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Human epidermal cells (EC) act as stimulator cells in the mixed-skin cell lymphocyte culture reaction (MSLR). To analyze the role of human epidermal Langerhans cells (LC) and indeterminate cells (IC), which are the only cells expressing the DR-Ia-like antigens in normal epidermis, in the generation of alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in cell-mediated cytolysis, 18-hr 51Cr-release assays against PBL targets (targets autologous to stimulator EC) were conducted after allogeneic human MSLR. MSLR and CTL assays were conducted with, as stimulator cells, suspensions of normal human EC as controls, and EC after: (1) preincubation with anti-HLA-DR or OKT6 (specific for LC in EC suspension) monoclonal antibodies; (2) panning, a monolayer technique used to deplete EC suspensions in OKT6 or DR-positive cells. The generation of alloreactive CTL was found to occur only after allogeneic MSLR and when targets and stimulator cells were from the same donor; it was reduced by EC incubation: cytotoxic activity 26.66 +/- 3.84 (controls); 8.8 +/- 3.6 and 7.7 +/- 3.7 (EC incubated with OKT6 or anti-DR, respectively); it was reduced or abolished when the EC used in MSLR were depleted in OKT6 or DR-positive cells by panning. These findings demonstrate that human LC and IC are necessary for an optimal in vitro sensitization in MSLR and the subsequent in vitro generation of alloreactive CTL in man.  相似文献   

L4-PHA (L4) and E4-PHA (E4) lectins isolated from Phaseolus vulgaris have different mitogenic properties. The mechanisms of the differences in mitogenic behavior were sought in the interaction of lectin, lymphocyte subsets, and T-cell growt factor (TCGF) also known as interleukin 2 (IL-2). TCGF activity in culture supernatants ( L4S ; E4S ) from L4- and E4-stimulated, freshly isolated lymphocytes was assayed as stimulation of DNA synthesis in TCGF-dependent continuous T-cell cultures (CTC). E4S contained less TCGF than did L4S . Addition of partially purified TCGF does not increase the stimulation of fresh lymphocytes by L4 or E4. L4 and E4 equally stimulate both helper (OKT4+) and suppressor (OKT8+) cells. The ability of L4 to further stimulate CTC is slowly lost (15 greater than 30 greater than 45 days). It is concluded that production of TCGF is not rate limiting in E4 and L4 stimulation of lymphocytes. The growth of CTC, which requires the presence of TCGF, remains sensitive to, but not dependent on, L4 for at least 30 days.  相似文献   

An analysis was undertaken to understand the inability of H-2 containing plasma membranes and partially purified H-2 antigens incorporated into lipid vesicles to elicit primary anti-H-2 CTLs. It was found that in the presence of supernatants from concanavalin A stimulated spleen cells H-2 containing-subcellular fractions could elicit anti-H-2 CTLs. The result suggests that cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursor cells are available for interaction with alloantigens within the subcellular fractions and that the defect is the inability of these H-2 antigen-containing subcellular fractions to stimulate T helper activity.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from mice primed with dinitrophenylated human γ-globulin (DNP-HGG) did not mount a secondary anti-DNP response in diffusion chamber cultures upon stimulation with dinitrophenylated keyhole limpet hemocyanin (DNP-KLH). The same cells, however, responded to stimulation with DNP-KLH complexed with anti-KLH antibody of rabbit or mouse origin. There is an optimal antigen:antibody ratio at which the immune complexes (IC) must be formed for maximal activity. T cells are required for the immunogenic activity of IC, since T-cell-depleted cultures did not respond. It was found that IC made with carrier and anticarrier antibody stimulated the development of carrier-specific helper T cells in cultures of spleen cells, thymocytes, and nylon wool nonadherent spleen cells from nonimmune mice. In contrast, free carrier did not elicit helper T cells. IC made with carrier and the F(ab′)2 fragment of anticarrier antibody were immunogenic, but those made with carrier and the Fab′ fragment of anticarrier antibody were not, suggesting that helper T-cell activation is triggered by crosslinking of antigen-specific surface receptors.  相似文献   

