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The hipparions from the late Miocene locality Nikiti-2 (NIK), Macedonia, Greece are described and compared with those from the other Greek and Eurasian localities. Two species have been determined, the medium-sized Hipparion dietrichi and the small-sized Hipparion macedonicum, while a third large-sized Hipparion is also recognized. The scanty material of the latter species indicates similarities with Hipparion proboscideum, as well as with Hipparion mediterraneum and it is referred to as Hipparion sp. The locality is dated to early Turolian as this is proved by the resemblance of the hipparions from “Nikiti 2” faunal assemblage with those from the neighbouring localities of “Ravin des Zouaves 5” and “Prochoma 1”, of Axios Valley, Greece. Interesting differences, which are inferred by the comparison of the studied material with those of Axios Valley, Samos and Turkey, are also discussed.  相似文献   

We describe three new hyaenodonts from the late Ypresian locality of Prémontré (Aisne, France; close to MP 10 reference level). The new species – Lesmesodon gunnelli nov. sp., Cynohyaenodon smithae nov. sp., and Eurotherium mapplethorpei nov. sp. – represent the oldest occurrences of these three European genera. Lesmesodon gunnelli nov. sp. is also reported from the locality of Cuis (Marne, France; Ypresian, ~MP 10). We further present the dentition of two specimens of Lesmesodon edingeri from Messel (Hessia, Germany; type locality of the genus) based on µCT scans. Cynohyaenodon smithae nov. sp. and Lesmesodon gunnelli nov. sp. support the presence of small (300–400 g) hyaenodonts in the late Ypresian of the Paris Basin. Estimates of dental indices indicate that these hyaenodonts had an insectivorous diet. The third species – referred to Eurotherium – may have weighed 4–5 kg and, based on dental indices, likely incorporated more vertebrate prey into its diet. We also performed a phylogenetic analysis in order to test the relationships of these new taxa. These newly discovered species imply that the Proviverra/Allopterodon, Cynohyaenodon, and Eurotherium clades appeared in Europe earlier than previously known (i.e., Lutetian, MP 11). They reinforce the hypothesis that the hyaenodonts radiated during the middle-late Ypresian (MP 8/9–10) in Europe and adapted at that time to diverse ecological niches that they still occupied in the Priabonian (MP 13–14).  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(8):1041-1056
The Rhinocerotidae material from the early Pleistocene Tetoiu Formation of Colțești (southwestern Romania) is here described for the first time. The rhinoceros is documented by calcaneus and second, third, and fourth metatarsals, probably belonging to the same individual. The morphology and the dimensions of these specimens enable us to record the presence of Stephanorhinus jeanvireti, a relatively rare rhinoceros usually reported from late Pliocene European localities and recently considered a junior synonym of Selatus. Nevertheless, the taxon Rhinoceros elatus is here regarded as a nomen dubium and the name Sjeanvireti is retained in order to maintain nomenclatural stability, being it based on much more diagnostic material. In Romania, Sjeanvireti has been listed within a few late Pliocene faunal assemblages, but the rhinoceros remains are fragmentary and isolated bones. The Colțești find is among the best documented records of Sjeanvireti in Romania. The biochronological distribution of Sjeanvireti is mainly confined within the MNQ16 (early and early middle Villafranchian), and its first occurrence is doubtfully reported in late MNQ15 faunas. The record of Colțești (MNQ17/MNQ18) represents, instead, the last occurrence of this taxon in Europe.  相似文献   

This work revises the rhinoceros remains from the well-known early Villafranchian locality of Étouaires (Auvergne, France), which have been collected on multiple occasions since the late 18th century. The species Stephanorhinus elatus and S. etruscus are present, both represented mainly by postcranial elements. To identify them, a detailed preliminary analysis of the morphological differences between the postcranial skeletons of the two species has been undertaken, using the material from Vialette (Haute-Loire, early Villafranchian) and Senèze (Haute-Loire, early late Villafranchian) as comparison for S. elatus and S. etruscus respectively, plus some specimens of S. etruscus from Upper Valdarno (Tuscany, middle Villafranchian). These localities have been chosen because they all yielded only one of the two species. The morphological distinction between the two species is not easy, since the interspecific variability often overlaps and includes polymorphic characters. However, a few diagnostic characters are described, and intra-specific variability has been investigated as much as possible with the fossil material under investigation.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2013,12(4):191-202
We describe here “miacid” taxa from the Early Eocene Paris Basin locality of Le Quesnoy (Oise, France). We describe the new species Vassacyon taxidiotis, the first European record of this genus. The other “miacids” identified from Le Quesnoy are Miacis latouri and Gracilocyon solei. The P4 of G. solei is described here for the first time. Its morphology (e.g., wide protocone, short postmetacrista) supports a close relationship with Miacis rundlei from Abbey Wood (MP8 + 9, England). The latter species is therefore classified as Gracilocyon rundlei. Three new tooth positions are known for Miacis latouri: P4, p4 and m2. They support its reference to Miacis. These specimens imply that the European species is more basal than the North American species. The fauna from Le Quesnoy shares with Dormaal the presence of Miacis latouri and Gracilocyon solei, but the “miacid” fauna from Le Quesnoy also contains Vassacyon taxidiotis. The presence in Le Quesnoy of the two former taxa supports a reference to MP7 level of the French locality. The presence of three distinct genera in European localities show that the “Miacidae” were diversified in Europe, as previously observed in North America. The genera Gracilocyon, Miacis, and Vassacyon probably dispersed from Europe to North America during the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary.  相似文献   

