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The rove beetle Emus hirtus (Linnaeus, 1758) is an endangered habitat specialist, which occurs in long-term cattle pastures where it forages on cattle dung. We studied this species’ historical and recent altitudinal distribution and habitat requirements in the centre of its distributional range in the Czech Republic. The species had experienced a sharp decline and was for nearly 20 years considered as regionally extinct within the Czech Republic. Nowadays, Emus hirtus is present and occurs in relatively high population densities. However, the beetle has shown an uphill shift and is distributed at significantly higher altitudes in sun-exposed localities in foothills and mountains compared to its historical distribution in the lowlands. Emus hirtus is one of many organisms that seem to indicate the openness of the pastured woodland landscape in the past. The main reason for its uphill shift could be habitat loss in densely populated and intensively managed lowlands and restoration of grazing at higher elevations due to agricultural subsidies.  相似文献   

Summary We tested whether intra- and interspecific competition could affect habitat selection in the two most abundant tenebrionid beetles,Physadesmia globosa andOnymacris rugatipennis, in a dry riverbed in the Namib desert. The spatial distributions of these beetles at the microhabitat scale were negatively correlated. We performed a removal experiment, progressively removing first 25% and then a further 25% of the population of the most abundant species,P. globosa, under the trees where most of the preferred food of both species is concentrated. There was no response ofO. rugatipennis to this removal in the tree habitat. In the open, barely-vegetated habitat where mostO. rugatipennis are found, the number of this species caught in pitfall traps increased following both removals and decreased followingP. globosa replacement under the trees. It appears that intraspecific competition forces someP. globosa to occupy the open habitat. Interspecific competition betweenP. globosa andO. rugatipennis in the open habitat reduces the number ofO. rugatipennis that can co-exist withP. globosa there. Removal ofP. globosa under the trees allows conspecifics in the open habitat to move under the trees, releasingO. rugatipennis in the open habitat from competition. This then results in an increase in the numbers ofO. rugatipennis in the open habitat as a result of immigration from neighbouring areas. We found that differences in foraging efficiency, measured as giving-up times in artificial food patches, create a likely mechanism of co-existence that explains the distinct preferences of these two species for tree and open habitats.  相似文献   

We characterized the evolutionary history of growth form (solitary–colonial) and its interaction with species'' habitat (planktonic–benthic) across a multi-gene phylogeny encompassing a broad sample of the order-level diversity of diatoms. We treated these characters broadly, modeling the evolution of aggregation of cells into a colony irrespective of the way aggregation is achieved, and relating the growth form to a broad concept of niche location: in the plankton or benthos. The results showed that habitat shifts are rare implying conservatism in niche location at the level of large clades. On the other hand, the evolutionary history of growth form is more dynamic with evolutionary rates that vary across the tree. Analyses of a possible interaction revealed that shifts in growth form are independent of habitat and that traversing between habitats does not hinge upon species'' growth form. Our findings help to fill a gap in the understanding of diatom niche and growth form macroevolution and contribute toward a platform for the comparative study of the mechanisms underlying diatom species and functional diversity.  相似文献   

We modelled the population dynamics of two types of plants with limited dispersal living in a lattice structured habitat. Each site of the square lattice model was either occupied by an individual or vacant. Each individual reproduced to its neighbors. We derived a criterion for the invasion of a rare type into a population composed of a resident type based on a pair-approximation method, in which the dynamics of both average densities and the nearest neighbor correlations were considered. Based on this invasibility criterion, we showed that, when there is a tradeoff between birth and death rates, the evolutionarily stable type is the one that has the highest ratio of birth rate to mortality. If these types are different species, they form segregated spatial patterns in the lattice model in which intraspecific competitive interactions occur more frequently than interspecific interactions. However, stable coexistence is not possible in the lattice model contrary to results from completely mixed population models. This clearly shows that the casual conclusion, based on traditional well mixed population models, that different species can coexist if intraspecific competition is stronger than interspecific competition, does not hold for spatially structured population models.  相似文献   

Optimal plant growth form should vary across environments. We examined the potential for mutations causing large changes in growth form to produce new optimal phenotypes across light environments. We predicted that the upright growth form would be favoured in a light limiting environment as leaves were in a position to maximize light interception, while a rosette (leaves in a basal position) growth form would be favoured in a high light environment. Growth form genotypes of Brassica rapa (upright wild-type and rosette mutants) and Arabidopsis thaliana (large rosette wild-type and increasingly upright growth form mutants) were grown in a greenhouse in control (ambient) and filtered (low) light treatments. Compared to upright genotypes, rosette genotypes had relatively high fitness in control light but had a relatively large fitness reduction in filtered light. Our results demonstrate the potential importance of rapid growth form evolution in plant adaptation to new or changing environments.  相似文献   

