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Steroids and receptors in canine mammary cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aims of this study were to investigate the serum and tissue content of androgens and estrogens in canine inflammatory mammary carcinomas (IMC) as well as in non-inflammatory malignant mammary tumors (MMT), and assessed the immunoexpression of estrogen and androgen receptors using immunohistochemistry. Profiles for the androgens dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), androstenedione (A4), and testosterone (T), and for the estrogens 17beta estradiol (E2) and estrone-sulphate (SO4E1) were measured both in tissue homogenates and in serum of MMT and IMC by EIA techniques in 42 non-inflammatory malignant mammary tumors (MMT) and in 14 inflammatory mammary carcinomas (IMC), prospectively collected from 56 female dogs. Androgen receptor (AR) and estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) and beta (ERbeta) expression was studied using immunohistochemistry (strepavidin-biotin-peroxidase method) in samples of 32 MMT and 14 IMC, and counted by a computer image analyzer. IMC serum and tissue levels of androgens were significantly higher than MMT levels. Tissue content of estrogens was also significantly higher in IMC than in MMT. Serum values of SO4E1 were significantly higher in IMC, but serum levels of E2 were significantly lower in IMC compared to MMT cases. Medium-high androgen receptor intensity was observed in 64.28% of IMC and 40.62% of MMT. No important differences were found between ERalpha expression in IMC (100% negative) and MMT (90% negative). ERbeta and AR were intensely expressed in highly malignant inflammatory mammary carcinoma cells. To our knowledge, this is the first report relative to AR immunohistochemistry in canine mammary cancer and to estrogens or androgens in serum of dogs with benign or malignant mammary tumors.  相似文献   

Versican plays a role in tumor cell proliferation and adhesion and may also regulate cell phenotype. Furthermore, it is one of the pivotal proteoglycans in mesenchymal condensation during prechondrogenesis. We have previously demonstrated accumulation of versican protein in myoepithelial-like spindle cell proliferations and myxoid tissues of complex and mixed mammary tumors of dogs. The objective of this study was to investigate whether the high expression of versican relates to prechondrogenesis in these tissues. Therefore, we aimed to identify cartilage markers, such as collagen type II and aggrecan both at mRNA and protein level in relation to versican. The neopitope of chondoitin-6-sulphate (3B3) known to be generated in developing cartilage has been investigated by immunohistochemisty and a panel of antibodies were used to characterize the phenotype of cells that are involved in cartilage formation. In addition, co-localization of versican with hyaluronan and link protein was studied. RT-PCR revealed upregulation of genes of versican, collagen type II and aggrecan in neoplastic tissues, especially in complex and mixed tumors. Immunohistochemistry showed the expression of cartilage biomarkers not only in the cartilagenous tissues of mixed tumors, but also in myoepitheliomas and in the myoepithelial-like cell proliferations and myxoid areas of complex and mixed tumors. The results show the cartilagenous differentiation of complex tumors and myoepitheliomas and indicate that the myxoid tissues and myoepithelial-like cell proliferations are the precursor tissues of the ectopic cartilage in mixed tumors. Furthermore, we suggest that cartilage formation in canine mammary tumors is a result of (myo)epithelial to mesenchymal transition.  相似文献   

Three components of the steroid hormone signalling system, 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, androgen binding proteins and steroid hormone signalling molecule testosterone were determined in the filamentous fungus Cochliobolus lunatus for the first time in a fungus. Their possible role in C. lunatus is discussed in comparison with their role in mammalian steroid hormone signalling system. The results are in accordance with the hypothesis, that the elements of the primordial signal transduction system should exist in present day eukaryotic microorganisms.  相似文献   

