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Adult male transgenic mice expressing the human growth hormone (hGH) gene are hypoprolactinemic. To evaluate the effects of exogenous prolactin (PRL) and endogenously secreted hGH on pituitary and Leydig cell function, adult male transgenic and nontransgenic mice (10-16 wk of age) were treated s.c. with either saline-polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) or oPRL (100 micrograms/mouse) in saline-PVP. Animals were treated twice daily; a total of 7 injections were given. One hour after the last injection, each group of mice was treated i.p. either with saline or oLH (0.3 microgram/g BW); 2 h later, blood was obtained via heart puncture. Plasma FSH, LH, PRL, androstenedione (A-dione), and testosterone (T) levels were measured by validated RIAs. Basal PRL levels were significantly lower (p less than 0.001) and basal LH concentrations were significantly higher (p less than 0.01) in transgenic than in nontransgenic mice. Administration of PRL significantly decreased (p less than 0.01) plasma LH levels in transgenic mice, whereas similar treatment of nontransgenic mice increased (p less than 0.01) circulating LH concentrations. Plasma FSH levels were unaffected in transgenic and nontransgenic mice treated with saline or PRL. Basal plasma A-dione and T levels were similar in both groups of animals and were significantly increased after treatment with LH. Administration of PRL increased T levels in transgenic and nontransgenic mice, but the T response to LH treatment was greater in PRL-treated transgenic mice, indicating the synergistic effect of hGH in the biosynthesis of T.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of stress on human growth hormone (hGH) secretion was studied in transgenic mice. Experiments were conducted on fourth, fifth, and sixth generation male mice carrying a fusion gene, consisting of the promoter sequence of the mouse metallothionein I gene ligated to the hGH structural gene (mMT-I/hGH). In animals adapted to a controlled photoperiod, basal (unstimulated) levels of plasma hGH exhibited a diurnal cycling, with peak values occurring during the later half of the light period (15.5 +/- 1.0 vs 10.7 +/- 0.9 ng/ml, mean +/- SE, light versus dark, respectively). Food deprivation (5 days) led to elevated levels of plasma hGH (11.0 +/- 0.7 vs 32.0 +/- 4.2 ng/ml, preversus post-fast, respectively) accompanied by weight loss (49.5 +/- 0.8 vs 34.3 +/- 0.7 g), and hypoglycemia (7.8 +/- 0.2 vs 5.0 +/- 0.3 mM); glucose administration (5% drinking solution ad libitum) blocked the changes in levels of plasma hGH (12.2 +/- 1.1 vs 13.8 +/- 0.8 ng/ml) and plasma glucose (7.4 +/- 0.3 vs 7.9 +/- 0.5 mM), although the animals still sustained significant weight loss (44.9 +/- 1.6 vs 35.2 +/- 1.1 g). Vigorous exercise (swimming, 4 hr) produced a small but significant increase in plasma hGH, 12.1 +/- 1.1 ng/ml (1 hr pre-swim) vs 16.7 +/- 0.6 ng/ml (immediately post-swim). These findings indicate that the mMT-I/hGH transgene is responsive to the physiologic status of the host animal. Taken together with information regarding the heterologous components of the fusion gene, these data are consistent with the view that the hGH (structural) sequence may play a role in the response to stress.  相似文献   

Growth hormone plays a key role in the maturation and maintenance of the immune response, however, the effects of chronic high circulating concentrations of the hormone on the immune system is poorly understood. Transgenic mice overexpressing bovine growth hormone (b-GH) gene, fused to the rat phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase promoter (PEPCK), with very high plasma concentration of heterologous b-GH and their littermate normal siblings were used. Spleen cellularity, percentages of total T lymphocytes, CD4+ and CD8+ cells, ratio of T cell subpopulations, mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation and natural killer (NK) cell activity were examined in male transgenic mice and normal littermate mice at 2 and 6 months of age. The number of splenic lymphocytes was greater in transgenic mice than in matched normal littermates at both ages. The NK cell activity was lower in transgenic mice than in the matched normal littermates at both ages, with the lowest values found in older mice. The b-GH transgenic mice had lower percentages of T cells at both ages, however, in young transgenic mice, the percentage of CD4+ cells was reduced while percentage of CD8+ cells was increased in comparison to normal controls. Both basal and mitogen-induced proliferation capacity of splenocytes were reduced in PEPCK-b-GH-25 mice as compared to normal littermates of both ages. Proliferative indexes in response to concanavalin A and phytohemagglutinin were markedly decreased in 6 month old PEPCK-b-GH-25 mice as compared to littermate controls or younger mice. These results indicate that overexpression of b-GH in mice is associated with decreased T cell function and that these abnormalities are age-dependent.  相似文献   

