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The heterologous production of useful peptides such as bacteriocins by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) has been studied for use in the biopreservation of foods. Recombinant plasmids can suffer drawbacks such as segregational instability affecting the production of these peptides in certain environments such as absence of selective pressure or low temperature. The link between growth temperature characteristics of parental strains and stability of θ-type plasmids at a low temperature was investigated. The growth of four parental strains at 4 °C and stability of five derivative θ-type plasmids transformed into Carnobacterium maltaromaticum UAL26 at 25 and 4 °C were determined. Two plasmids (pCD11 and pCaT) derived from psychrotrophic LAB and plasmid, pHW800, from Enterococcus faecium 226 with unknown growth temperature characteristics, had excellent stability when strains were grown at 4 °C. Plasmids (pTRKH2 and pUCB820) derived from LAB that did not grow at refrigeration temperatures were not stable at 4 °C. When a DNA fragment from pCD11 containing 22-bp repeats, a putative replication initiation site, and the gene for the RepA protein was inserted into pTRKH2, the resulting derivative plasmid was 100% stable at 4 °C.  相似文献   

One hundred three isolates of Carnobacterium spp. from raw meat were analyzed by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and PCR and were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Forty-five strains of Carnobacterium maltaromaticum were characterized for their growth capabilities at different temperatures, NaCl concentrations, and pH values and for in vitro lipolytic and proteolytic activities. Moreover, their spoilage potential in meat was investigated by analyzing the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in meat stored in air or vacuum packs. Almost all the strains were able to grow at 4, 10, and 20°C, at pH values of 6 to 9, and in the presence of 2.5% NaCl. The release of VOCs by each strain in beef stored at 4°C in air and vacuum packs was evaluated by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME)-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. All the meat samples inoculated and stored in air showed higher numbers of VOCs than the vacuum-packed meat samples. Acetoin, 1-octen-3-ol, and butanoic acid were the compounds most frequently found under both storage conditions. The contaminated meat samples were evaluated by a sensory panel; the results indicated that for all sensory odors, no effect of strain was significant (P > 0.05). The storage conditions significantly affected (P < 0.05) the perception of dairy, spoiled-meat, and mozzarella cheese odors, which were more intense in meat stored in air than in vacuum packs but were never very intense. In conclusion, different strains of C. maltaromaticum can grow efficiently in meat stored at low temperatures both in air and in vacuum packs, producing volatile molecules with low sensory impacts, with a negligible contribution to meat spoilage overall.  相似文献   

Carnobacterium maltaromaticum UAL26 produces the antimicrobial peptides (bacteriocins) piscicolin 126, first isolated from C. maltaromaticum JG126, and carnobacteriocin BM1, first isolated from C. maltaromaticum LV17. C. maltaromaticum UAL26 is especially inhibitory to strains of Listeria monocytogenes. Bacteriocin activity is not observable in the supernatant of cultures of UAL26 grown in liquid media at 25°C, but at temperatures less than 19°C bacteriocin activity can be detected. In contrast to JG126, the piscicolin 126 operon is downregulated in UAL26 at higher temperature, and piscicolin 126 mRNA is not detected when UAL26 is grown at 25°C. Bacteriocin production in UAL26 grown at 15°C can be induced by addition of 10−10 M of chemically synthesized piscicolin 126 induction peptide (PisN). However, induction of bacteriocin production in UAL26 grown at 25°C requires 10−7 M of PisN. The sequence of the piscicolin 126 operon in UAL26 contains 34 single nucleotide differences compared with the piscicolin 126 operon in JG126, including single nucleotide differences in the immunity, histidine kinase, dedicated ABC-transporter and accessory genes, as well as a single nucleotide deletion in the transport accessory gene. This deletion causes a frameshift, resulting in truncation of the PisE transport accessory protein in UAL26.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

