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Capsule House Sparrows preferred millet over seeds of prairie forbs and grasses native to the USA. By reducing the abundance and availability of some grains, changing agricultural practices may contribute to the population declines of House Sparrows seen in some parts of their range.  相似文献   

This paper aims at identifying variables associated with inadequate work ability among nursing personnel at a public hospital, considering factors related to socio‐demographic, lifestyles, working conditions, and health outcomes. A cross‐sectional study was conducted in a university hospital in São Paulo, Brazil, as part of a larger research study on tolerance to 12 h night work. Nursing staff included registered nurses, nurse technicians, and nurse aides; in total, there were 996 healthcare workers (878 female; 118 male) at the time of the study. Some 696 workers (69.9%) of the population agreed to participate. Data collection (October 2004–July 2005) was based on a comprehensive questionnaire about living and working conditions (including incivility at work, work demands, work control, and support), mental and physical health symptoms (fatigue and sleep problems), and work ability. This report presents analyses of the adapted Brazilian version of the Work Ability Index (WAI) and associated variables. The study population worked one of the following shift schedules at this hospital: 12 h nights followed by 36 h off or 9 h or 6 h day (morning or afternoon) shifts. The mean age of the respondents was 34.9 (S.D.±10.4) years of age; 31.5% of the participants held two jobs. Statistical analyses using a hierarchical multiple logistic regression model were performed to evaluate the factors associated with inadequate (moderate and low scores) of the WAI. The significantly associated factors were socio‐demographic (income responsibility, sole breadwinner, raising kids, age group), working conditions (thermal discomfort, organization of the workplace, and verbal abuse), and health outcomes (high body mass index, obesity, sleep problems, and fatigue). In spite of limitations of the study design, results indicate that the nursing profession is associated with stressful working conditions, contributing to inadequate WAI. This is in addition to bad living conditions and precarious work. Intervention measures, either at the workplace or at individual levels, are necessary to prevent a decrease in work ability, even in this quite young working population.  相似文献   

A pair‐living social organisation can typically be explained by obligate biparental care. We investigated pair‐living in the absence of biparental care in the Australian sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa, which forms exceptionally strong pair bonds. We fitted 10 lizards, five male–female pairs, with Global Positioning System (GPS) recorders and continuously monitored social associations and separations between active pair partners, based on location records taken every 10 min over 3 mo. Males temporarily separated and reunited the pair more frequently than females, but females also contributed to the maintenance of the pair bond. These behavioural data were consistent with the hypothesis that females successfully coerce males into associations with one female. Lower frequencies of social association between pair partners once mating had finished support this interpretation. Males that are coerced into pair associations appear to experience higher costs of pair‐living than females, because males initiated temporary separations of the pair more frequently than females. Males showed higher movement activity and remained active later each day. This sex bias in activity may be an important mechanism to mitigate the higher costs of pair‐living for males. Costs for males might include within‐pair competition for food as females appear more competitive. Our study provides detailed empirical data on a lizard pair bond and provides important insights into pair‐living in the absence of biparental care.  相似文献   

Cleavage of the precursor membrane (prM) protein is required for the activation of flavivirus infectivity. However, many studies have shown that, for dengue virus in particular, prM cleavage and maturation is inefficient. Heterogeneity of wild-type dengue virus preparations with regard to the presence of uncleaved prM in the virion is mirrored in the substantial levels of prM-specific antibodies that are produced following dengue infection. What might be the evolutionary advantage for the virus to produce so many prM-containing particles? In this review we summarize the latest achievements of dengue research that contribute to a better understanding of the role of prM-containing virions in the pathogenesis of dengue.  相似文献   

Biparental care in house sparrows: negotiation or sealed bid?   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
We explored the responses of monogamous house sparrow parentsto deviations in their mates' contributions to nestling provisioning.Following 1-2 days of baseline measurement of parental fooddelivery rates, we applied small lead fishing weights to thetail feathers of either male or female parents. Weighting hadmuch greater immediate impact on male parental care than on female care, but the handicapping had little long-term effecton either male or female provisioning behavior. When parentalperformance of handicapped males was most impaired, their matesdid not show significant increases in parental care as compensation,nor did females mated to handicapped males reduce their provisioningas their mates recovered from weighting. Similarly, males matedto handicapped females did not respond to their partners' recovery with declines in their own efforts; paradoxically, these malesshowed a sustained elevation of provisioning throughout thepost-treatment interval, despite no significant reduction inprovisioning by weighted females. The apparent insensitivityof both males and females to changes in their mates' parentalbehavior, and the ineffectiveness of current partner behaviorat predicting an individual's provisioning effort, fail toconform to assumptions of biparental care models that requirefacultative responses to partner deviations in effort. Instead,the remarkable consistency of each individual's behavior supportsthe notion of "sealed bids" and suggests that variation innestling provisioning is largely attributable to factors thatare independent of the mate's current behavior, such as differencesin individual quality.  相似文献   