Although growth hormone (GH) exerts various direct and indirect stimulatory effects on gonadal development and function, excessive levels of GH in acromegalic patients and in transgenic animals are often associated with reproductive disorders. We have examined reproductive performance of transgenic female mice expressing the following hybrid genes: mouse metallothionein-1 (MT)/human placental GH variant (hGH.V), MT/bovine GH(bGH), and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK)/bGH. This allowed us to evaluate the effects of chronic GH excess in three animal models and to obtain some information on the significance of the lactogenic activity of the foreign GH (hGH.V vs. bGH) and on the developmental stage of transgene expression (MT vs. PEPCK). Transgenic animals from each line had elevated plasma insulin-like growth factor-I levels and greatly increased adult body weight. Plasma bGH levels were significantly higher in PEPCK/bGH than in MT/bGH transgenic mice. Approximately 20% of transgenic MT/hGH.V and MT/bGH females and over 60% of transgenic PEPCK/bGH females were infertile. Transgenic females that did reproduce ovulated either a normal or increased number of eggs but exhibited a variety of reproductive disorders including increased interval between pairing with a male and conception, increased interval between litters, reduced number of litters, reduced fetal growth, increased pre- and postnatal mortality, and alterations in sex ratio. Among adult offspring of these females, the proportion of transgenic animals was significantly less than the expected 50%. While some characteristics (e.g., fetal crown-rump length and weight on Day 14 of pregnancy) were affected to a comparable extent in transgenic females from all three lines, MT/hGH.V and PEPCK/bGH females were, in general, more severely affected than the MT/bGH animals. Sterility of PEPCK/bGH females appeared to be due to luteal failure since treatment with progesterone led to pregnancy. Greatly increased intervals between successive litters appeared to be due to failure to mate during postpartum estrus and to sterile matings during this period. Reduced fetal size and weight may have been due to chronic glucocorticoid excess because comparable changes could be induced in normal females by injections of dexamethasone during pregnancy, and plasma corticosterone levels were previously shown to be elevated in transgenic mice from each of these lines. Comparison of these results with data obtained from matings of normal female mice to transgenic males from the same lines suggests that reduced fetal growth is due primarily to maternal genotype, while reduced "transmission" of the hybrid genes is not, and presumably reflects increased mortality of transgenic progeny at various stages of development.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Transgenic mice overexpressing growth hormone (GH) exhibit alterations in the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis and the H-P-adrenal axis. Alterations in the turnover of hypothalamic neurotransmitters, in plasma hormone levels, and in regulation of their release are associated with reproductive deficits, particularly in females. Results reported after publication of our minireview on this subject provided evidence that GH-transgenic mice have increased binding of GH to GH binding proteins in plasma, are hyperinsulinemic and insulin resistant, and have major alterations in energy budgets with increased allocation to growth. Reduced life span and fertility of these animals may be related to insufficient allocation of energy to reproduction and maintenance. Growth hormone resistance induced by transgenic expression of an antagonistic bGH analog or by targeted disruption (knock-out, KO) of the GH receptor (GH-R) gene leads to dramatic suppression of plasma levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and dwarf phenotype due to reduced growth and increased adiposity. In both models of GH resistance, there are marked reproductive deficits in females, decline of breeding performance of males, and alterations in the function of the HPG axis. In GH-R-KO females, puberty is delayed, and litter size is reduced. Fetal weights are reduced whereas placental weights are increased, and the weight of newborn pups is reduced despite an increase in the length of gestation. In GH-R-KO males, copulatory behavior and fertility are reduced, plasma PRL is elevated, and responses to luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) in vivo and to LH in vitro are suppressed. However, reproductive deficits in GH-R-KO mice are very mild when compared to those described previously in IGF-KO animals. Apparently, the amounts of IGF-1 that may be produced locally in the absence of GH stimulation are sufficient for sexual maturation and fertility in both sexes, whereas quantitative deficits in reproductive function reflect absence of GH-dependent IGF-1 production and other consequences of eliminating GH signaling. The reproduction phenotype of the GH-R-KO mice is also mild when compared to dwarf mice that lack GH, prolactin (PRL), and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). This is presumably related to the presence of redundant mechanisms in the stimulatory control of the gonads by the pituitary and the ability of animals capable of producing PRL and TSH to compensate partially for the absence of GH signaling.  相似文献   

