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对叶甲亚科 3属 3种蛹的形态特征进行了详细描述 ,分别为小猿叶甲PhaedonbrassicaeBaly ,菜无缘叶甲ColaphellusbowringiiBaly和柳圆叶甲Plagioderaversicolor(Laicharting) ,其中菜无缘叶甲为首次描述。同时对蛹的形态特征在叶甲亚科系统演化方面的作用进行了一定的探讨  相似文献   

中国大萤叶甲属的研究(鞘翅目:叶甲科:萤叶甲亚科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大萤叶甲属Meristata 为Chapuis 1875年所建立,是东洋区分布的属,在我国主要分布在云南和西藏两省,中名以其体大型而得。目前全世界已知11种,中国有9种。本文对本属征进行了重新厘订,并对中国种类做了系统的研究及记述,它们是褐大萤叶甲Meristata dohrni (Baly), 长大萤叶甲Meristata elongata (Jacoby), 黑斑大萤叶甲Meristata fallax (Harold), 黑胸大萤叶甲Meristata fraternalis fraternalis (Baly), 黑胸大萤叶甲云南亚种Meristata fraternalis yunnanensis (Laboissiere), 象牙大萤叶甲Meristata pulunini (Bryant), 四带大萤叶甲Meristata quadrifasciata (Hope), 六斑大萤叶甲Meristata sexmaculata (Kollar et Redtenbacher), 黄腹大萤叶甲Meristata spilota (Hope)。亦对Meristata fraternalis yunnanensis 的分类地位进行了探讨,根据其鞘翅斑点及其雄性生殖器形状将原Meristata yunnanensis 降为Meristata fraternalis 的亚种。  相似文献   

Aspergillus nidulans MCCC 3A00050 was isolated from a deep-sea sediment sample of the western Pacific Ocean. A systematic investigation on its chemical constituents led to the isolation of 19 compounds, including 13 steroids (113), four anthraquinones (1417), one phenolics (18), and one chromanone (19). For the first time, three diosgenins (13) were isolated from fungi, three ergosterols (46) from the genus of Aspergillus, while other 11 miscellaneous compounds (711 and 1419) from the species of Aspergillus nidulans. The isolation of diosgenins (13) and ergosterols (46) might be used as chemotaxonomic markers for the genus of Aspergillus and the species of Aspergillus nidulans, respectively.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(2):411-417
In this study, a species catalogue of Sermyloides, including 42 species, is given. Two new species are described: Sermyloides wuyiensis sp. nov. from Fujian, China and Sermyloides bipunctatus sp. nov. from Chongqing, China. A key to species, photographs of aedeagus, habitus of new species and habitus of 14 species of Chinese holotypes are provided.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:820BDA9F-633B-49D8-B5F0-45610E622C9A.  相似文献   

Monika Hilker 《Oecologia》1992,92(1):71-75
Summary Larvae and eggs of the leaf beetle Pyrrhalta viburni were investigated for protective devices against predators. The eggs are covered with faeces, which appeared to have no feeding deterrent activity against the ant Myrmica sabuleti. Chemical analyses of the material covering the eggs by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) showed the triterpenes -amyrin and -amyrin as main components. Both compounds are also present in the hostplant Viburnum lantana. GC-MS analyses of eggs and larvae showed that 1,8-dihydroxy-3-methylanthraquinone (=chrysophanol) was present in both developmental stages. In the larvae, 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone (=chrysazin) and 1,8,9-trihydroxyanthracene (dithranol) were also detected. Neither hydroxylated anthraquinones nor dithranol were found in bark and leaf extracts of the hostplant. After assessing the total amounts of these compounds in a single larva, their ecological significance was studied in feeding bioassays with M. sabuleti. Both P. viburni larvae and equivalent amounts of anthraquinones and dithranol deterred feeding by the ants. The role of anthraquinones and triterpenes in P. viburni is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract The present paper is a part of the studies on the larvae of subfamily Galerucinae in Korea and Japan. Five species belonging to the Non-glanduliferous group in the subfamily Galerucinae were described and illustrated: Lochmaea capreae (Linnaeus), Atrachya menetriesi (Fladermann), Aulacophora indica (Gmelin), Exosoma flaviventre (Motschulsky), Fleutiauxia armata (Baly). A key and taxonomic remarks are also given.  相似文献   

