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《FEBS letters》2014,588(23):4404-4412
Intracerebroventricular injection of oxytocin (Oxt), a neuropeptide produced in hypothalamic paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic nuclei (SON), melanocortin-dependently suppresses feeding. However, the underlying neuronal pathway is unclear. This study aimed to determine whether Oxt regulates propiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) of the hypothalamus. Intra-ARC injection of Oxt decreased food intake. Oxt increased cytosolic Ca2+ in POMC neurons isolated from ARC. ARC POMC neurons expressed Oxt receptors and were contacted by Oxt terminals. Retrograde tracer study revealed the projection of PVN and SON Oxt neurons to ARC. These results demonstrate the novel oxytocinergic signaling from PVN/SON to ARC POMC, possibly regulating feeding.  相似文献   

Autophagy degrades cytoplasmic contents to achieve cellular homeostasis. We show that selective loss of autophagy in hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons decreases α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) levels, promoting adiposity, impairing lipolysis and altering glucose homeostasis. Ageing reduces hypothalamic autophagy and α-MSH levels, and aged-mice phenocopy, the adiposity and lipolytic defect observed in POMC neuron autophagy-null mice. Intraperitoneal isoproterenol restores lipolysis in both models, demonstrating normal adipocyte catecholamine responsiveness. We propose that an unconventional, autophagosome-mediated form of secretion in POMC neurons controls energy balance by regulating α-MSH production. Modulating hypothalamic autophagy might have implications for preventing obesity and metabolic syndrome of ageing.  相似文献   

Sexual receptivity, lordosis, can be induced by sequential estradiol and progesterone or extended exposure to high levels of estradiol in the female rat. In both cases estradiol initially inhibits lordosis through activation of β-endorphin (β-END) neurons of the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARH) that activate μ-opioid receptors (MOP) in the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN). Subsequent progesterone or extended estradiol exposure deactivates MPN MOP to facilitate lordosis. Opioid receptor-like receptor-1 (ORL-1) is expressed in ARH and ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH). Infusions of its endogenous ligand, orphanin FQ (OFQ/N, aka nociceptin), into VMH–ARH region facilitate lordosis. Whether OFQ/N acts in ARH and/or VMH and whether OFQ/N is necessary for steroid facilitation of lordosis are unclear. In Exp I, OFQ/N infusions in VMH and ARH that facilitated lordosis also deactivated MPN MOP indicating that OFQ/N facilitation of lordosis requires deactivation of ascending ARH-MPN projections by directly inhibiting ARH β-END neurons and/or through inhibition of excitatory VMH–ARH pathways to proopiomelanocortin neurons. It is unclear whether OFQ/N activates the VMH output motor pathways directly or via the deactivation of MPN MOP. In Exp II we tested whether ORL-1 activation is necessary for estradiol-only or estradiol + progesterone lordosis facilitation. Blocking ORL-1 with UFP-101 inhibited estradiol-only lordosis and MPN MOP deactivation but had no effect on estradiol + progesterone facilitation of lordosis and MOP deactivation. In conclusion, steroid facilitation of lordosis inhibits ARH β-END neurons to deactivate MPN MOP, but estradiol-only and estradiol + progesterone treatments appear to use different neurotransmitter systems to inhibit ARH-MPN signaling.  相似文献   

