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Retinoic acid (RA) signaling in vertebrate embryos occurs in a distinct physical and temporal pattern. Regulating this spatial distribution is crucial to the development of the embryo, as RA in excess or in inappropriate tissues is teratogenic. In order to understand how RA availability is determined in zebrafish we have investigated the expression of cyp26a1, an enzyme that inactivates RA, and its relationship to raldh2, one of the enzymes that produce RA from retinal. cyp26a1 expression follows three phases: in presumptive anterior neurectoderm and in a circumblastoporal ring during gastrulation, in the tailbud throughout somitogenesis, and in multiple specific tissue types beginning at mid-somitogenesis and continuing through 48 h postfertilization (hpf). This expression was either adjacent or opposite to those tissues expressing raldh2. We then investigated how RA production might regulate these relationships. Endogenous RA produced by raldhs did not play a role in setting cyp26a1 expression in most tissues. However, exogenous RA regulates expression of both enzymes. cyp26a1 is up regulated in the embryo in a time, concentration, and tissue-dependent manner. Conversely, raldh2 expression is reduced with RA treatment. Tests of the raldh2 promoter in cell transfections proved that RA directly represses its activity. These data demonstrate that the feedback mechanisms regulating production and degradation of RA must be considered in any experiments altering levels of RA in the developing vertebrate embryo.  相似文献   

Kawamorita M  Suzuki C  Saito G  Sato T  Sato K 《Human cell》2002,15(3):178-182
Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cells isolated from the inner cell mass of blastocysts. ES cells are able to differentiate into the three primitive layers (endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm) of the organism, including the germline. In recent reports mouse ES cells have been successfully applied in the treatment of spinal cord injury, hereditary myelin disorder of the central nervous system, and diabetes mellitus. In this study, we investigated the induction of mouse ES cell differentiation, using culture of embryoid bodies (EBs) into the diverse tissues. EBs were formed by culturing ES cells (129/SV strain) in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS, in the absence of feeder cells and leukemia inhibitory factor (LF). EBs were induced to differentiate by treatment with retinoic acid (RA). In control medium (non-RA medium) beating muscles, blood vessels, hemocytes, and cartilages were frequently observed in EBs. Moreover, when EBs were cultured in medium including RA (5 x 10(-8) M, and 5 x 10(-9) M), differentiation of the optic vesicle, lens, retina, and neural groove was observed. In this study we demonstrated that an efficient system for inducing the differentiation of ES cells using EBs.  相似文献   

Cell–cell signaling regulated by retinoic acid (RA), Wnt/β-catenin, and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) is important during body axis extension, and interactions between these pathways have been suggested. At early somite stages, Wnt/β-catenin and FGF signaling domains exist both anterior and posterior to the developing trunk, whereas RA signaling occurs in between in the trunk under the control of the RA-synthesizing enzyme retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (Raldh2). Previous studies demonstrated that vitamin A deficient quail embryos and Raldh2−/− mouse embryos lacking RA synthesis exhibit ectopic expression of Fgf8 and Wnt8a in the developing trunk. Here, we demonstrate that Raldh2−/− mouse embryos display an expansion of FGF signaling into the trunk monitored by Sprouty2 and Pea3 expression, and an expansion of Wnt/β-catenin signaling detected by expression of Axin2, Tbx6, Cdx2, and Cdx4. Following loss of RA signaling, the caudal expression domains of Fgf8, Wnt8a, and Wnt3a expand anteriorly into the trunk, but no change is observed in caudal expression of Fgf4 or Fgf17 plus caudal expression of Fgf18 and Cdx1 is reduced. These findings suggest that RA repression of Fgf8, Wnt8a, and Wnt3a in the developing trunk functions to down-regulate FGF signaling and Wnt/β-catenin signaling as the body axis extends.  相似文献   

