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Two basidiomycetous fungi (Merulius aureus syn. Phlebia sp. and an unidentified genus) and a deuteromycetous fungus (Fusarium sambucinum Fuckel MTCC 3788) were isolated from soils affected with effluents of a pulp and paper mill over several years. These isolates were immobilized on nylon mesh and the consortium was used for bioremediation of pulp and paper mill effluent in a continuously aerated bench-top bioreactor. The treatment resulted in the reduction of color, lignin and COD of the effluent in the order of 78.6%, 79.0% and 89.4% in 4 days. A major part of reductions in these parameters occurred within first 24h of the treatment, which was also characterized by a steep decline in the pH of the effluent. During this period, total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity and salinity of the effluent also registered marked decline. It is pertinent to note that this is the first report of bioremediation of pulp and paper mill effluent by an immobilized fungal consortium.  相似文献   

Treatment of the paper factory effluent was done with free and immobilized cells of a phenol degrading Alcaligenes sp. d(2). The free cells could bring a maximum of 99% reduction in phenol and 40% reduction in chemical oxygen demand (COD) after 32 and 20 h of treatment, respectively. In the case of immobilized cells, a maximum of 99% phenol reduction and 70% COD reduction was attained after 20 h of treatment under batch process. In the continuous mode of operation using packed bed reactor, the strain was able to give 99% phenol removal and 92% COD reduction in 8h of residence time The optimum flow rate was 2.5 ml/h and the half life period was 76 h. Even after the complete removal of phenol, the strain could further enhance reduction in chemical oxygen demand, which clearly indicated that in the paper factory effluent, this strain could also oxidize organic matter other than phenol.  相似文献   

Putative Pseudomonas spp. isolated predominantly from raw and processed milk were characterized by automated ribotyping and by biochemical reactions. Isolates were biochemically profiled using the Biolog system and API 20 NE and by determining the production of proteases, lipases, and lecithinases for each isolate. Isolates grouped into five coherent clusters, predominated by the species P. putida (cluster A), P. fluorescens (cluster B), P. fragi (as identified by Biolog) or P. fluorescens (as identified by API 20 NE) (cluster C), P. fragi (as identified by Biolog) or P. putida (as identified by API 20 NE) (cluster D), and P. fluorescens (cluster E). Isolates within each cluster also displayed similar enzyme activities. Isolates in clusters A, C, and D were generally negative for all three enzyme activities; isolates in cluster B were predominantly positive for all three enzyme activities; and isolates in cluster E were negative for lecithinase but predominantly positive for protease and lipase activities. Thus, only isolates from clusters B and E produced enzyme activities associated with dairy product flavor defects. Thirty-eight ribogroups were differentiated among the 70 isolates. Ribotyping was highly discriminatory for dairy Pseudomonas isolates, with a Simpson's index of discrimination of 0.955. Isolates of the same ribotype were never classified into different clusters, and ribotypes within a given cluster generally showed similar ribotype patterns; thus, specific ribotype fragments may be useful markers for tracking the sources of pseudomonads in dairy production systems. Our results suggest that ribogroups are generally homogeneous with respect to nomenspecies and biovars, confirming the identification potential of ribotyping for Pseudomonas spp.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study chemical structures and biological activities of rhamnolipids produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa B189 isolated from milk factory waste. The culture produced two biosurfactants, a and b, which showed strong activity and were identified as L-rhamnopyranosyl-L-rhamnopyranosyl-beta-hydroxydecanoyl-beta-hydroxydecanoate or Rha-Rha-C10-C10 and L-rhamnopyranosyl-L-rhamnopyranosyl-beta-hydroxydecanoyl-beta-hydroxydodecanoate or Rha-Rha-C10-C12, respectively. Both compounds exhibited higher surfactant activities tested by the drop collapse test than several artificial surfactants such as SDS and Tween 80. Rhamnolipid a showed significant antiproliferative activity against human breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) at minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) at 6.25 microg/mL while rhamnolipid b showed MIC against insect cell line C6/36 at 50 microg/mL.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study chemical structures and biological activities of rhamnolipids produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa B189 isolated from milk factory waste. The culture produced two biosurfactants, a and b, which showed strong activity and were identified as L-rhamnopyranosyl-L-rhamnopyranosyl-beta-hydroxydecanoyl-beta-hydroxydecanoate or Rha-Rha C10-C10 and L-rhamnopyranosyl-L-rhamnopyranosyl-beta-hydroxydecanoyl-beta-hydroxydodecanoate or Rha-Rha C(10)-C(12), respectively. Both compounds exhibited higher surfactant activities tested by the drop collapse test than several artificial surfactants such as SDS and Tween 80. Rhamnolipid a showed significant antiproliferative activity against human breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) at minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) at 6.25 microg/mL while rhamnolipid b showed MIC against insect cell line C6/36 at 50 microg/mL.  相似文献   