Our laboratory reported previously that chimeric genes encoding either rat somatostatin (SS) or human GH (hGH), but containing the identical mouse metallothionein-I (MT) promoter/enhancer sequences and hGH 3'-flanking sequences, were selectively expressed in the gonadotrophs of transgenic mice. The experiments reported here were designed to identify the DNA sequences responsible for this unexpected cell-specific expression within the anterior pituitary. We produced new transgenic mice expressing fusion genes that tested separately the requirement of the MT or 3'-hGH sequences for gonadotroph expression. A fusion gene that retained the original MT and SS sequences, with a simian virus 40 polyadenylation signal exchanged for the 3'-hGH sequences, no longer directed strong pituitary expression, but was active in the liver. In contrast, a cytomegalovirus promoter/enhancer-SS-hGH fusion gene was expressed at the same high level in the anterior pituitaries of transgenic mice as the originally studied MT-SS-hGH gene. Immunohistochemical analysis indicated that pituitary expression of the cytomegalovirus promoter/enhancer-SS-hGH fusion gene was also restricted to gonadotroph cells in adult mice. These studies indicate that sequences within the 3'-flanking region of the hGH gene can direct expression of chimeric genes to pituitary cells that do not normally produce growth hormone.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of radioiodinated human growth hormone (hGH) and ovine growth hormone (oGH) were studied in normal mice and in transgenic mice carrying the bovine growth hormone (bGH) gene fused to phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase promoter/regulator (PEPCK-bGH). Multiexponential plasma decay curves were obtained in both normal and transgenic mice after a125I-oGH injection and pharmacokinetic parameters were estimated by fitting blood concentration data to a three compartment model. The half-life for the rapid compartment was shorter in transgenic than in normal mice (t1/2:1.2±0.3 vs. 2.2±0.5 min). The slow compartment had a t1/2 of 160±23 min for transgenic and 70±8 min for normal mice while the middle compartment had a t1/2 of approximately 10 min for both groups of mice. The mean residence times were 167±24 and 55±5 min for transgenic and normal mice, respectively. Specific liver uptake of radioactivity after injection of125I-oGH or125I-hGH was found in both groups of animals. Specificity studies indicated that, similarly to normal mice, livers of transgenic mice possess a mixed population of somatotropic and lactogenic receptors. Uptake of labelled hGH by the liver was dose-dependent and the doses that prevented 50% of liver uptake (ED50%) were 8 and 165 g per 50 g body weight for normal and transgenic mice, respectively. Thesein vivo results confirm and extend previousin vitro findings that a life-long excess of bGH increases hepatic somatotropic and lactogenic receptors. Since elevation in growth hormone (GH) receptors was reported to be associated with an increase in GH binding protein (GHBP), we suspect that both the increase in the mean residence time and the reduction in specific uptake of GH in the livers of transgenic mice may be the result of an increase in GHBP levels.  相似文献   

The effects of administration of methyldopa on serum prolactin and growth hormone (GH) concentrations in hypertensive patients were studied. Single doses of methyldopa (750 or 1000 mg) significantly increased serum prolactin levels, peak concentrations occurring four to six hours after drug administrations. Long-term methyldopa treatment was associated with threefold to fourfold increases in basal prolactin levels compared with those in normal subjects. In patients treated with methyldopa for two to three weeks the GH response to insulin hypoglycaemia was significantly greater than in normal subjects and untreated hypertensive patients. In contrast, patients treated for prolonged periods (mean 13-4 months) had a GH reponse indistinguishable from normal.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of human growth hormone (hGH), in concentrations comparable to those measured in plasma of transgenic mice expressing foreign GHs, on rat liver cells in culture. This treatment produced, within 24 and 48 hr, extreme heterogeneity in liver cell size, enlargement of nuclei, increase in the numbers of large nucleoli and nuclear protrusions, as well as appearance of numerous lipid droplets and accumulation of glycogen. These changes most likely indicate massive metabolic alterations and resemble changes present in vivo in the livers of mice transgenic for hGH and other foreign GHs. Since morphological alterations in vitro were apparent within 24 hr, we conclude that GH acutely and directly affects liver cell morphology and function in vitro and that the pathological lesions in vivo in the livers of transgenic mice are very likely a consequence of GH action.  相似文献   

The ability of mutant bovine growth hormones (bGH) to serve as either agonist or antagonist has been demonstrated in transgenic mice. We have prepared two transgenic strains of FVB/N mice, one expressing wild-type bGH and a second with a glutamic acid mutation at serine 84 in helix 2. Comparison of their phenotypes to those of nontransgenic littermates indicates that wild-type bGH induces a previously described phenotype for hyper-somatotrophic mice. In contrast, the replacement of the side chain hydroxyl at serine 84 with acetic acid produced a phenotype that expressed bGH at appreciable concentrations, but failed to elicit the phenotype observed with either an agonist or an antagonist of bGH. These results indicate that serine 84 is crucial for the activity of bGH despite this site being distal to the receptor binding surfaces.  相似文献   

