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The tick vectors of heartwater (Cowdria ruminantium infection) in Zimbabwe, Amblyomma hebraeum and Amblyomma variegatum, historically were believed to be confined to the low-lying regions of the south and north-west of the country. However, country-wide surveys performed in 19751980 and 19881991 demonstrated that both species were also established in western parts of the highveld plateau and had started to encroach on the predominantly heartwater-free central and eastern highveld regions. To determine the current distributions of both the vectors and evaluate the potential threat of heartwater to animals in the highveld, a survey of ticks infesting cattle was performed in 1996 at 2994 locations in small-holder and large-scale commercial farming areas throughout Zimbabwe. Amblyomma hebraeum was collected at 1329 locations, A. variegatum at 72 locations and both A. hebraeum and A. variegatum at 13 locations. The results demonstrated that A. hebraeum was present, as previously recorded, throughout the southern half of the country and appeared to have undergone further limited spread into the central and eastern highveld regions. Only the northern-most region of the country appeared to be free of this species. Amblyomma variegatum was collected mainly in the north-west, as previously recorded, but was also found at isolated locations across the central highveld region and along the eastern border with Mozambique. This species was, however, still absent from the southern half and the northern-most regions of the country. An overlap of the distributions of the two species existed within a zone along the southern and eastern regions of the distribution of A. variegatum. These results suggest that the vectors of heartwater are spreading and threaten to introduce heartwater into intensive livestock-producing regions of the country.Exp Appl Acarol 22: 725740 © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

Four field experiments were conducted with creole cattle in Guadeloupe to study the attractivity for adult ticks of animals previously infested with males of Amblyomma variegatum producing aggregation attachment pheromones (AAPs). In each experiment, two groups of cattle were used; the first group was infested with adult A. variegatum and the second group was kept free of ticks and pheromones by acaricidal treatment and by washing the hair and skin of previously infested sites. Both groups were then exposed to natural infestation by ticks present in the environment or by ticks bred in the laboratory and released on the pasture. The number of additional ticks infesting animals were compared between the treated and control groups. There were no significant differences between both groups in the numbers of new male ticks infesting the animals during the first days following the beginning of the experiment. Thereafter, comparison of the slopes of infestation indicated that infested cattle were no more attractive for male ticks than uninfested hosts. Uninfested cattle were spontaneously and rapidly infested by male ticks. It is concluded that carbon dioxide or another host component was a major attractant for A. variegatum males. Female ticks attached on predilection sites exclusively in the presence of AAP-producing males, i.e. 5–10 days after the attachment of the first males. Based on these results we postulate that slow-release devices impregnated with pheromones have no additional attractive effect on A. variegatum males under Caribbean conditions. However, they may be useful in inducing the attachment of females, but only in the first days preceding the arrival of pioneer AAP-producing males. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Ticks belonging to arthropoda are blood feeding, geographically widespread ectoparasites of mammals, reptiles and birds. Their saliva contains active substances that protect them from host immune attack and allow for transmission of various pathogens during the feeding process. Characterization of tick saliva components can therefore contribute to the development of effective methods for the control of tick-borne diseases.

Here we describe the identification and basic characterization of a gene encoding a 55 kDa protein found in the salivary glands (SG) of Amblyomma variegatum tick. Based on the primary structure and homology to the family of protein disulfide isomerases (PDI; EC the gene was named AvPDI. The 1461 nt long AvPDI open reading frame codes for a 487 amino acid protein. In vitro expressed AvPDI was exclusively localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis revealed that AvPDI expression is not restricted to the SG of the tick. More detailed analysis on tissue slides from SG detected an AvPDI specific signal in granular cells of the acini type II and III. Finally, reductase activity of AvPDI was confirmed in an insulin assay. The structural and functional characteristics suggest that AvPDI is another member of the PDI protein family and represents the first more closely characterized PDI in the ticks.  相似文献   

