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Ligand binding activity of intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor (IFCR) was determined in homogenates and isolated brush-border membranes (BBM) of ileum and kidney from dogs exhibiting simple autosomal recessive inheritance of selective cobalamin malabsorption (Fyfe, J. C., Giger, U., Hall, C. A., Jezyk, P. F., Klumpp, S. A., Levine, J. S., and Patterson, D. F. (1991) Pediatr. Res. 29, 24-31). IFCR activity of affected dog ileal homogenates was 3-4-fold higher than normal whereas IFCR activity in affected dog kidney homogenates was one-tenth of normal. The recovery of IFCR activity in the BBM of ileum and renal cortex of affected dogs was 30- and 20-fold less than normal, respectively. The dissociation constant (Kd) for intrinsic factor-cobalamin was similar in BBM of both tissues and was the same in affected and normal dogs. In the affected dog ileal BBM, activities of alkaline phosphatase and sucrase-isomaltase and vesicular transport of glucose and Na(+)-taurocholate were normal. Immunoblots showed no IFCR cross-reactive material in the ileal or renal BBM of affected dogs. IFCR purified by affinity chromatography from kidney of both normal and affected dogs had an Mr = 230,000. However, amino acid analysis revealed that the affected dog IFCR had more lysine than the normal, and protease cleavage of the purified IFCRs revealed different peptide maps. Asparagine-linked oligosaccharides of both proteins were sensitive to peptide N-glycosidase F cleavage, but only the affected dog IFCR was endoglycosidase H sensitive. These results suggest that cobalamin malabsorption in this canine family is caused by inefficient BBM expression of IFCR due to a mutation of IFCR and its retention in an early biosynthetic compartment.  相似文献   

The purified porcine recpptor for the intrinsic factor-cobalamin complex bound to concanavalin A, lentil lectin and wheat germ lectin covalently coupled to Sepharose and was eluted with the corresponding soluble sugars. In contrast, human intrinsic factor bound efficiently to concanavalin A, to some extent to lentil lectin, but only slightly to wheat germ agglutinin. The binding of IF-Cbl to the receptor was inhibited when the receptor was pre-incubated with soluble wheat germ aglutinin, with an inhibition constant estimated to be 1.9 mol/l. After transfer of the purified receptor from SDS-PAGE to Immobilon, ligand blotting of the purified receptor with iodinated lectin showed that concanavalin A and lentil lectin bound to three (75, 56 and 43 kDa) components but that wheat germ agglutinin bound only to the 75 kDa component. These results showed that the subunit of the receptor could bind to wheat germ agglutinin, resulting in an inhibition of its binding with intrinsic factor. Both binding sites of intrinsic factor and of wheat germ agglutinin could be located near to each other.  相似文献   

The intestinal receptor for intrinsic factor-cobalamin complex integrates preferentially with cationic liposomes in such a way that its ligand binding sites are exposed to proteases and to antibody to the receptor. After integration the receptor could be solubilized from the liposomes by detergents and chaotropic salts. Kinetically, the brush-border and the liposome-bound receptor behaved similarly, and Triton X-100 had no effect either on Ka or Vmax, suggesting the absence of any effects of a lipid domain on ligand binding activity. However, acidic phospholipids caused inhibition when added to the receptor-ligand assay system in the absence of liposomes.  相似文献   

