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Maize (Zea mays L. cv. Pioneer 3925) subjected to post-anthesiswater stress during the first 2 weeks of kernel developmenthad lower leaf-water potentials and higher leaf-ABA concentrationsthan well-watered controls. There was a concomitant rise inABA concentration in kernel tissues 3 and 7 d after pollination(DAP), after which the concentration decreased to control levelsby 13 DAP. Kernel water potential, however, remained unchangedby the water stress. Radiolabelled ABA, fed to a leaf, was translocatedto kernels, where free ABA as well as several ABA metaboliteswere the major labelled fractions. This suggested that the stress-inducedkernel ABA was of maternal origin. Since ABA plays a putativerole in seed maturation of several crop species, and appliedABA or water stress often hastens seed development, we expectedthat a water-stress-induced rise in kernel ABA concentrationearly in grain development may serve to prematurely induce storage-productaccumulation. Zein, starch and several enzymes key to the starchsynthesis pathway followed the same course of induction throughoutthe experiment, with no difference between treatments Henceit was concluded that although water stress increased kernelABA independent of kernel water status, there was no apparenteffect of water stress or ABA on timing of early kernel developmentalprocesses. Zea mays L. cv. Pioncer 3925, maize, water stress, abscisic acid, endosperm development  相似文献   

To provide insight into the regulatory roles of auxin and cytokininin endosperm development, defective kernel (dek) mutants ofmaize (Zea mays L.) were examined. The mutants dek6, dek18 anddek 26 had substantially lower indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) levelsthan wild-type counterparts while dek8, dek12 dek24 had higherIAA levels than wild-type counterparts. The mutant dek6 hada somewhat lower zeatin level than its wild-type counterpart.The mutation-induced changes in IAA levels and effects of exogenously-appliedauxin were not consistently related to changes in numbers ofnuclei per endorsperm; however, there was a correspondence betweenauxin level in endosperm and nuclear diameter, which is proportionalto the extent of post-mitotic DNA synthesis (endoreduplication).We conclude that auxin may be involved in stimulating endoreduplication.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Zea mays L., maize, defective kernel mutant, dek, auxin, cytokinin, hormone, ELISA, cell number, cell division, endopolyploidy, endoreduplication, DNA amplification  相似文献   

Distribution of Abscisic Acid in Maize Kernel during Grain Filling   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
The distribution of abscisic acid (ABA) within maize (Zea mays L.) kernels was studied in kernels from nontreated plants, from plants in which assimilate supply had been altered by source/sink manipulations, and in kernels cultured in vitro on ABA-free media. Prior to growth of the embryo, both the pedicel/placento-chalazal complex and the endosperm contained high concentration of ABA; however, the quantity of ABA in these tissues declined as the concentration in the embryo increased during the early stages of embryo growth. Peaks in the levels of ABA appeared to occur prior to and not concurrent with physiological events during grain filling. During most of the grain filling period, ABA concentration in the embryo was higher than that found in other kernel components. Altering assimilate supply by partial defoliation at two stages of development resulted in variable and transient effects on the relative distribution and concentration of ABA in kernel components. The concentration and distribution of ABA among components of kernels grown in vitro was similar to that observed for field-grown kernels. On the basis of these findings, in situ synthesis of ABA by kernel components is implicated and the putative role of ABA in the regulation of kernel development is discussed.  相似文献   

