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冷丽智  林戈  卢光琇 《生物磁学》2011,(18):3569-3572
生殖细胞的发生是发育和遗传的基础。在几乎所有哺乳动物中,原始生殖细胞(primordial germ cell,PGC)均由近端上胚层体细胞在周边细胞特定的信号诱导下特化而成。目前的研究已经发现一些与生殖细胞特化有关的信号分子和关键转录调控元件,以及特化后生殖细胞获得的与体细胞不同的生物特性。生殖细胞的特化是一个结合了体细胞发育程序的抑制、细胞多能性程序的启动和全基因组表观遗传重编程三个方面的动态的复杂过程。多能性干细胞(胚胎干细胞或诱导型多能干细胞)具有发育全能性,能分化为机体任何一种细胞类型,包括生殖细胞。利用多能性干细胞体外分化形成生殖细胞有助于深入系统地研究配子发生的调控机制,为干细胞在不育症治疗方面的应用带来新希望。  相似文献   

生殖细胞的发生是发育和遗传的基础。在几乎所有哺乳动物中,原始生殖细胞(primordial germ cell,PGC)均由近端上胚层体细胞在周边细胞特定的信号诱导下特化而成。目前的研究已经发现一些与生殖细胞特化有关的信号分子和关键转录调控元件,以及特化后生殖细胞获得的与体细胞不同的生物特性。生殖细胞的特化是一个结合了体细胞发育程序的抑制、细胞多能性程序的启动和全基因组表观遗传重编程三个方面的动态的复杂过程。多能性干细胞(胚胎干细胞或诱导型多能干细胞)具有发育全能性,能分化为机体任何一种细胞类型,包括生殖细胞。利用多能性干细胞体外分化形成生殖细胞有助于深入系统地研究配子发生的调控机制,为干细胞在不育症治疗方面的应用带来新希望。  相似文献   

Primordial germ cell development in zebrafish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In sexually reproducing organisms, primordial germ cells (PGCs) give rise to gametes that are responsible for the development of a new organism in the next generation. These cells follow a characteristic developmental path that is manifested in specialized regulation of basic cell functions and behavior making them an attractive system for studying cell fate specification, differentiation and migration. This review summarizes studies aimed at understanding the development of this cell population in zebrafish and compares these results with those obtained in other model organisms.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are the founder cells of the germline. Via gametogenesis and fertilisation this lineage generates a new embryo in the next generation. PGCs are also the cell of origin of multilineage teratocarcinomas. In vitro, mouse PGCs can give rise to embryonic germ (EG) cells – pluripotent stem cells that can contribute to primary chimaeras when introduced into pre-implantation embryos. Thus, PGCs can give rise to pluripotent cells in the course of the developmental cycle, during teratocarcinogenesis and by in vitro culture. However, there is no evidence that PGCs can differentiate directly into somatic cell types. Furthermore, it is generally assumed that PGCs do not contribute to chimaeras following injection into the early mouse embryo. However, these data have never been formally published. Here, we present the primary data from the original PGC-injection experiments performed 40 years ago, alongside results from more recent studies in three separate laboratories. These results have informed and influenced current models of the relationship between pluripotency and the germline cycle. Current technologies allow further experiments to confirm and expand upon these findings and allow definitive conclusions as to the developmental potency of PGCs.  相似文献   

The initial cohort of mammalian gametes is established by the proliferation of primordial germ cells in the early embryo. Primordial germ cells first appear in extraembyronic tissues and subsequently migrate to the developing gonad. Soon after they arrive in the gonad, the germ cells cease dividing and undertake sexually dimorphic patterns of development. Male germ cells arrest mitotically, while female germ cells directly enter meiotic prophase I. These sex-specific differentiation events are imposed upon a group of sex-common differentiation events that are shared by XX and XY germ cells. We have studied the appearance of GCNA1, a postmigratory sex-common germ cell marker, in cultures of premigratory germ cells to investigate how this differentiation program is regulated. Cultures in which proliferation was either inhibited or stimulated displayed a similar extent of differentiation as controls, suggesting that some differentiation events are the result of a cell-intrinsic program and are independent of cell proliferation. We also found that GCNA1 expression was accelerated by agents which promote DNA demethylation or histone acetylation. These results suggest that genomic demethylation of proliferative phase primordial germ cells is a mechanism by which germ cell maturation is coordinated.  相似文献   

