C-terminal domain alone displays a remarkable unstructured conformation for helix α10 residues, different from the well-defined helical conformations in all other known structures, indicating considerable flexibility within the C-terminal domain. Our structures suggest a mode of DosR activation by phosphorylation via a helix rearrangement mechanism.  相似文献   

Despite intensive effort, the majority of the annotated Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome consists of genes encoding proteins of unknown or poorly understood function. For example, there are seven conserved hypothetical proteins annotated as homologs of pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase (PNPOx), an enzyme that oxidizes pyridoxine 5'-phosphate (PNP) or pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate (PMP) to form pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP). We have characterized the function of Rv2607 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and shown that it encodes a PNPOx that oxidizes PNP to PLP. The k(cat) and K(M) for this reaction were 0.01 s(-1) and 360 μM, respectively. Unlike many PNPOx enzymes, Rv2607 does not recognize PMP as a substrate.  相似文献   

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