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The standard genetic code, by which most organisms translate genetic material into protein metabolism, is non-randomly organized. The Error Minimization hypothesis interprets this non-randomness as an adaptation, proposing that natural selection produced a pattern of codon assignments that buffers genomes against the impact of mutations. Indeed, on the average any given point mutation has a lesser effect on the chemical properties of the utilized amino acid than expected by chance. Might it also, however, be the case that the non-random nature of the code effects the rate of adaptive evolution? To investigate this, here we develop population genetic simulations to test the rate of adaptive gene evolution under different genetic codes. We identify two independent properties of a genetic code that profoundly influence the speed of adaptive evolution. Noting that the standard genetic code exhibits both, we offer a new insight into the effects of the "error minimizing" code: such a code enhances the efficacy of adaptive sequence evolution.  相似文献   

Early fixation of an optimal genetic code   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The evolutionary forces that produced the canonical genetic code before the last universal ancestor remain obscure. One hypothesis is that the arrangement of amino acid/codon assignments results from selection to minimize the effects of errors (e.g., mistranslation and mutation) on resulting proteins. If amino acid similarity is measured as polarity, the canonical code does indeed outperform most theoretical alternatives. However, this finding does not hold for other amino acid properties, ignores plausible restrictions on possible code structure, and does not address the naturally occurring nonstandard genetic codes. Finally, other analyses have shown that significantly better code structures are possible. Here, we show that if theoretically possible code structures are limited to reflect plausible biological constraints, and amino acid similarity is quantified using empirical data of substitution frequencies, the canonical code is at or very close to a global optimum for error minimization across plausible parameter space. This result is robust to variation in the methods and assumptions of the analysis. Although significantly better codes do exist under some assumptions, they are extremely rare and thus consistent with reports of an adaptive code: previous analyses which suggest otherwise derive from a misleading metric. However, all extant, naturally occurring, secondarily derived, nonstandard genetic codes do appear less adaptive. The arrangement of amino acid assignments to the codons of the standard genetic code appears to be a direct product of natural selection for a system that minimizes the phenotypic impact of genetic error. Potential criticisms of previous analyses appear to be without substance. That known variants of the standard genetic code appear less adaptive suggests that different evolutionary factors predominated before and after fixation of the canonical code. While the evidence for an adaptive code is clear, the process by which the code achieved this optimization requires further attention.  相似文献   

The canonical genetic code is on a sub-optimal adaptive peak with respect to its ability to minimize errors, and is close to, but not quite, optimal. This is demonstrated by the near-total adjacency of synonymous codons, the similarity of adjacent codons, and comparisons of frequency of amino acid usage with number of codons in the code for each amino acid. As a rare empirical example of an adaptive peak in nature, it shows adaptive peaks are real, not merely theoretical. The evolution of deviant genetic codes illustrates how populations move from a lower to a higher adaptive peak. This is done by the use of “adaptive bridges,” neutral pathways that cross over maladaptive valleys by virtue of masking of the phenotypic expression of some maladaptive aspects in the genotype. This appears to be the general mechanism by which populations travel from one adaptive peak to another. There are multiple routes a population can follow to cross from one adaptive peak to another. These routes vary in the probability that they will be used, and this probability is determined by the number and nature of the mutations that happen along each of the routes. A modification of the depiction of adaptive landscapes showing genetic distances and probabilities of travel along their multiple possible routes would throw light on this important concept.  相似文献   

We here present a user-friendly and extremely lightweight tool that can serve as a stand-alone front-end for the Open MS Search Algorithm (OMSSA) search engine, or that can directly be used as part of an informatics processing pipeline for MS driven proteomics. The OMSSA graphical user interface (OMSSAGUI) tool is written in Java, and is supported on Windows, Linux, and OSX platforms. It is an open source under the Apache 2 license and can be downloaded from http://code.google.com/p/mass-spec-gui/.  相似文献   

