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Soil respiration (Rs) is a major pathway by which fixed carbon in the biosphere is returned to the atmosphere, yet there are limits to our ability to predict respiration rates using environmental drivers at the global scale. While temperature, moisture, carbon supply, and other site characteristics are known to regulate soil respiration rates at plot scales within certain biomes, quantitative frameworks for evaluating the relative importance of these factors across different biomes and at the global scale require tests of the relationships between field estimates and global climatic data. This study evaluates the factors driving Rs at the global scale by linking global datasets of soil moisture, soil temperature, primary productivity, and soil carbon estimates with observations of annual Rs from the Global Soil Respiration Database (SRDB). We find that calibrating models with parabolic soil moisture functions can improve predictive power over similar models with asymptotic functions of mean annual precipitation. Soil temperature is comparable with previously reported air temperature observations used in predicting Rs and is the dominant driver of Rs in global models; however, within certain biomes soil moisture and soil carbon emerge as dominant predictors of Rs. We identify regions where typical temperature‐driven responses are further mediated by soil moisture, precipitation, and carbon supply and regions in which environmental controls on high Rs values are difficult to ascertain due to limited field data. Because soil moisture integrates temperature and precipitation dynamics, it can more directly constrain the heterotrophic component of Rs, but global‐scale models tend to smooth its spatial heterogeneity by aggregating factors that increase moisture variability within and across biomes. We compare statistical and mechanistic models that provide independent estimates of global Rs ranging from 83 to 108 Pg yr?1, but also highlight regions of uncertainty where more observations are required or environmental controls are hard to constrain.  相似文献   

To fully understand how soil respiration is partitioned among its component fluxes and responds to climate, it is essential to relate it to belowground carbon allocation, the ultimate carbon source for soil respiration. This remains one of the largest gaps in knowledge of terrestrial carbon cycling. Here, we synthesize data on gross and net primary production and their components, and soil respiration and its components, from a global forest database, to determine mechanisms governing belowground carbon allocation and their relationship with soil respiration partitioning and soil respiration responses to climatic factors across global forest ecosystems. Our results revealed that there are three independent mechanisms controlling belowground carbon allocation and which influence soil respiration and its partitioning: an allometric constraint; a fine‐root production vs. root respiration trade‐off; and an above‐ vs. belowground trade‐off in plant carbon. Global patterns in soil respiration and its partitioning are constrained primarily by the allometric allocation, which explains some of the previously ambiguous results reported in the literature. Responses of soil respiration and its components to mean annual temperature, precipitation, and nitrogen deposition can be mediated by changes in belowground carbon allocation. Soil respiration responds to mean annual temperature overwhelmingly through an increasing belowground carbon input as a result of extending total day length of growing season, but not by temperature‐driven acceleration of soil carbon decomposition, which argues against the possibility of a strong positive feedback between global warming and soil carbon loss. Different nitrogen loads can trigger distinct belowground carbon allocation mechanisms, which are responsible for different responses of soil respiration to nitrogen addition that have been observed. These results provide new insights into belowground carbon allocation, partitioning of soil respiration, and its responses to climate in forest ecosystems and are, therefore, valuable for terrestrial carbon simulations and projections.  相似文献   

Microbial necromass is an important source and component of soil organic matter (SOM), especially within the most stable pools. Global change factors such as anthropogenic nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) inputs, climate warming, elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (eCO2), and periodic precipitation reduction (drought) strongly affect soil microorganisms and consequently, influence microbial necromass formation. The impacts of these global change factors on microbial necromass are poorly understood despite their critical role in the cycling and sequestration of soil carbon (C) and nutrients. Here, we conducted a meta-analysis to reveal general patterns of the effects of nutrient addition, warming, eCO2, and drought on amino sugars (biomarkers of microbial necromass) in soils under croplands, forests, and grasslands. Nitrogen addition combined with P and K increased the content of fungal (+21%), bacterial (+22%), and total amino sugars (+9%), consequently leading to increased SOM formation. Nitrogen addition alone increased solely bacterial necromass (+10%) because the decrease of N limitation stimulated bacterial more than fungal growth. Warming increased bacterial necromass, because bacteria have competitive advantages at high temperatures compared to fungi. Other global change factors (P and NP addition, eCO2, and drought) had minor effects on microbial necromass because of: (i) compensation of the impacts by opposite processes, and (ii) the short duration of experiments compared to the slow microbial necromass turnover. Future studies should focus on: (i) the stronger response of bacterial necromass to N addition and warming compared to that of fungi, and (ii) the increased microbial necromass contribution to SOM accumulation and stability under NPK fertilization, and thereby for negative feedback to climate warming.  相似文献   