The tropical bont tick, Amblyomma variegatum can cause intense skin irritation and inflammation and bites that often develop into septic wounds or abscess in their host. Crude salivary gland extract (SGE) of partially engorged A. variegatum females as well as SGE protein fractions purified by three-step reverse phase HPLC procedure were tested for their anti-aggregatory effect on isolated human blood platelets stimulated with thrombin and compared with the effect of recombinant hirudin. At concentrations 10−3 and 5 × 10−3 μg protein/ml the following rank order of antiplatelet activity was detected: AV 16/3 (inhibitor purified from AV-III, third purification) > SGE > AV-II (fraction from first purification) > AV-III (fraction from first purification) > hirudin. The effect of all fractions tested was dose-dependent. For fraction AV 16/3, the inhibitory effect was 49 and 61% for 10−3 and 5 × 10−3 μg protein/ml, respectively. The results suggest that protein fractions from A. variegatum SGE possess an antithrombin effect on human blood platelets with hirudin-like activity. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The simulation model LSTSIM was revised and adapted to estimate the effects of different management strategies on populations of the lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum (Linnaeus), in non-agricultural areas. The control technologies evaluated were area-wide acaricide application, acaricide self-treatment of white-tailed deer, vegetation reduction and reductions in the density of white-tailed deer. Estimated changes in tick populations using these technologies compared favorably with results from actual integrated tick management studies at five different geographic locations. Area-wide acaricide application and vegetation reduction, as well as combinations of the two technologies proved to be useful for short-term, seasonal management of ticks in small non-agricultural areas and residential sites. Self-treatment of deer with acaricide, applied topically or as a systemic, appears to be the most cost-effective technology for use in area-wide, long-term programs for tick control. The results of simulations suggest that reductions in deer density should be considered as a component of any tick management program.  相似文献   

Based on the hypothesis that birds and rodents are important hosts for subadults of the Neotropical Amblyomma neumanni and Amblyomma parvum ticks, a survey of these type of hosts was carried out from July 2004 to March 2006, in Quilino (A. parvum) and Dean Funes (A. neumanni), Córdoba province, Argentina. Additionally, monthly tick counts were performed on cattle and goats with occasional tick search in other domestic hosts. Records of questing height of subadult ticks on vegetation were also carried out monthly. Rodents (n = 123) and birds (n = 122) captured in Dean Funes showed no infestation with A. neumanni. Apart of few nymphs found on horses, all larvae and nymphs of A. neumanni were on cattle with a larval prevalence and mean number of 22.2%, and 7.7 ± 22.52, respectively, and a prevalence of nymphs of 47.8% with a mean of 7.9 ± 18.49. The average questing height of larvae and nymphs of A. neumanni was 23.5 ± 17.1 cm and 30.7 ± 26.7 cm, respectively. A total of 138 rodents and 130 birds were captured in Quilino but the Caviidae rodent Galea musteloides carried 99.3% of larvae and 99.8% of nymphs of A. parvum, and no immature stages were detected on cattle, goat or vegetation. Tick counts on G. musteloides (n = 74) showed a prevalence of 42% and a mean number of 9.9 ± 24.83 for larvae, while nymphal infestation had a prevalence of 56.5% and a mean of 8.7 ± 11.31. Cattle appear to be suitable hosts to sustain the complete cycle of A. neumanni in nature (adult ticks infest cattle too) and questing height of subadults indicates that they are expecting to feed on medium and large-sized mammals, such as cattle and other ungulates. At least in the study site, G. musteloides is the principal host for the survival strategy of A. parvum subadults; adult ticks are common on cattle and goats. These hosts are introduced in the Neotropics but A. neumanni was able to develop a surrogate cycle independent of native hosts while A. parvum still depends on probably primeval hosts to sustain their larvae and nymphs.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in threc different ecozones in Kenya to measure the survival of unfed females of the ixodid tick Amblyomma variegatum under field conditions. Throughout the study, temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall were recorded every hour at each of the threc sites. Using a multiple linear regression procedure, a model was produced to describe survival of unfed females in terms of high temperature at ground level (cumulative day-degrees >34°C) and age. The various ways in which age and temperature can influence survival are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies in Cameroon and Burkina Faso examined the invasion process of cattle by adult Amblyomma variegatum Fabricius (Acari: Ixodidae) ticks. Nearly all the ticks picked up in the pasture during grazing were found on the limb ends, near the hooves, where they temporarily attached. Then when the cattle lay down, the ticks moved from the feet towards the predilection sites, where they attached definitively. Many ticks disappeared during this displacement. All the female ticks and approximately 70% of the males were thus unable to attach to the predilection sites as long as the pioneer males had not attached and started to produce attraction-aggregation-attachment pheromones. Nevertheless, A. variegatum females and males attached to the feet in similar numbers during grazing, whether the cattle were already infested or not, indicating that stimuli originating from the hosts are powerful enough to attract both sexes. After attachment of the pioneer males, the number of ticks that successfully reached the predilection sites increased. However, even on infested animals, 40-50% of A. variegatum ticks found near the hooves after the grazing periods disappeared during the night following their capture. When moving from the temporary attachment sites towards the final ones, one-third of the ticks changed the individual host. Considering this two-stage infestation process, it is suggested that a targeted tick control, using a foot-bath, might greatly reduce cattle infestation. In particular, it could be effective in traditional herds, with animals grazing permanently during the day, lying down only once back in the night pen.  相似文献   

