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  1. It has been demonstrated that when the cells of Chlorella protothecoidesare grown mixotrophically under illumination in a medium richin nitrogen source (urea) and poor in glucose, the normal greencells are obtained, while in a medium rich in glucose and poorin the nitrogen source, entirely chlorophyll-less cells withprofoundly degenerated plastids ("glucose-bleached" cells) areproduced, irrespective of whether in the light or in darkness.The "glucose-bleached" cells turn green with regeneration offully organized chloroplasts when incubated in a nitrogen-enrichedmedium in the light ("light-greening"), while in the dark theybecome pale green with formation of only partially organizedchloroplasts ("dark-greening"). When, on the other hand, thegreen cells are transferred into a medium enriched with glucose,they are bleached fairly rapidly with degeneration of chloro-plastsin the light as well as in darkness ("bleaching"). Using 35Sas a tracer, investigations were made on the changes of contentsof the algal cells in sulfolipid and other sulfur compoundsduring the processes of the greening and bleaching.
  2. By determiningthe radioactivities of chromatographically separatedsulfur-containingcompounds of the uniformly 35S-labeled green("G") and "glucose-bleached"("W") cells, it was found thatthe concentration of a speciesof sulfolipid (discovered byBENSON et al.) as well as thoseof glutathione, sulfotriosesand most of the other sulfur-containingcompounds were at least5 times higher in the "G" cells thanin the "W" cells, whilesulfoquinovosyl glycerol was presentin approximately equalamounts in the two types of cells.
  3. Phospholipidcontents and compositions in the two types of algalcells werefound to be practically identical.
  4. The sulfolipid contentof algal cells increased and decreasedalmost in parallel withthe processes of greening and bleaching,respectively.
  5. Studyingthe mode of incorporation of radiosulfate into varioussulfurcompounds of algal cells during the processes of "light-anddark-greening" and "bleaching" (lasting about 70 hr), itwasfound that active 35S-incorporation into sulfolipid occurredthroughout the process of "light-greening," while in the "dark-greening"and "bleaching" the active incorporation abruptly ceased afterthe initial 24 hr period of experiments. It was suggested thatthe biosynthesis of the sulfolipid is closely related to theformation of photosynthetic apparatus in chloroplast.
  6. Whenthe 35S-labeled green cells were bleached in a medium containingno radiosulfate, the 35S-sulfolipid and most of other 35S-sulfurcompounds decreased markedly but the 35S-sulfoquinovosyl glycerolincreased considerably. It was inferred that the deacylationof the sulfolipid, a surfactant lipid, with formation of watersoluble sulfoquinovosyl glycerol may be a cardinal event ofbleaching process, causing a disintegration of the intact architechtureof photosynthetic apparatus.
  7. Based on these observations itwas concluded that the sulfolipidis an integral component ofphotosynthetic structure.
1This work was partly reported at the Symposium on Biochemistryof Lipids, sponsored by the Agricultural Chemical Society ofJapan, Sapporo, July, 1964.  相似文献   

Radioactive isotopes are now available from Chalk River for use by Canadian biologists. Experience has shown that the handling of radioactive isotopes may involve health hazards unless adequate precautions are taken. The nature of these hazards and the type of precautions which must be taken when working with radioactive isotopes are considered. Successful work with radioactive isotopes other than in the smallest tracer amounts requires the use of laboratories and equipment especially designed for the purpose and this is dealt with briefly. The operation of a radioactive laboratory requires certain auxiliary equipment and services, such as health instruments, film monitoring, special laboratory clothing, special cleanable surfaces and disposal of radioactive waste materials. These topics are discussed briefly. Handling of radioactive isotopes involves certain special precautions and a few of these, such as protection of hands, cleaning of glassware, handling of solutions, etc. are reviewed. In addition to protecting all personnel in a laboratory from harmful amounts of radiation, it is necessary to keep the laboratory and the building in which it is housed as free as possible from radioactive substances and this important fact has been stressed.  相似文献   