Carnobacterium, a genus of lactic acid bacteria, frequently dominate the microflora of chilled vacuum- or modified atmosphere-packed meat and seafood. In this study Carnobacterium isolates were characterized by phenotypic and molecular methods in order to investigate the association of species and intra-species groups with distinct kinds of meat and seafood. Of 120 test strains, 50 originated from meat (beef and pork products, including 44 strains isolated during this study and 6 strains obtained from culture collections) and 52 from seafoods (cod, halibut, salmon, shrimps and roe products). In addition, 9 reference strains of Carnobacterium spp from other sources than meat and fish and 9 reference strains of lactic acid bacteria belonging to other genera than Carnobacterium were included. Numerical taxonomy relying on classical biochemical reactions, carbohydrate fermentation and inhibition tests (temperature, salt, pH, chemical preservatives, antibiotics, bacteriocins), SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of whole cell proteins, plasmid profiling, intergenic spacer region (ISR) analysis and examination of amplified-fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) were employed to characterize the strains. The numerical taxonomic approach divided the carnobacteria strains into 24 groups that shared less than 89% similarity. These groups were identified as Carnobacterium divergens with one major cluster (40 strains) and 7 branches of one to four strains, Carnobacterium maltaromaticum (previous C. piscicola) with one major cluster (37 strains) and 9 branches of one to four strains and Carnobacterium mobile (three branches consisting in total of 4 strains). Branches consisting of references strains of the remaining Carnobacterium spp. were separated from clusters and branches of C. divergens, C. maltaromaticum and C. mobile. Isolates from the main clusters of C. divergens and C. maltaromaticum were found both in fresh and lightly preserved meat and seafood products. High phenotypic intra-species variability was observed for C. divergens and C. maltaromaticum but despite this heterogeneity in phenotypic traits a reliable identification to species levels was obtained by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of whole cell proteins and by ISR based on 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region polymorphism. With AFLP, two distinct clusters were observed for C. divergens but only one for C. maltaromaticum. The two C. divergens clusters were not identical to any of the clusters observed by numerical taxonomy. A limited number of C. divergens and C. maltaromaticum isolates possessed a biopreservative potential due to their production of bacteriocins with a wide inhibition spectrum. This study serves as a base-line for further investigations on the potential role of species of Carnobacterium in foods where they predominate the spoilage microflora.  相似文献   

Molecular microbial ecology studies are heavily reliant on 'Universal' 16S rRNA gene primers for elucidating microbial community structure and composition, and yet primer design and optimization is often overlooked. Primers that exhibit minor biases due to primer-template mismatches can substantially alter the pool of amplicons from a community DNA sample, resulting in inaccurate conclusions. As a result, it is important that primers are critically evaluated against the most comprehensive data sets available before commencing molecular microbial community studies. We present a user-friendly, multi-platform (e.g. Windows, Linux, Mac) method named spyder for the in silico design and assessment of 16S rRNA gene primers. The method utilizes the Ribosomal Database Project's Probe Match feature coupled with a compact program (available at http://people.uleth.ca/~selibl/Spyder/Spyder.html) that aligns and identifies mismatches between primers and templates. To demonstrate the value of spyder, we assessed commonly used 'Universal' and phyla-specific primers and identified primer modifications that improved the coverage of target organisms by 5-42% as well as removed excessive degeneracies.  相似文献   



Quorum sensing is a form of cell-to-cell communication that allows bacteria to control a wide range of physiological processes in a population density-dependent manner. Production of peptide antibiotics is one of the processes regulated by quorum sensing in several species of Gram-positive bacteria, including strains of Carnobacterium maltaromaticum. This bacterium and its peptide antibiotics are of interest due to their potential applications in food preservation. The molecular bases of the quorum sensing phenomenon controlling peptide antibiotic production in C. maltaromaticum remain poorly understood. The present study was aimed at gaining a deeper insight into the molecular mechanism involved in quorum sensing-mediated regulation of peptide antibiotic (bacteriocin) production by C. maltaromaticum. We report the functional analyses of the CS (autoinducer)-CbnK (histidine protein kinase)-CbnR (response regulator) three-component regulatory system and the three regulated promoters involved in peptide antibiotic production in C. maltaromaticum LV17B.  相似文献   