LUCY2: an interactive DNA sequence quality trimming and vector removal tool   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lucy2 is a raw DNA sequence trimming and visualization tool based on the popular command-line Lucy1. Users can change parameters, trim multiple sequences and visualize the results within an integrated, easy-to-use graphical user interface. Lucy2 is designed specifically for non-programmers to use, and is currently available on Windows, Linux and MacOS X. Source code is also available for porting to the other platforms. AVAILABILITY: Lucy2 is distributed under the GNU General Public License and can be downloaded from www.complex.iastate.edu  相似文献   

IlluminaGUI is a graphical user interface implemented for analyzing microarray data from the Illumina BeadChip platform. All key components of a microarray experiment, including quality control, normalization, inference and classification methods are provided in a 'point and click' approach. IlluminaGUI is implemented as a R package based on the R-Tcl/Tk interface and is available for platforms on which R runs including Windows, Mac and Unix-type machines. AVAILABILITY: http://IlluminaGUI.dnsalias.org  相似文献   

High‐throughput sequencing methods have become a routine analysis tool in environmental sciences as well as in public and private sector. These methods provide vast amount of data, which need to be analysed in several steps. Although the bioinformatics may be applied using several public tools, many analytical pipelines allow too few options for the optimal analysis for more complicated or customized designs. Here, we introduce PipeCraft, a flexible and handy bioinformatics pipeline with a user‐friendly graphical interface that links several public tools for analysing amplicon sequencing data. Users are able to customize the pipeline by selecting the most suitable tools and options to process raw sequences from Illumina, Pacific Biosciences, Ion Torrent and Roche 454 sequencing platforms. We described the design and options of PipeCraft and evaluated its performance by analysing the data sets from three different sequencing platforms. We demonstrated that PipeCraft is able to process large data sets within 24 hr. The graphical user interface and the automated links between various bioinformatics tools enable easy customization of the workflow. All analytical steps and options are recorded in log files and are easily traceable.  相似文献   

Chou HH 《BioTechniques》2005,38(4):615-621
Modern high-throughput biological research produces enormous amount of data that must be processed by computers, but many biologists dealing with these data are not professional programmers. Despite increased awareness of interdisciplinary training in bioinformatics, many biologists still find it difficult to create their own computational solutions. VECT, the Visual Extraction and Conversion Tool, has been developed to assist nonprogrammers to create simple bioinformatics without having to master a programming language. VECT provides a unified graphical user interface for data extraction, data conversion, output composition, and Perl code generation. Programming using VECT is achieved by visually performing the desired data extraction, conversion, and output composition tasks using some sample user data. These tasks are then compiled by VECT into an executable Perl program, which can be saved for later use and can carry out the same computation independently of VECT. VECT is released under the GNU General Public License and is freely available for all major computing platforms including Macintosh OS X, Linux, and Microsoft Windows at www.complex.iastate.edu.  相似文献   

An important goal of evolutionary biology is to understand the constraints that shape the dynamics and outcomes of evolution. Here, we address the extent to which the structure of the standard genetic code constrains evolution by analyzing adaptive mutations of the antibiotic resistance gene TEM-1 β-lactamase and the fitness distribution of codon substitutions in two influenza hemagglutinin inhibitor genes. We find that the architecture of the genetic code significantly constrains the adaptive exploration of sequence space. However, the constraints endow the code with two advantages: the ability to restrict access to amino acid mutations with a strong negative effect and, most remarkably, the ability to enrich for adaptive mutations. Our findings support the hypothesis that the standard genetic code was shaped by selective pressure to minimize the deleterious effects of mutation yet facilitate the evolution of proteins through imposing an adaptive mutation bias.  相似文献   