  1. The effect of IAA and FC on the extension of isolated epidermisof light-grown Alaska pea epicotyls was studied under differentconditions with an extension apparatus. The following resultswere obtained.
  2. The epidermis extended in response to low pHbuffer solutionof 1–10 mM, maximum extension being achievedat pH below5.5.
  3. IAA, 5 mg/liter, caused, although not consistently,an extensionof epidermal strips in 1 mM buffer, but not at10 mM.
  4. Consistent extension of the isolated epidermis dueto IAA wasobtained by addition of GTP, ATP, ITP or UTP (sodiumsalts),but not nucleosides, nitrogen bases or sugars.
  5. A fungaltoxin, FC, at 10–5 M induced extension of theepidermiswithout addition of the nucleoside triphosphates.
  6. IAA andFC caused H+ extrusion in peeled epicotyl segments bothin thepresence and absence of GTP. IAA caused appreciable H+extrusionin the isolated epidermis only in the presence ofGTP, whereasH+ extrusion by the epidermis was induced by FCeven in theabsence of GTP.
From these results, we concluded that IAA induces extensionof the isolated epidermis under the above conditions throughthe mediation of H+ ions. (Received July 12, 1976; )  相似文献   

  1. The following results were obtained using tissue slices excisedfrom cold-stored Jerusalem artichoke tubers.
  2. Actinomycin Dat the concentration of 20 µg/ml given duringthe agingperiod did not affect the subsequent expansion growthcausedby auxin or auxin plus kinetin.
  3. Actinomycin D given in thegrowth period, on the other hand,strongly inhibited the expansiongrowth of tissue slices agedin the absence of the antibiotic.
  4. In the growth period, auxin or auxin plus kinetin promotedtheincorporation of uracil-2-14C into RNA fraction.
  5. ActinomycinD inhibited the incorporation of 32P orthophosphateinto ribosomalRNA during the aging period.
  6. In the growth period, the incorporationof 32P into RNA wasenhanced by auxin and was inhibited by actinomycinD, more remarkablyin ribosomal RNA than in lighter RNA.
1A part of this paper was presented at the Conference on PlantGrowth Regulators held by the New York Academy of Sciences onMay 16, 1966.  相似文献   

  1. Using the Chlorella cells which had been uniformly labeled with32P, the distribution of phosphorus in various fractions ofcell material was investigated. Uniformly 32P-labeled Chlorellawas further grown in a P-free medium or in a standard "cold"medium, and the change of distribution of 32P (as well as theuptake of exogenous P) in various cell fractions was followed.
  2. Analysis of the 32P-labeled algal cells showed that the highestin P-content was the fraction of RNA followed by those of polyphosphates,lipid, nucleotidic labile phosphate compounds, DNA and protein(in decreasing order). ATP and ADP were found to be only minorfractions of the total labile phosphates.
  3. On incubating the3P-labeled alga in a P-free medium, the P.contentsin the fractionsof DNA, protein, lipid and ATP increased, thosein polyphosphatesand ADP decreased, and that in RNA remainedalmost unchanged.When the 32P-labeled alga was further grownin the normal "cold"medium, DNA and protein increased withthe expenditure of endogenous32P, but with practically no incorporationof external P. Inthe meantime the P in polyphosphates decreasedconsiderably,and the RNA fraction incorporated a large amountof externalP but only a little of endogenous32P.
  4. It was inferred that,under the experimental conditions of thepresent study, thephosphorus used in the syntheses of DNA andprotein was primarilytaken from polyphosphates, while thatused in the synthesesof RNA, phospholipid and polyphosphateswas, for the most part,taken from the extracellular P-source.
1A part of this paper was read at the Vth International Congressof Biochemistry, Moscow, August 10–16, 1961. (Received June 4, 1961; )  相似文献   