The proposed Mbaéré-Bodingué National Park (872km2) is located in the southwestern part of the Central African Republic and consists of terra firma rain forests and seasonally flooded forests. We assessed the conservation significance of this site using data on wildlife and habitat conditions collected during a comprehensive primate survey. Scores were attributed to a system of variables and sub-variables to assess the conservation value of the proposed park at the national level. We identified a total of 10 diurnal primate species (eight monkeys, two apes) and flooded forests were considered as a key habitat for primates as they hold a greater number of species than terra firma forests. We recorded the presence of 12 mammal species listed under the 2000 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, including four classified as Endangered (two Primates, one Proboscidae and one Insectivora). We found that the conservation value of the proposed park ranked second out of the 15 existing protected areas of the country. Primate abundance was found to be generally higher than in the nearby Dzanga-Ndoki National Park (the sole other park located in the same vegetation unit), in particular for the species occurring in flooded forests. This highlights the fact that the proposed Mbaéré-Bodingué National Park is an important area for the conservation of species associated with flooded forests, a habitat which is currently under-represented in the national protected area system. Poaching pressure was identified as the main current threat to the integrity of the proposed park.  相似文献   

Three Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica skulls from the Holocene found in different karstic sinkholes in the mid-western Pyrénées are described. Two of the locations were at the highest elevations known for Capra fossils in the Pyrénées, which provides insights into the timing of the Holocene deglaciation. The skulls of the males were particularly large relative to those of other Capra from the Upper Pleistocene found in southwestern Europe. An increase in the availability of food, rather than a direct influence of global warming, during the Holocene (Bergmann's Rule) was likely responsible for the large size of the skulls. Comparisons between the horn sections of the Pyrenean skulls and those of neighbouring taxa show a morphological similarity between the former and C. i. ibex.  相似文献   

The partial skeleton of a young adult Geotrypus antiquus (de Blainville 1840) from the Upper Oligocene (MP 28) found in Enspel comprises the skull with both mandibles, distal ends of both scapulae, left clavicula, humeri, ulnae and radii of both sides, various elements of the hand, some vertebrae, ribs, and the left femur. For the first time, the previously postulated association between dentition and postcranial elements can be confirmed. The skeleton exhibits strong adaptations for a subterranean life, similar to modern fossorial moles. The humerus is wide with a large pectoral process. The wing-like greater and lesser tuberosities, teres tubercle, and distal epicondylus are clearly developed. The metacarpals and phalanges are broad and stout. There are several sesamoid bones in the broad digging hand, including a prepollex (os falciforme). The preserved bones allowed the forelimb of G. antiquus to be reconstructed. Previous finds of G. antiquus have mainly been from France, with a few specimens from Switzerland and southern Germany. The specimen from Enspel is the northernmost record. A cladistic analysis, based on the matrix of Sánchez-Villagra et al. (Cladistics 22:59?C88, 2006), confirms the basal position of Geotrypus within the Old World moles (Talpini).  相似文献   

The taxonomy of marsupials from the late Paleogene of North America (Chadronian to Arikareean North American land mammal ages: late Eocene–late Oligocene) is reviewed based on new and previously undescribed fossil material as well as reevaluation of previously described material. Two families are recognized, the Herpetotheriidae and Peradectidae. Nine species of herpetotheriids are recognized within two genera: Herpetotherium Cope, 1873a and Copedelphys Korth, 1994, including one new species, H. tabrumi. The greatest diversity of herpetotheriids was in the Chadronian (four species). By the late Arikareean, only a single species is recognized. The range of Copedelphys is extended into the early Whitneyan (previously limited to Chadronian–Orellan). Among species of Herpetotherium, the ranges of two species have been extended: H. valens (Lambe, 1908) from the Chadronian is reported from the Orellan, and H. marsupium (Troxell, 1923) from the Uintan and Duchesnean is reported from the early Chadronian. The range of H. merriami (Stock and Furlong, 1922), previously only known from the Arikareean of Oregon, is expanded geographically eastward to Montana. Within the Peradectidae only three species are recognized: Peradectes cf. californicus (Stock, 1936) and Didelphidectes pumilis Hough, 1961 from the Chadronian, and Nanodelphys hunti (Cope, 1873b) from the Orellan to early Arikareean. Specimens previously identified as an unnamed new species of Nanodelphys from the Whitneyan and Arikareean are referred here to N. hunti.  相似文献   

