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In vitro fertilization (IVF) in pigs is still considered sub-optimal, due to the occurrence of polyspermy, as well as the inter- and intra-boar variability in sperm characteristics. Numerous studies have investigated the relationship between fresh and frozen-thawed semen parameters, such as motility, morphology and viability with in vitro fertility in order to develop methods of selecting boars for use in IVF. These studies have clearly shown that sperm parameters have limited value in predicting IVF efficiency. On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that the requirements of boar sperm during co-incubation with the oocytes (sperm:oocyte ratio, substances added to the fertilization medium and co-incubation time) vary among boars. Preliminary assays required for individual males will be discussed with the objective of reaching maximum efficiency of in vitro fertilization.  相似文献   

Manoeuverability is a key requirement for successful terrestrial locomotion, especially on variable terrain, and is a deciding factor in predator-prey interaction. Compared with straight-line running, bend running requires additional leg force to generate centripetal acceleration. In humans, this results in a reduction in maximum speed during bend running and a published model assuming maximum limb force as a constraint accurately predicts how much a sprinter must slow down on a bend given his maximum straight-line speed. In contrast, greyhounds do not slow down or change stride parameters during bend running, which suggests that their limbs can apply the additional force for this manoeuvre. We collected horizontal speed and angular velocity of heading of horses while they turned in different scenarios during competitive polo and horse racing. The data were used to evaluate the limits of turning performance. During high-speed turns of large radius horizontal speed was lower on the bend, as would be predicted from a model assuming a limb force limit to running speed. During small radius turns the angular velocity of heading decreased with increasing speed in a manner consistent with the coefficient of friction of the hoof-surface interaction setting the limit to centripetal force to avoid slipping.  相似文献   

We performed a repeated measures experiment to show that the pacing of a cyclic, ballistic drawing task has a fractal dimension. We also estimated the dimensionality of the force used to grip the drawing implement. Finally, we present an analysis of pediatric data to show that grip force has a fractal dimension in an actual handwriting task. In our experiment, subjects drew circles of varying sizes and at varying rates on a digitizing tablet, using a pen instrumented to measure radial force applied to its barrel. Subjects also drew circles in synchrony with a metronome. We found strong evidence for fractal scaling of both drawing period and grip force in the circle-drawing study. The dimensionality ranged from fractal Gaussian noise (fGn) to fractal Brownian motion, with Hurst coefficients clustering around the value for 1/f noise. When the subjects were required to synchronize their drawing with a metronome, the Hurst coefficient for the drawing period decreased, while the coefficient for grip force did not. This result indicates that independent processes control the variations in pacing and grip force. Grip force in the handwriting study also displayed fractal properties, with Hurst coefficients in the range of correlated fGn. We draw parallels between our handwriting measurements and studies of human gait.  相似文献   

The present study shows the occurrence of remarkable interannual variation in the meteorological conditions at Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, South Shetlands Islands, Antarctica), in which one of the summers was significantly colder than the others. Within this climatic scenario, a limnological study was carried out at Lake Limnopolar during three consecutive summer seasons (2001/2002, 2002/2003 and 2003/2004). The year-to-year meteorological variation observed during this period resulted in marked differences in the timing and duration of the ice-free period. As a result, physical and chemical conditions changed and were followed by variations in the biological characteristics of the lake. More significant dissimilarities took place during summer 2003/2004 relative to the preceding years. This season was characterized by a delay of 55 or 25 days in the ice-out timing compared to 2001/2002 or 2002/2003, respectively, and also a much shorter ice-free period. Higher algal and bacterial abundances in the surface layers occurred at the onset of ice melting due to increases in nutrients and light availability. The trophic interactions could also be affected by ice-out timing, as a consequence of the prolongation of the ice-cover period. From our findings, we describe links between the meteorological variations during those 3 years and the shifts in the water bodies, pointing out their high sensitivity to environmental changes that may occur at different time-scales. Furthermore, our results emphasize how the interannual meteorological variability needs to be investigated as a triggering factor of the limnological variations to understand the effects of global change on limnetic ecosystems in Maritime Antarctica.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. This review considers the periodic cycles of species dominance in a wide selection of temperate lakes. By ascribing individual species to assemblages, a high incidence of similarity among periodic cycles is demonstrated. Reference to lakes at high and low latitudes, as well as to rivers, shows conformity to parts of the same broad patterns.
2. The role of population dynamics in shaping community structure is emphasized. Two types of change are recognized: autogenic, undirectional subsequences (successions), regulated by specific responses to critically changing resource-ratio gradients; and allogenic changes, regulated by variability in the physical environment.
3. Analysis of the responses of representative species to allogenic change permits further grouping of the assemblages. These groupings coincide with clear morphological distinctions among the same phytoplankton species according to their unit sizes and surface area/volume ratios.
4. It is argued that these properties condition the physiological responses of algae to seasonal variations in temperature, mixing and exposure to the underwater light field. The responses are compounded by relative resistances to loss processes (sinking, grazing), by short-term photosynthetic adaptation and vertical migratory behaviour.
5. Graphical summaries are presented that relate the morphologically-, physiologically- and behaviourally-mediated responses to a hierarchy of physical, chemical and biotic environmental variables. Phytoplankton periodicity is the outcome of these interactions.  相似文献   