This study was performed to observe the effects of ghrelin on the activity of gastric distention (GD) sensitive neurons in the arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus (Arc) and on gastric motility in vivo in streptozocin (STZ) induced diabetes mellitus (DM) rats. Electrophysiological results showed that ghrelin could excite GD-excitatory (GD-E) neurons and inhibit GD-inhibitory (GD-I) neurons in the Arc. However, fewer GD-E neurons were excited by ghrelin and the excitatory effect of ghrelin on GD-E neurons was much weaker in DM rats. Gastric motility research in vivo showed that microinjection of ghrelin into the Arc could significantly promote gastric motility and it showed a dose-dependent manner. The effect of ghrelin promoting gastric motility in DM rats was weaker than that in normal rats. The effects induced by ghrelin could be blocked by growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHSR) antagonist [d-Lys-3]-GHRP-6 or BIM28163. RIA and real-time PCR data showed that the levels of ghrelin in the plasma, stomach and ghrelin mRNA in the Arc increased at first but decreased later and the expression of GHSR-1a mRNA in the Arc maintained a low level in DM rats. The present findings indicate that ghrelin could regulate the activity of GD sensitive neurons and gastric motility via ghrelin receptors in the Arc. The reduced effects of promoting gastric motility induced by ghrelin could be connected with the decreased expression of ghrelin receptors in the Arc in diabetes. Our data provide new experimental evidence for the role of ghrelin in gastric motility disorder in diabetes.  相似文献   

Summary Light and electron microscopic autoradiography has been employed to define the neuroanatomical patterns of uptake and binding of radiolabelled L-dopa in the endocrine hypothalamus of the rat. A dorsomedial continuum of arcuate and periventricular neurons selectively sequester 3H L-dopa 20 min following its intraventricular infusion. By 40 and 60 min following the infusion labelling of neurons is minimal and supports the notion of rapid degradation. Other cell compartments such as tanycytes demonstrate uptake of 3H L-dopa. The ultrastructural localization and distribution of radiolabelled L-dopa (or its metabolites) in the rodent hypothalamus is discussed with respect to mechanisms and cell compartments involved in neuroendocrine regulatory processes.Supported by USPHS Program Project Grant NS-11642-04 (DES) and RR-05403Career Development Awardee RO4GM-70001  相似文献   

Summary A comprehensive ultrastructural examination of one cross-sectional level (middle 1/3) of the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (AH) of male rats several weeks after castration or after two weeks of morphine treatment confirmed a marked increase in lamellar whorls of endoplasmic reticulum in AH neurons in each group. A comparable incidence of AH whorls was not detected in rats treated with lactose, those treated for only 1–3 days with morphine, or in those given testosterone plus morphine for 2 weeks. It is postulated that the testosterone deficiency following either castration or chronic morphine treatment stimulated the observed increase in AH whorls. A close correspondence was noted between the distribution within the AH of neurons containing whorls and those reported by others to contain luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH). The possibility that whorls may be a marker for hypothalamic neurons which play a role in the LH-RH regulatory system warrants further consideration.Supported by Grants DA-00259 and NS-09156 from the United States Public Health ServiceResearch Scientist Development Award MH-38894Research Scientist Development Award MH-70180  相似文献   

Ghrelin, an orexigenic hormone, directly activates neuropeptide (NPY) neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC), and thereby stimulates food intake. The hypothalamic level of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an intracellular energy sensor, is activated by peripheral and central administration of ghrelin. We examined whether ghrelin regulates AMPK activity in NPY neurons of the ARC. Single neurons were isolated from the ARC and cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) was measured by fura-2 microfluorometry, followed by immunocytochemical identification of NPY, phospho-AMPK, and phospho-acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). Ghrelin and AICAR, an AMPK activator, increased [Ca2+]i in neurons isolated from the ARC. The ghrelin-responsive neurons highly overlapped with AICAR-responsive neurons. The neurons that responded to both ghrelin and AICAR were primarily NPY-immunoreactive neurons. Treatment with ghrelin increased phosphorylation of AMPK and ACC. An AMPK inhibitor, compound C, suppressed ghrelin-induced [Ca2+]i increases. These results demonstrate that ghrelin increases [Ca2+]i via AMPK-mediated signaling in the ARC NPY neurons.  相似文献   