土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性被认为是决定陆地生态系统对全球变暖反馈作用的潜在重要机制,可能显著改变未来的气候变化趋势,然而学术界对于这一机制是否真实存在尚有分歧。阐述了土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性概念,从证据、机理和争议3方面对已有研究进展进行了综述和分析。土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性是微生物在群落尺度上对温度变化的适应性,具有坚实的生物学与生态学理论基础,研究者们运用各类指标已在许多实验中证实土壤微生物物种及群落的呼吸过程能够在高温环境产生适应性变化。土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性机理涉及生物膜结构变化、酶活性变化、微生物碳分配比例变化和微生物群落结构变化等方面。关于土壤微生物呼吸热适应性的争议可能是由研究方法、微生物物种及环境条件的差异引起的。根据对已有研究的分析,认为土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性是真实存在的,未来的研究可进一步探索土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性机理,深入研究环境和全球变化对土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性影响,定量评估土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性对陆地生态系统反馈过程的影响。  相似文献   

Quantifying global soil respiration (RSG) and its response to temperature change are critical for predicting the turnover of terrestrial carbon stocks and their feedbacks to climate change. Currently, estimates of RSG range from 68 to 98 Pg C year?1, causing considerable uncertainty in the global carbon budget. We argue the source of this variability lies in the upscaling assumptions regarding the model format, data timescales, and precipitation component. To quantify the variability and constrain RSG, we developed RSG models using Random Forest and exponential models, and used different timescales (daily, monthly, and annual) of soil respiration (RS) and climate data to predict RSG. From the resulting RSG estimates (range = 66.62–100.72 Pg), we calculated variability associated with each assumption. Among model formats, using monthly RS data rather than annual data decreased RSG by 7.43–9.46 Pg; however, RSG calculated from daily RS data was only 1.83 Pg lower than the RSG from monthly data. Using mean annual precipitation and temperature data instead of monthly data caused +4.84 and ?4.36 Pg C differences, respectively. If the timescale of RS data is constant, RSG estimated by the first‐order exponential (93.2 Pg) was greater than the Random Forest (78.76 Pg) or second‐order exponential (76.18 Pg) estimates. These results highlight the importance of variation at subannual timescales for upscaling to RSG. The results indicated RSG is lower than in recent papers and the current benchmark for land models (98 Pg C year?1), and thus may change the predicted rates of terrestrial carbon turnover and the carbon to climate feedback as global temperatures rise.  相似文献   

森林土壤呼吸及其对全球变化的响应   总被引:65,自引:5,他引:65  
森林土壤呼吸是全球碳循环的重要流通途径之一 ,其动态变化将直接影响全球 C平衡。森林土壤呼吸由自养呼吸和异养呼吸组成 ,不同森林类型、测定季节和测定方法等直接影响其所占比例。土壤温度和湿度是影响森林土壤呼吸的最主要因素 ,共同解释了森林土壤呼吸变化的大部分。因树种组成、生产力和枯落物数量等不同而使不同森林类型土壤呼吸速率表现出明显差异。采伐对森林土壤呼吸的影响结果有增加、降低或无影响 ,因采伐方式、森林类型、采伐迹地上植被恢复进程和气候条件等而异。火烧一般导致土壤呼吸速率降低。因肥料种类、施用剂量和立地条件不同 ,施肥对森林土壤呼吸的影响出现增加、降低或无影响等不同结果。大气 CO2 浓度升高和升温均可促进森林土壤呼吸。 N沉降有可能刺激了土壤呼吸 ,而酸沉降则可能降低了土壤呼吸。臭氧浓度和 UV-B辐射强度亦会在一定程度上影响森林土壤呼吸。但目前全球变化对森林土壤呼吸的综合影响尚不清楚 ,深入探讨森林土壤呼吸的调控因素及其对全球变化和营林措施的响应等仍是今后努力的主要方向。  相似文献   

The effect of soil warming on CO2 and CH4 flux from a spruce–fir forest soil was evaluated at the Howland Integrated Forest Study site in Maine, USA from 1993 to 1995. Elevated soil temperatures (~5 °C) were maintained during the snow-free season (May – November) in replicated 15 × 15-m plots using electric cables buried 1–2 cm below the soil surface; replicated unheated plots served as the control. CO2 evolution from the soil surface and soil air CO2 concentrations both showed clear seasonal trends and significant (P < 0.0001) positive exponential relationships with soil temperature. Soil warming caused a 25–40% increase in CO2 flux from the heated plots compared to the controls. No significant differences were observed between heated and control plot soil air CO2 concentrations which we attribute to rapid equilibration with the atmosphere in the O horizon and minimal treatment effects in the B horizon. Methane fluxes were highly variable and showed no consistent trends with treatment.  相似文献   