Previous studies from our laboratory (Seetharam, B., Levine, J. S., Ramasamy, M., and Alpers, D. H. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 4443-4449; Fyfe, J. C., Ramanujam, K. S., Ramaswamy, K., Patterson, D. F., and Seetharam, B. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 4489-4494) have identified and isolated a 230-kDa receptor from rat and canine kidney which binds with high affinity [57Co]cyanocobalamin (Cbl) complexed to gastric intrinsic factor (IF). Although these studies have identified a renal receptor which binds intrinsic factor-cobalamin (IFCR), it is not known whether the binding is specific for IF-Cbl and whether renal cells internalize [57Co]Cbl bound to IF and transport [57Co]Cbl across the cell. Using a variety of renal cells, our results show that IF-[57Co]Cbl binding activity is detected in proximal tubular-derived epithelial cells from opossum (OK) and porcine kidney (LLC-PK1) but not in distal tubular-derived cells from canine kidney cells (MDCK). Metabolic labeling studies with Tran 35S-label confirmed the presence of a 230-kDa IFCR in OK and LLC-PK1 cells. Cell surface labeling and binding studies demonstrated that IFCR is targeted to the apical membrane. This apical expression of IFCR in OK cells is inhibited by the microtubule-disruptive drugs, colchicine and nocodazole. Opossum kidney cells when grown on culture inserts are polarized and transport [57Co]Cbl only when bound to IF and not to other Cbl binders. Furthermore, the transport of [57Co]Cbl occurred unidirectionally from the apical to the basolateral surface. Treatment of cells with colchicine or nocodazole inhibited the surface binding of IF-[57Co]Cbl as well as the transcytosis of [57Co]Cbl by 70-75%. IFCR retained intracellualarly by incubation of cells with colchicine or nocodazole is degraded by leupeptin-sensitive proteases. Based on these results, we suggest that proximal tubular-derived epithelial cells transport [57Co]Cbl bound to IF in a saturable way via receptor-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

A method is described for adsorbing cobalamin and a number of cobalamin analogs from bacterial lysates to columns of Sepharose containing a covalently bound cobalamin-binding protein. After multiple elutions to remove impurities, cobalamin and cobalamin analogs are eluted in highly purified form with liquified phenol with recoveries in excess of 70%.  相似文献   

The main objective of the current study was to investigate the factors that affect brush border membrane expression of intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor (IFCR). Because of high levels of IFCR expression (Seetharam, B., Levine, J. S., Ramasamy, M., and Alpers, D. H. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 4443-4449) in the rat kidney, we have studied the synthesis and expression of IFCR using rat cortical slices in culture. The IFCR activity in the renal apical brush border was maximum from rats between the age of 20-24 days and about 75% of the activity was lost from the isolated apical surface membranes following culture of cortical slices with nonradioactive intrinsic factor-cobalamin. However, the membrane IFCR activity recovered to 100 or 75%, respectively, when the slices were cultured with intrinsic factor-cobalamin mixed with either leupeptin or chloroquine. When these lysosomotropic agents were added during the metabolic labeling of the cortical slices with trans-35S-label neither the synthesis nor the amount of [35S]IFCR transported to the apical membrane was inhibited. However, with the addition of colchicine, the apical membrane expression of [35S]IFCR was inhibited by 75-80%. Metabolic labeling of cortical slices with trans-35S-label and immunoprecipitation of the Triton X-100 extract from the total, internal, and apical membranes revealed the presence of a 230-kDa band following sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. With either continuous or pulse-chase labeling of the cortical slices, the amount of 230-kDa [35S]IFCR recovered in the apical membrane did not exceed 10-15% of the total labeled receptor synthesized. Based on these and our recent studies (Seetharam, S., Dahms, N., Li, N., Ramanujam, K.S., and Seetharam, B. (1991) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 177, 751-756), we propose that rat renal IFCR is synthesized as a single polypeptide chain of 220 kDa and is transported slowly to the apical membrane during which four or five N-linked oligosaccharides are processed to the complex type. Moreover, the brush border expression of IFCR is regulated by the biosynthetic and not by the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

