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We have recently determined the complete nucleotide sequences of the cardiac - and -myosin heavy chain (MyHC) genes from both human and Syrian hamster. These genomic sequence data were used to study the molecular evolution of the cardiac MyHC genes.Between the - and -MyHC genes, multiple gene conversion events were detected by (1) maximum parsimony tree analyses, (2) synonymous substitution analyses, and (3) detection of pairwise identity of intron sequences. Approximately half of the 40 cardiac MyHC exons have undergone concerted evolution through the process of gene conversion with the other half undergoing divergent evolution. Gene conversion occurred more often in exons encoding the a-helical myosin rod domain than in the globular head domain, and an apparent directional bias was also observed, with transfer of genetic material occurring more often from to .  相似文献   

Mapping nucleotide sequences onto a "DNA walk" produces a novel representation of DNA that can then be studied quantitatively using techniques derived from fractal landscape analysis. We used this method to analyze 11 complete genomic and cDNA myosin heavy chain (MHC) sequences belonging to 8 different species. Our analysis suggests an increase in fractal complexity for MHC genes with evolution with vertebrate > invertebrate > yeast. The increase in complexity is measured by the presence of long-range power-law correlations, which are quantified by the scaling exponent alpha. We develop a simple iterative model, based on known properties of polymeric sequences, that generates long-range nucleotide correlations from an initially noncorrelated coding region. This new model-as well as the DNA walk analysis-both support the intron-late theory of gene evolution.  相似文献   

Summary We have found evidence for two beta-like myosin heavy chains in humans, one cardiac and one skeletal. The cDNA sequences of the cardiac beta myosin heavy chain cDNA clone pHMC3 and the skeletal beta-like myosin heavy chain cDNA clone pSMHCZ, were compared to each other. It was found that the 3 untranslated regions as well as 482 nucleotides specifying the carboxyl coding region, were 100% homologous. Further examination revealed that the skeletal clone pSMHCZ diverges from the human cardiac beta myosin heavy chain cDNA clone pHMC3 at the 5 end. We present evidence in this report which indicates that the cardiac beta myosin heavy chain mRNA is expressed in skeletal muscle tissues. The human cardiac beta myosin heavy chain cDNA clone, pHMC3, which codes for a portion of the light meromyosin section of the myosin heavy chain, was used as a probe for S1 nuclease mapping studies with RNA derived from cardiac tissue, smooth muscle and skeletal muscle tissues consisting of fast-twitch, slow-twitch and mixed fast- and slow-twitch muscle fibres. Two probes were used to examine the expression of the mRNA. One probe (406 nucleotides) constitutes the 3 untranslated region and a portion of the coding region of the beta cardiac myosin heavy chain cDNA clone, which is 100% homologous to pSMHCZ, the skeletal cDNA clone. The other constitutes the majority of the coding region (1017 nucleotides) of the cardiac clone pHMC3 in which the first 216 nucleotides from the labelled end are 100% homologous to the skeletal clone pSMHCZ. In the soleus muscle, which is rich in slow-twitch type I muscle fibres, the expression of the cardiac beta myosin heavy chain mRNA was very prominent. In gastrocnemius muscle, a mixed fibre muscle, the expression of this mRNA was detected to a lesser degree than that for the soleus muscle. In vastus lateralis and vastus medialis, which consist of predominantly type II, fast-twitch fibres, there were trace amounts of the cardiac beta myosin heavy chain mRNA. When expression of this mRNA was tested in smooth muscle tissue none could be detected.  相似文献   

The translocation of dynein along microtubules is the basis for a variety of essential cellular movements. Despite a general domain organization that is found in all the cytoskeletal motors, there are structural features of dynein that set it apart from the other motors. These include a track-binding site that is located at the tip of a long projection, and six nucleotide-binding modules that together form the globular head of dynein. These unique features suggest that dynein produces movement by a mechanism that is different from that used by the other motors.  相似文献   

Two complete myosin heavy chain genes were isolated from chicken genomic libraries, and shown to code for fast-white isoforms. Isoform specific probes were developed from the 5' nontranslated regions of the two genes and used to identify the developmental stages at which each of the genes are expressed. One of the genes is transcribed in the embryo and the other only in the adult. The 5' flanking regions of the two genes were sequenced along with the first three exons. The 5' untranslated sequences in both genes are not contiguous, one intron is present in the adult gene while the embryonic gene contains two. The promoters of both genes contain the conserved CAAT and TATA box elements observed in other eucaryotic genes. A computer assisted comparison was performed on the two genes at the nucleotide and amino acid levels. No homology could be detected in the 5' flanking regions of the genes except in and around the CAAT and TATA elements, however, structural sequences at the 5' ends were highly conserved as well as the position of the first three introns. The amino acids in and around the ATP binding site are completely conserved between the two isoforms.  相似文献   

