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Resource competition is thought to drive divergence in resource use traits (character displacement) by generating selection favoring individuals able to use resources unavailable to others. However, this picture assumes nutritionally substitutable resources (e.g., different prey species). When species compete for nutritionally essential resources (e.g., different nutrients), theory predicts that selection drives character convergence. We used models of two species competing for two essential resources to address several issues not considered by existing theory. The models incorporated either slow evolutionary change in resource use traits or fast physiological or behavioral change. We report four major results. First, competition always generates character convergence, but differences in resource requirements prevent competitors from evolving identical resource use traits. Second, character convergence promotes coexistence. Competing species always attain resource use traits that allow coexistence, and adaptive trait change stabilizes the ecological equilibrium. In contrast, adaptation in allopatry never preadapts species to coexist in sympatry. Third, feedbacks between ecological dynamics and trait dynamics lead to surprising dynamical trajectories such as transient divergence in resource use traits followed by subsequent convergence. Fourth, under sufficiently slow trait change, ecological dynamics often drive one of the competitors to near extinction, which would prevent realization of long-term character convergence in practice.  相似文献   

It is normally thought that deep corolla tubes evolve when the plant's successful reproduction is contingent on having a corolla tube longer than the tongue of the flower's pollinators. Combining optimal foraging theory and quantitative genetics in a spatially explicit, individual-based model, we show that flowers with long corolla tubes can alternatively evolve because they promote resource partitioning among nectar feeders and increase the probability of conspecific pollen transfer. When there is competition for resources, long-tongued flower visitors feed preferentially at deep flowers and short-tongued visitors at shallow flowers. Both plant species thus benefit when the depths of their corollas are so different that each flower visitor specializes on one species. Resource competition can promote the evolution of deep corollas despite the presence of significant amounts of noise, such as deviations from optimal foraging behavior due to perceptual errors or temporal fluctuations in the relative abundance of competing pollinator species. Our results can explain the evolution of long corollas in a number of systems that do not conform to the traditional view.  相似文献   

We study a chemostat model that describes competition between two species for two essential resources based on storage. The model incorporates internal resource storage variables that serve the direct connection between species growth and external resource availability. Mathematical analysis for the global dynamics of the model is carried out by using the monotone dynamical system theory. It is shown that the limiting system of the model basically exhibits the familiar Lotka-Volterra alternatives: competitive exclusion, coexistence, and bi-stability, and most of these results can be carried over to the original model. B. Li’s research was partially supported by NSF grants DMS 0211614 and DMS 0616445. H. L. Smith’s research was supported in part by NSF grant DMS 0414270.  相似文献   

It is proposed that parallel and reverse changes constitute the main factor governing the accuracy of phylogenies reconstructed from sets of discrete data. The relationship between such changes and Le Quesne's concept of compatibility, extended to multi-state characters, is examined and used as the basis of a computerized method, to estimate the proportion of those character states resulting from parallel changes. The results of applying the procedure to simulated protein sequence data and a variety of real data sets are presented, and these suggest that it is possible to estimate accurately (2%) the number of parallel character state changes represented in a data set, without the need to assume a phylogeny for the operational taxonomic units concerned. When real data sets are compared using this method it becomes clear that mammalian cytochrome-c is an exceptionally good protein for the reconstruction of tionary history, and that all other protein sets so far examined are likely to produce phylogenies which are significantly further from the 'best' phylo  相似文献   

This article investigates some simple models of the evolutionary interaction between two prey species that share a common resource and a common predator. Each prey species is characterized by a trait that determines both the rate of resource capture and vulnerability to a predator. In a simple model of a three-species food chain, such traits usually increase in response to an imposed reduction in resource density. When the per capita growth rates of each of two prey species depend linearly on resource density, such traits will change in opposite directions when the two prey come into sympatry. In addition, the ratio of the effect of the predator on prey fitness to the effect of the resource on prey fitness will diverge from the corresponding ratio in a second prey species when those species coexist in sympatry. These simple predictions need not hold under several alternative assumptions, which may be more common in biological systems. Parallel changes in sympatry may occur if the relationship between resource consumption and prey growth is nonlinear, if the prey species have partial overlap in the set of resources used or in the set of predators that consume them, or if prey experience direct intraspecific competition. The responses to a second prey can also differ significantly from those predicted by the simplest model if separate traits affect vulnerability to predators and resource acquisition rate. It is important to determine whether examples of character displacement previously interpreted as responses to competition for resources might also reflect responses to altered predation risks in sympatry.  相似文献   

