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Southern elephant seals were counted and classified into subjective sex-age classes on a weekly basis during expeditions to Bouvet Island in the austral summers of 1996/1997 and 1998/1999. The expeditions coincided with the moulting period of elephant seals aged one?year and older. The presence of weaned pups at the principal haulout site, Nyrøysa/Westwindstranda, during the latter expedition, indicates that breeding took place here during 1998. Elephant seal counts from previous expeditions are summarised.  相似文献   

The mucosal immune status of Australian Antarctic personnel was monitored during six wintering expeditions at two Australian Antarctic Research Stations, Casey in 1992, 1993, 1994, and Mawson in 1992, 1995, 1996. Salivary immunoglobulin and albumin levels were examined for differences between stations and expeditions, and for monthly changes over the expedition year. Salivary IgA and IgM concentrations were on average higher for the 1993 Casey expeditioners, and all salivary protein levels were lower for 1996 Mawson expeditioners compared to levels of the other expeditions. The change in salivary IgA and IgM concentrations over the 1-year period revealed a consistent pattern between expeditions. Salivary IgA levels were lower in March, April and May compared to other months of the year (P = 0.0002). Salivary IgM levels were lowest in the first 4 months of the year, with peak levels in June and July (P < 0.0001). There were no changes in salivary IgG and albumin concentrations over the expedition year. Though the cause of the changes in salivary IgA and IgM levels over the year is unknown, the changes could reflect alterations in mucosal immunity in response to stressors associated with isolation.  相似文献   

There has been a concerted world effort to explore, collect and conserve the genetic diversity of our crops and their wild relatives. To attain these objectives carefully planned expeditions are needed. The collecting team, the route and the timing of an expedition are discussed here. In particular, the collecting strategy, based on population sampling, the nature of the material, whether seeds (orthodox or recalcitrant) or vegetative material, and methods of storage during the expedition, arc of exceptional importance. Documentation of samples is also of particular importance as part of the overall strategy in germplasm exploration.  相似文献   

The benefits of field courses for biological science students are well established, but field courses also have limitations: they are generally too brief to allow significant research and they are staff-designed and led, limiting the development of student autonomy. In contrast, the value of student-organised field expeditions has been little researched. Here, as a case history, we analyse students’ attitudes to their experience of being selected for and taking part in University of Glasgow Exploration Society expeditions. Students regarded taking part in an expedition as one of the best things they had done in their life thus far. Expeditions were excellent value for money, provided opportunities to develop transferable skills (fund-raising, budgeting, report production, composing and delivering oral and written presentations, team-working and leadership, negotiation with stakeholders from different cultures) and provided scope for fieldwork skill development and substantial, publishable research. Participants also believed the expeditions provided real benefits to the communities visited. Participation in expeditions can contribute to each student’s Higher Education Achievement Report.  相似文献   

The circadian variation in salivary Cortisol concentration was investigated in four men during a traverse on foot, of the Greenland ice cap and of salivary Cortisol and testosterone on a summer expedition to Spitzbergen. In both instances circadian rhythmicity was demonstrated both before leaving the U.K. and throughout the expedition. The acrophase of the rhythms followed the changes in activity patterns on both expeditions although there was a dissociation between the Cortisol and testosterone following an acute 8 hr phase shift in Spitzbergen. The mesor of Cortisol in both instances tended to be higher than in the U.K. but the difference was never statistically significant. This work demonstrates the feasibility of using salivary steroid concentrations to investigate their circadian rhythmicity in circumstances where frequent blood sampling would be precluded.  相似文献   

George Ingle Finch (1888-1970) was the first person to prove the great value of supplementary oxygen for climbing at extreme altitudes. He did this during the 1922 Everest expedition when he and his companion, Geoffrey Bruce, reached an altitude of 8,320 m, higher than any human had climbed before. Finch was well qualified to develop the oxygen equipment because he was an eminent physical chemist. Many of the features of the 1922 design are still used in modern oxygen equipment. Finch also demonstrated an extraordinary tolerance to severe acute hypoxia in a low-pressure chamber experiment. Remarkably, despite Finch's desire to participate in the first three Everest expeditions in 1921-1924, he was only allowed to be a member of one. His rejection from the 1921 expedition was based on medical reports that were apparently politically biased. Then, following his record ascent in 1922, he was refused participation in the 1924 expedition for complex reasons related to his Australian origin, his forthright and unconventional views, and the fact that some people in the climbing establishment in Britain saw Finch as an undesirable outsider.  相似文献   