Root cortical and stelar protoplasts were isolated from maize (Zea mays L.) plants that were either well watered or water stressed, and the patch-clamp technique was used to investigate their plasma membrane K+ channel activity. In the root cortex water stress did not significantly affect inward- or outward-rectifying K+ conductances relative to those observed in well-watered plants. In contrast, water stress significantly reduced the magnitude of the outward-rectifying K+ current in the root stele but had little effect on the inward-rectifying K+ current. Pretreating well-watered plants with abscisic acid also significantly affected K+ currents in a way that was consistent with abscisic acid mediating, at least in part, the response of roots to water stress. It is proposed that the K+ channels underlying the K+ currents in the root stelar cells represent pathways that allow K+ exchange between the root symplasm and xylem apoplast. It is suggested that the regulation of K+ channel activity in the root in response to water stress could be part of an important adaptation of the plant to survive drying soils.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the nature of the interaction between gibberellic acid (GA3) and abscisic acid (ABA) in the regulation of growth in excised Avena (oat) stem segments. Growth, compared to sucrose controls, was inhibited by ABA in the range of 10?4 to 10?6M. GA3-promoted growth was also inhibited by ABA in the same concentration range. A Lineweaver-Burk analysis of the interaction between GA3 and ABA indicated that ABA acts in a non-competitive fashion with GA3. This same result was obtained previously with GA3-indoleacetic acid (IAA) and GA3-kinetin interactions with Avena stem sections. Our results indicate that ABA can inhibit GA3-promoted growth within physiological concentrations, and that it is probably acting at a different physiological site from that for GA3.  相似文献   

The effect of cytokinin, kinetin, on abscisic acid (dormin) inhibition of α-amylase synthesis and growth in intact barley seed was investigated. Abscisic acid at 5 × 10?5M nearly completely inhibited growth response and α-amylase synthesis in barley seed. Kinetin reversed to a large extent abscisic acid inhibition of α-aniylase synthesis and coleoptile growth. The response curves of α-amylase synthesis and coleoptile growth in presence of a fixed amount of abscisic acid (6 × l0?6M) and increasing concentrations of kinetin (from 5 × l0?7M to 5 × 10?5 M) showed remarkable similarity. Kinetin and abscisic acid caused synergistic inhibition of root growth. Gibberellic acid was far less effective than kinetin in reversing abscisic acid inhibition of α-amylase synthesis and coleoptile growth. A combination of kinetin and gibberellic acid caused nearly complete reversal of abscisic acid inhibition of α-amylase synthesis but not the abscisic acid inhibition of growth. The results suggest that factors controlling α-amylase synthesis may not have a dominant role in all growth responses of the seed. Kinetin possibly acts by removing the abscisic acid inhibition of enzyme specific sites thereby allowing gibberellic acid to function to produce α-amylase.  相似文献   

The movement of foliar applied [1-14C]abscisic acid (ABA) inwheat plants (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Kolibri) was investigatedat two stages of grain development (1000 grains, weight 19 and24 g dry matter). [1–14C]ABA seemed to be readily translocated within 12h into the developing grains as well as in other plant parts.A subsequent rapid metabolism took place leading to a decreasedactivity of the ABA-containing chromatogram fraction in theyounger plants 48 h after application. The metabolism seemodto be less intensive in the older grains, where the activityrunning with the ABA increased over 64 h. Treating the leaves of barley plants (Hordeum vulgare, L., cv.Union) 2 weeks after anthesis with a gentle stream of warm air(36° C) resulted in a significant increase in the ABA contentof all parts of the ear. The results mentioned above indicatethat this may be partially due to translocation from other partsof the plant such as the leaves.  相似文献   

It is known that salt stress and exogenously applied abscisic acid (ABA) can enhance the polyamine content in plants and that salt stress itself can lead to an increase in endogenous ABA production. In the present study, the relationships between salt-induced ABA and polyamine accumulation were inves- tigated using ABA-deficient mutant (vp5/vp5) maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings and ABA and polyamine biosynthesis inhibitors. The results show that reduced endogenous ABA levels, as a result of either the mutation or by using a chemical inhibitor (sodium tungstate), also reduced the accumulation of polyamines in salt-stressed leaves of maize seedlings. The polyamine synthesis inhibitors D-arginine and α- difluoromethylornithine also reduced the polyamine content of the leaves of maize seedling under salt stress. Both ABA and polyamine enhanced the dry weight accumulation of salt-stressed seedlings and also increased the activities of the two dominant tonoplast membrane enzymes, H^+-ATPase and H^+-PPase, when plants were under salt stress. The results suggest that salt stress induces an increase in endogenous ABA levels, which then enhances polyamine synthesis. Such responses may increase a plant's tolerance to salt.  相似文献   

