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In the present work, we report the discovery of several carapaces of Zanthopsis sp. from the Lower Eocene of Central Iran, which represent the easternmost record of the genus. In addition, we discuss on the similarities of the different species and/or morphotypes of the genus, and conclude that the European species could be ascribed to the “Zanthopsis leachii complex”, until future works determine the validity of the species therein contained. In this sense, Zanthopsis jacobi Van Straelen, 1924, in agreement with Artal and Vía (1988), is herein considered a junior synonymous of Z. dufouri (H. Milne Edwards in d’Archiac, 1850). The presence of Zanthopsis in the lower Eocene of Iran suggests homogeneity of the brachyuran fauna on both sides of the Tethys Realm.  相似文献   

The lectotype ofFavreina salevensis (Paréjas) is re-examined and illustrated and the following new favreine form-species proposed:Favreina guinchoensis from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal,Favreina njegosensis andFavreina dinarica from the Neocomian of the Dinarids, andFavreina eiggensis from the Bathonian of the Inner Hebrides, Scotland.Favreina murciensis Cuvillier, Bassoulet & Fourcade is recorded from the Jurassic of Pakistan.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The distribution of different phospholipids and the repartition of fatty acids extracted from hemolymph of crab Carcinus maenas are analysed.
  • 2.2. The action of the temperature on the lipid composition is also determined: an increase of content of PE and a slight rise of the degree of unsaturation of fatty acids are found at lower temperatures.
  • 3.3. The specific radioactivity of total phospholipids, phosphatidyl-choline and phosphatidylethanolamine from hemolymph of Carcinus maenas is studied from two radioactive precursors (32Phosphorus and 3H]ethanolamine). Results suggested that the conversion of PE into PC by methylation could take place in hepatopancreas of Carcinus maenas.
  • 4.4. The specific radioactivity of phospholipids from these two same radioactive compounds is increased following a variation in the environmental temperature.
  • 5.5. The composition of hemolymph lipids could be a direct reflection of the lipid metabolism of the hepatopancreas and that the temperature alters the rate of the phospholipid exchange between hepatopancreas and hemolymph.
  • 6.6. It is suggested that these lipid alterations occur in order to permit crab Carcinus maenas to support large changes in environmental temperatures.

The “East Pacific Barrier” has been recognized as the World’s largest marine biogeographic barrier. Munida gregaria is the only species of its family with transpacific populations; however, it still remains to be elucidated whether these two distantly located populations belong to the same species. In this study, we investigated the genetic cohesion of M. gregaria across the East Pacific Barrier by analyzing mitochondrial markers. Cytochrome oxidase subunit I and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 genes were sequenced for individuals from different areas, i.e., the southeast Pacific, the southern tip of South America, the southwest Atlantic, and the southwest Pacific. A median-joining network, pairwise F STs, genetic diversity statistics, and neutrality tests were computed. Our results, i.e., the absence of different haplogroups on both sides of the East Pacific Barrier and existence of shared haplotypes, showed that populations on both sides of this barrier belong to the same species. At a population genetic level, our results suggest that individuals from both regions have been connected, since although some differentiation was found between the southern tip of South America and the southwest Pacific, the southeast Pacific and southwest Atlantic showed no signs of differentiation from the southwest Pacific. In addition, our results provided evidence of a population expansion in southern South America during the Pleistocene. The role of Pleistocene glaciations and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in shaping the distribution of sub-Antarctic marine invertebrates is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The funnel-canal organs on the dactyls of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, are innervated by 3–24 sensory cells with unbranched dendrites, which attain a length of 500–1400 m. The outer dendritic segments are enclosed in a dendritic sheath and pass through the cuticle within a canal. Two dendrite types can be distinguished according to ultrastructural criteria: Type I has a long ciliary segment, A-tubules with an osmiophilic core and arms, and a thick ciliary rootlet. Type II possesses only a short ciliary segment and a thin ciliary rootlet. Each funnel-canal organ contains two type-I dendrites. Their ciliary bases appear a few m distal to those of the type-II dendrites (1 to 22 in number). Two inner and two to eight outer enveloping cells belong to a sensillum. The innermost enveloping cell contains a large scolopale. In the second enveloping cell single scolopale rods are present. Thus, the funnel-canal organs are characterized by structural features typical for mechano-sensitive scolopidia, on the one hand, and for chemoreceptors, on the other. Therefore, the funnel-canal organs are very likely bimodal sensilla (contact chemoreceptors). A comparison with other arthropod sensilla shows that cuticular mechanoreceptors of aquatic crustaceans generally exhibit a scolopidial organization.  相似文献   

