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The induced synthesis of d-serine deaminase in Escherichia coli is subject to three catabolic effects: inhibition on inducer uptake, transient repression, and catabolite repression. Inhibition on d-serine uptake is not significant at the d-serine concentration normally used for induction. Transient repression and catabolite repression of d-serine deaminase synthesis are abolished by mutations in dsdCy, which appears to be an operator locus. The decline in the rate of constitutive synthesis observed in dsdCx mutants growing with glycerol as carbon source at temperatures above 37 C is due to catabolite repression. The low level of constitutivity at 37 C and the partial cis dominance of dsdCx mutants are not artifacts of catabolite repression. It is suggested that a product of one of the genes of the dsd operon may regulate the expression of the operon.  相似文献   

Citrate-dependent iron transport system in Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Induction of the citrate-dependent iron transport system of Escherichia coli K-12 required 0.1 mM citrate and 0.1 micrometer iron in the growth medium. Five--ten-times more iron than citrate was taken up into the cells which suggests that citrate was largely excluded from the transport. Fluorocitrate and phosphocitrate induced the citrate-dependent iron transport system although they supported iron uptake only very poorly. An outer membrane protein (FecA), belonging to the transport system, was induced in fecB mutants which were devoid of citrate-dependent iron transport. The intracellular citrate and iron concentrations were 10--100-times higher than the external concentrations required for induction of the transport system. It is concluded that only exogenous ferric citrate induced the transport system, and that citrate did not have to enter the cytoplasm. The Tn10 transposon, conferring tetracycline resistance, was inserted near the fec gene region which controls the expression of the citrate-dependent iron transport system. The determination of the cotransduction frequencies of Tn10 with the fecA and fecB markers suggested the gene order fecA fecB Tn10.  相似文献   

Iron transport in Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The study of iron uptake promoted by 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate (DHB) into Escherichia coli K-12 aroB mutants allowed some dissection of outer and cytoplasmic membrane functions. These strains are unable to produce the iron-transporting chelate enterochelin, unless fed with a precursor such as DHB. When added to the medium, enterochelin and its natural breakdown products, the linear dimer and trimer of 2,3-dihydroxybenzoylserine (DBS), efficiently transported iron via the feuB, tonB and fep gene products. Thus mutants in these genes were defective in transport of the above chelates. However, feuB and tonB mutants were able to take up iron when DHB was added to the medium. Thus DHB-promoted iron uptake bypassed two functions required for the transport of ferric-enterochelin from the medium. One of these functions, feuB, has been shown to be an outer membrane protein. In contrast to three other iron transport systems including ferric-enterochelin uptake, DHB-promoted iron uptake was little affected by the uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol. Dissipation of the energized state of the cytoplasmic membrane apparently only affects those iron transport systems which require an outer membrane protein. Since DHB-promoted iron uptake bypasses the feuB outer membrane protein and the tonB function, it is concluded that, in ferricenterochelin transport, the tonB gene may function in coupling the energized state of the cytoplasmic membrane to the protein-dependent outer membrane permeability. DHB-promoted iron uptake required the synthesis and enzymatic breakdown of enterochelin as judged by the effects of the entF and fesB mutations. A fep mutant was not only deficient in the transport of the ferric chelates of enterochelin and its breakdown products, but was also deficient in DHB-promoted iron uptake. A scheme is presented in which iron diffuses as DHB-complex through the outer membrane, and is subsequently captured by enterochelin or DBS dimer or trimer and translocated across the cytoplasmic membrane.List of Abbreviations DHB 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate - DBS 2,3-dihydroxybenzoylserine - NTA nitrilotriacetate - DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol  相似文献   