Acute care facilities are connected via patient sharing, forming a network. However, patient sharing extends beyond this immediate network to include sharing with long-term care facilities. The extent of long-term care facility patient sharing on the acute care facility network is unknown. The objective of this study was to characterize and determine the extent and pattern of patient transfers to, from, and between long-term care facilities on the network of acute care facilities in a large metropolitan county.

Methods/Principal Findings

We applied social network constructs principles, measures, and frameworks to all 2007 annual adult and pediatric patient transfers among the healthcare facilities in Orange County, California, using data from surveys and several datasets. We evaluated general network and centrality measures as well as individual ego measures and further constructed sociograms. Our results show that over the course of a year, 66 of 72 long-term care facilities directly sent and 67 directly received patients from other long-term care facilities. Long-term care facilities added 1,524 ties between the acute care facilities when ties represented at least one patient transfer. Geodesic distance did not closely correlate with the geographic distance among facilities.


This study demonstrates the extent to which long-term care facilities are connected to the acute care facility patient sharing network. Many long-term care facilities were connected by patient transfers and further added many connections to the acute care facility network. This suggests that policy-makers and health officials should account for patient sharing with and among long-term care facilities as well as those among acute care facilities when evaluating policies and interventions.  相似文献   

Summary Viability and a seemingly successful breeding of a F1 House Sparrow x Tree Sparrow hybrid are reported from islands off the coast of northern Norway. From two consecutive clutches of House Sparrow x Tree Sparrow hybrids recorded in 1995, only one of 7 chicks survived the first year. The surviving individual was later, in 1997, found attending the nest with a female House Sparrow and feeding the young in two consecutive clutches. Neither of the F2 hybrids were observed after fledging. Despite the fact that House Sparrows indulge in frequent extra pair copulation, we find it unlikely that both clutches fed by the male hybrid could have been fathered by a House Sparrow male and therefore conclude that the F1 male hybrid was fertile. The hybridisation may have been facilitated by the fragmented structure and small size (from 5 to 100 individuals) of the sub-populations found in our study area.
Fertile Haus- x Feldsperling (Passer domesticus X Passer montanus) Hybride?
Zusammenfassung Wir berichten über die Überlebensfähigkeit und einen offenbar erfolgreichen Brutversuch eines F1 Haussperling x Feldsperling Hybriden auf Inseln vor der nordnorwegischen Küste. Aus zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Gelegen eines gemischten Haus-/Feldsperling Paares, die wir 1995 beobachtet hatten, überlebte nur eines von sieben Jungtieren das erste Jahr. Das überlebende Individuum nistete später, 1997, mit einem Haussperlingweibchen und fütterte die Jungen zweier aufeinanderfolgender Bruten. Keiner der F2 Hybriden wurde nach dem Schlüpfen beobachtet. Obwohl bei Haussperlingen Kopulationen außerhalb des Paares häufig sind, betrachten wir es als unwahrscheinlich, daß beide vom männlichen Hybriden gefütterten Bruten von einem Haussperlingmännchen gezeugt worden waren. Wir schließen deshalb, daß das F1 Hybridmännchen fruchtbar war. Die Hybridisierung könnte durch die fragmentierte Struktur und die kleine Größe (5 bis 100 Individuen) der lokalen Populationen erleichtert worden sein.

