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The preparation and molecular structure of [(diethylenetriamine) (7,9-dimethylhypoxanthine) platinum(II)] (PF6)2·1.5H2O and [(ethylenediamine) (7,9-dimethylhypoxanthine)2platinum(II)] (PF6)2, are reported. These complexes represent the first structurally characterized N(1)-bound Pt(II) 6-oxopurine complexes. In each case, the Pt(II)N(1) bond length [2.051(6)A in the diethylenetriamine complex and 2.021(8)A in the ethylenediamine complex] indicates a strong metal-to-base binding. Both complexes contain interligand hydrogen bonds, with the ammine ligand acting as the donor and the O(6) atom of the base acting as the acceptor. These N(1)-bound complexes are compared with N(7)-bound 6-oxopurine and N(3)-bound cytosine complexes of Pt(II) anti-tumor agents.  相似文献   

The structures of [Ni(5′-dGMP)(H2O)5] and [Co(5′-dGMP)(H2O)5] have been solved by single-crystal x-ray diffraction techniques. Their common geometry consists of a metal ion octahedrally coordinated to the N7 atom of guanine and five water ligands. The phosphate group of the nucleotide is hydrogenbonded to two of the coordinated water molecules.  相似文献   

The influence of the paramagnetic ions Mn2+ and Gd3+ on the proton-decoupled 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of three cyanocobalamin-monocarboxylic acids has been observed. The paramagnetic ions bind preferentially to the free carboxylate groups and cause the broadening of specific carbon resonances adjacent to these groups. These specific line-broadening effects have been used to assign the carbonyl carbons of the a-, f-, and g-acetamide side chains and have allowed us to confirm and/or correct the assignments of several carbon resonances that were assigned tentatively before.  相似文献   

Potentiometric, visible, infrared, electron spin, and nuclear magnetic resonance studies of the complexation of N-(2-acetamido)iminodiacetic acid (H2ADA) by Ca(II), Mg(II), Mn(II), Zn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), and Cu(II) are reported. Ca(II) and Mg(II) were found not to form 2:1 ADA2- to M(II) complexes, while Mn(II), Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II), and Co(II) did form 2:1 metal chelates at or below physiological pH values. Co(II) and Zn(II), but not Cu(II), were found to induce stepwise deprotonation of the amide groups to form [M(H-1ADA)4-(2)]. Formation (affinity) constants for the various metal complexes are reported, and the probable structures of the various metal chelates in solution are discussed on the basis of various spectral data.  相似文献   

The rate constants of the reactions between pulse radiolytically produced superoxide anions and the Cu(II) chelates of salicylate, acetylsalicylate, p-aminosalicylate and diisopropylsalicylate were determined at pH 7.5 and found to range from 0.8 to 2.4 × 109 M?1 sec?1. It was intriguing to note that they had a superoxide dismutase activity identical with that of native cuprein-copper (k245 = 1.3 × 109 M?1 sec?1 per g-atom of Cu). These measurements confirm our earlier observations using indirect assays that all copper salicylates act as perfect model superoxide dismutases and favour the proposal that the activity of anti-inflammatory agents might be assigned to their in vivo formed Cu complexes.  相似文献   

The ternary complex [Cu(5′-IMP)(dpa)(H2O)]2 has been prepared and its structure analyzed by x-ray diffraction. It has a dimeric structure in which the 5′-IMP ligands coordinate solely through their phosphate groups. This geometry is in marked contrast to that of another Cu5′-IMP ternary complex, [Cu(5′-IMPH)(bipy)(H2O)2]+, which shows metal binding through the purine base rather than the phosphate group.  相似文献   

Interactions between polynucleotides and platinum (II) complexes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reaction of either cis or trans Pt(NH3)2Cl2 with poly(A) in dilute aqueous solution leads to quantitative precipitation of the polymer at Pt/nucleotide ratios above 0.5. It is proposed that at ratios less than this, intramolecular binding of one Pt to two bases is favored; at higher ratios, intermolecular cross-linking becomes important and precipitation results. The absence of isomer selectivity in precipitation implies that the biological specificity of the cis form results from a process other than cross-linking of polynucleotide strands. Other observations suggest that the coordinated ammonia of nucleotide-platinum(II) ammine complexes may be unusually labile.  相似文献   

