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Immune responses to enviornmental agents affecting the skin may take various clinical forms, among which contact dermatitis is the most prominent representative of delayed-type hypersensitivity. Whereas in industrialized countries a relatively restricted amount of chemical agents is responsible for the majority of contact dermatitis cases, other factors from the environment such as natural flora, seasonal or nutritional factors may also play a role. Like other immune responses, contact dermatitis is strongly influenced by genetic factors and the existence of immune response genes, in part linked to the major histocompatibility complex, has been established in experimental animals. Whereas the formation of conjugates between skin-specific proteins and contactant allergens is held by some to represent an important feature in contact dermatitis, recent experiments suggest that the direct binding of contactants to monocyte and lymphocyte membranes represents the most efficient way in inducing sensitization of the T lymphocytes primarily responsible for contact hypersensitivity. At the effector level, complete inhibition of contact dermatitis and other delayed type hypersensitivity reactions by an antiserum prepared against guinea pig lymphokines (especially migration inhibition factor) offers strong evidence that lymphokines, as products of activated lymphocytes, also play a decisive role in vivo. The properties of antibodies raised against purified lymphokine fractions are reviewed. Localized contact dermatitis reactions, as well as accompanying phenomenons such as flar-up reactions and generalized maculopapular rashes, may, however, still involve other elements than T lymphocytes and lymphokines. The participation of other secondary cell types and of local antibody formation is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Murine T cell proliferative and antibody responses to the multi-determinant protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) are controlled by Ir genes mapping within the H-2 gene complex. Strains possessing the H-2k, H-2a, and H-2d haplotypes are classified as high responders to BSA. In contrast, H-2b strains are low responders to BSA. Genetic mapping experiments employing strains with recombinant H-2 haplotypes indicate that both T cell proliferative and antibody responses are at least in part regulated by genes within the I-A subregion. Studies on the inhibition of T cell proliferation by monoclonal anti-Ia antibodies are consistent with the assignment of an Ir gene for BSA to the I-A subregion and strongly suggest a role for genes within the I-E/C subregions as well. The MHC-mediated control of antibody responses did not affect the affinity or the isotype of the antibody produced. The relative quantities of antibody specific for each of the three domains of BSA appears to be regulated by H-2-linked BSA Ir genes, and domain III antigenic determinants were found to be dominant in the responses of low-responder mice and in the early response of high-responder mice. This domain III epitope dominance essentially disappears by the tertiary response of high-responder mice.  相似文献   

Embryonically enucleated frogs (Xenopus) will tolerate an isogeneic eye implanted during adult life although their immune system has never been previously exposed to eye-specific Ag. We hypothesized that such self-implants survive because they induce tolerance to the eye-specific Ag. We have developed evidence to support this hypothesis by studying the responses of embryonically enucleated or intact frogs, with or without eye implants, to self-lens proteins. After immunization with a low concentration of bovine lens proteins, spleen cells from all intact and all embryonically enucleated frogs displayed significant in vitro proliferation against the Ag. All animals in both groups of frogs also produced high titered xenoantibodies. After immunization with a comparable preparation and concentration of self-lens Ag, splenocytes from only some of the embryonically enucleated and intact frogs showed significant proliferation, and fewer of these frogs produced antibody. When the immunization protocol and Ag concentration were modified to evoke consistent anti-self-lens proliferative and antibody responses from enucleated frogs, intact frogs responded equally well. Because there were no significant differences in the magnitude of the responses, and the percent of enucleated and intact frogs responding did not differ, we conclude that there is little or no immunologic tolerance to self-lens Ag in intact frogs. When either embryonically enucleated or intact frogs were heterotopically implanted with isogeneic eyes and then immunized with self-lens Ag or foreign lens Ag using the optimal immunization protocol, the Ag-specific proliferative responses of their lymphocytes were significantly reduced after immunization with self-, but not foreign Ag. This argues that embryonically enucleated frogs can become tolerant of the organ-specific Ag of the lens, even in adult life.  相似文献   

Luminal acidity is a physiological challenge in the foregut, and acidosis can occur throughout the gastrointestinal tract as a result of inflammation or ischemia. These conditions are surveyed by an elaborate network of acid-governed mechanisms to maintain homeostasis. Deviations from physiological values of extracellular pH are monitored by multiple acid sensors expressed by epithelial cells and sensory neurons. Acid-sensing ion channels are activated by moderate acidification, whereas transient receptor potential ion channels of the vanilloid subtype are gated by severe acidosis. Some ionotropic purinoceptor ion channels and two-pore domain background K(+) channels are also sensitive to alterations of extracellular pH.  相似文献   