Oxidative stress causes selective oxidation of cardiolipin (CL), a fourtail lipid specific for the inner mitochondrial membrane. Interaction with oxidized CL transforms cytochrome c into peroxidase capable of oxidizing even more CL molecules. Ultimately, this chain of events leads to the pore formation in the outer mitochondrial membrane and release of mitochondrial proteins, including cytochrome c, into the cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm, cytochrome c promotes apoptosome assembly that triggers apoptosis (programmed cell death). Because of this amplification cascade, even an occasional oxidation of a single CL molecule by endogenously formed reactive oxygen species (ROS) might cause cell death, unless the same CL oxidation triggers a separate chain of antiapoptotic reactions that would prevent the CL-mediated apoptotic cascade. Here, we argue that the key function of CL in mitochondria and other coupling membranes is to prevent proton leak along the interface of interacting membrane proteins. Therefore, CL oxidation should increase proton permeability through the CL-rich clusters of membrane proteins (CL islands) and cause a drop in the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). On one hand, the MMP drop should hinder ROS generation and further CL oxidation in the entire mitochondrion. On the other hand, it is known to cause rapid fission of the mitochondrial network and formation of many small mitochondria, only some of which would contain oxidized CL islands. The fission of mitochondrial network would hinder apoptosome formation by preventing cytochrome c release from healthy mitochondria, so that slowly working protein quality control mechanisms would have enough time to eliminate mitochondria with the oxidized CL. Because of these two oppositely directed regulatory pathways, both triggered by CL oxidation, the fate of the cell appears to be determined by the balance between the CL-mediated proapoptotic and antiapoptotic reactions. Since this balance depends on the extent of CL oxidation, mito-chondria-targeted antioxidants might be able to ensure cell survival in many pathologies by preventing CL oxidation.  相似文献   

R. Mulia  C. Dupraz 《Plant and Soil》2006,281(1-2):71-85
The spatial distribution of fine roots of two deciduous tree species was investigated in contrasting growing conditions in southern France. Hybrid walnut trees (Juglans regia×nigra cv. NG23) and hybrid poplars (Populus euramericana cv. I214) were both cultivated with or without annual winter intercrops for 10 years on deep alluvial soils. Soil samples for measuring the fine root distribution of both trees and crops were obtained by soil coring down to 3-m depth at several distances and orientations from the tree trunk. The distribution of live fine roots from walnut and poplar trees was patchy and sometimes unexpected. In the tree-only stands, fine root profiles followed the expected pattern, as fine root density decreased with increasing depth and distance from the tree trunk. However, many fine root profiles under intercropped trees were uniform with depth, and some inverse profiles were observed. These distributions may result from a high degree of plasticity of tree root systems to sense and adapt to fluctuating and heterogeneous soil conditions. The distortion of the tree root system was more pronounced for the walnut trees that only partially explored the soil volume: in the tree-only stand, the walnut rooting pattern was very superficial, but in the intercropped stand walnut trees developed a deep and dense fine root network below the crop rooting zone. The larger poplars explored the whole available soil volume, but the intercrop significantly displaced the root density from the topsoil to layers below 1 m depth. Most tree root growth models assume a decreasing fine root density with depth and distance from the tree stem. These models would not predict correctly tree–tree and tree–understorey competition for water and nutrients in 3D heterogeneous soil conditions that prevail under low-density tree stands. To account for the integrated response of tree root systems to such transient gradients in soils, we need a dynamic model that would allow for both genotypic plasticity and transient environmental local soil conditions.  相似文献   

We investigated how the common measures of timing performance behaved in the course of training on the peak procedure in C3H mice. Following fixed interval (FI) pre-training, mice received 16 days of training in the peak procedure. The peak time and spread were derived from the average response rates while the start and stop times and their relative variability were derived from a single-trial analysis. Temporal precision (response spread) appeared to improve in the course of training. This apparent improvement in precision was, however, an averaging artifact; it was mediated by the staggered appearance of timed stops, rather than by the delayed occurrence of start times. Trial-by-trial analysis of the stop times for individual subjects revealed that stops appeared abruptly after three to five sessions and their timing did not change as training was prolonged. Start times and the precision of start and stop times were generally stable throughout training. Our results show that subjects do not gradually learn to time their start or stop of responding. Instead, they learn the duration of the FI, with robust temporal control over the start of the response; the control over the stop of response appears abruptly later.  相似文献   