A single-site mutant of Escherichia coli K-12 able to grow in minimal medium in the presence of D-serine at 30 C but not at 42 C was isolated. The mutant forms a D-serine deaminase that is much more sensitive to thermal denaturation in vitro at temperatures above but not below 47 C than that of the wild type. No detectable enzyme is formed by the mutant at 42 C, however, and very little is formed at 37 C. The mutant enzyme is probably more sensitive to intracellular inactivation at high temperatures than the wild-type enzyme. The mutation lies in the dsdA region. The mutant also contains a dsdO mutation, which does not permit hyperinduction of D-serine deaminase synthesis.  相似文献   

An episome, F32, which carries the genetic markers dsdA(+), the presumed structural gene for d-serine deaminase, dsdC(+), a regulatory locus governing the synthesis of d-serine deaminase, aroC(+), and purC(+) was obtained from strain AB311 of Escherichia coli K-12, and was used to construct appropriate merodiploids with dsdC markers. In all dsdC / dsdC(+) diploids examined, dsdC was found to be cis dominant, trans recessive, to dsdC(+). In two cases, however, the cis dominance was only partial. Moreover, complementation was observed between one of the dsdC markers which is fully cis dominant and one which is partially cis dominant. Because of the size of the dsdC region, the phenotypes of the mutants, and the partial trans dominance of dsdC(+) over some of the dsdC mutations, it is suggested that the dsdC region specifies a product, but that this product does not move with facility through the cytoplasm  相似文献   

Without significant killing, d-serine at concentrations greater than 50 mug/ml inhibits growth in minimal media of mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 unable to form d-serine deaminase. The mutants eventually recover at lower concentrations. There is no evidence of d-serine toxicity in rich media. Toxicity is partially reversed by l-serine. d-Serine does not interfere with l-serine activation, one-carbon metabolism, or (Cronan, personal communication) formation of phosphatidylserine. Pizer (personal communication) finds, however, that it is a powerful feedback inhibitor of the first enzyme of l-serine biosynthesis. In the presence of l-serine, the residual toxicity is largely and noncompetitively over come by pantothenate, indicating that d-serine inhibits growth by affecting two targets: pantothenate biosynthesis and l-serine biosynthesis. l-Serine causes transient growth inhibition in E. coli K-12. Contaminating l-serine in d-serine preparations contributes to the d-serine inhibitory response.  相似文献   

L-arabinose transport systems in Escherichia coli K-12.   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Mutations in the arabinose transport operons of Escherichia coli K-12 were isolated with the Mu lac phage by screening for cells in which beta-galactosidase is induced in the presence of L-arabinose. Standard genetic techniques were then used to isolate numerous mutations in either of the two transport systems. Complementation tests revealed only one gene, araE, in the low-affinity arabinose uptake system. P1 transduction placed araE between lysA (60.9 min) and thyA (60.5 min) and closer to lysA. The operon of the high-affinity transport system was found to contain two genes: araF, which codes for the arabinose-binding protein, and a new gene, araG. The newly identified gene, araG, was shown by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to encode a protein which is located in the membrane. Only defects in araG could abolish uptake by the high-affinity system under the conditions we used.  相似文献   

Amino acid transport systems in Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  

Two classes of D-serine deaminase (Dsdase)-specific secondary mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 were isolated from a Dsdase low constitutive nonhyperinducible mutant as types which could grow in the presence of both D-serine and glucose. These strains contain cis dominant, nonsuppressible mutations in the dsdO (operator-initiator) region. In the first class of mutants (e.g., FB4010), Dsdase synthesis is completely insensitive to catabolite repression, and synthesis occurs at a high constitutive rate in the absence of cyclic adenosine 5'-monophosphate. In the second class (e.g., FB4005), Dsdase synthesis is partially insensitive to catabolite repression, and catabolite repression is reversed by the addition of cyclic adenosine 5'-monophosphate. Dsdase synthesis in strain FB4005 is partially independent of the cyclic adenosine 5'-monophosphate binding protein, as constitutive synthesis is reduced only 65% (relative to the cap+ strain) in strains unable to synthesize the cyclic adenosine 5'-monophosphate binding protein. Surprisingly, the constitutive rate of Dsdase synthesis is fourfold higher in all mutants of both classes than in the parent, indicating a close interrelationship between the sites of response to induction and catabolite repression.  相似文献   