Antibody responses to T-dependent and T-"independent" antigens were studied in disease-susceptible (BALB/c and C57BL/10) and disease-resistant (A/J) mice infected with Leishmania donovani chagasi. Disease-susceptible mice but not disease-resistant mice showed a transient decrease in PFC responses to TNP on a T-dependent carrier (BGG) during the period of 4-8 weeks after infection. Infected disease-susceptible animals also showed increased responses to TNP on a type II T-independent carrier (Ficoll), which persisted until at least 14 weeks after infection. The increased responses were associated with a significant increase in anti-TNP antibody of the IgG2b subclass. When T-enriched spleen cells from infected mice and B-enriched spleen cells from uninfected mice were transferred to irradiated recipients immunized with TNP-Ficoll, increased anti-TNP PFC were observed over numbers seen in irradiated recipients which received both B and T cells from uninfected mice. Increased responses to TNP-Ficoll were also induced by prior administration of soluble leishmania extract in CFA. Infected mice immunized with TNP-LPS, a T-independent type I antigen, also had increased anti-TNP antibody responses, but had normal anti-LPS antibody responses. The elevated antibody production which occurred in response to the T-"independent" antigens could not be attributed to the relatively low polyclonal response which occurred in both disease-resistant and disease-susceptible mice infected with L. donovani chagasi. The observations are consistent with leishmania induced, transient alterations in some T-cell functions including response to haptens on T-dependent carriers, and a lack of down regulation of T-"independent" responses. Subtle lesions in immunoregulation may be important correlates of successful protozoal infection and may be responsible for some of the immunologic manifestations of the disease.  相似文献   

Complex mechanisms underly the establishment of dermatophilosis, an exudative and proliferative skin disease of ruminants. This multicomponent system involves the bacterium Dermatophilus congolensis, transmission by various routes including flies, host genetic factors and immunosuppression by Amblyomma variegatum ticks. Here, Nick Ambrose and colleagues summarize recent evidence for an association between A. variegatum and severe chronic dermatophilosis in cattle. Breed-based differences in resistance to dermatophilosis are probably related to immunity to ticks or resistance to the immunosuppressive effects of ticks. Immunity to dermatophilosis might involve non-classic responses mediated by CD1 antigen presentation and gammadelta T cells. Progress towards vaccination is further complicated by strain-specific acquired immunity to D. congolensis.  相似文献   

Understanding the basis of protective immunity to Cowdria ruminantium will facilitate the development of an effective subunit vaccine against heartwater in ruminants and contribute to a better definition of protective immune mechanisms to obligate intracellular pathogens in general. Until recently, immunological studies of heartwater in ruminants concentrated solely on antibody responses. Since 1995, the mechanisms underlying cell-mediated immunity of heartwater have been analysed. Progress achieved in these areas is discussed here by Philippe Totté and colleagues, with special emphasis on ruminants, the natural hosts of C. ruminantium.  相似文献   

Considerable progress is being made in identifying genes that are important for tolerance to abiotic stress and in defining stress-responsive gene promoters and signal-transduction pathways. Although genetically engineered crop plants with greater resistance to environmental stress have not yet been produced, research is at a turning point where correlative changes can now be tested for effectiveness in conferring stress tolerance.  相似文献   



Obesity is associated with inflammation of visceral adipose tissues, which increases the risk for insulin resistance. Animal models suggest that T-lymphocyte infiltration is an important early step, although it is unclear why these cells are attracted. We have recently demonstrated that dietary triglycerides, major components of high fat diets, promote intestinal absorption of a protein antigen (ovalbumin, “OVA”). The antigen was partly transported on chylomicrons, which are prominently cleared in adipose tissues. We hypothesized that intestinally absorbed gut antigens may cause T-lymphocyte associated inflammation in adipose tissue.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Triglyceride absorption promoted intestinal absorption of OVA into adipose tissue, in a chylomicron-dependent manner. Absorption tended to be higher in mesenteric than subcutaneous adipose tissue, and was lowest in gonadal tissue. OVA immunoreactivity was detected in stromal vascular cells, including endothelial cells. In OVA-sensitized mice, OVA feeding caused marked accumulation of CD3+ and osteopontin+ cells in mesenteric adipose tissue. The accumulating T-lymphocytes were mainly CD4+. As expected, high-fat (60% kCal) diets promoted mesenteric adipose tissue inflammation compared to low-fat diets (10% Kcal), as reflected by increased expression of osteopontin and interferon-gamma. Immune responses to dietary OVA further increased diet-induced osteopontin and interferon-gamma expression in mesenteric adipose. Inflammatory gene expression in subcutaneous tissue did not respond significantly to OVA or dietary fat content. Lastly, whereas OVA responses did not significantly affect bodyweight or adiposity, they significantly impaired glucose tolerance.


