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Insulin-producing β-cells are present as single cells or in small clusters distributed throughout the pancreas of the Xenopus laevis tadpole. During metamorphic climax when the exocrine pancreas dedifferentiates to progenitor cells, the β-cells undergo two changes. Insulin mRNA is down regulated at the beginning of metamorphic climax (NF62) and reexpressed again near the end of climax. Secondly, the β-cells aggregate to form islets. During climax the increase in insulin cluster size is not caused by cell proliferation or by acinar-to-β-cell transdifferentiation, but rather is due to the aggregation of pre-existing β-cells. The total number of β-cells does not change during the 8 days of climax. Thyroid hormone (TH) induction of premetamorphic tadpoles causes an increase in islet size while prolonged treatment of tadpoles with the goitrogen methimazole inhibits this increase. Expression of a dominant negative form of the thyroid hormone receptor (TRDN) driven by the elastase promoter not only protects the exocrine pancreas of a transgenic tadpole from TH-induced dedifferentiation but also prevents aggregation of β-cells at climax. These transgenic tadpoles do however undergo normal loss and resynthesis of insulin mRNA at the same stage as controls. In contrast transgenic tadpoles with the same TRDN transgene driven by an insulin promoter do not undergo down regulation of insulin mRNA, but do aggregate β-cells to form islets like controls. These results demonstrate that TH controls the remodeling of β-cells through cell-cell interaction with dedifferentiating acinar cells and a cell autonomous program that temporarily shuts off the insulin gene.  相似文献   

During the climax of amphibian metamorphosis many tadpole organs remodel. The different remodeling strategies are controlled by thyroid hormone (TH). The liver, skin, and tail fibroblasts shut off tadpole genes and activate frog genes in the same cell without DNA replication. We refer to this as “gene switching”. In contrast, the exocrine pancreas and the intestinal epithelium dedifferentiate to a progenitor state and then redifferentiate to the adult cell type. Tadpole and adult globin are not present in the same cell. Switching from red cells containing tadpole-specific globin to those with frog globin in the liver occurs at a progenitor cell stage of development and is preceded by DNA replication. Red cell switching is the only one of these remodeling strategies that resembles a stem cell mechanism.  相似文献   

To investigate the precise role of Notch/Rbp-j signaling in the pancreas, we inactivated Rbp-j by crossing Rbp-j floxed mice with Pdx.cre or Rip.cre transgenic mice. The loss of Rbp-j at the initial stage of pancreatic development induced accelerated alpha and PP cell differentiation and a concomitant decrease in the number of Neurogenin3 (Ngn3)-positive cells at E11.5. Then at E15, elongated tubular structures expressing ductal cell markers were evident; however, differentiation of acinar and all types of endocrine cells were reduced. During later embryonic stages, compensatory acinar cell differentiation was observed. The resultant mice exhibited insulin-deficient diabetes with both endocrine and exocrine pancreatic hypoplasia. In contrast, the loss of Rbp-j specifically in beta cells did not affect beta cell number and function. Thus, our analyses indicate that Notch/Rbp-j signaling prevents premature differentiation of pancreatic progenitor cells into endocrine and ductal cells during early development of the pancreas.  相似文献   

Although many of the genes that regulate development of the endocrine pancreas have been identified, comparatively little is known about how the exocrine pancreas forms. Previous studies have shown that exocrine pancreas development may be modeled in zebrafish. However, the timing and mechanism of acinar and ductal differentiation and morphogenesis have not been described. Here, we characterize zebrafish exocrine pancreas development in wild type and mutant larvae using histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural analyses. These data allow us to identify two stages of zebrafish exocrine development. During the first stage, the exocrine anlage forms from rostral endodermal cells. During the second stage, proto-differentiated progenitor cells undergo terminal differentiation followed by acinar gland and duct morphogenesis. Immunohistochemical analyses support a model in which the intrapancreatic ductal system develops from progenitors that join to form a contiguous network rather than by branching morphogenesis of the pancreatic epithelium, as described for mammals. Contemporaneous appearance of acinar glands and ducts in developing larvae and their disruption in pancreatic mutants suggest that common molecular pathways may regulate gland and duct morphogenesis and differentiation of their constituent cells. By contrast, analyses of mind bomb mutants and jagged morpholino-injected larvae suggest that Notch signaling principally regulates ductal differentiation of bipotential exocrine progenitors.  相似文献   