Theory posits that community dynamics organize at distinct hierarchical scales of space and time, and that the spatial and temporal patterns at each scale are commensurate. Here we use time series modeling to investigate fluctuation frequencies of species groups within invertebrate metacommunities in 26 boreal lakes over a 20-year period, and variance partitioning analysis to study whether species groups with different fluctuation patterns show spatial signals that are commensurate with the scale-specific fluctuation patterns identified. We identified two groups of invertebrates representing hierarchically organized temporal dynamics: one species group showed temporal variability at decadal scales (slow patterns of change), whilst another group showed fluctuations at 3 to 5-year intervals (faster change). This pattern was consistently found across all lakes studied. A spatial signal was evident in the slow but not faster-changing species groups. As expected, the spatial signal for the slow-changing group coincided with broad-scale spatial patterns that could be explained with historical biogeography (ecoregion delineation, and dispersal limitation assessed through a dispersal trait analysis). In addition to spatial factors, the slow-changing groups correlated with environmental variables, supporting the conjecture that boreal lakes are undergoing environmental change. Taken together our results suggest that regionally distinct sets of taxa, separated by biogeographical boundaries, responded similarly to broad-scale environmental change. Not only does our approach allow testing theory about hierarchically structured space-time patterns; more generally, it allows assessing the relative role of the ability of communities to track environmental change and dispersal constraints limiting community structure and biodiversity at macroecological scales.  相似文献   

Candidate gene and genome-wide association studies have led to the discovery of nine loci involved in Mendelian forms of obesity and 58 loci contributing to polygenic obesity. These loci explain a small fraction of the heritability for obesity and many genes remain to be discovered. However, efforts in obesity gene identification greatly modified our understanding of this disorder. In this review, we propose an overlook of major lessons learned from 15 years of research in the field of genetics and obesity. We comment on the existence of the genetic continuum between monogenic and polygenic forms of obesity that pinpoints the role of genes involved in the central regulation of food intake and genetic predisposition to obesity. We explain how the identification of novel obesity predisposing genes has clarified unsuspected biological pathways involved in the control of energy balance that have helped to understand past human history and to explore causality in epidemiology. We provide evidence that obesity predisposing genes interact with the environment and influence the response to treatment relevant to disease prediction.  相似文献   

Summary A 7-month-old male child with a de novo, seemingly belanced reciprocal 5p/16q translocation and karyotype 46,XY,t(5;16) (p14;q21), resulting from a maternal meiotic error, is described. The clinical findings in this patient are strikingly similar to those in the only patient with partial deletion 16q hitherto described, [del(16)(q21)], indicating that during the 5p/16q rearrangement, 16q material was lost and suggesting that partial or total deletion of the long arm of chromosome 16 distal to band q21 is accompanied by a distinct clinical phenotype.  相似文献   



The 21st-century epidemic of pharmaceutical and other drug-intoxication deaths in the United States (US) has likely precipitated an increase in misclassified, undercounted suicides. Drug-intoxication suicides are highly prone to be misclassified as accident or undetermined. Misclassification adversely impacts suicide and other injury mortality surveillance, etiologic understanding, prevention, and hence clinical and public health policy formation and practice.


To evaluate whether observed variation in the relative magnitude of drug-intoxication suicides across US states is a partial artifact of the scope and quality of toxicological testing and type of medicolegal death investigation system.


This was a national, state-based, ecological study of 111,583 drug-intoxication fatalities, whose manner of death was suicide, accident, or undetermined. The proportion of (nonhomicide) drug-intoxication deaths classified by medical examiners and coroners as suicide was analyzed relative to the proportion of death certificates citing one or more specific drugs and two types of state death investigation systems. Our model incorporated five sociodemographic covariates. Data covered the period 2008–2010, and derived from NCHS’s Multiple Cause-of-Death public use files.


Across states, the proportion of drug-intoxication suicides ranged from 0.058 in Louisiana to 0.286 in South Dakota and the rate from 1 per 100,000 population in North Dakota to 4 in New Mexico. There was a low correlation between combined accident and undetermined drug-intoxication death rates and corresponding suicide rates (Spearman’s rho = 0.38; p<0.01). Citation of 1 or more specific drugs on the death certificate was positively associated with the relative odds of a state classifying a nonhomicide drug-intoxication death as suicide rather than accident or undetermined, adjusting for region and type of state death investigation system (odds ratio, 1.062; 95% CI,1.016–1.110). Region, too, was a significant predictor. Relative to the South, a 10% increase in drug citation was associated with 43% (95% CI,11%-83%), 41% (95% CI,7%-85%), and 33% (95% CI,1%-76%) higher odds of a suicide classification in the West, Midwest, and Northeast, respectively.


Large interstate variation in the relative magnitude of nonhomicide drug-intoxication deaths classified as suicide by medical examiners and coroners in the US appears partially an artifact of geographic region and degree of toxicological assessment in the case ascertainment process. Etiologic understanding and prevention of drug-induced suicides and other drug-intoxication deaths first require rigorous standardization involving accurate concepts, definitions, and case ascertainment.  相似文献   

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