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Annotation features from the 1.9-fold whole-genome shotgun (WGS) sequences of domestic cat have been organized into an interactive web application, Genome Annotation Resource Fields (GARFIELD) (http://lgd.abcc.ncifcrf.gov) at the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity and Advanced Biomedical Computing Center (ABCC) at The National Cancer Institute (NCI). The GARFIELD browser allows the user to view annotations on a per chromosome basis with unplaced contigs provided on placeholder chromosomes. Various tracks on the browser allow display of annotations. A Genes track on the browser includes 20 285 regions that align to genes annotated in other mammalian genomes: Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Bos taurus, and Canis familiaris. Also available are tracks that display the contigs that make up the chromosomes and representations of their GC content and repetitive elements as detected using the RepeatMasker (http://www.repeatmasker.org). Data from the browser can be downloaded in FASTA and GFF format, and users can upload their own data to the display. The Felis catus sequences and their chromosome assignments and additional annotations incorporate data analyzed and produced by a multicenter collaboration between NCI, ABCC, Agencourt Biosciences Corporation, Broad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Center for Biotechnology and Information, and Texas A&M.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification involved in both normal developmental processes and disease states through the modulation of gene expression and the maintenance of genomic organization. Conventional methods of DNA methylation analysis, such as bisulfite sequencing, methylation sensitive restriction enzyme digestion and array-based detection techniques, have major limitations that impede high-throughput genome-wide analysis. We describe a novel technique, MBD-isolated Genome Sequencing (MiGS), which combines precipitation of methylated DNA by recombinant methyl-CpG binding domain of MBD2 protein and sequencing of the isolated DNA by a massively parallel sequencer. We utilized MiGS to study three isogenic cancer cell lines with varying degrees of DNA methylation. We successfully detected previously known methylated regions in these cells and identified hundreds of novel methylated regions. This technique is highly specific and sensitive and can be applied to any biological settings to identify differentially methylated regions at the genomic scale.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: G-language Genome Analysis Environment (G-language GAE) is an open source generic software package aimed for higher efficiency in bioinformatics analysis. G-language GAE has an interface as a set of Perl libraries for software development, and a graphical user interface for easy manipulation. Both Windows and Linux versions are available. AVAILABILITY: From http://www.g-language.org/ under GNU General Public License. CD-ROMs are distributed freely in major conferences.  相似文献   

The Swine Genome Sequencing Consortium (SGSC) was formed in September 2003 by academic, government and industry representatives to provide international coordination for sequencing the pig genome. The SGSC's mission is to advance biomedical research for animal production and health by the development of DNAbased tools and products resulting from the sequencing of the swine genome. During the past 2 years, the SGSC has met bi-annually to develop a strategic roadmap for creating the required scientific resources, to integrate existing physical maps, and to create a sequencing strategy that captured international participation and a broad funding base. During the past year, SGSC members have integrated their respective physical mapping data with the goal of creating a minimal tiling path (MTP) that will be used as the sequencing template. During the recent Plant and Animal Genome meeting (January 16, 2005 San Diego, CA), presentations demonstrated that a human-pig comparative map has been completed, BAC fingerprint contigs (FPC) for each of the autosomes and X chromosome have been constructed and that BAC end-sequencing has permitted, through BLAST analysis and RH-mapping, anchoring of the contigs. Thus, significant progress has been made towards the creation of a MTP. In addition, whole-genome (WG) shotgun libraries have been constructed and are currently being sequenced in various laboratories around the globe. Thus, a hybrid sequencing approach in which 3x coverage of BACs comprising the MTP and 3x of the WG-shotgun libraries will be used to develop a draft 6x coverage of the pig genome.  相似文献   