Cultures ofAzolla pinnata Lam., grown in various mixtures of soil plus industrial waste from a chlor-alkali factory for 30 to 60 days, resulted in the addition of significant amounts of nitrogen and organic carbon to the growing medium. A considerable decrease in the alkaline pH of the waste/soil was also recorded. On transplantation of rice seedlings into the waste/soil mixtures, after 60 days of Azolla culture it was observed that the rice survived and continued to grow in mixtures containing 30% waste whereas, in control conditions, seedlings failed to survive in above 15% waste/soil combinations.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. 1OP, previously isolated from a French agricultural soil, has been described as the first sulcotrione degrading bacteria. Different conditions of initial pH and herbicide concentration in liquid culture were tested to evaluate the growth performances of the isolate and its degrading capacity, with sulcotrione as the sole carbon and/or energy source. Maximal growth rate (μmax) was obtained under initial neutral conditions and with initial concentration of sulcotrione close to 180 μM, and was described, during the exponential phase, by a sigmoidal curve which could be easily fitted to the modified Gompertz equation. Complementary studies carried on the CMBA by-product and on another β-triketone herbicide showed the relative specificity of the strain against sulcotrione. The sulcotrione degrading phenotype of Pseudomonas sp.1OP was shown to be lost under non-selective conditions. Plasmid-Eckardt modified method, consecutively applied for plasmid profiling, showed that this strain carries one large plasmid (>12 kb) bearing putative genes involved in sulcotrione degradation, as demonstrated by curing experiment.  相似文献   

Phenol is an industrially important compound which has a wide range of applications. Being highly soluble in water, it appears as the major pollutant in waste waters arising from both phenol manufacturing and from industrial units that utilise phenol. Because of its toxicity, bioremediation of phenol is necessary. Since some of the phenol-bearing industrial waste waters are alkaline in nature, use of alkaliphilic bacteria for bioremediation of phenol was investigated. Alkaliphilic bacteria were isolated from sediments of an alkaline lake in Lonar, Dist. Buldhana, Maharashtra State, India, by phenol enrichment at pH 10.0 and phenol concentration of 500 mg/l. The lake (lat. 19°58'45", long. 76°34') is known to be a unique inland saline lake in Asia. It has a circular periphery and diameter of 2 km around the top of the banks and 1.2 km at the bottom. The lake has a high saline level (~ 2649 mg/l sodium chloride) and a high level of alkalinity (~ 2605 mg/l calcium carbonate). Alkaliphilic strains of Arthrobacter spp., Bacillus cereus, Citrobacter freundii, Micrococcus agilis and Pseudomonas putida biovar B were capable of removing phenol from waste waters arising from industries manufacturing methyl violet (using phenol as one of the major raw materials) and cumene-phenol. The waste waters from both these units were alkaline in nature (pH ~ 9.95-10.1) and had a high phenol content (368-660 mg/l). The alkaliphilic bacteria being studied removed 100% of the phenol from the industrial waste waters within 48 h of incubation under shake culture conditions and at an ambient temperature of 28 ± 2 °C. Bioremediation of phenol by alkaliphilic strains of Arthrobacter spp., B. cereus, C. freundii and M. agilis seems to be the first report.  相似文献   

In this study we analysed three bacterial strains coded L10.10T, A4R1.5 and A4R1.12, isolated in the course of a study of quorum-quenching bacteria occurring in Antarctic soil. The 16S rRNA gene sequence was identical in the three strains and showed 99.7% pairwise similarity with respect to the closest related species Pseudomonas weihenstephanensis WS4993T. Therefore, the three strains were classified within the genus Pseudomonas. Analysis of housekeeping genes (rpoB, rpoD and gyrB) sequences showed similarities of 84-95% with respect to the closest related species of Pseudomonas, confirming its phylogenetic affiliation. The ANI values were less than 86% to the closest related species type strains. The respiratory quinone is Q9. The major fatty acids are C16:0, C16:1 ω7c/ C16:1 ω6c in summed feature 3 and C18:1 ω7c / C18:1 ω6c in summed feature 8. The strains are oxidase- and catalase-positive. Growth occurs at 4–30 °C, and at pH 4.0–10. The DNA G+C content is 58.2–58.3 mol %. The combined genotypic, phenotypic and chemotaxonomic data support the classification of strains L10.10T, A4R1.5 and A4R1.12 into a novel species of Pseudomonas, for which the name P. versuta sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is L10.10T (LMG 29628T, DSM 101070T).  相似文献   