Glutathione biosynthesis in murine L5178Y lymphoma cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex from pea leaf mitochondria was rapidly deactivated in the presence of 50 to 200 μm ATP. The deactivation of the complex requires Mg2+ as shown by EDTA inhibition of deactivation. Deactivation was inhibited by 0.1 to 1 mm pyruvate or dichloroacetate. Activation required 10 mM Mg2+ or Mn2+ but Ca2+ and K+ had no effect. Activation was inhibited by the phosphatase inhibitor, F?. Autoradiograms of nondissociating electrophoresis gel, crossed immunoelectrophoresis gels, and dissociating sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis gels of the complex showed that one protein is labeled. Labeling of this protein is prevented by Mg2+, pyruvate, and dichloroacetate. The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex was isolated in a partially deactivated state and reactivation required exogenous Mg2+ and was inhibited by F?. These results are taken as conclusive evidence that the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in pea leaf mitochondria undergoes interconversion between deactivated and activated states by covalent modification (phosphorylation-dephosphorylation) catalyzed by a kinase and phosphatase. Isolation of the complex in a partially deactivated (phosphorylated) state suggests a physiologically significant role for this regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

The effects of monosaccharides on the cytotoxic activity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and three cloned long-term cytotoxic T-lymphocyte lines (CTLL) are compared. Uncultured CTL and clones CTLL-A2 and CTLL-A11 were derived from the peritoneal cavity of C57BL/6 mice immunized against the H-2Dd determinants on the BALB/c sarcoma Meth A. Clone CTLL-R5 was derived from spleen of (BALB/c X C57BL)F1 mice immunized against a unique determinant on the BALB/c radiation-induced leukemia RL male 1. The cell-surface phenotype of the clones is Lyt-1+,2+,3+. Cytotoxic activity of CTLL-A2 and CTLL-R5 as determined by a 4-hr 51Cr-release assay was inhibited over 50% by 1 mM 2-deoxy-D-glucose. CTLL-A11 and the uncultured cytotoxic T cells were more resistant to inhibition by 2DG (40% at 20 mM). Surprisingly, it was found that the addition of D-mannose, D-galactose, D-glucose, L-fucose, alpha-methyl-D-mannose, and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine also inhibited, in a dose-related manner, the cytotoxicity of CTLL-A2 and CTLL-A11. CTLL-R5 showed a more restricted inhibition pattern: only D-mannose and D-galactose were inhibitory. The mechanism of inhibition remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

Incubation of [3H]-sidechain-labeled and [14C]-C(4)-ring-labeled cyclophosphamide (CPA) with purified cytochrome P-450 from liver microsomes of rats treated with phenobarbital resulted in the production of a major metabolite that contained both labels, was unaffected by diazomethane, possessed high polarity, was identical in TLC and HPLC behavior to a synthetic standard, didechlorodihydroxy-CPA, and was converted to CPA and bis(2-chloroethyl)amine by thionyl choloride. These results indicate that phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450 is able to dechlorinate CPA and may account, in part, for the inability of phenobarbital to enhance the therapeutic activity and toxicity of this important anticancer and immunosuppressive agent.  相似文献   

Selective emigration of suppressor T cells from Peyer's patches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The emigration of Peyer's patch lymphocytes to mesenteric lymph nodes was studied by injecting fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) directly into Peyer's patches. Using double immunofluorescence it was demonstrated that at 2 and 4 hr after FITC injection 70% of the labeled cells that migrated to mesenteric lymph nodes were T lymphocytes, although rat Peyer's patches contain only 15-20% T lymphocytes. At later time points after FITC injection this percentage of T cells derived from Peyer's patches gradually declined, most likely caused by selective interaction and/or retention inside the mesenteric lymph node. Determination of helper and suppressor T-cell subsets within this emigrating population showed an increased number of T suppressor cells migrating into mesenteric lymph nodes. The putative role of suppressor T cells in inducing systemic tolerance after oral antigen administration was discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to answer the questions related to (a) the role played by the antigen-presenting cells (APCs) present within the thymus and (b) the effect of radiation dose to the recipients on the H-2 restriction profile of TNP-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors (CTLP) recovered from spleens and/or thymuses of H-2 incompatible radiation bone marrow chimeras (BMC). The H-2 restriction profile of intrathymically differentiating TNP-specific CTLPs was also analyzed in order to test an argument that donor-H-2 restricted CTLP detected in spleens of H-2 incompatible BMC were due to the extrathymically differentiated T cells under the influence of donor-derived lymphoreticular cells. The results indicated the following: (i) splenic T cells from B10(H-2b)→ (B10(H-2b) → B10.BR(H-2k)) chimeras, which were constructed by irradiating primary BIO → B10.BR chimeras with 1100 R and reconstituting them with donor-type (B10) bone marrow cells as long as 8 months after their construction, manifested restriction specificities for both donor- and host-type H-2, (ii) splenic T cells from two types of (B10 × B10.BR)F1→ B10 chimeras which were reconstituted after exposure of the recipients with either 900 or 1100 R with donor-type bone marrow cells generated both donor- and host-H-2 restricted TNP-specific cytotoxic T cells, and (iii) the TNP-specific CTLPs present in the regenerating thymuses of B10.BR → B10 and (B10 × B10.BR)F1→ B10 chimeras 4 weeks after their construction were also shown to manifest both donor- and host-H-2 restriction specificities. The significance of these findings on the H-2 restriction profile of CTLP generated in BMCs is discussed.  相似文献   