Barlow PW  Fisahn J 《Annals of botany》2012,110(2):301-318


Correlative evidence has often suggested that the lunisolar tidal force, to which the Sun contributes 30 % and the Moon 60 % of the combined gravitational acceleration, regulates a number of features of plant growth upon Earth. The time scales of the effects studied have ranged from the lunar day, with a period of approx. 24·8 h, to longer, monthly or seasonal variations.


We review evidence for a lunar involvement with plant growth. In particular, we describe experimental observations which indicate a putative lunar-based relationship with the rate of elongation of roots of Arabidopsis thaliana maintained in constant light. The evidence suggests that there may be continuous modulation of root elongation growth by the lunisolar tidal force. In order to provide further supportive evidence for a more general hypothesis of a lunisolar regulation of growth, we highlight similarly suggestive evidence from the time courses of (a) bean leaf movements obtained from kymographic observations; (b) dilatation cycles of tree stems obtained from dendrograms; and (c) the diurnal changes of wood–water relationships in a living tree obtained by reflectometry.


At present, the evidence for a lunar or a lunisolar influence on root growth or, indeed, on any other plant system, is correlative, and therefore circumstantial. Although it is not possible to alter the lunisolar gravitational force experienced by living organisms on Earth, it is possible to predict how this putative lunisolar influence will vary at times in the near future. This may offer ways of testing predictions about possible Moon–plant relationships. As for a hypothesis about how the three-body system of Earth–Sun–Moon could interact with biological systems to produce a specific growth response, this remains a challenge for the future. Plant growth responses are mainly brought about by differential movement of water across protoplasmic membranes in conjunction with water movement in the super-symplasm. It may be in this realm of water movements, or even in the physical forms which water adopts within cells, that the lunisolar tidal force has an impact upon living growth systems.  相似文献   

Fecundity of orange roughy in 1987–1989 adjusted for standard length (S.L.) varied significantly between New South Wales (42 787 eggs female−1) South Australia (35 339 eggs female−1) and east Tasmania (31 085 eggs female−1). Only 10-17% of the variability in fecundity of eastern Tasmania orange roughy was explained by s.l . in any year from 1987–1992. However, liver condition and age of the fish, in combination with s.l ., explained 27% of the variation in fecundity. Fecundity declined in fish over 60 years old. It was also significantly correlated with lipid levels in the ovary, in particular, with triacylglycerol as a proportion of the total lipid fraction. Significant interannual changes in fecundity appeared to be related to the impact of fishing. From 1987–1992, the orange roughy stock off east Tasmania was reduced by 50% by the fishery, and mean fecundity increased 20% over that period. This compensatory increase in individual fecundity, combined with an apparent increase in the proportion of females spawning annually from 54 to 71%, limited the decline in the population's egg production over this period to approximately 15%.  相似文献   

