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The DNA sequence structure of 5S DNA units inAcacia species, including representatives from the three subgenera ofAcacia, have been determined. The data was interpreted to suggest that at least three lineages of 5S DNA sequences exist inAcacia and the proposal was made that the lineages be named5S Dna-1, 5S Dna-2, and5S Dna-3. The5S Dna-1 lineage was represented by units fromA. boliviana andA. bidwilli, the5S Dna-2 lineage by units fromA. melanoxylon, A. pycnantha, A. ulicifolia, A. boliviana, A. bidwillii, andA. albida, and the5S Dna-3 lineage by units fromA. bidwillii, A. boliviana, andA. senegal. Based on this interpretation of the sequence data, the Australian species of subg.Phyllodineae grouped together as a cluster, quite separate from the subgeneraAculeiferum andAcacia. As expected from the analyses of morphological characters, the 5S DNA units fromAcacia albida (syn.Faidherbia albida) were quite separate from the otherAcacia spp.  相似文献   

A collection of 44 cloned 5S DNA units fromTriticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring were grouped into 12 sequence-types based on sequence similarity and the respective consensus sequences were then produced. The relationship between these 12 consensus sequences (T. aestivum S 1-S 8 andT. aestivum L 1-L 4), together with two clones sequenced byGerlach andDyer, and the 5S DNA consensus sequences from diploidTriticum spp. were then determined by numerical methods. Both phenetic and cladistic analyses were carried out. The following wheat 5S DNA sequences were found to group with respective sequences from diploidTriticum spp.:T. aestivum S 4, S 6 withT. tauschii S;T. aestivum S 3 withT. monococcum S andT. monococcum S-Rus 7;T. aestivum L 1 andT. aestivum L-G&D withT. speltoides L;T. aestivum L 2, L 3 withT. tauschii L;T. aestivum L 4 withT. monococcum L andT. monococcum L-Rus 12. The analyses suggested that 5 out of the 65S Dna loci present in wheat were identified at the sequence level. The locus that could not be identified in this analysis was the5S Dna-B 1 locus. A group ofT. aestivum sequences (T. aestivum S 1, S 7, S 8, S-G&D) were found to be distinct from the other 5S DNA sequences in the data base. The existence of the distinct group of 5S DNA sequences suggests that there is a gap in our current understanding of wheat evolution with respect to the5S Dna loci.  相似文献   

Morphological analysis and electrophoresis of seed proteins of fiveLolium species disclosed that they form two distinct groups corresponding to those recognized from compatibility data.Lolium temulentum andL. remotum of the self-pollinated group were shown to be distinct but closely related species. Morphological intergradation and high similarities between protein profiles ofL. perenne, L. multiflorum andL. rigidum (cross-pollinated species) suggest little genetic differentiation between these taxa. This implies that treatment at the infraspecific level might better accomodate the data.  相似文献   

Seven species ofVulpia were subjected to morphological and protein studies using principal component and cluster analysis and theJaccard's Similarity Coefficient. Studies showed all species were uniform and distinct from each other. Species of sect.Loretia were very dissimilar from those of sect.Monachne and sect.Vulpia. The latter section comprises taxa of high mutual affinity.  相似文献   

The supernumerary B chromosomes ofTriticum speltoides andT. tripsacoides were analyzed in mitotic metaphases of spike primordium cells by C-banding and in situ hybridization (ISH) analyzes. B chromosomes ofT. speltoides have larger telomeric and interstitial C-bands, whereas those ofT. tripsacoides are almost completely devoid of C-bands. A prominent ISH site of rye related DNA sequences (using probe pSc119) was detected on B chromosomes ofT. tripsacoides and only a minor ISH site was observed on theT. speltoides B chromosomes. However, two ISH sites of 5S rRNA loci were detected at a terminal and an interstitial location of theT. speltoides B chromosomes. These sites were absent on B chromosomes ofT. tripsacoides. The results are discussed with respect to the phylogenetic origin of these B chromosomes.  相似文献   

The chloroplast genomes of 44 accessions ofSecale were surveyed for restriction site polymorphisms. The accessions were chosen to represent the geographic as well as taxonomic range of the genus. Using 12 restriction enzymes a total of 348 sites were detected. Twenty-nine mutation sites were phylogenetically informative and used in a cladistic analysis. Further, a 0.1 kb insertion separatedSecale from the outgroup species. Only the annual speciesS. sylvestre was distinct from the rest of the taxa. Cultivated rye together with both wild annual and wild perennial accessions were mixed among each other. Sequence divergence (p) among taxa ofSecale was low, varying from 0.000 to 0.005, suggesting a rather recent origin of the genus.  相似文献   