Ovarian follicle apoptosis in bovine growth hormone transgenic mice   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Growth hormone directly or via insulin like-growth factor-I has been shown to inhibit preovulatory follicle apoptosis, which is the underlying mechanism of follicular atresia. We studied the levels of apoptosis in the ovaries of transgenic mice expressing bovine growth hormone. Female bovine growth hormone transgenic mice (n = 10) and nontransgenic litter mates (n = 8) were killed at early proestrus. Ovaries were collected, sectioned, and processed using a nonradioactive in situ method for apoptosis detection. Follicles were classified and counted on the basis of size and level of apoptosis. Our results demonstrate that the percentage of ovarian follicles containing apoptotic cells was lower in transgenic versus normal mice (30% vs. 46%; P < 0.05). The percentage of follicles undergoing heavy apoptosis was lower (P < 0.05) in transgenic versus control animals in preovulatory and early antral follicles, but it was not different in preantral follicles. The percentage of healthy preovulatory follicles was also higher in transgenic versus normal mice (7.4% vs. 4.3%; P < 0.05). These results indicate that growth hormone overexpression in transgenic mice significantly decreases follicle apoptosis, and thus atresia in the mouse ovary, therefore leading to increased propensity for ovulation in these animals.  相似文献   

The somatotropic and lactotropic receptors were studied in liver microsomal preparations from transgenic mice carrying the human growth hormone (hGH) or bovine growth hormone (bGH) gene fused to mouse metallothionein-I (MT) or phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase promoter/regulator (PEPCK). Specificity studies indicated that, similarly to normal mice, liver microsomes from the transgenic animals possess a mixed population of somatotropic and lactotropic binding sites. In transgenic animals of both sexes, the binding capacity of somatotropic receptors was significantly increased without corresponding changes in affinity. Expression of the MT-hGH hybrid gene was associated with the induction of somatotropic receptors which was approximately twice as great as that measured in animals expressing the MT-bGH hybrid gene. The binding capacity of lactotropic receptors in liver microsomes (quantitated, by the use, of labelled ovine prolactin) was increased 2–3 fold in transgenic females and approximately 10-fold in transgenic males as compared to the respective normal controls. We conclude that lifelong excess of GH up-regulates hepatic GH and prolactin receptors, and that lactogenic activity of GH is not essential for induction of prolactin receptors in the liver of transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Kraemer, R. R., L. G. Johnson, R. Haltom, G. R. Kraemer, H. Gaines, M. Drapcho, T. Gimple, and V. Daniel Castracane. Effects of hormone replacement on growth hormone and prolactin exercise responses in postmenopausal women. J. Appl.Physiol. 84(2): 703-708, 1998.Exercise elevatesgrowth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) blood concentrations inpremenopausal women. Postmenopausal women taking hormone replacementtherapy (HRT) maintain higher estrogen levels that could affect GH andPRL. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of HRT on GHand PRL responses to treadmill exercise. Seventeen healthy women whowere postmenopausal (naturally or surgically) [8 on HRT; 9 not onHRT (NHRT)], completed 30 min of treadmill exercise at 79.16 ± 1.2% maximal O2 consumption (HRT group) and 80.19 ± 0.91% maximalO2 consumption (NHRT group). Bloodsamples were collected from an intravenous catheter during an exercisesession and during a control session without exercise. GH and PRLconcentrations were significantly higher in the exercise trial than inthe nonexercise trial, whereas resting concentrations were similar forboth trials. GH and PRL peaked at 10.8 ± 1.60 and 12.67 ± 2.58 ng/ml, respectively, for HRT subjects and at 4.90 ± 1.18 and 9.04 ± 2.17 ng/ml, respectively, for NHRT subjects. GH concentrations inthe exercise trial were significantly higher for HRT than for NHRTsubjects. This is the first study to demonstrate that HRT enhancestreadmill-exercise-induced GH release and that similar PRL responses totreadmill exercise occur in postmenopausal women regardless of HRTstatus.