Absorption of cobalamin is facilitated by the binding of the intrinsic factor-cobalamin complex (IF-cbl) to specific receptors in the ileum. The physical and biochemical characteristics of this ligand-receptor binding reaction have been extensively studied, but little is known about the cellular mechanisms or receptor synthesis, intracellular transport, and expression on the microvillus surface membrane. We attempted to delineate these mechanisms by using ultrastructural immunocytochemistry to localize the IF-cbl receptor in the crypt, mid-villus, and villus tip regions of mucosal biopsies obtained from the ileum of anesthetized dogs. Prior to initiating the ileal localization studies, the antisera to purified canine IF-cbl receptor that was employed in our studies was shown to have specificity for site (e.g., ileal enterocytes vs. other cells within the gastrointestinal tract) and immunohistochemical specificity. Receptor synthesis in endoplasmic reticulum begins in crypt enterocytes, but continues in cells throughout the villus. In the mid-villus region synthesized receptor translocates vectorially to the microvillus surface associated with membranous vesicles and then inserts into the microvillus pit. Receptor remains fixed to the microvillus pit and does not distribute uniformly over the brush border membrane. All villus tip enterocytes contained IF-cbl receptor in microvillus pits, vesicles, and endoplasmic reticulum, but in addition extensive perinuclear membrane staining was evident as well as re-internalized receptor associated with multivesicular bodies. Basolateral membranes contained no receptor at any level of the villus. These observations suggest that the IF-cbl receptor (a) translocates to the apical cell surface at the mid-villus region by transport in vesicles, (b) directly inserts into and then remains fixed in microvillus pits, (c) is elaborated on the luminal surface most extensively in villus tip cells, and (d) although reinternalized, does not move IF and/or cbl to the basolateral cell surface.  相似文献   

Chicken brain Arylsulfatase A (E.C. was immobilized by interaction with Concanavalin A. The immobilized enzyme retained its catalytic activity and this enzyme can be reused without appreciable loss of activity. The storage stability of bound and soluble enzymes was comparable and binding of enzyme to Concanavalin A increases its thermal stability. Kinetic studies indicated that bound enzyme shows similar anomalous kinetics as that of free enzyme but slight change was observed in relation to pH optima, Km value and activation energy.  相似文献   

High levels of receptor for intrinsic factor-cobalamin (vitamin B12) were detected in human, canine, and rat kidneys. The ratio of specific activity (picomoles/mg of protein) for kidney relative to intestine was 116, 20, and 797, respectively, in these species. The receptor was purified about 3000-fold from 200 g of rat kidney with a recovery of 16% and exhibited a single band on nondenaturing gel electrophoresis. Quantitative amino acid analysis of the receptor gave a value of 457,310 g of amino acid/mol of intrinsic factor-cobalamin binding activity. The pure receptor revealed an Mr of 430,000, as assessed by filtration with Bio-Gel A-5m. Treatment with papain resulted in the production of active monomers of Mr to about 205,000-210,000. Electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate confirmed the monomer Mr to be 230,000. The monomer receptor did not reveal the presence of any further subunits upon reductive alkylation. Following cyanogen bromide cleavage the kidney receptor revealed three peptides of Mr 115,000, 60,000, and 54,000. The pI of these peptides was 5.17, 6.17, and 6.17, respectively. Western blot analysis using antiserum raised to the receptor demonstrated a protein with an Mr of 175,000 and 230,000 for intestinal and kidney membrane receptors, respectively. Immunologically, the rat kidney receptor was identical to the rat ileal receptor but was distinct from the canine ileal receptor. Ultrastructural localization revealed the presence of the receptor in the apical surface membrane of proximal tubular cells of the kidney and absorptive cells of the ileum. The kidney is the best source for obtaining this receptor in reasonable quantities.  相似文献   