Liver injury and dysregulated glucose homoeostasis are common manifestations during sepsis. Although plenty of studies reported insulin could protect against multiple organ injuries caused by critical infections among patients, little was known about the precise mechanism. We investigated whether liver inflammatory pathway and central neuropeptides were involved in the process. In sepsis rats, hepatic IKK/NF‐κB pathway and STAT3 were strongly activated, along with reduced body weight, blood glucose and suppressed hepatic gluconeogenesis (GNG). Peripheral insulin administration efficiently attenuated liver dysfunction and glucose metabolic disorders by suppressing hypothalamic anorexigenic neuropeptide proopiomelanocortin (POMC) expression, hepatic NF‐κB pathway and STAT3 phosphorylation. Furthermore, knockdown of hypothalamic POMC significantly diminished protective effect of insulin on hepatic GNG and insulin‐induced STAT3 inactivation, but not inflammation or IKK/NF‐κB pathway. These results suggest that hepatic IKK/NF‐κB pathway mediates the anti‐inflammatory effect of insulin in septic rats, and peripheral insulin treatment may improve hepatic GNG by inhibiting STAT3 phosphorylation dependent on hypothalamic POMC expression.  相似文献   

Summary The Catecholaminergic innervation of neurons containing growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) was examined by use of a method which combined either 5-hydroxydopamine (5-OHDA) uptake or autoradiography after intraventricular injection of 3H-noradrenaline with immunocytochemistry for GRF in the same tissue sections at the electron-microscopic level. In the ventrolateral part of the arcuate nucleus of the rat hypothalamus a large number of immunonegative axon terminals were found to make synaptic contact with GRF-like immunoreactive (GRF-LI) cell bodies and processes. 3H-noradrenaline autoradiography or 5-OHDA-labeling combined with GRF immunocytochemistry revealed that axon terminals labeled with 3H-noradrenaline or 5-OHDA make synaptic contact with the GRF-LI nerve cell bodies and processes. These findings indicate that catecholamine-containing neurons innervate GRF neurons to regulate GRF secretion via synapses in the rat arcuate nucleus.  相似文献   

It is well established that histaminergic neurons in the posterior hypothalamus make connections with whole brain areas and regulate several functions. Recent evidence indicates that histaminergic neurons are heterogeneous cell group and organized into distinct circuits. However, functional circuits of histaminergic neurons have not been fully mapped so far. To address this issue, we have investigated antihistamine-sensitive neuronal activation in the hypothalamus to determine the hypothalamic region primarily innervated by histaminergic neurons. Here we review our recent findings showing the existence of the heterogeneous subpopulations of histaminergic neurons in the TMN that innervated distinct regions to regulate particular functions. We have identified the caudal part of the arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus (cARC) as a target region of histaminergic neurons in food-restricted rats by assessing suppression of c-Fos expression by pretreatment with antihistamines. Histaminergic neurons in the tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN) are morphologically subdivided into five groups (E1–E5). Among the subdivisions, the E3 group was found to be activated corresponding to the activation of cARC neurons. Our findings suggest that this subpopulation selectively innervate cARC neurons. Accumulating reports have also described c-Fos expression in other TMN subpopulations. Various stress challenge induced c-Fos expression primarily in E4 and E5 subpopulations. Motivation- and drug-induced arousal elicited in common activation of ventrolateral part of the TMN containing E1 and E2 subdivisions, which receive projections from wake-active orexin neurons and sleep-active GABA neurons. These lines of evidence support the hypothesis that there are heterogeneous subpopulations in the TMN that innervated distinct regions to regulate particular functions.  相似文献   

利用长日照和短日照环境调控绍鸭的性成熟时间,并采用反转录多聚酶链式反应(RT-PCR)方法, 检测两种日照组(n=6)鸭性成熟过程中下丘脑促性腺激素释放激素-Ⅰ(GnRH-Ⅰ)、阿片促黑激素皮质素 原(POMC)和神经肽Y(NPY)mRNA表达的发育性变化及日龄间差异。结果表明,长日照组性成熟时间较短 日照组提前30d。RT-PCR结果显示,两组鸭下丘脑GnRH-Ⅰ mRNA的发育性表达模式相似,从出雏至性成熟 过程中,其表达水平呈逐渐增加趋势;长日照组下丘脑GnRH-Ⅰ mRNA表达丰度均高于同日龄短日照组,并于 120日龄时其差异达显著水平。两组POMC mRNA的表达丰度呈现先增加后降低趋势,于性成熟前后显著下降; 日照长度对其基因表达具有显著影响。两组NPY mRNA表达水平分别于60和90日龄时显著升高,于性成熟时 显著下降,但光照对其基因表达无显著影响。下丘脑GnRH-Ⅰ基因表达的显著上调可能是禽类性成熟启动的关 键因素,也是长日照条件下绍鸭性早熟的主要原因;GnRH-Ⅰ表达的上调与下丘脑POMC和NPY mRNA表达变 化有关。  相似文献   