Ths structure of the stomatogastric neuromuscular system in Panulirus argus, Callinectes sapidus and Homarus americanus has recently been described (Maynard and Dando, 1973). We attempt here to describe the sensory innervation of the foregut in Panulirus argus and, by combining this information with previous published data and less systematic observations on Callinectes and Homarus, to provide in addition a summary of the stomatogastric sensory systems in these types of Decapoda Crustacea (Figure 1, Table I).

Some anatomical problems remain unresolved and there is variation in the structure of the sense organs in different species, but we are able to recognize six major receptor groups in all of the species examined. These are (i) mechanoreceptors which monitor movements of the lower oesophagus and mouth (Receptor reference Nos. 1, 2, 3); (ii) probable chemoreceptors in the higher oesophagus and ventral cardiac sac (Rf. Nos. 6, 9, 11); (iii) cells located in or near the stomatogastric ganglion which monitor movements of the gastric mill (Rf. No. 8); (iv) neurones of the posterior stomach nerve (Rf. No. 15) which monitor movements of the gastric mill; (v) neurones innervating muscles near the cardio‐pyloric valve (Rf. No. 16); (vi) neurones innervating the hepatopancreas duct and the initial part of the intestine (Rf. Nos. 18, 19).

In such a restricted system it should be possible to determine the precise role that the various sensory systems play in the control of the simple movements of the foregut. This research must necessarily involve the investigation, with intracellular techniques, of the central events in the commissural ganglia as these ganglia appear to be the major co‐ordination centres of the stomatogastric nervous system.  相似文献   

The brachyuran community of the coast of São Paulo State is represented by about 188 species of crabs inhabiting different kinds of coastal marine environments. The biodiversity of brachyurans found on non-consolidated sublittoral bottom was investigated. The Ubatuba region (Ubatumirim, Ubatuba and Mar Virado bays, Couves and Mar Virado Islands, offshore region) was sampled for 3 years (1998–2000), at depths of 2–40 m. All sampling was performed using a fishing boat equipped with two double-rig nets. We collected 79 brachyuran species representing 9 superfamilies (4 Dromioidea, 1 Homoloidea, 2 Calappoidea, 5 Leucosioidea, 20 Majoidea, 7 Parthenopoidea, 17 Portunoidea, 18 Xanthoidea, and 5 Pinnotheroidea) and 41 genera. Ubatuba bay showed the greatest species richness with 50 species, followed by Ubatumirim with 45 and Mar Virado with 29. The number of species collected represents about 57% of the known species of crabs already reported for the shore of São Paulo State. It is worth noticing that this percentage is restricted only to non-consolidated sublittoral bottom. This fact indicates a great biodiversity of the habitat in this studied region, probably one to the diversity of habitat types present in the bays.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Dem Beuteverhalten vonHomarus gammarus (L.) gegenüberMytilus edulis (L.), einem Lamellibranchiaten, sowie gegenüberBuccinum undatum L., dem im Biotop typisch vergesellschafteten Gastropoden, wurde anhand von Aquariums-Beobachtungen nachgegangen.2. Beide dieser Beute-Objekte aus dem weitgespannten Beutespektrum vonHomarus, zu dem Echinodermen, Crustaceen und eine Vielzahl anderer Benthonten des Litorals gehören, klären die Entstehung charakteristischer, fossilisationsfähiger Schalen-Fraßreste. Deren Morphologie wird dargestellt und ihre Entstehung besprochen.3. Im anpassungsfähig-plastischen Verhalten dieses und zahlreicher anderer Dekapoden bleiben darüber hinaus vielfältige morphologische Freiheitsgrade, die in der Ausgestaltung und Formgebung von Mollusken-Bruchscherben weitere Möglichkeiten offenlassen. Jedoch zeigt sich auch eine gewisse Einengung durch gemeinhin festliegende Reaktionsfolgen der überwiegend im Litoral beheimateten Dekapoden.
The formation of shell feeding-fragments, capable of fossilization, demonstrated on the basis of food uptake inHomarus gammarus (Crustacea, Decapoda)
This paper deals with the complex behaviour ofHomarus gammarus attacking the pelecypodMytilus edulis and the gastropodBuccinum undatum; both molluscs inhabit the same nearshore environment asH. gammarus. The molluscs were chosen from a variety of prey animals ofH. gammarus in order to demonstrate formation of characteristic shell-fragments recognized by paleozoologists as traces of the meals of littoral decapods. Significant structural details of the shell-fragments are illustrated. Other shell-fragments produced by preying decapods, which often gnaw the hard shells after the meal, are not so easy to identify, although the behaviour patterns of littoral decapod crustaceans are generally quite similar.