A mutant of Escherichia coli K-12 lacking pyruvate dehydrogenase and phosphoenolpyruvate synthase was used to study the transport of pyruvate by whole cells. Uptake of pyruvate was maximal in mid-log phase cells, with a Michaelis constant for transport of 20 microM. Pretreatment of the cells with respiratory chain poisons or uncouplers, except for arsenate, inhibited transport up to 95%. Lactate and alanine were competitive inhibitors, but at nonphysiological concentrations. The synthetic analogs 3-bromopyruvate and pyruvic acid methyl ester inhibited competitively. The uptake of pyruvate was also characterized in membrane vesicles from wild-type E. coli K-12. Transport required an artificial electron donor system, phenazine methosulfate and sodium ascorbate. Pyruvate was concentrated in vesicles 7- to 10-fold over the external concentration, with a Michaelis constant of 15 microM. Energy poisons, except arsenate, inhibited the transport of pyruvate. Synthetic analogs such as 3-bromopyruvate were competitive inhibitors of transport. Lactate initially appeared to be a competitive inhibitor of pyruvate transport in vesicles, but this was a result of oxidation of lactate to pyruvate. The results indicate that uptake of pyruvate in E. coli is via a specific active transport system.  相似文献   

Multiplicity of leucine transport systems in Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:34,自引:26,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The major component of leucine uptake in Escherichia coli K-12 is a common system for l-leucine, l-isoleucine, and l-valine (LIV-I) with a Michaelis constant (K(m)) value of 0.2 muM (LIV-I system). The LIV-binding protein appears to be associated with this system. It now appears that the LIV-I transport system and LIV-binding protein also serve for the entry of l-alanine, l-threonine, and possibly l-serine. A minor component of l-leucine entry occurs by a leucine-specific system (L-system) for which a specific leucine-binding protein has been isolated. A mutant has been obtained that shows increased levels of the LIV-I transport activity and increased levels of both of the binding proteins. Another mutant has been isolated that shows only a major increase in the levels of the leucine-specific transport system and the leucine-specific binding protein. A third binding protein that binds all three branched-chain amino acids but binds isoleucine preferentially has been identified. The relationship of the binding proteins to each other and to transport activity is discussed. A second general transport system (LIV-II system) with a K(m) value of 2 muM and a relatively low V(max) can be observed in E. coli. The LIV-II system is not sensitive to osmotic shock treatment nor to growth of cells in the presence of leucine. This high K(m) system, which is specific for the branched-chain amino acids, can be observed in membrane vesicle preparations.  相似文献   

We have isolated mutants of Escherichia coli that have an altered beta-galactoside transport system. This altered transport system is able to transport a sugar, maltose, that the wild-type beta-galactoside transport system is unable to transport. The mutation that alters the specificity of the transport system is in the lacY gene, and we refer to the allele as lacYmal. The lacYmal allele was detected originally in strains in which the lac genes were fused to the malF gene. Thus, as a result of gene fusion and isolation of the lacYmal mutation, a new transport system was evolved with regulatory properties and specificity similar to those of the original maltose transport system. Maltose transport via the lacYmal gene product is independent of all of the normal maltose transport system components. The altered transport system shows a higher affinity than the wild-type transport system for two normal substrates of the beta-galactoside transport system, thiomethyl-beta-D-galactoside and o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactoside.  相似文献   