Price  M. T.  Olney  J. W.  Cicero  T. J. 《Cell and tissue research》1977,182(4):537-540
Summary The arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (AH) of male rats which had been treated either with estradiol benzoate (E2B) or cyproterone acetate (CPA) was examined ultrastructurally for the presence of whorls of endoplasmic reticulum. The incidence of whorl containing neurons (WCN) was 2–4 times higher in the AH of animals treated for 2–3 weeks with E2B or for 2 weeks with CPA than in the AH of oil treated controls. CPA is a powerful anti-androgen while E2B acts both peripherally and centrally to limit testosterone production. These findings, together with previous evidence that whorls proliferate in AH of male rats deprived of androgen by morphine treatment or castration, suggest that steroid feedback (androgen alone or both androgen and estrogen) plays an important role in AH whorl proliferation. The possibility that WCN may be LH-RH containing neurons is suggested by the close correspondence between the number and location of WCN within AH as determined in this study and the distribution of LH-RH containing cells reported by others.The authors are indebted to Schering AG for supplying cyproterone acetate for this study. This work was supported by grants DA-00259, NS-09156 and MH-14677 from U.S.P.H.S.Research Scientist Development Award MH-38894Research Scientist Development Award MH-70180  相似文献   

Hypothalamic neuropeptides, including neuropeptide Y (NPY) and proopiomelanocortin (POMC), have been found to control the appetite‐suppressing effect of amphetamine (AMPH). In this study, we have examined whether dopamine receptor (DAR), phosphatidylinositol 3‐kinase (PI3K) and nuclear factor‐kappaB (NF‐κB) are involved in AMPH's action. We administered AMPH to rats once a day for 4 days and assessed and compared changes in hypothalamic NPY, melanocortin receptor 4 (MC4R), PI3K, pAkt and NF‐κB expression. We found that the inhibition of DAR increased NPY, but decreased MC4R, PI3K and NF‐κB expression, compared with AMPH‐treated rats. Moreover, MC4R, PI3K, pAkt and NF‐κB increased with the maximum response on Day 2, which was consistent with the response of feeding behavior, but was opposite to the expression of NPY. Furthermore, we found that the intracerebroventricular infusion of the PI3K inhibitor or NF‐κB antisense could attenuate AMPH‐induced anorexia, and partially reverse the expression of NPY, MC4R, PI3K, Akt and NF‐κB back toward a normal level. We, therefore, suggest that DAR–PI3K–NF‐κB signaling in the hypothalamus plays functional roles in the modulation of NPY and POMC neurotransmissions and in the control of AMPH‐evoked appetite suppression.  相似文献   

Summary Morphogenesis of the arcuate nucleus of the rat from the 15th fetal day to the 6th postnatal day was investigated light and electron microscopically. The arcuate neurons exhibit a gradual development after the 15th fetal day. All cytoplasmic constituents are present in these nerve cells already during the last days of gestation. Nevertheless, they are not fully differentiated at birth. The first synapse-like structures (presynapses) were observed in 17 day-old, the first synapses in 18 day-old fetuses. During the early postnatal period the number of presynapses decreases, but at the same time there is a gradual increase in the number of the relatively mature synapses. This process starts already during the last days of prenatal life. Although all structural elements of the arcuate nucleus of the adult rat appear to be present at birth, the extent of the neuropil area and the number of the presynapses indicate that the arcuate nucleus is still in a fairly undeveloped stage during the first postnatal days.  相似文献   

