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ABSTRACT Livestock grazing in the shortgrass steppe of the Intermountain region of British Columbia may have a negative impact on ground‐nesting birds, but evidence of such an impact is lacking. We examined nest‐site selection and productivity of ground‐nesting Vesper Sparrows (Pooecetes gramineus) across sites with different grazing histories. From 2006 to 2008, we monitored Vesper Sparrow nests and measured vegetation characteristics known to be affected by grazing within nest patches. We used an information‐theoretic approach to test the relative importance of grazing‐affected vegetation variables as predictors of nest‐site selection, nest survival, and nestling condition. Vesper Sparrows selected nest sites with greater cover of late‐seral grass species that decrease in occurrence in response to grazing (i.e., “decreasers”) than was available in random patches in the same territories. Daily nest survival was also lower for nests surrounded by shorter vegetation (odds ratio = 1.12). However, “decreaser” cover was not associated with either of the two indices of productivity measured (daily nest survival probability and nestling condition). In addition, vegetation height, although an important driver of success, was not linked with nest‐site selection, and no vegetation‐cover variable was positively associated with productivity, despite nest concealment being central to our predictions. This suggests that predation risk for nests in areas with shorter vegetation was being elevated through some factor unrelated to concealment. Our results show that grazing reduced both the availability of suitable habitat for and nesting success of Vesper Sparrows, indicating that grazing could pose a threat to population persistence at a broader scale and could potentially contribute to observed declines. Additional research is needed to determine if grazing guidelines in the Intermountain region of British Columbia should be amended, better enforced, or both to prevent regional declines in populations of ground‐nesting grassland birds.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus) populations was examined in an analysis of variation of 14 microsatellite loci representing approximately 1900 fish from 9 sites between the Columbia River and Cook Inlet, Alaska. Significant genetic differentiation occurred among the putative populations. The mean FST for all loci was 0.0046, and there was a significant correlation between population genetic differentiation (FST) and geographic distance. Simulated mixed-stock samples comprising populations from different regions suggested that variation at microsatellite loci provided reasonably accurate estimates of stock composition for potential fishery samples. Marine sampling indicated that immature eulachons from different rivers, during the 2 to 3 years of prespawning life in offshore marine waters, do not mix thoroughly. For eulachons captured incidentally in offshore trawl fisheries, there was a clear geographic cline in relative abundance of eulachons from different geographic areas. The sample from northern British Columbia was dominated by northern and central coastal populations of British Columbia, the sample from central British Columbia was composed of eulachons from all regions, and the sample from southern British Columbia was dominated by Columbia River and Fraser River populations. These results have implications for the management of trawl fisheries and conservation of spawning populations in some rivers where abundance is at historically low levels.  相似文献   

The red algal crust,‘Petrocelis franciscana’ Setchell et Gardner [= tetrasporophytic phase of Mastocarpus papillatus (Agardh) Kützing] exists as discrete patches on boulders throughout the intertidal zone at Burrard Inlet in Vancouver (mainland British Columbia) and at Sooke, Vancouver Island (British Columbia). This study photographically quantifies monthly surface area of 60 individual crusts over 12‐ and 18‐month periods, respectively, at the two sites. Conspicuous seasonal fluctuations in ‘Petrocelis’ abundance and relatively low survivorship of crusts sampled suggest that not all crusts are as static and as long‐lived (> 25 years) as previously suggested. Herbivory, sloughing of senescing tissue and abiotic factors visibly reduce ‘Petrocelis’ abundance in fall and winter; regeneration of lost crust tissue and relatively rapid crust growth occur from spring to early fall.  相似文献   