Prins  H. H. Th.  Ydenberg  R. C. 《Oecologia》1985,66(1):122-125
Summary Barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) wintering on the island of Schiermonnikoog in the Netherlands abruptly switch all their foraging activities from a dairy pasture (a polder) to an adjacent salt-marsh during the early spring. We present evidence to show that this shift is related to changes in the quality of the diet available in these different habitats. Barnacle geese shift from polder to salt-marsh at the precise time that these are equal in dietary protein availability, which occurs as the food plants on the salt-marsh undergo a sudden spring growth. The dairy pasture undergoes its own spring growth shortly afterwards, and more dietary protein is available there for the rest of the year. We suggest that the salt-marsh is a more preferred habitat, but that low dietary protein during the winter prevents its use by barnacle geese. We hypothesize that the salt-marsh may be more preferred due to a lower level of disturbance which permits geese to graze more slowly, improving the utilization of food plants.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic niche theory predicts that individuals may undergo one or more changes in habitat or diet throughout their lifetime to maintain optimal growth rates, or to optimize trade-offs between mortality risk and growth. We combine skeletochronological and stable nitrogen isotope (δ15N) analyses of sea turtle humeri (n = 61) to characterize the growth dynamics of juvenile loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) during an oceanic-to-neritic ontogenetic shift. The primary objective of this study was to determine how ontogenetic niche theory extends to sea turtles, and to individuals with different patterns of resource use (discrete shifters, n = 23; facultative shifters n = 14; non-shifters, n = 24). Mean growth rates peaked at the start of the ontogenetic shift (based on change in δ15N values), but returned to pre-shift levels within 2 years. Turtles generally only experienced 1 year of relatively high growth, but the timing of peak growth relative to the start of an ontogenetic shift varied among individuals (before, n = 14; during, n = 12; after, n = 8). Furthermore, no reduction in growth preceded the transition, as is predicted by ontogenetic niche theory. Annual growth rates were similar between non-transitioning turtles resident in oceanic and neritic habitats and turtles displaying alternative patterns of resource use. These results suggest that factors other than maximization of size-specific growth may more strongly influence the timing of ontogenetic shifts in loggerhead sea turtles, and that alternative patterns of resource use may have limited influence on somatic growth and age at maturation in this species.  相似文献   

There is a concern of the spread of introduced trout Salmo trutta and Oncorhynchus mykiss which might have potential effects on native fish species in the Himalaya. We present the first assessment of current habitat expansion of introduced trout induced by environmental drivers and posing threats to the local fish diversity. Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) model was used and overlaid with presence-only data onto bioclimatic and environmental layers to characterize the conditions most suitable for the habitat expansion of trout. Mean AUC value for S. trutta was 0.919 and 0.881 for O. mykiss respectively showing that the MaxEnt model was highly accurate and statistically significant. The precipitation of driest quarter (Bio_17) alone accounted for 71.4% habitat expansion of S. trutta across rivers’ length and 61.1% in the case of O. mykiss. The Jackknife test of different environmental variable particularly Bio_17 and the coldest quarter (Bio_19) depicted their potential role in habitat expansion. The occurrences of trout in the Himalayan streams predicted trade-offs between few environmental variables and habitat expansion. The findings suggested that habitat expansion of trout was induced by identified environmental drivers impacting the array of biological and ecological integrity in the new geographic spaces concerning trout invasion.  相似文献   

Summary In Crystal Lake, British Columbia, small fry (15 mm SL) of the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) are concentrated in vegetation while larger fry are not. Because fry in all size classes feed primarily on zooplankton, even when in vegetation, we hypothesized that size-limited predation was responsible for the observed shift in habitat use with size. The major predators on fry in Crystal Lake are adult threespine stickleback, the water scorpion, Ranatra sp. (Hemiptera: Nepidae), backswimmers, Notonecta spp. (Hemiptera: Notonectidae), and dragonfly naiads of the genus Aeshna (Odonata: Aeschnidae). On the basis of distribution and hunting behavior we excluded the insects Ranatra sp., and Notonecta sp. as causal agents for this shift in resource by fry in water >0.25 m deep. Ranatra was found almost exclusively near the shoreline in water <0.25 m deep, and both insects hunted primarily as ambush predators within vegetation. Such predators seemed more likely to drive vulnerable fry from vegetation than to restrict them to it. In contrast, Aeshna naiads and adult stickleback frequently hunted outside of vegetation. In prey preference experiments the naiads did not show the decline in predation efficiency on fry >15 mm SL that would be expected if size-limited predation by this insect was responsible for the observed shift in resource use by fry. Adult stickleback only fed on fry <15 mm SL, and in an experimental situation, consumed fry at a rate 10 times greater than that exhibited by any of the insects. Predation experiments demonstrated that small fry (11–15 mm) spent more time in vegetation in the presence of adult conspecifics than they did in control pools, as would be expected if size-limited cannibalism caused small, vulnerable fry to be restricted to vegetation. Fry >15 mm SL were found outside of vegetation more often than in control treatments. The probable cause of this result is that adults become aggressive toward fry at this size, and often could be seen chasing large fry from vegetation during the experiments. Dragonfly naiads (Aeshna spp.) spent most of their time in vegetation in the experimental pools. Both size classes of fry spent less time in vegetation in the presence of dragonfly naiads than they did in control treatments, an apparent reflection of their similar vulnerabilities to these naiads. The presence of vegetation in pools reduced predation rates by adult stickleback on small fry. Because the experiments presented here indicate that fry are capable of rapidly assessing predation risk and of altering their behavior adaptively, we conclude that small fry occupy vegetation as a refuge from cannibalism. Once fry have reached the size-threshold at which they are no longer vulnerable to adult conspecifics they are able to forage farther from vegetation thereby reducing risk of predation by insects in vegetation and possibly acquiring more abundant food resources.  相似文献   

