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A phylogeny of the Figitidae (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea) is presented based on combined analysis of molecular (28S‐D2 and D3, COI and 18S‐E17‐35), morphological and life‐history data. Data are analyzed by parsimony and Bayesian inference methods. Taxon sampling was held at a premium, and the resulting matrix contained 168 terminal taxa representing eight of nine subfamilies (Pycnostigminae not included) and all major subgroups of each subfamily. Alignment of the 28S D2 + D3 gene fragment based on a structural model resulted in the most defendable and least conflicting alignment tested. Melanips, previously classified in Figitinae, was consistently found to be the sister group of the Aspicerinae; Euceroptres, historically classified in Thrasorinae, frequently rendered that subfamily paraphyletic in these analyses. The general evolutionary trend is for early figitids to be parasitoids of gall inducing insects, with later host shifts occurring to exposed hosts associated with aphids. © The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   

The Eucoilinae are a diverse and important group of parasitoids of Diptera, particularly in the tropics, but they are poorly known systematically and their generic classification is partly chaotic. Here, we present the first comprehensive cladistic analysis of higher eucoiline relationships. The analysis is based on 148 skeletal characters of adults documented in more than 1100 digital images available in an Internet-accessible database. The characters were coded for 45 taxa representing 35 eucoiline genera, spanning the entire diversity of the group, and 7 outgroup genera. Relationships were partly difficult to resolve and parsimony analysis under implied weights performed considerably better than analysis under uniform weights. The results support the monophyly of the Eucoilinae and show that eucoilines are most closely related to the figitid subfamilies Emargininae and Pycnostigminae, but are ambiguous concerning the exact relationships among these three lineages. Of the 6 eucoiline genus groups recognized by Nordlander in 1982 ( Entomol. Scand. 13, 269–292), only 2 are supported as monophyletic: the Trybliographa and Kleidotoma groups. The Gronotoma group is a paraphyletic assemblage of two different basal clades of eucoilines. The Rhoptromeris group is unnatural and only the 2 core genera, Rhoptromeris and Trichoplasta , form a monophyletic lineage. The data are ambiguous concerning the Ganaspis group, which appears to be paraphyletic, and the Chrestosema group, which may be a good clade. Based on the results we propose a modified system of informal genus groups in the Eucoilinae and discuss putative synapomorphies supporting each genus group. The proposed relationships imply that the first eucoilines were parasitoids of leaf-mining agromyzids. The earliest split in the group was apparently between an Afrotropical and a Neotropical lineage, and much of the early radiation of the group occurred in these regions, particularly in the Neotropics.  相似文献   

Larvae of the parasitic wasp family Figitidae develop as internal parasitoids of other endopterygote insect larvae. The hosts are typically dipteran larvae living in other microhabitats but the earliest figitids probably attacked gall-inhabiting hymenopteran larvae. Here, we formally describe a new genus (Parnips) and subfamily (Parnipinae) for a species that is likely to be a surviving representative of these early gall-associated figitids. The species, P. nigripes , has been reared repeatedly from galls inside the seed capsules of annual poppies (Papaver dubium and P. rhoeas) in the Mediterranean region together with the gall inducer Barbotinia oraniensis belonging to the Cynipidae, the sister group of Figitidae. Parnips nigripes is strikingly cynipid-like and was first assumed to be a cynipid gall inducer of the genus Aulacidea. Phylogenetic analyses have since indicated that the similarity with the Cynipidae is symplesiomorphic and that P. nigripes belongs to the Figitidae, where it forms the sister group of all other extant figitids. Recently, it has also been shown that P. nigripes is a parasitoid of the gall-inducing Barbotinia oraniensis , consistent with its proposed phylogenetic position. Parnips nigripes shares several unusual morphological traits with its host. We speculate that many of these similarities are homologous even though the lineages separated at least 83 million years ago.  相似文献   