Summary Lucifer Yellow-Dextran labelling of lower layer cells (LLC), sometimes together with upper layer cells (ULC), of the 64-cellBarbus conchonius embryo resulted in labelled primordial germ cells (PGCs) at 12 h after fertilization (a.f.) in about 25% of cases. The presence of labelled PGCs was independent of the location of the injected blastomere with respect to the later orientation of the embryonic axis. After injection of an ULC alone, however, labelled PGCs were never found. Also, the distribution of labelled somatic cells differed between the ULC- and LLC-injected embryos. When we found fluorescent PGCs, only a few of them were labelled, suggesting that either a single predecessor exists earlier than the 64-cell stage or that the formation of germ cells is a polyclonal process. Tracing the fluorescent cells at successive stages of development shows an extensive mixing with unlabelled cells during the epiboly stage, which might well be the cause of partly unpredictable cell lineages. The chance of being committed to a specific fate is different for the ULC and LLC descendants. This might be due to relatively limited cell mixing between these two cell populations.  相似文献   

PR domain zinc finger protein 14 (PRDM14) plays an essential role in the development of primordial germ cells (PGCs) in mice. However, its functions in avian species remain unclear. In the present study, we used CRISPR/Cas9 to edit the PRDM14 locus in chickens in order to demonstrate its importance in development. The eGFP gene was introduced into the PRDM14 locus of cultured chicken PGCs to knockout PRDM14 and label PGCs. Chimeric chickens were established by a direct injection of eGFP knocked‐in (gene‐trapped) PGCs into the blood vessels of Hamburger–Hamilton stages (HH‐stages) 13–16 chicken embryos. Gene‐trapped chickens were established by crossing a chimeric chicken with a wild‐type hen with very high efficiency. Heterozygous gene‐trapped chickens grew normally and SSEA‐1‐positive cells expressed eGFP during HH‐stages 13–30. These results indicated the specific expression of eGFP within circulating PGCs and gonadal PGCs. At the blastodermal stage, the ratio of homozygous gene‐trapped embryos obtained by crossing heterozygous gene‐trapped roosters and hens was almost normal; however, all embryos died soon afterward, suggesting the important roles of PRDM14 in chicken early development.  相似文献   