A Gram-staining-negative, rod-shaped and motile with several polar flagellums bacterium, designated WM-3T, was isolated from a rice paddy soil in South China. Growth occurred with 0–3.0 % (w/v) NaCl (optimum 2.0 %), at pH 5.5–9.0 (optimum pH 7.0) and at 25–42 °C (optimum 30–37 °C) in liquid Reasoner’s 2A medium. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene and gyrB gene sequences revealed that strain WM-3T was most closely related to the type strains of the species Pseudomonas linyingensis and Pseudomonas sagittaria. Its sequence similarities with P. linyingensis CGMCC 1.10701T and P. sagittaria JCM 18195T were 97.4 and 97.3 %, respectively, for 16S rRNA gene, and were 94.1 and 94.2 %, respectively, for gyrB gene. DNA–DNA hybridization between strain WM-3T and these two type strains showed relatedness of 35.6 and 30.9 %, respectively. G+C content of genomic DNA was 69.4 mol%. The whole-cell fatty acids mainly consisted of C16:0 (30.0 %), C16:1 ω6c and/or C16:1 ω7c (19.3 %) and C18:1 ω6c and/or C18:1 ω7c (16.3 %). The results of phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and genotypic analyses clearly indicated that strain WM-3T belongs to genus Pseudomonas but represents a novel species, for which the name Pseudomonas oryzae sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is WM-3T (=KCTC 32247T =CGMCC 1.12417T).  相似文献   

A Gram-negative, aerobic, non-motile bacterial strain hun6T isolated from the polluted soil near a chemical factory in northern Nanjing, China was investigated to clarify its taxonomic position. Growth of strain hun6T occurred between 10 and 45 °C (optimum, 30 °C) and between pH 6.0 and 8.0 (optimum, pH 7.0). No growth occurred at NaCl concentrations greater than 5 % (w/v). The 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that strain hun6T belongs to the genus Aquamicrobium. The sequence similarities of strain hun6T to other type strains of Aquamicrobium genus were all below 98.5 %. The presence of ubiquinone-10, the predominant fatty acid summed feature 8 (C18:1 ω7c and/or C18:1 ω6c) and C19:0 cyclo ω8c, a polar lipid pattern with phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine, diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine and phophatidylmonomethylethanoamine were in accord with the characteristics of the genus Aquamicrobium. The G+C content of the genomic DNA was determined to be 63.5 mol%. The results of DNA–DNA hybridization, physiological and biochemical tests and chemotaxonomic properties allowed genotypic and phenotypic differentiation of strain hun6T from all known Aquamicrobium species. Therefore, strain hun6T can be assigned to a new species of this genus for which the name Aquamicrobium terrae sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is hun6T (= CICC 10733T = DSM 27865T).  相似文献   

The evaluation of two waste-derived materials used to treat compost leachate by biofiltration is described in this paper. Nine biofilters were constructed using 240 l, high density polyethylene containers. Three containers were filled without compaction with 200l of each of three types of filter media. Waste-derived filter media (compost and oversize) were compared to a mineral control (granite chips). The filters were fed with compost leachate from a typical green waste composting facility at hydraulic loading rates ranging from 0.05 m3/m3/day to 0.5 m3/m3/day over a period of twelve months. The oversize medium emerged as the most effective demonstrating characteristics of consistency of effluent quality and resilience to stress. The oversize medium produced an effluent of <10mg/l ammoniacal nitrogen on >95% of sampling occasions. The organic component of compost leachate was dominated by compounds that proved to be recalcitrant to biodegradation. The solids content of the treated effluent remained too high to be acceptable for direct discharge to a watercourse without further treatment and if discharge to a watercourse is to be considered, a polishing stage (e.g., reed bed) able to remove solids and dampen occasional peaks of ammoniacal nitrogen should be employed.  相似文献   

马晨晨  欧杰  王婧 《微生物学通报》2013,40(11):2005-2013
【目的】研究两株假单胞菌的标准菌株荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonas fluorescens)和铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)在纯培养条件下所释放的AHLs类信号分子种类、量和变化规律。【方法】利用乙酸乙酯等有机溶剂萃取菌种纯培养液的AHLs类信号分子, 检测手段利用HPLC-MS-MS。【结果】荧光假单胞菌释放信号分子的种类为: C4-HSL、C6-HSL、C8-HSL、3-oxo-C10-HSL、3-oxo-C12-HSL、3-oxo-C14-HSL。铜绿假单胞菌释放信号分子的种类为: C4-HSL、C6-HSL、C8-HSL、C10-SL、C12-HSL、C14-HSL、3-oxo-C8-HSL、3-oxo-C10-HSL、3-oxo-C12-HSL、3-oxo-C14-HSL。【结论】两株菌所释放各类信号分子的量均随时间变化, 当菌落数达到109?1010时信号分子的量达到峰值, 两株菌所释放各类信号分子含量差异较大。  相似文献   