Rat Genome Database (RGD): mapping disease onto the genome   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The Rat Genome Database (RGD, http://rgd.mcw.edu) is an NIH-funded project whose stated mission is ‘to collect, consolidate and integrate data generated from ongoing rat genetic and genomic research efforts and make these data widely available to the scientific community’. In a collaboration between the Bioinformatics Research Center at the Medical College of Wisconsin, the Jackson Laboratory and the National Center for Biotechnology Information, RGD has been created to meet these stated aims. The rat is uniquely suited to its role as a model of human disease and the primary focus of RGD is to aid researchers in their study of the rat and in applying their results to studies in a wider context. In support of this we have integrated a large amount of rat genetic and genomic resources in RGD and these are constantly being expanded through ongoing literature and bulk dataset curation. RGD version 2.0, released in June 2001, includes curated data on rat genes, quantitative trait loci (QTL), microsatellite markers and rat strains used in genetic and genomic research. VCMap, a dynamic sequence-based homology tool was introduced, and allows researchers of rat, mouse and human to view mapped genes and sequences and their locations in the other two organisms, an essential tool for comparative genomics. In addition, RGD provides tools for gene prediction, radiation hybrid mapping, polymorphic marker selection and more. Future developments will include the introduction of disease-based curation expanding the curated information to cover popular disease systems studied in the rat. This will be integrated with the emerging rat genomic sequence and annotation pipelines to provide a high-quality disease-centric resource, applicable to human and mouse via comparative tools such as VCMap. RGD has a defined community outreach focus with a Visiting Scientist program and the Rat Community Forum, a web-based forum for rat researchers and others interested in using the rat as an experimental model. Thus, RGD is not only a valuable resource for those working with the rat but also for researchers in other model organisms wishing to harness the existing genetic and physiological data available in the rat to complement their own work.  相似文献   

Despite a substantial investment in the development of panels of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, the simple sequence repeat (SSR) technology with a limited multiplexing capability remains a standard, even for applications requiring whole-genome information. Diversity arrays technology (DArT) types hundreds to thousands of genomic loci in parallel, as previously demonstrated in a number diploid plant species. Here we show that DArT performs similarly well for the hexaploid genome of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The methodology previously used to generate DArT fingerprints of barley also generated a large number of high-quality markers in wheat (99.8% allele-calling concordance and approximately 95% call rate). The genetic relationships among bread wheat cultivars revealed by DArT coincided with knowledge generated with other methods, and even closely related cultivars could be distinguished. To verify the Mendelian behaviour of DArT markers, we typed a set of 90 Cranbrook × Halberd doubled haploid lines for which a framework (FW) map comprising a total of 339 SSR, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers was available. We added an equal number of DArT markers to this data set and also incorporated 71 sequence tagged microsatellite (STM) markers. A comparison of logarithm of the odds (LOD) scores, call rates and the degree of genome coverage indicated that the quality and information content of the DArT data set was comparable to that of the combined SSR/RFLP/AFLP data set of the FW map.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Currently, new bacterial genomes are being published on a monthly basis. With the growing amount of genome sequence data, there is a demand for a flexible and easy-to-maintain structure for storing sequence data and results from bioinformatic analysis. More than 150 sequenced bacterial genomes are now available, and comparisons of properties for taxonomically similar organisms are not readily available to many biologists. In addition to the most basic information, such as AT content, chromosome length, tRNA count and rRNA count, a large number of more complex calculations are needed to perform detailed comparative genomics. DNA structural calculations like curvature and stacking energy, DNA compositions like base skews, oligo skews and repeats at the local and global level are just a few of the analysis that are presented on the CBS Genome Atlas Web page. Complex analysis, changing methods and frequent addition of new models are factors that require a dynamic database layout. Using basic tools like the GNU Make system, csh, Perl and MySQL, we have created a flexible database environment for storing and maintaining such results for a collection of complete microbial genomes. Currently, these results counts to more than 220 pieces of information. The backbone of this solution consists of a program package written in Perl, which enables administrators to synchronize and update the database content. The MySQL database has been connected to the CBS web-server via PHP4, to present a dynamic web content for users outside the center. This solution is tightly fitted to existing server infrastructure and the solutions proposed here can perhaps serve as a template for other research groups to solve database issues. AVAILABILITY: A web based user interface which is dynamically linked to the Genome Atlas Database can be accessed via www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/GenomeAtlas/. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This paper has a supplemental information page which links to the examples presented: www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/GenomeAtlas/suppl/bioinfdatabase.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: High-throughput screening (HTS) plays a central role in modern drug discovery, allowing for testing of >100,000 compounds per screen. The aim of our work was to develop and implement methods for minimizing the impact of systematic error in the analysis of HTS data. To the best of our knowledge, two new data correction methods included in HTS-Corrector are not available in any existing commercial software or freeware. RESULTS: This paper describes HTS-Corrector, a software application for the analysis of HTS data, detection and visualization of systematic error, and corresponding correction of HTS signals. Three new methods for the statistical analysis and correction of raw HTS data are included in HTS-Corrector: background evaluation, well correction and hit-sigma distribution procedures intended to minimize the impact of systematic errors. We discuss the main features of HTS-Corrector and demonstrate the benefits of the algorithms.  相似文献   