With the view to elucidate the role of myo-inositol in the ripeningprocess of rice grains, its distribution, formation and conversionwere studied.
  1. myo-Inositol in the ripening rice grains was fractionated intofree-, phosphate ester- and phosphoinositide-forms. At the earlystage of ripening, a considerable part of myo-inositol was foundin free state, and at the end of ripening stage the most partwas found in phosphate ester-state, phytic acid. The contentof phosphoinositide in the grains was low during the ripeningperiod.
  2. The occurrence of biosynthesis of myo-inositol inthe ripeningrice grains was confirmed by the observation ofincorporationof 14C into myo-inositol from 14C-sugars and itwas found, fromthe feeding experiment of myo-inositol- thatmyo-inositol doesnot undergo reactions further than phosphorylation.
  3. The feeding experiment of glucose-l-32P showed that the distributionpattern of 32P in different fractions of grain material wasthe same as that of 32P-phosphate, indicating that phytic acidis one of the final products of phosphorus metabolism in theripening rice grains.
  4. These results led to the assumptionthat myo-inositol mightact as an acceptor of phosphorus toremove inorganic phosphorusin favor of starch synthesis byphosphorylase.
(Received September 12, 1962; )  相似文献   

  1. Chlorella cells and spinach chioroplasts, whose catalase activityhad been more than 90% inhibited by 10–5 M azide, werefound to decompose H2O2 photochemically to liberate oxygen,indicating that H2O2 was used as an oxidant of the HILL reaction.
  2. That, however, the observed phenomena cannot be fully accountedfor in terms of the HILL reaction with H2O2 was revealed bythe observation that an extract of Chiorella cells, which hadbeen completely freed from chlorophyll, also showed a light-acceleratedO2 evolution from H2O2 in the presence of 105 M azide.This extract contained a large quantity of catalase, which seemedto have been, in some way, involved in the reaction in question.
  3. The catalatic H2O2 decomposition caused by crystalline catalaseof mammalian liver (in the presence of 10–5 M azide) wasnot accelerated by the effect of light.
1 Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Niigata University, Niigata. (Received June 4, 1961; )  相似文献   

  1. The role of sulfur in the cell division of Chlorella was studiedby following the fate of the sulfur supplied to the sulfur-deficientcells using 35S as a tracer.
  2. The sulfur-deficient cells whichwere unable to perform celldivision were made capable of divisionby the provision of 36S-labeledsulfate under non-photosynthesizingconditions. Soon after theprovision of sulfate the labeledsulfur went rapidly into thecold perchloric acid (PCA)-solublefraction of algal cells,almost entirely in the form of sulfateand/or some other inorganicsulfur substance (s). With the lapseof time, more or less remarkablechanges occurred in the patternof 35S-distribution in differentfractions of cell material.It was noticed that, at the onsetof cell division, a sulfur-containingpeptide-nucleotide compound(s)(SPN), which has been reportedearlier, appeared in a largequantity in the cold PCA-solublefraction, and that its quantitydecreased gradually during thesubsequent process of cell division,suggesting that the compoundwas transformed into some othersubstance (s), presumably withits nucleotide moiety going intonucleic acids and the peptidemoiety going into some essentialproteins.
  3. Another noteworthyphenomenon observed during the process ofcell division wasthe incorporation of 36S in a group of hotPCA-soluble substances.These sulfur substances were revealedto be sulfur-containingnucleotidic compounds, which might possiblybe some essentialcomponents of, or substances in close relationto, deoxypentosenucleic acid (DNA).
(Received March 1, 1960; )  相似文献   