The plant hunting expeditions made by David Fairchild on board the research boat Utowana represented some of the most important contributions in the history of plant exploration. These expeditions targeted all the continents except Australia and Antarctica and provided germplasm for the United States Department of Agriculture. As part of our current research to document the details and outputs of David Fairchild’s plant hunting expeditions, in this paper we present an account pertinent to the three trips that he made to The Bahamas. Two of these trips were on board the Utowana and were part of larger expeditions that David Fairchild undertook to the West Indies, Central America and the Guianas between December 1931 and April 1933. No plant material was collected on the third trip when David Fairchild and his wife flew to Nassau in April 1939. We believe that the main focus of this last trip was to meet with Anne Archbold to make arrangements for the Chêng Ho expedition to the East Indies. This Asian endeavor was the only major expedition undertaken by David Fairchild to collect plant material for Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden (FTBG). During the Bahamian expedition eleven islands/cays were visited, 94 germplasm accessions (73 species) were collected, and 132 photographs were taken. Our research has been largely based on documents and photographs that belonged to David Fairchild and that are deposited at the Library and Archives of FTBG. “The more than ten years that I spent in the office that Fairchild founded for our Department of Agriculture made me a great admirer of Dr. Fairchild and to appreciate even more the work that he, Wilson Popenoe, and others in the Division had done for our country. Among their accomplishments was the encouragement or establishment as a crop or industry the date, fig, avocado, mango, pistachio, and other lesser known crops. These explorers were also concerned with introducing germ plasm, or breeding stock, for the improvement of traditional field crops, vegetables, and fruit plants, as well as the introduction and establishment of ornamental and other economic plants such as bamboos and Meyer’s Zoysia grass.” [Donovan Correll, from his unpublished autobiography “Notes from a Singing Plant Explorer," January 1983 (Korber et al., 2013)].  相似文献   

An exhaustive clinico-biochemical examination of the population of two kishlaks of the Samarkand Region, viz. Karakent (210 persons) and Ishan (248 persons) was carried out. The program of this examination permitted to exclude over 160 forms of hereditary pathology. A total of 45 persons affected with diseases belonging to 12 nosological forms were revealed in the course of the examination. Among the diseases observed only 5 are hereditary sensu stricto, viz. myoclonus-epilepsy, Bonevi-Ulrich's syndrome, imperfect osteogenesis, pigment choreoretinite and Down's syndrome, others belong to diseases with a pronounced hereditary predisposition. The main part of this group comprises neuro-psychic diseases, such as non-differentiated olygophreny (5.0%), epilepsy (1.3%), schizophreny; many of these cases have a familial character, particularly in Karakent. Besides the persons suffering from diseases, 20 heterozygous carriers of beta-thalassemia and 17 heterozygous carriers of G6PD-deficiency were discovered in the kishlaks examined. On the whole the frequency of the diseases revealed did not exceed the level in the general population. Despite the different degree of isolation of the kishlaks examined (Karakent is isolated on a religious basis, F = 0.0064; while Ishan is a desintagrated isolate, F = = 0.0014), no substantial differences between them in the distribution of pathological phenomena were observed. On the basis of the experience of this expedition recomendations are proposed concerning the origination and accomplishment of medico-genetic expeditions. A scheme is proposed for the performance of medico-genetic examination through several stages. The first stage in the composition of tentative maps of the distribution of hereditary diseases within a region on the basis of the information obtained from the medical personnel and from the examination of the documents of district and regional hospitals. Subsequently the primary information is specified, the regions to be examined are determined, as well as concrete tasks and the staff of the expedition. The conclusive stage is the medico-genetic examination proper, including clinical, biochemical, immunological and cytogenetic diagnoses of hereditary pathological phenomena. The place of the disposition is a village or a district hospital. More complicated laboratory studies should be performed on the basis of the institution by which the expedition is formed. The results obtained by such expeditions would be important for the investigation of the problems of genogeography, for the discovery of new forms of mutant alleles, for the investigation of the causes and the conditions of the formation of the definite populational structure, of clinical polymorphism of human hereditary diseases.  相似文献   