A colony of Amblyomma neumanni was started with engorged females collected from cattle in the province of Salta (24° 51S, 65° 33W), Argentina. The larvae and nymphs were fed on rabbits and the adults on calves. The non-parasitic stages were maintained in darkness at 27 ± 1°C and 83–86% RH. The life cycle (pre-feeding period not tested) had a mean duration of 205.7 days. The mean time (days) for the different phases of the cycle were as follows: feeding of females 8.8, pre-oviposition 23.8, oviposition 41.4, minimum egg incubation 76.1, feeding of larvae 8.5, pre-moult to nymphs 16.4, feeding of nymphs 7.9 and pre-moult to adults 22.8. The mean recovery rates of larvae, nymphs and females were 83.8, 85.6 and 89.3%, respectively. The nymphs moulting to females were heavier (8.1 ± 2.34 mg) than those moulting to males (6.0 ± 2.34 mg; p < 0.01), but their range of engorgement weight showed overlap (2.3–16.2 versus 2.2–12.8 mg, respectively). Two gynandromorphs were detected between the nymphs. A comparison of biological parameters of A. neumanni with other American Amblyomma species from mammals is presented. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Biological data of three generations of Amblyomma tigrinum in the laboratory are reported and the suitability of different host species for immature ticks are compared. Grouping the three generations, infestations by both the larval and nymphal stages were performed on chickens (Gallus gallus), wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus), rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus),wild mice (Calomys callosus), dogs (Canis familiaris) and opossums (Didelphis albiventris). Only dogs were used for infestations by adult ticks. Tick developmental periods were observed in an incubator at 27°C and RH 90%. The proportion of engorged larvae recovered from chickens (21.7% of the exposed larvae) was significantly larger (p<0.001) than those from the five mammal species used in the infestations (maximum of 3.1%). A significant larger (p<0.01) proportion of engorged larvae successfully molted after being fed on chickens than on mammal hosts. The proportion of engorged nymphs recovered from chickens (28.8% of the exposed nymphs) was significantly larger (p<0.001) than those from mammal hosts (range: 0–2.1%). Larvae showed similar feeding periods on exposure to different host species, except for those larvae fed on C. callosus, which showed significantly longer (p<0.001) feeding periods. Engorged larvae detachment peaked on the 5th feeding day, followed by the 6th day, on all hosts except for C. callosus. Larval premolt periods were similar for engorged ticks exposed to different host species, except for larvae fed on dogs, which showed significantly longer (p<0.001) premolt periods. Host detachment of engorged nymphs peaked on the 6th feeding day on chickens. Although nymphal detachment on rats peaked on the 8th day, only 15 nymphs were recovered from this host species. In a sample of 144 F3 nymphs fed on chickens no significant difference (p>0.10) was found between the feeding or premolt periods of 82 males and 62 females, but female nymphs were significantly heavier (p<0.005) than male nymphs. Sixteen engorged females (61.5% of the exposed ticks) were recovered after being fed on dogs, and all these females laid viable eggs. Chickens, the only avian host, were the most suitable host when compared with the five mammal species. Dogs were demonstrated to be a suitable host for adults of A. tigrinum, which is consistent with, several reports of adult A. tigrinum ticks parasitizing dogs in different areas of South America. Our results reinforce that in these same areas avian species are the major hosts for immature stages of this tick species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The control of viral infections, especially those caused by influenza viruses, is of great interest in Public Health. Bio prospection has shown the presence of active principles in the hemolymph of arthropods, and in the salivary gland of ticks, and some of these are of interest for the development of new pharmacological drugs. Ticks lay their eggs in the environment, and to protect them from desiccation and microbial attack they involve the eggs in a waxy layer produced by an organ known as Gené’s Organ. In this study, the eggs wax from tick Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius) was extracted using ice cold phosphate buffer. The antiviral activity was evaluated with picornavirus and influenza virus. In both cases egg wax was able to inhibit virus replication. For influenza virus, an amount as small as 12 μg/mL of crude egg wax suspension neutralized 128 UHA (hemaglutinant unit) of H1N1 influenza virus. With picornavirus, egg wax led to a 256-fold reduction in virus production by L929 cells. Egg wax was not cytotoxic to VERO, MDCK and L929 cell, being observed that the cell morphology was preserved with concentration as high as 2 mg/mL. In addition no genotoxic effect was observed for Vero cells, suggesting a very interesting potential antiviral activity.  相似文献   