In comparison to countries with a tradition of vegetation studies, a comprehensive, hierarchical classification of plant communities in the province of British Columbia has not yet been developed. Such a classification is needed for systematic ecological studies and coordinated conservation of vegetation. As the culmination of fifty years of detailed surveys, tabular and multivariate analyses of 3779 relevés of natural, old-growth, submontane, montane and subalpine forest communities in coastal British Columbia were used to develop a hierarchy of vegetation units according to the Braun-Blanquet approach. At the highest level, we distinguished seven orders: Quercus garryana, Pseudotsuga menziesii-Mahonia nervosa, Tsuga heterophylla-Rhytidiadelphus loreus, Tsuga mertensiana, Thuja plicata-Tiarella trifoliata, Populus trichocarpa, and Pinus contorta-Sphagnum. Diagnostic table, ordination, and elimatic and edaphic regimes were used to show floristic affinities among the orders and to interpret their relationships to regional environmental gradients. Plant communities of each order were briefly characterized by their floristic composition, physiognomy, succession, and environment. The synopsis for all delineated vegetation units (order, suborder, alliance, and association) of coastal British Columbia is included.  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that secondary production of a community of stream crayfish (Orconectes spp.) depended upon the available suite of channel units (e.g., riffle, run, pool) and that age-specific use of channel units was the important underlying mechanism. Nine cohorts of each of three species over a 10-year period at two sites on the Jacks Fork River, Missouri, USA, were sampled. Cohort-production estimates were calculated for specific channel units: riffles, runs, pools, backwaters and emergent vegetation patches. Orconectes luteus was the most productive species with similar production across channel units. Production of O. ozarkae and O. punctimanus was significantly greater in vegetation patches than other channel units. There were no species by channel unit differences in production between the two sites. Although total site production for some species substantially changed over the 10-year period, relative production differences between habitats remained temporally stable. Differences in mean production between channel units were largely due to age-class habitat use rather than differences related to growth. Some channel units particularly susceptible to common anthropogenic activities that result in hydrograph alterations and homogenization of physical habitat, e.g., backwaters, vegetation patches, and pools, were particularly important as high production areas for two species. A variety of channel units appears necessary for maintaining the high secondary production and diversity of crayfish in this system. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

Aim We used modern pollen assemblages to develop a method for climate reconstruction that reduces the spatial autocorrelation of residuals and accounts for the strong topographic and climatic variation that occurs in British Columbia, Canada. Location British Columbia, Canada, including sites both on the mainland and on adjacent islands (Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver Island). Methods New pollen assemblages from surface‐sediment samples collected in British Columbia were combined with other published and unpublished samples (n = 284). Multivariate rank‐distances between sample sites and a randomized set of sites within the province were calculated for climate parameters to determine whether gaps in the current network of present‐day pollen sample sites exist. Lacustrine surface‐sediment pollen assemblages (n = 145) were ordinated using non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), and a generalized additive model (GAM) was used to reconstruct modern mean warmest month temperature (MWMT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP) from the NMDS ordination. The results were compared with standard climate reconstruction techniques, including the modern analogue technique, partial least squares, weighted averaging, weighted averaging–partial least squares and factor analysis. Results Reconstructions of MWMT and MAP using NMDS and GAM were comparable to those of existing models. When reconstructing MWMT, the NMDS/GAM method had a lower root‐mean‐squared error of prediction (RMSEP), lower spatial autocorrelation and higher correlation with observed temperature values than the other methods tested. When reconstructing MAP, the partial least squares method performed better than the NMDS/GAM method for RMSEP and correlation with observed values; however, the NMDS/GAM method had a lower spatial autocorrelation of residuals. Main conclusions NMDS reveals strong relationships among modern pollen assemblages, vegetation and climate parameters. Climate models using NMDS and GAM are comparable to other palaeoecological reconstruction models, but provide lower spatial autocorrelation of residuals for both parameters tested. An inverse distance‐weighted surface of multivariate rank‐climate distances generated from the network of pollen sample sites indicates that greater sampling intensity in north‐western and central‐interior British Columbia is required in order to obtain an accurate representation of climatic and vegetation diversity in the province.  相似文献   

Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) are listed as threatened in the portion of their range extending from British Columbia to California due to loss of nesting habitat. Recovery of Marbled Murrelet populations requires a better understanding of the characteristics of their nesting habitat in this part of their range. Our objective, therefore, was to describe their nesting habitat in Washington State and Vancouver Island, British Columbia. We captured Marbled Murrelets from 2004 to 2008, fitted them with radio transmitters, and followed them to nests (N = 20). We used Cohen's unbiased d effect size to assess differences between forest plots surrounding nest sites and nearby control sites (N = 18). Nest sites had less canopy cover of the dominant conifers and fewer, but larger, trees than control sites. Nest sites also had greater percentages of trees with platforms >10 cm diameter and >15 cm diameter, and more platforms of these sizes than control sites. The mean diameter at breast height of nest trees was 136.5 cm (range = 84–248 cm) and all but one nest was in dominant or co‐dominant tree species. At the landscape scale, we used vegetation maps derived from remotely sensed data and found greater canopy cover, higher density of mature trees, more platforms >10 cm/ha, and more old‐growth habitat at nest sites than at random sites. Our findings suggest that, at the site scale, nesting Marbled Murrelets selected the most suitable features of forest structure across expansive potentially suitable habitat. Our landscape‐scale analysis showed that habitat features in nesting stands differed from those features in available stands in the murrelet's range in Washington. We also found that stands with nests were less fragmented than available forest across murrelet range. All nest sites of radio‐tagged birds in Washington were in protected areas in mostly undisturbed forest habitat. Conservation of these areas of inland nesting habitat will be critical to the recovery of Marbled Murrelet populations.  相似文献   

The persistence of treeless grasslands and sedgelands within a matrix of eucalypt and rainforest vegetation in the montane plateaux of northern Tasmania has long puzzled ecologists. Historical sources suggest that Tasmanian Aborigines were burning these treeless patches and models seeking to explain their maintenance generally include fire, soil properties and Aboriginal landscape burning. We aimed to provide a new historical perspective of the dynamics of the vegetation mosaics of Surrey Hills and Paradise Plains in north‐west and north‐east Tasmania, respectively, and used vegetation surveys and soil sampling to explore the role of vegetation and soils in these dynamics. Sequences of historical maps (1832 and 1903) and aerial photography showed that many treeless patches have persisted in the landscape since European settlement and that forests have rapidly expanded into the treeless patches since the early 1950s. Stand structure and floristic data described an expanding forest dominated by Leptospermum, which is consistent with vegetation succession models for the region. Soils under expanding forest boundaries did not have higher soil nitrogen or phosphorus than those under stable boundaries, signalling a lack of edaphic limitation to forest expansion. The magnitude of forest expansion at Paradise Plains (granite), Surrey Hills (basalt) and south‐west Tasmania (quartzite) appears to follow a nutrient availability gradient and this hypothesis is backed by differences in soil phosphorus capital between the three systems. Given that existing vegetation boundaries in northern Tasmania do not coincide with soil nutrient gradients, we suggest that treeless vegetation was maintained by Aboriginal landscape burning and that the recent contraction of treeless vegetation is related to the breakdown of these fire regimes following European settlement. The observed rates of forest expansion could result in a substantial loss of these grasslands if sustained through this century and therefore our work supports the continuation of prescribed burning to maintain this high conservation value ecosystem.  相似文献   

The Gitksan and Wet’suwet’en of Northwestern British Columbia formerly used landscape burning to manage patches of black huckleberry (Vaccinium membranaceum), the most important plant resource of their seasonal round. In view of its significance one might postulate that managed sites would conform to a biophysical or ecological type to maximize return for effort. However, a survey of a number of traditionally managed sites indicated that managed sites are characterized by wide variation in biophysical attributes including elevation, aspect and moisture regime, while proximity to fishing sites, village sites, or sites for harvest of alpine resources proved to be a common factor in known historic berry patch sites. We conclude that characterization of the ideal site type for aboriginal V. membranaceum management must include the economy and social institutions of the local First Nations and requires an enhanced appreciation for the sophistication of the strategies and techniques employed in their management and utilization of the species.
Leslie Main Johnson (Corresponding author)Email:

Over two vegetation cycles we compared the recovery of macrophytes from flood disturbances that occured at different seasons (July vs December) on patches of a former channel of the Rhône River, France. Some patches were disturbed twice; others were disturbed either in summer or in winter; others were never disturbed and were used as controls.The recovery rate of the vegetation was estimated from the duration of recolonization of the disturbed areas and of growth of the recolonizing species. The influence of the summer disturbance appeared to be strong because the disturbance occurred when the development of the vegetation was maximum. The influence of the winter disturbance was apparently much lower since most species had already declined at this time because of their phenology. The repetition of the two disturbances on the same patch had little influence on the vegetation community.In all cases, the recovery of the vegetation occurred rapidly, both for total vegetation cover and species richness. By the following spring, no significant differences appeared between disturbed and reference patches. The effect of the disturbances varied according to the phenology of the plants, and the macrophyte community studied was more sensitive in summer than in winter.  相似文献   