Human pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) binds to heparin-Sepharose. This affinity chromatography preceded by molecular sieve chromatography provides a simple two-step purification procedure of PAPP-A from late pregnancy plasma. One hundred percent of the applied PAPP-A was recovered, with more than 40% being electrophoretically homogeneous after the two procedures. The remaining PAPP-A could be purified by negative affinity chromatography on anti-total human serum immobilized on agarose.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism studies of glycosaminoglycan including chemically transformed heparins at various pH values reveal that carboxyl chromophore plays an important role in the dichroic behavior of the polymers. With decreasing pH, iduronic acid-containing glycosaminoglycans show increased negative ellipticity near 220 nm whereas the polymers containing glucuronic acid display enhanced negative dichroism near 230 nm and decreased negative dichroism around 210 nm. The pH-dependent optical properties have been utilized to determine the pKa values of uronic acid moieties. The acid strengths of the iduronic acid-containing glycosaminoglycans are inherently smaller than those of corresponding glucuronic acid-containing polymers. Glycosaminoglycans in which the amino sugars are linked with iduronic acid display a very weak n → π* amide transition, or none. The rotational strength at 210 nm of these polymers is largely due to iduronic acid moieties. The CD variations above 200 nm with change in pH do not indicate any major conformational transition of the molecules but the difference between dermatan sulfate and heparin can be attributed to difference either in iduronic acid conformation or in intersaccharide linkages.  相似文献   

The mRNA coding for uteroglobin, a progesterone-induced uterine protein, has been partially purified from 4-day pregnant rabbit uterus. Double-stranded DNA synthesized from the partially purified mRNA preparation was inserted into the Pst I site of pBR 322. Bacterial transformants containing uteroglobin DNA sequences were identified by their ability to enrich for uteroglobin mRNA on hybridization with total uterine poly A-RNA. The identity of one recombinant was confirmed unambiguously by matching its nucleotide sequence with the amino acid sequence of the uteroglobin polypeptide.  相似文献   

Sonicated DNA has been covalently attached to Sepharose 4B by a carbodiimide method [Rickwood, P. (1972) Biochim. Biophys. Acta269, 47–50] which minimizes modification of the DNA and matrix. Columns of this material have been used to study the interaction between cationic polypeptides and DNA. When poly(l-lysine) is bound to such columns at low ionic strength and then eluted with a linear salt gradient the polypeptide elutes over a broad range of salt concentration, presumably reflecting different strengths of interaction with various sites on the DNA. The broadness of the elution profile cannot be attributed to heterogeneity in the poly(l-lysine) sample but rather to the ATGC content of various DNA sites. Studies with other polypeptides, poly(l-Lys79, l-Leu21) and poly-(l-Lys-l-Ala-Gly), as well as studies at different temperatures, have helped to clarify the possible roles of conformational mobility, polypeptide hydrophobicity, and the presence of contiguous lysines in determining the strength of interaction of polypeptides and proteins with DNA sites.  相似文献   

Weak intermolecular complexes of cobalt(II) and nickel(II) mesoporphyrin dimethyl ester with 1,4-naphthoquinone, vitamin K-3, vitamin K-1 and ubiquinone 30 have been detected by 1H-NMR spectroscopy in chloroform solutions. The relative orientation of the components of complexes is discussed.  相似文献   

Reduction of unsaturated acyl chlorides (5a-c) and acyl anhydrides (9a, b) by Hantzsch ester 3a proceeds by direct transfer of a hydrogen species (presumably a hydride ion). Critically designed experiments rule out a mechanism involving an acyl intermediate of type 2. The implications of these results in the mechanism of NADH-mediated reductions are discussed.  相似文献   

