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Seven species of Euryhaliotrematoides n. gen. and 1 species of Aliatrema n. gen. (Monogenoidea; Dactylogyridae) are described and reported from the gills of 15 species of butterfly fishes (Chaetodontidae) from the coral reefs of Moorea (French Polynesia), Wallis (Wallis and Futuna), Heron and Lizard (Australia), Palau (Micronesia), and New Caledonia: Aliatrema cribbi n. sp. from Chaetodon auriga, Chaetodon lunula, Chaetodon trifasciatus, Chaetodon ulietensis, Chaetodon vagabundus, Forcipiger flavisissimus, and Heniochus chrysostomus; Euryhaliotrematoides annulocirrus n. comb. from C. auriga, C. lunula, and C. vagabundus; Euryhaliotrematoides aspistis n. sp. from C. auriga, Chaetodon citrinellus, C. lunula, Chaetodon reticulatus, C. ulietensis, and C. vagabundus; Euryhaliotrematoides berenguelae n. sp. from C. citrinellus, Chaetodon ornatissimus, and F. flavisissimus; Euryhaliotrematoides grandis n. comb. from C. auriga, C. citrinellus, Chaetodon ephippium, Chaetodon kleinii, Chaetodon lineolatus, C. lunula, C. ornatissimus, C. trifasciatus, C. vagabundus, and H. chrysostomus; Euryhaliotrematoides microphallus n. comb. from C. auriga, C. citrinellus, C. ephippium, C. kleinii, C. lunula, C. ornatissimus, C. reticulatus, Chaetodon trifascialis, C. trifasciatus, C. vagabundus, F. flavisissimus, and H. chrysostomus; Euryhaliotrematoides pirulum n. sp. from C. auriga, C. citrinellus, C. lunula, C. trifasciatus, and C. vagabundus; and Euryhaliotrematoides triangulovagina n. comb. from C. auriga, C. citrinellus, C. kleinii, C. lunula, C. ornatissimus, C. vagabundus, F. flavisissimus, H. chrysostomus, and Hemitaurichthys polylepis. All reports of previously described species are new locality records. With exceptions of E. grandis and E. annulocirrus on C. auriga and C. lunula and E. triangulovagina and E. microphallus on C. auriga, all reports are new host records. Haliotrema hainanensis and H. affinis are considered junior subjective synonyms of E. triangulovagina and E. annulocirrus, respectively. Aliatrema n. gen. is characterized by marine dactylogyrids with tandem gonads (germarium pretesticular), haptoral hooks with upright acute thumbs, a coiled copulatory organ with counterclockwise rings and funnel-shaped base but lacking an accessory piece, and a dextral vaginal pore. Euryhaliotrematoides n. gen. is characterized by marine dactylogyrids having tandem gonads (germarium pretesticular), haptoral hooks with upright acute thumbs, a coiled copulatory organ with counterclockwise rings and funnel-shaped base, a vas deferens looping the left intestinal cecum, and a dextral vaginal pore.  相似文献   

Preptetos cannoni n. sp. is described from Siganus lineatus from Heron Island on the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Morphological features that are diagnostic of this species include: a genital pore that is sinistral to the ventral sucker and vitelline follicles that reach anteriorly to at least the bifurcation of the intestine. This is the first report of a species of the genus Preptetos from Australian waters and from fishes of the genus Siganus.  相似文献   

Sauertylenchus labiodiscus n. gem, n. sp. is described and illustrated from soil around Rhagodia sp. in Australia. It can be distinguished from the most closely related genus Tylenchorhynchus Cobb, 1913 by the distinctly set-off, rounded, lip region with a conspicuous labial disc, and long thin stylet. The face view and spicules of Sauertylenchus labiodiscus are illustrated with scanning electron micrographs. The subfamilies Tylenchorhynchinae and Merlininae ale discussed.  相似文献   

Three species of marine nemerteans described and illustrated from Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, include one new genus and two new species: these are the monostiliferous hoplonemerteans Thallasionemertes leucocephala gen. et sp. nov. and Correanemertes polyophthalma sp. nov. A new colour variety of the heteronemertean Micrura callima is also reported, this species previously only being known from Rottnest Island, Western Australia. A key for the field identification of the marine nemerteans recorded from coastal Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef is provided.  相似文献   

The following species are described from Platax spp.: Neomultitestis aspidogastriformis n. sp., from P. teira, off Heron Island, Queensland, which can be distinguished from its congeners by the transversely elongate ventral sucker divided into three loculi and probably by testis number; Multitestis magnacetabulum Mamaev, 1970, from P. teira, off Heron Island, Queensland; Diploproctodaeum rutellum (Mamaev, 1970), from P. teira, off Heron Island, Queensland; Diploproctodaeum tsubameuo n. sp., from P. batavianus, from the Swain Reefs, off Queensland, which differs from its congeners in its overlapping, posteriorly attenuated testes and 38-55 ovarian lobes; and Diplocreadium sp., from P. batavianus, from the Swain Reefs, off Queensland.  相似文献   