The expeditions to reach the South Pole mounted by Scott, Amundsen, and others between 1901 and 1912 have attracted considerable scholarly effort. These expeditions all took draught animals, which were key to the success or failure of the missions. Much of the literature in this field is highly partisan, focusing on the relative merits of Scott and Amundsen: the fates of their animals have received little attention except as ammunition for one side or another of this very polarized discourse. This paper describes the treatment of the dogs and ponies taken as draught animals on the expeditions led by Scott and Amundsen. These expeditions were planned such that animals would be used to pull sledges and slaughtered when required for food, or when the food for the animals ran out. Each of these expeditions is shown to have engaged in cruel practices and to have caused some animals extreme suffering. Scott's and Amundsen's management of their animals are compared. Amundsen kept close oversight of the care of the animals whereas Scott tended to delegate, with the results that on occasions Scott's animals did not receive timely attention and suffered as a result. Scott had reservations about using dogs because he viewed them mainly as intelligent companion animals. He had difficulties viewing dogs as working animals that might suffer, or as potential food, but no apparent reservations about using ponies in such ways. Amundsen's attitudes towards the dogs on his expedition and the animals' welfare outcomes are closely examined in this paper in the light of previous contentions that Amundsen was a serial animal abuser. While Amundsen also saw dogs as companions, he viewed them as draught animals and/or food sources as he felt his circumstances warranted. It is shown that outrage at the fates of Amundsen's dogs rests within past hagiographic endeavors in addition to modern western beliefs that dogs are pets, not draught animals; and from Western attitudes towards the consumption of dog flesh.  相似文献   

A prototype of an expert system for the identification of β-galactosidase positive Enterobacteriaceae has been developed, for use with the API 20 EC kit. The system is implemented in Prolog on an IBM PC AT with 640 K of central memory and 20 megabytes of secondary memory. Its objectives are to highlight errors that can occur when the kit is in use. It can indicate the presence of new groups or species and give advice or suggest additional tests for the differentiation of the new species from those included in the kit.  相似文献   

Collecting expeditions of Insect were conducted in Popa resort, Myanmar from Aug. 7, 2011 to Aug. 17, 2011. As a protected area of the Forest department, these areas were almost natural conservation field and limited to collection actions. There are rich biological diversity, among them, lots of insect discovered and collected. Usually on day time, butterflies collected by sweeping net, like various plants, they show high diversity. Lycaenidae of small size as well as large size like Papilionidae butterflies recognized in this expedition. Mostly Nymphalidae species are easily show on the road of mountain, otherwise some Papilionidae species are difficult to meet because they fly very high and fast, usually they visit to top of trees. Materials are expected more than 100 species belonging to 10 families but it was difficult to identification because of lack of references of this areas. Maybe lots of new or new recorded species will discover from Myanmar. Among them, with rare species, manifold butterflies are provided with photos, ecological notes and activities of Myanmar.  相似文献   

The Rawi Gully, located on the Homa Peninsula in southwestern Kenya, has produced several fossil elements of a large cercopithecid from sediments approximately 2.5 million years old (Ma). Nearly all of these elements appear to represent a single adult male individual of the colobine species Cercopithecoides kimeui Leakey, 1982. Part of the face, mandible, dentition, and several small postcranial fragments were collected by the Homa Peninsula Paleoanthropological Project (HPPP) in 1994 and 1995. This individual also appears to be represented by material collected in two previous expeditions to the site, one led by David Pilbeam in the 1970s and an earlier expedition led by L.S.B. Leakey in 1933. This specimen may extend the first appearance of C. kimeui by approximately 500 Kyr, and provides the first evidence for much of the male facial morphology in this species. Furthermore, Rawi may represent a more wooded habitat than the other occurrences of C. kimeui at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, and Koobi Fora, Kenya, indicating that C. kimeui may have been relatively flexible in its habitat preferences.  相似文献   