The process is obscure by which cobalamin (Cbl) in the endocytosed intrinsic factor (IF)-cobalamin (Cbl) complex is released and transferred to transcobalamin II (TCII) within the enterocyte. Using recombinant IF and TCII, binding of Cbl to IF at pH 5.0 was 70% of binding at pH 7.0, whereas for TCII alone, the value was only 12%. TCII binding activity was lost rapidly at lower pH, but this was not due to protease action. TCII incubated at pH 5.0 with cathepsin L was degraded and could not subsequently bind Cbl. Thus, transfer from IF to TCII is unlikely to occur within an acid compartment. Only 13-15% of bound Cbl was released at pH 5.0 and pH 6.0 from either rat IF, human IF, or human TCII. The K(a) of human or rat IF at pH 7.5 was 2.2 nM; for TCII, the value was 0.34 nM. At pH 7.5, Cbl transfers from IF to TCII, but only to a limited extent (21%), as detected by nondenaturing electrophoresis. Transfer of Cbl from IF to TCII could not be demonstrated at pH values of 5.0 or 6.0. Thus, luminal transfer of Cbl between IF and TCII is likely to be limited, but is possible. The most likely mechanism for intracellular transfer of Cbl from IF to TCII involves initial lysosomal proteolysis of IF, with subsequent Cbl binding to TCII in a more neutral cellular compartment.  相似文献   

High-pressure liquid chromatography has been used to separate, identify, and quantitate 37 different cyanocobalamin analogs, including the most commonly occurring analogs that result from bacterial synthesis. This technique has also been used to simultaneously separate, identify, and quantitate five naturally occurring cobalamins that differ in their upper axial ligands: methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, cyanocobalamin, and sulfitocobalamin. This method permits rapid quantitative detection and identification of cobalamins and naturally occurring and synthetic cobalamin analogs in complex mixtures.  相似文献   

A thermodynamic analysis of the binding to rat cortex adenosine A1 receptors of 5'-deoxyribose-N6-cyclopentyladenosine (full agonist) and several 8-alkylamino homologues of N6-cyclopentyladenosine (partial agonists) was performed. The intrinsic activity of the compounds was also evaluated by measuring the inhibition of forskolin-stimulated 3'-5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (c-AMP) levels in isolated epididymal rat adipocytes. Standard free energy (deltaG), enthalpy (deltaH ) and entropy (deltaS ) of the binding equilibrium were determined by affinity measurements carried out at different temperatures (0, 10, 20, 25, 30 degrees C). Affinity constants of drug-receptor interactions were obtained by displacement experiments in the presence of 1nM [3H]N6-cyclohexyladenosine. Levels of c-AMP were evaluated by performing competitive binding assays. As the affinity of the ligands was found to increase with temperature enhancement, the binding of full and partial agonists is therefore totally entropy-driven. Standard entropy values of a wide series of adenosine derivatives, including the compounds under examination, are strictly correlated to those of intrinsic activity. Similarly, deltaS values appear correlated to the in vivo ability of the adenosine derivatives to inhibit rat heart rate. Thermodymanic data of adenosine A1 receptor ligands are proposed as an indicator of their pharmacodynamics.  相似文献   

Cobalamin coenzymes and a series of related corrinoid analogs have been analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography on reverse-phase C8 and C18 columns using both isocratic and gradient elution systems and 254-nm absorbance detection. In the isocratic mode, retention times for sulfitocobalamin, cyanocobalamin, methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin, and aquacobalamin on a LiChrosorb C8 column were 1.1, 1.6, 2.2, 2.9, and 4.7 min, respectively. In the gradient mode, corresponding retention times were 9.7, 10.2, 12.8, 11.4, and 9.0 min. Closely related structural analogs of adenosylcobalamin such as 1,N6-ethenoadenosylcobalamin, formycinylcobalamin, and 2,6-diaminonebularinylcobalamin were clearly resolved from naturally occurring cobalamins by isocratic elution. In the gradient system, the order of elution of cobalamins was related to the hydrophobicity of the upper-axial ligand. This was demonstrated by determining the retention times of aminoalkylcobalamin homologs (C2, 9.8; C3, 10.5; C5, 11.2; C8, 12.8; and C11, 14.9 min). The usefulness of this method was demonstrated by analyzing 57Co-labeled cobalamins present in extracts of Lactobacillus leichmannii and murine leukemia L1210 cells.  相似文献   