We have observed a population of trypsin-resistant adherent cells in long-term primary cultures of murine embryonic skin. These cells were subsequently demonstrated to share a variety of characteristics with cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage. The trypsin-resistant adherent cells stained positively for nonspecific esterase, exhibited surface receptors for Fc-IgG, and complement components as well as strong phagocytic activity. Additionally, these cells exhibited membrane ATPase enzyme activity and a large proportion of the cells expressed la antigens as detected by cytotoxicity and membrane fluorescence. The possible relationship between these trypsin-resistant adherent cells and Langerhans cells of the skin is discussed.  相似文献   

This report examines the histochemical staining patterns, ultrastructure, and cell-surface phenotypes of six antigen-specific T-cell clones. Histochemical analyses indicated that all cell lines expressed alpha-napthyl butyrate esterase characteristic of the monocytic isoenzyme, intense napthol AS-D chloroacetate reactivity characteristic of granulocytes, and were negative for leucoperoxidase, alkaline phosphatase, and Sudan black. Only one clone stained weakly for acid phosphatase. The esterase staining patterns became evident in newly established cell lines after growth for only 1 week in interleukin 2-conditioned medium. Ultrastructurally, the outstanding feature was numerous membrane-bound granules containing a complex-appearing globular material. The cell-surface phenotypes of the lines as determined by protein A-sheep red blood cell rosetting and indirect immunofluorescence was Ly-5+, T200+, Qa-5-, MAC-1-, and Lyt-1+,2,3- for the helper line and Lyt-1-2,3+ for the five cytotoxic lines. By quantitative absorption analyses, low levels of Lyt-1 antigens were detected on all examined cytotoxic lines. The results strengthen the view that long-term T-cell lines can retain normal T-cell characteristics while also expressing markers that are either absent or in undetectable levels on uncultured T lymphocytes. The presence of the esterases may be associated with an expanded functional role in the T-cell lines.  相似文献   

A quantitative assay has been developed to measure holocarboxylase synthetase activity in cellular extracts. This assay was based on measuring the incorporation of [3H]biotin of high specific activity (4.3 Ci/mmol) into purified rat liver apopyruvate carboxylase. With this assay, holocarboxylase synthetase in 3T3-L1 mouse fibroblasts has been monitored. During the differentiation of this cell from a fibroblast to an adipocyte, holocarboxylase synthetase activity was found to increase threefold, while pyruvate carboxylase activity rose 20-fold. The results suggest a possible relationship between the activity of the holocarboxylase synthetase and the level of the biotin-dependent carboxylases within the mammalian cell. Utilizing digitonin fractionation. the intracellular distribution of this enzyme has also been examined. In the 3T3-L1 cell, the large majority (approximately 70%) of the total holocarboxylase synthetase activity was found in the cytosolic compartment.  相似文献   