Forecasts of widespread range shifts with climate change stem from assumptions that climate drives species' distributions. However, local adaptation and biotic interactions also influence range limits and thus may impact range shifts. Despite the potential importance of these factors, few studies have directly tested their effects on performance at range limits. We address how population‐level variation and biotic interactions may affect range shifts by transplanting seeds and seedlings of western North American conifers of different origin populations into different competitive neighborhoods within and beyond their elevational ranges and monitoring their performance. We find evidence that competition with neighboring trees limits performance within current ranges, but that interactions between adults and juveniles switch from competitive to facilitative at upper range limits. Local adaptation had weaker effects on performance that did not predictably vary with range position or seed origin. Our findings suggest that competitive interactions may slow species turnover within forests at lower range limits, whereas facilitative interactions may accelerate the pace of tree expansions upward near timberline.  相似文献   

The importance of assembly processes in shaping biological communities is poorly understood, especially for microbes. Here, we report on the forces that structure soil bacterial communities along a 2000 m elevational gradient. We characterized the relative importance of habitat filtering and competition on phylogenetic structure and turnover in bacterial communities. Bacterial communities exhibited a phylogenetically clustered pattern and were more clustered with increasing elevation. Biotic factors (i.e., relative abundance of dominant bacterial lineages) appeared to be most important to the degree of clustering, evidencing the role of the competitive ability of entire clades in shaping the communities. Phylogenetic turnover showed the greatest correlation to elevation. After controlling the elevation, biotic factors showed greater correlation to phylogenetic turnover than all the habitat variables (i.e., climate, soil and vegetation). Structural equation modelling also identified that elevation and soil organic matter exerted indirect effects on phylogenetic diversity and turnover by determining the dominance of microbial competitors. Our results suggest that competition among bacterial taxa induced by soil carbon contributes to the phylogenetic pattern across elevational gradient in the Tibetan Plateau. This highlights the importance of considering not only abiotic filtering but also biotic interactions in soil bacterial communities across stressful elevational gradients.  相似文献   

The Araneoidea comprises a diverse group of web-building spiders, and part of this diversity is believed attributable to habitat expansion to bright environments. We clarified the fitness-related advantages of living in such environments by examining prey availability and the growth rates of 10 species in three families inhabiting grassland (bright) and forest understory (dim) habitats. Spiders in the grassland habitat captured more prey, derived mainly from the grazing food web, than those in the forest-floor environment, and this difference was manifested in their growth rate. Independent contrasts indicated that increased utilization of insects from the grazing food web led to an evolutionary increase in adult body size. These results suggest that the shift to bright environments enabled araneoid spiders to evolve diverse life-history traits, including rapid growth and large size, which were not possible in dim environments.  相似文献   

Social information in breeding site selection has received extensive study; however, few attempts have been made to link this process to pre‐existing models. We examine the importance of social information to three pertinent models of habitat selection that describe breeding aggregations and spatial patterns: 1) the ideal despotic distribution (IDD) which considers conspecific competition and habitat availability, 2) the perceptual constraints model which accounts for patch selection when animals experience a threshold of undetectable difference in quality, and 3) the “neighbourhood model” which predicts concordance between resources and settlers can be disrupted by conspecific attraction when resources are patchy. These models all predict initial settlers will select a high quality patch first. However, their predictions of subsequent settlement behaviour in remaining patches differ: the IDD predicts subsequent settlers will be distributed regularly, the perceptual constraints model predicts a random distribution, and the neighbourhood model predicts clustering from conspecific attraction. We examined which model best described settlement patterns of bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus and savannah sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis, in the context of social information. We observed settlement timing, quantified available resources, and determined where they occurred in the highest (local population “core”) and lowest densities (local population “periphery”). We then assessed whether individuals in the periphery settled in greater concordance with resources or conspecific presence. Core territories were clustered strongly on relevant resources, and these territory holders were older than in the periphery. Peripheral territories were likewise clustered but did not always co‐occur with the best available resources, matching the neighbourhood model prediction that social information may not always direct them to the best sites available. This suggests older individuals used their own experience to locate ideal habitat, whereas younger individuals attempted to aggregate on seemingly ideal habitat by using conspecific location; such information asymmetry due to age can be viewed as an “ideal aggregative distribution”.  相似文献   