  1. In the presence of NADP+ and Mg++, the bundle sheath strandsisolated from corn (Zea mays) leaves by cellulase treatmentsdecarboxylated malate in the light at an initial rate (200 µmoles/mgchl.hr), which was sufficient to account for photosyntheticCO2 fixation in intact leaves. This rate gradually slowed downand then stopped. The final level of the malate decarboxylatedwas approximately equal to the amount of NADP+ added.
  2. Rapidand continued decarboxylation of malate was observed whenNADP+,3-phosphoglyceric acid and ATP (and Mg++) were addedtogether.The addition of ADP instead of ATP showed a similareffect.Light did not show any effect on the malate decarboxylationin the presence of ATP or ADP.
  3. When malate was added to thebundle sheath strands in the presenceof exogenous NADP+ NADP+was rapidly reduced. The reductionstopped after 2 min when,73% of the added NADP+ was reduced.The further addition of3-phosphoglyceric acid and ATP broughtabout a decrease in theNADPH-level, which rose again to attaina new steady level.
  4. The transfer of radioactivity from (1-14C-3-phosphoglycericacid to dihydroxyacetone phosphate in the bundle sheath strandsin the presence of ATP and NADP+ was greatly enhanced by theaddition of malate.
  5. In the presence of ribose 5-phosphateand ATP, the rate of 14C-transferfrom (4-14C)-malate to theintermediates of the reductive pentosephosphate cycle was equalto that of 14CO2 fixation in the light.
All these results support the current view that in the bundlesheath cells of C4 plants belonging to the NADP-malic enzyme-group,the decarboxylation of malate is coupled to the fixation ofthe released CO2 and the reduction of 3-phosphoglyceric acidformed as a result of CO2 fixation. 1 Part of this research was reported at the 40th Annual Meetingof the Botanical Society of Japan Osaka, December, 1975. 3 Present address: Laboratory of Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine,Teikyo University, 359 Otsuka, Hachioji-City, Tokyo 173, Japan. (Received April 30, 1977; )  相似文献   

  1. The inhibition by IAA (3-indolylacetic acid) and by IAN (3-indolylacetonitrile)of the growth of excised tomato roots cultured for 7 days at27 C. in a modified White's medium is described. 510–9g./ml, IAA or 510–6 g./ml, IAN cause approx, 50 per cent,inhibition of the linear growth of the main axis. With IAA decreasein number of laterals closely parallels the decrease in lineargrowth of the main axis; with IAN reduction in linear growthof the main axis occurs at concentrations above 10–8 whereasnumber of laterals does not decrease until the concentrationexceeds 10–6.
  2. Study of the course of cell elongationin the exodermal cellsshowed that in the standard medium andin media containing 510–9IAA or 510–6 IAN theprocess takes about 7 hours; thefinal cell lengths in IAA andIAN media are lower than in standardmedium owing to a slowerrate of elongation. The decrease inlinear growth of the mainaxis in presence of IAA could be accountedfor by the decreasein cell length; this was not the case withIAN. The implicationsof this are considered.
  3. Determinations of the distance (mm.)between, and of the numberof exodermal cells separating, theadjacent laterals in oneorthostichy showed that IAN enhancesthe frequency of lateralswhereas this is either unaffectedor decreased by IAA. The enhancementof lateral frequency inIAN arises from shortening of the cellsof the main axis anddecrease in the number of cells separatingadjacent laterals.
  4. The results are considered to support the view that IAN haseffects on root growth different from those of IAA. Study ofthe degree of inhibition of main axis growth and of alterationsin lateral frequency resulting from treatment with mixturesof IAA and IAN provided data which could also be most easilyexplained on this hypothesis.

Metabolism of some sulfur-containing substances was studiedin a copper-resistant strain of yeast (R), its parent strain(P) and respiratory-deficient(RD) mutants from them. The resultsobtained are as follows:
  1. Using sulfate, sulfite and thiosulfate as sulfur sources, Rproducedmore H2S than P, and both of these had the activityhigher than their RD mutants. All of them produced a large amountof H2S from cysteine, but only little from methionine, cysteinesulfinic acid and S-sulfocysteine.
  2. From sulfite and thiosulfate,P and R produced more H2S inaerobicthan in anaerobic condition.With sulfate and cysteine, however,H2S production did not differunder those conditions.
  3. In both P and R, the sulfate-to-sulfiteand sulfite-to-sulfidereactions were remarkably lowered byiron and zinc deficiencies.But the cysteine-to-sulfide reactionwas not affected by themetal-deficiencies.
  4. H2S productionfrom sulfate was remarkably depressed by highconcentrationsof pantothenate.
  5. Rates of reaction steps on a plausible pathway from sulfatetosulfide and to organic sulfur compounds areestimated forthe strainsused. R is characterized by its largecapacity ofthe reaction step from sulfate to sulfite, and excessivesulfitethus formed is liberatedas sulfide not by the way ofcysteine.
1Present address: Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University,Kumatori-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka  相似文献   