The reproductive behavior of Polyphemus pediculus (L.) includes mating, laying of resting eggs and giving birth to juveniles. All these forms of behavior are performed in a population daily and simultaneously by means of individual and social actions. Individual behavior is manifested by certain sets of stereotyped movements which can be observed at any time of the day and at any location in a water body. Individual behavior has an episodic, stable character and low intensity. Social behavior is accomplished by specimens of similar physiological state who form transitory swarms. They form within the main continually existing main swarms of the population. Social behavior is rhythmic and of high intensity. Reproductive parthenogenetic swarms first form around dawn and later during the day: about noon in May–July and before sunset in Autumn. As swarms of parthenogenetic females disintegrate, swarms of old gamogenetic females form and mass laying of resting eggs begins. Young gamogenetic females and males swarm only when resting-egg-laying swarms disintegrate. Parthenogenetic reproduction peaks in northern Russia in May and August and persists until late September. Swarms of resting-egg-laying females form once a day around dawn, from May to September. Mating swarms form in summer in midmorning, at twilight and on moonlit nights. In Autumn, there is only one peak of mating, in midmorning. Intensity, duration and time of manifestation of different forms of social behavior change from spring to autumn. Location and character of their manifestation are predictable.  相似文献   

The development of the crustacean muscular system is still poorly understood. We present a structural analysis of muscle development in an emerging model organism, the marbled crayfish—a representative of the Cambaridae. The development and differentiation of muscle tissue and its relation to the mesoderm-forming cells are described using fluorescent and non-fluorescent imaging tools. We combined immunohistochemical staining for early isoforms of myosin heavy chain with phallotoxin staining of F-actin, which distinguishes early and more differentiated myocytes. We were thus able to identify single muscle precursor cells that serve as starting points for developing muscular units. Our investigations show a significant developmental advance in head appendage muscles and in the posterior end of the longitudinal trunk muscle strands compared to other forming muscle tissues. These findings are considered evolutionary relics of larval developmental features. Furthermore, we document the development of the muscular heart tissue from myogenic precursors and the formation and differentiation of visceral musculature.  相似文献   

Halse  S. A.  McRae  J. M. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,524(1):1-52
Two new genera of giant ostracods Lacrimicypris n. gen. and Repandocypris n. gen. from Australia are described and eight new species:L. kumbar n. sp., R. austinensis n. sp., R. gleneagles n. sp., Mytilocypris coolcalalaya n. sp., Australocypris bennetti n. sp., A. beaumonti n. sp., A. mongerensis n. sp. and Caboncypris kondininensis n. sp. The number of known Australian genera and species of giant ostracods are now 6 and 21, respectively. Keys to genera and species are provided: all species can be distinguished using the hemipenis and male first leg. The usefulness of the bursa copulatrix as a species-level taxonomic character is highlighted. Most of the species described in this paper occur in salt lakes and existing ecological information on Western Australian species, as well as the distributions of all species, are summarized. Western Australia has a particularly rich halobiont fauna but current explanations relating richness of the halobiont fauna to the widespread occurrence of salt lakes appear incomplete. Australocypris bennetti is unusual in that it is frequently found at pH < 4. Its morphology differs slightly in acidic and alkaline waters.  相似文献   