To assess genetic diversity in the blue-listed purple martin (Progne subis) population in British Columbia, we analysed mitochondrial control region sequences of 93 individuals from British Columbia and 121 individuals collected from seven localities of the western and eastern North American subspecies P. s. arboricola and P. s. subis, respectively. Of the 47 haplotypes we detected, 34 were found exclusively in western populations, and 12 were found only in eastern populations. The most common eastern haplotype (25) was also found in three nestlings in British Columbia and one in Washington. Another British Columbia nestling had a haplotype (35) that differed by a C to T transition from haplotype 25. Coalescent analysis indicated that these five nestlings are probably descendents of recent immigrants dispersing from east to the west, because populations were estimated to have diverged about 200,000–400,000 ybp, making ancestral polymorphism a less likely explanation. Maximum likelihood estimates of gene flow among all populations detected asymmetrical gene flow into British Columbia not only of rare migrants from the eastern subspecies in Alberta but also a substantial number of migrants from the adjacent Washington population, and progressively lower numbers from Oregon in an isolation-by distance pattern. The influx of migrants from different populations is consistent with the migrant-pool model of recolonization which has maintained high genetic diversity in the small recovering population in British Columbia. Thus, the risk to this population is not from genetic erosion or inbreeding following a severe population crash, but from demographic stochasticity and extinction in small populations.  相似文献   

Carolina bays are depression wetlands of high conservation value that occur across the Southeastern Coastal Plain of the United States. Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is one rare carnivorous plant that grows in open habitats on the rims of Carolina bays. Without frequent burning, vegetation on bay rims becomes dominated by evergreen shrubs and Venus flytrap populations decline. This project examined the utility of mechanical mowing, soil clearing, transplanting, and seeding as an approach to restoring populations of Venus flytraps when fire is precluded. Mowing of patches on bay rims produced open sites with little ground‐layer vegetation. After two growing seasons, adult Venus flytraps transplanted to mowed patches showed high survivorship and relatively high leaf number/plant. Suppressed Venus flytraps existing on‐site quickly initiated growth in response to mowing. These volunteers and the transplants had higher flowering percentages than plants in reference populations. Seeds of Venus flytraps were scattered in mowed and cleared plots. Seedling establishment was low, but seedlings persisted into the second growing season. Mowing created suitable habitat for growth and flowering of adult Venus flytraps and facilitated establishment of two other carnivorous species, Sundew (Drosera capillaris) and Bladderwort (Utricularia subulata). But, mowing and clearing also facilitated invasion by four species of grasses and rushes; evergreen shrubs resprouted quickly after mowing. Maintaining persistent openings by mowing the rims of Carolina bays will be an ongoing challenge due to availability of potential invaders and rapid regrowth of shrubs.  相似文献   

Grant  C.D.  Loneragan  W.A. 《Plant Ecology》1999,145(2):291-305
Alcoa of Australia Limited has been rehabilitating bauxite mines in the jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest of Western Australia for more than 30 years. Mines rehabilitated in the early 1980s using out-dated methods have built up substantial fuel loads that may be reduced through prescribed burning. The vegetation response of 11–13 year-old rehabilitated bauxite mines to fire regimes differing in intensity and season over the first two years of post-burn succession is compared to the native jarrah forest. A total of 243 species from 137 genera and 56 families were identified in the native forest reference sites and in the 11–13 year-old rehabilitated areas before and after burning. The vegetation of the pre-burn rehabilitated areas was very different to that of the native jarrah forest. While total live plant cover, Acacia density, non-native eucalypt seedling density, weed density and the evenness index were similar between the two areas, total plant density, live Acacia cover, the proportion of weeds, native species numbers and diversity were significantly different. However, the greatest difference between the vegetation of the pre-burn rehabilitated sites and the native jarrah forest was the higher dominance of seeding species (plants killed by fire) in rehabilitated areas. In contrast, native jarrah forest was dominated by resprouting species (plants that survive fire). Burning the rehabilitated sites was successful in making the areas more similar to the forest in terms of total plant density, live Acacia cover and native species numbers but decreased their similarity in terms of live plant cover, Acacia density, non-native eucalypt seedling density, weed density and evenness. The vegetation response of the rehabilitated areas to different seasons of burning showed that autumn burning led to a greater increase in plant establishment than spring burning. Autumn burning also resulted in an undesirable increase in the density of non-native eucalypt seedlings that was not observed following spring burning. Although burning these 11–13 year-old rehabilitated sites will increase similarity to the native forest, it is unlikely that they will resemble the native jarrah forest without further management intervention.  相似文献   

