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Quasielastic light-scattering and other physical-chemical techniques have been used to compare the conformation and intermolecular interactions of xanthan in water, aqueous sodium chloride, and urea solutions. The results showed that xanthan dissolved in 4m urea has a disordered conformation after the solution has been maintained for 3 h at 95° and then cooled to room temperature. This conformation is similar to that previously observed only in solutions having low ionic strength at higher temperatures, following disruption of the ordered, low-temperature form. “Anomalous” behavior is seen for xanthan as a function of ionic strength, in that the hydrodynamic radius increases with increase in ionic strength, whereas a decrease is typical for polyelectrolytes. These observations suggest that aggregation of rod-like chains, similar to that seen for other stiff-chain polymers, occurs for xanthan in salt solutions, where the charged groups of the polyelectrolyte are screened by the salt ions. This aggregation may explain some of the high values reported in the literature for the molecular weight.  相似文献   

The capacity of papillary cells to adapt to elevated osmotic concentrations is unusual among mammalian cells. This capacity was evaluated by using primary tissue culture. Viability and growth of cells in rat renal papillary tissue explants were assessed after culture in media adjusted with urea and sodium chloride to various osmotic concentrations between 300 and 1,500 mOsm/kg water. The survival of cells, including cells resembling those of the collecting ducts and the loop of Henle, was greatest in medium adjusted to 1,000 mOsm with equiosmolar amounts of the two solutes. At 1,500 mOsm only cuboidal tubular epithelium resembling collecting duct epithelial cells survived. In contrast, cells of cortical tissue survived and grew at 300 and 640 mOsm, but not at 1,000 mOsm or above. Epithelial monolayers appeared to proliferate from collecting ducts and spread over the surface of the explants as well as onto the glass surface in the culture dish. Epithelial growth of medullary tissue was most rapid at 300 mOsm and was slower at 700 and 1,000 mOsm. Monolayers did not form at 1,500 mOsm; however, epithelial overgrowth of explants did occur. Hydropenia in the donor animal did not significantly affect the viability or growth of cultured papillary tissue. Explants cultured for 5 days at 300 mOsm followed by a stepwise increase in medium osmolality to 1,100 or 1,500 mOsm and cultured for 3 more days showed low or no survival whereas explants cultured at 700 mOsm survived such increases. Explants cultured for 5 days at 1,500 mOsm survived and grew monolayers when lowered to 300 mOsm. Poor viability and no epithelial proliferation were observed in explants cultured in medium adjusted to 900 mOsm with either urea or sodium chloride alone, suggesting that a mixture of the two solutes in the extracellular space, as found in vivo, may be essential in achieving elevated osmolalities.  相似文献   

Within its wide range across Canada, jack pine is exposed to salinity from both natural and anthropogenic sources. To compare the effects of Cl and SO4 on salt injury, sand and solution-culture grown jack pine ( Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings were treated with nutrient solutions containing 60 or 120 m M NaCl, 60 m M Na2SO4, or a mixture of 60 m M NaCl and 30 m M Na2SO4. After 5 weeks of salt treatments, concentrations of Cl, K, Na, and SO4 were determined in roots, stem and needles of the current and previous years growth, and in necrotic needles. To determine the role of water uptake in the absorption and translocation of salts in plants, total transpiration was measured as the loss of water from a sealed system and related to total plant uptake of Cl, Na, and SO4. Sodium uptake and root-to-shoot transport rates were greater in treatments containing Cl. A delay in root-to-shoot transport of both Na and Cl indicates retention of these ions in the roots. Electrolyte leakage of needles was more closely related to treatment Cl concentrations than treatment Na concentrations. The transport of Na ions to the shoot was related to the presence of Cl, but was not related to transpiration rate.  相似文献   

The vesicle-to-micelle transition of egg phosphatidylcholine LUVs induced by octylglucoside was studied in buffers with 0-4 M sodium chloride, sucrose or urea. We used both light scattering and fluorescent probes to follow the lipid-detergent complexes in these buffers. The vesicle-to-micelle transition process was fundamentally the same in each solute. However, the detergent-to-lipid ratio required for micelle formation shifted in ways that depended on the aqueous solute. The partitioning of octylglucoside between the vesicles and the aqueous phase was primarily determined by the change in its critical micelle concentration (cmc) induced by each solute. Specifically, the cmc decreased in high salt and sucrose buffers but increased in high concentrations of urea. Cmc for two additional nonionic detergents, decyl- and dodecyl-maltoside, and three zwittergents (3-12, 3-14 and 3-16) were determined as a function of concentration for each of the solutes. In all cases NaCl and sucrose decreased the solubility of the detergents, whereas urea increased their solubilities. The effects clearly depended on acyl chain length in urea-containing solutions, but this dependence was less clear with increasing NaCl and sucrose concentrations. The contributions of these solutes to solubility and to interfacial interactions in the bilayers, pure and mixed micelles are considered.  相似文献   