A cDNA expression strategy was used to localize amino acid sequences which were specific for fast, as opposed to slow, isoforms of the chicken skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC) and which were conserved in vertebrate evolution. Five monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), termed F18, F27, F30, F47, and F59, were prepared that reacted with all of the known chicken fast MHC isoforms but did not react with any of the known chicken slow nor with smooth muscle MHC isoforms. The epitopes recognized by mAbs F18, F30, F47, and F59 were on the globular head fragment of the MHC, whereas the epitope recognized by mAb F27 was on the helical tail or rod fragment. Reactivity of all five mAbs also was confined to fast MHCs in the rat, with the exception of mAb F59, which also reacted with the beta-cardiac MHC, the single slow MHC isoform common to both the rat heart and skeletal muscle. None of the five epitopes was expressed on amphioxus, nematode, or Dictyostelium MHC. The F27 and F59 epitopes were found on shark, electric ray, goldfish, newt, frog, turtle, chicken, quail, rabbit, and rat MHCs. The epitopes recognized by these mAbs were conserved, therefore, to varying degrees through vertebrate evolution and differed in sequence from homologous regions of a number of invertebrate MHCs and myosin-like proteins. The sequence of those epitopes on the head were mapped using a two-part cDNA expression strategy. First, Bal31 exonuclease digestion was used to rapidly generate fragments of a chicken embryonic fast MHC cDNA that were progressively deleted from the 3' end. These cDNA fragments were expressed as beta-galactosidase/MHC fusion proteins using the pUR290 vector; the fusion proteins were tested by immunoblotting for reactivity with the mAbs; and the approximate locations of the epitopes were determined from the sizes of the cDNA fragments that encoded a particular epitope. The epitopes were then precisely mapped by expression of overlapping cDNA fragments of known sequence that covered the approximate location of the epitopes. With this method, the epitope recognized by mAb F59 was mapped to amino acids 211-231 of the chicken embryonic fast MHC and the three distinct epitopes recognized by mAbs F18, F30, and F47 were mapped to amino acids approximately 65-92. Each of these epitope sequences is at or near the ATPase active site.  相似文献   

The patterns of myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoform expression in the embryo and in the adult mouse are reasonably well characterized and quite distinct. However, little is known about the transition between these two states, which involves major decreases and increases in the expression of several MyHC genes. In the present study, the expression of seven sarcomeric MyHCs was analyzed in the hindlimb muscles of wild-type mice and in mice null for the MyHC IIb or IId/x genes at several time points from 1 day of postnatal life (dpn) to 20 dpn. In early postnatal life, the developmental isoforms (embryonic and perinatal) comprise >90% of the total MyHC expression, while three adult fast isoforms (IIa, IIb, and IId) comprise <1% of the total MyHC protein. However, between 5 and 20 dpn their expression increases to comprise >90% of the total MyHC. Expression of each of the three adult fast isoforms occurs in a spatially and temporally distinct manner. We also show that alpha MyHC, which is almost exclusively expressed in the heart, is expressed in scattered fibers in all hindlimb muscles during postnatal development. Surprisingly, the timing and localization of expression of the MyHC isoforms is unchanged in IIb and IId/x null mice, although the magnitude of expression is altered for some isoforms. Together these data provide a comprehensive overview of the postnatal expression pattern of the sarcomeric MyHC isoforms in the mouse hindlimb.  相似文献   