Edible oil industry produced massive wastewater, which requires extensive treatment to remove pungent smell, high phosphate, carbon oxygen demand (COD), and metal ions prior to discharge. Traditional anaerobic and aerobic digestion could mainly reduce COD of the wastewater from oil refinery factories (WEORF). In this study, a robust oleaginous microalga Desmodesmus sp. S1 was adapted to grow in WEORF. The biomass and lipid content of Desmodesmus sp. S1 cultivated in the WEORF supplemented with sodium nitrate were 5.62 g·L?1 and 14.49%, whereas those in the WEORF without adding nitrate were 2.98 g·L?1 and 21.95%. More than 82% of the COD and 53% of total phosphorous were removed by Desmodesmus sp. S1. In addition, metal ions, including ferric, aluminum, manganese and zinc were also diminished significantly in the WEORF after microalgal growth, and pungent smell vanished as well. In comparison with the cells grown in BG-11 medium, the cilia-like bulges and wrinkles on the cell surface of Desmodesmus sp. S1 grown in WEORF became out of order, and more polyunsaturated fatty acids were detected due to stress derived from the wastewater. The study suggests that growing microalgae in WEORF can be applied for the dual roles of nutrient removal and biofuel feedstock production.  相似文献   

Two strains of 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA)-degrading bacteria, TA5 and TA27, were isolated from soil and identified as Mycobacterium spp. Strains TA5 and TA27 could degrade 25 and 75 mg. liter of TCA(-1) cometabolically in the presence of ethane as a carbon source, respectively. The compound 2,2,2-trichloroethanol was produced as a metabolite of the degradation process.  相似文献   

假单胞菌菌株CTN-3对百菌清污染土壤的生物修复   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
百菌清被美国环境保护署列为优先控制污染物,利用微生物的降解作用修复被污染的土壤、清除环境中的污染物等具有重要的现实意义.假单胞菌(Pseudomonas sp.)菌株CTN-3是一株从污染土壤中分离得到的百菌清降解菌,考察了其在实验室条件下对百菌清污染土壤的生物修复能力及其影响因素.结果表明:降解菌株在灭菌土壤中的降解效果略好于未灭菌土壤;在外源添加降解菌106 CFU·g-1、温度15 ~ 30℃和pH5.8~8.3条件下,该菌株能有效降解土壤中10 ~200 mg·kg-1的百菌清.菌株CTN-3在百菌清污染土壤的生物修复中具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

In this study a total of 29 Bacillus species isolated from the soil was analyzed using the agar diffusion method in terms of their general inhibition effects to some test bacteria. It has been found that isolates are effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria whereas their extensive inhibition effect is particularly against gram-positive bacteria. On the other hand, B. cereus M15 strain has an inhibitory effect against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Furthermore some isolates are more effective against test bacteria when compared to some antibiotics.  相似文献   

The presence of tetracycline resistance (Tc(r)) genes and class I integrons (in-1), and their ability to cotransfer were investigated in Tc(r) gram-negative (185 strains) and gram-positive (72 strains) bacteria from Danish farmland and pigsties. The isolates belonged to the groups or species Escherichia coli, Enterobacter spp., Arthrobacter spp., Alcaligenes spp., Pseudomonas spp., and Corynebacterium glutamicum. The 257 isolates were screened for in-1. Eighty-one of the gram-negative isolates were also screened for the Tc(r) genes tet(A), tet(B), and tet(C), and all (n = 72) gram-positive isolates were screened for tet(33). Fourteen (7%) of the soil isolates and eleven (25%) of the pigsty isolates contained in-1. All isolates that contained tet genes also contained in-1, except one gram-negative isolate from a pigsty that contained tet(B). All gram-positive isolates with in-1 also contained tet(33). No isolates contained more than one tet gene. The in-1-positive isolates were tested for resistance to selected antimicrobial agents and showed resistance to three to nine drugs. Filter-mating experiments showed cotransfer of Tc(r) and class I integrons from soil isolates to Escherichia coli and/or Pseudomonas putida. We conclude that soil bacteria in close contact to manure or pigsty environment may thus have an important role in horizontal spread of resistance. Use of tetracyclines in food animal production may increase not only Tc(r) but also multidrug resistance (caused by the presence tet genes and in-1) in bacteria.  相似文献   

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