【背景】面对全球气候变暖,土壤微生物在陆地生态系统对全球变暖反馈中起到了至关重要的作用。【目的】了解土壤微生物对气候变暖响应研究的发展现状、研究热点及前沿动态,厘清当前该研究领域的知识结构关系。【方法】以1999-2021年Web of Science核心数据库中土壤微生物对气候变暖响应研究已发表的3 189篇论文为数据源,利用Vosviewer和CiteSpace软件对年发文量、文献被引频次、作者、机构、国家、学科和关键词等进行可视化分析。【结果】研究总体呈逐步增长趋势,经历缓慢增长、稳步增长和高速增长3个阶段;高被引论文均发表在国际顶级期刊上,研究成果具有较高的学术影响力。在学科融合与合作交流方面,环境科学、生态学和土壤学是该研究领域的主要学科,而多学科交叉学在该领域占有重要地位;作者骆亦其、Schuur和周集中是该领域核心学者,作者之间的合作关系主要以同一研究团队内部合作为主;主要的科研机构有中国科学院、加利福尼亚大学和美国能源部,各科研机构之间合作较为紧密;中国、美国和欧洲是土壤微生物对气候变暖响应研究领域的主要力量,国家之间相互合作程度高。该领域的主要研究热点是气候变暖改变了土壤微生物的群落结构组成、多样性和生理生化功能,进而对地球化学物质循环产生影响;土壤微生物在土壤碳库释放中的作用机理和调控机制是该领域研究前沿。【结论】目前,不同生态系统研究中土壤微生物对增温的响应与适应机制存在着差异,而且对微生物碳功能基因和多环境交互因子的研究较少。因此,建议后期应更加聚焦特定生态系统的细化研究,开展大范围、大尺度、长时期的定位研究,加强对微生物碳降解和碳固定功能基因的研究,多关注环境因子变化的交互作用对土壤微生物生态过程的影响。  相似文献   

土壤呼吸对温度升高的适应   总被引:31,自引:5,他引:31  
土壤呼吸是陆地生态系统碳循环的重要环节之一 ,其对温度升高的敏感程度在相当大的程度上决定着全球气候变化与碳循环之间的反馈关系。土壤呼吸对温度升高的适应是个比较普遍的现象 ,其表现形式主要为随着温度的持续升高和升温时间的延长 ,土壤呼吸对温度升高反应的敏感程度下降。产生这一现象的机制包括影响因子主导地位的转移和温度以外其他因子的协同变化。土壤呼吸对温度升高的适应可以视为碳循环对全球变暖的负反馈效应 ,它可能会在一定程度上缓和陆地生态系统对全球气候系统之间的耦合作用 ,并且导致土壤呼吸对全球温度升高响应的时空差异。由于目前生态系统模型多数没有考虑土壤呼吸的对温度升高的适应性 ,而采用统一的 Q1 0 值 ,其对未来土壤呼吸和未来气候变化幅度的预测可能存在偏差  相似文献   

We present the most comprehensive pan‐European assessment of future changes in cropland and grassland soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks to date, using a dedicated process‐based SOC model and state‐of‐the‐art databases of soil, climate change, land‐use change and technology change. Soil carbon change was calculated using the Rothamsted carbon model on a European 10 × 10′ grid using climate data from four global climate models implementing four Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emissions scenarios (SRES). Changes in net primary production (NPP) were calculated by the Lund–Potsdam–Jena model. Land‐use change scenarios, interpreted from the narratives of the IPCC SRES story lines, were used to project changes in cropland and grassland areas. Projections for 1990–2080 are presented for mineral soil only. Climate effects (soil temperature and moisture) will tend to speed decomposition and cause soil carbon stocks to decrease, whereas increases in carbon input because of increasing NPP will slow the loss. Technological improvement may further increase carbon inputs to the soil. Changes in cropland and grassland areas will further affect the total soil carbon stock of European croplands and grasslands. While climate change will be a key driver of change in soil carbon over the 21st Century, changes in technology and land‐use change are estimated to have very significant effects. When incorporating all factors, cropland and grassland soils show a small increase in soil carbon on a per area basis under future climate (1–7 t C ha?1 for cropland and 3–6 t C ha?1 for grassland), but when the greatly decreasing area of cropland and grassland are accounted for, total European cropland stocks decline in all scenarios, and grassland stocks decline in all but one scenario. Different trends are seen in different regions. For Europe (the EU25 plus Norway and Switzerland), the cropland SOC stock decreases from 11 Pg in 1990 by 4–6 Pg (39–54%) by 2080, and the grassland SOC stock increases from 6 Pg in 1990 to 1.5 Pg (25%) under the B1 scenario, but decreases to 1–3 Pg (20–44%) under the other scenarios. Uncertainty associated with the land‐use and technology scenarios remains unquantified, but worst‐case quantified uncertainties are 22.5% for croplands and 16% for grasslands, equivalent to potential errors of 2.5 and 1 Pg SOC, respectively. This is equivalent to 42–63% of the predicted SOC stock change for croplands and 33–100% of the predicted SOC stock change for grasslands. Implications for accounting for SOC changes under the Kyoto Protocol are discussed.  相似文献   