The newly described tick Amblyomma vikirri has a narrow host range, being found mainly on the Australian lizard, Egernia stokesii and rarely on another lizard, Tiliqua rugosa. Both hosts are in the family Scincidae. Larvae of A. vikirri were as successful in locating E. stokesii as T. rugosa from a range of release distances between 20 and 120 mm from the host. Over this range the proportion of ticks which successfully located hosts declined and the time taken by successful ticks to locate hosts increased with increasing release distance. From 60 mm, larvae of A. vikirri located four other lizard species from the families Scincidae and Agamidae and two non-living targets as successfully as they did E. stokesii. The only evidence that there was any host specificity in the searching behaviour of larvae of A. vikirri was that A. vikirri larvae spent less time paused and questing when they were searching for E. stokesii than when they were searching for T. rugosa. Aponomma hydrosauri, a tick which commonly infests T. rugosa but not E. stokesii, spent less time paused and questing when it was searching for T. rugosa than when it was searching for E. stokesii. However, the results overall suggest that the narrow host range of A. vikirri cannot be explained by any ability of the larvae of that species to discriminate between their natural host and other reptile species.  相似文献   

In the present study, we report a case of hyperparasitism in Amblyomma rotundatum. During examination of live ticks immediately after collecting them from Boa constrictor snakes held in a reptile facility in Mossoró, RN, northeastern Brazil, 1 unengorged tick female was seen attached to the venter of a partially engorged female. The hypostome and chelicerae of the unengorged female had penetrated the integument of the partially engorged female to the level of the basis capitulli and the palps were splayed outward. To our knowledge, we present the second report of hyperparasitism for the genus Amblyomma.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the extensible (alloscutum) and inextensible (scutum) integument of the nymph, Amblyomma variegatum was examined during the whole bloodmeal and the nymphal-adult moulting cycle. Integumental events were tentatively correlated with the ecdysteroid levels measured by radioimmunoassay. We observed that all the integumental events were realised along an anteroposterior gradient. During the 5 days corresponding to the bloodmeal, although the hormone concentration was low, a new endocuticle was deposited on both the alloscutum and scutum. Furthermore, mitoses were initiated in the capitulum. On days 1–2 after the meal, ecdysteroid titres began to increase and reached a first peak corresponding to 4.1 ng 20-hydroxyecdysone equivalents/tick on the 4th day after the ticks dropped off their host. At this time the epidermis of the capitulum was detached and the outline of the adult capitulum was already visible. Mitotic activity in the alloscutum was initiated. On day 6 post-drop, the frontal apolysis was achieved and the ecdysteroid titres declined to basal values. A second peak much higher than the first one (maximum value of 33.7 ng/tick) and identified principally as 20-hydroxyecdysone by HPLC/RIA was noted on the 13th day post-drop. During the period of increase in the ecdysteroid levels (days 9–10 post-drop), the mitotic phase ended in the alloscutum and the apolysis began. Epicuticle was deposited after day 12 postdrop. Then, while the titre fell to low values (about 1.6 ng/tick, days 16–20 post-drop), the exocuticle was deposited and the nymphal cuticle was digested. All adult structures were functional 3 days before ecdysis. In young male as in female adults the mean value of the ecdysteroid levels corresponded to about 2.5 ng/tick. Finally, hydrolysis of tick whole extracts with esterase demonstrated a low increase of RIA-positive material, demonstrating the probable presence of natural ecdysteroid fatty-acid conjugates in this species.  相似文献   