Movement estimates derived from sub‐daily tracking of radio‐tagged bull trout Salvelinus confluentus on the Columbia River, British Columbia, Canada, were used to test whether interindividual variation in behaviour was repeatable among contexts, both short‐ and long‐term. Interindividual variation in S. confluentus behaviour was consistent across contexts. These findings emphasize the potential for telemetry as a tool in animal personality and temperament research.  相似文献   

Abstract A field experiment was used to evaluate the effects of fire and cattle grazing on the initiation of Lantana camara invasions in dry rainforest-open forest ecotones in the gorges of the Macleay River, NSW. A factorial combination of four factors (burning, biomass removal, soil scarification, and fertilization) at two levels (presence and absence) was established to assess the suitability of disturbed patches for germination, survival, and growth in association with changes in microclimate and resource availability. Burning, biomass removal and soil scarification, either singularly or in any combination, significantly increased germination, on average, by 19%, from 50.2% to 59.7%. Survival increased on average 26% across all treatments while mortality decreased by 26% when compared with the control. The differences between treatment combinations were not significant. Seedling growth was significantly enhanced by all disturbances, except by soil scarification alone. Treatment combinations that reduced vegetation cover (burning and/or biomass removal) and, therefore reduced shading, significantly increased L. camara biomass production by an average of 140% for all treatments. The control yielded 14.0 g m?2, while fertilizer alone and biomass removal alone yielded 27.6 g m?2 and 40.5 g m?2, respectively. Other treatment combinations averaged 35.2 g m?2 and were not significantly different from each other. Consequently, successful invasions are likely to occur whenever canopy disturbances create patches of greatly decreased competition and/or increased resource availability. Shading plays a greater role as a limiting factor than any other, while surface soil macronutrient levels are also important, particularly when combined with canopy disturbances that increase light availability. The effects of biomass reduction and soil disturbance associated with fire and cattle grazing are significant in the successful invasion of L. camara. Management strategies to reduce weed encroachment and community degradation must identify and maintain ecological barriers to L. camara invasion in order to promote rainforest conservation and biodiversity.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2011,56(3):197-202
Dalmatian toadflax (Linaria dalmatica (L.) Mill.) is an important invasive plant on rangelands throughout western North America. In 1991, the stem-mining weevil, Mecinus janthinus Germar, was introduced into Canada from Europe as a classical biological control agent to reduce toadflax densities and improve rangelands, particularly in British Columbia. To determine if the program was a success at a regional level, this paper answers three key questions: (1) has M. janthinus spread throughout the study area, (2) is M. janthinus causing a decline in toadflax plant size or density at the regional scale, and (3) has the distribution of toadflax plants changed following M. janthinus introduction? These questions are answered by combining historical survey data and mensurative experimental data on plant and weevil densities across a 40,000 km2 area in southern British Columbia. The results show that through a combination of intentional redistribution and natural dispersal weevils have spread throughout the study area. Stem densities at naturally colonized sites and historical release sites were equally low. Across weevil populations between 3 and 10 years old, weevil densities peaked in the eighth year, and there was a negative relationship between weevil density and stem length. Between 2000 and 2007, toadflax patches were found to both decrease in density and become more fragmented over time, with 15% of patches disappearing completely. These findings show that M. janthinus has had a significant negative impact on both the density and distribution of Dalmatian toadflax throughout a large part of its range in British Columbia.  相似文献   