Studying the influence of the pH of 10% NaCl solutions used for the extraction of RNA and DNA on the yield of both nucleic acids, the maxima of pH were found at which both types of nucleic acids pass into extracts better than at neutral pH and do not remain in residues of the experimental material.The perchloric acid extraction temperature was also studied for obtaining the hydrolysate of nucleic acids from the trichloroacetic acid precipitate of sodium chloride extracts differing by 5 °C within the range of 35 °C to 90 °C and it was found that in this wide range almost the same amount of RNA is extracted by the method used. However, at a lower temperature, some DNA remained in the extracted residue of the trichloroacetic acid precipitate of sodium chloride extracts.  相似文献   

Protein interactions with urea and guanidinium chloride. A calorimetric study.   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
The interaction of urea and guanidinium chloride with proteins has been studied calorimetrically by titrating protein solutions with denaturants at various fixed temperatures, and by scanning them with temperature at various fixed concentrations of denaturants. It has been shown that the observed heat effects can be described in terms of a simple binding model with independent and similar binding sites. Using the calorimetric data, the number of apparent binding sites for urea and guanidinium chloride have been estimated for three proteins in their unfolded and native states (ribonuclease A, hen egg white lysozyme and cytochrome c). The intrinsic and total thermodynamic characteristics of their binding (the binding constant, the Gibbs energy, enthalpy, entropy and heat capacity effect of binding) have also been determined. It is found that the binding of urea and guanidinium chloride by protein is accompanied by a significant decrease of enthalpy and entropy. At all concentrations of denaturants the enthalpy term slightly dominates the entropy term in the Gibbs energy function. Correlation analysis of the number of binding sites and structural characteristics of these proteins suggests that the binding sites for urea and guanidinium chloride are likely to be formed by several hydrogen bonding groups. This type of binding of the denaturant molecules should lead to a significant restriction of conformational freedom within the polypeptide chain. This raises a doubt as to whether a polypeptide chain in concentrated solutions of denaturants can be considered as a standard of a random coil conformation.  相似文献   

Synopsis Feulgen acid hydrolysis was performed on ascites tumour cells labelled with radioactive DNA-precursors. The development of fragments of apurinic acid and the extraction of purines were studied by monitoring the variations in the extraction rate during the hydrolysis when sodium chloride was either present or absent from the hydrolysis solution. The changes in the rate of extraction of purines and the alterations in the initial retardation of the apurinic acid extracting process followed approximately the same pattern. The extractability of apurinic acid fragments during hydrolysis in 0.3m HCl was found to be a maximum when the sodium chloride concentration was about 1m. Sudden exchange experiments, in which acid was substituted for sodium chloride after various times of hydrolysis, revealed a successive shortening of the extractable fragments during the low acid concentration hydrolysis. The results strengthen the view that, during hydrolysis, apurinic acid is lost from the cells through a reaction whose form is determined, first, by an initial retardation of the depolymerization, second, by the maximum length at which fragments developed through the depolymerization become soluble and are lost by diffusion, and last, at low acid concentrations, by a mechanism whose influence is equivalent to the presence of bonds between the fragments and an unextractable stable structure.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial urea cycle enzymes in rats treated with sodium benzoate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since sodium benzoate, which is widely used to treat hyperammonemia its effect on mitochondrial urea cycle enzymes was investigated. its effect on mitochondrial urea cycle enzymes was investigated. Sodium benzoate was administered to urease treated hyperammonemic rats and controls. In both groups no interference with the activity of carbamylphosphate synthetase, ornithine carbamyltransferase and N-acetylglutamate synthetase in the liver could be observed at concentrations of benzoate in plasma found in hyperammonemic patients. Careful monitoring of plasma levels reduces benzoate toxicity as shown in a patient with argininosuccinic aciduria.  相似文献   

The increase in the fluorescence intensity of 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS) produced by core histones is higher than that produced by very lysine-rich histones (H1 and H5). In the presence of the anionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) the enhancement of ANS fluorescence caused by these two groups of histones is roughly the same, but much lower than that observed for core histones in the absence of this detergent. However, the increase of ANS fluorescence produced by histone-SDS complexes is high enough to use it for the staining of these proteins separated in SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Histone bands are stained with ANS after electrophoresis and visualized by transillumination of the gel with a uv light source. The method described in this work allows the rapid detection of less than 0.5 microgram of histone per band.  相似文献   

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