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Nosema pulvisPerez, 1905, Ameson pulvis (Perez) Sprague, 1977, in muscles of the crabs Carcinus maenas and C. mediterraneus from the coast of France, was observed with the electron microscope. It was found to be structurally similar to the type species A. michaelis (Sprague, 1970). Sprague, 1977, having moniliform sporogonial plasmodia, unikaryotic sporoblasts, and hirsute sporulation stages. It is treated as distinct from A. michaelis because it has slightly smaller spores (by comparison with syntype material of A. michaelis) and appears to have fewer coils in the polar filament. The results require the removal of the genus Ameson from the family Nosematidae Labbé, 1899, where Sprague (1977) had placed it under the erroneous supposition that its sporoblasts are diplokaryotic. Ameson is transferred to family Unikaryonidae Sprague, 1977. Ameson is distinguished from PereziaLéger and Duboscq, 1909, shown by Ormieres et al. to have a similar developmental pattern, by presence of appendages on its sporulation stage. A. nelsoni (Sprague, 1950), the third, and only other species of Ameson, lacks the appendages and is transferred to genus Perezia.  相似文献   

Enrollment in the classification of trilobites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Enrollment is not as fundamental a character complex for the classification of Trilobita as Bergstrom (1973, Fossils and Strata 2; 1977. Lethaia 10 ) has claimed. Different enrollment styles occur within accepted monophyletic taxa, which cut across Bergstrom's (1973) classification and which support the concept of the Order Proetida Fortey & Owens, 1975. False phylogenetic relationships are deduced from unjustified a prior; assumptions about the nature of primitive and derived character states.
Einrollung ist kein so grundlegendes Merkmal für die Klassifizierung der Trilobiten, wie dies Bergström (1973, Fossils and Strata 2; 1977, Lethaia 10 ) gefordert hat. Das Auftreten verschiedener Einrollungs-weisen innerhalb anerkannter monophyletischer Taxa durchkreuzt nämlich seine Klassifizierung (1973), stützt aber die der Aufstellung der Ordnung Proetida Fortey & Owens 1975 zugrundeliegende Auf-fassung. Unrichtige apriori-Antworten auf die Frage, was primitive und was sekundäre Merkmale sind, führen zu irrigen Folgerungen über phylogenetische Zusammenhänge.
L'enroulement n'est pas, pour la classification des Trilobites, un ensemble de caracteres aussi fonda-mental que Bergström(1973, Fossils and Strata 2; 1977. Lethaia 10)a bien voulu le dire. Différents styles d'enroulement sont présents chez des taxa reconnus comme monophylétiques ce qui ne correspond pas á la classification de Bergström (1973) mais vient à I'appui de I'Ordre Proetida Fortey & Owens 1975. Des distinctions a prior; et insuffisamment fondées entre caractères primitifs et caractères évolués conduisent á l'establissement de relations phylogénétiques erronées.  相似文献   

Lexical reconstructions of Proto-Polynesian (Branstetter 1977), Proto-Miwok (Callaghan 1979), and Proto-Mayan (Fox 1977; Kaufman 1964, 1969) basic color term vocabularies are presented and compared. Although these reconstructed systems accord with the well-known Berlin and Kay (1969) color encoding sequence, they all contain a subtle distortion They generally are as large as color term systems found in contemporary daughter languages. Considering the additive nature of the color encoding sequence, these reconstructions are unlikely. Comparative linguistic evidence is presented suggesting that all three systems are over-reconstructed. Encoding sequences, then, prove to be instruments of considerable usefulness to add to the traditional tool kit of historical linguistics . [cognitive anthropology, color classification, language change, language universale, Mayan languages, Miwok languages, Polynesian languages]  相似文献   