Notch signaling regulates cell fate decisions in a variety of adult and embryonic tissues, and represents a characteristic feature of exocrine pancreatic cancer. In developing mouse pancreas, targeted inactivation of Notch pathway components has defined a role for Notch in regulating early endocrine differentiation, but has been less informative with respect to a possible role for Notch in regulating subsequent exocrine differentiation events. Here, we show that activated Notch and Notch target genes actively repress completion of an acinar cell differentiation program in developing mouse and zebrafish pancreas. In developing mouse pancreas, the Notch target gene Hes1 is co-expressed with Ptf1-P48 in exocrine precursor cells, but not in differentiated amylase-positive acinar cells. Using lentiviral delivery systems to induce ectopic Notch pathway activation in explant cultures of E10.5 mouse dorsal pancreatic buds, we found that both Hes1 and Notch1-IC repress acinar cell differentiation, but not Ptf1-P48 expression, in a cell-autonomous manner. Ectopic Notch activation also delays acinar cell differentiation in developing zebrafish pancreas. Further evidence of a role for endogenous Notch in regulating exocrine pancreatic differentiation was provided by examination of zebrafish embryos with homozygous mindbomb mutations, in which Notch signaling is disrupted. mindbomb-deficient embryos display accelerated differentiation of exocrine pancreas relative to wild-type clutchmate controls. A similar phenotype was induced by expression of a dominant-negative Suppressor of Hairless [Su(H)] construct, confirming that Notch actively represses acinar cell differentiation during zebrafish pancreatic development. Using transient transfection assays involving a Ptf1-responsive reporter gene, we further demonstrate that Notch and Notch/Su(H) target genes directly inhibit Ptf1 activity, independent of changes in expression of Ptf1 component proteins. These results define a normal inhibitory role for Notch in the regulation of exocrine pancreatic differentiation.  相似文献   

During pancreas development, endocrine and exocrine cells arise from a common multipotent progenitor pool. How these cell fate decisions are coordinated with tissue morphogenesis is poorly understood. Here we have examined ductal morphology, endocrine progenitor cell fate and Notch signaling in Ngn3−/− mice, which do not produce islet cells. Ngn3 deficiency results in reduced branching and enlarged pancreatic duct-like structures, concomitant with Ngn3 promoter activation throughout the ductal epithelium and reduced Notch signaling. Conversely, forced generation of surplus endocrine progenitor cells causes reduced duct caliber and an excessive number of tip cells. Thus, endocrine progenitor cells normally provide a feedback signal to adjacent multipotent ductal progenitor cells that activates Notch signaling, inhibits further endocrine differentiation and promotes proper morphogenesis. These results uncover a novel layer of regulation coordinating pancreas morphogenesis and endocrine/exocrine differentiation, and suggest ways to enhance the yield of beta cells from stem cells.  相似文献   

Mice carrying loss-of-function mutations in certain Notch pathway genes display increased and accelerated pancreatic endocrine development, leading to depletion of precursor cells followed by pancreatic hypoplasia. Here, we have investigated the effect of expressing a constitutively active form of the Notch1 receptor (Notch1(ICD)) in the developing pancreas using the pdx1 promoter. At e10.5 to e12.5, we observe a disorganized pancreatic epithelium with reduced numbers of endocrine cells, confirming a repressive activity of Notch1 upon the early differentiation program. Subsequent branching morphogenesis is impaired and the pancreatic epithelium forms cyst-like structures with ductal phenotype containing a few endocrine cells but completely devoid of acinar cells. The endocrine cells that do form show abnormal expression of cell type-specific markers. Our observations show that sustained Notch1 signaling not only significantly represses endocrine development, but also fully prevents pancreatic exocrine development, suggesting that a possible role of Notch1 is to maintain the undifferentiated state of common pancreatic precursor cells.  相似文献   

The Notch-signaling pathway is known to be fundamental in controlling pancreas differentiation. We now report on using Cre-based fate mapping to indelibly label pancreatic Notch-responsive cells (PNCs) at larval stages and follow their fate in the adult pancreas. We show that the PNCs represent a population of progenitors that can differentiate to multiple lineages, including adult ductal cells, centroacinar cells (CACs) and endocrine cells. These endocrine cells include the insulin-producing β-cells. CACs are a functional component of the exocrine pancreas; however, our fate-mapping results indicate that CACs are more closely related to endocrine cells by lineage as they share a common progenitor. The majority of the exocrine pancreas consists of the secretory acinar cells; however, we only detect a very limited contribution of PNCs to acinar cells. To explain this observation we re-examined early events in pancreas formation. The pancreatic anlage that gives rise to the exocrine pancreas is located in the ventral gut endoderm (called the ventral bud). Ptf1a is a gene required for exocrine pancreas development and is first expressed as the ventral bud forms. We used transgenic marker lines to observe both the domain of cells expressing ptf1a and cells responding to Notch signaling. We do not detect any overlap in expression and demonstrate that the ventral bud consists of two cell populations: a ptf1-expressing domain and a Notch-responsive progenitor core. As pancreas organogenesis continues, the ventral bud derived PNCs align along the duct, remain multipotent and later in development differentiate to form secondary islets, ducts and CACs.  相似文献   

