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Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) is a heterogeneous disorder. Immunologic abnormalities have recently been uncovered suggesting that both cell-mediated and humoral immune mechanisms may be of etiological importance in PRCA. Utilizing a technique for the cloning of bone marrow erythroid precursors, we determined the in vitro proliferative capacity of erythroid cells obtained from 21 patients with PRCA. Bone marrow cells from one group of patients produced normal or increased numbers of erythroid colonies while the in vitro proliferative capacity of bone marrow cells from a second group was characterized by subnormal erythroid colony formation. Sera obtained from the former group was frequently associated with demonstrable serum inhibitors of erythropoiesis, while PRCA in the latter group was probably the consequence of intrinsic erythroid stem cell defects or pathologic cellular interactions with nonerythroid regulatory cells. This survey of a relatively large population of patients with PRCA provides evidence for the multiple causative mechanisms that can be operative in the production of PRCA.  相似文献   

Several reports have indicated that a circulating serum inhibitor (antibody) is involved in the pathogenesis of acquired pure red cell aplasia (PRCA). In the present study, the pathophysiologic significance of this inhibitor was assessed according to the status of erythroid progenitor cells in the bone marrow. So far, direct proof for the antibody acting against erythroid stemcells was lacking. Employing an "in vitro" assay, erythroid colony forming cell (CFU-e) numbers in PRCA marrow were quantified and the cytotoxic effect of PRCA serum on CFU-e was investigated. It was revealed that the CFU-e population size in the marrow of PRCA patients was severely reduced; at the same time the relative number of myeloid colony forming cells was normal. The serum was demonstrated to contain a factor cell which was cytotoxic to CFU-e, in the presence of complement. The results indicate that inhibition of erythropoiesis in PRCA is achieved by a complement dependent plasma factor which eliminates or inactivates CFU-e and which constitutes an effective block at the precursor cell level in the differentiation pathway of the erythroid line. The data present a practical assay for measuring cytotoxic factors affecting erythroid stem cells.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescense and cytotoxicity test in vitro were used to demonstrate specific antibodies in sera of 11 out of 19 patients with partial red cell aplasia (PRCA). The antibodies reacted with erythroblast cells from embryos and adult men, with bone marrow cells from a female patient suffering from acute erythroleukemia, with erythrokaryocytes of mouse embryos and cells of Rauscher's viral erythroleukemia. The results of cross adsorption and blockade of the immunofluorescent reaction of the sera of PRCA patients with antibodies against mouse erythroblast antigen bearing an interspecies determinant suggest that in the pathogenesis of PRCA there takes part an autoimmune reaction against specific interspecies antigen to erythrokaryocytes. This antigen is apparently similar to antigen against mouse erythroblast cells.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue is an integral structural component of normal rabbit marrow and is believed to behave primarily as a cushion in response to hemopoietic proliferation, accomodating to changes in hemopoiesis by change in either size or number or both of the fat cells in order to maintain constancy of the marrow volume. To test this hypothesis, aplasia of the right femur of New Zealand white rabbits was induced by x-irradiation with 8000 rads; the left unirradiated limb served as control. Twenty-four hours before sacrifice 50 μCi of palmitate-114C was administered intravenously and the marrow of both femurs removed. Samples of perinephric fat were taken for comparison. Fat cell volume, C14 palmitate turnover and fatty acid composition were determined. The total number of fat cells in the entire marrow of both femurs was calculated. The measurements showed no difference in size or fatty acid turnover of the fat cells in the irradiated aplastic marrow from the cells of the control marrow. The number of fat cells in both the irradiated and the unirradiated control femurs was essentially the same. These findings do not support the view that marrow fat cells respond to diminished hematopoiesis by either increase in their volume or number. In addition, the findings suggest that both marrow and subcutaneous fat cells are fairly resistant to high doses of x-ray irradiation.  相似文献   

Summary A patient with a pure red cell aplasia (Blackfan-Diamond Anemia), and with many congenital abnormalities and growth retardation, has been found to have a chromosome breakage syndrome. In this patient, the frequencies of spontaneous chromosome aberrations and micronuclei in PHA stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes are elevated when compared to those in normal individuals. The frequency of sister chromatid exchanges is within normal range. The response to mitomycin C (MMC) in the micronucleus test, using lymphocytes, shows a similar increase in the patient's lymphocytes to that in normal individuals, indicating no increased sensitivity to MMC.The frequencies of X-ray induced dicentric chromosomes and micronuclei in the peripheral blood lymphocytes are elevated in the patient. But as the patient clinically does not have any signs of ataxia telangiectasia, this combination of clinical and laboratory findings of this case does not correspond with any of the other known chromosome breakage syndromes.  相似文献   