Ethylenethiourea (ETU) is a degradation product from ethylenebisdithiocarbamate such as Zineb and Maneb which have been extensively used in food crops and ornamental plants. Khera (1973, 1975, 1977) reported that administration of ETU to pregnant rats could induce anomalies in the visceral organs and the central nervous system of fetuses in food toxicology. From this point, in an attempt to better understand the pathomechanism of teratogenesis in the central nervous system, we have studied the effects of ETU on the central nervous system of rat fetuses. In this study, pregnant Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were used and subjected to ETU. Various types of congenital malformations of the central nervous system are presented in rat fetuses including spinal dysraphism associated with hindbrain crowding, exencephaly, meningoencephalocele, microencephaly, hydraencephaly and hydrocephalus. Each depended on the gestation days of the ETU administration and dosages.  相似文献   

The evolution of the chelicerate life cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comparative study is made of the life-cyle in Chelicerata, and its evolution. Various types of forms or instars, and various evolutionary phenomena are distinguished. They are arranged in a chronological diagram constituting a general model of the evolution of the chelicerate life-cycle. A glossary is added in which terminology is defined.In the present paper, Chelicerata are classified according to van der Hammen (1977); the classification of Mites is based on van der Hammen (1972b).  相似文献   

The checklist of the European Russia Culicidae is presented for the first time in Russian literature. It includes 64 species. The distribution in Russia of 4 from 64 listed species (Culiseta fumipennis, Aedes rusticus, Ae. cretinus, Ae. aegypti) is doubtful. The classification and valid species names are listed according to the Catalog of the Mosquitoes of the World (Knight, Stone, 1977) and its supplements (Knight, 1978; Ward, 1984; 1992; Gaffigan, Ward, 1985), with the exceptions of 4 species. These species (Aedes duplex, Ae. pulchritarsis, Ae. rossicus, Ae. schtakelbergi) are regarded in comments to the checklist.  相似文献   

Objective: Previous investigations have demonstrated that leptin promotes natriuresis with a renal tubular effect. However, the mechanisms involved in this response are unclear. The present study was designed to examine the hypothesis that the natriuretic response to leptin in normotensive Sprague‐Dawley rats is regulated by nitric oxide (NO). Research Methods and Procedures: The hemodynamic and renal excretory effects of intravenous bolus administration of pharmacological doses of synthetic murine leptin were examined in groups of control Sprague‐Dawley rats (n = 8), Sprague‐Dawley rats treated for 4 days with the NO synthase inhibitor Nω‐nitro‐l‐arginine methyl ester (l‐NAME) (n = 8), and Sprague‐Dawley rats treated for 4 days with l‐NAME followed by acute treatment with sodium nitroprusside (n = 8). Results: In the control group (n = 8), an intravenous bolus of leptin, 400 μg/kg body weight, increased urinary sodium excretion 4‐ to 6‐fold. In the Sprague‐Dawley rats chronically administered l‐NAME (n = 8), an intravenous bolus of 400 μg/kg of leptin did not increase sodium excretion. Acute sodium nitroprusside infusion to Sprague‐Dawley rats chronically treated with l‐NAME (n = 8) was associated with partial restoration of the sodium excretory response to leptin administration. Discussion: Collectively, these results are interpreted to suggest that the natriuretic and diuretic responses to leptin observed in the Sprague‐Dawley rat require a functional NO system.  相似文献   

Invoking cylindrical Bravais lattices, Adler (1974, 1977) proposed a mathematically precise definition for the botanical classification of phyllotaxis. It is based on opposed pairs of parastichy families, that are conspicuous and visible. Jean (1988) generalized this concept to non-opposed pairs of parastichy families. In the present paper it is shown that this generalization implies a notion of conspicuity different from Adler's. This is made obvious by redefining the key terms of the two approaches. Both classifications are well defined. For Adler's, this is shown by presenting a general proof for his conjecture that conspicuous (in the sense of Adler) opposed pairs of parastichy families are visible. There are indications that in applications to models of phyllotaxis (van Iterson model, inhibitor models) their solutions are better characterized by Jean's classification. The differences between Adler's and Jean's classification show up only in very rare cases, so that the practice of pattern determination is only insignificantly touched by the present results. It turns out that the widely used contact parastichy method to determine phyllotactic patterns gives results according to Jean's classification rather than Adler's.  相似文献   