The cynipoid subfamily Figitinae is poorly represented in the Afrotropical region with two genera (Figites Latreille and Xyalophora Kieffer) and six species currently known. Here we record an additional two genera (Neralsia Cameron and Lonchidia Thomson) for the region and describe three new species: Neralsia haddocki sp. n.; Xyalophora tedjoansi sp. n.; Xyalophora tintini sp. n. Benoit’s species described in 1956 are synonymized under Figites aciculatus (Benoit, 1956): Figites effossus syn. n.; Figites favonius syn. n.; Figites furvus syn. n.; Figites fraudator syn. n. Identification keys to the figitine genera and species occurring in the Afrotropical region are provided. Online interactive Lucid Phoenix and Lucid matrix keys are available at: http://www.waspweb.org/Cynipoidea/Keys/index.htm  相似文献   

We examine the phylogenetic relationships of Figitidae and discuss host use within this group in light of our own and previously published divergence time data. Our results suggest Figitidae, as currently defined, is not monophyletic. Furthermore, Mikeiinae and Pycnostigminae are sister‐groups, nested adjacent to Thrasorinae, Plectocynipinae and Euceroptrinae. The recovery of Pycnostigminae as sister‐group to Mikeiinae suggests two major patterns of evolution: (i) early Figitidae lineages demonstrate a Gondawanan origin (Plectocynipinae: Neotropical; Mikeiinae and Thrasorinae: Australia; Pycnostigminae: Africa); and (ii) based on host records for Mikeiinae, Thrasorinae and Plectocynipinae, Pycnostigminae are predicted to be parasitic on gall‐inducing Hymenoptera. The phylogenetic position of Parnips (Parnipinae) was unstable, and various analyses were conducted to determine the impact of this uncertainty on both the recovery of other clades and inferred divergence times; when Parnips was excluded from the total evidence analysis, Cynipidae was found to be sister‐group to [Euceroptrinae + (Plectocynipinae (Thrasorinae + (Mikeiinae + Pycnostigminae)))], with low support. Divergence dating analyses using BEAST indicate the stem‐group node of Figitidae to be c. 126 Ma; the dipteran parasitoids (Eucoilinae and Figitinae), were estimated to have a median age of 80 and 88 Ma, respectively; the neuropteran parasitoids (Anacharitinae), were estimated to have a median age of 97 Ma; sternorrhynchan hyperparasitoids (Charipinae), were estimated to have a median age of 110 Ma; the Hymenoptera‐parasitic subfamilies (Euceroptinae, Plectocynipinae, Trasorinae, Mikeiinae, Pycnostigminae, and Parnipinae), ranged in median ages from 48 to 108 Ma. Rapid radiation of Eucoilinae subclades appears chronologically synchronized with the origin of their hosts, Schizophora (Diptera). Overall, the exclusion of Parnips from the BEAST analysis did not result in significant changes to divergence estimates. Finally, though sparsely represented in the analysis, our data suggest Cynipidae have a median age of 54 Ma, which is somewhat older than the age of Quercus spp (30–50 Ma), their most common host.  相似文献   

There are four new species of the Neotropical Anacharitinae genus Acanthaegilips Ashmead, 1897: A. boyacensis sp. n., A. curvis sp. n., A. timidus sp. n., and A. truncatus sp. n. The diagnostic characters of this new species and data about their morphological variability and similarities with other Acantahegilips species are discussed. An updated key of genus Acanthaegilips is included.  相似文献   

新疆光脉赤眼蜂属一新种记述(膜翅目:赤眼蜂科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述采自新疆的光脉赤眼蜂属Aphelinoidea Girault 1新种:刀尾光脉赤眼蜂Aphelinoidea cultrocaudata,sp.nov.,并提供了中国光脉赤眼蜂属6种的检索表,并附新种主要形态特征图及扫描电镜图片.模式标本保存于新疆大学生命科学与技术学院昆虫研究室.  相似文献   

记述方头泥蜂科Crabronidae中国1新记录属:阳完眼泥蜂属Solierella Spinola,1851,并记述了1新种:金足阳完眼泥蜂Solierella cerinusipedalis,sp.nov.。模式标本保存在云南农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

