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Tuberculosis (TB) incidence rates vary substantially from regions to regions and from countries to countries. In countries such as Canada where TB incidence rate is low, increasing immigration trends may have significant impact on the TB transmission patterns in these countries. In this study we formulate a deterministic epidemiological model of TB transmission in two demographically distinct populations: Canadian born and foreign born populations, in order to investigate the effects of this demographic distinction on the short-term incidence and long-term transmission dynamics, and with special emphasis on the impact of immigration latent TB cases on the overall TB incidence rate in the whole population.  相似文献   

The risk for birth defects in the offspring of first-cousin matings has been estimated to increase sharply compared to non consanguineous marriages. As a general decline in the frequency of consanguineous marriages was observed in this century, one wonders whether consanguinity is still a factor in the appearance of birth defects in developed countries. Based on our registry of congenital anomalies we tried to answer to this question. In the population studied in North-Eastern France a consanguineous mating was known in 1.21% of the cases with congenital anomalies, vs. 0.27% in controls, (p < 0.001). The frequency of the malformations recorded paralleled the degree of consanguinity: out of 89 malformed children, 51 were seen in first-cousins mating (10.3 times more frequent than in offspring of non consanguineous couples), 17 in second-cousins marriages and 18 in more distant relatives mating. Three were uncle-niece marriage. Excluding known mendelian conditions these numbers were 73, 36, 17 and 17 respectively and the corresponding relative risk were 3.68, 3.01, 3.41 and 4.89 respectively. Therefore there is a negative dose-response effect between level of inbreeding and risk of congenital malformations. Consanguineous mothers were more often pregnant than non consanguineous mothers (p < 0.01) and they had more stillbirths than non consanguineous mothers. These results show that consanguinity is still a factor of birth defects and they must be taken into account for genetic counseling of inbred marriages, in developed countries.  相似文献   

Aneuploidy underlies failed development and possibly apoptosis of some preimplantation embryos. We employed a haploid model in the mouse to study the effects of aneuploidy on apoptosis in preimplantation embryos. Mouse metaphase II oocytes that were activated with strontium formed haploid parthenogenetic embryos with 1 pronucleus, whereas activation of oocytes with strontium plus cytochalasin D produced diploid parthenogenetic embryo controls with 2 pronuclei. Strontium induced calcium transients that mimic sperm-induced calcium oscillations, and ploidy was confirmed by chromosomal analysis. Rates of development and apoptosis were compared between haploid and diploid parthenogenetic embryos (parthenotes) and control embryos derived from in vitro fertilization (IVF). Haploid mouse parthenotes cleaved at a slower rate, and most arrested before the blastocyst stage, in contrast to diploid parthenotes or IVF embryos. Developmentally retarded haploid parthenotes exhibited apoptosis at a significantly higher frequency than did diploid parthenotes or IVF embryos. However, diploid parthenotes exhibited rates of preimplantation development and apoptosis similar to those of IVF embryos, indicating that parthenogenetic activation itself does not initiate apoptosis during preimplantation development. These results suggest that haploidy can lead to an increased incidence of apoptosis. Moreover, the initiation of apoptosis during preimplantation development does not require the paternal genome.  相似文献   

We investigated the temporal relationships between obesity, weight change and hyperinsulinemia in a population-based 4-year follow-up study of 695 middle-aged, non-diabetic, and normoinsulinemic men. Thirty-eight men developed hyperinsulinemia during the follow-up (fasting serum insulin > or = 12.0 mU/l). In logistic regression analysis adjusting for other risk factors, men with body mass index of > or = 26.7 kg/m2 (highest third) had a 6.6-fold (p = 0.001) risk of developing hyperinsulinemia, compared with men with body mass index of < 24.4 kg/m2 (lowest third). Correspondingly, men with waist-to-hip ratio of > or = 0.95 (highest third) had a 3.5-fold (p = 0.028) incidence of hyperinsulinemia compared with men with waist-to-hip ratio of < 0.90 (lowest third). Weight gain in middle age and weight gain from the age of 20 years to middle age were also associated with increased risk of hyperinsulinemia. Hyperinsulinemia at baseline was not associated with weight gain during the follow-up. This prospective population-based study emphasizes the importance of avoiding obesity and weight gain during adulthood in preventing hyperinsulinemia.  相似文献   