We report the cloning of a novel gene (ID14) and its expression pattern in tadpoles and adults of Xenopus laevis. ID14 encodes a 315-amino acid protein that has a signal peptide and a nidogen domain. Even though several genes have a nidogen domain, ID14 is not the homolog of any known gene. ID14 is a late thyroid hormone (TH)-regulated gene in the tadpole intestine, and its expression in the intestine does not begin until the climax of metamorphosis, correlating with adult intestinal epithelial differentiation. In contrast, ID14 is expressed in tadpole skin and tail and is not regulated by TH. In situ hybridization revealed that this putative extracellular matrix protein is expressed in the epithelia of the tadpole skin and tail and in the intestinal epithelium after metamorphosis. In the adult, ID14 is found predominantly in the intestine with weak expression in the stomach, lung, and testis. Its exclusive expression in the adult intestinal epithelial cells makes it a useful marker for developmental studies and may give insights into cell/cell interactions in intestinal metamorphosis and adult intestinal stem cell maintenance.  相似文献   

Notch signaling regulates numerous developmental processes, often acting either to promote one cell fate over another or else to inhibit differentiation altogether. In the embryonic pancreas, Notch and its target gene Hes1 are thought to inhibit endocrine and exocrine specification. Although differentiated cells appear to downregulate Hes1, it is unknown whether Hes1 expression marks multipotent progenitors, or else lineage-restricted precursors. Moreover, although rare cells of the adult pancreas express Hes1, it is unknown whether these represent a specialized progenitor-like population. To address these issues, we developed a mouse Hes1(CreERT2) knock-in allele to inducibly mark Hes1(+) cells and their descendants. We find that Hes1 expression in the early embryonic pancreas identifies multipotent, Notch-responsive progenitors, differentiation of which is blocked by activated Notch. In later embryogenesis, Hes1 marks exocrine-restricted progenitors, in which activated Notch promotes ductal differentiation. In the adult pancreas, Hes1 expression persists in rare differentiated cells, particularly terminal duct or centroacinar cells. Although we find that Hes1(+) cells in the resting or injured pancreas do not behave as adult stem cells for insulin-producing beta (β)-cells, Hes1 expression does identify stem cells throughout the small and large intestine. Together, these studies clarify the roles of Notch and Hes1 in the developing and adult pancreas, and open new avenues to study Notch signaling in this and other tissues.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic findings obtained from the pancreas of a healthy 26-year-old organ donor are reported. These findings suggest for the first time that intermediate cells (i.e. cells with morphological characteristics of exocrine acinar or ductal cells as well as endocrine islet cells) are present in the normal adult pancreas.  相似文献   

Diabetes is caused by loss or dysfunction of pancreatic beta cells. Generation of beta cells in vitro is a promising strategy to develop a full-scale cell therapy against diabetes, and the development of methods without gene transfer may provide safer protocols for human therapy. Here we show that thyroid hormone receptors are expressed in embryonic murine pancreas. Addition of the thyroid hormone T3 in an ex vivo culture model of embryonic (E12.5) dorsal pancreas, mimicking embryonic pancreatic development, promoted an increase of ductal cell number at expenses of the acinar compartment. Double labeled cells expressing specific markers for ductal and acinar cells were observed, suggesting cell reprogramming. Increased mRNA levels of the pro-endocrine gene Ngn3 and an increased number of beta cells were detected in cultures treated previously with T3 suggesting that ductal cells promoted by T3 can subsequently differentiate into endocrine cells. So, indirectly, T3 induced endocrine differentiation. Moreover, T3 induced the expression of the pro-endocrine gene Ngn3 in the acinar 266-6 cell line. The pro-endocrine effect of T3 in the pancreatic explants and in the acinar cell line, was abrogated by the Akt inhibitor Ly294002 indicating the involvement of Akt signaling in this process. Altogether we show numerous evidences that define T3 as a promising candidate to generate endocrine cells from exocrine tissue, using ectopically gene expression free protocols, for cell therapy against diabetes.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of Na+,K+-ATPase in rat exocrine pancreas. By use of enzymatic dissociation techniques, pancreatic acini (containing acinar cells and centroacinar ductal cells in a ratio of about 10:1) and all major classes of pancreatic ducts were isolated and analyzed for the presence of Na+,K+-ATPase using K+-NPPase cytochemistry and [3H]-ouabain binding assays. Ultrastructural analysis demonstrated a basolateral localization of ouabain-sensitive enzyme activity in all classes of pancreatic ducts, although the degree of activity varied among the various classes. Qualitative analysis (scale of 0 to + + +) indicated the following enzyme distribution: centroacinar ductal cells (+); intralobular ducts (+ +); interlobular ducts (+ + +); main duct (+ +). In contrast, no reaction product was associated with pancreatic acinar cells even when observed adjacent to enzyme-positive centroacinar ductal cells. Parallel experiments monitoring [3H]-ouabain binding supported the cytochemical studies. When expressed as femtomoles [3H]-ouabain/microgram DNA, the following values were obtained: whole pancreas, 100.3; ducts (pooled intralobular and interlobular), 337.0; acini, 48.2. The acinar value is complicated by the fact that acini contain both acinar and centroacinar cells, but in light of the cytochemical observations we suggest that most of the [3H]-ouabain binding is due to the few ductal cells present in acini. The results suggest that Na+,K+-ATPase is primarily associated with the ductal epithelium of the exocrine pancreas and is differentially distributed among the different classes of ducts.  相似文献   