  1. The permeability of unplasmolysed cells of beetroot, v. ‘CrimsonGlobe’, was determined from the rate of water loss ofbeet slices on placing in sucrose solutions having O.P. greaterthan the suction pressure of the beet. The absolute values obtainedwere about 0?7µ3 water per µ2 cell-surface per hourper atmosphere osmotic pressure difference, i.e. 0?7 µ/hr./atm.
  2. The permeability of similar beet cells plasmolysed withintheircell walls was found to be about 13µ/hr./atm.
  3. Thepermeability of beet cells which had been plasmolysed andallowedto recover was shown to be approximately the same asthat ofunplasmolysed cells.
  4. The hypothesis is advanced that the increasein water permeabilityon plas-molysis is due to those partsof the plasma-membranewhich had formerly been pressed againstthe micelles of thecell wall becoming free and able to takepart in water transfer.
  5. The energy requirement for the maintenanceof an excess hydrostaticpressure of five atmospheres withina cell by its vital activitywas shown to be about one-tenthof the total respiratory energyreleased in freshly cut beetslices.

  1. Using intact cells of Chlorella ellipsoidea, investigationswere made on the effects of some SH-reagents (IAA, CMB and arsenite)upon various reactions pertaining to the primary photogenicagent (designated by R) formed in the mechanism of photosynthesis.
  2. The pre-illumination experiments using 14CO2 as a tracer haveled us to the inference that (i) the process of photochemicalformation of R is inhibited by IAA, that (ii) the spontaneousdecay of R in the dark is markedly accelerated by CMB and arsenite,but not at all affected by IAA, and that (iii) the participationof R in the cyclic path of carbon leading to the fixation ofCO2 is not affected by IAA and CMB.
  3. Based on the assumptionthat R is a reducing agent, it was discussedthat the fact mentionedunder (iii) is incompatible with theidea that the reductionof PGA to triose phosphate be the soleor rate-determining reductivestep in the cyclic path of carbonin photosynthesis.
  4. The possibilitythat R may have a functional SH-group (s) wasinvoked to accountfor the observation that the decay of R inthe dark was markedlyaccelerated by CMB and arsenite.
(Received February 11, 1960; )  相似文献   

The uptake of N by phytoplankton is generally estimated usingthe 15N technique and, under some circumstances, the uptakeof C is estimated using 13C. Rigorous examination of formulaefor computing net transport rates leads to several interestingand even unexpected conclusions. These are that the 15N or 13Ctechnique formula for computing net transport rates () is identicalto that of the 14C technique, in spite of apparent dissimilaritieswhich reflect differences in equipment used for determiningnon-radioactive and radioactive isotopes; the so-called specificuptake rates (V) should not be used with natural samples, exceptas a step in the calculation of transport rates (); estimationof is unaffected by the presence/absence of non-phytoplanktonicpaniculate organic matter (POM) in the incubated sample; thepractice of adding the concentration of tracer to the denominatorof expression representing the concentration of tracer in thedissolved phase at the beginning of incubation should be discontinued;and the concentration of POM should be determined from the inoculatedsample at the end of incubation (or, alternatively, from a sampleincubated in parallel) and not from a water sample taken atthe beginning of the incubation.  相似文献   