Streptonigrin was used to select mutants impaired in the citrate-dependent iron transport system of Escherichia coli K-12. Mutants in fecA and fecB could not transport iron via citrate. fecA-lac and fecB-lac operon fusions were constructed with the aid of phage Mu dl(Ap lac). Strains deficient in ferric dicitrate transport which were mutated in fecB were as inducible as transport-active strains. They expressed the FecA outer membrane protein and beta-galactosidase of the fecB-lac operon fusions. In contrast, all fecA::lac mutants and fecA mutants induced with N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine did not respond to ferric dicitrate supplied in the growth medium. tonB fecB mutants which were lacking all tonB-related functions were not inducible. We conclude that binding of iron in the presence of citrate to the outer membrane receptor protein is required for induction of the transport system. In addition, the tonB gene has to be active. However, iron and citrate must not be transported into the cytoplasm for the induction process. These data support our previous conclusion of an exogenous induction mechanism. Mutants in fur expressed the transport system nearly constitutively. In wild-type cells limiting the iron concentration in the medium enhanced the expression of the transport system. Thus, the citrate-dependent iron transport system shares regulatory devices with the other iron transport systems in E. coli and, in addition, requires ferric dicitrate for induction.  相似文献   

The phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent carbohydrate:phosphotransferase system enzyme IISCR, specific for and regulated by sucrose, was analyzed in derivatives of Escherichia coli K-12 carrying the sucrose plasmid pUR404. Enzyme IIScr, coded for by gene scrA of the plasmid, depended for its transport and phosphorylation activity directly on the phosphotransferase system enzyme IIIGlc, Scr, coded for by the chromosomal gene crr.  相似文献   

Proline transport and osmotic stress response in Escherichia coli K-12.   总被引:25,自引:14,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Proline is accumulated in Escherichia coli via two active transport systems, proline porter I (PPI) and PPII. In our experiments, PPI was insensitive to catabolite repression and was reduced in activity twofold when bacteria were subjected to amino acid-limited growth. PPII, which has a lower affinity for proline than PPI, was induced by tryptophan-limited growth. PPII activity was elevated in bacteria that were subjected to osmotic stress during growth or the transport measurement. Neither PPI nor uptake of serine or glutamine was affected by osmotic stress. Mutation proU205, which was similar in genetic map location and phenotype to other proU mutations isolated in E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium, influenced the sensitivity of the bacteria to the toxic proline analogs azetidine-2-carboxylate and 3,4-dehydroproline, the proline requirements of auxotrophs, and the osmoprotective effect of proline. This mutation did not influence proline uptake via PPI or PPII. A very low uptake activity (6% of the PPII activity) observed in osmotically stressed bacteria lacking PPI and PPII was not observed when the proU205 lesion was introduced.  相似文献   

UGA-specific nonsense suppressors from Escherichia coli K-12 were isolated and characterized. One of them (Su+UGA-11) was identified as a mutant of the prfB gene for the peptide releasing factor RF2. It appears that in this strain, while peptide release at sites of UGA mutations is retarded, the UGA stop codon is read through even in the absence of a tRNA suppressor, exhibiting a novel type of passive nonsense suppression. Three suppressors (Su+UGA-12, -16 and -34) were capable of restoring the streptomycin sensitive phenotype in resistant bacteria (strAr). Because of their drug-related phenotype, these are possibly mutations in the components of the ribosomal machinery, particularly those concerned with peptide release at UGA nonsense codons. A tRNA suppressor was also obtained which was derived from the tRNA(Trp) gene. In this strain, a long region between rrnC (84.5 min) and rrnB (89.5 min) was duplicated and one of the duplicated genes of tRNA(Trp) was mutated to the suppressor. The mechanism of UGA-suppression is discussed in terms of translation termination at the nonsense codon in both active and passive fashions.  相似文献   

The yiaMNO genes of Escherichia coli K-12 encode a binding protein-dependent secondary, or tri-partite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP), transporter. Since only a few members of this family have been functionally characterized to date, we aimed to identify the substrate for this transporter. Cells that constitutively express the yiaK-S gene cluster metabolized the rare pentose L-xylulose, while deletion of the yiaMNO transporter genes reduced L-xylulose metabolism. The periplasmic substrate-binding protein YiaO was found to bind L-xylulose, and stimulated L-xylulose uptake by spheroplasts. These date indicate that the yiaMNO transporter mediates uptake of this rare pentose.  相似文献   

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