Potential Role of Abscisic Acid in Cotton Fiber and Ovule Development   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Fibers and ovules of a cotton cultivar (Gossypium hirsutum L. Trambak-108) were analyzed for growth and free abscisic acid (ABA) content by indirect enzyme immunoassay. An inverse correlation between fiber elongation and ABA content was observed. In the seed, accumulation of ABA was observed during secondary thickening and the maturation phase. The potential role of ABA in fiber and seed development is discussed. Received June 25, 1997; accepted October 15, 1997  相似文献   

Lur HS  Setter TL 《Plant physiology》1993,103(1):273-280
The timing of developmental events and regulatory roles of auxin were examined in maize (Zea mays L.) endosperms. Zeatin, zeatin riboside, and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent (ELISA). Zeatin and zeatin riboside increased to maximal concentrations at an early stage (9 d after pollination [DAP]), corresponding to the stage when cell division rate was maximal. In contrast, IAA concentration was low at 9 DAP and abruptly increased from 9 to 11 DAP, thus creating a sharp decline in the cytokinin to auxin ratio. Coincident with the increase in IAA was an increase in DNA content per nucleus, attributed to postmitotic DNA replication via endoreduplication. Exogenous application of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) at 5 or 7 DAP hastened the time course of DNA accumulation per nucleus and increased the average nuclear diameter, whereas 2-(para-chlorophenoxy)isobutyric acid delayed such development. Exogenously applied 2,4-D hastened the accumulation of the zein polypeptides of apparent molecular masses of 12, 14, and 16 kD and the expression of mRNA hybridizing with a zein DNA probe. We conclude that an abrupt increase in auxin induces cellular differentiation events in endosperm, including endoredupliction and expression of particular zein storage proteins.  相似文献   

In this work the effect of abscisic acid (ABA) and 100 mM NaCl on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris var. Coco) growth, nitrogenase activity, and nodule metabolism was studied. Experiments were carried out in a controlled environmental chamber and plants, at the vegetative growth stage (16 days old), were treated with ABA (1 μM and 10 μM) and 48 h later were exposed to saline treatment. Results revealed that plant dry weight, nodule dry weight, nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction activity and ureides content), and most enzymes of ammonium and ureides metabolism were affected by both ABA and NaCl. The addition of 1 μM ABA to the nutrient solution before the exposure to salt stress reduced the negative effect of NaCl. Based on our results, we suggest that ABA application improves the response of Phaseolus vulgaris symbiosis under saline stress conditions, including the nitrogen fixation process and enzymes of ammonium assimilation and purine catabolism.  相似文献   

Roles of abscisic acid (ABA) in water stress-induced oxidative stress were investigated in leaves of maize ( Zea mays L.) seedlings exposed to water stress induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000). Treatment with PEG at &#109 0.7 MPa for 12 and 24 h led to a reduction in leaf relative water content (RWC) by 7.8 and 14.1%, respectively. Duration of the osmotic treatments is considered as mild and moderate water stress. The mild water stress caused significant increases in the generation of superoxide radical ( O 2 &#109 ) and hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reductase (GR) and the contents of ascorbate (ASC), reduced glutathione (GSH). The moderate water stress failed to further enhance the capacity of antioxidant defense systems, as compared to the mild water stress. The contents of catalytic Fe, which is critical for H 2 O 2 -dependent hydroxyl radical ( &#148 OH) production, and the oxidized forms of ascorbate and glutathione pools, dehydroascorbate (DHA) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG), markedly increased, a significant oxidative damage to lipids and proteins took place under the moderate water stress. Pretreatment with ABA caused an obvious reduction in the content of catalytic Fe and significant increases in the activities of antioxidant enzymes and the contents of non-enzymatic antioxidants, and then significantly reduced the contents of DHA and GSSG and the degrees of oxidative damage in leaves exposed to the moderate water stress. Pretreatment with an ABA biosynthesis inhibitor, tungstate, significantly suppressed the accumulation of ABA induced by water stress, reduced the enhancement in the capacity of antioxidant defense systems, and resulted in an increase in catalytic Fe, DHA and GSSG, and oxidative damage in the water-stressed leaves. These effects were completely prevented by addition of ABA, which raised the internal ABA content. Our data indicate that ABA plays an important role in water stress-induced antioxidant defense against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