Enhanced release of CO2 to the atmosphere from soil organic carbon as a result of increased temperatures may lead to a positive feedback between climate change and the carbon cycle, resulting in much higher CO2 levels and accelerated global warming. However, the magnitude of this effect is uncertain and critically dependent on how the decomposition of soil organic C (heterotrophic respiration) responds to changes in climate. Previous studies with the Hadley Centre's coupled climate–carbon cycle general circulation model (GCM) (HadCM3LC) used a simple, single‐pool soil carbon model to simulate the response. Here we present results from numerical simulations that use the more sophisticated ‘RothC’ multipool soil carbon model, driven with the same climate data. The results show strong similarities in the behaviour of the two models, although RothC tends to simulate slightly smaller changes in global soil carbon stocks for the same forcing. RothC simulates global soil carbon stocks decreasing by 54 Gt C by 2100 in a climate change simulation compared with an 80 Gt C decrease in HadCM3LC. The multipool carbon dynamics of RothC cause it to exhibit a slower magnitude of transient response to both increased organic carbon inputs and changes in climate. We conclude that the projection of a positive feedback between climate and carbon cycle is robust, but the magnitude of the feedback is dependent on the structure of the soil carbon model.  相似文献   

The Hadley Centre coupled climate-carbon cycle model (HadCM3LC) predicts loss of the Amazon rainforest in response to future anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. In this study, the atmospheric component of HadCM3LC is used to assess the role of simulated changes in mid-twenty-first century sea surface temperature (SST) in Amazon Basin climate change. When the full HadCM3LC SST anomalies (SSTAs) are used, the atmosphere model reproduces the Amazon Basin climate change exhibited by HadCM3LC, including much of the reduction in Amazon Basin rainfall. This rainfall change is shown to be the combined effect of SSTAs in both the tropical Atlantic and the Pacific, with roughly equal contributions from each basin. The greatest rainfall reduction occurs from May to October, outside of the mature South American monsoon (SAM) season. This dry season response is the combined effect of a more rapid warming of the tropical North Atlantic relative to the south, and warm SSTAs in the tropical east Pacific. Conversely, a weak enhancement of mature SAM season rainfall in response to Atlantic SST change is suppressed by the atmospheric response to Pacific SST. This net wet season response is sufficient to prevent dry season soil moisture deficits from being recharged through the SAM season, leading to a perennial soil moisture reduction and an associated 30% reduction in annual Amazon Basin net primary productivity (NPP). A further 23% NPP reduction occurs in response to a 3.5 degrees C warmer air temperature associated with a global mean SST warming.  相似文献   

A global ‘CO2 fertilizer effect’ multiplier is often used in crop or ecosystem models because of its simplicity. However, this approach does not take into account the interaction between CO2, temperature and light on assimilation. This omission can lead to significant under- or overestimation of the magnitude of beneficial effects from elevated CO2, depending on environmental conditions. We use a mechanistic model of the biochemistry of photosynthesis to represent the response of net assimilation to different levels of CO2, temperature and radiation, on the daily time scale. Instantaneous assimilation rates for an idealized canopy model are integrated through diurnal cycles of environmental variables derived from historical climate data at three locations in North America. The calculated CO2 fertilizer effect is greatest at high light and warm temperatures. The results are summarized by assimilation response surfaces specified by the CO2 concentration, the canopy leaf area index, and by daily values of temperature and radiation available from climatic records. These summary functions are suitable for incorporation into crop or ecosystem models for predicting carbon assimilation or biomass production on a daily time step. An example application of the function reveals that for a relatively cool, high latitude location, the beneficial effects from a CO2 doubling would be negligible during the early spring, even assuming a + 4°C global warming scenario. In contrast, the beneficial effects from increasing CO2 at a relatively warm, lower latitude location are greatest in the spring, but decline in late summer because of excessively warm temperatures with a + 4°C global warming.  相似文献   