Competition between two congeneric gobies, Rhinogobius sp. LD (large-dark type) and CB (cross-band type), for habitat was studied in a tributary of the Shimanto River, southwestern Shikoku, Japan. Habitat use by CB, measured by water depth, current velocity, and substrate, was compared between before and after the removal of LD. After the removal of LD, CB shifted their habitat use to coarser substrates than previously, suggesting a release from effects of LD. This result supports a hypothesis from our previous study that habitat partitioning between CB and LD is a consequence of interference effects of LD on CB.  相似文献   

Most studies focused on understanding habitat invasibility use the current levels of invasion as a direct proxy of habitat invasibility. This has shown to be biased by the influence of propagule pressure and climate. We suggest that plant growth forms need to be considered as an extra factor, as habitat preferences might not be equal for all potential invaders. We test the influence of propagule pressure, climate and habitat characteristics on the current level of invasion and habitat invasibility, specifically addressing whether an analysis focused on growth forms evidence different patterns than the total pool of alien species. We used 499 floristic vegetation plots located in Córdoba Mountains. We used proportional alien richness of the total pool and for each growth form as response variables. We identified models that best explained current levels of invasion. We used the residuals of the models with propagule pressure and climate as the response variable. Then, we performed linear models to test the relationship between habitat characteristics and the residuals of the models. We found different drivers of current alien distribution patterns for the total pool and each growth form. Habitat invasibility was not equal when quantified for the total pool or growth forms. Shrublands and outcrops were recorded as less susceptible to woody invasion, while grasslands and native woodlands were resistant to the invasion of grasses and none habitat type was resistant to the invasion of forbs. We highlight that the current level of invasion and habitat invasibility are highly growth form dependent.  相似文献   

Many taxa are undergoing distribution shifts in response to anthropogenic climate change. However, detecting a climate signal in mobile species is difficult due to their wide‐ranging, patchy distributions, often driven by natural climate variability. For example, difficulties associated with assessing pelagic fish distributions have rendered fisheries management ill‐equipped to adapt to the challenges posed by climate change, leaving pelagic species and ecosystems vulnerable. Here, we demonstrate the value of citizen science data for modelling the dynamic habitat suitability of a mobile pelagic predator (black marlin, Istiompax indica) within the south‐west Pacific Ocean. The extensive spatial and temporal coverage of our occurrence data set (n = 18 717), collected at high resolution (~1.85 km2), enabled identification of suitable habitat at monthly time steps over a 16‐year period (1998–2013). We identified considerable monthly, seasonal and interannual variability in the extent and distribution of suitable habitat, predominately driven by chlorophyll a and sea surface height. Interannual variability correlated with El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events, with suitable habitat extending up to ~300 km further south during La Nina events. Despite the strong influence of ENSO, our model revealed a rapid poleward shift in the geometric mean of black marlin habitat, occurring at 88.2 km decade?1. By incorporating multiple environmental factors at monthly time steps, we were able to demonstrate a rapid distribution shift in a mobile pelagic species. Our findings suggest that the rapid velocity of climate change in the south‐west Pacific Ocean is likely affecting mobile pelagic species, indicating that they may be more vulnerable to climate change than previously thought.  相似文献   

Marine fishes often experience major habitat shifts during their life history, and previous studies have shown that the learning capability of fish change ontogenetically and in accordance with such habitat shifts. However, because all of these studies used a single type of conditioned stimuli (CS), they failed to detect qualitative changes in learning capability. Here we tested the hypothesis that preparedness for learning changes ontogenetically in jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus, which undergo a drastic change in habitat preference during their life history as they move from offshore pelagic waters to coastal and demersal rocky reefs. Groups of juveniles measuring 40 mm standard length (SL) (pelagic stage) and 60 mm SL (demersal stage) were conditioned to food rewards in response to three different CS; the presence of a surface structure, mid-water structure, and aeration. The results showed that small juveniles tended to become conditioned to the surface stimulus faster than they did to the mid-water stimulus. Conversely, large juveniles responded to the mid-water stimulus significantly more quickly than they did to the surface stimulus. These results suggest that stimulus-specific learning capability in T. japonicus changes ontogenetically, facilitating adaptation to their life-history strategy.  相似文献   

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