Summary Five spontaneous canine mammary tumors were cultured in vitro and cell lines were established. The tumors included three frozen carcinomas, fine-needle aspirate from one fresh carcinoma, and one fresh atypical benign mixed tumor. The cell lines have so far been cultured for about 2 yr and passaged between 45 and 200 times. The cell lines expressed different types of intermediate filaments, including a heterogenous pattern. In some cases no intermediate filaments were expressed. Ultrastructure studies showed epithelial cells and cells intermediate between epithelial and myoepithelial types. Retrovirus associated A-particles were found in two carcinomas. The mixed mammary tumor cell line formed ductlike structures in collagen substrate. The cell lines grew when inoculated s.c. into male nude mice. Two carcinomas caused lymph node metastases in two mice and another carcinoma single lung metastases in one tested mouse. DNA hypodiploidy, studied by flow cytometry, in one of the primary carcinoma was retained in vitro, and this cell line showed polyploidy during later passages. The other cell lines had a more unstable DNA profile, although a tendency for polyploidy was found. These findings were also illustrated in chromosome studies.  相似文献   

The discovery of cysteine-rich secretory protein 3 (CRISP3) has been made in human neutrophils for the first time. Cloning of the complementary DNA (cDNA) for CRISP3 was performed from a cDNA library of human bone marrow. In patients with mammary carcinoma, we found that lower expression of CRISP3 was connected to a significantly improved DFS (disease-free survival) and OS (overall survival). Furthermore, the CRISP3 protein level was significantly associated with negative ANXA1 protein level. In addition, the heterogeneous expression of CRISP3 had been exhibited in diverse mammary carcinoma cells. A significant higher mRNA and the protein level of CRISP3 were seen in T-47D as well as SK-BR-3 cells compared with those in other types of mammary carcinoma cells. Knockdown of CRISP3 in T-47D or SK-BR-3 cells resulted in the weakened migration or invasion abilities. Furthermore, CRISP3 knockdown significantly inhibited the ERK1/2 MAPK signaling pathway in T-47D or SK-BR-3 cells. Research results indicated that the lowering in the expression of CRISP3 is likely to serve as an unprecedented approach for the treatment of mammary carcinoma.  相似文献   

The coordinated interaction of the components of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) with reproductive hormones such as progesterone, oestrogens and cortisol during pregnancy has been widely reported to play a vital role in foetal and placental development in various species, significantly influencing the proper achievement of pregnancy and foetal viability at birth. These interactions have not yet been clarified in mares. Thus, the purpose of the present research was to analyse the relationship between cortisol (CORT), progesterone (P4) and oestrone sulphate (OESTRONE), and the components of the RAAS, renin (REN), angiotensin II (ANG-II) and aldosterone (ALD) concentrations in Spanish broodmares during pregnancy.Venous blood samples were obtained monthly from a total of 31 Purebred Spanish broodmares aged between 5 and 15 years during the 11 months of pregnancy. Plasma and serum REN, ANG-II, ALD, P4, OESTRONE and CORT concentrations were analysed by competitive immunoassay. Pregnancy in Purebred Spanish broodmares is characterised by a progressive increase in REN and ALD, a decrease in CORT levels, variable fluctuations in P4 and OESTRONE and no variations in ANG-II concentrations (P < 0.05). Serum P4 was not correlated with either ALD or CORT. The OESTRONE and REN levels were not correlated, while OESTRONE and ALD showed a positive correlation (r = 0.16; P < 0.05). These results suggest that the sustained stimulation of the RAAS in normal pregnancy in Spanish broodmares is not totally dependent on the changes in P4 and CORT concentrations, despite the involvement of OESTRONE in the secretion of ALD. This brings into question the possible involvement of oestrogen in the secretion of ALD by a mechanism which is not exclusively dependent on REN. Consequently, at physiological levels, OESTRONE is not the only stimulus for REN synthesis, and the mineralocorticoids ALD and CORT do not show a competitive mechanism with P4 during pregnancy in mares. Other mechanisms which do not depend on these hormones should be considered in the modification of the RAAS during pregnancy in Spanish mares.  相似文献   