By comparing the time of the same distance swum with and without an added resistance, under the assumption of an equal power output in both cases, the drag of 73 top swimmers was estimated. The active drag Fr(a.d.) at maximal swimming velocities varied considerably across strokes and individuals. In the females Fr(a.d.) ranged from 69.78 to 31.16 N in the front-crawl, from 83.04 to 37.78 N in dolphin, from 93.56 to 45.19 N in breaststroke, and from 65.51 to 37.79 N in back-stroke. In the males Fr(a.d.) ranged from 167.11 to 42.23 N in front-crawl, from 156.09 to 46.95 N in dolphin, from 176.87 to 55.61 N in breaststroke, and from 146.28 to 46.36 N in back-stroke. Also, the ratio of Fr(a.d.) to the passive drag Fr(a.d.) as determined for the analogical velocity in a tugging condition (in standard body position-front gliding) shows considerable individual variations. In the female swimmers variations in Fr(a.d.)/Fr(p.d.) ranged from 145.17 to 59.94% in front-crawl, from 192.39 to 85.57% in dolphin, from 298.03 to 124.50% in breaststroke, and from 162.87 to 85.61% in back-stroke. In the male swimmers variations in Fr(a.d.)/Fr(p.d.) ranged from 162.24 to 62.39% in front-crawl, from 191.70 to 70.38% in dolphin, from 295.57 to 102.83% in breaststroke, and from 198.82 to 74.48% in back-stroke. The main reason for such variations is found in the individual features of swimming technique and can be quantitatively estimated with the hydrodynamic force coefficient, which thus provides an adequate index of technique.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of cadence in cycling technique by quantifying phase relationships for a number of important variables at the crank and lower extremity joints. Any difference in the effect of cadence on force, effectiveness, and power phases would indicate an essential change in coordination pattern. Cycle kinetics was recorded for 10 male competitive cyclists at five cadences (60–100 rpm) at submaximal load (260 W). Joint powers were calculated using inverse dynamics methods. All data were expressed as a function of crank position. The phase of the crank mechanical profiles (total force, crank and joint power, and effectiveness) was calculated using four methods: crank angle of maximum (MA) and minimum (MI), fitting a sine wave (SI) and by cross-correlation (XC). These methods, apart from the MA method, showed the same relative phase. The variables, however, showed different phases being expressed as time lag: force effectiveness: 0.131 (±0.034) s; total force: 0.149 (±0.021) s; power: 0.098 (±0.027) s. The phases in joint powers hip 0.071 (±0.008), knee 0.082 (±0.009), and hip 0.077 (±0.012) were only well described by XC, and were somewhat lower than the crank power phase. These differences indicate the potential effect of inertia of the lower limb in phase shifts from joints to crank. Furthermore, the differences between the various crank variables indicate a change of technique with cadence.  相似文献   

Rozak DA  Rozak AJ 《BioTechniques》2008,44(6):811-813
We previously showed that an ambigraphic nucleic acid notation, based on symmetrical lowercase Roman characters, permits users to complement DNA by physically rotating the sequence text 180 degrees . This article describes an enhanced ambigraphic notation, which uses concept-related symbol design, rather than the arbitrary set of symbols that constitute the Roman alphabet, to logically encode the four DNA bases and 11 ambiguity characters. As ambigrams, the symbols continue to permit the rapid derivation of complementary sequences and visualization of palindromic DNA. In addition, the new AmbiScript notation uses legibility principles to support the identification of sequence polymorphism and improves writing efficiency by requiring fewer strokes per character than the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) notation.  相似文献   

The maintenance of steady contractions is required in many daily tasks. However, there is little understanding of how various lower limb configurations influence the ability to maintain force. The purpose of the current investigation was to examine the influence of joint angle on various lower-limb constant force contractions. Nineteen adults performed knee extension, knee flexion, and ankle plantarflexion isometric force contractions to 11 target forces, ranging from 2 to 95% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) at 2 angles. Force variability was quantified with mean force, standard deviation, and the coefficient of variation of force output. Non-linearities in force output were quantified with approximate entropy. Curve fitting analyses were performed on each set of data from each individual across contractions to further examine whether joint angle interacts with global functions of lower-limb force variability. Joint angle had significant effects on the model parameters used to describe the force-variability function for each muscle contraction (p < 0.05). Regularities in force output were more explained by force level in smaller angle conditions relative to the larger angle conditions (p < 0.05). The findings support the notion that limb configuration influences the magnitude and regularities in force production. Biomechanical factors, such as joint angle, along with neurophysiological factors should be considered together in the discussion of the dynamics of constant force production.  相似文献   

Acute effects of intramuscular aponeurotomy on muscle force and geometry as a function to muscle length were studied in rat m. gastrocnemius medialis (GM). Acutely after aponeurotomy, activation of the muscle at increasing lengths (acute trajectory) showed a spontaneous and progressive but patial tearing of the connective tissue interface between the fibres inserting directly proximally and distally to the location of the section. After this the muscle consisted morphologically of a stable proximal and a distal part (post-aponeurotomy). Post-aponeurotomy mean active sarcomere length within fibres of the proximal part was shown to be unaffected. In contrast, mean sarcomere length within the distal part was reduced substantially after aponeurotomy. However active sarcomeres in the distal part were still attaining higher lengths with increasing muscle lengths (p<0.005), indicating myofascial force transmission through the intact part of the connective tissue interface of the muscle parts. Post-aponeurotomy optimum muscle force was reduced substantially to less than 45% of pre-aponeurotomy values. During the acute trajectory the muscle yielded approximately 20% higher forces than post-aponeurotomy, indicating that myofascial force transmission was related to the area of connective tissue interface. It is concluded that after aponeurotomy of the proximal aponeurosis of rat GM, fibres without direct myotendinous connection to the origin of the muscle are still able to contribute to muscle force. As the magnitude of reduction in muscle force can only be explained partially by the spontaneous rupture of the connective tissue interface between proximal and distal muscle part, other factors causing a decrease of muscle force are present. Clinical implication of acute effects of intramuscular aponeurotomy are discussed.  相似文献   