Lightweight genome viewer (lwgv) is a web-based tool for visualization of sequence annotations in their chromosomal context. It performs most of the functions of larger genome browsers, while relying on standard flat-file formats and bypassing the database needs of most visualization tools. Visualization as an aide to discovery requires display of novel data in conjunction with static annotations in their chromosomal context. With database-based systems, displaying dynamic results requires temporary tables that need to be tracked for removal.  相似文献   

Next generation sequencing techniques produce enormous data but its analysis and visualization remains a big challenge. To address this, we have developed Genome Annotator Light(GAL), a Docker based package for genome analysis and data visualization. GAL integrated several existing tools and in-house programs inside a Docker Container for systematic analysis and visualization of genomes through web browser. GAL takes varieties of input types ranging from raw Fasta files to fully annotated files, processes them through a standard annotation pipeline and visualizes on a web browser. Comparative genomic analysis is performed automatically within a given taxonomic class. GAL creates interactive genome browser with clickable genomic feature tracks; local BLAST-able database; query page, on-fly downstream data analysis using EMBOSS etc. Overall, GAL is an extremely convenient, portable and platform independent. Fully integrated web-resources can be easily created and deployed, e.g. www.eumicrobedb.org/cglab, for our in-house genomes. GAL is freely available at https://hub.docker.com/u/cglabiicb/.  相似文献   



To facilitate efficient selection and the prioritization of candidate complex disease susceptibility genes for association analysis, increasingly comprehensive annotation tools are essential to integrate, visualize and analyze vast quantities of disparate data generated by genomic screens, public human genome sequence annotation and ancillary biological databases. We have developed a plug-in package for Ensembl called "Statistical Viewer" that facilitates the analysis of genomic features and annotation in the regions of interest defined by linkage analysis.  相似文献   

To further the functional annotation of the mammalian genome, the Sanger Mouse Genetics Programme aims to generate and characterise knockout mice in a high-throughput manner. Annually, approximately 200 lines of knockout mice will be characterised using a standardised battery of phenotyping tests covering key disease indications ranging from obesity to sensory acuity. From these findings secondary centres will select putative mutants of interest for more in-depth, confirmatory experiments. Optimising experimental design and data analysis is essential to maximise output using the resources with greatest efficiency, thereby attaining our biological objective of understanding the role of genes in normal development and disease. This study uses the example of the noninvasive blood pressure test to demonstrate how statistical investigation is important for generating meaningful, reliable results and assessing the design for the defined research objectives. The analysis adjusts for the multiple-testing problem by applying the false discovery rate, which controls the number of false calls within those highlighted as significant. A variance analysis finds that the variation between mice dominates this assay. These variance measures were used to examine the interplay between days, readings, and number of mice on power, the ability to detect change. If an experiment is underpowered, we cannot conclude whether failure to detect a biological difference arises from low power or lack of a distinct phenotype, hence the mice are subjected to testing without gain. Consequently, in confirmatory studies, a power analysis along with the 3Rs can provide justification to increase the number of mice used.  相似文献   

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