Germ cell depletion 2 (gcd2) is a chemically induced recessive mutation that causes infertility in male and female mice. The infertility is caused by germ cell depletion as early as 11.5 days post-coitum, when primordial germ cells have completed their migration to the embryonic gonads. Thus, the gcd2 mutation affects the proliferation and/or survival of germ cells after they arrive in the embryonic gonad, a developmental time when little is known about the requirements for germ cell proliferation and survival. The sterility phenotype is incompletely penetrant, has variable expressivity, and is modulated by strain background. The penetrance ranges from 37% in strain C57BL/6J to nearly 100% in CAST/EiJ. Genetic mapping localized gcd2 to a approximately 1Mb region on Chr 2. This interval contains a small number of annotated genes, of which none are known to have a role in germ cell development. Sequencing the coding regions of these genes failed to reveal a mutation, and BACs containing two of the candidate genes failed to rescue the phenotype. This raises the possibilities that the gcd2 mutation resides in non-coding sequences, and regulates genes outside the genetically defined critical region.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are germ cell precursors that are committed to sperm or oocytes. Dramatic proliferation during PGC development determines the number of founder spermatogonia and oocytes. Although specified to a germ lineage, PGCs produce pluripotent embryonic germ (EG) cells in vitro and testicular teratomas in vivo. Wnt/beta-catenin signaling regulates pluripotency and differentiation in various stem cell systems, and dysregulation of this signaling causes various human cancers. Here, we examined the role of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in PGC development. In normal PGC development, Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is suppressed by the GSK3beta-mediated active degradation of beta-catenin and the low expression of canonical Wnt molecules. The effects of aberrant activation of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in PGCs were analyzed using mice carrying a deletion of the exon that encodes the GSK3beta phosphorylation sites in the beta-catenin locus. Despite the potential activity of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in stem cell maintenance and carcinogenesis in various cell lineages, teratomas were not induced in the mice expressing the nuclear-localized beta-catenin in PGCs. Instead, the mutant mice showed germ cell deficiency caused by the delayed cell cycle progression of the proliferative phase PGCs. Our results show that the suppression of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is a prerequisite for the normal development of PGCs.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cell (PGC) allocation, characterization, lineage restriction, and differentiation have been extensively studied in the mouse. Murine PGC can be easily identified using markers as alkaline phosphatase content or the expression of pluripotent markers such as Pou5f1, Nanog, Sox2, Kit, SSEA1, and SSEA4. These tools allowed us to clarify certain aspects of the complex interactions of somatic and germinal cells in the establishment of the germ cell lineage, its segregation from the neighbouring somatic tissue, and the guidance mechanisms during migration that direct most of the germ cells into the genital ridges. Few data are available from other domestic animals and here we reported our preliminary studies on the isolation, characterization, and in vitro culture of sheep PGCs. Sheep PGCs can be identified with the markers previously used in mouse, but, in some cases, these markers are not coherently expressed in the same cell depending on the grade of differentiation and on technical problems related to commercial antibodies used. Pluripotency of PGCs in culture (EGCs) from domestic animals also needs further evaluation even though the derivation of embryonic pluripotent cell lines from large mammals may be an advantage as they are more physiologically similar to the human and perhaps more relevant for clinical translation studies. Comprehensive epigenetic reprogramming of the genome in early germ cells, and derived EGCs including extensive erasure of epigenetic modifications, may be relevant for gaining insight into events that lead to reprogramming and establishment of totipotency. EGCs can differentiate in vitro in a various range of tissues, form embryonic bodies, but in many cases failed to generate tumours when transplanted into immunodeficient mice and are not able to generate germline chimeric animals after their transfer. Such incomplete information clearly indicates the urge to improve the studies on derivation of stem cells in farm animals and shows the need for a multidisciplinary investigation in order to create farm animal models to set up suitable ethical and technical systems for cell regenerative therapies in humans.  相似文献   

Summary Dopamine (DA), injected beneath the blastodisc of the chick embryo before the beginning of incubation, induced an approximately 2.5 times increase in the total number of primordial germ cells (PGCs) at the definitive primitive streak stage. It also produced changes in the shape and behaviour of PGCs since more than half of them adhered to one another, forming groups or chains of three or more cells and, in contrast to their characteristic spherical form, most single PGCs displayed a fibroblastic appearance. On the 2nd day of incubation most PGCs remained adherent to each other, which did not hinder them from entering the extra-embryonic blood vessels of the crescent. Ultrastructural analysis showed that PGCs adhered to each other by large areas of cell membrane apposition and specialized adhesive structures, such as tight junctions and desmosomes. PGCs also displayed many lamellipodial and filopodial processes. The effects of DA on PGCs were prevented by either glucose or EDTA. Although it is difficult to account for the effect of glucose, the effect of EDTA suggests that the action of DA may be calcium-dependent.  相似文献   