We have used total genomic DNA as a probe to size-fractionated restriction enzyme digests of genomic DNA from a range ofTriticeae species from the generaLeymus Hochst.,Psathyrostachys Nevski, andHordeum L., and hybrids betweenHordeum andLeymus to investigate their taxonomic relationships. Genomic Southern hybridization was found to be an effective and simple way to assess the distribution and diversity of essentially species-specific and common, repetitive DNA sequences, and is hence especially useful in evolutionary studies. The DNA sequences ofH. vulgare seem to diverge substantially from those ofH. brachyantherum, H. lechleri, H. procerum, andH. depressum. The genome ofThinopyron bessarabicum shows little homology to those of theLeymus species investigated, confirming thatT. bessarabicum is not an ancestral genome inLeymus. Although the genomes ofLeymus andPsathyrostachys share substantial proportions of DNA sequences, they include divergent repeated sequences as well. Hybridization with a ribosomal DNA probe (pTa 71) showed that the coding regions containing structural genes encoding the 18 S, 5.8 S, and 26 S ribosomal RNA were conserved among the species investigated, whereas the intergenic spacer region was more variable, presenting different sizes of restriction fragments and enabling a classification of the species. The rye heterochromatin probe pSc 119.2 hybridized to DNA fromH. lechleri andT. bessarabicum, but not to DNA from the other species investigated.  相似文献   

Seed protein electrophoresis confirms the existence of polymorphism among hexaploid populations ofFestuca arundinacea. Both protein and morphological results suggest thatF. pratensis andF. arundinacea should retain independent specific status. High protein homology of these two species withF. gigantea points towards phylogenetic links between these taxa.  相似文献   

We report three sets of DNA hybridization experiments conducted to determine relationships among species ofDidelphis (D. albiventris, D. marsupialis, D. virginiana). The 1989 and 1991 sets had fewer replicates per cell than the 1990 series (3.4 and 5.4 vs 9), but in 1991 we distinguished two populations ofD. marsupialis and utilized several individuals for each heterologous comparison. BothPhilander opossum andLutreolina crassicaudata were used as outgroups in 1989, but onlyLutreolina was included in subsequent sets. For each set, we calculated all four standard indices of thermal stability (T mode,T m,T 50 H, and NPH) and constructed trees by least-squares (FITCH) and neighbor-joining methods, both before and after correction for asymmetric reciprocal cell values. Subsets of the 1989 data lacking eitherPhilander orLutreolina were analyzed similarly. To explore measurement imprecision, the corrected and uncorrected matrices for each of the four indices were bootstrapped 100 times for the 1989 set and subsets and 1000 times for the 1990 and 1991 sets. Again, for the 1990 and 1991 data, an additional 100 bootstrapped distances were fitted to user trees representing the three possible pairings ofDidelphis spp. to determine the significance of the FITCH branch lengths. The successive experimental sets generated increasingly consistent evidence for pairingD. marsupialis withD. albiventris. The 1989 experiments involved just 85 comparisons, and only T mode's pairedD. marsupialis withD. albiventris (at bootstrap percentages of 70% or above), but did so whetherPhilander orLutreolina or both were included as the outgroup(s). FITCH and neighbor-joining trees had identical topologies for T mode's but sometimes differed for the other measures. In contrast, all but one of the corresponding FITCH and neighborjoining trees matched for the 1990 and 1991 data, and three of the four distance measures (T mode, T m, and T 50 H) unitedD. marsupialis withD. albiventris at bootstrap percentages averaging 81%; NPH gave a different result for 1990, associatingD. marsupialis withD. virginiana. Further, all but 2 of the 16 matrices for 1990 and 1991 gave mean bootstrapped branch lengths for a consensus pairing that were positive and at least one standard deviation from zero, despite the very short internodes recovered. These results illustrate that the potential of DNA hybridization for resolving very close relationships depends on both the index and the experimental design employed. We conclude that of the three species,D. albiventris andD. marsupialis shared a more recent common ancestor and estimate thatDidelphis spp. have diverged at about 0.39% in nucleotide sequence per myr.Deceased.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that two separate loci for 5S DNA sequences may exist within a species. Two size classes have been tentatively assigned in the ranges 327–468 bp (chromosome 1), and 469–500 bp (chromosome 5) and the entire data-base was subjected to various numerical taxonomic analyses. The results confirm the existence of two lineages of 5S DNA sequences represented by the two size classes.Hordeum vulgare is separate from the species known also asCritesion and, together withDasypyrum, occupy an intermediate position between the two size classes. The 5S DNA units fromTriticum spp. that have also been namedAegilops spp. in other classifications appear as a distinct group withinTriticum spp. at both loci. The consensus 5S DNA sequence fromPsathyrostachys is remote fromHordeum s.l. in contrast to opinions based on morphology. Other aspects are detailed and discussed, including the inadequacy of the computing methods used as well as the need for more data in view of the large amount of homoplasy. The merit of using the spacer for phylogenetic inference is also discussed.  相似文献   