The extent to which interspecific interference competition has contributed to character evolution is one of the most neglected problems in evolutionary biology. When formerly allopatric species come into secondary contact, aggressive interactions between the species can cause selection on traits that affect interspecific encounter rates (e.g. habitat preferences, activity schedules), competitor recognition (e.g. colouration, song), and fighting ability (e.g. weaponry, body size). We define agonistic character displacement (ACD) as the process of phenotypic evolution in a population caused by interference competition with one or more sympatric species and which results in shifts in traits that affect the rate, intensity or outcome of interspecific aggression. After clarifying the relationships between ACD and other evolutionary processes that may occur when species come into secondary contact, we develop an individual‐based, quantitative genetic model to examine how traits involved in competitor recognition would be expected to evolve under different secondary contact scenarios. Our simulation results show that both divergence and convergence are possible outcomes, depending on the intensity of interspecific exploitative competition, the costs associated with mutual versus unilateral recognition, and the extent of phenotypic differences prior to secondary contact. We then devise a set of eight criteria for evaluating putative examples of ACD and review the empirical literature to assess the strength of existing evidence and to identify promising avenues for future research. Our literature search revealed 33 putative examples of ACD across insects, fishes, bats, birds, lizards, and amphibians (15 divergence examples; 18 convergence examples). Only one example satisfies all eight criteria for demonstrating ACD, but most case studies satisfy four or more criteria. The current state of the evidence for ACD is similar to the state of the evidence for ecological character displacement just 10 years ago. We conclude by offering suggestions for further theoretical and empirical research on ACD.  相似文献   

Genomic and genetic methods allow investigation of how frequently the same genes are used by different populations during adaptive evolution, yielding insights into the predictability of evolution at the genetic level. We estimated the probability of gene reuse in parallel and convergent phenotypic evolution in nature using data from published studies. The estimates are surprisingly high, with mean probabilities of 0.32 for genetic mapping studies and 0.55 for candidate gene studies. The probability declines with increasing age of the common ancestor of compared taxa, from about 0.8 for young nodes to 0.1–0.4 for the oldest nodes in our study. Probability of gene reuse is higher when populations begin from the same ancestor (genetic parallelism) than when they begin from divergent ancestors (genetic convergence). Our estimates are broadly consistent with genomic estimates of gene reuse during repeated adaptation to similar environments, but most genomic studies lack data on phenotypic traits affected. Frequent reuse of the same genes during repeated phenotypic evolution suggests that strong biases and constraints affect adaptive evolution, resulting in changes at a relatively small subset of available genes. Declines in the probability of gene reuse with increasing age suggest that these biases diverge with time.  相似文献   

Parallel phenotypic diversification in closely related species is a rigorous framework for testing the role of natural selection in evolution. Do parallel phenotypes always diversify by parallel genetic bases or does selection pave many alternative genomic routes to the same phenotypic ends? In this review, we show that the advent of next-generation sequencing technologies and the growing use of genomic approaches make it increasingly feasible to answer these fundamental questions using ecological and evolutionary 'non-model' populations of vertebrates in nature. While it is generally expected, and often observed, that closely related populations or species have parallel genetic bases to parallel phenotypes, exceptions are not rare and show that alternative genetic routes can result in similar phenotypes. Ultimately, this framework may illuminate the ecological conditions, evolutionary histories and genetic architectures that result in recurrent phenotypes and rapid adaptation.  相似文献   

Character displacement of competing species is studied. A model, originally developed by MacArthur and Levins (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 51 (1964), 1207-1210) and further analyzed by Lawlor and Maynard Smith (Amer. Nat. 110 (1976), 70-99), has been reanalyzed. In the present paper, a more formally correct analysis of the MacArthur-Levins model is provided. A standard population genetics approach to sexually reproducing populations is adopted. The same conclusion as proposed by Lawlor and Maynard Smith emerges; competition can lead only to character divergence. In our analysis we either require that allopatrically evolved consumer populations must be able to coexist at an ecologically stable equilibrium (hence, we require mutual invasibility), or consider the feasibility of allopatric equilibria.  相似文献   

Ecological and community-wide character displacement: the next generation   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Ecological character displacement, mostly seen as increased differences of size in sympatry between closely‐related or similar species, is a focal hypothesis assuming that species too similar to one another could not coexist without diverging, owing to interspecific competition. Thus, ecological character displacement and community‐wide character displacement (overdispersion in size of potential competitors within ecological guilds) were at the heart of the debate regarding the role of competition in structuring ecological communities. The debate has focused on the evidence presented in earlier studies and generated a new generation of rigorous, critical studies of communities. Character displacement research in the past two decades provides sound statistical support for the hypothesis in a wide variety of taxa, albeit with a phylogenetically skewed representation. A growing number of studies are strongly based in functional morphology, and some also demonstrate actual morphologically related resource partitioning. Phylogenetic models and experimental work have added to the scope and depth of earlier research, as have theoretical studies. However, many challenging ecological and evolutionary issues, regarding both selective forces (at the inter‐ and intraspecific level) and resultant patterns, remain to be addressed. Ecological character displacement and community‐wide character displacement are here to stay as the focus of much exciting research.  相似文献   