Hamsters are routinely employed in toxicology evaluation, particularly for investigating the teratologic potential of chemicals. We have employed Syrian golden hamsters in retinoid-induced teratogenesis, mechanisms of which involve various retinoic acid receptor (RAR) isoforms. The purpose of this study was to clone and characterize different full-length hamster RAR isoforms. A 12-day old fetal hamster cDNA library was constructed and screened for RAR isoforms using human or mouse probes. Three full-length clones representing RARα, β, and γ were isolated, amplified and sequenced, and based on their homology to known mammalian isoforms were termed as hamster RARα variant, RARβ2 and RARγ2, respectively. The respective translated products for these clones were 430, 448 and 406 amino acids long. The clones were homologous to their human or mouse counterparts, although differences, particularly in the N-terminal region, were observed. These differences may represent differential splicing of exons controlled by two promoters for each isoform.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) signaling is required for normal development of multiple organs. However, little is known about how RA influences the initial stages of lung development. Here, we used a combination of genetic, pharmacological and explant culture approaches to address this issue, and to investigate how signaling by different RA receptors (RAR) mediates the RA effects. We analyzed initiation of lung development in retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (Raldh2) null mice, a model in which RA signaling is absent from the foregut from its earliest developmental stages. We provide evidence that RA is dispensable for specification of lung cell fate in the endoderm. By using synthetic retinoids to selectively activate RAR alpha or beta signaling in this model, we demonstrate novel and unique functions of these receptors in the early lung. We show that activation of RAR beta, but not alpha, induces expression of the fibroblast growth factor Fgf10 and bud morphogenesis in the lung field. Similar analysis of wild type foregut shows that endogenous RAR alpha activity is required to maintain overall RA signaling, and to refine the RAR beta effects in the lung field. Our data support the idea that balanced activation of RAR alpha and beta is critical for proper lung bud initiation and endodermal differentiation.  相似文献   

Cardiomelic or heart–hand syndromes include congenital defects affecting both the forelimb and heart, suggesting a hypothesis where similar signals may coordinate their development. In support of this hypothesis, we have recently defined a mechanism by which retinoic acid (RA) signaling acts on the forelimb progenitors to indirectly restrict cardiac cell number. However, we still do not have a complete understanding of the mechanisms downstream of RA signaling that allow for the coordinated development of these structures. Here, we test the hypothesis that appropriate Fgf signaling in the cardiac progenitor field downstream of RA signaling is required for the coordinated development of the heart and forelimb. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that increasing Fgf signaling can autonomously increase cardiac cell number and non-autonomously inhibit forelimb formation over the same time period that embryos are sensitive to loss of RA signaling. Furthermore, we find that Fgf8a, which is expressed in the cardiac progenitors, is expanded into the posterior in RA signaling-deficient zebrafish embryos. Reducing Fgf8a function in RA signaling-deficient embryos is able to rescue both heart and forelimb development. Together, these results are the first to directly support the hypothesis that RA signaling is required shortly after gastrulation in the forelimb field to temper Fgf8a signaling in the cardiac field, thus coordinating the development of the heart and forelimb.  相似文献   

The transient receptor potential vanilloid subtype 1 (TRPV1) is a Ca2+-permeable channel primarily expressed in dorsal root ganglion neurons. Besides its function in thermogenic nociception and neurogenic inflammation, TRPV1 is involved in cell migration, cytoskeleton re-organisation and in neuronal guidance. To explore the TRPV1 level and activity during conditions for neuronal maturation, TRPV1-expressing SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cells were differentiated into a neuronal phenotype using all-trans-retinoic acid (RA). We show that RA highly up-regulated the total and cell surface TRPV1 protein expression but the TRPV1 mRNA level was unaffected. The up-regulated receptors were localised to the cell bodies and the developed neurites. Furthermore, RA increased both the basal intracellular free Ca2+ concentration by 30% as well as the relative capsaicin-induced Ca2+ influx. The results show that TRPV1 protein expression increases during RA-induced differentiation in vitro, which generates an altered intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) signaling regulates multiple aspects of vertebrate embryonic development and tissue patterning, in part through the local availability of nuclear hormone receptors called retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and retinoid receptors (RXRs). RAR/RXR heterodimers transduce the RA signal, and loss-of-function studies in mice have demonstrated requirements for distinct receptor combinations at different stages of embryogenesis. However, the tissue-specific functions of each receptor and their individual contributions to RA signaling in vivo are only partially understood. Here we use morpholino oligonucleotides to deplete the four known zebrafish RARs (raraa, rarab, rarga, and rargb). We show that while all four are required for anterior-posterior patterning of rhombomeres in the hindbrain, there are unique requirements for rarga in the cranial mesoderm for hindbrain patterning, and rarab in lateral plate mesoderm for specification of the pectoral fins. In addition, the alpha subclass (raraa, rarab) is RA inducible, and of these only raraa expression is RA-dependent, suggesting that these receptors establish a region of particularly high RA signaling through positive-feedback. These studies reveal novel tissue-specific roles for RARs in controlling the competence and sensitivity of cells to respond to RA.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown a role of retinoid signalling in neurite outgrowth in vitro, and that the retinoic acid receptor (RAR) beta2 is critical for this process. We show here that RARbeta2 is expressed predominantly in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neuronal subtypes that express neurofilament (NF) 200 and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and that these neurons extend neurites in response to RA. We demonstrate that retinoid signalling has a role in neurite outgrowth in vivo, by showing that in a peripheral nerve crush model there is less neurite outgrowth from RARbeta null DRG compared to wild-type. We identify sonic hedgehog (Shh) as a downstream target of the RARbeta2 signalling pathway as it is expressed in the injured DRG of wild-type but not RARbeta null mice. This regulation is direct as when RARbeta2 is overexpressed in adult motoneurons Shh is induced in them. Finally we show that Shh alone cannot induce neurite outgrowth but potentiates RARbeta2 signalling in this process.  相似文献   