蛋白磷酸化在植物细胞脱落酸(ABA)介导的信号转导中起重要作用。然而,很多参与ABA信号途径的蛋白元件仍不清楚。使用改进的体外激酶试验方法的研究结果表明,在玉米叶片中,ABA和H2O2能够快速活化蛋白激酶总活性和ca^2+依赖型蛋白激酶总活性;ABA诱导的蛋白激酶总活性增加可以被活性氧的抑制剂和清除剂抑制,蛋白激酶抑制剂不仅可以降低ABA和H2O2诱导的激酶活性增加,而且也可以弱化它们对抗氧化防护酶活性的诱导作用;ABA和H2O2引发的蛋白磷酸化作用显著居先于它们诱导的抗氧化防护作用。使用凝胶激酶试验方法进行研究发现,一组分子量分别为66kDa,52kDa,49kDa和35kDa的蛋白激酶可能介导了ABA和H2O2诱导的抗氧化防护反应,并且66kDa和49kDa的蛋白激酶可能在ROS的下游起作用,而52kDa和35kDa的蛋白激酶可能在ABA和ROS的下游起作用。  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to compare the effects of abscisicacid (ABA) and water stress treatments on leaf morphology andfloral development in a spring wheat. In one experiment injectionsof ABA or a control solution were given twice a week into thebase of the main stem for a period of 3 weeks. In a similarexperiment control plants were watered daily and treated plantswere subjected to water stress by watering only once a week.In both experiments the treated plants produced smaller leavesand fewer spikelets per ear. Analysis of epidermal morphologyusing polystyrene imprints of selected leaf blades from themain stem and a tiller of each plant showed that, compared withcontrol plants, both ABA and water stress decreased the meancell size, reduced the number of stomata per leaf, and increasedthe production of trichomes in all the leaves sampled. Datafor stomatal lengths and stomatal indices showed differencesbetween a main stem leaf and a tiller leaf which were consistentfor both experiments. It is concluded that ABA could mediatemany of the responses of wheat plants to prolonged water stress.The possible adaptive value of these responses is discussed.  相似文献   

大豆等植物体内细胞受热或受其它理化因素(如:重金属离子、乙醇、氨基酸类似物)、以及缺氧、DNA损伤、病毒感染等病理因素刺激后,促发应激反应,启动某些基因表达,能产生各种生理活性物质以及各种酶类,共同调控代谢过程和某些激素的活动,如:吲哚乙酸(IAA)、脱落酸(ABA)等。这些内源IAA和ABA共同作用,调节着大豆的抗逆性,从而影响着大豆的农艺性状。本试验对华北生态型的六个大豆栽培种,进行热激处理;取其第三片展开叶,测其内源IAA和ABA含量。这些品种分别是:早熟17,诱处4号,诱变31,耐阴黑豆、科丰6号和科丰34(Tan.1)。初花期,第一天热激(43~45℃,4h)后,它们的IAA和ABA水平均显著高于对照(30~33℃)(Fig.1)。然而,在连续一天热激后(43~45℃,4h/d),大多数品种的IAA和ABA比第一天减少(Fig.2)。盛花期连续热激处理二天(43~45℃,4h/d),IAA水平一般低于对照(3~33℃),半数品种ABA水平也低于对照(Fig.3)。结荚期连续两天热激后(45℃,4h/d),IAA和ABA含量均显著高于对照(30~33℃)(Fig.4)。  相似文献   