Previous research implies that competitive character displacement in felids and mustelids of Israel is expressed by canine size. Anatomy and observed killing behaviour of canids suggest that canines in this group are less adapted for the stylized role they play in felids and mustelids. Thus we hypothesized that character displacement, if it exists in canids, should not be manifested more clearly by canine size than by other traits. Five sympatric and at least partially syntopic canids occupy Israel, while in North Africa the largest (wolf) and smallest (Blanford's fox) are absent. Sexual size dimorphism in Israeli canids is generally less than in felids and mustelids (in which we analysed each sex as a separate ‘morphospecies’), so we used mixed-sex samples to represent each species. The three largest species (wolf, golden jackal and red fox) are also represented by Middle Palaeolithic samples in Israel, and all three had larger carnassial lengths then. Carnassial lengths, canine diameters and skull lengths are all remarkable evenly spaced among the five recent species in Israel. In Egypt, no trait manifests significant equality. Despite regional fluctuations in size, the carnassial length ratios of the three smaller species (foxes) are strikingly constant (1.18–1.21) throughout the region, while the ratios for the three larger species (wolf, jackal and red fox), sympatric only in Israel, are larger (1.33–1.34). Finally, mean carnassial length of jackals is constant across North Africa, while skull length and canine diameter both increase from Algeria through Egypt. All three traits are larger in Egypt than in Israel. We tentatively ascribe the equal ratios in Israel to competitive character displacement, though this hypothesis is speculative because of numerous lacunae in knowledge of diet, killing behaviour, available resources and extent of food limitation. Furthermore, humans have greatly affected range, density and ecology of wolves and jackals in the last century. Larger sizes in the Palaeolithic may well be manifestations of Bergmann's rule. The constancy of carnassial length in North African jackals, notwithstanding a longitudinal cline in CBLs of these populations, and the constant ratio between jackal and red fox carnassial length are both consistent with a hypothesis of character release in the absence of the wolf.  相似文献   

Host individuals are often infected with more than one parasite species (parasites defined broadly, to include viruses and bacteria). Yet, research in infection biology is dominated by studies on single-parasite infections. A focus on single-parasite infections is justified if the interactions among parasites are additive, however increasing evidence points to non-additive interactions being the norm. Here we review this evidence and theoretically explore the implications of non-additive interactions between co-infecting parasites. We use classic Lotka-Volterra two-species competition equations to investigate the within-host dynamical consequences of various mixes of competition and facilitation between a pair of co-infecting species. We then consider the implications of these dynamics for the virulence (damage to host) of co-infections and consequent evolution of parasite strategies of exploitation. We find that whereas one-way facilitation poses some increased virulence risk, reciprocal facilitation presents a qualitatively distinct destabilization of within-host dynamics and the greatest risk of severe disease.  相似文献   

Alterovitz G  Liu J  Chow J  Ramoni MF 《Proteomics》2006,6(14):4016-4022
The speed of the human genome project (Lander, E. S., Linton, L. M., Birren, B., Nusbaum, C. et al., Nature 2001, 409, 860-921) was made possible, in part, by developments in automation of sequencing technologies. Before these technologies, sequencing was a laborious, expensive, and personnel-intensive task. Similarly, automation and robotics are changing the field of proteomics today. Proteomics is defined as the effort to understand and characterize proteins in the categories of structure, function and interaction (Englbrecht, C. C., Facius, A., Comb. Chem. High Throughput Screen. 2005, 8, 705-715). As such, this field nicely lends itself to automation technologies since these methods often require large economies of scale in order to achieve cost and time-saving benefits. This article describes some of the technologies and methods being applied in proteomics in order to facilitate automation within the field as well as in linking proteomics-based information with other related research areas.  相似文献   

We tested for community‐wide character displacement of feeding leg length and shell morphology in two barnacle communities on the west coast of North America (southern California, USA and Vancouver Island, Canada). Neither community exhibited even displacement in shell morphology. Both barnacle communities, however, exhibited remarkably evenly displaced feeding leg length, despite large differences in geography and species composition (between the orders Pedunculata and Sessilia). Previous experiments suggest that this pattern results from competition, although the competitive mechanism remains unknown. Displacement of leg length may reflect dietary specialization, spatial competition, or both. In some cases the results from two null models differed, illustrating the importance of employing a null model that considers mean and variance, rather than character means alone. Overall, the observed pattern of character displacement provides a new perspective for re‐examining the complex relationship between morphology and interspecific competition among intertidal barnacles.  相似文献   