The following species are described, figured and/or recorded from the Great Barrier Reef at Heron Island or Lizard Island, Queensland, with comparative material reported from other areas of the ocean around Australia or New Guinea: Dinurus longisinus (new synonym: D. hippuri) from Seriola lalandi, Heron Island and Coryphaena hippurus, Papua New Guinea; Ectenurus trachuri from Caranx sexfasciatus, Diploprion bifasciatus, Pterocaesio marri, Seriola lalandi and Atherinomorus capricorniensis, Heron Island; Erilepturus hamati (with 25 new synonyms) from Lutjanus carponotatus, Lizard Island, Platycephalus bassensis, Coff's Harbour, NSW, P. fuscus, Coff's Harbour, NSW and Moreton Bay, Queensland, P. endrachtensis, Sillago analis, S. maculata, S. ciliata, Pseudorhombus arsius and Polydactylus sp. from Moreton Bay, Queensland and Lates calcarifer, Darwin, Northern Territory; Tubulovesicula angusticauda from Echeneis naucrates and Lethrinus miniatus, Heron Island and Anguilla reinhardtii, Moreton Bay and Bribie Island, Queensland; Elytrophalloides humerus from Trachinotus botla and T. coppingeri, Heron Island; Lecithochirium kawakawa from Euthynnus affinis Heron Island and Lizard Island: Lecithochirium cirrhiti (new synonyms: L. sammarae, L. nohu) from Sargocentron rubrum, Heron Island; Lecithochirium caesionis from Pterocaesio marri, heron Island; Plerurus digitatus (new synonyms: P. cynoglossi, P. atulis, P. scomberomori) from Plectropomus leopardus, Heron Island, Lutjanus erythropterus, Variola louti, Scomberomorus semifasciatus, Grammatorcynus bicarinatus and Carangoides embureyi, C. gymnostethoides, Lizard Island, Scomberomorus commerson, Heron Island, Lizard Island, New Britain, Papua New Guinea, Point Lookout, Queensland and Moreton Bay, Queensland, Euthynnus affinis Heron Island, Lizard Island and New Britain, Papua New Guinea, Sphyraena barracuda, Heron Island and Lizard Island, Scomberomorus munroi, S. queenslandicus and Saurida undosquamis, Moreton Bay, Queensland and Chirocentrus dorab, Bundaberg, Queensland. The Lecithochirium species-group Cirrhiti is considered indistiguishable from the species-group Lotellae.  相似文献   

An integrative study was performed to understand the phylogenetic relationships of an undescribed, freshwater species of microcotylid parasitizing Plagioscion squamosissimus from the Amazon River Basin. Based on morphological and molecular analysis (18S rDNA and partial 28S rDNA genes), a new genus is proposed to accommodate this new species, Pauciconfibuloides amazonica gen. n. sp. n. The new genus is closely related to Protastomicrocotylinae and Pauciconfibula by sharing the vagina, male copulatory organ, and genital atrium all unarmed. However, Pauciconfibuloides gen. n. can be distinguished from those taxa by the prostatic system and position of the vaginal pore. Molecular phylogenetic inference suggests a sister relationship with species of Polylabris (Prostatomicrocotylinae), but to date, there are no available 18S or 28S rDNA sequences of Pauciconfibula to be compared. This is the first report of a microcotylid parasitizing a freshwater sciaenid from South America.  相似文献   

Calicobenedenia polyprioni n. sp. (Capsalidae) is described from the external surfaces (skin and eye) of wreckfish, Polyprion americanus (Teleostei, Perciformes, Polyprionidae), from the north Atlantic Ocean. The monotypic Calicobenedenia n. gen. is proposed for this species and is characterized, in part, by its members possessing an aseptate haptor armed with 14 submarginal hooks and 1 pair of anchors, a common genital pore opening marginally immediately posterior to the left cephalic lobe, 2 testes juxtaposed near the body midlength, and by lacking cephalic suckers or adhesive discs, accessory haptoral sclerites, and a uterine valve. The new genus most closely resembles Entobdella, which differs from Calicobenedenia by having an aseptate haptor armed with 14 submarginal hooks, 2 pairs of anchors, and a pair of accessary sclerites.  相似文献   