Respiration of heterotrophic microorganisms decomposing soil organic carbon releases carbon dioxide from soils to the atmosphere. In the short term, soil microbial respiration is strongly dependent on temperature. In the long term, the response of heterotrophic soil respiration to temperature is uncertain. However, following established evolutionary trade‐offs, mass‐specific respiration (Rmass) rates of heterotrophic soil microbes should decrease in response to sustained increases in temperature (and vice‐versa). Using a laboratory microcosm approach, we tested the potential for the Rmass of the microbial biomass in six different soils to adapt to three, experimentally imposed, thermal regimes (constant 10, 20 or 30 °C). To determine Rmass rates of the heterotrophic soil microbial biomass across the temperature range of the imposed thermal regimes, we periodically assayed soil subsamples using similar approaches to those used in plant, animal and microbial thermal adaptation studies. As would be expected given trade‐offs between maximum catalytic rates and the stability of the binding structure of enzymes, after 77 days of incubation Rmass rates across the range of assay temperatures were greatest for the 10 °C experimentally incubated soils and lowest for the 30 °C soils, with the 20 °C incubated soils intermediate. The relative magnitude of the difference in Rmass rates between the different incubation temperature treatments was unaffected by assay temperature, suggesting that maximum activities and not Q10 were the characteristics involved in thermal adaptation. The time taken for changes in Rmass to manifest (77 days) suggests they likely resulted from population or species shifts during the experimental incubations; we discuss alternate mechanistic explanations for those results we observed. A future research priority is to evaluate the role that thermal adaptation plays in regulating heterotrophic respiration rates from field soils in response to changing temperature, whether seasonally or through climate change.  相似文献   

Fresh carbon input (above and belowground) contributes to soil carbon sequestration, but also accelerates decomposition of soil organic matter through biological priming mechanisms. Currently, poor understanding precludes the incorporation of these priming mechanisms into the global carbon models used for future projections. Here, we show that priming can be incorporated based on a simple equation calibrated from incubation and verified against independent litter manipulation experiments in the global land surface model, ORCHIDEE. When incorporated into ORCHIDEE, priming improved the model's representation of global soil carbon stocks and decreased soil carbon sequestration by 51% (12 ± 3 Pg C) during the period 1901–2010. Future projections with the same model across the range of CO2 and climate changes defined by the IPCC‐RCP scenarios reveal that priming buffers the projected changes in soil carbon stocks — both the increases due to enhanced productivity and new input to the soil, and the decreases due to warming‐induced accelerated decomposition. Including priming in Earth system models leads to different projections of soil carbon changes, which are challenging to verify at large spatial scales.  相似文献   

Biochar as a carbon‐rich coproduct of pyrolyzing biomass, its amendment has been advocated as a potential strategy to soil carbon (C) sequestration. Updated data derived from 50 papers with 395 paired observations were reviewed using meta‐analysis procedures to examine responses of soil carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes, soil organic C (SOC), and soil microbial biomass C (MBC) contents to biochar amendment. When averaged across all studies, biochar amendment had no significant effect on soil CO2 fluxes, but it significantly enhanced SOC content by 40% and MBC content by 18%. A positive response of soil CO2 fluxes to biochar amendment was found in rice paddies, laboratory incubation studies, soils without vegetation, and unfertilized soils. Biochar amendment significantly increased soil MBC content in field studies, N‐fertilized soils, and soils with vegetation. Enhancement of SOC content following biochar amendment was the greatest in rice paddies among different land‐use types. Responses of soil CO2 fluxes and MBC to biochar amendment varied with soil texture and pH. The use of biochar in combination with synthetic N fertilizer and waste compost fertilizer led to the greatest increases in soil CO2 fluxes and MBC content, respectively. Both soil CO2 fluxes and MBC responses to biochar amendment decreased with biochar application rate, pyrolysis temperature, or C/N ratio of biochar, while each increased SOC content enhancement. Among different biochar feedstock sources, positive responses of soil CO2 fluxes and MBC were the highest for manure and crop residue feedstock sources, respectively. Soil CO2 flux responses to biochar amendment decreased with pH of biochar, while biochars with pH of 8.1–9.0 had the greatest enhancement of SOC and MBC contents. Therefore, soil properties, land‐use type, agricultural practice, and biochar characteristics should be taken into account to assess the practical potential of biochar for mitigating climate change.  相似文献   

