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In his recent publication onLituola grandis,Joseph H. Ziegler also discusses the classification of the Lituolidae in general. Since such evident morphological criteria of the test as type of coiling and apertural character are held to be of no generic value, some ofZiegler's conclusions differ considerably from those of the author and others. Attention is drawn to all the aspects concerning the morphological features of the group which should be taken into account for taxonomic purposes. Some misinterpretations and errors are pointed out and a supplementary list of publications dealing with lituolid Foraminifera is given.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Ausgehend von einer vergleichenden Betrachtung der in der Blattanatomie üblichen Termini und einer Diskussion der damit verbundenen Problematik wird empfohlen, die anatomisch-morphologischen Begriffe dorsiventral und äquifazial sowie die entwicklungsgeschichtlich-histogenetischen Begriffe bifazial und unifazial terminologisch nicht mehr gleichwertig nebeneinander zu verwenden. Dadurch werden die aus der Gegenüberstellung von anatomischen und entwicklungsgeschichtlichen Begriffen resultierenden Alternativen vermieden.Falls man an dem Begriff unifazial festhält, sollte zwischen bifazialdorsiventralen, bifazial-äquifazialen, unifazial-dorsiventralen und unifazialäquifazialen Blättern unterschieden werden; andernfalls reduziert sich das Problem auf eine Einteilung in bifazial-dorsiventrale und bifazial-äquifaziale Blätter.  相似文献   

InAllomyces arbuscula formation of gametes occurs within 80 min in isolated gametangia. Gametogenesis shows to be sensitive to cycloheximide at 50 and 100 g/ml, while actinomycin D at 25 and 50 g/ml fails to inhibit gametogenesis. Synthesis ofrRNA can be profoundly inhibited by 3×10-3 M 5-fluorouracil prior to gametogenesis, without any effect on differentiation of gametes. It is shown by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis that during gametogenesis radioactive phosphate is incorporated intotRNA, but not intorRNA. The results indicate that formation of gametes is dependent uponmRNA already present in the gametangia before induction of gametogenesis. It is concluded further that protein synthesis on cytoplasmic ribosomes is finished 20–30 min after induction and thatrRNA synthesis seems not to be a prerequisite for the differentiation of gametes.

In der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die GattungUrtica L. in drei Untergattungen zergliedert—subgenusUrtica, subgenusSarcourtica Chrtek, subgenusDendrourtica Chrtek, die sowohl durch biologische als auch morphologische Merkmale charakterisiert sind.  相似文献   

Polysomes were isolated both from growing gametophytes of Allomyces arbuscula and from gametangia prepared from mycelia at different periods during gametogenesis. Analysis of polysomes by sucrose gradients showed that ribosomes present in the gametangia monosome pool were shifted into polysomes. This shift was found to be correlated with gametangia differentiation. The ribosome distribution remained virtually unchanged during the early stage of gamete formation. In mature gametes and swarming zygotes a low level of polysomes was detected. Labeling of rRNA by 32PO4 demonstrated a de novo synthesis of monosomes throughout the period of gametangia differentiation. No incorporation of 32PO4 was found to be present in ribosomes prepared from gametangia after onset of gamete formation. On the basis of these labeling experiments it is concluded that radioactivity in polysomes extracted from mature gametes and swarming zygotes can be attributed in part to conserved mRNA.Synchronous formation of gametangia was induced by transferring the vegetative mycelia from growth medium into a low salt buffer. Under these conditions the incorporation of either 32PO4 or 3H-uridine into RNA, particularly into rRNA, was found to be markedly decreased. This obviously indicates a shutdown of RNA synthesis. rRNA from induced mycelia examined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was found to be severely degraded. In contrast to this, rRNA isolated from ribosomes of developing gametangia and from gametes exhibited no degradation products. It is suggested that endonucleases cause rRNA hydrolysis in the hyphal cytoplasm during gametangia differentiation. Ribosomes compartmentalized in gametangia seem to be inaccessible to nucleases during the later process of gametogenesis.

Abkürzungen MAK Methyl-Albumin-Kieselgur - PAA Polyacrylamid - stains all 4,5,4,5-Dibenzo-3,3-diäthyl-9-methylthiacarbocyaninbromid (Serva, Heidelberg)  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungDas Material stammt zum Teil aus dem Herbar des Naturhistorischen Museums und teilweise aus der Sammlung des Museums des Botanischen Institutes der Universität Wien. An dieser Stelle will ich dem Vorstand des genannten Institutes, Herrn Prof. Dr. L.Geitler, nicht nur für die Überlassung eines eigenen Arbeitsplatzes, sondern vor allem für die Vermittlung eines Forschungsstipendiums, das mir vom Bundesministerium für Unterricht gewährt wurde, danken.  相似文献   

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