We studied the conditions that permit the shrub, Cordia multispicata, to establish in Amazon pastures and the potential role of this shrub as a succession facilitator near the town of Paragominas, Pará State, Brazil. Local disturbances that reduce cover such as grazing and burning helped C. multispicata establish in pastures in active use. Germination of C. multispicata was significantly improved on sites subjected to simulated grazing and seedling growth was hastened following pasture burning. We found that below-ground competition, evaluated using root ingrowth cores, was reduced by burning and grazing. Recently abandoned pastures are frequently composed of a mix of forbs and grasses but as succession proceeds a mosaic of more discrete vegetation patches appears. At our site, a five-year-old abandoned pasture, grass patches (primarily Panicum maximum) and shrub patches (mainly C. multispicata) were common. We compared physical and biotic characteristics of zones dominated by C. multispicata and P. maximum and found: (1) the rain of bat and bird dispersed seeds of woody species was much greater in the zones of C. multispicata (92 seeds/m2/year) than in the patches of grass (6 seeds/m2/year); (2) the density of woody seedlings was eight times greater in the C. multispicata patches (0.65/m2) than in the zones of P. maximum (0.08 woody individuals/m2); (3) soil nutrient availability and litter nutrient concentrations were greater in the shrub zones than in the grass zones; and (4) photosynthetic photon flux density at the soil surface was generally more favorable for rainforest tree seedling growth in C. multispicata patches (16% of full sunlight) as compared to the grass zones (7.7% of full sun). We conclude that the shrub, C. multispicata, acts as a magnet, attracting volant seed vectors, and as a nurse plant, facilitating the establishment of woody species in abandoned Amazon pastures.  相似文献   

We used a long‐term fire experiment in south‐east Queensland, Australia, to determine the effects of frequent prescribed burning and fire exclusion on understorey vegetation (<7.5 m) richness and density in Eucalyptus pilularis forest. Our study provided a point in time assessment of the standing vegetation and soil‐stored vegetation at two experimental sites with treatments of biennial burning, quadrennial burning since 1971–1972 and no burning since 1969. Vegetation composition, density and richness of certain plant groups in the standing and soil‐stored vegetation were influenced by fire treatments. The density of resprouting plants <3 m in height was higher in the biennially burnt treatment than in the unburnt treatment, but resprouters 3–7.5 m in height were absent from the biennial burning treatment. Obligate seeder richness and density in the standing vegetation was not significantly influenced by the fire treatments, but richness of this plant group in the seed bank was higher in the quadrennial treatment at one site and in the long unburnt treatment at the other site. Long unburnt treatments had an understorey of rainforest species, while biennial burning at one site and quadrennial burning at the other site were associated with greater standing grass density relative to the unburnt treatment. This difference in vegetation composition due to fire regime potentially influences the flammability of the standing understorey vegetation. Significant interactions between fire regime and site, apparent in the standing and soil‐stored vegetation, demonstrate the high degree of natural variability in vegetation community responses to fire regimes.  相似文献   

Abstract. We sampled vegetation and soils of, and classified mid‐seral, even‐aged, fire‐origin, upland Picea mariana ecosystems in the Boreal White & Black Spruce and Sub‐boreal Spruce zones of British Columbia, Canada. We applied multi‐variate and tabular methods to analyse and synthesize the data from 121 plots according to the methods of biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification. We delineated seven basic vegetation units and described their vegetation and environmental features. However, the delineated units could not be related to neither of the taxonomies proposed for the North American boreal forest communities. Although species‐poor, the under‐storey vegetation in the sampled ecosystems provided for a sufficient floristic differentiation, which matched well the major edaphic differences between the units. The classification of mid‐seral boreal ecosystems may be more useful that based on old‐growth stands that are infrequent or lacking in the landscape due to wildfires.  相似文献   

Dutka  B. J.  Tuominen  T.  Churchland  L.  Kwan  K. K. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):301-315
The suitability of a variety of microbiological, biochemical and toxicant screening tests to become part of a battery of test procedures to identify degraded or degrading water bodies are evaluated in this report. Data were collected from 40 sampling sites within the Fraser River Basin in British Columbia. These data re-emphasize that individual toxicant, biochemical or microbiological screening tests do not provide a sufficient data base upon which realistic management decisions can be made. This study also confirms that the fecal sterol tests do not seem amenable to a'battery of tests' approach and that the Daphnia magna test continues to be the most sensitive procedure for indicating the presence of contaminants with toxicant activity.  相似文献   

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