Effects of Abscisic Acid on Growth of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HALL  H. K.; MCWHA  J. A. 《Annals of botany》1981,47(4):427-433
Daily application of abscisic acid (ABA) to growing wheat plants,although initially inhibiting growth, resulted, after a shortlag, in an increase in the number of leaves and tillers. Thismay have been due to reduced apical dominance. At 84 days thetotal dry weight and area of all leaves produced up to thistime was less for the plants treated with ABA than for the controlplants. However, the area of green, living leaves and the dryweight were not significantly affected by the ABA treatment.Further effects of the daily ABA treatment were the inhibitionof transpiration, especially on the abaxial surface, the reductionof leaf size, the promotion of flowering and the stimulationof trichome formation on the leaf surfaces. ABA did not promoteleaf senescence in whole plants and actually increased leaflongevity. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, leaf senescence, transpiration, growth, flowering, abscisic acid  相似文献   

The Role of Endogenous Abscisic Acid in the Response of Plants to Stress   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
When a continuous stream of warm air (38°C) was directedon to the leaves of dwarf bean seedlings they wilted and thengradually regained turgor. This process of adaptation was accompaniedby an increasing abscisic acid (ABA) level in the leaves andan increase in leaf resistance (RL). It is suggested that theleaf-water deficit induced by the warm-air treatment causedthe increase in ABA level and that the latter was responsiblefor stimulating stomatal closure, enabling the plants to regainfull turgor. A similar type of adaptation, brought about byan increased level of ABA in the leaves, is believed to occurin tomato, dwarf bean, and wheat plants when they are flooded.Predictably, in rice, a species adapted to a flooded environment,seedlings showed no increase in ABA level as a result of flooding. It is proposed that adaptation may involve the formation ofan equilibrium between ABA and its conjugate form (i. e. theglucose ester). The ABA-conjugate was observed to disperse slowlyfrom leaves recovering from a water deficit and therefore itmay act as a metabolic ‘back-stop’, enabling the‘free’ ABA level to remain high for a period evenwhen the leaves have regained turgor. Abscisic acid appears to be responsible for alleviating theeffects of water stress in plants, making it possible for plantsto pass through periods of stress with little harm.  相似文献   

Water deficit-induced abscisic acid (ABA) accumulation is one of the most important stress signaling pathways in plant cells. Redox regulation of cellular signaling has currently attracted particular attention, but much less is known about its roles and mechanisms in plant signaling. Herein, we report that water deficit-induced ABA accumulation could be regulated by ascorbic acid (AA)-controlled redox status in leave apoplast. The AA content in non-stressed leaves was approximately 3 umol/g FW, corresponding to a mean concentration of 3 mmol/L in a whole cell. Because AA is mainly localized in the cytosol and chloroplasts, the volume of which is much smaller than that of the whole cell, AA content in cytosolic and chloroplast compartments should be much higher than 3 mmol/L. Water deficit-induced ABA accumulation in both leaf and root tissues of maize seedlings was significantly inhibited by AA and reduced glutathione (GSH) at concentrations of 500 umol/L and was completely blocked by 50 mmol/L AA and GSH. These results suggest that the AA-induced inhibition of ABA accumulation should not occur at sites where AA exists in high concentrations. Although water deficit led to a small increase in the dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) content, no significant changes in AA content were observed in either leaf or root tissues. When compared with the whole leaf cell, the AA content in the apoplastic compartment was much lower (i.e. approximately 70 nmol/g FW, corresponding to 0.7 mmol/L). Water deficit induced a significant decrease (approximately 2.5-fold) in the AA content and an increase (approximately 3.4-fold) in the DHA content in the apoplastic compartment, thus leading to a considerably decreased redox status there, which may have contributed to the relief of AA-induced inhibition of ABA accumulation, alternatively, promoting water deficit-induced ABA accumulation. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) could not mimic water deficit in inducing ABA accumulation, suggesting that the inhibition of ABA accumulation by AA or GSH was not related to their ROS-scavenging ability. The results of the present study suggest that the redox status in the apoplastic compartment, as determined by AA and DHA, may play a vital role in the regulation of the signaling process for water deficit-induced ABA accumulation.  相似文献   

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