Adaptive hitchhiking effects on genome variability   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The continuing deluge of nucleotide polymorphism data is providing insights into the role of adaptation in shaping genome-wide patterns of variability and molecular evolution. Population genetic models in which linkage and selection interact (i.e. hitchhiking) predict that selection can leave 'footprints' in closely linked genomic regions. New analytical approaches show promise for distinguishing the signature of adaptation from that of several non-adaptive alternatives. Accounting for the effects of population structure and history poses a challenge for future investigations.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview about the non-cancer health effects for children from relevant chemical agents in our environment. In addition, a meta-analysis was conducted on the association between sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and maternal smoking during pregnancy as well as postnatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS).In children, birth deformities, neurodevelopment, reproductive outcomes and respiratory system are mainly affected by chemical exposures. According to recent systematic reviews, evidence is sufficient for cognitive impairments caused by low lead exposure levels. Evidence for neurotoxicity from prenatal methylmercury exposure is sufficient for high exposure levels and limited for low levels. Prenatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and related toxicants results in cognitive and motor deficits.Maternal smoking during pregnancy is a risk factor for preterm birth, foetal growth deficit and SIDS. The meta-analytic pooled risk estimate for SIDS based on 15 studies is 2.94 (95% confidence interval: 2.43–3.57). Postnatal exposure to ETS was found to increase the SIDS risk by a factor of 1.72 (95% CI: 1.28–2.30) based on six studies which took into account maternal smoking during pregnancy. Additionally, postnatal ETS exposure causes acute respiratory infections, ear problems, respiratory symptoms, more severe asthma, and it slows lung growth. These health effects are also of concern for postnatal exposure to ambient and indoor air pollution.Children differ from adults with respect to several aspects which are relevant for assessing their health risk. Thus, independent evaluation of toxicity in childhood populations is essential.  相似文献   

The study investigated the effects of circadian rhythm of cortisol (C) and testosterone (T) on maximal force production (Fpeak) and power output (Ppeak). Twenty male university students (mean age = 23.8 ± 3.6 years, height = 177.5 ± 6.4 cm, weight = 78.9 ± 11.2 kg) performed 4 time-of-day testing sessions consisting of countermovement jumps (CMJs), squat jumps (SJ), isometric midthigh pulls (IMTPs), and a 1-repetition maximum (1RM) squat. Saliva samples were collected at 0800, 1200, 1600, and 2000 hours to assess T and C levels on each testing day. Session rate-of-perceived exertion (RPE) scores were collected after each session. The results showed that Fpeak and Ppeak presented a clear circadian rhythm in CMJ and IMTP but not in SJ. One repetition maximum squat did not display a clear circadian rhythm. Session RPE scores collected at 0800 and 2000 hours were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher than those obtained at 1200 and 1600 hours. Salivary T and C displayed a clear circadian rhythm with highest values at 0800 hours and lowest at 2000 hours; however, no significant correlation was found between T and C with Fpeak and Ppeak. A very strong correlation was found between Taural with Fpeak of CMJ and IMTP and Ppeak of CMJ (r = 0.86, r = 0.84 and r = 0.8, p ≤ 0.001). The study showed the existence of a circadian rhythm in Fpeak and Ppeak in CMJ and IMTP. The evidence suggests that strength and power training or testing should be scheduled later during the day. The use of Taural seemed to be a more effective indicator of physical performance than hormonal measures, and the use of session RPE should also be closely monitored because it may present a circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of natural and synthetic androgens on children's erythropoietic precursor cells in culture. Cultures of normal marrow were carried out according to a miniaturized methylcellulose method in the presence of erythropoietin. We then evaluated the effects of testosterone, nortestosterone, fluoxymesterone and etiocholanolone (10(-9)-10(-6) M) on erythroid colony-forming units (CFU-E) and burst-forming units (BFU-E). Androgen-induced growth of erythroid progenitors was quantified by directly scoring colonies and by a biochemical determination of the uroporphyrinogen I synthase activity (UROS). We observed a significant increase (p less than or equal to 0.05) in the number of CFU-E and BFU-E and in the UROS activity of derived colonies in the presence of androgens (10(-8) or 10(-7)M). This microculture assay could be useful not only to study the effect of androgens on erythroid progenitor cells in culture, but also to predict the best androgenic treatment of anemia in children and adults.  相似文献   

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