The pancreas of the newborn opossum consists of a central region of forming islets surrounded by primitive tubules that end in proacinar cells. Paratubular buds, which are outgrowths from the tubular epithelium, characterize the newborn pancreas and eventually give rise to both exocrine and endocrine units. 4 days after birth, definite intralobular ducts, acini and centroacinar cells are observed. In addition to the central expanding islets (primary islets), endocrine cells are observed singly or in small groups in the ductal epithelium. The endocrine cells are believed to originate from the terminal cells of the ductal epithelium and, throughout the entire postnatal period, retain a close association with the exocrine epithelium. With the simultaneous proliferation of both endocrine and exocrine components from the ductal system, the majority of the islets observed at 24 days (5.0 cm) appear to be surrounded by a single layer of acinar cells. As acini develop and the ducts expand toward the periphery, this layer of acinar cells separates from the developing islets, the majority of which have become localized within the centers of lobules to form the secondary islets by the 10.0-cm stage (59 days). A marked development of lobules is observed by the 13.0-cm stage and the majority of acinar cells now are filled with zymogen granules. Acinar cells continue to proliferate late into the postnatal period and the majority of acini exhibit a tubular form in the juvenile and adult opossum.  相似文献   

An immunohistochemical and immunoelectron microscopic study was used to demonstrate tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine -hydroxylase (DBH) immunoreactivities in the rat pancreas. Small TH immunoreactive cells were found in close contact with large TH immunonegative ganglion cells among the exocrine glands and were occasionally found in some islets. Some of these TH immunoreactive cells were also DBH immunopositive. The immunoreaction product was seen diffusely in the cytoplasm and in the granule cores of TH immunoreactive cells. All intra-pancreatic ganglion cells were immunoreactive for DBH, but not for TH. The TH immunoreactive cells were identified as small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells due to their localization and morphological characteristics and showed no insulin, glucagon, somatostatin or pancreatic polypeptide immunoreactivities. These results indicate that SIF cells may release dopamine or noradrenaline to adequate stimuli while the intra-pancreatic ganglion cells with only DBH may not synthesize catecholamines in a normal biosynthetic pathway. TH immunoreactive nerve bundles without varicosities and fibers with varicosities, associated or unassociated with blood vessels, were found in both the exocrine and endocrine pancreas. Close apposition of TH immunoreactive nerve fibers to the smooth muscle and endothelial cells of the blood vessels was observed. A close apposition between TH immunoreactive nerve fibers and exocrine acinar cells and islet endocrine cells was sometimes found in the pancreas. The immunoreaction product was seen diffusely in the axoplasm and in the granular vesicles of the immunoreactive nerve fibers. Since no TH immunoreactive ganglion cells were present in the rat pancreas, the present study suggests that noradrenergic nerve fibers in the pancreas may be extrinsic in origin, and may exert an effect on the regulation of blood flow and on the secretory acitivity of the acinar cells, duct cells and endocrine cells.  相似文献   

Summary The islet cells of the mammalian pancreas are comprised of four different endocrine cell types, each containing a specific hormone. Islet cells also contain two enzymes of the catecholamine biosynthetic pathway: tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC). The cell lineage relationships of these different cell types have not been examined and it is not known whether, during development, they originate from the same or from different precursor populations. In this study we used immunocytochemical procedures to determine whether developing pancreatic cells express markers common to endocrine and exocrine cell types. We found that acinar cell precursors express AADC prior to the appearance of an exocrine marker and that the expression of AADC in acinar cells persists throughout embryogenesis to the first month of postnatal life. At this time, acinar cells do not contain AADC. We also found that exocrine cells containing AADC never express other islet-cell markers. These findings suggest that while acinar and islet cells both arise from precursor cells containing AADC, these progenitor cells do not express a combined endocrine-exocrine phenotype.  相似文献   

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