One hundred patients whose hypertension was originally well controlled were carefully screened when a routine clinic visit showed that their blood pressure was above 170/100 mm Hg. Simple misconceptions accounted for 75 failures: 38 did not know they had to continue their drugs, 14 thought they should not take antihypertensive drugs if they had not had a meal, 13 did not know which drugs controlled their blood pressure, and 10 believed it was better not to take their drugs on clinic days. Eleven patients were using racemic alpha-methyldopa, which was ineffective; 11 others said they could not afford the drugs; only three intentionally stopped their drugs because of unpleasant side effects. Patients need to be thoroughly informed about their treatment and the number of drugs kept to a minimum.  相似文献   

Molecular responses of plants to an increased incidence of heat shock   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Abstract. Climatic change as a result of the greenhouse effect is widely predicted to increase mean temperatures globally and, in turn, increase the frequency with which plants are exposed to heat shock conditions, particularly in the semi-arid tropics. The consequences of extreme high-temperature treatments on plants have been considered, particularly in relation to the synthesis of heat shock proteins (HSPs) and the capacity to acquire thermotolerance. The heat shock response is described using results obtained with seedlings of the tropical cereals, sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor ) and pearl millet ( Pennisetum glaucum ). A gradual temperature increase, as would occur in the field, is sufficient to induce thermotolerance. The synthesis of HSPs is a transient phenomenon and ceases once the stress is released. Despite the persistence of the HSPs themselves, de novo synthesis of HSPs is required for the induction of thermotolerance each time high temperatures are encountered. The effect of a repeated, diurnal heat shock was investigated and genotypic differences found in the ability to induce the heat shock response repeatedly.  相似文献   



To investigate the occupational risk of tuberculosis (TB) infection in a low-incidence setting, data from a prospective study of patients with culture-confirmed TB conducted in Hamburg, Germany, from 1997 to 2002 were evaluated.


M. tuberculosis isolates were genotyped by IS6110 RFLP analysis. Results of contact tracing and additional patient interviews were used for further epidemiological analyses.


Out of 848 cases included in the cluster analysis, 286 (33.7%) were classified into 76 clusters comprising 2 to 39 patients. In total, two patients in the non-cluster and eight patients in the cluster group were health-care workers. Logistic regression analysis confirmed work in the health-care sector as the strongest predictor for clustering (OR 17.9). However, only two of the eight transmission links among the eight clusters involving health-care workers had been detected previously. Overall, conventional contact tracing performed before genotyping had identified only 26 (25.2%) of the 103 contact persons with the disease among the clustered cases whose transmission links were epidemiologically verified.


Recent transmission was found to be strongly associated with health-care work in a setting with low incidence of TB. Conventional contact tracing alone was shown to be insufficient to discover recent transmission chains. The data presented also indicate the need for establishing improved TB control strategies in health-care settings.  相似文献   