Folk zoological life-form terms, like folk botanical life-form terms (Brown 1977a), are added to languages in a highly regular manner. Life-forms of the triad FISH, BIRD, and SNAKE are lexically encoded first, although in no particular order, followed by WUG (e.g., American English hug) and then MAMMAL. Four general principles of naming-behavior underlie these regularities: (1) criteria clustering; (2) conjunctivity (including binary opposition); (3) dimension salience; and (4) marking. In addition, size of folk zoological life-form vocabularies is positively correlated with societal complexity. This is caused by the decay of folk biological taxonomies as societies become more complex. [cognitive anthropology, ethnobiology, folk classification, language universals, language change]  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to study the asymptotical behavior of a temperate bacteriophage model in chemostat, which was first proposed by Levin et al. [B.R. Levin, F.M. Stewart, L. Chao, Resource-limited growth, competition and predation: A model and experiment studies with bacteria and bacteriophage, Am. Nat. 125 (1977) 3]. Firstly, a classification for the equilibria of the model and their stability are obtained; secondly, sufficient conditions for uniform persistence are obtained; thirdly, sufficient conditions for the global asymptotic behavior are given, and simulations for the model are presented. The theoretical results show that there are more than eight cases for the classification of the model, and that the decrease (increase) of the nutrient concentration or average lytic time (flow rate) is beneficial to the survival of the sensitive cells. Both the simulated and theoretical results show that there is a possibility of switch phenomena or a periodical outburst of the phages and the lysogens, which is caused by the internal factors rather than by some external environment. Finally, the simulation and regulation of the dynamics of the model with experimental data are presented.  相似文献   

One hundred and seven sample plots were established on a study area at Jabiluka, Northern Territory, and detailed quantitative floristic and structural data were collected. Data collection was by sampling both on aerial photographs and in the field, and both sets of data were used to describe the primary floristic types and structural sub-types. Cluster analysis (Orloci 1967, 1969), polar ordination (Mathews 1977) and Specht's (1970, 1977) approach to vegetation classification were used to analyse the data. Two independent clustering techniques, one based on art information measure and the other on a measure of within group dispersion, produced very similar dendrograms. The analyses consistently separated the plots into three major groups - floodplain, dryland and sandstone landscapes; within these groups 15 floristic associations and eight structural formations were identified. The environmental parameters associated with the various groups were substrate type, and seasonal inundation from the Magela Creek system. The results of ordination did not highlight any environmental parameters not already made evident by cluster analysis.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Zeitschriften: Maynard Smith, J. (1977): Parental investment: a prospective analysis Zeitschriften: Goss-Custard, J. D. (1977): Optimal foraging and the size selection of worms by Redshank Zeitschriften: Halliday, T. R. (1977): The effect of experimental manipulation of breathing behaviour on the sexual behaviour of the Smooth Newt Zeitschriften: Young, G. , und Th. G. Décarie (1977): An ethology-based catalogue of facial/vocal behaviour in infancy Zeitschriften: Sternglanz, S. H., J. L. Grey und M. Murakami (1977): Adult preferences for infantile facial features Zeitschriften: Bertram, B. C. R. (1977): Variation in the wing-song of the flappet lark Zeitschriften: McFarland, D. J. (1977): Decision making in animals Bücher: Heiligenberg, W. (1977): Principles of Electrolocation and Jamming Avoidance in Electric Fish Bücher: Löhrl, H. (1976): Der Mauerläufer. A. Ziemsen-Verlag, Wittenberg/Luther-stadt Bücher: Meyer, P. (1976): Taschenlexikon der Verhaltenskunde Bücher: Tembrock, G., ed. (1978): Wörterbücher der Biologie: Verhaltensbiologie, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Physiologie des Verhaltens Bücher: Heymer, A. (1977): Ethologisches WoUrterbuch — Ethological Dictionary — Vocabulaire Ethologique  相似文献   