We have established a heart slice primary culture, which allows us to mechanically separate distinct cardiac cell populations and assay their relative mitogenic and trophic effects on cardiac myocyte proliferation and survival. Using this system, we have found that a signal(s) from the epicardium, but not the trabeculae and endocardium, is required in embryonic day 10 (E10) chick heart slices for continued cardiac myocyte proliferation and survival. An examination of potential epicardial growth or trophic factors has revealed that blockade of either retinoic acid (RA) or erythopoietin (epo) signaling from the epicardium inhibits cardiac myocyte proliferation and survival. The blockade of cardiac myocyte proliferation following administration of an RA antagonist can be rescued by exogenous epo. Conversely, the blockade of cardiac myocyte proliferation following administration of an anti-epo receptor antisera can be rescued by exogenous RA. Thus, our findings suggest that RA and epo signals work in parallel to support myocardial cell proliferation. In addition, we have found that these factors do not act directly on myocardial cells. Rather, they induce another soluble factor(s) in the epicardium that directly regulates proliferation of cardiac myocytes. We therefore postulate that the epicardium controls normal heart growth in ventricular segments of the embryonic chick heart by secreting a cardiac myocyte mitogen whose expression (or activity) is regulated by both RA and erythropoietin signaling.  相似文献   

Summary Regenerating tails and limbs of axolotl larvae (A. mexicanum) were studied for overall growth and for mitosis after the animals received intraperitoneal injections of all-trans retinoic acid. Both processes were depressed to approximately the same extent (60–70%). Some mitosis always survived, even when the treatment was in effect during the entire history of the regenerate. The treatment duration was a major variable in the severity of the effect, whereas the post-amputation age of the regenerate was not. In limb regenerates the epithelial cap and the mesenchymal blastema were affected to roughly the same degree.Supported by PHS Grant 507RR7031H of the BMRG, Indiana University  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) synthesized by Raldh3 in the frontonasal surface ectoderm of chick embryos has been suggested to function in early forebrain patterning by regulating Fgf8, Shh, and Meis2 expression. Similar expression of Raldh3 exists in E8.75 mouse embryos, but Raldh2 is also expressed in the optic vesicle at this stage suggesting that both genes may play a role in early forebrain patterning. Furthermore, Raldh3 is expressed later in the forebrain itself (lateral ganglionic eminence; LGE) starting at E12.5, suggesting a later role in forebrain neurogenesis. Here we have analyzed mouse embryos carrying single or double null mutations in Raldh2 and Raldh3 for defects in forebrain development. Raldh2(-/-);Raldh3(-/-) embryos completely lacked RA signaling activity in the early forebrain, but exhibited relatively normal expression of Fgf8, Shh, and Meis2 in the forebrain. Thus, we find no clear requirement for RA in controlling expression of these important forebrain patterning genes, but Raldh3 expression in the frontonasal surface ectoderm was found to be needed for normal Fgf8 expression in the olfactory pit. Our studies revealed that later expression of Raldh3 in the subventricular zone of the LGE is required for RA signaling activity in the ventral forebrain. Importantly, expression of dopamine receptor D2 in E18.5 Raldh3(-/-) embryos was essentially eliminated in the developing nucleus accumbens, a tissue lying close to the source of RA provided by Raldh3. Our results suggest that the role of RA during forebrain development begins late when Raldh3 expression initiates in the ventral subventricular zone.  相似文献   

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