首次记述锤角细蜂亚科Diapriinae 1中国新记录属--长痣锤角细蜂属Entojmacis Foerster,1856,并记述该属1新种:巾华长痣锤角细蜂 Entomacissinensis,sp,nov..模式标本保存于华南农业大学昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

首次报道曲柄锤角细蜂属Vadana Rajmohana et Narendran,2000在我国分布,并记述采自广东的1新种:皱胸曲柄锤角细蜂Vadana rugosa,sp.nov..模式标本保存在华南农业大学膜翅目标本室.皱胸曲柄锤角细蜂Vadana rugosa,新种(图1~4)本新种与分布于印度的Vadana ...  相似文献   

The Charipinae are a major group of hyperparasitoids of Hemiptera. Here, we present the first cladistic analysis of this subfamily's internal relationships, based on 96 morphological characters of adults. The data matrix was analysed using uniformly weighted parsimony. The effects of using alternative weighting schemes were explored by performing additional searches employing implied weights criteria. One of the caveats of implied weights analysis is that it lacks an objective criterion for selecting the value of the concavity function. In the present study, differential weighting was used to explore the sensitivity of our results to the alternative assumptions made in the analysis and to select one of the most parsimonious trees under equal weights, which we regard as being the hypothesis that minimizes the amount of ad hoc assumptions. The validity of the two existing tribes and the monophyly of all the genera of Charipinae were tested, in particular the cosmopolitan and highly species-rich Alloxysta and Phaenoglyphis , which appear repeatedly in ecological and biochemical studies of host–parasitoid associations. The evolution of several major characters and the relationships between genera are discussed. On the basis of the phylogenetic results, we discuss a number of taxonomic issues. A new classification of the subfamily is proposed in which no tribes are maintained, Carvercharips is synonymyzed with Alloxysta , and the creation of a new genus from Nepal is justified. Our analysis points to the need for a world revision of the basal genus Phaenoglyphis , which is shown as paraphyletic.  相似文献   

In this study a total of nine new species of the genus Neralsia are described for South America: N. desantisi Jiménez & Pujade-Villar n. sp., N. equilatera Jiménez & Pujade-Villar n. sp., N. hermafrodita Jiménez & Pujade-Villar n. sp., N. marioi Jiménez & Pujade-Villar n. sp., N. moisesi Jiménez & Pujade-Villar n. sp., N. obelix Jiménez & Pujade-Villar n. sp., N. parafossulata Jiménez & Pujade-Villar n. sp., N. pseudoneralsia Jiménez & Pujade-Villar n. sp. and N. rauli Jiménez & Pujade-Villar n. sp., all of them have in common the low carina separating the scutellar foveae. Other six known Neralsia species, N. albipennis (Kieffer), N. bogotensis (Kieffer), N. flavidipennis (Kieffer), N. fossulata (Kieffer), N. pilosa (Borgmeier) and N. striaticeps (Kieffer) have the same scutellar character. The morphological characters to differentiate all mentioned species are presented.  相似文献   

我国已知棱角肿腿蜂属 Goniozus Forster,1 856四种 ,即日本棱角肿腿蜂 G.japonicus Ashmead,1 90 4;中华棱角肿腿蜂 G.sinicus Xiao et Wu,1 987;蓬莱棱角肿腿蜂 G.hoorai Terayama,1 999和八重山棱角肿腿蜂 G.yaeyamanus Terayama,1 999。本文记述浙江省棱角肿腿蜂属 4种 ,其中除日本棱角肿腿蜂 Goniozusjaponicus Ash-mead,1 90 4为已知种外 ,其余 3个为新种 ,即 :萧氏棱角肿腿蜂 Goniozus xiaoi,sp.nov.,百山祖棱角肿腿蜂 Goniozus baishanzuensis,sp.nov.和豆卷螟棱角肿腿蜂 Go-niozus lamprosemae,sp.nov.。这样使中国棱角肿腿蜂属增加到 7种。1 .萧氏棱角肿腿蜂 Goniozus xiaoi,新种 (图 1~ 5)该新种与分布于日本和我国台湾的蓬莱棱角肿腿蜂 G.hoorai Terayama,1 999较相似 ,但新种触角第 2至 5节各节长明显大于宽 ;并胸腹节背表面后缘的横脊不完整 ,仅在并胸腹节的后侧角可见。正模 :♀ ,浙江庆元百山祖 ( 2 7.45°N,1 1 9.1 2°E) ,1 993 - -0 6,吴鸿 ,No.9452 91。副模 :1♀ ,浙江松阳 ( 2 8.2 7°N,1 1 9.2 9°E) ,1 994- -0 7,陈汉林 ,No.948481。2 .百山祖棱角肿腿蜂 Goniozus baishanzuensis,新种 (图 6~ 1 0 )本新种的触角与日本棱角肿腿蜂 Goniozusjaponicus Ashmead,1 90 4的触角  相似文献   