The sequences of ITS regions in 30 species and two groups of the genusPythium were resolved. In the phylogenetic trees, the species were generally divided into two clusters, referred to here as the F and S groups. The species in the two groups correspond in terms of their sporangial morphology, with the F group being filamentous/lobulate and the S group being spherical. Genetic divergence within the F group was lower than that within the S group. Other morphological characteristics such as oogonial structure and sexual nature appeared to be unrelated to the groupings in these trees. An alignment analysis revealed common sequences to all the species and arrangements specific to each F or S group. It was found that the ITS region was a good target in designing species-specific primers for the identification and detection ofPythium species. In the tree based on 5.8S rDNA sequences, oomycetes are distantly related to other fungi but separated from algae in Chromista.  相似文献   

The structure of ribosomal DNA ofBrachypodium and several other grass species was investigated using a heterologous rDNA probe from wheat. Several different rDNA families were present among perennial and annual species within the genus. In contrast to the annual species the perennial species exhibited a very low degree of repeat length variation. An extra Eco RI site and a Hin dIII site were observed in the IGS, which distinguishedBrachypodium from other grass genera. The restriction fragment length polymorphism and length variation of the repeat units have taxonomic value withinBrachypodium and are correlated with the classification ofBrachypodium derived from other data.  相似文献   

The brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus) include seven subspecies, whose evolutionary relationships remain contentious. In particular, it is unclear whether the Malagasy and Comorian E. f. fulvus populations are differentiated at the subspecific level (E. f. mayottensis). Furthermore, it has been suggested that E. f. collaris and E. f. albocollaris are separate species. Analyses of approximately 2400 bp of mitochondrial DNA sequence data from part of the COIII gene, together with complete genes for ND3, ND4L, and ND4 and 5 tRNAs, resolved 34 E. fulvus specimens into six clades: ((albocollaris, collaris) (rufus (rufus (fulvus/mayottensis (albifrons/fulvus/sanfordi))))). Based on the information available and our analyses we conclude that E. f. albocollaris and E. f. collaris do not represent species distinct from E. fulvus and that Comorian brown lemurs do not deserve subspecific rank. No genetic differentiation was detected between E. f. albifrons and E. f. sanfordi; on the other hand, there are obviously two separate lineages of E. f. rufus.  相似文献   

The evolution and taxonomic relationships in theTriticeae are discussed with the view to highlight aspects of this agronomically important group of plants, which may be of interest to molecular biology. Some of these aspects are addressed in more detail in adjoining papers in which specific genomic loci have been examined at the DNA sequence or isozyme level. Aspects discussed include the systematics and geographic distribution of theTriticeae species, isozyme and chromosome pairing studies on some of the species as well as more recent developments in DNA analyses. A survey of the systematics of theTriticeae indicated that the genomic system ofLöve is probably the most useful starting point for interpreting molecular data even though the system has many problems from a taxonomic point of view. The geographical distribution ofTriticeae species, using both published and unpublished data, suggested that information of this type taken together with the theory of continental drift provides a broad time-span for considering data from DNA sequence studies. The significance, and modes of analyses, of isozyme studies were assessed because they often provide valuable characters in determining relationships between species. The main character underlyingLöve's andDewey's analyses of theTriticeae, namely chromosome pairing, is discussed with particular reference to isozyme studies to show that in some cases, such as species ofHordeum sensu lato, consistent relationships are obtained. Finally, new developments in understanding chromosome structure are considered in relation to the above variables in the taxonomy and evolution of theTriticeae.  相似文献   