Abstract  The genus Menippus is revised for Australia, with six species, three of which are new: M. cynicus Clark, M. darcyi sp. nov. , M. ewani sp. nov. , M. fugitivus (Lea), M. sufi sp. nov. and M. yulensis (Jacoby) comb. nov. (from Diorhabda Weise). Menippus yulensis was described from New Guinea. This species and M. darcyi were formerly confused in Australia with M. fugitivus , which is now considered endemic to Lord Howe Island. The species formerly considered M. fugitivus and protected under the Threatened Species Conservation Act, New South Wales, is now named M. darcyi . A key is provided for the Australian species of Menippus and a lectotype designated for M. yulensis . The composition of Menippus is discussed and three non-Australian species are transferred to this genus: M. inconspicua (Jacoby) comb. nov. (from Diorhabda Weise); M. laterimaculata (Jacoby) comb. nov. ; and M. marginipennis (Jacoby) comb. nov. (from Galerucella Crotch). A revised checklist of Menippus species is given. The recorded foodplants of Menippus are species of Celtis (Ulmaceae).  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Insect herbivory directed at flowers can decrease fruit and seed production by decreasing the attractiveness of a damaged flower to potential pollinators, by disrupting the transfer of pollen between pollinators and stigmas, or both.
2. Effects of petal herbivory by a chrysomelid beetle ( Phyllotreta sp.) on pollination and seed production in Lepidium papilliferum (Brassicaceae) were examined.
3. Under natural conditions, flowers with a hole chewed in a petal produced fruit and seed at a significantly lower rate than undamaged flowers (44% vs. 80% respectively). However, when damaged and undamaged flowers were hand pollinated, there was no significant difference in fruit or seed set (84% vs. 80% respectively).
4. Petal herbivory in L. papilliferum disrupts the effectiveness of insect-mediated pollination, but it does not physically inhibit pollination or seed production.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Feeding responses of Cassida nebulosa to spinach vary depending on prior dietary experience. Adults reared on spinach, eat much spinach whereas those reared on Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum rarely eat it. However, there are a few reports that address the mechanisms of this phenomenon, which is termed 'induction of preference'. It has been presumed that this phenomenon arises in response to a reduction of sensitivity to the feeding deterrents contained in spinach as a result of early experience feeding on it. Therefore, we attempted to verify the effects of the feeding deterrent that was isolated from spinach. The feeding-deterrent response was reduced in adults reared on spinach compared with adults reared on C. album var. centrorubrum . Additionally, consumption of spinach by adults reared on deterrent-treated leaves of C. album var. centrorubrum was significantly higher than that by adults reared on control leaves of C. album var. centrorubrum . These results indicate that C. nebulosa acquires the ability to tolerate spinach because sensitivity to the feeding deterrent contained in spinach is reduced by early experience with the deterrent.  相似文献   