Carnobacterium maltaromaticum UAL307, isolated from fresh pork, exhibits potent activity against a number of gram-positive organisms, including numerous Listeria species. Three bacteriocins were isolated from culture supernatant, and using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry and Edman sequencing, two of these bacteriocins were identified as piscicolin 126 and carnobacteriocin BM1, both of which have previously been described. The remaining bacteriocin, with a molecular mass of 5,862 Da, could not be sequenced by traditional methods, suggesting that the peptide was either cyclic or N-terminally blocked. This bacteriocin showed remarkable stability over a wide temperature and pH range and was unaffected by a variety of proteases. After digestion with trypsin and α-chymotrypsin, the peptide was de novo sequenced by tandem mass spectrometry and a linear sequence deduced, consisting of 60 amino acids. Based on this sequence, the molecular mass was predicted to be 5,880 Da, 18 units higher than the observed molecular mass, which suggested that the peptide has a cyclic structure. Identification of the genetic sequence revealed that this peptide is circular, formed by a covalent linkage between the N and C termini following cleavage of a 4-residue peptide leader sequence. The results of structural studies suggest that the peptide is highly structured in aqueous conditions. This bacteriocin, named carnocyclin A, is the first reported example of a circular bacteriocin produced by Carnobacterium spp.  相似文献   

Eight putative consistently expressed genes in Carnobacterium maltaromaticum and Lactobacillus curvatus, and nine in Listeria innocua, were examined for their potential as references for the normalization of gene expression. Expression stability of candidate reference genes was evaluated under growth conditions of low (5 °C) and moderately high (40–42.5 °C) temperatures, and high salt (≥3 % NaCl) using the geNormplus and NormFinder algorithms. Under temperature stress, both algorithms ranked elongation factor Tu (Tuf) as the most stably expressed gene in C. maltaromaticum. In L. curvatus, at similar conditions, geNormplus identified Tuf and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGDH) as suitable for normalization, while NormFinder identified phenylalanyl-tRNA synthase and recombinase A as the best pair. In L. innocua grown under the same temperatures, geNormplus ranked 6PGDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), and Tuf as the top three most stable references, whereas NormFinder identified GAPDH and 6PGDH as suitable for normalization, with Tuf ranked as number six. There was less consistency between algorithms in the salt stress experiment. No gene was identified that exhibited such a constant level of expression as to outperform the other candidates under both experimental conditions. This study underlines the need for normalizing bacterial gene expression using multiple carefully selected references.  相似文献   

We explored the distribution, metabolic and antagonistic activities of Carnobacterium maltaromaticum, isolated from freshwater locations in Denmark during winter or early spring. This species was widely distributed in such habitats although it was relatively rare in low pH locations. Isolates possessed a diverse metabolism, potentially enabling functional capacities independent of habitat. The intraspecies competition showed a relatively high degree of mostly low-intensity interactions, which overall were not correlated with phylogeny or location. Only a few isolates exhibited broad-spectrum inhibition activity, targeting species from other genera and families, including one isolate that exhibited a broad inhibitory activity due to H2O2 production. Bioinformatic analyses revealed that the frequency of bacteriocinogenic systems was low, and only one unmodified bacteriocin, piscicolin 126, correlated with phenotypic antagonistic activity. Furthermore, most potential bacteriocin gene complexes were not complete. Overall, this study showed C. maltaromaticum to be a generalist (nomadic) species with a constant presence in freshwater habitats, especially those with pH values >5. General metabolic properties did not suggest a strong degree of adaptation to the freshwater environment, and bacteriocin-mediated antagonistic activities appeared to play a minimal ecological role.  相似文献   