Central disk fragments cut from stage X chick blastoderms were dispersed and cultured on glass coverslips. After 48 hr of incubation the cultures showed various degrees of organization into three-layered aggregates in which no axis development was observed. Primordial germ cells (PGCs) were detected in ail cultures. The number of PGCs was found to be correlated to the initial cell concentration in the suspension. By regression analysis it was found that in cultures initiated from 10 central disks or more, the mean number of PGCs per fragment was constant and matched the number of PGCs found for intact control central disks incubated for the same length of time. It appears that in cultures of stage X, the morphologic expression of PGCs is related to the level of differentiation and organization of the somatic cells in the culture, which, in turn, is dependent on the initial concentration of cells in the culture.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cell (PGC) development in Xenopus embryos relies on localised maternal determinants. We report on the identification and functional characterisation of such one novel activity, a germ plasm associated mRNA encoding for the Xenopus version of a kinesin termed KIF13B. Modulations of xKIF13B function result in germ cell mismigration and in reduced numbers of such cells. PGCs explanted from Xenopus embryos form bleb-like protrusions enriched in PIP3. Knockdown of xKIF13B results in inhibition of blebbing and PIP3 accumulation. Interference with PIP3 synthesis leads to PGC mismigration in vivo and in vitro. We propose that xKIF13B function is linked to polarized accumulation of PIP3 and directional migration of the PGCs in Xenopus embryos.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) inhibits proliferation and promotes the migration of primordial germ cells (PGCs) towards explants of gonadal ridges in vitro. However, its effects in vivo are still unclear. Here, we analyzed the behavior of PGCs in embryos lacking TGFbeta signaling via the type I receptor ALK5. TGFbeta in vivo was neither a chemoattractant for PGCs, nor did it affect their proliferation during migration towards the gonadal ridges up to embryonic day (E)10. Unexpectedly, the absence of TGFbeta signaling in fact resulted in significant facilitation of PGC migration out of the hindgut, due to the reduced deposition of collagen type I surrounding the gut of Alk5-deficient mutant embryos. Migratory PGCs adhere strongly to collagen; therefore, reduced collagen type I along the gut may result in reduced adhesion, facilitating migration into the dorsal mesenterium and gonadal ridges. Our results provide new evidence for the role of TGFbeta signaling in migration of PGCs in vivo distinct from that described previously.  相似文献   

Estrogen related receptor beta (ERR-beta) is an orphan nuclear receptor specifically expressed in a subset of extra-embryonic ectoderm of post-implantation embryos. ERR-beta is essential for placental development since the ERR-beta null mutants die at 10.5dpc due to the placenta abnormality. Here, we show that the ERR-beta is specifically expressed in primordial germ cells (PGC), obviously another important cell type for reproduction. Expression of the ERR-beta mRNA in embryonic germ cells started at E11.5 as soon as PGC reached genital ridges, and persisted until E15-E16 in both sexes. Immunostaining with anti-ERR-beta antibody revealed that the ERR-beta protein is exclusively expressed in germ cells in both male and female gonads from E11.5 to E16. 5. To study function of the ERR-beta in PGC, we complemented placental defects of the ERR-beta null mutants with wild-type tetraploid embryos, and analyzed germ cell development in the rescued embryos. It was found that development of gonad and PGC was not apparently affected, but number of germ cells was significantly reduced in male and female gonads, suggesting that the ERR-beta appears to be involved in proliferation of gonadal germ cells. The rescued embryos could develop to term and grow up to adulthood. The rescued ERR-beta null male were found to be fertile, but both male and female null mutants exhibited behavioural abnormalities, implying that the ERR-beta plays important roles in wider biological processes than previously thought.  相似文献   

Pluripotent stem cells, termed embryonic germ (EG) cells, have been generated from both human and mouse primordial germ cells (PGCs). Like embryonic stem (ES) cells, EG cells have the potential to differentiate into all germ layer derivatives and may also be important for any future clinical applications. The development of PGCs in vivo is accompanied by major epigenetic changes including DNA demethylation and imprint erasure. We have investigated the DNA methylation pattern of several imprinted genes and repetitive elements in mouse EG cell lines before and after differentiation. Analysed cell lines were derived soon after PGC specification, “early”, in comparison with EG cells derived after PGC colonisation of the genital ridge, “late” and embryonic stem (ES) cell lines, derived from the inner cell mass (ICM). Early EG cell lines showed strikingly heterogeneous DNA methylation patterns, in contrast to the uniformity of methylation pattern seen in somatic cells (control), late EG cell and ES cell lines. We also observed that all analysed XX cell lines exhibited less methylation than XY. We suggest that this heterogeneity may reflect the changes in DNA methylation taking place in the germ cell lineage soon after specification.  相似文献   

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