Our results suggest that loss or lack of immunological tolerance to intestinally absorbed T-lymphocyte antigens can contribute to mesenteric adipose tissue inflammation and defective glucose metabolism during high-fat dieting.  相似文献   

The results of the immunophoretic analysis of H. pylori antigenic structure are presented. Along with H. pylori O-antigen, specific surface antigen of acidic nature, relatively thermolabile with characteristics similar to those of K-antigens, was detected. A diagnosticum based on the coagglutination test for the rapid detection of H. pylori specific antigens in the patients' biological fluids (coprofiltrate, saliva) by the noninvasive method was developed. The circulation mode of H. pylori in human body and its correlation with the clinical symptoms of the disease was shown. H. pylori antigens were very frequently detected (in 65 - 83% of cases) in patients with acute bacterial enteric infections: shigellosis, salmonellosis, yersiniosis, campylobacteriosis. The newly developed method seems to be promising for the rapid diagnosis of H. pylori associated infections, for the prolonged monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy.  相似文献   

Some vertebrates change the size of their digestive system in response to quantity and fibre content of ingested food, but the effects of dietary nutrients on gut structure remain poorly understood. Here we investigate how the protein to carbohydrate ratio of diets affects the mass of the gastrointestinal tract in mice. We fed 6-week-old male mice one of five isocaloric diets differing only in protein to carbohydrate ratio (the “no-choice” treatments), while a further four treatment groups received nutritionally complementary food pairings from which they could self-select a diet (the “choice” treatments). After 32 days, we measured the resulting dry mass of stomachs, intestines, caeca and colons. In the no-choice treatments, the stomachs were heavier in the mice fed diets containing more protein and less carbohydrate, indicating that larger stomachs may be needed for efficient digestion of the protein-rich food. In contrast, intestines, caeca and colons were heavier when diets contained more carbohydrates and less protein. This response may function to increase the digestive rate of carbohydrates when the dietary content of this macronutrient increases, but it may also indicate a compensatory response to increase amino acid uptake from a protein-deficient food. Mice in the choice treatments self-selected a diet with a protein to carbohydrate ratio of 0.46, and had gut dimensions similar to the expectation derived from no-choice treatments for this diet composition. Our results provide an example of plasticity in the differential allocation of resources to organ function, which is triggered by variation in resource quality.  相似文献   

Entry of delta sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP) into the circulation from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract was studied in unweaned rat pups. The pups were fed an analog of DSIP (N-Tyr-DSIP) or 125I-N-Tyr-DSIP and blood samples collected. Significant increases in plasma DSIP-like immunoreactivity occurred after the feeding of 100 ωg/animal of N-Tyr-DSIP but not after vehicle (normal saline) or 1 ωg/animal. Column chromatography showed this immunoreactivity to coelute with intact DSIP and des-Trp1- DSIP. A small but statistically significant increase of immunoreactivity occurred in the plasma of pups whose nursing mothers were injected with N-Tyr-DSIP but not in those whose mothers were injected with saline. Radioactivity appeared in both the brain and blood of 1–2 and 10 day old rat pups fed 125I-N-Tyr-DSIP. Although only a small amount of the radioactivity in plasma co-eluted with intact 1251I-N-Tyr-DSIP on column chromatography, almost all of the radioactivity in brain did, suggesting that the radioactivity in the brain represented crossing of the blood-brain-barrier by the peptide and not just contamination by blood. The results cannot be explained by either regurgitation of intestinal contents, or by stimulation of endogenous peptide. They show that a DSIP peptide administered orally can be absorbed through the GI tract into the systemic circulation.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone in the gastrointestinal tract.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
TRH immunoreactivity has been shown to occur throughout the rat gastrointestinal tract. This immunoreactivity demonstrates parallelism with TRH, is destroyed by fresh human serum, and co-chromatographs with TRH on a Sephadex G-10 column and on a SP Sephadex C-25 column. In addition pancreatic extracts showed bioactivity in a mouse bioassay for TRH.  相似文献   

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