The capacity of four oligopurine.oligopyrimidine (pur.pyr) sequences with different lengths of interruptions in the center [GAA)4(N)n(GAA)4G) (n = 3, 5, 7, and 9) to adopt intramolecular DNA triplexes was evaluated in recombinant plasmids. The hyperreactive patterns of the pur.pyr inserts to specific chemical probes (OsO4, diethyl pyrocarbonate, and dimethyl sulfate) at the base pair level demonstrate that intramolecular triplexes with identical 12-base triads in the stem but with different loop sizes (4, 6, 8, and 10 bases) can form in supercoiled plasmids. Furthermore, the extent of OsO4 modification was measured as a function of temperature and of average negative supercoil density. In addition, the transition free energy of B-DNA to triplexes at pH 4.5 was determined by two-dimensional electrophoresis. These comparative studies show that longer loops require more supercoil energy for triplex formation and are less thermostable than triplexes with shorter loops. Also, it may be that not only the loop size but the base composition of the loop region affects the structural transition and triplex stability. Thus, these results significantly broaden the range of natural pur.pyr sequences that may adopt triplexes.  相似文献   

Mobilization and expression of bacteriocin plasmids from Carnobacterium piscicola isolated from meat. The nonconjugative plasmids pCP40 and pCP49 associated with bacteriocin production in Carnobacterium piscicola LV17, a lactic acid bacterium isolated from meat, were mobilized by the wide host range conjugative plasmid pAMβ1 by two stage conjugation. At the first stage, pAMβ1 was conjugally transferred into C. piscicola LV17 containing the two plasmids associated with bacteriocin production and a cryptic plasmid. Mobilization of the two bacteriocin plasmids by pAMβ1 was done by the second stage conjugation between the pAMβ1-containing C. piscicola LV17 and chloramphenicol (Cm)-resistant Bac- mutant of C. piscicola LV17. The transconjugants had either partial bacteriocin activity associated with acquisition of pCP40 or pCP49, or complete bacteriocin activity associated with acquisition of all three of the resident plasmids from C. piscicola LV17 or an 89 MDa cointegrated plasmid derived from pCP40 and pCP49. Further manipulation of the transconjugants and a mutant strain of C. piscicola LV17 resulted in separate strains with only pCP40 or pCP49 which produce different bacteriocins. The bacteriocin gene from pCP49 was cloned into pCaT, a chloramphenicol resistance-encoding vector, and electrotransformed into another bacteriocin-producing strain of C. piscicola , enhancing the antagonistic spectrum of the recipient strain.  相似文献   

Dairy products are colonized with three main classes of lactic acid bacteria (LAB): opportunistic bacteria, traditional starters, and industrial starters. Most of the population structure studies were previously performed with LAB species belonging to these three classes and give interesting knowledge about the population structure of LAB at the stage where they are already industrialized. However, these studies give little information about the population structure of LAB prior their use as an industrial starter. Carnobacterium maltaromaticum is a LAB colonizing diverse environments, including dairy products. Since this bacterium was discovered relatively recently, it is not yet commercialized as an industrial starter, which makes C. maltaromaticum an interesting model for the study of unindustrialized LAB population structure in dairy products. A multilocus sequence typing scheme based on an analysis of fragments of the genes dapE, ddlA, glpQ, ilvE, pyc, pyrE, and leuS was applied to a collection of 47 strains, including 28 strains isolated from dairy products. The scheme allowed detecting 36 sequence types with a discriminatory index of 0.98. The whole population was clustered in four deeply branched lineages, in which the dairy strains were spread. Moreover, the dairy strains could exhibit a high diversity within these lineages, leading to an overall dairy population with a diversity level as high as that of the nondairy population. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis according to which the industrialization of LAB leads to a diversity reduction in dairy products.  相似文献   