Messenger RNA turnover during bone marrow erythroid cell differentiation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Incubation of bone marrow cells from anaemic rabbits in the presence of actinomycin D led to a decrease in total protein synthesis and an increase in the relative synthesis of globin. This increase in the proportion of globin was observed with in vivo labelling of cellular proteins and in vitro translation of isolated RNA, which indicates that the messenger RNA for globin is much more stable than the other bone marrow cell messages. This was further shown by pulse-labelling the RNA and characterization of the different species by separation on a cDNA-oligo(dT)-cellulose column. Within 12 h after pulse-labelling the relative levels of globin mRNA had risen 10-fold, while a rapid decrease in the level of the poly(A)-rich RNA fraction was observed. Investigations into the mechanisms of this differential stability indicate that the more metabolically active cells from the early stages of erythropoietic development are more susceptible to inhibitors of RNA synthesis such as actinomycin D and alpha-amanitin. A preliminary study using a lysosomal inhibitor, chloroquine, indicates that there appear to be at least two degradative mechanisms, involving a lysosomal and a non-lysosomal pathway, with selective specificity for different messages.  相似文献   

Specific antibodies to human glycophorin A and spectrin were used to study the expression of these membrane proteins in normal and pathologic human bone marrow. In immunofluorescence experiments spectrin and glycophorin A are found in 50–60% of the nucleated cells in normal bone marrow. These two proteins are expressed at all stages of red cell differentiation and can be traced at least to the earliest morphologically recognizable nucleated red cell precursor, the proerythroblast; the two proteins are specific for cells of the red cell series and are not found to be expressed in lymphocytic, granulocytic cells or platelets. These conclusions were drawn from studies on bone marrow in patients with a temporary block in erythropoiesis at the level of stem cells or of the pronormoblast. Bone marrow from these individuals either lacked all nucleated cells stainable for glycophorin A and spectrin or contained only pronormoblasts. Similar findings were obtained on spleen cells from mice which were made severely anemic by multiple injections with N-acetyl-phenylhydrazine. Antibodies to a sialoglycoprotein isolated from mouse red cell membranes stain 70–80% of all cells in the spleen of anemic animals, while only 1–2% of such cells are seen in the spleen of normal animals. Spectrin and glycophorin A could be labeled metabolically and isolated using specific antibodies. The human tumor cell line K562 expresses both membrane proteins, but induction experiments with various agents thus far have failed to change their expression.  相似文献   

A model of steady-state erythropoiesis in the guinea pig is described. The model incorporates an unidentified progenitor compartment, as well as compartments representing proerythroblasts, basophilic, polychromatic and orthochromatic cells. A computer representation of the model permits a simulation of the labeling curves obtained in pulse and intermittent labeling regimes. It was found that a reasonable fit to the data can be achieved when the parameters for the various compartments are essentially identical. The results of a preliminary sensitivity analysis, carried out by perturbing the duration of S phase from the best fit value, are reported. The fit achieved to the data supports the hypothesis underlying the model that each compartment corresponds to one generation and that the flux within and between compartments is sequential.  相似文献   

A Raghavachar 《Blut》1990,61(2-3):47-51
The management of pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) continues to challenge clinical investigators because the pathophysiology is heterogeneous and poorly understood. There are five treatment regimens that have established efficacy for patients with chronic PRCA. In patients with congenital hypoplastic anemia the best results have been reported using corticosteroids. Cyclosporine A is recommended as the treatment of choice in acquired PRCA. High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin therapy is highly effective in PRCA associated with parvovirus B19 infections and impaired IgG-antibody response. Treatment failures may be successfully managed with horse anti-human thymocyte globulin or cyclophosphamide plus corticosteroids. The potential of hematopoietic growth factors in the treatment of PRCA awaits further studies.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6P-DH) during the differentiation of rabbit bone marrow erythroid cells. It was found that G6P-DH, although displaying a 7-fold activity decrease, did not change the relative amounts of its three dimeric forms.Using homogeneous enzyme preparations, we observed that from dividing to non-dividing erythroblasts the following properties remained constant: V max dependence on pH and temperature, Km for G6P dependence on pH, heat stability, 2-deoxy glucose-6-phosphate utilization, molecular weight, while the Km for NADP significantly increased in non-dividing erythroblasts. These results indicate that no shift towards the oxidized form of the enzyme and no substantial modifications of the protein take place during cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The histone complements of erythroid cells from anemic rabbit marrow and cell fractions enriched in orthochromatic erythroblasts were examined using a variety of techniques. None of these methods revealed the presence of a histone comparable to H5, the erythrocyte-specific histone of birds and fish. Purified histones H1, H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 from rabbit marrow nuclei showed no unusual amino acid compositions.  相似文献   

Twenty seven isolated feline hearts were perfused with cell-free oxygenated Ringer-Locke solutions. The concentration of red blood cells in samples of venous outflow collected from the coronary sinuses was determined by means of a Celloscope counter. Cellular concentrations decreased gradually as the perfusion time increased, and from 10(9) to 10(5) cells per millilitre after 300 ml perfusion. When the ventricular lumens were filled with residual blood (group I, 15 cats), several red cell peaks were superimposed on the smooth exponential decay curve of red cell washout. It is suggested that the peaks were caused by ejection of red cells from the ventricular lumens into communicating branches between the ventricular lumens and coronary capillaries. In cases of blood-emptied hearts (group II, 12 cats) these peaks did not occur, and mathematical analysis showed that summing three exponential functions could approximate the whole washout curve of red cells. This suggests that the coronary circulation may be described by three red cell compartments. The functional implication of this analysis for the microcirculation in the coronary vessels was discussed.  相似文献   

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