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Crystal structures of the negatively cooperative aspartate receptor caught at intermediate stages in the binding process help to elucidate structural factors involved in ligand binding. The frequency of occurrence of negatively cooperative proteins suggests that sequential changes in binding patterns will be extensive in positively cooperative as well as in negatively cooperative and no cooperativity proteins.  相似文献   

The procyclic stage of Trypanosoma brucei is covered by glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored surface proteins called procyclins. The procyclin GPI anchor contains a side chain of N-acetyllactosamine repeats terminated by sialic acids. Sialic acid modification is mediated by trans-sialidases expressed on the parasite’s cell surface. Previous studies suggested the presence of more than one active trans-sialidases, but only one has so far been reported. Here we cloned and examined enzyme activities of four additional trans-sialidase homologs, and show that one of them, Tb927.8.7350, encodes another active trans-sialidase, designated as TbSA C2. In an in vitro assay, TbSA C2 utilized α2-3 sialyllactose as a donor, and produced an α2-3-sialylated product, suggesting that it is an α2-3 trans-sialidase. We suggest that TbSA C2 plays a role in the sialic acid modification of the trypanosome cell surface.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, several major advances have occurred in the understanding of how the humoral and cellular immune system of humans recognizes and destroys transplant cells, tissues and organs derived from animal sources. Consequently, armed with this new knowledge, several laboratories have now developed novel immunoprotective technologies that may allow xenotransplantation to be clinically feasible.  相似文献   

Present in organisms ranging from yeast to man, homologues of the Drosophila Polo kinase control multiple stages of cell division. At the onset of mitosis, Polo-like kinases (Plks) function in centrosome maturation and bipolar spindle formation, and they contribute to the activation of cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk)1—cyclin B. Subsequently, they are required for the inactivation of Cdk1 and exit from mitosis. In the absence of Plk function, mitotic cyclins fail to be destroyed, indicating that Plks are important regulators of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), a key component of the ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic degradation pathway. Finally, recent evidence implicates Plks in the temporal and spatial coordination of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The movement of Gram-negative bacteria in response to nutrients in the environment is driven by two interlinked chemotaxis systems, the methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP)-mediated pathway, and the phosphoenolpyruvate: sugar phosphotransferase (PTS)-mediated pathway. The physical link connecting the two systems in unclear, but the common utilization of histidine-containing phosphocarrier proteins is an intriguing similarity. The recent structure determinations of several proteins from the PTS-mediated pathway, the phosphotransfer domain from the kinase CheA of the MCP-mediated chemotaxis pathway, and homologous kinase, ArcB, enable the comparison of the histidine active sites of these systems. Overall, the tertiary folds of the proteins are quite different, as are the structural details of the histidine active sites within the proteins, and therefore there is not an obvious structural homolog via which the two pathways communicate, despite their similar chemical mechanisms  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide is an important recognition marker by virtue of which the innate immune system senses and reacts against Gram-negative bacteria invading the LPS susceptible host. This review deals with the factors affecting LPS susceptibility and with the role of the latter in the course and outcome of Salmonella typhimurium infection.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes and biliary epithelia are phenotypically very dissimilar, but share a common ancestry. Hepatocytes regenerate very efficiently, and their division potential indicates that many of them are functional stem cells. When hepatocyte-damaging agents also impair the regenerative ability of surviving hepatocytes, a potential stem cell system of biliary origin is activated to generate new hepatocytes — a reversal of ontogeny. Now both bile duct derived cells and hepatocytes can be isolated from the liver, genetically modified in vitro and returned to their in vivo origins where, after considerable population expansion, they can function as hepatocytes — paving the way for ex vivo gene therapy.  相似文献   

Extracellular signals are normally presented to one surface of epithelial cells and to one end of neurons, and so neuronal and epithelial cell signaling is inherently polarized. Another aspect of signaling polarity is that receptors are often asymmetrically distributed on the surfaces of polarized cells. Recent evidence from studies of Caenorhabditis elegans shows that signaling polarity plays an important role in development. The underlying mesoderm induces the overlying ectoderm to form the vulva, and asymmetric distribution of the signal receptor on the basolateral surface of the epithelium is crucial for this signaling. In neurons, the localization of neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels at synapses allows neurons to be exquisitely sensitive to synaptic inputs. Exciting recent reports suggest that receptor localization to neuronal synapses and the basolateral membrane domains of epithelia may involve a common molecular mechanism involving localization by PDZ-containing proteins.  相似文献   