中国西北地区箭蚁属三新种记述(膜翅目:蚁科:蚁亚科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述了采自我国西北地区的箭蚁属3新种。光唇箭蚁Cataglyphis glabilabia sp.nov.与C.aenescens (Nylander)接近,但本种唇基前缘无一排长缘毛;头腹面无立毛;上颚基齿钝到不明显。黄胫箭蚁Cataglyphis flavitibia sp.nov.与C.aenescens(Nylander)接近,但本种上颚、触角、足腿节端半部以外均为浅黄色;头腹面无立毛;工蚁多型不明显;社群很小,仅几十头。贺兰山箭蚁Catalyphis helanensis sp.nov与C.aenescens(Ny-lander)十分接近,但本种腹部第一节背板具立毛;体具十分粗糙的细密纵刻纹;唇基仅具刻点;体黑色,暗无光泽。模式标本保存在宁夏农学院标本室。  相似文献   

吴凯  李强 《昆虫分类学报》2006,28(2):145-148
记述方头泥蜂科捷小唇泥蜂属1新种,窄顶捷小唇泥蜂Tachytesangustiverticis,sp.nov.。模式标本分别保存在云南农业大学和浙江大学寄生蜂标本室。  相似文献   

记述中国浙江方头泥蜂科Crabronidae转长泥蜂属Tracheliodes 1新种:瘤唇转长泥蜂Tracheliodes labitubercutus,sp.nov.,编制了该属中国已知种类检索表.模式标本保存于浙江大学寄生蜂标本室.  相似文献   

记述采自中国海南省的方头泥蜂科Crabronniae、大头泥蜂亚科Philanthinae、节腹泥蜂属Cerceris 1新种:褐节腹泥蜂Cerceris rubigina,sp.nov..模式标本保存在云南农业大学昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

记述了阔柄跳小蜂属1新种:廖氏阔柄跳小蜂Metaphycus liaoi sp.nov.,并给出了其形态特征图。廖氏阔柄跳小蜂与Mstagnarum很相似,但廖氏阔柄跳小蜂雌虫柄节最宽处在基半部,生殖器明显长于中足胫节,雄虫第1索节短于梗节,柄节长约为宽的3倍;而M.stagnarum雌虫柄节最宽处在端半部,生殖器短于中足胫节,雄虫第1索节明显长于梗节,柄节长约为宽的4倍。研究标本,包括正模,均保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。 正模:♀,北京市海淀区,2007-V-20~23,育自Eriococcus abeliceae,武三安采;副模:12♀♀,8♂♂,同正模。 词源:种名是为纪念已故廖定熹教授,他对中国跳小蜂分类研究做出了重大贡献。  相似文献   

记述小腹茧蜂亚科Microgastrinae湿小腹茧蜂属Hygroplitis Thomson 1新种:黔湿小腹茧蜂Hygroplitis nigrita Luo et You,sp.nov.,并提山沟腹茧蜂属Diolcogaster Ashmead 1新组合:赵氏沟腹茧蜂Diolcogaster chaoi(Luo et You)。模式标本保存住贵州师范大学地理与生物科学学院。  相似文献   

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