The present study presents the morphology, histology, and the dynamics of vitellogenesis in females of the tick Amblyomma triste. The ovary in this species is of the panoistic type, therefore it lacks nurse cells. It is composed of a layer of epithelial cells that outwardly form the wall of the ovary, but also originate the pedicel, the structure that attaches the oocytes to its external margin, as well the oocytes themselves. In Amblyomma triste, the oocytes develop in four synchronic stages, which differs from the process in other tick species. The classification of the stages of the oocytes was carried out based on the presence of four morphologic characteristics: cytoplasm appearance; site of the germ vesicle; presence, quantity, and constitution of the yolk granules and presence of chorium.  相似文献   

Infestations of adults and nymphs of Amblyomma hebraeum were counted on Brahman (Br), Brahman x Simmental (BS), Sanga (Sa) and Hereford (He) steers exposed to infested pastures at Mbizi in southern Zimbabwe in 1986–1987. Herefords were always the most heavily infested, while the Sanga tended to carry the fewest ticks with the Brahman and Brahman x Simmental groups being in between. The ratios of the engorged females on the four breeds were 2.3 : 1.4 : 1.4 : 1.0 for He : Br : BS : Sa. The ratios of the standard nymphs were 2.2 : 1.4 : 1.7 : 1.0 for He : Br : BS : Sa. The results confirm earlier observations in Africa and support the view that there are genetic differences between breeds in the expression of resistance to this tick species.Deceased.  相似文献   

Eggs of the tick Amblyomma hebraeum Koch (Acari: Ixodidae) inhibited the growth of Escherichia coli and Serratia marcescens (Gram-negative bacteria) in solid culture, but not the growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis, and only marginally the growth of Bacillus subtilis (Gram-positive bacteria). When egg wax was extracted with chloroform/methanol (2:1), the extract contained antibacterial activity, but the denuded eggs did not. When assayed against bacteria in liquid culture, the aqueous phase inhibited the growth of S. epidermidis. However, the activity against E. coli was lost during extraction. The antimicrobial component of the aqueous phase was heat stable (100°C for 10 min), resistant to proteinase K (15 min at 55°C) and to pronase (30 min at 37°C). The antibacterial activity in the aqueous phase increased the permeability of the cell membrane of susceptible bacterial cells within 30 min. However, lysis of the cells was detected by optical density measurements (OD600 nm) only after 1.5 h. The most evident cytological changes observed by transmission electron microscopy were a thickening of the cell wall and the appearance of numerous electron lucent areas within the cytoplasm of treated bacteria. Gené’s organ, the egg-waxing organ in ticks, grew enormously during the first 16 days post-engorgement, and gained antimicrobial activity by day 10 (when oviposition began). This suggests that Gené’s organ is the major source of the antibacterial substance in the egg wax. The vitellogenic hormone in A. hebraeum, 20-hydroxyecdysone, when injected into recently engorged females, did not stimulate growth of Gené’s organ or precocious secretion of antimicrobial activity.  相似文献   

Investigations were commenced to study the potential use of the fungi, Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, and the attraction-aggregation-attachment pheromone (AAAP) for the control of Ambloyomma variegatum as an environmentally friendly technology. The objective of the study was to develop and test a device, which could be used for pheromone and carbon dioxide delivery and infection of ticks with the fungi in an attempt to control the tick populations in the vegetation. Using a pheromone-baited device treated with the fungi mixture, 79% of the ticks released were attracted and exposed to the fungi and of these, 78% died during incubation in the laboratory. In another set of experiments, of the released ticks that were similarly exposed to fungi using the pheromone-baited device and left in the vegetation, 33.8% were recovered compared to recoveries of between 76 and 84% in the controls. These results were significantly different at the 5% level, an indication that the pheromone/fungi mixtures had significant effect in reducing the tick population in the field.  相似文献   

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