Claude Guérin 《Geobios》1982,15(4):599-605
In the five lineage constituted by the Aceratheriinae, Dicerorhininae, Dicerotinae, Rhinocerotinae and Teleoceratinae subfamilies, the evolutionary trends are analysed by statistical comparisons of specific samples of different ages; in several species it leads to the definition of successive evolutionary stages. A tentative phylogenetic interpretation is given.  相似文献   

“Melanopus” is an unranked infrageneric group within Polyporus, a genus comprising wood-decaying homobasidiomycetes. This study compiles new information on the mating systems, phylogeny, and geographic distribution of the group. We report tetrapolar mating systems in “Melanopus,” as well as in the more distantly related Polyporus umbellatus. “Melanopus” is addressed using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA sequence data, comparing resolving power of several phylogenetic methods and depths of sequence information, including recoded secondary structure data informed by the primary sequence data. The latter, inferred structure of the ITS2 rRNA was insufficient in phylogenetic reconstruction on its own. Intercollection compatibility studies showed Polyporus varius collections from both sides of the Atlantic to be intercompatible, the same was found for Polyporus tubaeformis collections from California and Scotland. Molecular analysis supports P. tubaeformis conspecifity of Scottish and Californian collections with a Norwegian collection. Several other herbarium specimens inaccessible to successful PCR and sequencing were redetermined as P. tubaeformis by morphological characters. This improved on the current knowledge of distribution of the species, tentatively adding Idaho, North Carolina, and Germany’s Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Abstract: The controversial taxon Colombitherium tolimense (Mammalia) (probably Late Eocene in age) from Colombia, although known for nearly 40 years, still bears much mystery. Aside from the problematic ordinal attribution of the holotype and only specimen, its determination as an upper or lower jaw remains a highly debated issue. New observations include the presence of a contact facet on the distal face of the most posterior tooth, which indicates that the fragmentary jaw preserves three premolars and two molars; the M3, unpreserved but present, being most probably reduced. This new interpretation completely fits the morphology of the teeth. Furthermore, the shape of these latter and the deeper wear encompassed by their lingual part relative to the labial one is typical of upper dentition. This is in agreement with the internal curving of the roots of the anterior premolars and with several other arguments that lead interpreting the holotype of C. tolimense as a maxillary bearing P2‐M2. This new interpretation deepens the morphological gap between Colombitherium and other pyrotherians (except Proticia) and challenges further its referral to Pyrotheria. The peculiar morphology of Colombitherium relative to other pyrotherians is indeed striking. In fact, Colombitherium has nothing in common with pyrotherians but bilophodont cheek teeth, a feature largely widespread in placental mammals. It is here referred to ?Pyrotheria until additional evidence of its relationships is known. Associated with the putative removal of Proticia from Pyrotheria as argued by some authors, the hypothetical removal of Colombitherium from the order would adjust the widely accepted assumption that the pyrotherian bilophodont cheek teeth originated from bunodont cheek teeth. It would also make an origin from lophodont forms plausible. This in turn would have critical relevance, especially to the hypothesis that pyrotherians are notoungulates.  相似文献   

This paper describes the first fossil porcupine remains from Iran. Four upper cheek teeth and two fragmentary lower incisors present sufficient characters for identification as Hystrix aryanensis, a species previously known from the late Miocene locality of Molayan (Afghanistan) estimated at ca. 7–8 Ma. The dental features of porcupines are discussed to show their systematic value and highlight evolutionary trends in late Miocene and Pliocene porcupines. This study also discusses the dispersal history of fossil porcupines in relation to paleobiogeographic provinces and environmental changes during late Miocene to late Pliocene time.  相似文献   