In juveniles of Homarus gammarus (L.) reared at 15°C, mortality occurs only in salinities below 17%. and above 46%.. Regulation is isosmotic in high salinities, and slightly hyperosmotic in low salinities. Regulation of Cl?, Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ ions is described. Important similarities exist between these results and those obtained in H. americanus H. Milne Edwards.  相似文献   

Gammarus spp. are traditionally viewed under the functional feeding group (FFG) concept as herbivorous `shredders'. Although recent studies suggest that Gammarus should also be viewed as predators, this latter role remains contentious. Here, in a laboratory experiment, we objectively examine the balance between shredder and predator roles in a common freshwater species. Gammarus pulex preyed significantly on mayfly nymph, Baetis rhodani, in both the presence and absence of excess leaf material. There was no significant difference in predation where the alternative food, that is, leaf material, was present as compared to absent. Also, G. pulex shredded leaf material in the presence and absence of B. rhodani. However, shredding was significantly reduced where alternative food, that is, B. rhodani prey, was present as compared to absent. Further, G. pulex had a clear leaf species preference. Our results suggest that Gammarus function as both predators and shredders, with the balance of the two roles perhaps depending on food availability and quality. We discuss implications for the use of the FFG concept in assessing freshwater processes, and the role that Gammarus predation may play in structuring macroinvertebrate communities.  相似文献   

Summary Collections over four years in the habitat of submerged litter show that shrimps are abundant the year round. Mean densities vary from 5–45 animals/m2 of litter habitat. Finegrained density distribution within litter sites is highly clumped, but coarse-grained distribution in any given month between litter sites along the river is grosso-modo random.Density and species distribution are a function of the annual cycles of inundations. Of the five species (of a total of seven in the area) that were found to be breeding in the litter habitat it could be established that reproduction is restricted to the period of rising and highest water levels. Reproduction is low in all species, namely below 20 eggs per egg batch with essentially a single generation per year.Breeding ecology in relation to the litter habitat is briefly discussed.This project was supported jointly by the CNPq (Brasilian Research Council), by the OAS (Organization of the American States) and by the SUFRAMA (Financing body of local government)  相似文献   

Summary The topography of the funnel-canal organs of Carcinus maenas (Decapoda, Crustacea) and their stimulus-receiving cuticular and sensory apparatus were studied in the light and electron microscopes.About 4000 funnel-canal organs are situated within the exoskeleton of Carcinus. Almost all of them are on the distal segments of the walking legs, in particular on the epicuticular cap at the tip of the dactyl. They were not found to be arranged in groups or sensilla fields, and no sex-specific differences were observed.Characteristic features of the funnel-canal organs are as follows: (a) There is a terminal pore (0.5×0.8 m diameter) in the cuticle, at the tip of a small projection. It is closed by a plug of electron-dense material. (b) The terminal sections of the dendrites are enclosed in a dendritic sheath up to ca. 10 m below the pore. (c) The dendrites, 3–24 in number, end below the plug; none of the dendrites exhibits a tubular body; two of the dendrites are distinguished from the others by the greater number of microtubules in their outer segments.The structural characteristics, in particular the gustatory pore and the number of dendrites, are typical of bimodal receptors in arthropods. In such receptors, as in the contact chemoreceptors of insects and arachnids, mechano-and chemosensitive sensory cells are combined.This interpretation of the function of the funnel-canal organs is supported by electrophysiological data of other authors.The morphological parameters we find for the funnelcanal organs, in comparison with those of insect campaniform sensilla, provide clear evidence against the reclassification of the funnel-canal organs as crustacean campaniform organs proposed by Shelton and Laverack (1968).Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (W.G., SFB 45/A1)We thank Professor Dr. F.G. Barth for valuable discussion and Mr. K. Grommet for drawing the Figs. 1 and 6c  相似文献   

Entomological Review - Rosalia alpina (Linnaeus, 1758) is an endangered and flagship saproxylic beetle. The males’ fight is common and widespread behavior in longhorn beetles, with numerous...  相似文献   

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