We present a Markov chain Monte Carlo coalescent genealogy sampler, LAMARC 2.0, which estimates population genetic parameters from genetic data. LAMARC can co-estimate subpopulation Theta = 4N(e)mu, immigration rates, subpopulation exponential growth rates and overall recombination rate, or a user-specified subset of these parameters. It can perform either maximum-likelihood or Bayesian analysis, and accomodates nucleotide sequence, SNP, microsatellite or elecrophoretic data, with resolved or unresolved haplotypes. It is available as portable source code and executables for all three major platforms. AVAILABILITY: LAMARC 2.0 is freely available at http://evolution.gs.washington.edu/lamarc  相似文献   

A computer program was used to test Wong's coevolution theory of the genetic code. The codon correlations between the codons of biosynthetically related amino acids in the universal genetic code and in randomly generated genetic codes were compared. It was determined that many codon correlations are also present within random genetic codes and that among the random codes there are always several which have many more correlations than that found in the universal code. Although the number of correlations depends on the choice of biosynthetically related amino acids, the probability of choosing a random genetic code with the same or greater number of codon correlations as the universal genetic code was found to vary from 0.1% to 34% (with respect to a fairly complete listing of related amino acids). Thus, Wong's theory that the genetic code arose by coevolution with the biosynthetic pathways of amino acids, based on codon correlations between biosynthetically related amino acids, is statistical in nature. Received: 8 August 1996 / Accepted: 26 December 1996  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Mathematical modelling has become a standard technique to improve our understanding of complex biological systems. As models become larger and more complex, simulations and analyses require increasing amounts of computational power. Clusters of computers in a high-throughput computing environment can help to provide the resources required for computationally expensive model analysis. However, exploiting such a system can be difficult for users without the necessary expertise. RESULTS: We present Condor-COPASI, a server-based software tool that integrates COPASI, a biological pathway simulation tool, with Condor, a high-throughput computing environment. Condor-COPASI provides a web-based interface, which makes it extremely easy for a user to run a number of model simulation and analysis tasks in parallel. Tasks are transparently split into smaller parts, and and submitted for execution on a Condor pool. Result output is presented to the user in a number of formats, including tables and interactive graphical displays. CONCLUSIONS: Condor-COPASI can effectively use a Condor high-throughput computing environment to provide significant gains in performance for a number of model simulation and analysis tasks. Condor-COPASI is free, open source software, released under the Artistic License 2.0, and is suitable for use by any institution with access to a Condor pool. Source code is freely available for download at http://code.google.com/p/condor-copasi/, along with full instructions on deployment and usage.  相似文献   

Bifurcation discovery tool   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MOTIVATION: Biochemical networks often yield interesting behavior such as switching, oscillation and chaotic dynamics. This article describes a tool that is capable of searching for bifurcation points in arbitrary ODE-based reaction networks by directing the user to regions in the parameter space, where such interesting dynamical behavior can be observed. RESULTS: We have implemented a genetic algorithm that searches for Hopf bifurcations, turning points and bistable switches. The software is implemented as a Systems Biology Workbench (SBW) enabled module and accepts the standard SBML model format. The interface permits a user to choose the parameters to be searched, admissible parameter ranges, and the nature of the bifurcation to be sought. The tool will return the parameter values for the model for which the particular behavior is observed. AVAILABILITY: The software, tutorial manual and test models are available for download at the following website: http:/www.sys-bio.org/ under the bifurcation link. The software is an open source and licensed under BSD.  相似文献   

We consider a model of the origin of genetic code organization incorporating the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids and their physicochemical properties. We study the behavior of the genetic code in the set of codes subject both to biosynthetic constraints and to the constraint that the biosynthetic classes of amino acids must occupy only their own codon domain, as observed in the genetic code. Therefore, this set contains the smallest number of elements ever analyzed in similar studies. Under these conditions and if, as predicted by physicochemical postulates, the amino acid properties played a fundamental role in genetic code organization, it can be expected that the code must display an extremely high level of optimization. This prediction is not supported by our analysis, which indicates, for instance, a minimization percentage of only 80%. These observations can therefore be more easily explained by the coevolution theory of genetic code origin, which postulates a role that is important but not fundamental for the amino acid properties in the structuring of the code. We have also investigated the shape of the optimization landscape that might have arisen during genetic code origin. Here, too, the results seem to favor the coevolution theory because, for instance, the fact that only a few amino acid exchanges would have been sufficient to transform the genetic code (which is not a local minimum) into a much better optimized code, and that such exchanges did not actually take place, seems to suggest that, for instance, the reduction of translation errors was not the main adaptive theme structuring the genetic code.  相似文献   