D. Rüttimann  S. Loesch 《HOMO》2012,63(1):50-66
This article contributes to the research on demographics and public health of urban populations of preindustrial Europe. The key source is a burial register that contains information on the deceased, such as age and sex, residence and cause of death. This register is one of the earliest compilations of data sets of individuals with this high degree of completeness and consistency. Critical assessment of the register's origin, formation and upkeep promises high validity and reliability.Between 1805 and 1815, 4,390 deceased inhabitants were registered. Information concerning these individuals provides the basis for this study. Life tables of Bern's population were created using different models. The causes of death were classified and their frequency calculated. Furthermore, the susceptibility of age groups to certain causes of death was established. Special attention was given to causes of death and mortality of newborns, infants and birth-giving women.In comparison to other cities and regions in Central Europe, Bern's mortality structure shows low rates for infants (q0 = 0.144) and children (q1–4 = 0.068). This could have simply indicated better living conditions. Life expectancy at birth was 43 years. Mortality was high in winter and spring, and decreased in summer to a low level with a short rise in August.The study of the causes of death was inhibited by difficulties in translating early 19th century nomenclature into the modern medical system. Nonetheless, death from metabolic disorders, illnesses of the respiratory system, and debilitation were the most prominent causes in Bern. Apparently, the worst killer of infants up to 12 months was the “gichteren”, an obsolete German term for lethal spasmodic convulsions. The exact modern identification of this disease remains unclear. Possibilities such as infant tetanus or infant epilepsy are discussed.The maternal death rate of 0.72% is comparable with values calculated from contemporaneous sources. Relevance of childbed fever in the early 1800s was low. Bern's data indicate that the extent of deaths related to childbirth in this period is overrated.This research has an explicit interdisciplinary value for various fields including both the humanities and natural sciences, since information reported here represents the complete age and sex structure of a deceased population. Physical anthropologists can use these data as a true reference group for their palaeodemographic studies of preindustrial Central Europe of the late 18th and early 19th century. It is a call to both historians and anthropologists to use our resources to a better effect through combination of methods and exchange of knowledge.  相似文献   

Here we report on a new fossil locality, ?erefköy-2, from the Yata?an Basin of southwestern Turkey that preserves a well-sampled, abundant, and diverse mammal fauna. Indeed, after three field seasons, more than 1200 catalogued specimens representing 26 mammal species belonging to 14 genera make the ?erefköy-2 mammalian assemblage one of the richest Late Miocene fauna from Anatolia. Five hipparionines, six bovids, including the rare and enigmatic Urmiatherium rugosifrons and the presence of Pliohyrax graecus, strongly support affinities with Late Miocene faunas from Samos Island, Greece. Through a consideration of the identified material and the subsequent comparison with material from well-known Balkan and Anatolian faunas, a Middle Turolian (MN12) age for ?erefköy-2 is indicated.  相似文献   

Claude Guérin 《Geobios》1982,15(4):593-598
For the Uppermost Miocene the already known zones MN 9 to MN 13 are used without any change; they prove to be particularly useful for the study of fossil rhinocerotids. The Plio-Villafranchian age corresponds to the zones 14 to 19, the definition of the first five being completed and the last being new. Middle to Upper Pleistocene age deals with the zones 20 to 26, all being new and defined following the same principles.  相似文献   

Syrrhopodon cuneifolius Thér. is lectotypified and confirmed as a good species, endemic to Madagascar. The features distinguishing it from the superficially similar Syrrhopodon leprieurii Mont., and morphological variation in the latter are discussed. In contrast to the leaves in S. leprieurii, those in S. cuneifolius generally lack large spines, possess a costa with a ventral cortex of small pluripapillose cells, and have a marginal stereome that fails short of the leaf apex. Consideration is given to removing Syrrhopodon recurvulus Mitt. from synonymy with S. leprieurii and placing it in synonymy with Syrrhopodon gaudichaudii Mont.  相似文献   

Levymanus gershomigen. n. et sp. n., is described from southern Israel. The eye arrangement and structure of the male palp indicate that this genus belongs to Chediminae Simon, 1893. Levymanus gen. n. differs from other chedimine genera by its unusually long and slender legs, an elongate body, a unique shape of the bipartite thoracic fovea, reduced leg scopulae, smaller spinnerets, and other characters, which are presumably apomorphic. We propose two taxonomic changes: 1) based on widely spaced lateral eyes the Western African genus Badia Roewer, 1961 is transferred from Chediminae to Palpimaninae, and 2) Fernandezina gyirongensis Hu & Li, 1987 from China, based on palpal morphology, is transferred to the Asian genus Steriphopus Simon, 1887 for a new combination Steriphopus gyirongensis (Hu & Li, 1987) comb. n.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(2):101891
Desjardin’s flat bark beetle – Cryptamorpha desjardinsii (Guérin-Méneville, 1844) – is a widespread invasive species that can become a stored products pest and threaten native species. Our objectives were to provide the first detailed records of this species to South America and New Caledonia, and model suitable areas of C. desjardinsii globally based on different Ecological Niche Models (ENM). We combine several techniques to predict the ecological niche of C. desjardinsii using distribution records and a set of environmental predictor variables. Overall, the species appears to be well established in tropical and subtropical regions, particularly in islands, with new and previous records predicted by the consensus model. In South America, the driest and coldest regions were predicted to be less suitable for the occurrence of C. desjardinsii. In the current global spread context, these findings are pivotal to predicting areas of high risk of invasion of C. desjardinsii.  相似文献   

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