Bovine mastitis is the most common disease in dairy cattle. Bacterial infections are the main cause of mastitis. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a major structural component of the cell wall of Escherichia coli, is a good inducer used to replicate inflammation models. 8‐Methoxypsoralen (8‐MOP), a formerly considered photosensitizing agent, has been used in immunotherapy. This study investigated the protective effects of 8‐MOP on LPS‐induced inflammatory injury in bovine mammary epithelial cells (BMECs). LPS treatment (50 μg/mL for 12 hr) caused a decrease in cell viability, morphological damage, and cell apoptosis. Pretreatment with 8‐MOP at concentrations of 25 and 50 μg/ml significantly attenuated LPS‐induced inflammation in BMECs. qRT‐PCR analysis revealed that the messenger RNA expression of inflammatory cytokines and chemokine (interleukin‐1β [IL‐1β], IL‐6, tumor necrosis factor‐α, and IL‐8) was suppressed by 8‐MOP in LPS‐stimulated BMECs. Western blot analysis showed that 8‐MOP could also reduce the protein levels of cyclooxygenase‐2 and promote the translocation of high‐mobility group box 1 from the nucleus to cytoplasm. Furthermore, the anti‐inflammatory property of 8‐MOP was mediated by inhibiting nuclear factor kappa‐light‐chain‐enhancer of activated B cells activation and STAT1 phosphorylation. Taken together, 8‐MOP could protect cells from inflammatory injury induced by LPS, and may be a potential agent against bovine mastitis.  相似文献   

This report describes normal histology of tissues from immature female dogs and sequential microscopic changes that occur during different stages of the estrous cycle in ovary, uterus, vagina and mammary glands. These observations are associated with a literature review of concurrent estrous cycle plasma hormone levels and expression of sex steroid receptors in these tissues. The combined review of different aspects of the estrous cycle in the dog provides readers with a comprehensive presentation and may guide investigators that are involved in testing compounds with hormonal effects in female dogs.  相似文献   

Summary Five different mouse mammary tumor cell lines were propagated in a serum free medium. Evaluation of growth characteristics, including logarithmic growth, cell population increase, protein production and days to confluency, showed serum-free medium comparable to serum-containing medium. Mouse mammary tumor virus expression and production, in C3H and GR tumor cell lines, as determined by virus particle counting and RNA dependent DNA polymerase assays, subsequent to dexamethasone stimulation revealed equivalent to higher levels of virus in serum-free medium as compared to serum-containing medium.  相似文献   

Summary The individual effects of seven hormones on the in vitro growth rate of different classifications of human mammary epithelium were compared. Hormones used were: 17β-estradiol, estriol, progesterone, hydrocortisone, testosterone, prolactin, and growth hormone. Cell cultures included three established breast cell lines and primary monolayer cultures established form breast fluids and excised mammary tissue from 40 women and 4 men. Specimens comprised three classifications: normal, nonmalignant atypical, and malignant. Growth was quantitated in situ and expressed as population doubling time. Principal findings were: (a) estrogens, prolactin, and growth hormone stimulated growth of normal cells more frequently than growth of malignant cells, whereas testosterone and hydrocortisone stimulated growth of malignant cells more frequently than growth of normal cells; (b) cells cultured from nonmalignant atypias generally showed hormone response profiles intermediate between those of normal and malignant cells; (c) progesterone stimulated the growth of cells from malignant specimens but not the growth of cells from normal and nonmalignant atypical samples. This research was supported by NIAID Research Training Grant 5-TO1-A1-00332-06.  相似文献   

Retention of Se in CMT-13 cells increased with an increase in the concentration of selenite in the incubation medium, the duration of exposure, and the density of the culture. The enhanced toxicity of selenite coincided with a proportional increase in Se in both the cytoplasm and nucleus. About 90% of the accumulated Se was isolated with cytoplasmic macromolecules. Increased nuclear Se retention correlated with increased cytoplasmic Se retention. Greater quantities of cytosolic Se-containing proteins (74, 55, 41, 34, and 28 kDa) and a nuclear Se-containing protein (56 kDa) were detected as the quantity of Se within CMT-13 cells increased. These findings suggest that cellular retention and distribution of Se are determinanants of the degree of cellular growth inhibition caused by this trace element.  相似文献   