Chemical and physicochemical properties of peroxidases producedback rotted sweet potato roots were investigated in comparisonwith those produced in cut one. Peroxidases in either diseased or cut tissue were composed offour major (D-A, D-B, D-C and D-D in diseased tissue and C-A,C-B, C-C and C-D in cut tissue) and several minor components.These peroxidases were separated from each other by DEAE-cellulosecolumn chromatography and other procedures. Several propertiesof the peroxidases were investigated.
  1. Optimum pH's of peroxidase were in the range of 5.5 to 6.0.
  2. The activity of each peroxidase was inhibited by acid, alkaliand some inhibitors such as cyanide, fluoride and azide. Azideinhibited more strongly D-A and C-A than D-B and C-B. On theother hand, cyanide and fluoride inhibited more strongly D-Band C-B than D-A and C-A.
  3. Substrate specificity as determimedby using pyrogallol, guaiacol,chlorogenic acid, caffeic acidand umbelliferone differed betweenthe main peroxidases. Thedegree of indoleacetic acid oxidaseactivity of these peroxidaseswas also different from each other.
  4. Light absorption spectraof the peroxidases showed that theybelonged to a-type peroxidaseexcept C-D. More precise investigationsof the spectra showedthat the spectra of D-A and C-A were differentfrom those ofD-B and C-B.
Peroxidase A (D-A), the main component in diseased tissue, waspurified by methods such as DEAE-cellulose chromatography andstarchgel electrophoresis to a grade higher than previouslyshown. It was homogeneous, according to investigations withultracentrifugation, immunochemical reaction and starch-gelelectrophoresis. Pyridine hemochrome of the peroxidase showedthat the heme in it was protoheme. Amino acid composition ofthe enzyme was determined. Peroxidase A oxidized various phenolicsubstances in the presence of H2O2. Indoleacetic acid oxidaseactivity of peroxidase A was inhibited by both chlorogenic acidand guaiacol. 1Part 45 of Phytopathological Chemistry of Sweet Potato withBlack Rot. 2Present address: Central Research Institute, Japan MonopolyCorporation, Yutakamachi, Tokyo.  相似文献   

  1. Details of aseptic culture of virus-free tomato seedlings usedin comparative in vivo and in vitro studies on protein synthesisare described.
  2. Developmental changes in the levels of DNA,RNA, protein andchlorophyll content of seedling cotyledonsand leaves were recorded,and are related to protein synthesis.
  3. Incorporation of isotopically labeled carbon into proteinwasfollowed both by photosynthetic uptake of 14CO2 and by theuptakeof 14C-amino acids through the roots.
  4. A marked stimulationby light of 14C uptake was observed, andthe higher rate of14C incorporation from 14CO2 than from 14C-aminoacids intothe protein fraction is discussed in relation tothe pathwaysof protein synthesis in tomato leaves, and alsowith regardto protein turnover.
1Present address: Dept. of Horticultural Science, Universityof Wisconsin, U.S.A.  相似文献   

  1. Some properties of the IAA-oxidizing activity of lyophilizedcells of Artkrobacter sp. were examined.
  2. 1. IAA oxidationseems not to be catalysed by peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase,laccase or dehydrogenase, but by an oxidase systemdifferentfrom the one reported earlier.
  3. 2. The optimal pH for the oxidizingsystem is ca. 6.0, and thesystem is comparatively stable atpH 5 to 10.
  4. 3. The optimal substrate (IAA) level is 10–3M.
  5. 4. Activity is inhibited by metal-chelating reagents, suchassodium azide, potassium cyanide, sodium diethyldithiocarbamate,potassium xanthogenate and 8-hydroxyquinoline, and sulfhydrylreagents, such as iodoacetamide, monofluoroacetic acid, p-chloromercuribenzoate,isatin, ß-naphthoquinone and ß-naphthoquinone-4-sulfonate.Hydroxybenzoic acid, sulfosalicylic acid and 2,4-dichlorophenolare also inhibitory.
  6. 5. None of the IAA analogs tested (indole,skatole, 2,3-dihydroxyindole,indole-3-aldehyde, -3-carboxylicacid, -3-propionic acid, -3-lacticacid, -3-butyric acid, 5-hydroxyindole-3-aceticacid and D,L-tryptophan) are oxidized by the cells, and someanalogs (indole-3-carboxylicacid, -3-propionic acid, -3-butyricacid, 5-hydroxyindole-3-aceticacid, naphthalene-acetic acidand 2,4-D) are inhibitory at comparativelyhigh concentrations.
  7. 6. The oxidizing activity is not stimulated by Mn++ and isinhibitedby Co++, Cu++ and Hg++.
  8. 7. The oxidizing activitydisappears completely within 6 hrat 30, but is kept unchangedat least for two weeks at –20.
(Received August 7, 1967; )  相似文献   