Morphological relationship among sympatric animal species have often been seen as indirect evidence for competition. Many early ecomorphological studies revealed patterns that were taken as indicating character displacement and character release, driven by competition or lack thereof. These patterns may result from a coevolutionary morphological response or from species sorting according to size. Thus, the relationship between morphology and competition may be crucial for understanding both the morphological evolution of animals and the role of competition in structuring communities. Some earlier research perceived as indicating morphological relationships conditioned by interaction of species was conducted on mammals, particularly carnivores. Subsequent criticism in the ecological literature demonstrated that many of the perceived patterns could not be statistically confirmed, thus calling into question this line of evidence for competition. More recent ecological literature relies on strong statistical analyses and careful consideration both of guild composition and of which morphological traits should be examined. This literature, resting largely on mammals, includes several cases that suggest a coevolutionary morphological response to interspecific competition. These studies have focused on the thropic apparatus directly related to food procurement by mammals — the teeth. Island mammals often show striking morphological patterns, some of which have been interpreted as resulting from release from competition with mainland species that have not reached islands. However, few of these patterns were critically evaluated to demonstrate their support for the hypothesis of character release. Despite several decades of interest and research, many questions regarding competitively induced morphological patterns remain unresolved and require further research. Mammals are especially promising subjects for such researh.  相似文献   

Determining the patterns, causes and consequences of character displacement is central to our understanding of competition in ecological communities. However, the majority of competition research has occurred over small spatial extents or focused on fine-scale differences in morphology or behaviour. The effects of competition on broad-scale distribution and niche characteristics of species remain poorly understood but critically important. Using range-wide species distribution models, we evaluated whether Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) or bobcat (Lynx rufus) were displaced in regions of sympatry. Consistent with our prediction, we found that lynx niches were less similar to those of bobcat in areas of sympatry versus allopatry, with a stronger reliance on snow cover driving lynx niche divergence in the sympatric zone. By contrast, bobcat increased niche breadth in zones of sympatry, and bobcat niches were equally similar to those of lynx in zones of sympatry and allopatry. These findings suggest that competitively disadvantaged species avoid competition at large scales by restricting their niche to highly suitable conditions, while superior competitors expand the diversity of environments used. Our results indicate that competition can manifest within climatic niche space across species’ ranges, highlighting the importance of biotic interactions occurring at large spatial scales on niche dynamics.  相似文献   

Summary How should a consumer of two resource types adapt to changes in their abundances? This paper shows that many different biological circumstances produce mixed responses; i.e. increasing availability of one resource increases the consumer's efforts to obtain it, while increasing availability of the other resource decreases the consumer's efforts at exploitation. This implies that competition from a second consumer species may cause convergent or divergent character displacement of the first species. The signs and magnitudes of the second derivative of the fitness function are important in determining which outcome occurs. The degree of resource limitation of the consumer species also influences the nature of adaptive shifts in resource use.  相似文献   

In this work, we model biological tissues using a simple, mechanistic simulation based on dissipative particle dynamics. We investigate the continuum behavior of the simulated tissue and determine its dependence on the properties of the individual cell. Cells in our simulation adhere to each other, expand in volume, divide after reaching a specific size checkpoint and undergo apoptosis at a constant rate, leading to a steady-state homeostatic pressure in the tissue. We measure the dependence of the homeostatic state on the microscopic parameters of our model and show that homeostatic pressure, rather than the unconfined rate of cell division, determines the outcome of tissue competitions. Simulated cell aggregates are cohesive and round up due to the effect of tissue surface tension, which we measure for different tissues. Furthermore, mixtures of different cells unmix according to their adhesive properties. Using a variety of shear and creep simulations, we study tissue rheology by measuring yield stresses, shear viscosities, complex viscosities as well as the loss tangents as a function of model parameters. We find that cell division and apoptosis lead to a vanishing yield stress and fluid-like tissues. The effects of different adhesion strengths and levels of noise on the rheology of the tissue are also measured. In addition, we find that the level of cell division and apoptosis drives the diffusion of cells in the tissue. Finally, we present a method for measuring the compressibility of the tissue and its response to external stress via cell division and apoptosis.  相似文献   

The definitions of character similarity, homology, homoplasy, heterology, parallelism and convergence are clarified in the framework of current phylogenetic methodology. They are all associated with definite patterns of character change and can consequently be tested by phylogeny building. Their crucial significance in comparative biology is illustrated using demonstrative examples. © The Willi Hennig Society 2006.  相似文献   

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