Progress in comparative oncology promises advances in clinical cancer treatments for both companion animals and humans. In this context, feline mammary carcinoma (FMC) cells have been proposed as a suitable model to study human breast cancer. Based on our previous data about the advantages of using type I interferon gene therapy over the respective recombinant DNA derived protein, the present work explored the effects of feline interferon-ω gene (fIFNω) transfer on FMC cells. Three different cell variants derived from a single spontaneous highly aggressive FMC tumor were successfully established and characterized. Lipofection of the fIFNω gene displayed a significant cytotoxic effect on the three cell variants. The extent of the response was proportional to ROS generation, mitochondrial membrane potential disruption and calcium uptake. Moreover, a lower sensitivity to the treatment correlated with a higher malignant phenotype. Our results suggest that fIFNω lipofection could offer an alternative approach in veterinary oncology with equal or superior outcome and with less adverse effects than recombinant fIFNω therapy.  相似文献   

Steroid sulfatase (STS) hydrolyzes inactive estrone sulfate (E1-S) to estrone (E1), while estrogen sulfotransferase (EST; SULT 1E1 or STE gene) sulfonates estrogens to estrogen sulfates. They are considered to play important roles in the regulation of local estrogenic actions in various human tissues, however, their biological significance remains largely unknown. Therefore, we examined the expression of STS and EST in non-pathologic human tissues and breast carcinomas. STS expression was very weak except for the placenta, while EST expression was markedly detected in various tissues examined. In breast carcinoma tissues, STS and EST immunoreactivity was detected in carcinoma cells in 74 and 44% of cases, respectively, and was significantly associated with their mRNA levels and enzymatic activities. STS immunoreactivity was significantly correlated with the tumor size, and an increased risk of recurrence. EST immunoreactivity was inversely correlated with the tumor size or lymph node status. Moreover, EST immunoreactivity was significantly associated with a decreased risk of recurrence or improved prognosis. Our results suggest that EST is involved in protecting various peripheral tissues from excessive estrogenic effects. In the breast carcinoma, STS and EST are suggested to play important roles in the regulation of in situ estrogen production in the breast carcinomas.  相似文献   

Summary Protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) activities in methyl nitrosourea (MNU)-induced rat mammary carcinoma has been investigated by using poly (glu: tyr; 4 : 1) as an exogenous substrate. The PTK activity of the mammary carcinoma was almost equally distributed between the particulate and soluble (cytosolic) fractions at 110,000 × g. The activity of the particulate enzyme was stimulated by non-ionic detergent Triton X-100 by about 2-fold whereas the detergent had no effect on the cytosolic form. More than 60% of the particulate enzyme could be solubilized by 5% Triton X-100. Although, both particulate and cytosolic PTKs catalyzed the phosphorylation of several tyrosine containing synthetic substrates to various degrees, poly (glu: tyr; 4 : 1) was the best substrate (apparent Km, 0.7 mg/ml). Both forms of enzymes utilized ATP as the phosphoryl group donor, with an apparent Km of 40 µM. Among various divalent cations tested, Co2, Mn2 and Mg2 were able to fulfill the divalent cation requirement of both forms of the PTKs. All these cations exerted biphasic effects on the kinase activities, however, Mg2 was the most potent cation. Agents such as epidermal growth factor, insulin and platelet derived growth factor which stimulate their respective receptor-PTK activities were without effect on the PTK activities of mammary carcinoma. On the other hand, though heparin and quercetin inhibited both enzyme activities in a concentration dependent manner, the particulate form was more sensitive to inhibition than the cytosolic form. These data indicate that MNU-induced rat mammary carcinoma expresses both particulate and cytosolic forms of PTKs and that there are significant differences in the properties of the two forms of PTKs. Differential effects of some agents on mammary carcinoma PTKs suggest that these enzymes may be acutely regulated in vivo and could play an important role in mammary carcinogenesis.Abbreviations PTK Protein Tyrosine Kinase - EGF Epidermal Growth Factor - PDGF Platelet Derived Growth Factor  相似文献   