  1. Effect of light on ion absorption and resting potential of theinternodal cell of Nitella flexilis was investigated under variousconditions.
  2. On illumination, the resting potential increasedby about 30mVin 10–4 M KCl and by about 60 mV in 10–4M NaClsolution. A similar photoelectric response was also observedin 10–3 M KCl, 10–2 M CaCl2 and 5 x 10–2 MCaCl2 solutions, but not at all in 10–2 M KCl solution.
  3. Absorption of ions by the cell took place in parallel withthelight-induced change in resting potential.
  4. Red and bluelights were very effective in increasing the restingpotential,while green light was almost ineffective. These differenteffectsof color lights were in good agreement with their effectsinincreasing the osmotic value of the cell.
  5. The photoelectricresponse was not affected by phenylurethane,which, on the otherhand, strongly inhibited the light-inducedion absorption.
  6. Theuptake of ions by the cell from the external medium intothevacuole is assumed to proceed in two different steps: thefirstis the process involving the ion movements across theoutermostplasmalemma, and the second is that involved in thetransportof ions through the cytoplasmic layer and tonoplast.The formerprocess is considered to be influenced by the increasein restingpotential probably caused by the light absorbed bychlorophyll.The process was, however, suggested to be independentof photosynthesis.On the other hand, the latter process issupposed to be relatedto photosynthesis. A discussion was madealong this line.
(Received July 26, 1962; )  相似文献   

  1. A study has been made of the relationships between the synthesesof carbohydrate, protein, and fat by Penicillium lilacinum Thomin presence of different amounts of sodium nitrate us a definedsucrose salts medium.
  2. Under the defined experimental conditionsincreases in the concentrationof NO2 in the medium werefollowed by increases in therates at which nitrogen and sugarwere taken up by the fungus,in the quantities assimilated,and in total and protein nitrogenin the felt. These conditionsprevailed so long as unassimilatedsugar was available.
  3. Mediaof lower NO3 concentration (for example, 0·32or 0·64 per cent. (w/v) NaNO2;) yielded feltsricher in carbohydrate than were those grown in media of higherNO2; content (0·96 or 1·28 per cent. (w/v)NaNO3 The carbohydrate content of the felts increased graduallyuntil the sugar in the medium was exhausted; carbohydrate contentthen decreased.
  4. Media of lower NO3; concentration weremore conduciveto fat synthesis than those of higher NO3;content.

  1. The longer the period of stock culture, the more remarkableis the growth inhibition by 8-azaguanine in callus.
  2. Chloramphenicol,5-methyltryptophane and mitomycin C exert greaterinhibitionon growth in CCL than in CCS.
  3. Bud formation is inhibited bysome concentrations of chloramphenicolwithout accompanyinginhibition of the growth.
  4. Cell size and the contents of RNA,DNA, protein and lipid percell of CCL are greater than thoseof CCS, respectively. Thecontents per cell of RNA and lipidin "mitochondrial fraction"are higher in CCL than in CCS.
  5. Incorporationof guanine-8-14C into RNA of CCS occurs rapidlyin the first12 hr and slows down thereafter, but that in CCL-RNAincreasessteadily for 16 hr. This difference in rate of theincorporationafter 12 hr between CCS and CCL is principallydue to the differencein rate of the incorporation into RNAof nuclear, mitochondrialand soluble fractions.
  1. The rate of RNA breakdown in CCL wasnot so great as the rateof synthesis.
  2. 8-azaguanine (10–3and 10–4M) inhibits incorporationof guanine-8.14C intoRNA of both CCS and CCL during 14 hr,but thereafter (up to25 hr) it inhibits the incorporation intoCCL-RNA alone leavingthat into CCS-RNA unaffected.
  1. In CCL 510–5M 8.azaguaninedoes not affect total radioactivityincorporated into bulk RNA,but inhibits incorporation intoRNA of "mitochondrial fraction".
(Received December 23, 1964; )  相似文献   

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