Yang DS  Wang P  Yang XT  Wang K  Fu CF  Wang YF 《生理学报》1999,51(4):463-466
为探究授乳大鼠双侧下丘脑巨细胞催产素神经元同步化射乳反射爆发放电的中枢所中,我们采用双微电极细胞外记录技术,观察了选择性脑切割损毁后的大鼠双侧视上核内催们素神经元在仔鼠吸吮刺激下射乳反射爆发放电。结果显示:在腹侧这画以上横向民单侧中脑中部,不同能阻断双侧催产素神经元的同步化爆发放 单侧下丘脑中间内侧部横切则可阻断这种经爆发放电。这些结果表明;中脑中部至一丘脑中部这一脑区在双侧视上核内催产素神经元的  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) inhibits food intake in goldfish, unlike in rodents, suggesting that its anorexigenic action is mediated by alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) but not corticotropin-releasing hormone. This led us to investigate whether MCH-containing neurons in the goldfish brain have direct inputs to alpha-MSH-containing neurons, using a confocal laser scanning microscope, and to examine whether the anorexigenic action of MCH is also mediated by other anorexigenic neuropeptides, such as cholecystokinin (CCK) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP), using their receptor antagonists. MCH- and alpha-MSH-like immunoreactivities were distributed throughout the brain, especially in the diencephalon. MCH-containing nerve fibers or endings lay in close apposition to alpha-MSH-containing neurons in the hypothalamus in the posterior part of the nucleus lateralis tuberis (NLTp). The inhibitory effect of ICV-injected MCH on food intake was not affected by treatment with a CCK A/CCK B receptor antagonist, proglumide, or a PACAP receptor (PAC(1) receptor) antagonist, PACAP((6-38)). ICV administration of MCH at a dose sufficient to inhibit food consumption also did not influence expression of the mRNAs encoding CCK and PACAP. These results strongly suggest that MCH-containing neurons provide direct input to alpha-MSH-containing neurons in the NLTp of goldfish, and that MCH plays a crucial role in the regulation of feeding behavior as an anorexigenic neuropeptide via the alpha-MSH (melanocortin 4 receptor)-signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Enkephalin-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated in a group of highly reactive neurons (HRN) of the rat hypothalamus by the biotin-avidin immunohistochemical technique. The location of the HRN spans several nuclei but the consistent immunoreactivity, the constant topography, and the uniform dimensions of the neurons suggest that they belong to one group. At its caudal end the group appears within the rostral dorso-medial nucleus. At the level of the caudal paraventricular nucleus (PVH) the HRN are assembled in a spherical pattern around a subgroup of neurons in the anterior hypothalamus (AH). The HRN then are found in a position directly between the PVH and the fornix. Before the HRN disappear at the level of the caudal preoptic area, many of the HRN become associated with the fornix. The close association of the HRN with the AH subgroup and the fornix suggests that the HRN may influence the activity of these structures. The HRN are small to medium in size and their short processes suggest that the HRN communicate with other neurons in their vicinity. The areas of the hypothalamus in which the HRN are found are involved in neuroendocrine and thermoregulatory functions suggesting that the HRN may play a role in modifying the activity of neurons and fibres involved in these functions.  相似文献   

P E Micevych  R P Elde 《Peptides》1982,3(4):655-662
Immunohistochemical studies were conducted on sections of cat hypothalamus in order to determine the distribution of neurons containing alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone and beta-endorphin immunoreactivity. A large number of neurons in the arcuate nucleus were stained after incubation of sections with antisera to either substance. Analysis of serial sections suggested that each neuron revealed with one antiserum was also revealed with the other antiserum, indicating the co-existence of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone and beta-endorphin immunoreactivity within these arcuate neurons. In contrast, a more diffuse group of lateral hypothalamic neurons which extended from the retrochiasmatic level to the posterior hypothalamus were stained only with the antiserum directed against alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone. The present results largely confirm findings in the rat hypothalamus, although the lateral hypothalamic group of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone immunoreactive neurons appears to be more extensive in the cat.  相似文献   

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