The somatic chromosomes ofTriticum turgicum var.durum cv. Langdon andT. dicoccoides (AABB tetraploids),T. timopheevii, andT. araraticum (AAGG tetraploids) were assayed for distribution patterns of a highly repeated 120bp DNA sequence by in situ hybridization. The repeated sequence appears to be an ancient sequence shared withSecale andAegilops. The distribution patterns of the chromosomes were compared to the patterns of the A and B genome chromosomes ofT. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring (AABBDD hexaploid).T. turgidum andT. dicoccoides were observed to have identical in situ hybridization patterns. In both species, nine chromosomes with a total of 21 sites of hybridization were observed. The pattern, with few exceptions, was identical to that of Chinese Spring.T. araraticum andT. timopheevii were observed to have different patterns. InT. araraticum, six chromosomes with 21 total hybridization sites are present while inT. timopheevii nine chromosomes with 19 total sites exist. Major differences in hybridization patterns were observed between the B and G genomes. The divergence of the tetraploid wheats in this study appears to have resulted in changes in location, not in amount, of the ancient repeated sequence.  相似文献   

Variation in ribosomal DNA spacer length was analysed in 23 populations of 12Secale spp. by restriction enzyme analysis. Digestion of rDNA with Taq I endonuclease enzyme yields spacer fragments that include the subrepeat array and the non-repetitive region downstream of the array. Extensive spacer length variation existed in most species with Taq I fragment lengths ranging from 0.9–3.1 kb. These length variants have been attributed to the differences in number of 134 bp spacer subrepeats within rDNA arrays.S. silvestre was the only species to exhibit a unique spacer length variant of 0.9 kb and this was shown to result from the presence of an extra Taq I site in the spacer. rDNA spacer length frequencies were determined for the species. These frequencies were used to derive phenetic relationships between the species by numerical taxonomic methods. In plots constructed fromGower's distance matrices,S. silvestre appeared well separated from the major cluster consisting of the other species. On the basis of morphological and cytogenetic criteria,S. silvestre is considered the most ancient species. The rDNA data is consistent with this interpretation as it shows a clear differentiation ofS. silvestre from all the other species based on length and nucleotide sequence composition of the spacer region.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis was conducted on sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA in 23 species ofAveneae (Poaceae subfam.Pooideaae). These sequences ofHelictotrichon spp.,Arrhenatherum elatius, Avena spp.,Trisetum spp.,Koeleria spp.,Holcus lanatus, Alopecurus vaginatus together with published ITS sequences of furtherAveneae, Poeae, Triticeae, andBromeae were analysed by the neighbor-joining distance method to assess the molecular phylogenetic relationship in perennial and annualAveneae. The results suggest unexpectedly close affinities of the agronomically important genusAvena to comparatively small-flowered taxa ofAveneae. GenusArrhenatherum and small-flowered subgenera ofHelictotrichon are close extant relatives. The large genusHelictotrichon is para- if not polyphyletic, only its subgenera are monophyletic.Trisetum is clearly separated fromHelictotrichon and forms together withKoeleria and perhaps others a monophyletic lineage which is characterised by a conspicuous 9-bp deletion in ITS1. The impact of the ITS data on the delineation of some genera and subtribes ofAveneae and on the recognition of their biogeographical and ecological patterns is outlined.  相似文献   

The distribution of CHy-banded heterochromatin was studied in the chromosomes ofAegilops longissima, Ae. speltoides, Triticum monococcum, andT. turgidum. Interphase nuclei were measured after Feulgen staining at different thresholds of optical density; the curves so obtained indicated the relationship among the species with respect to the different fractions of the genomic DNA. The karyological and cytophotometric analyses indicate differences betweenAe. speltoides andAe. longissima, the latter species being enriched in heterochromatin. Similar results were demonstrated for the genusTriticum, in whichT. turgidum showed more heterochromatin when compared withT. monococcum. The results suggest that the B genome of the cultivated wheats possesses a type of heterochromatin that resembles the type present inAe. longissima.  相似文献   

The genetic frequencies of 9 isozyme loci have been estimated in 23 samples of 4 species ofSecale by means of starch gel electrophoresis. The populations ofS. silvestre andS. vavilovii were monomorphic and uniform within each species, those ofS. montanum andS. cereale were polymorphic for most of the isozyme loci. On the basis of isozyme patterns as well as allelic and genotypic frequencies of isozyme loci,S. silvestre can be distinguished fromS. vavilovii, and both fromS. cereale andS. montanum; but there is no clear differentiation between the two latter species. Clusters constructed from genetic distances separateS. silvestre andS. vavilovii, whereasS. cereale andS. montanum were grouped together. The isozymatic data presented here, along with cytogenetic and life habit data, agree with the generally admitted existence of 4 species inSecale, and support the relationships suggested byKhush & Stebbins (1961).  相似文献   

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