Laboratory tests with eggs of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte showed that during a 10-day hatching period, hatch of male eggs predominated on the first and second days, eggs of mixed sex, with ca. 1:1 ratio, hatched on the third and fourth days, and eggs hatching from the fifth to the tenth days were nearly all female. Overall, female eggs hatched a mean of 2.9 days later than male eggs. Not only did female eggs hatch later, but the time for posthatch development to the adult stage was 1.8 days longer for females. The later egg hatch and longer posthatch development for females resulted in female adults emerging a mean of 4.7 days later than male adults. Total adult emergence lasted 14 days; of this, males predominated during the first 5 days, and females predominated during the last 9 days. Males of D. v. virgifera appear to have evolved protandry (the tendency for males to emerge before females) by developing both a postdiapause embryonic stage and a combined larval and pupal stage of shorter duration.
Résumé L'observation, au laboratoire, pendant une période d'éclosion de dix jours, des oeufs de D. v. virgifera LeConte, a montré que les oeufs mâles prédominent les deux premiers jours d'éclosion, que les oeufs des deux sexes, avec des fréquences 0,5/0,5, ont éclos les troisième et quatrième jours, et que les oeufs éclos du cinquième au dixième jour étaient presque tous femelles. Globalement, les oeufs femelles ont éclos en moyenne 2,9 jours plus tard que les oeufs mâles. De plus, la durée du développement post-embryonnaire des femelles a demandé 1,8 jour en plus. Une éclosion plus tardive et un développement post-embryonnaire plus long ont entrainé une émergence des femelles en moyenne 4,7 jours après les mâles. La période d'émergence des adultes s'est étalée sur 14 jours; les mâles ayant dominé pendant les 5 premiers jours et les femelles pendant les 9 derniers. Les mâles de D. v. virgifera semblent avoir évolué vers la protandrie en acquerant, tant une diapause post-embryonnaire que des stades de développements larvaire et nymphal plus brefs.

Accumulation of anthraquinones in Morinda citrifolia cell suspensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cell suspensions of Morinda citrifolia were cultivated in a B5-medium containing 4% sucrose as the sole carbon source and 1 mg l-1 naphthyl acetic acid (NAA) or 1 mg l-1 2,4-dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Both auxins were able to support growth but only in the presence of NAA anthraquinone production was observed. 2,4-D inhibited the production in NAA cultures. Anthraquinone synthesis took place in the growth and the stationary phase and amounts of 0.2–0.4 mmol (about 100–200 mg) g-1 dry weight could be reached.Under both growth conditions sucrose was hydrolyzed extracellularly by invertase. From the resulting monosaccharides, glucose was taken up preferentially and an appreciable uptake of fructose only took place when medium glucose was exhausted. Sugar uptake rates were similar when cells were grown in NAA and in 2,4-D medium but the intracellular sugar contents (expressed on a dry weight basis) differed considerably. The presence of sucrose, glucose and fructose was demonstrated under both growth conditions. The amounts of sucrose and glucose were much lower in the 2,4-D cells than in the NAA-cells especially during the growth phase. Fructose contents were low and comparable, while in NAA cells an unknown sugar (possibly the sugar moiety of the glycosylated anthraquinones) was observed especially at the end of the growth phase and in the stationary phase. The differences in sugar concentrations were even larger due to the lower water contents of the NAA cells.Respiration of 2,4-D cells was much higher than that of NAA cells during the growth phase. A sharp increase in sugar contents (mainly sucrose) occurred in the 2,4-D cells at the end of the growth phase and corresponded with the fall in respiratory activity.A possible correlation between the lack of production of anthraquinones in 2,4-D cells and a less efficient growth metabolism in these cells is discussed.Abbreviations AQ anthraquinones - 2,4-D 2,4-dichloro-phenoxy-acetic acid - DW dry weight - FW fresh weight - NAA naphthyl acetic acid - pCPO p-chloro-phenoxy-acetic acid  相似文献   

Susceptibility of the mustard beetle (Phaedon cochleariae) and the cabbage stem flea beetle (Psylliodes chrysocephala) to six isolates of the entomogenous, hyphomycete fungus Metarhizium anisopliae, was investigated. A farther six isolates were assayed against P. cochleariae only. The isolates originated from hosts of various insect orders. Five of the six isolates tested against P. chrysocephala and P. cochleariae were infective for both species whereas one isolate, V107, was non‐pathogenic to both. The level of virulence of different M. anisopliae isolates for these chrysomelid beetles varied considerably. Isolates V90 and V93 were highly virulent to P. chrysocephala and P. cochleariae respectively but were significantly less virulent against the alternate host species. The LT50 of isolate V90 for P. chrysocephala was 7 days at 4 x 107 conidia/ml and its LC50 value was 16 x 105 conidia/ml. The LT50 of V93 for P. cochleariae was approximately 8 days at 4 X 108 conidia/ml and its LC50 value was 3 x 107 conidia/ml. Following inoculation, germinating conidia of all isolates produced appressoria on the cuticular surface of both hosts suggesting that specificity is determined at later stages of infection.  相似文献   