To identify factors predicting abnormal behavior in laboratory monkeys, we observed all available singly housed 4- to 11-year-old male pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina), the species/age/sex group most likely to be referred to the Washington National Primate Research Center's Psychological Well-Being Program for behavioral assessment. Of the 87 subjects, 29 had been referred to the program whereas 58 had not. Abnormal behavior was unrelated to the subject's housing location (biocontainment vs. other facility) or invasiveness of research. Nursery-reared subjects displayed more abnormal behavior than mother-reared subjects. Across and within rearing categories, the proportion of the first 48 months of life spent singly housed was positively related to the amount of abnormal behavior at maturity. This effect was stronger for subjects separated from the mother for clinical rather than experimental reasons, and least for mother-reared subjects. Locomotor stereotypy, by far the most frequent form of abnormal behavior, was positively related to time in single housing but was unrelated to rearing. These results reinforce the importance of tactile social contact during juvenility for the prevention of abnormal behavior in social primates. They also suggest that self-directed abnormal behaviors and locomotor stereotypies have different etiologies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine factors responsible for the recent increase in tuberculosis in England and Wales. DESIGN--Study of the incidence of tuberculosis (a) in the 403 local authority districts in England and Wales, ranked according to Jarman score, and (b) in one deprived inner city district, according to ethnic origin and other factors. SETTING--(a) England and Wales 1980-92, and (b) the London borough of Hackney 1986-93. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Age and sex adjusted rate of tuberculosis. RESULTS--In England and Wales notifications of tuberculosis increased by 12% between 1988 and 1992. The increase was 35% in the poorest 10th of the population and 13% in the next two; and in the remaining 70% there was no increase. In Hackney the increase affected traditionally high risk and low risk ethnic groups to a similar extent. In the "low risk" white and West Indian communities the incidence increased by 58% from 1986-8 (78 cases) to 1991-3 (123), whereas in residents of Indian subcontinent origin the increase was 41% (from 51 cases to 72). Tuberculosis in recently arrived immigrants--refugees (11% of the Hackney population) and Africans (6%)--accounted for less than half of the overall increase, and the proportion of such residents was much higher than in most socioeconomically deprived districts. The local increase was not due to an increase in the proportion of cases notified, to HIV infection, nor to an increase in homeless people. CONCLUSIONS--The national rise in tuberculosis affects only the poorest areas. Within one such area all residents (white and established ethnic minorities) were affected to a similar extent. The evidence indicates a major role for socioeconomic factors in the increase in tuberculosis and only a minor role for recent immigration from endemic areas.  相似文献   

One hundred and seventy Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates were characterized by spoligotyping to evaluate the biodiversity of tubercle bacilli in a region of Brazil with a high incidence of tuberculosis (Pelotas and Rio Grande cities - Rio Grande do Sul State). The spoligotyping results were compared to the World Spoligotyping Database (Institut Pasteur de Guadeloupe), which contains data from >14,000 worldwide isolates of M. tuberculosis. The isolates clustered by spoligotyping were further characterized by IS6110-RFLP to confirm the clonal relationship. Sixty-six different spoligotypes were identified, grouping 125 of the isolates (74%). Approximately half of the isolates belonged to seven of the most frequently occurring spoligotypes in the database. Three shared types (with two or more isolates) not previously identified were given the type numbers 826, 827 and 863. An additional 45 spoligotypes were identified that did not match any existing database pattern. RFLP characterization reduced the number of isolates in most of the clusters, thereby showing a higher differentiation capacity than spoligotyping. These results highlight the importance of molecular epidemiology studies of tuberculosis in insufficiently studied regions with a high TB burden, in order to uncover the true extent of genetic diversity of the pathogen.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (bTB), caused by Mycobacterium bovis, continues to be a serious economic problem for the British cattle industry. The Eurasian badger (Meles meles) is partly responsible for maintenance of the disease and its transmission to cattle. Previous attempts to manage the disease by culling badgers have been hampered by social perturbation, which in some situations is associated with increases in the cattle herd incidence of bTB. Following the licensing of an injectable vaccine, we consider the relative merits of management strategies to reduce bTB in badgers, and thereby reduce cattle herd incidence. We used an established simulation model of the badger-cattle-TB system and investigated four proposed strategies: business as usual with no badger management, large-scale proactive badger culling, badger vaccination, and culling with a ring of vaccination around it. For ease of comparison with empirical data, model treatments were applied over 150 km(2) and were evaluated over the whole of a 300 km(2) area, comprising the core treatment area and a ring of approximately 2 km. The effects of treatment were evaluated over a 10-year period comprising treatment for five years and the subsequent five year period without treatment. Against a background of existing disease control measures, where 144 cattle herd incidents might be expected over 10 years, badger culling prevented 26 cattle herd incidents while vaccination prevented 16. Culling in the core 150 km(2) plus vaccination in a ring around it prevented about 40 cattle herd breakdowns by partly mitigating the negative effects of culling, although this approach clearly required greater effort. While model outcomes were robust to uncertainty in parameter estimates, the outcomes of culling were sensitive to low rates of land access for culling, low culling efficacy, and the early cessation of a culling strategy, all of which were likely to lead to an overall increase in cattle disease.  相似文献   