Calder  Dale R. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,530(1-3):13-25
Charles Cleveland Nutting (1858–1927) began his academic career at the University of Iowa, and at the Natural History Museum of the university, in 1886. A naturalist with a bent for ornithology, he became interested in cnidarians, and especially hydroids and alcyonarians, as an outcome of expeditions to the Bahamas in 1888 and 1893. Most noteworthy among his works on Cnidaria were three classic volumes on American hydroids, dealing respectively with Plumulariidae (1900), Sertulariidae (1904), and Campanulariidae and Bonneviellidae (1915). Other papers dealt with hydroids from Britain, Alaska and Puget Sound, Woods Hole and vicinity, Hawaii, and the Philippine region. He founded two new families, seven new genera, and 175 new species of Hydrozoa, ranking him among the top three authors of species names in the group. Nutting also described 206 new nominal species of Alcyonaria. Important among his works on alcyonarians were monographs on Indonesian material from the Siboga expedition, and on ’Albatross’ collections from Hawaii, Japan, and elsewhere in the northwest Pacific. While birds and later hydroids were Nutting’s primary research interests, much of his 41-year professional career was devoted to academic duties at the University of Iowa and to advancement of its Natural History Museum. As museum Director, he significantly expanded the collections, organized exhibits and public programs, and petitioned for satisfactory facilities and funding. Under his leadership, in whole or in part, expeditions to collect specimens for research, teaching, and exhibition were carried out to the Bay of Fundy (1890), Manitoba (1891), the Bahamas and vicinity (1893), Barbados and Antigua (1918), and Fiji and New Zealand (1922). In tribute to Nutting and his contributions to biology, one genus and more than 30 species are named in his honor.  相似文献   

After Schmidt’s discovery of the spawning area of the Atlantic eels Anguilla anguilla and A. rostrata, the search for the Japanese eel A. japonica began in the Pacific Ocean. In 1991, the spawning area of the Japanese eel was determined to be the western North Pacific. Because of enthusiastic research, eggs and maturing eels have been collected in the Japanese eel. These findings are the first for one of the 19 freshwater eels. The population sizes of the Japanese and Atlantic eels are linearly decreasing. Thus, these eel population sizes are considered outside of safe biological limits, and the current fisheries are not sustainable. Artificial propagation has not yet succeeded for the freshwater eels. Stock assessment and management of the European eel have received increasing attention; however, such assessments and management of the Japanese eel have not yet been seriously considered. This paper is an overview of the results of intensive spawning ground investigations of the Japanese eel and describes how the outcomes of these studies have contributed not only to biological interests but also to stock enhancement. During the past 20 years of expeditions, noticeable findings have only been collected for wild eggs and mature adult specimens in spite of the expenditure of large research grants and the large amounts of time invested. The outcomes throughout an expedition do not necessarily contribute to the development and improvement of artificial breeding techniques and stock enhancement. Thus, eel research should be more focused on the studies related to eel stock management.  相似文献   

The detailed structure of histograms constructed from the results of synchronous measurements of the alpha-activity of 239Pu microsamples, conducted in Pushchino (Moscow Region, Russia) and on board the ship "Academician Fedorov" during the Arctic and Antarctic expeditions (2000 and 2001) was analyzed. It was shown that, if the histograms were constructed over a total period of 15 min and more, the "local zone effect" and the circadian periodicity in the similarity of histogram structure, observed during measurements in Pushchino, are not found in measurements on board the ship near the North Pole (latitude 82 degrees). If the histograms were constructed over a total time of 1 min, a strict periodicity ("stellar day" 23 h 56 min) in the appearance of similar histograms in Pushchino and the Arctic and a strict synchronicity of the appearance of similar histograms of measurements in Pushchino and on board the ship at the same local geographical time were observed. During the Antarctic expedition, the effect of synchronicity of the appearance of similar histograms in Pushchino and on board the ship decreased as the ship moved towards the South Pole and the difference in latitude between the points of measurements increased.  相似文献   

During three expeditions with the RVs Meteor and Polarstern more than sixty thousand peracarids were sampled from the deep Arctic Ocean (northern North Atlantic) by means of an epibenthic sledge. Sampling areas were the Kolbeinsey Ridge north of Iceland (800–1100 m), the Northeast Water Polynya, off Greenland (45–517m), and 75°N east of Greenland (197–2681m). Until now 288 species of Peracarida have been identified to species level. These 288 species comprise 152 genera and 59 families of Amphipoda, Cumacea, Isopoda, Mysidacea and Tanaidacea. Thirty-eight genera were very frequent and were sampled at each expedition (these were 22 species of Isopoda, seven species of Cumacea, three species of Amphipoda and Mysidacea, each, and two species of Tanaidacea). Sixty genera are eurybathic, occurring at least over a depth range of 1000m, some even from the shelf up to 2681m depth. Only 10 genera are stenobathic, occurring only in the deep sea. No significant decrease in species number with depth or latitude could be observed. The influencing factors probably causing different community structures are diverse, ranging from food availability over substrate or hydrographical qualities to interspecific competition.  相似文献   

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