A new genus, Zebrasomatrema, with the type-species Z. pichelinae n. sp., is described from Zebrasoma veliferum at Heron and Lizard Islands, Queensland, Australia, and Z. scopas, Acanthurus lineatus and A. triostegus at Heron Island. The new genus shares with Acanthurotrema an anterior flange, 14 subglobular vitelline lobes, a divided seminal vesicle and a long aglandular duct joining the seminal vesicle and the short pars prostatica, but differs in its quadripartite seminal vesicle, single vitelline field, lack of a sinus-sac and excretory arms which unite in the forebody. This report constitutes the first record of a macradeninine lecithasterid in Australian waters. A key to the Macradenininae is presented.  相似文献   

A benedeniine monogenean, Benedenia rohdei n. sp., is reported from the gills of the stripey Lutjanus carponotatus (Richardson, 1842) (Lutjanidae) from Heron Island and Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia. The oncomiracidium of the new species is also illustrated. B. rohdei n. sp. differs from all known species of the genus in the possession of a sclerite at the tip of the penis. Examination of type-specimens of B. jaliscana Bravo-Hollis, 1952 has shown that the three penis ‘hooks’ described by Bravo-Hollis are unsclerotised conical papillae.  相似文献   

Fumio Iwata 《Hydrobiologia》1997,365(1-3):199-213
The hoplonemertean Amphiporus parmiornatus Iwata,1957, from Sagami Bay, Japan, has beenredescribed and named Kameginemertes gen. n. asa member of the reptantic Polystilifera. Anatomicallythe new genus shows affinity to the genus Drepanophorus belonging to the EureptantiaAequifurcata, but because of differences in thecerebral sensory organs, nervous system,blood-vascular system, and rhynchodaeal wall, a newgenus is proposed for it.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - Two species of Bychowskicotylidae (Monogenoidea: Gastrocotylinea) were collected from the gills of the sweetlips Diagramma labiosum Macleay (Haemulidae) obtained from...  相似文献   

A recent preliminary survey revealed that 12 species of unstalked crinoids occur on a gentle sandy slope (12–18 m depth) at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia; five of which are also found on coral reefs. The other seven appear to constitute a unique assemblage restricted to unconsolidated substrates, where most cling to algae or hide beneath rubble or sponges. Members of this assemblage exhibit all of the basic feeding postures found among reef-dwelling species. However, Comatula rotalaria, which lacks anchoring cirri and bears uniquely differentiated short and long arms, exhibits a posture different from other living crinoids. Quantitative transects reveal apparent depth-related differences in species composition: C. rotalaria dominated the 12 transects in 12–13 m (84% of 82 specimens), while Comatella nigra, Comatula cf. purpurea, Amphimetra cf. tessellata and Zygometra microdiscus accounted for 96% of 54 specimens observed along 12 transects in 16–17 m.  相似文献   

On the basis of the revision of the type material of Anoplostrongylus delicatus Schwartz, 1927, and new specimens collected from Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana (Saussure, 1860) in 4 arid localities from Mexico, we describe a new genus (Tadaridanema n. gen.), to which A. delicatus is transferred (as Tadaridanema delicatus (Schwartz, 1927) n. gen., n. comb.). This new genus differs from all other genera included in Anoplostrongylinae by having ray 2 larger than ray 3. In addition, T. delicatus can be differentiated from the type species of Anoplostrongylus (Anoplostrongylus paradoxus (Travassos, 1918)) because it possess vestibular branches equal in length, cephalic inflation divided into 2 regions, and synlophe with many small ridges at the midbody level, whereas in T. delicatus, vestibular branches are equal in size, cephalic inflation is simple in structure, and the synlophe has only 2 well-developed dorsal cuticular ridges.  相似文献   

A new species of the Sphaeromatidae (Thermosphaeroma subequalum) is described from thermal waters (32° –35dgC) in Big Bend National Park, Brewster Co., Texas. A new genus, Thermosphaeroma, is proposed to include the Texas species and other sphaeromatids from hot springs in the American Southwest and Mexico: Exosphaeroma dugesi (Dolffus, 1893) from Aguascalientes, Mexico, and E. thermophilum (Richardson, 1897) from Socorro, New Mexico.Supported by National Park Service Contract PX 7000 3 0502, awarded to Owen T. Lind, Baylor University.  相似文献   

Summary A new mermithid nematode, Thaumamermis cosgrovei n. gen., n. sp. (Mermithidae: Nematoda) was found parasitizing two terrestrial isopods (Isopoda: Oniscoidea) in California. The hosts, Armadillidium vulgare (Latr.) (a pillbug) and Porcellio scaber (Latr.) (a sowbug) represent the first cases of isopods attacked by mermithid nematodes. The genus Thaumamermis can be distinguished from all previously described mermithids by the extremely dimorphic spicules, one being short and broad and the other long and filiform. It has been discovered that the nematodes are infected with an iridiovirus which commonly destroys the isopod hosts. ac]19800917  相似文献   

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