We have determined the primary structure of the myosin heavy chain (MHC) of the striated adductor muscle of the scallop Aequipecten irradians by cloning and sequencing its cDNA. It is the first heavy chain sequence obtained in a directly Ca(2+)-regulated myosin. The 1938-amino acid sequence has an overall structure similar to other MHCs. The subfragment-1 region of the scallop MHC has a 59-62% sequence identity with sarcomeric and a 52-53% identity with nonsarcomeric (smooth and metazoan nonmuscle) MHCs. The heavy chain component of the regulatory domain (Kwon, H., Goodwin, E. B., Nyitray, L., Berliner, E., O'Neall-Hennessey, E., Melandri, F. D., and Szent-Gy?rgyi, A. G. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 4771-4775) starts at either Leu-755 or Val-760. Ca(2+)-sensitive Trp residues (Wells, C., Warriner, K. E., and Bagshaw, C. R. (1985) Biochem. J. 231, 31-38) are located near the C-terminal end of this segment (residues 818-827). More detailed sequence comparison with other MHCs reveals that the 50-kDa domain and the N-terminal two-thirds of the 20-kDa domain differ substantially between sarcomeric and nonsarcomeric myosins. In contrast, in the light chain binding region of the regulatory domain (residues 784-844) the scallop sequence shows greater homology with regulated myosins (smooth muscle, nonmuscle, and invertebrate striated muscles) than with unregulated ones (vertebrate skeletal and heart muscles). The N-terminal 25-kDa domain also contains several residues which are preserved only in regulated myosins. These results indicate that certain heavy chain sites might be critical for regulation. The rod has features typical of sarcomeric myosins. It is 52-60% and 30-33% homologous with sarcomeric and nonsarcomeric MHCs, respectively. A Ser-rich tailpiece (residues 1918-1938) is apparently nonhelical.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the Dictyostelium myosin II heavy chain (MHC) has a key role in regulating myosin localization in vivo and drives filament disassembly in vitro. Previous molecular analysis of the Dictyostelium myosin II heavy chain kinase (MHCK A) gene has demonstrated that the catalytic domain of this enzyme is extremely novel, showing no significant similarity to the known classes of protein kinases (Futey, L. M., Q. G. Medley, G. P. Cote, and T. T. Egelhoff. 1995. J. Biol. Chem. 270:523-529). To address the physiological roles of this enzyme, we have analyzed the cellular consequences of MHCK A gene disruption (mhck A- cells) and MHCK A overexpression (MHCK A++ cells). The mhck A- cells are viable and competent for tested myosin-based contractile events, but display partial defects in myosin localization. Both growth phase and developed mhck A- cells show substantially reduced MHC kinase activity in crude lysates, as well as significant overassembly of myosin into the Triton-resistant cytoskeletal fractions. MHCK A++ cells display elevated levels of MHC kinase activity in crude extracts, and show reduced assembly of myosin into Triton-resistant cytoskeletal fractions. MHCK A++ cells show reduced growth rates in suspension, becoming large and multinucleated, and arrest at the mound stage during development. These results demonstrate that MHCK A functions in vivo as a protein kinase with physiological roles in regulating myosin II localization and assembly in Dictyostelium cells during both growth and developmental stages.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence and exon/intron structure of the rat embryonic skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC) gene has been determined. This gene comprises 24 X 10(3) bases of DNA and is split into 41 exons. The exons encode a 6035 nucleotide (nt) long mRNA consisting of 90 nt of 5' untranslated, 5820 nt of protein coding and 125 nt of 3' untranslated sequence. The rat embryonic MHC polypeptide is encoded by exons 3 to 41 and contains 1939 amino acid residues with a calculated Mr of 223,900. Its amino acid sequence displays the structural features typical for all sarcomeric MHCs, i.e. an amino-terminal "globular" head region and a carboxy-terminal alpha-helical rod portion that shows the characteristics of a coiled coil with a superimposed 28-residue repeat pattern interrupted at only four positions by "skip" residues. The complex structure of the rat embryonic MHC gene and the conservation of intron locations in this and other MHC genes are indicative of a highly split ancestral sarcomeric MHC gene. Introns in the rat embryonic gene interrupt the coding sequence at the boundaries separating the proteolytic subfragments of the head, but not at the head/rod junction or between the 28-residue repeats present within the rod. Therefore, there is little evidence for exon shuffling and intron-dependent evolution by gene duplication as a mechanism for the generation of the ancestral MHC gene. Rather, intron insertion into a previously non-split ancestral MHC rod gene consisting of multiple tandemly arranged 28-residue-encoding repeats, or convergent evolution of an originally non-repetitive ancestral MHC rod gene must account for the observed structure of the rod-encoding portion of present-day MHC genes.  相似文献   

A point mutation in exon 13 of the beta cardiac myosin heavy chain (MHC) gene is present in all individuals affected with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC) from a large kindred. This missense mutation converts a highly conserved arginine residue (Arg-403) to a glutamine. Affected individuals from an unrelated family lack this missense mutation, but instead have an alpha/beta cardiac MHC hybrid gene. Identification of two unique mutations within cardiac MHC genes in all individuals with FHC from two unrelated families demonstrates that defects in the cardiac MHC genes can cause this disease. The pathology resulting from a missense mutation at residue 403 further suggests that a critical function of myosin is disrupted by this mutation.  相似文献   

The heavy chain fragments generated by restricted proteolysis of the smooth chicken gizzard myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) with trypsin, Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, and chymotrypsin were isolated and submitted to partial amino acid sequencing. The comparison between the smooth and striated muscle myosin sequences permitted the unambiguous structural characterization of the two protease-vulnerable segments joining the three putative domain-like regions of the smooth head heavy chain. The smooth carboxyl-terminal connector is a serine-rich region located around positions 632-640 of the rabbit skeletal sequence and would represent the "A" site that is conformationally sensitive to the myosin 10 S-6 transition and to its interaction with actin (Ikebe, M., and Hartshorne, D. J. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 6177-6185). A third site which undergoes a nucleotide-dependent chymotryptic cleavage which inactivates the Mg2+-ATPase (Okamoto, Y., and Sekine, T. (1981) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 90, 833-842, 843-849) was identified at Trp-31/Ser-32. It is vicinal to Lys-34 that is monomethylated in the skeletal heavy chain but not at all in the smooth sequence. However, the two trimethyl lysine residues present in the skeletal sequence are conserved in the same regions of the smooth S-1 and may play a general functional role in myosin. The smooth central 50-kDa segment could be selectively destroyed by a mild tryptic digestion in the absence of any unfolding agent, with a concomitant inhibition of the ATPase activities. This feature is in line with the proposed domain structure of the S-1 heavy chain and also suggests a relationship between the specific biochemical properties of the smooth S-1 and the particular conformation of its 50-kDa region.  相似文献   