Abstract The leaf surface of a plant, especially its chemical components, constitutes the first line of resistance to herbivores and other pests. Our previous research indicated that ‘Valmaine’ (Val) romaine lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., was highly resistant to feeding by adult banded cucumber beetle, Diabrotica balteata LeConte, while ‘Tall Guzmaine’ (TG) was highly susceptible. We investigated the leaf surface chemistry of these two cultivars for its possible role in their resistance to D. balteata. Three solvents with different polarity (hexane, methylene chloride, and methanol) were tested to remove leaf surface chemicals, but only methylene chloride and methanol extracts were used in feeding bioassays. Adult D. balteata consumed much more of the leaf tissue of Val and TG when their surface chemicals were removed with methylene chloride, but not methanol, compared to nonextracted leaf tissue, leading us to hypothesize that methylene‐chloride extractable leaf surface chemicals may have a role in the expression of lettuce resistance. However, leaf surface chemicals extracted from Val with methylene chloride were not a deterrent to adult D. balteata when applied to palatable lima bean leaf surfaces at various concentrations in dual‐choice tests. Furthermore, the application of surface extracts from TG did not stimulate beetle feeding in similar choice tests. In a no‐choice feeding test, there was no significant difference in leaf area consumption on lima bean leaves sprayed with extracts of Val or TG. These results suggest that leaf surface chemicals in romaine lettuce do not explain the resistance of Val to adult D. balteata, and that factors inside the leaf may play a role in resistance. We discuss the possibility that the solvent may have increased the palatability of lettuce leaves to D. balteata by causing enzymatic browning and cellular damage, which is likely to have degraded internal feeding deterrents and impaired the plant's ability to emit latex.  相似文献   

Depending upon preceding dietary exposure, the tortoise beetle, Cassida nebulosa L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), exhibits various feeding responses to spinach, Spinacia oleracea L. (Chenopodiaceae). Adult tortoise beetles reared as adults on the main host Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum Makino (CAC) (Chenopodiaceae) eat little spinach, whereas those reared on spinach accept this plant as food. In this study, we investigated the suppressive effect of exposure to CAC on the feeding response of tortoise beetles to spinach. To investigate the effect of chemical factors in CAC, we provided beetles with Gomphrena globosa L. (Amaranthaceae) as the base food and exposed them to a CAC extract, because bioassays have indicated that exposure to G. globosa did not affect the feeding response of beetles to spinach. Adults reared on G. globosa treated with CAC extract consumed significantly less than adults reared on untreated G. globosa . Thus, we determined that exposure to CAC components is responsible for the suppressive effect on the feeding response to spinach observed in the beetles. In a choice feeding test with membrane filter discs, we found that adults reared on G. globosa treated with CAC extract exhibited a greater feeding deterrent response to the spinach deterrent than adults reared on untreated G. globosa leaves. Therefore, the suppression of spinach consumption due to exposure to CAC is probably caused by the development of a response to the feeding deterrents present in spinach.  相似文献   

Temporary feeding on willow buds and leaves by nesting greater snow geese provided us with an opportunity to test the relative importance of nutrients and deterrents in affecting the palatability for geese of a food plant with a high phenol content. Protein, total phenol and fiber (neutral and acid detergent fiber, and lignin) were analyzed in closed and open buds and in rolled and open leaves. Geese feed on willows at the open-buds and rolled-leaf stages but not at the closed-bud and open-leaf stages. Protein content was higher in open buds and rolled leaves (25–27%) than in closed buds and open leaves (19–21%). Phenol content increased during leaf emergence but was already high (14%) in rolled leaves. All plant fibers were very high in closed buds but declined rapidly during leaf emergence. The increase in phenol: protein ratio appeared to be more important than phenol concentration alone in explaining the cessation of feeding by geese on willow leaves whereas the high fiber content of closed buds may explain why they were not eaten. Our results illustrate the value of a multifactorial approach in the study of the food selection process in herbivores.  相似文献   