Summary Vegetation development in a former orchard on loamy moist soil after removal of the fruit trees under different treatment is described with the help of multivariate methods. Data on 20 plots over 9 years are treated with a simple classification program and a PCA ordination. Two main groups of plots are involved: one in a relatively moist part of the area where the trees were removed in 1970, one in a slightly drier area where the trees had been removed earlier. The first group is characterized by forbs such as Urtica dioica and Lamium maculatum, the second by grasses, mainly Arrhenatherum elatius.Under a mowing regime the plots of the first group change in the direction of the second group. Under continued fertilization the Urtica vegetation can be maintained. Establishment and/or rapid spread of Urtica can be brought about in Arrhenatherum dominated sites by (re-) introduction of nitrogen fertiliser.Not mowing leads to a dense Urtica-Lamium stand in which Lamium maculatum finds an optimum some years after mowing is stopped.The methods of summarizing the site-time data are discussed and some new ones announced for further research.Nomenclature follows Heukels-van Ooststroom, Flora van Nederland, 18e druk, Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen, 1975.Vegetation and soil analyses were mainly carried out by students in the framework of their study for the degree of doctorandus in biology: Ineke Opbroek, Ferdinand Baggerman (1970), Carla Veldhuis (1971–1972), the late Doeke Dijken (1971–1973), Jos Rijpert (1972), the Rev. Piet van der Aart, Jo Louppen (1973), Frank Verhoeven (1974), Maurits Heine (1975), Ad Peters (1976), Huub Muyres, Louis Fliervoet (1976, 1977), Emilia Peters (1977), Niek Joanknecht, Thijs Lavrijsen (1977, 1978).  相似文献   

The tribe Liparocephalini (genera Liparocephalus Mäklin, 1853;Diaulota Casey, 1893 [ = Genoplectes Sawada, 1955];Paramblopusa Ahn & Ashe, Amblopusa Casey, 1893;Salinamexus Moore & Legner, 1977 [ = Biophytosus Moore & Legner, 1977]), all of which are exclusively restricted to the Pacific coasts of the Holarctic Region, is hypothesized to be a monophyletic group based on the following synapomorphies: seta v absent (inferred to be lost) from mentum (reversed one time in the Liparocephalus lineage), setae distributed only on mesal surface of galea and apex with setae, one medial seta present on prementum, and contiguous mesocoxal cavities. Natural history and history of the classification of the Liparocephalini are discussed. Phylogenetic analyses of the species of the Liparocephalini are presented based on larval (21 characters, 57 states), adult (49 characters, 115 states), and a combination of larval and adult characters (70 characters, 172 states). Analysis of the combined larval and adult data sets with successive approximation resulted in a single most parsimonious tree (length = 937, CI = 0.885, RI = 0.930) with the following patterns of generic relationships (outgroup (Salinamexus + Biophytosus (Amblopusa (Paramblopusa (Diaulota + Genoplectes, Liparocephalus))))).  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of three species of microsporidia in winter moths, Operophtera brumata (L.), has been used to consolidate taxonomic assessments previously based on light microscopy. The characters formerly used to assign Nosema operophterae Canning, 1960 to a new genus Orthosoma Canning, Wigley & Barker, 1983, namely that the nuclei are isolated and that sporoblasts are separated from ribbon-shaped multinucleate (2, 4, 8 or rarely 12 nuclei) sporonts, were upheld at the ultrastructural level. Development was in contact with the cell cytoplasm but all stages, which must have included meronts, had an electron dense surface coat. Nosema wistmansi Canning, Wigley & Barker, 1983, was found to be ultrastructurally typical of the genus Nosema Naegeli, 1857. An unusual feature of this species was the close association of cysternae of host endoplasmic reticulum with the surface of meronts, an association lost in sporogony. Pleistophora operophterae (Canning, 1960) has been transferred, on ultrastructural criteria, to a new genus Cystosporogenes n.g. Nuclei are isolated; all stages develop in a vesicle bounded by an envelope of enigmatic origin; this envelope persists around the spores as a sporophorous vesicle; division of the sporont within this vesicle is by budding and the number of sporoblasts, and therefore spores, is variable up to about 60.Microsporidia which undergo multisporous sporogony in sporophorous vesicles are now distributed among seven genera. These are: Glugea Thélohan, 1891; Pleistophora Gurley, 1893; Pseudopleistophora Sprague, 1977; Vavraia Weiser, 1977; Baculea Loubès & Akbarieh, 1978; Polydispyrenia Canning & Hazard, 1982 and Cystosporogenes n.g. New genera would appear to be needed for Pleistophora sp. of Sandars & Poinar (1976) and Pleistophora sp. of Percy, Wilson & Burke (1982). ac]19840404  相似文献   