An alpha/beta cardiac myosin heavy chain (MHC) hybrid gene is coinherited with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC) in one kindred. FHC is a disease of the heart muscle characterized by a thickening of the left ventricular wall with myocyte and myofibrillar disarray that is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. We demonstrate here and in the accompanying article that the cardiac MHC genes, which encode integral myofibrillar components, are mutated in all affected individuals from two unrelated families with FHC. In one kindred, an unequal crossover event during meiosis may have produced the alpha/beta cardiac MHC hybrid gene that is present in affected individuals. We conclude that mutations in the cardiac MHC genes can cause FHC.  相似文献   

Timson DJ 《Biochimie》2003,85(7):639-645
It has long been known that the essential light chain isoform of striated muscle affects the function of the myosin motor. There are two isoforms: A1-type and A2-type that differ by the presence of an extra 40 amino acids at the N-terminus of A1-type light chains. Evidence has accumulated from a variety of experimental techniques that this extension of A1-type light chains makes a direct contact with actin, increasing the overall affinity between myosin and actin and that this interaction is responsible for the modulation of myosin motor function. Some recent work, however, has provided some contradictory data. Experiments using more physiologically relevant forms of myosin have suggested that the effect of the N-terminal region of A1-type light chains may, in some circumstances, be to weaken, rather than strengthen the actin-myosin interaction. Work with transgenic mice in which this region was mutated showed no measurable phenotypic effects on either muscle or whole organism function questioning the in vivo significance of the light chain-actin interaction. It is also possible that the essential light chain has other functions in the cell. There is evidence that the protein may interact with IQGAP, a regulator of the actin cytoskeleton. The consequences of this interaction are unknown. This review aims to summarise the biochemical data on striated muscle myosin essential light chain isoform function and to reconcile it with these recent discoveries.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1987,105(6):2989-2997
In Dictyostelium amebas, myosin appears to be organized into filaments that relocalize during cell division and in response to stimulation by cAMP. To better understand the regulation of myosin assembly, we have studied the polymerization properties of purified Dictyostelium myosin. In 150 mM KCl, the myosin remained in the supernate following centrifugation at 100,000 g. Rotary shadowing showed that this soluble myosin was monomeric and that approximately 80% of the molecules had a single bend 98 nm from the head-tail junction. In very low concentrations of KCl (less than 10 mM) the Dictyostelium myosin was also soluble at 100,000 g. But rather than being monomeric, most of the molecules were associated into dimers or tetramers. At pH 7.5 in 50 mM KCl, dephosphorylated myosin polymerized into filaments whereas myosin phosphorylated to a level of 0.85 mol Pi/mol heavy chain failed to form filaments. The phosphorylated myosin could be induced to form filaments by lowering the pH or by increasing the magnesium concentration to 10 mM. The resulting filaments were bipolar, had blunt ends, and had a uniform length of approximately 0.43 micron. In contrast, filaments formed from fully dephosphorylated myosin were longer, had tapered ends, and aggregated to form very long, threadlike structures. The Dictyostelium myosin had a very low critical concentration for assembly of approximately 5 micrograms/ml, and this value did not appear to be affected by the level of heavy chain phosphorylation. The concentration of polymer at equilibrium, however, was significantly reduced, indicating that heavy chain phosphorylation inhibited the affinity of subunits for each other. Detailed assembly curves revealed that small changes in the concentration of KCl, magnesium, ATP, or H+ strongly influenced the degree of assembly. Thus, changes in both the intracellular milieu and the level of heavy chain phosphorylation may control the location and state of assembly of myosin in response to physiological stimuli.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Polymorphism of native myosin and myosin heavy chain (MHC) of fish skeletal muscles was analysed by pyrophosphate and SDS-gel electrophoreses.
  • 2.2. Depending on the species, three or four myosin isoforms were detected in the white muscle, one or two isoforms in the pure red muscle, and four isomyosins were found in the red muscle composed of red and pink (intermediate) fibres.
  • 3.3. It is suggested that all main types of fish muscle fibre (red, intermediate and white) differ in myosin isoform content.
  • 4.4. Myosin heavy chain of the red muscle is a distinct protein from that of the white muscle. However, structural differences between these proteins vary among species.

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