Ninety species of leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae, Coleoptera, Insecta) were recorded from die 'Evolution Canyon' microsite (sample area 7000 m2), Lower Nahal Oren, Mt Carmel, Israel. Species richness was significandy ( P =0.018) higher on the drier, climatically more fluctuating savanna-like, soudi-facing slope (SFS, 60 species, sample area 3000 m2) than on the cooler, wetter and climatically less variable north-facing slope (NFS, 44 species, sample area 3000 m2), as in other terrestrial taxa. More species were found common to the local xeric SFS at die Canyon and the regional southern desert areas (Judean and Negev Deserts), than to the NFS and Galilee Mountains, respectively, suggesting that local patterns mirror regional patterns. Interslope differences in microclimate variability range indicate that this factor might be determinant of interslope species richness differences. Most species were collected in the spring (April; 47%) and least in the autumn (September; 3%) over the collecting period from March 1995 to June 1997.  相似文献   

The contributions from bird research to behavioral neuroendocrinology are enormous and wide ranging. I have selected examples that illustrate how through the twentieth century to the present day, birds as experimental models continue to play a major role. Investigations on birds were pivotal in the beginnings of endocrinology, and have laid the foundations for present day developments in neurobiology, physiological ecology and evolutionary biology of neuroendocrine systems. The extensive literature on avian behavior also provides a unique and broad base for the field in general and future progress on a broad front can be expected. Molecular genetics in avian systems is advanced providing us with phylogenetic perspective allowing the comparisons of different avian populations that provide valuable models for integrative research.  相似文献   

The basis for resistance of Bradford callery pear, Pyrus calleryana Decaisne Bradford, [Rosaceae] to the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, was investigated. Chloroform-dipping rendered leaves palatable, initially suggesting that deterrent waxes had been removed. However, extracts containing surface waxes were not deterrent. Subsequent experiments showed that increased palatability of solvent-dipped leaves is associated with enzymatic tissue browning, characteristic of polyphenol oxidases, rather than simply release of phagostimulants from surface disruption of damaged leaves. Frozen and thawed leaves showed similar browning, becoming increasingly palatable for several hours after thawing. Palatability changes were temperature- and aerobic-sensitive, further evidence that oxidizing enzymes are involved. Juice from leaves that had been frozen and thawed stimulated feeding on glass fiber disks, whereas fresh leaf juice did not. Survival and fecundity were much higher for beetles fed frozen and thawed or chloroform-dipped Bradford pear leaves than for beetles fed normal leaves. We hypothesize that decompartmentalization of deterrent compounds, possibly phenolics, followed by enzymatic oxidation and altered leaf chemistry may explain the increased palatability of chloroform-dipped or frozen and thawed Bradford pear tissue to P. japonica. This approach may be helpful in identifying specific compounds responsible for resistance of woody plants to generalist insects.  相似文献   

Abstract The impact of Argopistes tsekooni Chen (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a herbivore, on Chinese privet, Ligustrum sinense Lour. (Scrophulariales: Oleaceae), an invasive shrub in the United States, was studied in China. Five densities of adults were inoculated into 3‐year‐old potted Chinese privet plants in cages under field conditions for 1 month. Plants exposed to high densities of adults were severely damaged and the above‐ground portions of some were killed, while the survival rates of adult A. tsekooni were comparatively high. The amount of new growth of the main stem, the number of new leaves, and oven‐dried biomass were significantly reduced by the combined feeding of larvae and adults. Above‐ground plant mortality was 100% when plants were exposed to 24 and 30 adults/plant. In this study A. tsekooni had a significant negative impact on Chinese privet growing in pots, which suggests that it may be a promising candidate for biological control of Chinese privet in the field in North America.  相似文献   

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