Thymic (T) or bursal (B) lymphocytes from chicks sensitized to Mycobacterium tuberculosis produce an avian lymphocyte inhibitory factor (LyIF). The physiochemical properties of both T and B LyIF were established by ultrafiltration which yielded four fractions with molecular weight ranges of greater than 100,000; 50,000-100,000; 10,000-50,000; and less than 10,000; enzymatic treatment with chymotrypsin and neuraminidase; varying pH; and heat exposure. These studies demonstrated that the maximum activity for both T and B LyIF was within a molecular weight range of 10,000-50,000. Both were sensitive to chymotrypsin and neuraminidase treatment. Both were stable at 56 degrees C for 30 min and resistant to changes in pH from 5 to 9. T-Cell migration was inhibited equally by B or T LyIF, while B-cell migration was inhibited to a lesser extent by T LyIF and B LyIF. Further experiments should establish the reasons for these observed differences in cross-reactivity.  相似文献   

Dialyzed fetal calf serum (FCS) was a poor source of serum supplement for in vitro cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) generation. Serum dialysate or biotin fully restored dialyzed FCS to activities comparable to FCS. It was concluded that the active principal in serum dialysate was biotin because its further dialysis was prevented by addition of avidin, a biotin binding protein. Avidin inhibited CTL generation only when added during the early stages of mixed lymphocyte cultures, whereas biotin could restore activity even if added at a later time. When FCS enriched in a fatty acid mixture, or in palmitic acid alone, was used as the serum supplement, avidin-mediated inhibition of CTL generation was markedly reduced. Avidin also inhibited CTL generation in cultures containing killed macrophages as the stimulating cell, and supplemented with Con-A-induced spleen cell supernatant, a source of helper factor(s). These experiments suggest that fatty acid biosynthesis and the attendant synthesis of structural lipids of appropriate fatty acid composition play a prominent role in the generation of CTL  相似文献   

The effect of various factors upon prostaglandin (PG) production by the osteoblast was examined using osteoblast-rich populations of cells prepared from newborn rat calvaria. Bradykinin and serum, and to a lesser extent, thrombin, were also shown to stimulate PGE2 and 6-keto-PGF (the hydration product of PGI2) secretion by the osteoblastic cells. Several inhibitors of prostanoid synthesis, dexamethasone, indomethacin, dazoxiben and nafazatrom, were tested for their effects on the calvarial cells. All inhibited PGE2 and PGI2 (the major arachidonic acid metabolites of these cells) production with half-maximal inhibition by all four substances occuring at approximately 10−7 M. For dazoxiben and nafazatrom, this was in contrast to published results from experiments which have indicated that the compounds stimulated PGI2 production. Finally, since the osteoblasts is responsive to bone-resorbing hormones, these were tested. Only epidermal growth factor (EGF) was shown to modify PG production. At early time EGF stimulated PGE2 release, however, the predominant effect of the growth factor was an inhibition of both PGE2 and PGI2 production by the osteoblastic cells. The present results suggest that the bone-resorbing hormones do not act to cause an increase in PG by the esteoblast and that any increase in PG production by these cells may be in response to vascular agents  相似文献   

The angiotensin cascade was recently detected in liver granulomas of murine Schistosomiasis mansoni, suggesting an immunoregulatory role for angiotensins in inflammation. In this study, isolated liver granulomas were fractionated into macrophage or lymphocyte-eosinophil-rich populations to determine the cellular origin of these hormones. Immunoreactive angiotensins I, II, and III (AI, AII, and AIII) were detected in granuloma macrophage homogenates by radioimmunoassay and chromatography. No angiotensins were associated with the lymphocyte-eosinophil fraction. Isolated granuloma macrophages, but not the lymphocyte-eosinophil fraction, retained appreciable angiotensins when cultured in vitro and spontaneously released these peptides into the culture medium. Similarly, culture of these cells in the presence of exogenous angiotensinogen or AI resulted in additional AI and/or AII/III appearing in the medium. These data support the contention that granuloma macrophages generate angiotensins from both endogenous and exogenous substrates.  相似文献   