Thermal and low pH stabilities of matrix porin (Omp F) solubilized in the micellar solutions of ionic (SDS) and nonionic detergents were investigated by the methods of circular dichroism, intrinsic fluorescence, light scattering and sedimentation velocity. The stability of porin structure in solution is much higher in the presence of beta-octyl glucoside than with SDS. In the presence of SDS, sharp transitions were detected by all parameters measured, above 55 degrees C at neutral pH and below pH 4.5 at 20 degrees C. These transitions involve at least three concomitant processes: unfolding of protein, dissociation of trimers to monomers and the disruption of the protein-detergent micellar complexes, all events being irreversible in the presence of SDS. The nonionic detergent, beta-octyl glucoside, increases the stability of porin in acidic conditions, since neither dissociation nor denaturation was observed in the pH region between 7.5 and 2.0. However, at pH less than 3.5, small, reversible changes in protein structure became evident. The thermal stability of porin is also increased by beta-octyl glucoside as evidenced by a transition temperature 15-20 degrees C higher as compared to SDS. A considerable degree of native porin structure was regained after heat treatment in the presence of beta-octyl glucoside, though the reconstituted trimers were not identical to the native ones. The addition of lipopolysaccharide and divalent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+) to the experimental system did not improve the thermal reversibility.  相似文献   

The effects of interruptions in the homopurine bias and the G+C content of the homopurine.homopyrimidine (pur.pyr) sequences on intramolecular triplex formation and stability in supercoiled plasmids were evaluated. In addition, the interconversion of triplex and duplex, after altering the stabilizing factors (low pH or supercoiling), was studied. We conclude: (a) a 42-base pair pur.pyr sequence with three consecutive interruptions does not form a large triplex with three unpaired nucleotides in the stem. Instead, a mixture of two smaller (27- and 28-nucleotide) triplexes forms. (b) A 28-nucleotide sequence with a single interruption forms a triplex with one unpaired nucleotide in the stem. This interruption causes the triplex to be 7 degrees C less thermostable and requires more superhelical energy for formation than the control triplex. (c) As the G+C content of a pur.pyr sequence increases, the thermostability of the triplex increases and the triplex requires less supercoiling for formation. (d) The interconversion between duplex and triplex is fast. After negative supercoiling is removed, all triplex becomes duplex in about 3 min. When the pH is shifted from 8.0 to 5.2, the conversion of duplex to triplex in a negatively supercoiled plasmid is complete in less than 2 min. Hence, these kinetic properties are consistent with important biological roles for triplexes. In summary, the results from both this and the accompanying paper show that a substantial amount of sequence imperfections is tolerated for triplex formation and stability.  相似文献   

Rep22 is the replication region of the lactococcal theta replicating pUCL22 plasmid. The copy number of Rep22-based plasmids in Lactococcus was determined by using a chromosomal DNA fragment from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis MMS368 as reference. Segregational behavior appeared to be linked to copy number and therefore indicated random distribution of copies to daughter cells. Nevertheless, an active partitioning system was detected in the parental plasmid pUCL22. A pUCL22 138-bp DNA restriction fragment bearing a perfect 18-bp inverted repeat was involved in the improvement of Rep22-based plasmid segregational stability during discontinuous exponential growth.  相似文献   

Stability of an alkamide and a phenolic phytochemical marker in a hydro-alcoholic extract of Echinacea purpurea root and a dried powder prepared by evaporation of the extract was assessed in storage for 7 months at three temperature regimes: -20, 25 and 40 degrees Celsius. In the extract, the major alkamide, dodeca-2E, 4E, 8Z, 10E/Z-tetraenoic acid isobutyl amide, was not significantly affected by storage at any of the temperatures, but cichoric acid content declined as significantly (P = 0.05) at both 25 degrees C and 40 degrees C as compared to low-temperature storage. In the powder, the major alkamide showed a significantly reduced level at 25 degrees C and 40 degrees C while cichoric acid did not decline significantly. These results suggest that more attention should be given to the effect of formulation and temperature on storage of Echinacea products.  相似文献   

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