Both a fluorescence-quenching technique and a uv-difference spectral method have been used to study the binding of 1,N6-etheno analogs of the adenine nucleotides (?ATP, ?ADP, ?AMP) (J. A. Secrist III, J. R. Barrio, N. J., Leonard, and G. Weber, 1972, Biochemistry, 11, 3499–3506) to crystalline rabbit and calf muscle ATP-AMP transphosphorylase in the presence and absence of Mg2+, at 0.16 (Γ2), 25 °C, and pH 7.4. In addition, the binding of the ?-analogs of the adenine nucleotides has been studied to two S-[14C]carboxymethylated peptide fragments of the rabbit muscle enzyme (residues 1–44 = MT-I; residues 171–193 = MT-XII), as well as to a synthetic nonapeptide corresponding to residues 32 ? 40 of the rabbit muscle enzyme. In the case of the rabbit and calf enzymes: Mg?ATP2?, ?ATP4?, Mg?ADP?, and ?AMP2? are bound stoichiometrically (n ~- 1), Mg?AMP is insignificantly bound, and n ~- 2 for ?ADP3? (n = maximal number of moles bound per mole of protein). In the case of S-carboxymethylated peptide fragments: MT-I binds stoichiometrically to Mg?ATP2?, ?ATP4?, Mg?ADP?, and ?ADP3? with values of n ~- 1; but MT-I does not bind to ?AMP2? significantly. MT-XII binds stoichiometrically to uncomplexed ?AMP2? or to uncomplexed ?ADP3? (both with n ~- 1); whereas, the binding of Mg?ADP?, ?ATP4?, and Mg?AMP to MT-XII are comparatively insignificant. Other peptide fragments in the molecule, viz. fragments MT-IV (residues 77–96) or MT-VI (residues 106–126) did not bind significantly to any of the ethenoanalogs; nor did insulin, nor, e.g., did bo vine serum albumin. The binding of the etheno analogs was also studied to an equimolar mixture of peptides MT-I + MT-XII, which qualitatively duplicated the binding pattern of the entire native molecule, and except for ?ATP4? or Mg?ATP2? (which are bound more tightly to the entire native molecule), even quantitatively. The synthetic peptide (residues 32 to 40) was found to bind to Mg?ATP2?, ?ATP4?, and Mg?ADP?, with n ~- 1; but it does not significantly bind to ?AMP2?, nor to ?ADP3?. These binding data support the idea that there are two separate sites for the binding of either (a) the complexed nucleotide substrate (MgATP2? or MgADP?) residing in the sequence of MT-I (residues 1 to 44) and in the neighborhood of residues 32 to 40, or (b) the uncomplexed nucleotide substrate (AMP2? or ADP3?) residing in the sequence of MT-XII (residues 171 to 193) of the rabbit muscle enzyme.  相似文献   

This report presents the results of computer simulations of a mathematical model for cell proliferation and senescence. The mathematical model is based on the idea that the in vitro proliferative potential of normal cells is determined by the number of a certain class of self-replicating particles it possesses. In the simulation model these particles are lost by both stochastic and deterministic processes. When all self-replicating particles are lost a cell can divide up to seven times before it irreversibly ceases to replicate. The simulated in vitro lifespans of clones and subclones are shown to be in close agreement with experimental data. We also show that other properties of finitely proliferating cultures can be simulated by this model.  相似文献   

C Reyns  J Léonis 《Biochimie》1975,57(2):131-138
The catalysis of the hydration of fumarate and deshydration of L - malate by chicken fumarase was measured spectrophotometrically over a range of substrate concentrations from 4 times 10(-3) M to 8 times 10(-5) M for fumarate and from 8 times 10(-2) M to 10(-3) M for L - malate. For the forward and reverse reactions, linear Lineweaver and Burk plots were obtained. The Michaelis constants and the maximum initial velocities for both substrates were determined and the Haldane relation was found to be obeyed. The effect of pH on activity was investigated over a pH range from 5.5 to 9.0 and the data indicate the presence, in the active site, of two ionizable groups, one in the acidic form and one in the basic form. The values of the ionization constants, determined for the enzyme - substrate complexes, agree closely with the ones obtained for the porcine enzyme. The mode of action of twenty-four structural analogs on the initial velocity of the dehydration of L-malate, by chicken fumarase was examined. From these studies, two regions positively charged appear necessary for the effective binding of the carboxylates of the substrates and competitive inhibitors to the active center. Moreover, the data suggest the presence of an additional group, in the catalytic site of chicken fumarase, that stabilizes the carbon-carbon double bond common to fumarate and its structural analogs. Finally, from the comparison of the kinetic properties of the chicken and pig fumarases, it may be concluded that the catalytic mechanism of the homologous enzymes are very similar, if not identical.  相似文献   

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