A new checklist of mosquitoes (Culicidae) recorded in the Asian part of Russia includes 79 species. The checklist is provided with taxonomic comments and compared with ones compiled by previous authors. In a comparison to the checklist of Kukharchuk (1980) including 73 species, 10 species are added into the present checklist and 6 species mentioned by this author are excluded, as far they were not actually found in Asian part of Russia. The names of 9 species are chanced according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1966). In the checklist of Stojanovich and Scott (1995) including 64 species, 5 species were included erraneously and 21 species were missed. The classification and valid species names are listed according to the Catalog of the Mosquitoes of the World (Knight, Stone, 1977) and its supplements (Knight, 1978; Ward, 1984, 1992; Gaffigan, Ward, 1985), except 5 species. These species (Aedes implicatus, Ae. esoensis, Ae. rossicus, Ae. albescens, Ae. subdiversus) are considered in the comments to the checklist.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Phillips, R. R. (1977): The relationship between social behaviour and the ue of space in the benthic fish Chasmodes bosquianus Lacepède (Teleostei, Blenniidae) IV. Waser, P. M. (1977): Individual recognition, intragroup cohesion and intergroup spacing: evidence from sound playback to forest monkeys (Persönliches Erkennen, Zusammenhalt und Abstandhalten der Gruppen: Ergebnisse von Tonbandrückspielversuchen mit waldbewohnenden Affen). Epro, R. A. (1977): Electrically elicited vocalization from the brain of the house finch (Caupoductis mexicanus) (Durch Hirnreizung ausgelöste Lautäußerungen beim Hausfinken). Shalter, M. D., J. C. Fentress und G. W. Young (1977): Determinants of response of wolf pups to auditory signals (Welche Faktoren beeinflussen das Antwortverhalten von Wolfswelpen auf akustische Signale?). Ghett, V. J. de (1977): The ontogeny of ultrasonic vocalization in Micvotus montanus (Die Entwicklung des Ultraschallrufens bei jungen M. m.). Koenig, O. (1975): Urmotiv Auge. Neuentdeckte Grundzüge menschlichen Verhaltens. Etienne, A. S. (1977): The control of two antagonistic locomotor activities in a predatory insect (Die Kontrolle zweier einander entgegengesetzter Fortbewegungsweisen bei einem rauberischen Insekt). Savage, E. S., und Ch. Malick (1977): Play and socio-sexual behaviour in a captive chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) group (Spiel und sozio-sexuelles Verhalten bei Schimpansen in Gefangenschaft). Bédard, J., und J. Munro (1977): Brood and créche stability in the Common Eider of the St. Lawrence estuary (Der Zusammenhalt von Geschwisterscharen und Krippen mit ihren Betreuern bei Eiderenten im Mündungsgebiet des St. Lorenz-Stroms). Jones, R. E. (1977): Search behaviour: A study of three caterpillar species (Das Suchverhalten von Raupen dreier Schmetterlingsarten). Zumpe, D., und R. P. michael (1977): Effects of ejaculations by males on the sexual invitations of female rhesus monkeys Macaca mulatta) (Wiebeeinflussne Ejakulationen der ♂♂ die Paarungsaufforderungen weiblicher Rhesusaffen?). Hutchison, R. E. (1977): Temporal relationships between nesting behaviour, ovary and oviduct development during the reproductive cycle of female budgerigars (Ober die zeitliche Zuordnung des Nistverhaltens zur Entwicklung des Ovars und Ovidukts beim Wellensittich). Güttinger, H. R. (1977): Variable and constant sturctures in Greenfinck songs (Chloris chloris) in different locations (Veränderliche und gleichförmige Strukturen in Grünlingsgesänen verschiedener Herkunft). Hold, B. (1977): Rank and behaviour: an ethological study of preschool children (Rang und Verhalten: eine ethologische Untersuchung an Vorschulkindern). Bücher: Nachtsheim, H., und H. Stengel (1977): Vom Wildtier zum Haustier, 3. Oliverio, A., ed. (1977): Genetics, environment and intelligence (Genetik, Umgebung und Intelligenz). Chauvin, R. ed. (1972): Modèles Animaux du Comportement Humain (Über die Vergleichbarkeit des Verhaltens von Tieren und Menschen). Blurton Jones, N., ed. (1972): Ethological Studies of Child Behaviour (Verhaltensbeobachtungen an Kindern). McGrew, W. C. (1972): An Ethological Study of Children's Behavior (Verhaltensbeobachtungen an Kindern). Hassenstein, B. (1978): Verhaltensbiologie des Kindes. 2. Aufl, R. Piper Verlag, München. Kiernan, C. C., und F. P. Woodford (1975): Behaviour modification with the severely retarded (Verhaltensänderungen bei behinderten Kindern). Bettelheim, B. (1977): Die Geburt des Selbst (The empty fortress. Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von E. Ortmann). Döbert, R., J. Habermas und G. Nunner-Winkler, ed. (1977): Entwicklung des Ichs. Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. (1976): Menschenforschung auf neuen Wegen. Reynolds, V., und N. Blurton Jones, ed. (1978): Human Behaviour and Adaptations (Angepaßtheit im Verhalten des Menschen). Neumann, G.-H. (1979): Einführung in die Humanethologie. Hassenstein, B., H. Mohr, G. Osche, K. Sander, W. Wülker (1979): Freiburger Vorlesungen zur Biologie des Menschen.  相似文献   