Haemoglobins from unicellular organisms, plants or animals, share a common structure, which results from the folding, around the heme group, of a polypeptide chain made from 6-8 helices. Nowadays, deciphering the genome of several species allows one to draw the evolutionary tree of this protein going back to 1800 millions of years, at a time when oxygen began to accumulate in the atmosphere. This permits to follow the evolution of the ancestral gene and of its product. It is likely that, only in complex multicellular species, transport and storage of oxygen became the main physiological function of this molecule. In addition, in unicellular organisms and small invertebrates, it is likely that the main function of this protein was to protect the organism from the toxic effect of O2, CO and NO*. The very high oxygen affinity of these molecules, leading them to act rather as a scavenger as an oxygen carrier, supports this hypothesis. Haemoglobins from microorganisms, which may probably be the closest vestiges to the ancestral molecules, are divided into three families. The first one is made from flavohaemoglobins, a group of chimerical proteins carrying a globin domain and an oxido-reduction FAD-dependant domain. The second corresponds to truncated haemoglobins, which are hexacoordinated with very high oxygen-affinity molecules, 20-40 residues shorter than classical haemoglobins. The third group is made from bacterial haemoglobins such as that of Vitreoscilla. Some specific structural arrangements in the region surrounding the heme are cause of their high oxygen affinity. In plants, two types of haemoglobins are present (non-symbiotic and symbiotic), that arose from duplication of an ancestral vegetal gene. Non-symbiotic haemoglobins, which are probably the oldest, are scarcely distributed within tissues having high energetic consumption. Conversely, symbiotic haemoglobins (also named leghaemoglobins) are present at a high concentration (mM) mostly in the rhizomes of legumes, where they are involved in nitrogen metabolism. In some species, haemoglobin was proposed to be an oxygen sensor bringing to the organism information to adjust metabolism or biosynthesis to the oxygen requirement. Elsewhere haemoglobin may act as final electron acceptors in oxido-reduction pathways. Evolution of haemoglobin in invertebrates followed a large variety of scenarios. Some surprising functions as sulphide acquisition in invertebrates living near hydrothermal vents, or a role in the phototrophism of worm need to be mentioned. In invertebrates, the size of haemoglobin varies from monomers to giant molecules associating up to 144 subunits, while in vertebrates it is always a tetramer. In some species, several haemoglobins, with completely different structure and function, may coexist. This demonstrates how hazardous may be to extrapolate the function of a protein from only structural data.  相似文献   

Recent studies of glutamine PRPP amidotransferase have provided a new understanding of the function and mechanism of this rather complicated enzyme that may be a paradigm for other complex enzymes. New insights have been gained into the mechanisms of catalysis in the active sites of the two half-reactions, catalytic coupling, allosteric control by feedback inhibitors and the channeling of reaction and metabolic intermediates.  相似文献   

In their attempts to evade the host immune response, mammalian viruses have evolved a wide range of strategies. These include the expression and modification of various host cytokines and receptors. Understanding the mechanism of action of these virally encoded proteins will clearly deepen our insights into immunology. In the past few months several new virally encoded chemokines have been described which can modify both the host immune and antiviral response. Their manipulation of the cytokine structure-function relationship may also be useful in the development of reagents for treating immune and proliferative diseases.  相似文献   

Plastid division: evidence for a prokaryotically derived mechanism   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Plastid division is a critical process in plant cell biology but it is poorly understood. Recent studies combining mutant analysis, gene cloning, and exploitation of genomic resources have revealed that the molecular machinery associated with plastid division is derived evolutionarily from the bacterial cell division apparatus. Comparison of the two processes provides a basis for identifying new components of the plastid division mechanism, but also serves to highlight the differences, not least of which is the nuclear control of the plastid division process.  相似文献   

HIV undergoes rapid genetic variation; this variation is caused primarily by the enormous number of viruses produced daily in an infected individual. Because of this variation, HIV presents a moving target for drug and vaccine development. The variation within individuals has led to the generation of diverse HIV-1 subtypes, which further complicates the development of effective drugs and vaccines. In general, it is more difficult to hit a moving target than a stationary target. Two broad strategies for hitting a moving target (in this case, HIV replication) are to understand the movement and to aim at the portions that move the least. In the case of anti-HIV drug development, the first option can be addressed by understanding the mechanism(s) of drug resistance and developing drugs that effectively inhibit mutant viruses. The second can be addressed by designing drugs that interact with portions of the viral machinery that are evolutionarily conserved, such as enzyme active sites.  相似文献   

G proteins form a diverse family of regulatory GTPases which, in the GTP-bound state, bind to and activate downstream effectors. Structure of Ras homologs bound to effector domains have revealed mechanisms by which G proteins couple GTP binding to effector activation and achieve specificity. Complexes between structurally unrelated GTPase-activating proteins with complementary G proteins suggest common mechanisms by which GTP hydrolysis is stimulated via direct interactions with conformationally labile switch regions of the G protein.  相似文献   

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