LTB4-induced proinflammatory responses in PMN including chemotaxis, chemokinesis, aggregation and degranulation are thought to be initiated through the binding of LTB4 to membrane receptors. To explore further the nature of this binding, we have established a receptor binding assay to investigate the structural specificity requirements for agonist binding. Human PMN plasma membrane was enriched by homogenization and discontinuous sucrose density gradient purification. [3H]-LTB4 binding to the purified membrane was dependent on the concentration of membrane protein and the time of incubation. At 20 degrees C, binding of [3H]-LTB4 to the membrane receptor was rapid, required 8 to 10 min to reach a steady-state and remained stable for up to 50 min. Equilibrium saturation binding studies showed that [3H]-LTB4 bound to high affinity (dissociation constant, Kd = 1.5 nM), and low capacity (density, Bmax = 40 pmol/mg protein) receptor sites. Competition binding studies showed that LTB4, LTB4-epimers, 20-OH-LTB4, 2-nor-LTB4, 6-trans-epi-LTB4 and 6-trans-LTB4, in decreasing order of affinity, bound to the [3H]-LTB4 receptors. The mean binding affinities (Ki) of these analogs were 2, 34, 58, 80, 1075 and 1275 nM, respectively. Thus, optimal binding to the receptors requires stereospecific 5(S), 12(R) hydroxyl groups, a cis-double bond at C-6, and a full length eicosanoid backbone. The binding affinity and rank-order potency of these analogs correlated with their intrinsic agonistic activities in inducing PMN chemotaxis. These studies have demonstrated the existence of high affinity, stereoselective and specific receptors for LTB4 in human PMN plasma membrane.  相似文献   

A result of the fact that enzymes are catalysts is that an enzyme must bind the reactants in the transition state more tightly than the reactants in the ground state (Wolfenden, 1972; Lienhard, 1973). However, the position along the reaction co-ordinat e corresponding to the reactants in the transition state for an enzyme-catalyzed reaction does not necessarily correspond to the structure which has the highest affinity for the enzyme. Thus, analogs of structures intermediate between reactants in the ground state and in the transition state may be potent enzyme inhibitors. Bi-substrate analogs (compounds which are analogs of two substrates with the same relative orientation as the ternary enzyme complex in the ground state) are expected to have a higher affinity for many enzymes than indicated from the magnitude of the product of the binding constants of the two substrates. The value of the binding constant of a bi-substrate analog is dependent on the structure of the productive ternary complex and the kinetic nature of the reaction and is, therefore, a useful probe of the enzymic mechanism.  相似文献   

A radioisotopic assay was set to determine the physicochemical properties of the solubilized intrinsic factor receptor in pig mucosal extracts. In this assay, phenyl-Sepharose was used to separate the receptor-intrinsic factor-labelled cobalamin complex from the free saturated intrinsic factor. The association constant (at pH 7.4) of the receptor-intrinsic factor complex was estimated at 3.4 +/- 0.3 nM-1. Adsorption of the apo-receptor to phenyl-Sepharose allowed its binding site to be made accessible to intrinsic factor with an association constant in order of 6 nM-1. The receptor binding activity obtained with five mucosal extracts was closely correlated with that obtained by gel filtration of the intrinsic factor-receptor complex (r = 0.99). The radioisotope assay was used to detect the unsaturated receptor (apo-receptor) in sucrose density ultracentrifugation and in superose 6 gel filtration. The sedimentation coefficient was 9.5 s. The apo-receptor was eluted in three peaks in gel filtration, corresponding to the formation of oligomers. The peak of the monomer was increased in presence of EDTA. Its molecular mass was estimated at 270 kDa and its Stokes radius at 5.9 nm. It was concluded that calcium is involved in the oligomerisation of the apo-receptor.  相似文献   

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