Summary A test given by Moore and Goodman (1977) that checks the significance of a homology between protein sequences is generalized to any type of distance measure and to any classification of codon pairs or amino acids according to this measure. A normal distribution is shown to approximate satisfactorily the probability distribution underlying this test for the examples chosen, and supposedly for any distance measure. The test accordingly reduces to a simple standard procedure.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Hazlett, B. A. , ed. (1977): Quantitative methods in the study of animal behavior (Quantitative Methoden in der Verhaltensforschung) National Geographic Society ed. (1977): Das neue Bild der Tierwelt. Verhaltensforscher berichten (The marvels of animal behavior, übersetzt, von G. Strub) George, U. (1976): In den Wüsten dieser Erde. Faszinierende Entdeckungen und Erkenntnisse eines Naturforschers. Verlag Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg Rowe-Rowe, D. T. (1978): The small carnivores of Natal (Die Kleinraubsäuger Natals) Koller/Anders/Steitz (1977): Zoologie — Eine Einführung in die Tierkunde Schlieper, C. (1977): Praktikum der Zoophysiologie. 4. Aufl., neubearbeitet von W. Hanke, K. Hamdorf, E. Horn, C. Schlieper Conrad, B. (1977): Die Giftbelastung der Vogelwelt Deutschlands  相似文献   

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