Summary Mammary epithelial cells from lactating mice synthesize and secrete lactose in culture and retain many features of their in vivo morphology if mammary glands are only partially dissociated to alveoli, rather than completely dissociated to single cells. After 5 d in culture lactose synthesis by alveoli cultured on floating collagen gels is 10 to 20 times higher than in cultures of single cells on floating collagen gels. Moreover, mammary alveoli in culture retain sensitivity to lactogenic hormones; the synthesis of lactose by alveoli depends on the continued presence of insulin and either hydrocortisone or prolactin. In addition, within alveoli the original juxtaposition of constituent epithelial cells is retained, and cells are cuboidal and have many microvilli and fat droplets. In contrast, alveoli on attached gels flatten and lose their secretory morphology. These results indicate that the shape of the cells, presence of lactogenic hormones, and maintenance of epithelial:epithelial cell contacts are required for maintenance of mammary epithelial cell differentiation in culture. This research was supported by Grants CA-16392 and AG-02909 from the National Institutes of Health and Institutional Grant IN 119 from the American Cancer Society.  相似文献   

目的建立荧光定量PCR方法,检测犬不同组织中SLAM受体mRNA的表达水平。方法以犬GAPDH为内参基因采用△△ct法,分析SLAM受体mRNA在犬体内不同组织中的表达。结果此方法有较高的重复性,变异系数在0.89%-2.35%。以SLAM受体在心脏的表达为1倍值,结果显示受体mRNA在脾脏中表达最高,为38.49倍;肺门淋巴结、肠系膜淋巴结、腹股沟淋巴结中表达次之,分别为9.13、8.58、6.24倍;膀胱中表达最低。结论成功建立了检测SLAM受体mRNA在不同组织中表达水平的荧光定量PCR检测方法。  相似文献   

Dysregulation of cellular iron homeostasis in human breast cancer is reflected by the altered expression of regulatory proteins. The expressions of iron-related proteins in the mammary glands of cats and dogs have not been assessed. We evaluated the expressions of ferritin, ferroportin, hepcidin and transferrin receptor 1 in benign and malignant mammary gland lesions in cats and dogs. Iron deposition was detected using Perls’ Prussian blue staining. We found no major differences in the expression of iron-related proteins between benign and malignant mammary gland lesions in either cats or dogs; however, these species exhibited accumulation of iron in benign lesions. Our findings provide an explanation for the absence of higher iron requirements by tumor cells in these animals. Further investigation of local iron homeostasis in cats and dogs and differences in their physiology compared to human breast cancer is required.  相似文献   

To investigate the regulation of estrogen, progesterone and prolactin stimulating the development of mammary gland, the Kunming mice were used as experimental animals in this study. Through the experiment in vitro, the effect of mammogenic hormones were systematically investigated on expression of FGF7 and FGF10 and their receptor in different periods. The results are as follows: in mammary glands of mice, 17 beta-estradiol increased the expression of FGF7; progesterone did not affect the expression of FGF7; prolactin up-regulated the expression of FGF7 significantly in pregnancy and lactation. 17 beta-estradiol increased the expression of FGF10; progesterone and prolactin reduced the expression of FGF10 significantly in virgin; prolactin significantly increased the expression of FGF10 in pregnancy. When 17 beta-estradiol in the body was in relatively high proportion, it would lower the expression of KGFR; while 17 beta-estradiol in the body was in relatively low proportion, it would increase the expression of KGFR. Low concentration of progesterone increased the expression of KGFR and high progesterone did not affect the expression of KGFR. Prolactin increased the expression of KGFR significantly in pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

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