The Case for an Error Minimizing Standard Genetic Code   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Since discovering the pattern by which amino acids are assigned to codons within the standard genetic code, investigators have explored the idea that natural selection placed biochemically similar amino acids near to one another in coding space so as to minimize the impact of mutations and/or mistranslations. The analytical evidence to support this theory has grown in sophistication and strength over the years, and counterclaims questioning its plausibility and quantitative support have yet to transcend some significant weaknesses in their approach. These weaknesses are illustrated here by means of a simple simulation model for adaptive genetic code evolution. There remain ill explored facets of the `error minimizing' code hypothesis, however, including the mechanism and pathway by which an adaptive pattern of codon assignments emerged, the extent to which natural selection created synonym redundancy, its role in shaping the amino acid and nucleotide languages, and even the correct interpretation of the adaptive codon assignment pattern: these represent fertile areas for future research.  相似文献   

Liquid chromatography coupled tandem mass spectrometry (LC‐MS/MS) is an important technique for detecting peptides in proteomics studies. Here, we present an open source software tool, termed IPeak, a peptide identification pipeline that is designed to combine the Percolator post‐processing algorithm and multi‐search strategy to enhance the sensitivity of peptide identifications without compromising accuracy. IPeak provides a graphical user interface (GUI) as well as a command‐line interface, which is implemented in JAVA and can work on all three major operating system platforms: Windows, Linux/Unix and OS X. IPeak has been designed to work with the mzIdentML standard from the Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI) as an input and output, and also been fully integrated into the associated mzidLibrary project, providing access to the overall pipeline, as well as modules for calling Percolator on individual search engine result files. The integration thus enables IPeak (and Percolator) to be used in conjunction with any software packages implementing the mzIdentML data standard. IPeak is freely available and can be downloaded under an Apache 2.0 license at https://code.google.com/p/mzidentml‐lib/ .  相似文献   

Quality control and preprocessing of metagenomic datasets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SUMMARY: Here, we present PRINSEQ for easy and rapid quality control and data preprocessing of genomic and metagenomic datasets. Summary statistics of FASTA (and QUAL) or FASTQ files are generated in tabular and graphical form and sequences can be filtered, reformatted and trimmed by a variety of options to improve downstream analysis. Availability and Implementation: This open-source application was implemented in Perl and can be used as a stand alone version or accessed online through a user-friendly web interface. The source code, user help and additional information are available at http://prinseq.sourceforge.net/.  相似文献   

Reproducibility is vital in science. For complex computational methods, it is often necessary, not just to recreate the code, but also the software and hardware environment to reproduce results. Virtual machines, and container software such as Docker, make it possible to reproduce the exact environment regardless of the underlying hardware and operating system. However, workflows that use Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) remain difficult to replicate on different host systems as there is no high level graphical software layer common to all platforms. GUIdock allows for the facile distribution of a systems biology application along with its graphics environment. Complex graphics based workflows, ubiquitous in systems biology, can now be easily exported and reproduced on many different platforms. GUIdock uses Docker, an open source project that provides a container with only the absolutely necessary software dependencies and configures a common X Windows (X11) graphic interface on Linux, Macintosh and Windows platforms. As proof of concept, we present a Docker package that contains a Bioconductor application written in R and C++ called networkBMA for gene network inference. Our package also includes Cytoscape, a java-based platform with a graphical user interface for visualizing and analyzing gene networks, and the CyNetworkBMA app, a Cytoscape app that allows the use of networkBMA via the user-friendly Cytoscape interface.  相似文献   

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