Summary Fragments of pituitary tissue obtained from a total of 37 patients with either breast cancer, diabetic retinopathy, galactorrhea, or acromegaly were dissociated into single cell suspensions prior to cell culture. Release of human growth hormone (hGH) and human prolactin (hPRL) into the culture medium was measured by radioimmunoassay. During a 3-week culture period, prolactin cells released 9–13 times the intracellular levels of hPRL at the time of seeding, whereas hGH release from growth hormone cells was only 1–2 times that of their initial intracellular level during this same time. Both growth hormone and prolactin cells retained distinctive ultrastructural features during culture. The prolactin cells responded to TRH stimulation by elevated release of PRL into the medium. No evidence for mitotic division of prolactin cells in vitro was found.This work was supported by NCI Contract NO 1-CB-23863  相似文献   

Introduction of the human growth hormone (hGH) gene fused with mouse metallothionein I promoter into domestic mice leads to ectopic synthesis of hGH, marked stimulation of somatic growth, and female sterility. Transgenic females (produced by mating transgenic males to normal females) mated but failed to become pregnant or pseudopregnant as evidenced by the recurrence of vaginal plugs every 5-7 days. Daily injections of 1 mg progesterone, starting on day 1 postcoitum (p.c.), maintained pregnancy, suggesting that the sterility of these animals is due to inadequate luteal function. In ovariectomized female transgenic mice, median eminence (ME) turnover of dopamine (DA) was increased, and plasma prolactin (PRL) levels were reduced, presumably because of the known lactogenic activity of hGH in rodents. From these observations we suspected that either 1) the corpora lutea of these animals are unresponsive to lactogenic hormones, or 2) hGH by stimulating tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic (TIDA) neurons interferes with the increase in PRL release that normally follows mating and this, in turn, leads to luteal failure. To distinguish between these possibilities, transgenic females were treated with PRL-secreting ectopic pituitary transplants from normal females of the same strain on day 1 p.c. Eight of ten treated females became pregnant and delivered litters. We conclude that infertility of transgenic female mice with hGH expression is due to activation of the TIDA system, suppression of endogenous PRL release, and luteal deficiency.  相似文献   

Oxygen uptake of growth hormone transgenic coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch was measured in individual fish with a closed-system respirometer and was compared with that of similar-sized non-transgenic control coho salmon during starvation and when fed a fixed ration or to satiation. Transgenic and control fish did not differ in their standard oxygen uptake after 4 days of starvation, although control fish had a higher routine oxygen uptake, scope for spontaneous activity and initial acclimation oxygen uptake. During feeding, transgenic fish ate significantly more than control fish, and had an overall oxygen uptake that was 1·7 times greater than control fish. When fish that had eaten the same per cent body mass were compared, transgenic fish had an oxygen uptake that was 1·4 times greater than control fish. Differences in oxygen uptake in growth hormone transgenic coho salmon and non-transgenic fish appear to be due to the effects of feeding, acclimation and activity level, and not to a difference in basal metabolism.  相似文献   

Reproductive performance was studied in transgenic males from lines expressing and transmitting four hybrid genes: mouse metallothionein-I/human growth hormone (GH) (MT/hGH), MT/hGH placental variant (MT/hGH.V), MT/bovine GH (MT/bGH) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase/bGH (PEPCK/bGH). Each male was exposed to three normal females for 1 week and to three different normal females for another week. Females were examined for vaginal plugs and necropsied on day 14 of pregnancy. Males were killed for analysis of organ weights, numbers of testicular spermatids, numbers of epididymal sperm and measurements of plasma glucose concentration. Fertility of MT/hGH and MT/hGH.V transgenic males was significantly lower than in normal males, primarily because most males failed to impregnate any females. In females that became pregnant, the numbers of corpora lutea, total fetuses and live fetuses did not differ from those in females mated to normal (nontransgenic) males. Fetal crown-rump length on day 14 of pregnancy did not differ between litters sired by normal or by transgenic males. Weights of testes and seminal vesicles were significantly greater in all four types of transgenic male, but daily sperm production per unit weight (g-1) of testis was not affected and epididymal sperm reserves were either normal or slightly higher than normal. Plasma glucose concentrations were significantly higher in PEPCK/bGH mice than in other mice. Average or individual reproductive performance of transgenic males from the various lines did not correlate with any of the parameters examined except for significantly heavier seminal vesicles in MT/hGH and MT/hGH.V males than in normal males; these transgenic males exhibited a high incidence of infertility. Since hGH and hGH.V, but not bGH, are lactogenic in rodents, it was concluded that chronic stimulation of GH and prolactin receptors by ectopically produced human GHs in transgenic mice compromises male fertility by an unknown mechanism. Reduced fertility of transgenic males with MT/hGH or MT/hGH.V hybrid genes is due to failure to inseminate or impregnate females rather than to reduced numbers of spermatozoa or gross changes in the male reproductive system.  相似文献   

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