S Brown  H K Oie  A F Gazdar  J D Minna  U Francke 《Cell》1979,18(1):135-143
The replication pattern of the endogenous baboon type C virus M7 was studied in 29 primary Chinese hamster × human hybrid clones generated with leukemic cells from two different patients with acute lymphoblastic or myeloblastic leukemia. There was no evidence of viral particulate RDDP or M7 antigen before viral infection. M7 virus replicated in human and some hybrid cells but not in Chinese hamster cells, indicating that M7 requires dominantly expressed human gene(s) for replication. Enzyme and cytogenetic analyses show that a gene(s) coded for by human chromosome 19 is necessary for M7 infection of these hybrids. Detailed cytogenetic correlations revealed, however, that the chromosome 19+/M7 + hybrid clones with intact chromosomes also had copies of chromosomes 3 and 6. Previously, Bevi, the putative integration site for M7 virus, has been assigned to human chromosome 6. Many clones with various combinations of chromosomes 3 and 6 lacked chromosome 19, however, and failed to replicate exogenously applied M7 virus, while tests of 27 secondary clones showed that M7 markers co-segregated with chromosome 19 markers. These findings all confirm the need for a chromosome 19-coded function in Chinese hamster × human hybrids. In addition, the yield of viral particulate RDDP produced into the culture fluid was 50–100 fold less per viral antigen-positive cell in the hybrids compared with human cells. Thus some form of regulation of viral components exists in the hybrid cells. When the virus replicating in hybrid cells was transferred back to human cells, this regulation was relaxed and the yield of RDDP per FA(+) cell greatly increased. We conclude that human chromosomes 6 and 19 code for functions involved in M7 virus metabolism, and we cannot exclude a function coded for by chromosome 3.  相似文献   

Guinea pig peritoneal macrophages were activated in vitro by culturing with MAF (macrophage activating factor)-containing fractions from stimulated lymphocytes. These macrophage preparations demonstrate a 60% increase in the production of prostaglandins of the E series (PGE) when compared with macrophages cultured with fractions from unstimulated lymphocytes. PGE accumulation in macrophage cultures is maximal after 24 hr with MAF; tumor cytotoxicity is also maximal at this time. The final PGE concentration in cultures of activated macrophages averaged 3 × 10?8M.  相似文献   

The pH profile for the uptake of l-glutamic acid by the Ehrlich ascites tumor cell arises largely as a sum of the decline with falling pH of a slow, Na+-dependent uptake by System A, and an increasing uptake by Na+-independent System L. The latter maximizes at about pH 4.5, following approximately the titration curve of the distal carboxyl group. This shift in route of uptake was verified by (a) a declining Na+-dependent component. (b) an almost corresponding decline in the 2-(methylamino)-isobutyric acid-inhibitable component, (c) a rising component inhibited by 2-aminonorbornane-2-carboxylic acid. Other amino acids recognized as principally reactive with Systems A or L yielded corresponding inhibitory effects with some conspicuous exceptions: 2-Aminoisobutyric acid and even glycine become better substrates of System L as the pH is lowered; hence their inhibitory action on glutamic acid uptake is not lost. The above results were characterized by generally consistent relations among the half-saturation concentrations of the interacting amino acids with respect to: their own uptake, their inhibition of the uptake, one by another, and their trans stimulation of exodus, one by another.A small Na+-dependent component of uptake retained by l-glutamic acid but not by d-glutamic acid at pH 4.5 is inhibitable by methionine but by neither 2-(methylamino)-isobutyric acid nor the norbornane amino acid. We provisionally identified this component with System ASC, which transports l-glutamine throughout the pH range studied. No transport activity specific to the anionic amino acids was detected, and the unequivocally anionic cysteic acid showed neither significant mediated uptake nor inhibition of the uptake of glutamic acid or of the norbornane amino acid.  相似文献   

The ability of cultured midgestation mouse trophoblast cells to synthesize progesterone from pregnenolone has been monitored by radioimmunoassay or chromatography and crystallization. The conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone is almost completely blocked by cyanoketone, a known inhibitor of Δ5,3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) activity. Since there is little or no further metabolism of the progesterone formed, the ability of trophoblast cells to convert pregnenolone to progesterone in vitro is an accurate reflection of the activity of 3β-HSD in these cells.Midgestation cultures of giant trophoblast cells have a substantially higher 3β-HSD specific activity than the smaller ectoplacental cone cells. Neither giant trophoblast nor ectoplacental cone cell cultures show an increased 3β-HSD specific activity in response to a variety of hormones, including gonadotrophins. In fact, regardless of the gestation age at which the trophoblast cultures are initiated, 3β-HSD activity inevitably follows the same temporal pattern observed in vivo. Taken together, these facts suggest that the levels of 3β-HSD in trophoblast cells are intrinsically controlled and that, unlike the ovary, progesterone production by trophoblast cells in vivo is not influenced by gonadotrophic hormone levels.  相似文献   

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