Soil enzymes are crucial in mediating ecosystems' responses to environmental drivers, so that the comprehension of their sensitivity to drivers of global change can help make predictions of future scenarios and design tailored interventions of biomanipulation. Drivers of global change usually act in combination of two or more, and indirect effects of one driver acting through modification of another one often occur, yet most of both manipulative and meta-analysis studies available tend to focus on the direct effect of one single driver on the activity of specific soil enzymes. One of the biggest challenges is, therefore, represented by the difficulty in assessing the interactions between different drivers, due to the complexity of disentangling the single direct effects from the indirect and combined ones. In this review, after elucidating the general mechanisms of soil enzyme production and activity regulation, we display the state-of-the-art knowledge on direct, indirect and combined effects of the main drivers of global change on soil enzyme activities, identify gaps in knowledge and challenges from research, plus we analyse how this can reverberate in the future of biomanipulation techniques for the improvement of ecosystem services. We conclude that qualitative but not quantitative outcomes can be predicted for some interactions such as warming + drought or warming + CO2, while for other ones, the results are controversial: future basic research will have to center on this holistic approach. A general trend toward the overall increase of soil enzyme activities and acceleration of biogeochemical cycles will persist, until an inflection will be caused by factors such as future shifts in microbial communities and changes in carbon use efficiency. Applied research will develop toward the refinement of “in situ” analytical systems for the study of soil enzyme activities and the support of bioengineering for the better tailoring of interventions of biomanipulation.  相似文献   

The way urbanization unfolds over the next few decades in the developing countries of Asia will have profound implications for sustainability. One of the more important opportunities is to guide urbanization along pathways that begin to uncouple these gains in well-being from rising levels of energy use. Increasing energy use for transport, construction, climate control in houses and offices, and industrial processes is often accompanied by increasing levels of atmospheric emissions that impact human health, ecosystem functions, and the climate system. Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry alter carbon stocks and fluxes as carbon dioxide, methane, and black carbon. In this article we explore how carbon management could be integrated into the development strategies of cities and urbanizing regions. In particular, we explore how changes in urban form, functions, and roles might alter the timing, aggregation, spatial distribution, and composition of carbon emissions. Our emphasis is on identifying system linkages and points of leverage. The study draws primarily on emission inventories and regional development histories carried out in the regions around the cities of Manila, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh City, New Delhi, and Chiang Mai. We find that how urban functions, such as mobility, shelter, and food, are provided has major implications for carbon emissions, and that each function is influenced by urban form and role in distinct ways. Our case studies highlight the need for major "U-turns" in urban policy.  相似文献   

Decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) is mediated by microbial extracellular hydrolytic enzymes (EHEs). Thus, given the large amount of carbon (C) stored as SOM, it is imperative to understand how microbial EHEs will respond to global change (and warming in particular) to better predict the links between SOM and the global C cycle. Here, we measured the Michaelis–Menten kinetics [maximal rate of velocity (Vmax) and half‐saturation constant (Km)] of five hydrolytic enzymes involved in SOM degradation (cellobiohydrolase, β‐glucosidase, β‐xylosidase, α‐glucosidase, and N‐acetyl‐β‐d ‐glucosaminidase) in five sites spanning a boreal forest to a tropical rainforest. We tested the specific hypothesis that enzymes from higher latitudes would show greater temperature sensitivities than those from lower latitudes. We then used our data to parameterize a mathematical model to test the relative roles of Vmax and Km temperature sensitivities in SOM decomposition. We found that both Vmax and Km were temperature sensitive, with Q10 values ranging from 1.53 to 2.27 for Vmax and 0.90 to 1.57 for Km. The Q10 values for the Km of the cellulose‐degrading enzyme β‐glucosidase showed a significant (= 0.004) negative relationship with mean annual temperature, indicating that enzymes from cooler climates can indeed be more sensitive to temperature. Our model showed that Km temperature sensitivity can offset SOM losses due to Vmax temperature sensitivity, but the offset depends on the size of the SOM pool and the magnitude of Vmax. Overall, our results suggest that there is a local adaptation of microbial EHE kinetics to temperature and that this should be taken into account when making predictions about the responses of C cycling to global change.  相似文献   

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