Contemporary adaptation of native prey species to invasive predators has been relatively well documented, but that of native predators to invasive prey has received less attention. Because the level of impact an invasive species will have on its predators versus its prey will determine changes in community trophic structure, it is important to understand how native predators respond to novel prey. Here we examine the response of native fence lizards to the invasion of red imported fire ants, a novel toxic prey. Examining invaded and uninvaded lizard populations, we tested whether or not aversion-learning occurs in juvenile fence lizards over successive feedings (within lifetime), how previous fire ant exposure may affect avoidance behavior (over generations), and whether population differences are consistent when prey choice exists. We also examine rates of phenotypic divergence in traits associated with the native species as both predator and prey. Aversion-learning did not occur in either population. Instead, the incidence of fire ant consumption increased over both successive feedings and generations. Lizards from the fire ant invaded population had a higher propensity to eat fire ants than fire ant-naïve lizards, even when given a choice between prey items. We found greater phenotypic divergence in traits associated with the native species as predator on, versus as prey to, fire ants. Although the strategy of eating these novel toxic prey can impose survival costs in the short term, over the longer-term, eating fire ants may cost little or even benefit survivors.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (Tb) caused by Mycobacterium bovis has proved refractory to eradication from domestic livestock in countries with wildlife disease reservoirs. Vaccination of wild hosts offers a way of controlling Tb in livestock without wildlife culling. This study was conducted in a Tb-endemic region of New Zealand, where the introduced Australian brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is the main wildlife reservoir of Tb. Possums were trapped and vaccinated using a prototype oral-delivery system to deliver the Tb vaccine bacille Calmette–Guerin. Vaccinated and control possums were matched according to age, sex and location, re-trapped bimonthly and assessed for Tb status by palpation and lesion aspiration; the site was depopulated after 2 years and post-mortem examinations were conducted to further identify clinical Tb cases and subclinical infection. Significantly fewer culture-confirmed Tb cases were recorded in vaccinated possums (1/51) compared with control animals (12/71); the transition probability from susceptible to infected was significantly reduced in both males and females by vaccination. Vaccine efficacy was estimated at 95 per cent (87–100%) for females and 96 per cent (82–99%) for males. Hence, this trial demonstrates that orally delivered live bacterial vaccines can significantly protect wildlife against natural disease exposure, indicating that wildlife vaccination, along with existing control methods, could be used to eradicate Tb from domestic animals.  相似文献   

Deciphering the structure of pathogen populations is instrumental for the understanding of the epidemiology and history of infectious diseases and for their control. Although Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the most widespread infectious agent in humans, its actual population structure has remained hypothetical until now because: (i) its structural genes are poorly polymorphic; (ii) adequate samples and appropriate statistics for population genetic analysis have not been considered. To investigate this structure, we analysed the statistical associations (linkage disequilibrium) between 12 independent M. tuberculosis minisatellite-like loci by high-throughput genotyping within a model population of 209 isolates representative of the genetic diversity in an area with a very high incidence of tuberculosis. These loci contain variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs) of genetic elements named mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units (MIRUs). Highly significant linkage disequilibrium was detected among the MIRU-VNTR loci in this model. This linkage disequilibrium was also evident when the MIRU-VNTR types were compared with the IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism types. These results support a predominant clonal evolution of M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in the incidence of tuberculosis (TB) has been widely assumed. However, few studies have investigated the association between extreme temperatures and the incidence of TB. We collected data on cases of TB and mean temperature in Fukuoka, Japan for 2008–2012 and used time-series analyses to assess the possible relationship of extreme temperatures with TB incident cases, adjusting for seasonal and interannual variation. Our analysis revealed that the occurrence of extreme heat temperature events resulted in a significant increase in the number of TB cases (relative risk (RR) 1.20, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 1.01–1.43). We also found that the occurrence of extreme cold temperature events resulted in a significant increase in the number of TB cases (RR 1.23, 95 % CI 1.05–1.45). Sex and age did not modify the effect of either heat or cold extremes. Our study provides quantitative evidence that the number of TB cases increased significantly with extreme heat and cold temperatures. The results may help public health officials predict extreme temperature-related TB incidence and prepare for the implementation of preventive public health interventions.  相似文献   

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